On April 26th, Cyrus was increased by 854,600 shares in Shanghai Stock Connect.

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Volvo cars enter a new stage of growth in China.

The 12th Volvo Ocean Race, which has attracted much attention, set sail again from Sanya, Hainan Province, China today to start the fourth stage race, thus opening the prelude to the strong development of Volvo Cars in China in 2015. Hanken samuelson, President and CEO of Volvo Car Group, announced that Volvo, a world-famous luxury car brand, is undergoing a global renaissance, and Volvo Car China entered the "Brand Year" in China in 2015 after two years of rapid growth. At the same time, Volvo "Nordic Luxury" will be accompanied by the new XC90 listing and differentiated brand combination boxing, realizing the revaluation and release of brand value, injecting new energy into the development of Volvo cars with a long history of 88 years in China, and the company’s "China growth strategy" will enter a new stage.

Hanken samuelson said at the launching ceremony: "Volvo is committed to becoming the most popular and enterprising luxury car brand in the world. Based on the three core values of safety, environmental protection and quality, it is demonstrating its strong innovation capability in the fields of air quality inside cars, new energy vehicles, autonomous driving and car networking, and big data. China is Volvo’s second hometown and Volvo’s largest market in the world. We have completed the first stage of development in China and are starting a new stage of’ China Growth Strategy’. China’s economic transformation and upgrading and the change of consumers’ values will provide a historic opportunity for Volvo’s development in China. By actively exploring the China market and strengthening the American market and the European market, our goal is to achieve sales of 800,000 units in 2020 and realize the vision of’ zero casualties’ and’ zero emissions’. "

Lars Deng, global senior vice president of Volvo Car Group and CEO of China, said, "In the past decade, China’s share in the global market of Volvo Cars has increased from a paltry 1% in 2005 to 17% by the end of 2014, making it the largest market of Volvo Cars. Our medium-term goal is to double the existing market share to 10% and achieve annual sales of 200,000 vehicles. In the future, we will continue to recover lost ground and gain a market position consistent with our brand strength with a more confident attitude. "

2014 is the "Wonderful Year of China" for Volvo Cars. The company’s sales in the world and China both reached record highs, and announced a new global marketing strategy with the core of increasing marketing investment, testing e-commerce and enhancing the accuracy and depth of brand experience. In 2014, the company sold 81,221 vehicles in China, a year-on-year increase of 32.8%, exceeding the annual sales target of 80,000 vehicles. In January this year, Volvo Cars achieved 19 consecutive months of growth worldwide, continuing the strong pace of global rejuvenation.

"Nordic Luxury" is confident to open up the China market

2014 is the core year for Volvo Cars to achieve the first phase of its "China Growth Strategy". The company has made great progress in sales, network, industrial system, product planning, brand building and organizational development.

Fu Qiang, President and CEO of Volvo Car China Sales Company, said: "The strong sales growth in the past decade fully shows that Volvo has been fully recognized by consumers in terms of product quality and brand value. In the new stage of’ China Growth Strategy’, with awe, we take 2015 as a new starting point and constantly dust off the Volvo brand, so that it will shine more brightly in the new journey. " He said, "Volvo is not only a luxury car brand full of beauty and affection, but also a technology and innovation brand full of passion and determination."

Fu Qiang said, "Although there are challenges in the luxury car market in China in 2015, Volvo will take the opportunity of’ Brand Year’ to build a brand from five aspects:’ One Entry (brand new XC90 is listed in China) and One Exit (exported to the United States)’,’ Volvo Way’ Nordic luxury experience, technology sub-brand release, car intelligence and new marketing strategy, so as to make Volvo’s image in the luxury camp clearer, more enterprising and more enterprising. Volvo has never been a follower. We have the strength and confidence to establish the image of a first-class luxury brand in China and embark on a new stage of comprehensive brand rejuvenation with the support of consumers. "

In 2015, Volvo’s powerful products to be listed in China include the first landmark new luxury flagship produced by the company with an investment of US$ 11 billion-Volvo’s brand-new XC90, the luxury plug-in hybrid vehicle S60L PHEV made in China for the first time, and the luxury crossover vehicle V60 Cross Country, and other 11 new and modified models. In addition, the company will also introduce self-driving demonstration projects in China, Volvo Ocean Race, Volvo China Open, etc., and will export domestic S60L to the United States within this year, which will be the first time that Volvo, as a representative of China’s advanced manufacturing industry, exports luxury car products to developed countries.

Lars Deng said, "As a brand with profound historical accumulation, Volvo will reshape and upgrade its brand in the new development stage. Adhering to the concept of’ people-oriented’, we will bring consumers a more unique customer experience through innovative marketing, drive and realize the new progress of’ China Growth Strategy’, and welcome the arrival of a new era in the luxury car market in China. "

"People-oriented" will become the mainstream values to drive the global rejuvenation of the brand.

Volvo brand originated from northern Europe, and it is the region with the highest "happiness index" in the world. In this desirable land, people embrace nature, are eager for quality, have a good relaxation, and have a perfect balance between work and family. Volvo’s "respect for people" is exactly the same as the essence of this happy and pure living state.

At the Volvo Brand and Lifestyle Forum of Volvo Ocean Race held in sanya station on the morning of February 7th, Thomas Ingrat, Senior Vice President of Global Design of Volvo Car Group, said: "Nordic luxury is an embrace of nature, and it is the best explanation that technology serves people. Volvo is not only an excellent’ driving machine’, but also endowed the car with emotion and soul by virtue of’ respecting people’. Understanding of Volvo through intelligent technology for drivers and passengers’ protection of life’, but also to’ quality of life’ to bring emotional experience and care to users. Volvo’s brand-new design language perfectly explains the brand value of’ people-oriented’. As China consumers continue to mature, the elegant Nordic design, which embodies the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetics, will go to the center of the stage and be appreciated and respected by more China consumers. "

Mr. Thomas Ingrat, Senior Vice President of Design of Volvo Car Group, shared the new Volvo XC90 design concept and explained the Nordic luxury in every detail.

Li Shuanke, a researcher at the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the president and editor-in-chief of chinese national geography magazine, said at the forum: "The sailing displayed in the Volvo Ocean Race is an exploration of the unknown and a respect for nature. Volvo introduced sailing, a brand-new way of life, into China, which reflected the origin of the brand, advocated a natural and healthy lifestyle and grasped the trend. "

He said that in China, where values are undergoing profound changes, people need to improve their spiritual prosperity after accumulating wealth. With the transformation of China society from "rich to expensive" and "from expensive to polite", the new lifestyle represented by self-improvement and self-improvement will gradually become the mainstream, and gradually replace the way of showing off sexual life and consumption concept. "This is a unique opportunity for Volvo to develop in China".

It perfectly explains the brand value of "people-oriented".

Volvo is an advocate of the concept of "putting people first" and a happy life in Northern Europe, and is committed to bringing a positive and healthy attitude and behavior to the elite in China. As a participant in the return of mainstream social values, Volvo has established and is strengthening its differentiated advantages from other luxury brands. With the continuous progress of China society, the life realm and grand pattern that Volvo adheres to and advocates will play an important role in the social evolution and commercial civilization development of China under the guidance of "Brand Year".

"Nordic Luxury" is confident to open up the China market

2014 is the core year for Volvo Cars to achieve the first phase of its "China Growth Strategy". The company has made great progress in sales, network, industrial system, product planning, brand building and organizational development.

Fu Qiang, President and CEO of Volvo Car China Sales Company, said: "The strong sales growth in the past decade fully shows that Volvo has been fully recognized by consumers in terms of product quality and brand value. In the new stage of’ China Growth Strategy’, with awe, we take 2015 as a new starting point and constantly dust off the Volvo brand, so that it will shine more brightly in the new journey. " He said, "Volvo is not only a luxury car brand full of beauty and affection, but also a technology and innovation brand full of passion and determination."

Fu Qiang said, "Although there are challenges in the luxury car market in China in 2015, Volvo will take the opportunity of’ Brand Year’ to build a brand from five aspects:’ One Entry (brand new XC90 is listed in China) and One Exit (exported to the United States)’,’ Volvo Way’ Nordic luxury experience, technology sub-brand release, car intelligence and new marketing strategy, so as to make Volvo’s image in the luxury camp clearer, more enterprising and more enterprising. Volvo has never been a follower. We have the strength and confidence to establish the image of a first-class luxury brand in China and embark on a new stage of comprehensive brand rejuvenation with the support of consumers. "

In 2015, Volvo’s powerful products to be listed in China include the first landmark new luxury flagship produced by the company with an investment of US$ 11 billion-Volvo’s brand-new XC90, the luxury plug-in hybrid vehicle S60L PHEV made in China for the first time, and the luxury crossover vehicle V60 Cross Country, and other 11 new and modified models. In addition, the company will also introduce self-driving demonstration projects in China, Volvo Ocean Race, Volvo China Open, etc., and will export domestic S60L to the United States within this year, which will be the first time that Volvo, as a representative of China’s advanced manufacturing industry, exports luxury car products to developed countries.

Lars Deng said, "As a brand with profound historical accumulation, Volvo will reshape and upgrade its brand in the new development stage. Adhering to the concept of’ people-oriented’, we will bring consumers a more unique customer experience through innovative marketing, drive and realize the new progress of’ China Growth Strategy’, and welcome the arrival of a new era in the luxury car market in China. "

"People-oriented" will become the mainstream values to drive the global rejuvenation of the brand.

Volvo brand originated from northern Europe, and it is the region with the highest "happiness index" in the world. In this desirable land, people embrace nature, are eager for quality, have a good relaxation, and have a perfect balance between work and family. Volvo’s "respect for people" is exactly the same as the essence of this happy and pure living state.

At the Volvo Brand and Lifestyle Forum of Volvo Ocean Race held in sanya station on the morning of February 7th, Thomas Ingrat, Senior Vice President of Global Design of Volvo Car Group, said: "Nordic luxury is an embrace of nature, and it is the best explanation that technology serves people. Volvo is not only an excellent’ driving machine’, but also endowed the car with emotion and soul by virtue of’ respecting people’. Understanding of Volvo through intelligent technology for drivers and passengers’ protection of life’, but also to’ quality of life’ to bring emotional experience and care to users. Volvo’s brand-new design language perfectly explains the brand value of’ people-oriented’. As China consumers continue to mature, the elegant Nordic design, which embodies the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetics, will go to the center of the stage and be appreciated and respected by more China consumers. "

Mr. Thomas Ingrat, Senior Vice President of Design of Volvo Car Group, shared the new Volvo XC90 design concept and explained the Nordic luxury in every detail.

Li Shuanke, a researcher at the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the president and editor-in-chief of chinese national geography magazine, said at the forum: "The sailing displayed in the Volvo Ocean Race is an exploration of the unknown and a respect for nature. Volvo introduced sailing, a brand-new way of life, into China, which reflected the origin of the brand, advocated a natural and healthy lifestyle and grasped the trend. "

He said that in China, where values are undergoing profound changes, people need to improve their spiritual prosperity after accumulating wealth. With the transformation of China society from "rich to expensive" and "from expensive to polite", the new lifestyle represented by self-improvement and self-improvement will gradually become the mainstream, and gradually replace the way of showing off sexual life and consumption concept. "This is a unique opportunity for Volvo to develop in China".

It perfectly explains the brand value of "people-oriented".

Volvo is an advocate of the concept of "putting people first" and a happy life in Northern Europe, and is committed to bringing a positive and healthy attitude and behavior to the elite in China. As a participant in the return of mainstream social values, Volvo has established and is strengthening its differentiated advantages from other luxury brands. With the continuous progress of China society, the life realm and grand pattern that Volvo adheres to and advocates will play an important role in the social evolution and commercial civilization development of China under the guidance of "Brand Year".

General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Development Plan of New Energy Automobile Industry (2021

General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing New Energy Automobile Industry

Notice of Development Plan (2021-2035)

No.39 [2020] of the State Council

People’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions and institutions directly under the State Council:

"New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)" has been approved by the State Council and is hereby issued to you, please implement it carefully.

the General Office of the State Council

October 20, 2020

(This piece is publicly released)

New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)

Developing new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a big automobile country to a strong automobile country, and it is a strategic measure to cope with climate change and promote green development. Since the State Council released the Development Plan of Energy Saving and New Energy Automobile Industry (2012-2020) in 2012, China has adhered to the strategic orientation of pure electric drive, and the development of new energy automobile industry has made great achievements, becoming one of the important forces in the development and transformation of the world automobile industry. At the same time, the development of new energy vehicles in China is also facing some problems, such as weak core technology innovation ability, imperfect quality assurance system, lagging infrastructure construction, imperfect industrial ecology and increasing market competition. This plan is formulated to promote the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry and accelerate the construction of a powerful automobile country.

Chapter I Development Trend

Section 1 New energy vehicles inject new kinetic energy into world economic development

At present, a new round of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are developing vigorously, and the integration of automobile and related technologies in energy, transportation, information and communication is accelerating. Electrification, networking and intelligence have become the development trend and trend of the automobile industry. New energy vehicles integrate new energy, new materials, Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other revolutionary technologies, and promote the transformation of vehicles from simple means of transportation to mobile intelligent terminals, energy storage units and digital spaces, promote the transformation and upgrading of energy, transportation, information and communication infrastructure, and promote the optimization of energy consumption structure, the improvement of transportation system and the intelligent level of urban operation, which is of great significance to building a clean and beautiful world and a community of human destiny. In recent years, the world’s major automobile countries have strengthened their strategic planning and policy support, and multinational automobile companies have increased their investment in research and development and improved their industrial layout. New energy vehicles have become the main direction of the transformation and development of the global automobile industry and an important engine for promoting the sustained growth of the world economy.

Section 2 China’s new energy vehicles have entered a new stage of accelerated development

The automobile product form, transportation mode, energy consumption structure and social operation mode are undergoing profound changes, which provide unprecedented development opportunities for the new energy automobile industry. After years of continuous efforts, the technical level of China’s new energy automobile industry has been significantly improved, the industrial system has been improved day by day, and the competitiveness of enterprises has been greatly enhanced. Since 2015, the production, sales and ownership have ranked first in the world for five consecutive years, and the industry has entered a new stage of overlapping, convergence and development. We must seize the strategic opportunity, consolidate the good momentum, give full play to the advantages in the fields of infrastructure, information and communication, continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the industry, and promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the new energy automobile industry.

In the third quarter, integration and opening up have become the new characteristics of the development of new energy vehicles.

With the overall transformation of automobile power source, production and operation mode and consumption and use mode, the ecology of new energy automobile industry is gradually evolving from the "chain relationship" among parts, vehicle R&D, production and marketing service enterprises to the "network ecology" involving multi-subjects in automobile, energy, transportation, information and communication. Mutual empowerment and coordinated development have become the inherent needs of the development of various market players. Cross-industry and cross-field integration and innovation and more open and inclusive international cooperation have become the characteristics of the new energy automobile industry development, which greatly enhanced the industrial development momentum, stimulated market vitality and promoted the formation of a new industrial development pattern of mutual integration, symbiosis and win-win cooperation.

第二章 总体部署

第一节 总体思路


第二节 基本原则


Driven by innovation.In-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, the establishment of enterprise-oriented, market-oriented and Industry-University-Research-coordinated technological innovation system, improve the institutional environment for encouraging and protecting innovation, encourage the parallel development of various technological routes, support all kinds of entities to work together to overcome key core technologies, increase the innovation of business models, and form a new industrial innovation ecology.

Coordinated advancement.We will improve the coordination and promotion mechanism of horizontal cooperation and vertical penetration, promote the deep integration of new energy vehicles with energy, transportation and information communication, and make overall plans to promote technology research and development, standard formulation, popularization and application and infrastructure construction, so as to turn the super-large-scale market advantage into industrial advantage.

Open development.Practice the cooperative concept of openness, mutual benefit and win-win, expand high-level opening to the outside world, and promote reform, development and innovation through opening up; Adhere to the combination of "bringing in" and "going out", strengthen international cooperation, actively participate in international competition, cultivate new advantages in the new energy automobile industry, and deeply integrate into the global industrial chain and value chain system.

Section III Development Vision

By 2025, the competitiveness of China’s new energy vehicle market will be significantly enhanced, and major breakthroughs will be made in key technologies such as power batteries, drive motors and vehicle operating systems, and the safety level will be comprehensively improved. The average power consumption of new cars for pure electric passenger cars has dropped to 12.0 kWh/100 km, and the sales volume of new energy vehicles has reached about 20% of the total sales volume of new cars. Highly self-driving cars have been commercialized in limited areas and specific scenes, and the convenience of charging and replacing electricity services has been significantly improved.

After 15 years of continuous efforts, the core technology of new energy vehicles in China has reached the international advanced level, and the quality brands have strong international competitiveness. Pure electric vehicles have become the mainstream of newly sold vehicles, vehicles in public areas are fully electrified, fuel cell vehicles are commercialized, highly self-driving vehicles are applied on a large scale, the charging and replacing service network is convenient and efficient, and the construction of hydrogen fuel supply system is steadily promoted, effectively promoting energy conservation, drainage reduction and improvement of social operation efficiency.

Chapter III Improving the Ability of Technological Innovation

Section 1 Deepening the R&D Layout of "Three Verticals and Three Horizons"

Strengthen the innovation of vehicle integration technology.With pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles (including extended range vehicles) and fuel cell vehicles as "three verticals", the whole vehicle technology innovation chain is laid out. Research and develop a new generation of modular high-performance vehicle platform, tackle the integrated design of pure electric vehicle chassis and multi-energy power system integration technology, break through common energy-saving technologies such as intelligent energy management and control, lightweight and low friction, improve the safety technology level of battery management, charging connection and structural design, and improve the comprehensive performance of new energy vehicles.

Improve the industrial basic ability.Taking power battery and management system, drive motor and power electronics, networking and intelligent technology as "three horizontals", the technical supply system of key components is constructed. We will tackle key technical problems of advanced modular power batteries and fuel cell systems, explore solutions for a new generation of vehicle motor drive systems, strengthen the development of key components and systems of intelligent networked vehicles, break through bottlenecks such as basic platform technology for computing and control and supporting technology for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and enhance research and development capabilities such as basic key technologies, advanced basic processes, basic core components and key basic materials.

Section II Accelerating the Construction of Common Technology Innovation Platform

Establish and improve the joint research and development mechanism of leading enterprises, state key laboratories and national manufacturing innovation centers, focus on shortcomings and weaknesses such as core processes, special materials, key components and manufacturing equipment, actively explore from different technical paths, and improve the supply capacity of key common technologies. Guide cross-disciplinary cooperation in automobile, energy, transportation, information communication, etc., establish an innovative platform for the integration of new energy vehicles, smart energy and intelligent transportation for future travel, jointly tackle basic cross-cutting key technologies, and enhance the integration and innovation capabilities of new energy vehicles and related industries.

Section III Enhancing the Public Service Capability of the Industry

Relying on industry associations, innovation centers and other institutions to promote the co-construction and sharing of various innovative service platforms, and improve the support capabilities of public services such as technology transfer, information services, personnel training, project financing, and international exchanges. The application of virtual reality, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the establishment of automotive electrification, networking, intelligent virtual simulation and test verification platform, improve the measurement test, performance evaluation and testing certification capabilities of the vehicle and key components.

Chapter IV Building a New Industrial Ecology

Section 1 Supporting the Development of Eco-oriented Enterprises

Encourage enterprises in the fields of new energy vehicles, energy, transportation, information and communication to cooperate across borders, focus on diversified production and application needs, and build an eco-leading enterprise covering key links in the industrial chain such as solutions, R&D and production, use guarantee and operation services through open cooperation and benefit sharing. In areas with good industrial foundation and concentrated innovation elements, leading enterprises should play a leading role, cultivate a number of new energy automobile industrial clusters with international influence and competitiveness, and promote the modernization level of industrial chain.

Section 2 Promoting the Innovative Application of Key Systems

Accelerate the development and application of vehicle operating system.Guided by the demand of vehicle enterprises, we will play the role of leading enterprises, national manufacturing innovation center and other innovation platforms, adhere to the coordinated research of software and hardware, and focus on the development of vehicle operating systems. Around the vehicle operating system, the development and application ecology of deep cooperation between market players in the fields of vehicle, key components, basic data and software will be built. Through rapid product iteration, the scale of users will be expanded and the industrial application of vehicle operating system will be accelerated.

Promote the development of the full value chain of power batteries.Encourage enterprises to improve the support capacity of key resources such as lithium, nickel, cobalt and platinum. Establish and improve the modular standard system of power batteries, accelerate the breakthrough of key manufacturing equipment, and improve the process level and production efficiency. Improve the recycling system of power battery recycling, cascade utilization and recycling, and encourage the co-construction and sharing of recycling channels. Establish and improve the management system of transportation, storage, maintenance, safety inspection, retirement and recycling of power batteries, and strengthen the supervision of the whole life cycle.

The third quarter to improve the level of intelligent manufacturing

Promote the in-depth application of intelligent technology in key links such as R&D and design, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, operation and management, and after-sales service of new energy vehicles. Accelerate the development and integration of core industrial software such as simulation, management and control of intelligent manufacturing of new energy vehicles, and carry out application demonstrations of intelligent factories and digital workshops. Accelerate the popularization and application of the product lifecycle collaborative management system, support the construction of an integrated demonstration platform for design, manufacturing and service, and improve the intelligent level of the whole industrial chain of new energy vehicles.

Section IV Strengthening Quality and Safety Assurance

Promote the construction of quality brands.Carry out actions to improve the quality of new energy vehicle products, guide enterprises to strengthen the development and application of reliability technologies in the whole process of design, manufacturing, testing and verification, make full use of advanced technologies such as the Internet, big data and blockchain, and improve the quality control and traceability mechanism of products throughout their life cycle. Guide enterprises to strengthen brand development strategy and strengthen brand building with the focus on improving quality and service level.

Improve the security system.Implement a safe production mechanism that combines corporate responsibility, government supervision, industry self-discipline and social supervision. Strengthen the main responsibility of enterprises for product safety, implement the extended producer responsibility system, and strengthen the quality and safety management, safety status monitoring and maintenance inspection of key systems such as vehicle, power battery and electronic control. We will improve the safety standards and laws and regulations for new energy vehicles, such as complete vehicles, spare parts, maintenance and testing, charging and replacing electricity, and strengthen the supervision and management of production safety and the safety recall management of new energy vehicles. Encourage industry organizations to strengthen technical exchanges, sort out and sum up experience, and guide enterprises to continuously improve their safety level.

Chapter V Promoting Industrial Integration and Development

Section 1 Promoting the Integration of New Energy Vehicles and Energy

Strengthen the energy interaction between new energy vehicles and power grid (V2G).Strengthen the research of high cycle life power battery technology and promote the application of low power DC technology. Encourage local governments to carry out V2G demonstration applications, coordinate the demand for charging and discharging of new energy vehicles and power dispatching, and comprehensively apply policies such as peak-valley electricity price and preferential charging of new energy vehicles to realize efficient energy interaction between new energy vehicles and the power grid, reduce the electricity cost of new energy vehicles, and improve the response capabilities of power grid such as peak-shaving and frequency modulation, and safety emergency.

Promote efficient cooperation between new energy vehicles and renewable energy.Promote the information sharing and integration of new energy vehicles with meteorological and renewable energy power forecasting systems, coordinate the coordinated scheduling of energy utilization of new energy vehicles with wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation, and increase the proportion of renewable energy applications. Encourage the construction of "optical storage charging and discharging" (distributed photovoltaic power generation-energy storage system-charging and discharging) multifunctional integrated station. Support qualified areas to carry out commercial demonstration operation of fuel cell vehicles.

Section II Promoting the Integration of New Energy Vehicles and Transportation

Develop integrated smart travel services.Accelerate the construction of a new intelligent traffic control system covering front-end information collection, edge distributed computing and cloud collaborative control. Accelerate the application of new energy vehicles in time-sharing leasing, urban public transport, taxis, venue vehicles and other fields, and optimize the use environment of new energy vehicles in public services. Guide automobile production enterprises and travel service enterprises to build a "one-stop" service platform, and promote the development and application of parking service technology.

Constructing intelligent green logistics transportation system.Promote the application of new energy vehicles in urban distribution, port operations and other fields, and facilitate the passage of new energy trucks. Develop "internet plus" efficient logistics, innovate smart logistics operation mode, promote the application of new modes such as network freight and trailer sharing, and create a new format of safe and efficient logistics and transportation services.

Section III Promoting the Integration and Development of New Energy Vehicles and Information Communication

Promote the efficient collaboration of "people-vehicles-roads-clouds" with data as the link.Based on the information of automobile perception, traffic control and urban management, a multi-layer data fusion and computing platform of "people-vehicles-roads-clouds" will be built, and demonstration applications of specific scenes, regions and roads will be carried out to promote the innovation of new energy vehicles and information communication integration application services.

Create a network security system.Improve the network security management system of new energy vehicles, build a unified vehicle identity authentication and security trust system, promote the in-depth application of cryptographic technology, strengthen the safety detection of vehicle information systems, service platforms and key electronic components, strengthen the data classification and compliance application management of new energy vehicles, improve the risk assessment, early warning monitoring and emergency response mechanisms, and ensure the information security of "vehicle end-transmission pipeline network-cloud".

Section IV Strengthening Standard Docking and Data Sharing

Establish a comprehensive standard system for the integration and development of new energy vehicles and related industries, and clarify the technical interface standards such as vehicle operating system, vehicle basic map, vehicle pile information sharing, and cloud control basic platform. Establish a comprehensive big data platform across industries and fields to promote the co-construction, sharing and interconnection of all kinds of data.

Chapter VI Perfecting the Infrastructure System

Section 1 vigorously promote the construction of charging and replacing network

Accelerate the construction of infrastructure for charging and replacing electricity.Scientifically arrange the charging and replacing infrastructure, and strengthen the overall coordination with urban and rural construction planning, power grid planning, property management and urban parking. Relying on "internet plus" smart energy, improve the level of intelligence, actively promote the charging service mode in residential areas, accelerate the formation of highways and urban and rural public charging networks with moderate lead, fast charging and slow charging, encourage the application of power exchange mode, strengthen the research and development of new charging technologies such as intelligent and orderly charging, high-power charging and wireless charging, and improve the convenience of charging and product reliability.

Improve the service level of charging infrastructure.Guide enterprises to jointly establish a charging facility operation service platform to realize interconnection, information sharing and unified settlement. Strengthen the research and development of technologies such as safety monitoring and early warning of charging equipment and distribution system, standardize the use of electromagnetic spectrum of wireless charging facilities, improve the safety, consistency and reliability of charging facilities, and improve the level of service guarantee.

Encourage business model innovation.Combined with the renovation of old residential areas, urban renewal and other work, we will guide many parties to jointly carry out the construction and operation of charging facilities, and support the development of cooperation modes such as multi-vehicle and one pile in residential areas and sharing of adjacent parking spaces. Encourage the combination of charging stations and commercial real estate, build integrated parking and charging service facilities, enhance the charging service capacity of public places, and expand value-added services. Improve the insurance system of charging facilities to reduce the risks of enterprise operation and user use.

Section 2 Coordinating and Promoting the Construction of Intelligent Road Network Facilities

Promote the construction of a new generation of wireless communication network, and accelerate the formulation and technical upgrade of wireless communication (C-V2X) standards between vehicles and other devices outside the vehicle based on cellular communication technology. Promote the digital transformation and upgrading of road infrastructure such as traffic signs, strengthen the intelligent interconnection between traffic lights, traffic signs and markings, communication facilities, intelligent roadside equipment and vehicle-mounted terminals, and promote the formulation of relevant standards and the construction of management platforms for the intelligent construction and transformation of urban road infrastructure. Accelerate the construction of differential base stations and promote the application of satellite navigation systems such as Beidou in the field of high-precision positioning.

Section III Promoting the Construction of Hydrogen Fuel Supply System in an Orderly Way

Improve the economy of hydrogen fuel storage and transportation.According to local conditions, we will develop the application of industrial by-product hydrogen and renewable energy to make hydrogen, and accelerate the industrialization of advanced and applicable hydrogen storage materials. Carry out demonstration and application of various storage and transportation technologies such as high-pressure gas, deep cold gas, low-temperature liquid and solid, explore the construction of hydrogen fuel transportation pipelines, and gradually reduce the storage and transportation costs of hydrogen fuel. Improve the standard system of hydrogen fuel production, storage, transportation and filling. Strengthen the research on hydrogen fuel safety and strengthen the safety supervision of the whole chain.

Promote the construction of hydrogenation infrastructure.Establish and improve the management norms of hydrogenation infrastructure. Guide enterprises to rationally arrange hydrogenation infrastructure according to hydrogen fuel supply and consumption demand, and improve the level of safe operation. Support the use of existing sites and facilities to carry out comprehensive supply services of oil, gas, hydrogen and electricity.

Chapter VII Deepening Open Cooperation

Section 1 Expanding Opening-up, Exchanges and Cooperation

Strengthen the docking with the internationally accepted economic and trade rules, fully implement the pre-entry national treatment plus negative list management system, treat the main players in the new energy market equally, and build a market-oriented, legal and international business environment. Give play to the role of multi-bilateral cooperation mechanism and high-level dialogue mechanism, and support domestic and foreign enterprises, research institutes and industry institutions to carry out exchanges and cooperation in R&D and design, trade and investment, infrastructure, technical standards and personnel training. Actively participate in the formulation of international rules and standards, promote the formation of an open, transparent and inclusive international market environment for new energy vehicles, create a new platform for international cooperation, and add new impetus to common development.

Section II Accelerating Integration into Global Value Chains

Guide enterprises to formulate international development strategies, constantly improve their international competitiveness, increase the intensity of international market development, and promote industrial cooperation to extend from manufacturing links to technology research and development, marketing and other whole chains. Encourage enterprises to make full use of domestic and foreign funds and establish an international consumer credit system. Support enterprises to establish an international marketing service network and build overseas storage and after-sales service centers and other service platforms in key markets. Improve the service guarantee system such as legal consultation, testing and certification, and personnel training, guide enterprises to standardize overseas business practices, and improve compliance management.

Chapter VIII Safeguard Measures

Section 1 Deepening the Reform of Industry Management

We will further promote the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform, further relax market access, implement inclusive and prudent supervision, and promote the healthy and orderly development of new formats and models. We will improve the parallel management measures for the average fuel consumption of enterprises and the points of new energy vehicles, effectively undertake financial subsidy policies, and study and establish a linkage mechanism with the carbon trading market. Strengthen post-event supervision, consolidate local main responsibility, and curb chaos such as blindly launching new energy vehicle manufacturing projects. Promote the improvement of laws and regulations related to the production and management of road motor vehicles, establish and improve the exit mechanism of zombie enterprises, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the maintenance of enterprise access conditions, and promote the survival of the fittest. Give full play to the role of the market mechanism, support the merger and reorganization of advantageous enterprises, become bigger and stronger, and further improve industrial concentration.

Section 2 Improve the system of policies and regulations

Implement preferential tax policies related to new energy vehicles and optimize classified traffic management and financial services. Promote the scientific layout of infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity and hydrogenation, speed up construction, and give financial support to the construction of charging piles as public facilities. Break local protection and establish a unified, open and fair market system. Encourage local governments to increase support for vehicle operations in public services, shared travel and other fields, and give preferential policies such as parking and charging for new energy vehicles. From 2021, the proportion of new energy vehicles in public areas such as public transportation, rental, logistics and distribution will be no less than 80% in the national ecological civilization experimental zone and key areas for air pollution prevention and control. Formulate specific measures to incorporate R&D investment in new energy vehicles into the assessment system of state-owned enterprises. Accelerate the improvement of policies and regulations such as road traffic, accident liability and data use that meet the development requirements of intelligent networked vehicles. Accelerate the legislation on the recycling of power batteries.

Section III Strengthening the Construction of Talent Team

Accelerate the establishment of a talent training mechanism to meet the needs of the integration and development of new energy vehicles and related industries, compile a catalogue of talents in short supply in the industry, optimize the discipline layout in the fields of automotive electrification, networking and intelligence, and guide universities, research institutes and enterprises to increase the introduction and training of international talents. Carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit and craftsman spirit, establish a positive incentive orientation, and implement diversified incentive measures such as equity and options.

Section IV Strengthening Intellectual Property Protection

We will further implement the national intellectual property strategy and encourage researchers to develop high-value core intellectual property achievements in the field of new energy vehicles. Strictly implement the intellectual property protection system and strengthen the enforcement of infringement. We will build an intellectual property operation service system for new energy vehicles, strengthen the construction of a patent application transformation platform, and establish a mutually beneficial sharing and win-win cooperation patent operation model.

Section 5 Strengthening organizational coordination

Give full play to the role of the inter-ministerial joint meeting system and local coordination mechanism for the development of energy-saving and new energy vehicle industries, strengthen departmental coordination and linkage, formulate annual work plans and departmental task division, strengthen the overall planning of new energy vehicles and energy, transportation, information and communication industries in terms of policy planning, standards and regulations, and pay close attention to the major tasks and key tasks determined by the plan. All relevant departments should focus on the planning objectives and tasks, and formulate their work plans and supporting policies and measures according to the division of functions. All regions should earnestly implement it in light of local conditions, optimize the industrial layout, and avoid redundant construction. Industry organizations should give full play to the role of a bridge between enterprises and the government, and coordinate the establishment of a cross-border exchange and cooperation platform for the industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shall, jointly with relevant departments, conduct in-depth investigation and study, strengthen follow-up guidance, and promote the smooth implementation of the plan.

BYD’s new generation of Tang went on sale at 129,900 yuan.

On June 26th, BYD’s new generation Tang officially went on sale. The price range of fuel version was 129,900-169,900 yuan, and the price range of DM (dual-mode) version was 239,900-279,900 yuan.

A new generation of Tang adopted a new design concept in appearance design — — Designed by Dragon Face. This new design language, which combines Chinese and western industrial design aesthetics, is inspired by China’s traditional totem — — Dragon, supplemented by three key words of "impression", "technology" and "culture" as the core, finally formed a new design concept of "Dynasty car system". The integrated LED "double" seamless taillight design is another highlight of the new generation of Tang.

In terms of interior design, simple style is adopted. Among them, the 14.6-inch central control large screen that can rotate 90 degrees has naturally become the biggest highlight of the interior design of the whole vehicle. The screen can also adapt to the "horizontal and vertical" usage scenarios of smart phones. In addition, the new generation of Tang also provides DiLink intelligent network system, which supports various App downloads.

In terms of power, the new generation of Tang fuel version is equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine; The new generation Tang DM power system consists of a 2.0T turbocharged engine and a dual-drive motor.

In addition, the new generation of Tang EV (pure electric version) is expected to be launched at the end of 2018.

Lei Jun personally experienced Xiaomi SU7! Watch unlock, auto-flip dashboard cool

Fast technology January 19 news, a few days ago, Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun released a video, personally taking everyone to immerse themselves in Xiaomi’s first car Xiaomi SU7.

As you can see,Lei Jun unlocked the vehicle through Xiaomi Watch, and at the same time, the tail wing also rose synchronously, which was very handsome.

After Lei Jun enters Xiaomi SU7 and starts, the main driver’s seat will be automatically adjusted to the memory position. The advantage of this function is that it is convenient to get on and off.

Xiaomi SU7 is also equipped with a dashboard that supports automatic flipping.Support to display total mileage, gear, driving mode and total energy consumption.

Finally, Lei Jun also demonstrated the head-up display function in the car, which can display information such as remaining power, speed and navigation.

The watch is unlocked, the tail wing is automatically raised, the main driver is automatically adjusted, and the dashboard is automatically turned over. It must be said that these processes in one go have already filled the sense of ceremony before Xiaomi SU7 runs.

It is worth mentioning that some netizens sincerely asked Lei Jun in the comment area: Will there be Redmi cars? ".

In this regard, Lei Jun replied: At present, we are still focusing on Xiaomi Automobile. "

Lei Jun personally experienced Xiaomi SU7! Watch unlock, auto-flip dashboard cool

It is understood that the first models of Xiaomi SU7 will be equipped with Xiaomi super motors V6 and V6s, with a speed of up to 21,000 rpm, and adopt a new super 800V silicon carbide high-voltage platform developed by Xiaomi, with a maximum voltage of up to 871V V.


There are three models of Huawei P70 full series network access.

At present, all three models of Huawei P70 series have been connected to the network, and the certification information has been announced. According to the previous planning, the P70 series should be divided into three models: P70, P70 Pro and P70 Art According to the network access information, the standard version of P70 supports Beidou satellite message, while P70 Pro and P70 Art go further and support Beidou satellite message+Tiantong-1 satellite call.

In terms of specific configuration, the P70 series will adopt the Kirin 9000S chip with the same model as the Mate 60 series, supporting 5G, which is the first time that Huawei P series has returned to Kirin since P50.

Other specifications are also high-end, with 50-megapixel main camera, periscope telephoto lens, wireless charging and satellite communication technology as standard, which greatly improves the comprehensive strength of the standard version.

As for the oversized P70 Art, it will be further upgraded. The main camera will be replaced with IMX989 one-inch sensor, telephoto module and satellite communication technology, which will bring a stronger experience.

According to various sources, Huawei P70 series is likely to join the Pioneer Program like Mate 60 series and suddenly be put on the shelves in official website at 12:08 on a certain day in April.

Wu Yusen, Luo Jing, has the same disease but different lives, fighting against the "chameleon" lymphoma in the tumor field, and the new anti-cancer force CAR-T rises!

       Luo Jing, the host of the famous News Network, Cindy Lee, the actor who plays Fang Yu in Deep Rain, and Fuck off! Tumor jun touched many netizens’ cartoonist Xiong Dun … In recent years, many celebrities have passed away because of lymphoma. At the same time, however, there are also many famous people who have succeeded in fighting cancer after suffering from lymphoma. For example, the 70-year-old famous director Wu Yusen was diagnosed with large B-cell lymphoma in tonsils when filming Taiping Wheel in 2008. After four operations, in the second month of chemotherapy, his mouth was all festered, he could not swallow, and his body and face were so thin that he was wrinkled. Finally, he succeeded in fighting cancer with his firm will!  


       For example, Kai-Fu Lee, the founder of an innovative factory that successfully used chemotherapy and targeted therapy to fight advanced lymphoma! On September 5, 2013, 52-year-old Kai-fu Lee announced that he had stage IV follicular lymphoma and had to leave work for treatment. In February 2015, he announced the results of his physical examination, indicating that the tumor in the body is not obvious at present. In June of the same year, Kai-fu Lee said that he had not found any lesions in his last two examinations and ridiculed himself as "Li Kangfu". It took Kai-fu Lee less than two years from finding out the cancer until the focus was completely gone. His anti-cancer experience is worth learning from.


Alias "the most disguised disease", lymphoma has become a killer.

       According to statistics, there is a new case of lymphoma every 9 minutes in the world. The incidence of lymphoma in China is 0.02‰, with about 25,000 new patients and nearly 20,000 deaths each year. The threat of lymphoma is rapidly emerging. It ranks among the top ten malignant tumors in China and ranks second among hematological malignancies. At the beginning, the symptoms of the disease were hidden, and it was described as "the most disguised disease". In the intercontinental area, the incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is much higher than Hodgkin’s disease, which is about 9: 1. Because of the higher degree of malignancy and worse prognosis, lymphoma is generally referred to as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In China, the incidence of malignant tumors ranks ninth among men and tenth among women. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can occur in all ages, and the high incidence age is 45~60 years old. Among them, Luo Jing suffered from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). This is a common non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which belongs to aggressive lymphoma with high malignancy. The course of the disease progresses rapidly. If it is not actively treated, the median survival time is less than one year. In recent years, great progress has been made in the research and treatment of lymphoma, and new drugs and technologies have risen strongly! CAR-T therapy Among them, the chimeric antigen receptor T(CAR-T) cell therapy is particularly prominent. Its appearance represents a great progress in personalized cancer treatment, especially bringing the hope of rebirth to patients with hematological malignancies.

Complete remission! The first advanced lymphoma patient in China who received CAR-T therapy was discharged smoothly!

       Although they all suffer from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Mr. Chen, who suffers from malignant lymphoma, is a lucky one. According to Jiangsu public news channel News Space Station, on August 31st, the first lymphoma patient treated with CAR-T cells in China achieved complete remission and was discharged smoothly.  


       Mr. Chen suffered from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. After the onset of the disease in October 2010, he had received chemotherapy for many times, but all of them were unsatisfactory. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is the most common malignant lymphoma. After immunotherapy, about 60% patients can survive for a long time, but 40% patients will still relapse. In June this year, Mr. Chen accepted CAR-T cell therapy with a tentative attitude, and all the physical indicators tended to be normal. He told reporters with delight that his physical condition was better than before, and he was no different from a normal person after leaving the hospital. CAR-T therapy, a "living drug", made her completely relieved and looked forward to a cancer-free future. 

       As a "living" drug, CAR-T therapy is very different from traditional drugs. First, the therapy needs to isolate T cells from patients and modify them with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) in vitro, so that they can specifically recognize cancer cells. Finally, the modified T cells are expanded and reinfused into patients. Compared with traditional chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, it can kill tumor cells more accurately, improve the curative effect and greatly reduce the side effects.  


The well-known director of hematology in China said: CAR-T can identify lymphoma very deliberately, and the antigen carried on tumor cells will attack directly after being connected, and it will produce an anti-tumor effect and kill it directly without the need for second signal stimulation, so one of its characteristics is accuracy, and the second is power. The scope of application is still the recurrence or refractory diffuse large B lymphoma that is ineffective in general immunochemotherapy.  

CAR-T therapy FDA approved 6 models, and domestic CAR-T therapy caught up!    

       After sharing the above news reports about CAR-T therapy, let’s get down to business and talk about CAR-T therapy. At present,CAR-T therapy has achieved great success in the treatment of hematological malignancies.. Six CAR-T cell therapies have been approved by FDA in the United States and two CAR-T cell therapies have been listed in China. The picture below shows CAR-T cell therapy that has been listed at home and abroad.   58991648856113613   

       Although China’s CAR-T technology started late, the domestic market is large. According to the data on Clinicaltrials.gov’s website, China became the country that registered the most CAR-T tests in September 2017. As of May 27th, 2021, there are 1301 CAR-T clinical trials in the world, and the number of CAR-T trials registered in China has reached 478! 

01  The first CAR-T therapy in China was approved for listing! China welcomes the first year of cellular immunotherapy.

       On June 22nd, the blank in the field of CAR-T in China was finally broken! The latest announcement of China National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), Fosun Kaite Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " Fosun Kate ”) The CAR-T cell therapy product targeting CD19, Aquilencel Injection (also known as Aquilencel, FKC876), was officially approved for marketing. This is the first approved CAR-T therapy in China and the sixth approved CAR-T therapy in the world. It is believed that China will usher in the blowout era of CAR-T cell therapy. 

02  In just one month, the second CAR-T therapy in China and the sixth CAR-T therapy in the world were approved!

       On September 3, the State Drug Administration recently announced that Yaoming JunuoThe CAR-T product targeting CD19, Regiosai Injection.(relma-cel, trade name: Benoda) has been officially approved. The approved indications for Regioside Injection are:It can be used to treat relapsed or refractory large B-cell lymphoma (r/r LBCL) in adult patients after second-line or above systemic treatment.Reggiorense injection is the second CAR-T product approved in China and the first CAR-T product of Class 1 biological products in China.



It’s only been about one month since it was submitted for examination and approval on July 30th last time, which can be described as rapid progress. Congratulations! (At present, patients with economic conditions can contact cancer-free homes for the treatment of regiorense. ) 

Boom! The first BCMA CAR-T therapy in China and the second in the world was approved by FDA!

       China’s "dark horse" in CAR-T cell therapy industry-legendary BCMA(B-cell mature antigen) CAR-T therapy Cedar-B38m/JNJ-4528 (hereinafter referred to as cilta-cel) has attracted much attention, and has shown excellent anticancer activity in clinical trials for multiple myeloma.

       What is exciting is that on February 28th, 2022, local time, it was jointly developed by Janssen and Legendary Biology.BCMA CAR-T product, Cedactylosin (trade name Carvykti), has been approved by the US FDA for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (MM).

This is the first cell therapy product approved by FDA in China and the second CAR-T cell immunotherapy approved for BCMA in the world.



       Cilta-cel was awarded priority review qualification by FDA on May 26th.However, the approval of the West Dachiorensai was delayed, and it was adjusted from November 29, 2021 toFebruary 28, 2022Fortunately, it was finally approved and lived up to expectations!

       cilta-celIt is a CAR-T therapy directed by research B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), which is used to treat relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM). These patients received an average of five kinds of pre-treatment before treatment, 76% of them received five kinds of treatment, and 86% of them were resistant to five kinds of treatment, including CD38 treatment, and they were both resistant to protease inhibitor PI and immunomodulator IMiD. Simply put, it is refractory to relapse and lack of effective treatment in the follow-up. The principle of this CAR-T therapy is different from the current PD-1/L1. It directly uses the T cells in the patient’s body, transforms them in vitro, replicates them in large quantities, and then transfuses them into the patient’s body to kill cancer cells. At the ASH conference in 2021, the latest results of the 1b/2 CARTITUDE-1 study (n=97) showed that,meso-position 22 months Long-term follow-up, The objective remission rate (ORR) reached 98% , 83% patients achieved strict complete remission (sCR) It is emphasized that the mitigation will deepen with the passage of time (sCR will increase from 67% reported at the ASH annual meeting in 2020 to 83%). At 18 months, 66% of the patients were alive and the disease did not progress. .The two-year progression-free survival rate and overall survival rate are respectively 61% and 74% .The latest research results to be announced at the ASCO annual meeting in 2021 show that After a median follow-up of 18 months, the overall survival (OS) rate was 81%. The remission rate is comparable in all pre-specified subgroups and patients with different treatment lines.


American research shows that cilta-cel has excellent long-term efficacy.   

       Emily, a foreign country, successfully ushered in nine years of cancer-free survival in 2021, and suddenly became the "spokesperson" of global CAR-T therapy. In China, there is such a lucky person whose fate has been completely changed by CAR-T therapy. Mr. Min was diagnosed with a special rare disease at the age of 54- multiple myeloma . He had no drugs available at that time, so he was lucky enough to participate in the clinical trial of CAR-T therapy. Although the treatment process was not smooth sailing, after three times of treatment, all the lumps on Mr. Min’s body disappeared and the pain disappeared. Surprisingly, by June 4, 2021, Mr. Min had lived cancer-free for five years, which is the field of cancer treatment, which is theoretically said. Clinical cure .


       In fact, as early as March 27th this year,The FDA approved the first CAR-T therapy targeting BCMA for adult patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (r/r MM) after receiving more than four therapies.

       Chemotherapy to fight cancer is often "killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred". Antibody drugs can accurately find tumor targets, but sometimes their combat effectiveness is insufficient. If we can put a "warhead" of chemotherapy drugs on antibody drugs, can we attack cancer cells more accurately? Based on this, an ADC (antibody drug conjugate) called "biological missile" was born. Antibody-coupled drugs are like biological missiles, which consist of two core functions: the first is antibody (missile body), the second is strong chemotherapy drug (nuclear warhead); This design will enable antibodies to find tumor cells with chemotherapy drugs, and then accurately poison tumor cells and poison them.  This drug design combines the precision of targeted drugs with the high efficiency of chemotherapy drugs, which not only avoids the toxic and side effects of systemic use of chemotherapy drugs, but also has stronger killing ability than using targeted drugs alone, killing two birds with one stone.     42591648856116705    

Schematic diagram of antibody-coupled drugs   Note: (a) General description of A)ADC structure; (b) the mechanism of B)ADC.  

Fourteen ADC drugs have been approved around the world, which brings hope for prolonging the survival time of back-line patients.

       At present, more than 100 kinds of ADC are undergoing clinical trials. Most adcs have progressed from phase i to phase II. Some ADC phase III trials show positive results; Up to September 20th, 2021, there are 14 kinds of ADC drugs on the market in the world, which are mainly used in hematological tumors and solid tumors, and are mainly used for back-line treatment of patients, including advanced, recurrent/refractory and metastatic tumor indications.



Fourteen ADC drugs have been approved worldwide.

According to the curative effect data, ADC drugs have brought more treatment options and the hope of prolonging the survival time for back-line patients, and the objective remission rate or median progression-free survival time of several drugs has doubled compared with chemotherapy.

Looking at the CD30 target, the new drug F0002-ADC became an instant hit and squeezed into the lymphoma track.

       CD30, a member of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily, can promote cell proliferation or apoptosis by activating different signal pathways. In 2020, Vebtuximab for injection (Adcetris) was approved to be listed in China, and CD30 became famous. Adcetris, as an antibody-coupled drug targeting CD30, has an effective rate of 73% for Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) and 86% for anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). It is the first new drug approved in the field of Hodgkin’s lymphoma treatment in recent 30 years, and it is also the first time that a drug targeting CD30 has been approved, filling the gap in this field. At present, the only new ADC drug for CD30 in China is F0002-ADC. This new drug consists of three parts, namely, human-mouse chimeric anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody, thioether linker (MCC) and DM1. Since the project was launched in 2016, it has been disappointing! At present, patients with recurrent/refractory CD30 positive peripheral T-cell lymphoma are being recruited clinically! This is a new treatment option for patients with recurrent/refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma!

This article is original for a cancer-free home, and it needs authorization to reprint! Cancer-free homes remind patients  

Li Jiaqi once again brought goods to Huaxizi: the results were not as good as last year, and the sales volume was still good.

On October 24th, after the incident of eyebrow pencil in 79 yuan, the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi broadcasted Huaxizi with goods again after 43 days. However, Li Jiaqi himself did not appear to explain the product of Huaxizi, and the controversial ace product Huaxizi eyebrow pencil did not appear in the live broadcast list. According to Time Finance, Hua Xizi’s performance in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi is still good, but compared with last year, it is much worse.

I and the disputed eyebrow pencil did not appear.

In the list of products with goods in Li Jiaqi Live Studio, there are three products owned by Hua Xizi, namely, a combination suit of 357 yuan, a powder cake of 149 yuan and honey powder of 129 yuan. According to Time Finance, at 8 pm, the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi exceeded 10 million people. After the countdown was displayed on the screen, the gongs and drums in Li Jiaqi’s hand were sounded, and the pre-sale of Tmall "double 11" officially kicked off this year.

As soon as the live broadcast was started, more than 7,000 pieces, 3,000 pieces and 300 groups of Huaxizi air honey powder, Yurong gauze powder cake and water hibiscus in the Li Jiaqi live broadcast room had been booked respectively. At 8: 02, more than 20,000 pieces, 9,000 pieces and 1,000 pieces of three groups of products were ordered respectively. The figures will change every few minutes. By 10: 30 pm, the pre-sales of the above three groups of products exceeded 70,000, 3,000 and 30,000 respectively. According to Red Net, as of 11: 30 p.m. on 24th, the amount of honey powder with a price of 129 yuan for Huaxizi has exceeded 80,000 orders, the amount of powder cake with a price of 149 yuan has exceeded 30,000 orders, and the combined set with a price of 357 yuan has exceeded 3,000 orders, totaling more than 110,000 orders.

Although Hua Xizi’s performance in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi is still good, compared with last year, it is much worse. According to previous media reports, at 9: 00 pm on October 24th, 2022, the colored powder cake of Huaxizi Yurongsha was first released in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi. After only 15 minutes on the shelves, 250,000 colored powder cakes were sold out. According to Time Finance’s analysis, in addition to the previous storm, the sales volume of Hua Xizi was affected, and this sales performance may be related to the fact that Hua Xizi did not appear in the prime time of the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi this year. According to Red Net, as of 11: 30 pm on the 24th, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi was still at 10 million+.

The controversial ace product Hua Xizi eyebrow pencil did not appear in the live broadcast list. According to Time Finance, in the live broadcast room of Huaxi’s official flagship store, the anchor said that the eyebrow pencil "double 11" activity had not been announced. In the live commentary area, some netizens said bluntly: "I will never buy it again, which is really sad" and "How dare he"; However, some netizens said: "Although I am not interested in Hua Xizi, I am still interested in the things in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi."

Hua Xizi deeply binds Li Jiaqi.

Earlier, on September 10th, when Li Jiaqi introduced a Huaxizi Eyebrow Pencil in 79 yuan, he saw a message from a netizen saying it was expensive, and replied that 79 yuan Eyebrow Pencil could not be bought because he didn’t work hard enough. At the same time, it was exposed that 79 yuan Eyebrow Pencil was only 0.08 grams more expensive than gold, which led the netizens to think that Li Jiaqi despised ordinary people, created anxiety and inflated commodity prices.

In the early morning of September 11th, Li Jiaqi posted a blog post apologizing, and released an apology video on the evening of the same day, saying that his inappropriate remarks disappointed everyone, and he would also reflect on why he started in the first place and how he could serve more girls. Thank you again for your criticism and supervision. However, many netizens said that they "don’t buy it" for Li Jiaqi’s apology, and joked "Where ‘ Li ’ Wrong? " According to Xinmin Evening News, before the eyebrow pencil incident in 79 yuan, the number of fans in Weibo, Li Jiaqi was 30.435 million. By 11: 00 on October 24th, the number of fans was 28.747 million, and the number of fans dropped by over 1.68 million.

According to the International Finance News, four years ago, Hua Xizi announced Li Jiaqi as the chief recommender of the brand. At that time, this little-known brand was established only two years ago. With the help of the flow of "lipstick brother", the sales of Huaxizi reached 1.13 billion yuan that year, which was 25 times higher than that of 2018. The deep binding between the two parties began in 2019. According to the magic mirror data, the sales of Huaxizi’s star product, carved lipstick, increased by 165% month-on-month after it was promoted by Li Jiaqi multi-platform in May of that year. On the battlefield of "double 11", Hua Xizi never missed the live studio in Li Jiaqi from the pre-sale stage, and with the help of Li Jiaqi’s strong ability to carry goods, he won 220 million yuan GMV for the first time in the war and became the second place in domestic beauty cosmetics.

Around the "double 11" in that year, the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi contributed 64% of the total turnover of Huaxizi. In June, 2022, Li Jiaqi stopped broadcasting for some reason. During the "June 18th Promotion" period, the sales of Huaxizi, who lost Li Jiaqi, dropped to 150 million yuan from 263 million yuan in the previous year. According to shanghai securities news, the founder of Huaxizi once said in public that their cooperation with Li Jiaqi is Live Delivery 2.0, that is, inviting anchors to create products together. Some insiders revealed: "As long as this product Li Jiaqi says no, it will not pass."

After the eyebrow pencil dispute, Li Jiaqi gradually withdrew

Although Li Jiaqi still has a long way to go to quell doubts and rebuild trust, compared with Hua Xizi who was involved in the storm by his inappropriate remarks, as the starting point of the storm, he seems to have gradually withdrawn from the continuous controversy.

According to previous poster news reports, on September 26th, Li Jiaqi was carrying goods live on Taobao on the night when Hua Xizi’s crazy public relations sparked heated discussion. At the beginning of the storm, a large number of netizens flocked to the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi to denounce it. Then, there were few questioning voices in the comment area, and the live broadcast room seemed to have returned to its former order. At 21: 42 on September 26th, the poster journalist entered the Taobao live room in Li Jiaqi, when he was carrying lipstick of Mao Geping brand, and the number of viewers in the live room was 7.146 million.

Li Jiaqi live room once again brought goods to Hua Xizi User: It seems that Li Jiaqi really has a good relationship with Hua Xizi.

According to the International Finance News, the third season of the self-made variety "All Girls’ OFFER" produced by US ONE arrived as scheduled, showing the process of "negotiation" between Li Jiaqi and major beauty brands, which greatly promoted the upcoming "double 11". Janice (pseudonym), a well-known MCN organization engaged in beauty cosmetics vertical operation, said in an interview with the International Finance News that the Li Jiaqi incident had no impact on her MCN organization. "No matter what, the brand will still come to us for cooperation."

An insider of ONE told reporters that after the incident, the company’s publicity scale during the "double 11" period may be reduced, but "the traffic brought by the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi is still very large." It is blunt that in the past few years, US ONE has established a large-scale system from product selection to after-sales improvement, and it still has advantages in the field of live e-commerce. "Especially after public relations, the trend of public opinion has become ‘ I don’t care about the anchor, anyway, as a consumer, it is good to buy a cheap and cost-effective product ’ 。” However, in the view of Wang Tian (pseudonym), a business practitioner of a live broadcast room in online celebrity, Tik Tok, if the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi accounts for a large proportion of the brand’s performance planning of Taobao platform, after the storm, the brand may avoid risks by reducing the frequency of cooperation with Li Jiaqi and increasing the number of people to broadcast. "In the long run, the brand will expand other options besides super anchor. They also have their own plans and will not bet on one person. "

Upstream news is integrated from The Paper, Xinmin Evening News, International Finance News, Red Net, shanghai securities news, etc.

"Silver-haired online celebrity" has a different style. The elderly open the "tidal life" online

  Screenshot of Tik Tok account of "Qinba Grandma Qinba Yiwei". The picture comes from the Internet.

  In Shengli Community, Jincheng Street, Lin ‘an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, young social workers guide the old people how to shop with their mobile phones. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yushe

  An elderly person is broadcasting live. The picture comes from the Internet.

  In recent years, more and more middle-aged and elderly people shine brilliantly on the Internet platform. Sending short videos, opening live broadcasts and selling goods online … … They have subverted people’s traditional impression of old age, attracted a large number of fans to watch and become a beautiful landscape in the era of mobile internet.

  "Silver-haired online celebrity" shows a different style

  Accompanied by ancient music, four ladies dressed in batik cheongsam are walking leisurely. They are either holding red umbrellas or dancing folding fans, smiling and full of confidence. This is a 15-second short video released by Tik Tok’s account "Fashion Grandma Group", which has received nearly 1.5 million likes. It is hard to imagine that they are a group of "silver-haired online celebrity" with an average age of 68.

  In Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok, bilibili and other short video platforms, countless "silver online celebrity" are everywhere. For example, Tik Tok’s account "Qinba Grandma Qinba Yiwei" records the rural life of two old people near Daba Mountain. Grandma’s cooking of braised pig’s trotters, potato Baba fried bacon, pulp water and other foods in southern Shaanxi made netizens salivate. At present, the account has gained 2.73 million fans and been praised more than 34 million times; The handsome "Grandpa Beihai" often wears a suit, a hat and a bow tie. His love for life and his spirit of "not being old" make many young people envy him. The short video released by "Grandpa Jigong" begins with "Dear Dolls", telling life experiences and talking about the world in simple language, as kind as grandpa next door; "Grandma Wang who only wears high heels" has a live broadcast with goods, and its sales can reach several million yuan, surpassing many young live broadcasts in online celebrity.

  In the Internet era of "everyone has a microphone", the elderly are no longer network insulators. They pursue fashion, are confident and enthusiastic, know how to consume and love life, and show a unique style of "the most beautiful is the sunset red".

  The 45th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China shows that by March 2020, the number of netizens in China reached 904 million, and the number of mobile phone users reached 897 million. Among netizens, netizens aged 50 and above account for 16.9%, and the number exceeds 150 million. The Internet continues to penetrate into middle-aged and elderly people.

  Perceive the temperature of the years from the live broadcast

  The reporter found out that the "silver-haired people" who are currently popular on the Internet are mainly divided into three categories: First, they show their young mentality and self-disciplined living habits. They often dress well and maintain a good posture and mental outlook, showing people the "exquisite life" of the elderly. The second is to record fragments of daily life. In the warmth and fun of the old people with their wives, children and grandchildren, netizens can feel the deep affection and see the true temperament of the old people who are childlike, lovely and straightforward. The third is to share life common sense and experience. Such as introducing health knowledge through live broadcast, recording short videos to interpret common scams and warning people how to deal with them.

  What is the charm of "Silver-haired online celebrity"? Some insiders pointed out that there are three "degrees" advantages in online celebrity, namely, the length of life experience, the width of knowledge and the depth of professional fields. Specifically, the rich life experience and social experience of the elderly are not available to young people. They are well-informed, often thoroughly study their own professional fields, have strong comprehensive ability to deal with problems, and have a unique charm of time precipitation. When they express their little philosophies in life as experienced people, they will give people a sense of reliability and peace of mind.

  Online celebrity’s old people have resonated with their peers, and at the same time, they have been loved and sought after by a large number of young people. For example, seeing the warm picture of "Grandma Qinba" and her wife taking care of each other, many netizens were envious and said that "this is love, and happiness is included in the plain". Industry analysts pointed out that, by contrast, the videos of Grandpa online celebrity and Grandma online celebrity are more authentic, frank and cordial, arousing many young people’s fond childhood memories, and arousing their yearning for their loved ones, family and affection, which is more penetrating and user-friendly.

  The "silver hair economy" market is on the rise.

  In May this year, "I’m Grandma Tian" in online celebrity, Tik Tok opened the first live show with goods, and achieved sales of 1.5 million yuan. Experts pointed out that behind the outbreak of "silver-haired online celebrity" is the rise of the trillion-dollar "silver-haired economy" market.

  Recently, the China Development Report 2020: Trends and Policies of Population Aging in China issued by China Development Foundation said that by 2022, the population over 65 in China will account for 14% of the total population, realizing the transformation to an aging society. In 2050, the aging in China will reach its peak, and the population over 65 will account for 27.9% of the total population in China. "Silver-haired economy" will become a new growth point to promote the sustainable development of China’s economy in the future aging society.

  Li Jia, deputy director of Pangu Think Tank Aging Society Research Center, believes that what middle-aged and elderly people need is to find more channels to release their abilities and energy and become participants in social development and progress. As the post-60s with higher education begin to retire, middle-aged and elderly people will be completely separated from the stereotype of "digital refugees" in the past, and their social needs are growing day by day, which is a good opportunity for the market to mature.

  "Silver-haired online celebrity" not only spreads the positive energy of loving life and attaching importance to family, but also is a blue ocean with infinite opportunities. The insiders believe that the current market consumption potential of "Silver Hair online celebrity" has not been fully tapped, and there is still huge market space. To achieve the economic benefits of "silver-haired online celebrity", we need team packaging and continuous content output. In addition, due to limited energy, the old people are not familiar with the Internet economy and fans’ psychology, and the live broadcast of goods still faces no small challenge.

The State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism Conference: Recently, the situation of multi-point distribution of local epidemics and frequent prevention and control in many places is severe

Cctv newsOn July 23rd, the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines in Covid-19. According to the report of the World Health Organization, the newly confirmed cases in the western Pacific where China is located increased by 37% last week, which is the fastest growing region in the world. Omicron’s BA.5 sub-branch has spread to more than 100 countries and regions around the world, resulting in an increase in the number of infections, hospitalizations and severe cases, and the pressure on China’s foreign countries to prevent imports is increasing.

Recently, the local epidemic situation has shown a trend of multi-point distribution and frequent occurrence. In some areas, the epidemic spillover has not been completely blocked, and the prevention and control situation is severe and complicated.

We must unswervingly adhere to the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic clearing". The areas where the epidemic occurred should deal with the clustered epidemic according to the local situation, concentrate resources and strength to quickly put it out, and quickly curb the spread of the local epidemic; Border areas and entry cities should strictly implement various measures for external defense input, strictly manage in a closed loop, and resolutely avoid the destruction of defense and the overflow of epidemic situation; Areas where no epidemic has occurred should continue to do a good job in normalization prevention and control, and maintain the efficient operation of the emergency response command system.

Covid-19 vaccination should be continued.