Avatar: The Way of Water: Do you want special effects and special effects in the plot?

Wen | No.7 (Luosi Film and Television Research Group)

"I’m counting on it in December." When the official announcement of James Cameron’s Avatar: The Way of Water (hereinafter referred to as Avatar 2) was finalized, cinemas all over the country were waiting for it to save the market.

On December 16th, Avatar 2 was released in the mainland. After a week of release, the box office broke the 500 million mark, breaking the cumulative box office record of New Year’s adventure films in the past three years. However, compared with 13 years ago, the film did not reproduce the grand occasion of "one ticket is hard to find", and its reputation was not as good as that of the previous film. The comments of "full score for special effects and zero score for plot" were endless.

See the special effects or the plot? Box office failure or long tail effect? Can the movie market be saved by Avatar 2? These are all hot topics in the recent film market.

"Avatar 2" special effects 100 points!

It’s not true, it’s true"

Avatar 2 supports many formats, such as 3D, CINITY, IMAX 3D, Dolby Cinema, China Giant Screen and so on. After comprehensive comparison, the laser IMAX version with "all-round" frame, frame rate, clarity and sound effect is selected.

Put on 3D glasses, the familiar Pandora planet is back, and the rainforest is still the same. After nearly an hour of plot preparation, Jack and Neytiri left the tribe with their children and sought refuge in the island reef family, thus unlocking the "ocean" map of Pandora.

Movies and the ocean are the love of Cameron’s life. How beautiful is his love letter to the ocean? The author is in a movie theater, but he seems to be in the sea. The magnificent and colorful "water world" is within reach, the light and shadow flicker and flow, the spray is delicate and soft, the marine life is lifelike, and the visual effect is realistic, which can be called a beautiful marine documentary.

The most eye-catching new species is the underwater overlord "Tukun". The scene of Tukun’s migration in the sea, accompanied by magnificent music, is an unprecedented visual spectacle, which can’t help but remind people of "Happy Travel": "There are fish in the north, and their name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don’t know its thousands of miles; Into a bird, its name is Peng. Peng’s back is thousands of miles away. "

On special effects, Avatar 2 can definitely get 100 points. The film critic "Electronic Knight" believes that the picture presentation of the film is top-notch at present. "Almost all the special effects of commercial blockbusters will be somewhat problematic, butAlmost every frame of Avatar 2 is very clear, true and stable.Whether it is CGI objects, physical special effects equipment, vehicles, or remote digital scenery, there is no flaw. "

A Douban netizen who painted Avatar 2 twice also said that there were no flaws in even the smallest side details. "For example, when Luoak was abandoned in Sanxiong Rock and was attacked by sea animals, the audience’s attention was focused on the character. As a result, I found a small coral on the left edge of the rock in a shot, which shrank and crawled slightly along the water flow in the picture … This is no longer a fake, but it is true."

For the audience who advocate "technology flow", only by choosing the special effects hall in the cinema can they feel what is the "ceiling" of the film industry.This is the irreplaceable charm of 3D movies and the unique technical aesthetics..

The script is automatically generated like AI?

"To have special effects, to have special effects on the plot"

After talking about special effects, let’s talk about the plot. "Avatar 2" Douban scored 8.4, and now it has fallen to 8.1, and its reputation is not as good as that of the previous work."Special effects are required, and special effects are required for the plot"-It is not difficult to see from the online hot reviews that the plot is the biggest flaw in the film..

Avatar 2 is set more than 10 years after the end of the first plot, and tells the story of Jack and his family Qi Xin working together to defeat the villain Colonel Kuric.Affection is the main thread that runs through the whole film, but it is evaluated by polarization.: the favorite audience thinks that the family element is sincere enough and moving enough; Disliked audiences spit, the contradiction between father and son, ethnic conflicts and other bridges are too old-fashioned, and the script is like AI automatically generated.

Indeed, if the 193-minute film is completely supported by visual effects, it will inevitably be exhausting. Investigate its reason,Perhaps it is related to the positioning of the second part in the "Avatar Universe". The characters are complex and the story has transitional properties..

Colonel Kuric was saved by his son "Spider", and the characters may be "blackened" or related to Avatar 3: The Seed Bearer; The growth of the youngest son and his acquaintance with Payakan are paving the way for Avatar 4: Tukun Knight. The mystery of the adopted daughter Qili’s life experience and the connection with the spiritual core of Pandora seem to be solved in Avatar 5: Pursuing Eva.

In the view of catching entertainment,Although Avatar 2 is not as urine point-free as the first film, it also has some merits.. The film’s humanistic concern for the environment and biology transcends family ties. Among them, the story about Tukun is the climax of the whole film, full of emotion.

In Cameron’s design, Tukun is a more intelligent creature than human beings. They have their own language, art, mathematics and music, but they never take the initiative to attack foreigners and treat external attacks and plunder with a defensive attitude. However, because there is a substance in its body that can delay aging, it is hunted by the Kun team.

In the film, the plot around Tukun contracted tears. First, Tukun Payakan was killed by humans and became a broken fin Tukun. In order to prevent humans from killing the same kind and protect their loved ones, it was misunderstood by ethnic groups and "left alone"; Second, Tu Kun’s mother was captured by Kun hunters in order to protect her children. Third, Tukun Payakan became friends with Jack’s youngest son. He took revenge in the decisive battle at sea and was called a "hero".

"I want to be friends with Tukun", "Man and nature have always touched me the most, and I also want to have a Tukun", "I cried at the moment when Tukun turned over and boarded the boat …" Weibo casually searched for the review of Avatar 2, and Tukun was the focus of hot discussion, which aroused strong resonance from the audience.The film appeals to people to protect the ocean and respect everything in the universe. As the film says, "water connects everything in the world", and the way of water is endless, with no beginning and no end..

"Retaliatory viewing" did not come.

New films are fixed and withdrawn.

Before Avatar 2 was released, the whole movie market was waiting for it to "save the market". So, how did the film perform at the mainland box office?

According to the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, up to now, the box office of the film has accumulated 540 million yuan, 126 million yuan on the first day and 398 million yuan in the first week.The "retaliatory viewing" expected by the cinema did not come in the first week of release.Since its release on December 16th, Avatar 2 has broken through 200 million box office in 18 hours, 300 million at 13: 00 a day and 400 million at 18: 00 two days. Subsequently, the growth rate of box office slowed down. At 10: 31 on December 22, the box office of the film broke through the 500 million yuan mark, from 400 million to 500 million, which took more than three days.

Previously, the industry predicted that Avatar 2 could reach the highest box office of 3-4 billion in the mainland, but the entertainment record was seen on the two platforms of Lighthouse Professional Edition and Cat’s Eye Professional Edition, and the box office trend forecast chart dropped significantly. Among them, the cat’s eye professional version is predicted to be 1 billion yuan, which is significantly smaller than before.

The global box office of Avatar 2 exceeded 600 million dollars today, and its performance was not as good as expected. The previous movie earned $2.923 billion at the global box office, which is still the first movie in the global film history, and this record has been maintained for more than 10 years.

Why is Avatar 2′ s box office appeal not good? There are many reasons.

First, affected by the epidemic, the willingness to watch movies is generally low.Some netizens teased and said, "Those who are yang can’t go out, and those who are not yang dare not go out." There are also "Yangkangs" who go to the movies, saying that "the cinemas are coughing one after another", which obviously hinders some potential viewers.

Second, affected by the fare, some viewers were dissuaded.There are many versions of Avatar 2, and the ordinary 3D version can’t get the best experience, but the tickets for special effects halls such as laser IMAX and CINITY are too expensive. According to media reports, the price of CINITY Hall in Beijing is around 200-300 yuan, while the price of CINITY Hall in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities is as high as that in 400 yuan. Although the fare has decreased, the CINITY Hall in China is generally about 100 yuan.

Third, influenced by ideas, fans no longer pay for special effects.Twelve years ago, "Avatar" brought fire to 3D viewing, which promoted the rapid expansion of IMAX screens in China. Now, the shooting technology of the second film has been completely advanced, but the audience no longer pursues "special effects are king", but pays more attention to good stories. Earlier, when Yu Dong, the chairman of Bona Film, attended a forum to talk about Avatar 2, he also said that foreign films began to slowly adapt to the viewing habits of China audiences.

However, it is not yet possible to conclude that Avatar 2 failed at the box office. At present, the film has no competitors in genre. As Christmas and New Year’s Day approach, the film is expected to usher in a wave of growth in North America and China. It’s just that the box office performance of Avatar 2 is not as good as expected, which also makes the movie market waver.

In the coming Christmas and New Year’s Eve, there are currently eight new films to be shown from December 23rd to 31st, namely, the Hollywood action comedy Agent Scared, and the cartoon Cat in Boots 2, Dragon Horse! Newborn tennis prince; The romantic film "I want to see you" and "Transformation Raiders" released on the 24th; The cartoon Journey to the West, which was released on 30th, and the comedy Desperate Husband and the cartoon Oak Restaurant, which were released on 31st. Among the eight new films, cartoons account for half.

However, the most anticipated comedy movie "Keep You Safe" chose to withdraw the file. On the evening of December 21st, Weibo, the official of "Keep You Safe", issued a document saying that after comprehensive consideration, it was decided to postpone the release, and the film was previously scheduled for New Year’s Eve.

After the adjustment of epidemic prevention and control policies, cinemas have gradually resumed work, and the operating rate of the national film market has recovered to 72.2% (the latest data of Lighthouse Professional Edition). After three years of silence, the recovery of the film industry can not rely on a film to "save the market", and the recovery will also be a long-term process.

Branching can promote the formation of flower buds in cherry trees.

Title: Branching can promote the formation of flower buds in cherry trees.

The purpose of cherry tree branch pulling in spring is to improve the overall illumination, ease the branch potential of the tree, increase the amount of short branches, promote the formation of flower buds, and prevent the fruiting parts from moving out. The time to pull branches is best completed after the sap flows and before germination. Pay attention when pulling branches, pull straight, and don’t bend into a bow.

Young trees must pay attention to the strength of pulling the main branches, which must be kept above 60 degrees, and the side branches should be pulled to 90 degrees, so that they are easy to branch out and become flowers after budding. The rope for pulling branches should be tied with soft plastic rope or cloth strips, and the binding parts should be adjusted frequently to avoid overflowing the trunk and causing glue to die the tree.

My son wanted to go to the zoo, but his father took him to the pigsty. The truth behind it made my nose sour.

  Are you willing to remain anonymous all your life?

  For the first atomic bomb of new China, tens of thousands of scientists and soldiers gave a positive answer to this question more than 60 years ago. They left home and entered Lop Nur, which is known as the "sea of death", and began the years of hard struggle. A few years later, People’s Republic of China (PRC) appeared in front of the world with a brand-new attitude.

Zhang Yunyu son of the general, the first commander of China's nuclear test base, tells the origin of the name of Malan base.

Zhang Yunyu son of the general, the first commander of China’s nuclear test base, tells the origin of the name of Malan base.

  "Husband and wife tree" on Gobi Desert 

  In 1963, Wang Ruzhi, deputy director of the Third Institute of Engineering Research, received a notice from the organization and secretly went to Lop Nur to participate in the nuclear test. She was so excited that she didn’t sleep all night.

  But the next day, she put up with all her emotions and said simply to her husband Zhang Xianglin, "I’m going on a business trip abroad." Zhang Xianglin replied: "Good."

  Two people so calm tunnel don’t.

  Wang Ruzhi entered the base for a few months. One day, she was waiting for the bus under an old elm tree, and she saw a soldier coming with a box in the distance, looking like her husband. When the man approached, her eyes widened in surprise, and it was him!

  On the day of the original farewell, Zhang Xianglin also received the same notice, but both of them kept it a secret and didn’t ask each other much.

  In those months, they have been close at hand, doing the same job, but they don’t know that their beloved is beside them, fighting side by side with themselves.

  General Zhang Aiping, who organized and directed the nuclear test, was deeply moved by this incident and gave the old elm a name — — Couple tree.

  Time flies to 1984. Deng Jiaxian returned to Beijing after completing the 32nd nuclear test in his life. He looked very happy. His wife asked him, "What happened today?"

  Deng Jiaxian could not say, but read a poem: "After twenty years of brave climbing, the second generation canoe has crossed the bridge."

  The lady asked again, "What is the second-generation canoe?" Deng Jiaxian replied: "This is a secret."

  At this time, Deng Jiaxian was suffering from cancer, which was the last nuclear test in his life.

  Before leaving, Deng Jiaxian held his wife’s hand and said, "If there is an afterlife, I will choose China, the nuclear weapons industry and you."

  Many years later, Hu Renyu, an 88-year-old nuclear physics scientist, recalled those years with great emotion. He said, "I think this is an era when revolutionary passion is burning. None of the people who participated in manufacturing wanted to do this for their own future, just for the country."

  Although they were engaged in the most advanced scientific undertakings of the country, at that time, their living environment was desolate and backward.

  "Why is dad here? What is Dad doing here? "

  In 1999, the film "Out of the Sky" first presented the tortuous process of developing the first atomic bomb in China to the public.

  Screenwriter Peng Jichao also won the first prize of the second Xia Yan Film Literature Award for his play Malanchao. At this time, Peng Jichao had lived in Malan base for more than 30 years. During this period, he heard too many touching stories and accumulated too many vivid materials.

  But what Peng Jichao remembered most there was a funeral.

  The protagonist of this funeral is not a scientist or a soldier, but a 12-year-old child.

  Peng Jichao told this story in the program "China in the Story".

  The children in Malan base "play with stones from birth, come home every day, take out a handful of stones from their pockets". They have never seen a swimming pool, and they don’t know what swimming is.

  In the 1980s, with the TV in Malan base, children learned from TV that people could swim.

  One summer, the base began to build a fish pond. A heavy rain made the fish pond store more than one meter of water, and the children were in high spirits and went swimming together. Several children swam home after a while, but one of them, Xiao Ming, stayed there before he had enough fun.

  At dinner, Xiao Ming still didn’t go home, and the adults finally found him in the fish pond who had stopped breathing and heartbeat.

  Peng Jichao recalled that this funeral held in the Gobi Desert gathered hundreds of people.

  Xiaoming’s mother has been crying without tears, so she can only whisper over and over again in a hoarse voice: "Xiaoming, you want to eat cookies, but I didn’t buy them for you;" You want to go to the zoo to see animals, but you haven’t been able to do it yet; We don’t have the toys you want in Malan. "

  On that day, the biscuits in the base were sold out, and all the things that children could play with were sold out.

  After that, the first swimming pool was built in Malan base.

  "Malan’s children grew up with their parents in the Gobi Desert, and they sacrificed the most common and common things in life." Peng Jichao sighed, "From small to large, it is just a few Malan trees and a piece of Malan. They think this is their most beautiful place."

  Zhang Lvtian is the son of General Zhang Yunyu, the first commander of China’s nuclear test base. According to his memory, in the early days of the construction of Malan base, the conditions were difficult. Some children told their fathers that they wanted to go to the zoo, but the fathers had no choice but to take their children to the company’s pigsty to play.

  At that time, a classmate of Zhang Lvtian also followed his parents to Malan base. Just after getting off the bus, he saw the Gobi Desert was black and yellow — — The sandstorm is coming.

  The wind roared by and the child was blown away.

  Zhang Lvtian said: "The soldiers chased out two miles before they were recovered, and both of them became natives."

  The mother hugged the child tightly and wouldn’t let go. She asked her husband, "How did you bring us to this terrible place?"

  The child also cried and asked his mother, "Why do we come to this windy place?"

  While dusting the child with dirt, the mother wiped her tears and said, "Because dad is here."

  This sentence has puzzled the child for many years: why is dad here? What’s Dad doing here?

  It was not until 1964 that the puzzle he thought finally got the answer — — Dad’s career is here. Dad’s career is a national career.

  On October 16th, 1964, at 3pm, a bright light appeared in generate, northwest China, and mushroom clouds soared, and China’s first atomic bomb exploded successfully. Since then, People’s Republic of China (PRC) has its own nuclear shield.

  "Forgive my son for being heartless and unfilial, and do my duty for the motherland." This pair of couplets posted on Malan base is the best portrayal of Malan spirit that "everything can be sacrificed, but national interests cannot be sacrificed".

  Today, a monument symbolizing nuclear test and peace stands in Malan Martyrs Cemetery, where more than 400 revolutionary martyrs are buried. Among them, there are military generals, ordinary officers and men who died in the line of duty, and scientists who died from overwork. At the end of their lives, they still chose to go back there to witness the immortal inheritance of Malan spirit. (Text/Kan Chunyu)

What are the benefits of running?

1, strong body

Running can improve our physical fitness. Compared with people who don’t exercise, runners are more robust, giving us more muscles, full of spiritual vitality, and improving all aspects of our body.

2. Keep your body young

Running is a good aerobic exercise. When we run, our body’s oxygen delivery and blood quantity are ten times more than usual, which will deliver more oxygen and nutrition to cells, make our cells more energetic and make our bodies younger!

3. Keep in good shape

Eating without exercise is the easiest way to get fat. Obese bodies are unsightly and, more importantly, unhealthy, while running can maintain our good bodies. Running every day can control the fat content in the body, and make our body more upright and will not go out of shape! So if you want to keep fit, running is a good way to exercise.

4. Improve sleep quality

Running at night can improve our sleep quality, because running can release the pressure of work and study during the day and produce physical fatigue, which makes it easier to fall asleep. If your sleep quality is poor, try fun run.

Nourishing the lungs in spring, Chinese medicine experts explain the "five most" lung nourishing method.

Xiaoli health teacher said

Expert introduction:

Cai Shengchao, chief physician of the Third Department of Geriatrics, Anhui Acupuncture Hospital. He is the academic successor of Zhou Meisheng, the first batch of famous old Chinese medicine practitioners in China, and now he is a famous doctor in Jianghuai, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in Anhui Province, and an instructor for the academic experience inheritance of the fifth and sixth batch of Chinese medicine experts in China.

Some things, only when you lose it, begin to realize its importance, such as health. Most of us, our minds are full of money, fame and fortune, and desires … In the process of chasing them, we spend day after day in a daze. At this time, health is getting farther and farther away from us. ……

The outbreak of COVID-19 is like a wake-up call, which makes us understand the value of health and the sublimity of life! Under the influence of COVID-19, more and more people began to notice the importance of the lung.

Huangdi Neijing records: "All qi belongs to the lung". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the normal operation of human organs mainly depends on qi, and the manager of qi is the lungs. Therefore, once the lung is damaged, qi can’t function normally, which affects the normal operation of other organs in the body, and diseases follow.

In this issue, Cai Shengchao, the chief physician of the Third Department of Geriatrics, Anhui Acupuncture Hospital, will teach the family a small coup to protect the lungs, and will also share tea and ingredients for nourishing the lungs to help everyone do a good job of nourishing the lungs easily.

It is very important to raise lungs in spring!

Generally speaking, people think that spring is the best time to nourish the liver. So, why is it so important to raise lungs in spring? There are two main reasons:

1. The large temperature difference in spring is likely to cause respiratory diseases, such as colds and flu, which will increase the burden on the lungs.

2. Impurities such as pollen enter the respiratory tract in spring, which will easily increase the burden on the lungs.

If the lungs are not maintained, men, women and children will suffer!

1. Men don’t have lungs and are prone to kidney deficiency.

Many men have the habit of smoking, which is very harmful to the lungs. The proportion of lung cancer caused by smoking is quite high every year.

In addition, the five elements theory of TCM holds that the lung belongs to gold and the kidney belongs to water. Gold and water coexist, that is, the lungs and kidneys complement each other. Therefore, lung deficiency will inevitably lead to kidney deficiency.

2. Women don’t have lungs, so they tend to get old quickly.

The International Journal of Natural Science has found that 40%~50% of platelets in human body are produced by macrophages in the lungs.

Therefore, the decline of lung function will lead to the decline of platelets and blood deficiency. Appear not ruddy, gaunt, dull and dull.

3. The elderly don’t have lungs, which is easy to induce diseases such as chronic bronchial asthma.

Various organs in the elderly are prone to fibrosis. After pulmonary fibrosis, the elasticity becomes smaller, and it is easy to feel gas resistance and shortness of breath when breathing.

In addition, the elderly are prone to some lung diseases, such as pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial pneumonia and chronic bronchial asthma.

4. Children don’t have lungs, which affects their normal development.

Children are still in the stage of growing up. If they don’t raise their lungs well, the development of other organs will be affected.

Poor lungs will also lead to the decline of human immune function, which will bring health risks. Therefore, it is necessary for men, women and children to raise lungs in spring!

Nourishing and protecting the lungs, Chinese medicine has a coup.

There are many ways for Chinese medicine to recuperate the lungs, such as Chinese medicine, sachet, diet, exercise and so on.



During the epidemic period, many Chinese medicine hospitals donated epidemic prevention sachets to front-line medical staff, because they have certain effects of avoiding plague and preventing diseases.

The sachet mainly purifies the air around and the respiratory environment inside the nasal cavity through the volatilization of the smell of Chinese herbal medicines, so as to achieve the purpose of avoiding plague and preventing diseases.

The sachet originated in the pre-Qin period and has a history of thousands of years. The record of sachet first appeared in Shan Hai Jing, which contained "there is grass, called smoked grass, hemp leaves and square stems, which are red and black, stinking like weeds, and can be cured if cultivated".

After the Tang Dynasty, sachets became more popular, and people often used them to repel insects, epidemics or filth.

Common medicinal materials for making sachets and their efficacy;

Xinyi: Dispelling cold, clearing the nose;

Perrin: wake up the spleen and stomach, disperse and relieve summer heat;

Zanthoxylum bungeanum: warming the middle to relieve pain, killing insects and relieving itching;

Cinnamon: help fire to replenish yang, warm and disperse cold evil, and lead fire to return to yuan;

Folium Artemisiae Argyi: Warming meridians and dredging collaterals, dispelling cold, removing dampness and relieving itching;

Acorus calamus: sweating to relieve exterior syndrome, eliminating dampness, neutralizing and promoting diuresis to reduce swelling;

Atractylodes lancea: strengthening the spleen and stomach, eliminating pathogenic dampness, expelling wind and cold, and improving eyesight;

Borneolum Syntheticum: Refreshing the brain, inducing resuscitation, clearing away heat and relieving pain.

In ancient times, people often hung sachets on their chests; Now, for convenience, we can put it beside the pillow or hang it on the bag. Adults, the elderly and children can wear it. Generally, the medicinal flavor of the sachet will evaporate in about a month, and it needs to be replaced again.


Flap lung meridian

Flapping the lung meridian can stimulate the meridian qi and achieve the purpose of tonifying the lung. The lung meridian flapping here is mainly the lung meridian outside the body surface.

Specific steps:

① Knead Taiyuan and Zhongfu points 8-10 times before beating the lung meridian to open the meridian.

(2) the empty palm or fist is slapped from top to bottom along the meridian, and both sides are slapped for 5-10 minutes.

③ Push Lieque Point, Taiyuan Point, Yuji Point and Shaoshang Point from top to bottom with both hands and thumbs until they are hot and flush locally. Push 20~30 times on both sides.

It is recommended to beat the lung meridian once a day for about 20 minutes, which has a good effect on tonifying the lung. Especially for the elderly or people with insufficient lung and qi function, the effect will be very significant if they insist on slapping every day.

"Five Best" Methods for Nourishing Lung

1. The simplest way to nourish the lungs-hot water

This method can moisten the lungs. Pour hot water into the cup, and aim your nose at the cup to absorb water vapor for about 5~10 minutes each time, once in the morning and once in the evening. It will be better to cover the cup with a towel and suck it.

Patients with respiratory diseases or people whose sputum should not be discharged can do it several times a day.

2. The most effective way to nourish the lungs-active cough

After getting up, you can cooperate with deep breathing to cough actively, and discharge sputum and turbid gas in the respiratory tract to achieve the purpose of maintaining the lungs.

3. The oldest method of nourishing lung-breathing exercises

Inflate your stomach when inhaling, and deflate your stomach when exhaling. When you sleep at night, you can put 2~3 kg sandbags on your stomach to help you practice, which is conducive to increasing your vital capacity and thus maintaining your lungs. It is advisable to practice once a day.

4. The cheapest way to nourish the lungs-smile often.

Laughter can dilate the lungs, and people will unconsciously take a deep breath when laughing, clearing the respiratory tract and making breathing more smooth.

5. The most comfortable way to nourish the lungs-press Yingxiang point

Yingxiang point is located at the junction of alar and nasolabial groove, one on the left and one on the right.

External air enters the respiratory tract through the nasal cavity. Pressing Yingxiang point can adjust the blood supply of nasal mucosa, which is conducive to heating and moistening inhaled gas, sticking toxic gas and discharging it through nasal scab and snot, purifying the respiratory environment inside the nasal cavity and promoting the health of the respiratory tract. Massage it 20~30 times a day.

Ziyin Runfei Tea

1. Component analysis

◎ Boat-fruited Sterculia has the effects of clearing away heat and moistening lung, relieving sore throat and opening voice, and relaxing bowels.

◎ Ophiopogon japonicus has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening lung, benefiting stomach and promoting fluid production, and clearing heart and removing annoyance.

◎ Mulberry leaves have the functions of dispersing wind and heat, clearing away lung-heat, moistening dryness, calming the liver and suppressing yang, and clearing the liver and improving eyesight.

◎ Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch has the effects of invigorating spleen and qi, eliminating phlegm and relieving cough.

Step 2: Making method

Take 2 boat-fruited Sterculia, 5g of Ophiopogon japonicus, 3g of mulberry leaves and 3g of licorice to make a cup of tea for nourishing yin and moistening lung. Drinking a cup every day can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, which is suitable for office people with faster pace of life to drink it to nourish the lungs.

Taboo crowd: Ziyin Runfei tea is cold, and it is not recommended for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and pregnant women.

In addition to tea, some foods in daily life also have a good lung moistening effect. Pear, tremella and pumpkin can be put together to make soup, and a little rock sugar can be added. This soup also has a good effect of nourishing and moistening the lungs.

Source: Health consultation WeChat WeChat official account (ID: ahtvjkdwz)

Original title: "It is urgent for the whole people to raise their lungs! This "five best" lung-nourishing method should be put away quickly ~ (with lung-nourishing exercises and dietotherapy) "

8 secrets of running without fatigue

8 tips for running no matter how far you are! Learn in 3 minutes, easily run for 10 kilometers, and the fat reduction effect is particularly good!
It’s not easy to make content, thank you for moving your hands, like+collection support! Let’s talk about it next!
Pre-run skills:
17 minutes full, and exercise 30 minutes after meals.
Don’t eat greasy and indigestible things before running! To avoid hypoglycemia, a cup of black coffee and two slices of whole wheat bread are good choices!
2 Warm-up skills before running
Remember to collect the 6 moves you must do before running, and the national team is also using them!
A. Walking around the thigh
B. Hold your legs while walking
C. Hip abduction during marching
D. Hold your head and touch your knees while moving.
E. Raise your legs during the journey
F. Kicking after moving.
3 Running shoes selection skills
Remember this formula! The choice of BMI<24 is lightweight cushioning running shoes; 24<=BMI<=28 Choose heavy running shoes; If BMI>28, don’t run, you need to lose weight before running!
I wore Anta Hydrogen Run 4.0 today and just finished 10 kilometers! Run very lightly! I want to recommend it to boys and girls with normal weight!
Running skills:
4 jogging for the first 2 kilometers (a better way to lose weight: Tolek running+maximum aerobic heart rate running)
Recommend two professional running methods, you can run more effectively and reduce fat better!
A. Tolek runs for 1 minute, runs fast, and jogs for 1 minute.
B. Maximum aerobic heart rate Keep your heart rate below 180- your age when running.
5 Breathing skills
Keep breathing in two steps and breathing in two steps when running, and you will find it easier and more carefree!
6-step frequency technique
Keep the pace frequency of the first runner between 170 and 180, and you will save more effort! A pair of lightweight running shoes will also help you improve your pace!
Post-run skills:
7 run and then walk for 2 minutes.
Don’t stop at once after running! Walking for 2 minutes is good for heart health and slow down the heart rate!
8 stretching skills after running
If you don’t stretch after running, your muscles will be stiff, your legs will be thick and your pain will come! These six must do stretching, remember to put them away!
A. Stretching the front thigh (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
B. Stretching the back of thigh (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
C. Stretching the front side of the calf (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
D. Stretching the back of calf (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
E. Hip stretching (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
F stretching iliopsoas muscle (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
Finally, three suggestions for beginners:
1 Don’t run every day! Otherwise, almost 100% will encounter pain.
Step by step: increase the running volume by 10% every week! Not 5 kilometers today, 10 kilometers tomorrow.
3 wear professional running shoes! Can better protect your ankles and knees.


Where are the reserve talents of volleyball in China?

  Because of the existence of China Women’s Volleyball Team, China people have always maintained deep feelings for volleyball, and the talent training and sustainable development of China volleyball have also been highly concerned.

  However, in terms of the professional development of the project, China volleyball and the other two big ball projects &mdash; &mdash; There is still a big gap between football and basketball.

  Insiders pointed out that the sustainable development of volleyball in China can not be separated from the growth of campus volleyball, considering the characteristics of volleyball and the development experience of some developed countries. At present, more system construction and policy support are needed in this field.

  Shi Yongming, the former head coach of Beijing Women’s Volleyball Team, who has been engaged in school volleyball for a long time, brought out the men’s volleyball team of the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology, which was once famous in the domestic volleyball field.

  After 2018, Shi Yongming left the front line of the school volleyball team due to injury, but before that, Shi Yongming had been a middle school volleyball coach for more than 10 years.

  What makes Shi Yongming proud is that over the years, many professional volleyball players have come out from the men’s volleyball team of the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology, and almost all the players have passed the university as they wish, among which there are not a few students who have entered famous universities such as Tsinghua University and China Renmin University.

  Shi Yongming told reporters that children who play volleyball have a way out, which is the key factor to attract children to participate in volleyball and the school to support volleyball.

  "Volleyball itself is also a sport that tests the IQ of athletes," Shi Yongming said. Although the physical condition of volleyball players is very important, the IQ and education level of athletes can not be ignored.

  Shi Yongming recalled to reporters his experience of leading the men’s volleyball team of the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology to participate in a national competition &mdash; &mdash; At that time, the physical conditions of many teams participating in the competition were superior to those of the men’s volleyball team in the middle school attached to Beijing Institute of Technology, which made the children of the men’s volleyball team in the middle school attached to Beijing Institute of Technology afraid.

  Shi Yongming told them that volleyball can’t be played well just by the height of the players, and athletes with good physical conditions may not know volleyball better. In that competition, the men’s volleyball team attached to the Middle School of Beijing Institute of Technology finally broke into the top five. This unexpected achievement not only greatly enhanced the confidence of the players, but also made them understand volleyball better.

  Shi Yongming said that the achievements of some foreign teams have shown that volleyball is not only about athletes’ bodies, but the rise of Thai women’s volleyball team is a good example.

  Shi Yongming believes that whether volleyball players can use their brains to play ball is closely related to their education level, which makes him firmly believe that the future of volleyball in China lies in the campus.

  In fact, from the current training of volleyball reserve talents in China, it is also the wish of many young volleyball players to go to college with their volleyball expertise.

  Chen Wang, head coach of Beijing Youth Women’s Volleyball Team, recently told reporters that young women’s volleyball players are between the ages of 15 and 18, which is the age when they are ready to take the university entrance exam. Most parents of the players at this age have the hope that their children will take the university entrance exam.

  If parents think that continuing to take the volleyball road is not conducive to their children’s college entrance examination, then they will often let their children give up volleyball.

  Chen Wang said that the players of Beijing Young Women’s Volleyball Team mainly come from sports schools in various districts of Beijing, traditional volleyball schools in middle schools and selected from other places, but no matter which channel the players are transported from, their families will basically consider their children’s going to college.

  "So, on the one hand, from our Beijing Youth Team, the players are both training and learning, ensuring that the players are trained and studied for half a day; On the other hand, we are constantly conveying a message to the parents of the players: it is not contradictory for children to take the volleyball professional road and go to college. "

  "We have a lot of volleyball players who are college students, and the state has preferential policies for excellent athletes to attend universities without examination. It is completely a misunderstanding of parents that children can only choose between becoming professional volleyball players and going to college. "

  In addition, Chen Wang also hopes that parents can notice that sports also bring children the shaping of will quality, sense of honor, values and other aspects, which can provide hidden bonus points for children to better go to society in the future.

  Another place worthy of parents’ attention is that the sports industry is a sunrise industry in China. Keeping children’s sports expertise will help them to have wider career choices in the future.

  Students from Zhangye Middle School in Gansu Province are having a volleyball friendly match on the playground.

  In 1990s, the professionalization reform of volleyball in China started immediately after football and basketball, but today, there is still a significant gap between the professionalization development of volleyball in China and football and basketball. The relatively weak professionalism makes the future development of volleyball in China more prominent in the construction of school volleyball system.

  According to Li Shiguang, a physical education teacher and volleyball coach in high school affiliated to renmin university of china, the promotion of volleyball in primary and secondary schools is accelerating. For example, there was no volleyball in physical education class, but in the new curriculum standard, small volleyball will be taught in physical education class from the third grade, which can be said to be a "zero" breakthrough in the school teaching system.

  Li Shiguang said that small volleyball is not only different from adult volleyball in name, but also has corresponding standards in terms of venue, equipment, teaching and competition according to children’s age and physical and mental characteristics.

  It is expected that small volleyball will be launched in qualified schools in China as soon as the spring semester starts in 2023.

  Li Shiguang has been a school volleyball coach for more than 20 years. He believes that children are a blank sheet of paper, and they can be interested in any sport. As far as volleyball is concerned, what children need is the opportunity to contact, understand and learn volleyball.

  The most important thing for the development of volleyball is the increase of volleyball population. Only when the volleyball population is large can more volleyball athletes be selected.

  On the other hand, only with a large volleyball population can we better cultivate volleyball culture and let more people understand volleyball, not just watch it.

  According to the statistics of China Volleyball Association, in recent years, the scale of volleyball reserve talents in China is on the rise.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Youth Training Department of China Volleyball Association, China Volleyball Association has promoted the further development of youth volleyball in China by increasing the number of teams of young age groups in the National Games, canceling the entry barriers of national U-series volleyball events, transferring coaches from the top teams of national middle school students to the national team, and launching national small volleyball summer camps and championship activities.

  However, affected by the change of enrollment policy for sports specialty students, there are still many difficulties in establishing a one-stop training system for volleyball talents from primary school to middle school to university.

  Shi Yongming believes that the most important position for the long-term development of volleyball in China is on campus. The cultivation of volleyball competitive talents needs to pay equal attention to sports training and cultural education. At the same time, the most potential group to increase the volleyball population is students.

"Old House" Becomes "New House" More than 600 households in Chongqing have a group dinner together.

The picture shows the community residents getting together to pack jiaozi. Photo by zhōng·yǐ
(Going to the Grassroots in the Spring Festival) "Old Houses" Become "New Houses" More than 600 households in Chongqing have a reunion dinner together.
Zhongxin. com, Chongqing, January 16 th Title: "Old House" has changed into "New House". More than 600 households in Chongqing have a group dinner together.
Zhongxin. com reporter zhōng·yǐ
Bao jiaozi, writing Spring Festival couplets, painting sugar people … On the 16th, in Xingjiaqiao Community, Renhe Street, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing, there was a surge of "flavor of the year" everywhere. More than 600 households in the community gathered together to share the reunion dinner, raise a glass to celebrate the change of hundreds of households’ "old houses" into "new houses", and "happily move to new homes and celebrate the New Year" to wish a better life in the future.
The picture shows the activities of writing Spring Festival couplets in the community. Photo by zhōng·yǐ
The resettlement houses in Xingjiaqiao community have just undergone a comprehensive renovation project that lasted for nearly a year, which has improved the problems of old houses, old hospitals, old houses, old facilities and poor living environment in this area. At the beginning of 2020, the comprehensive renovation of 488 residential houses in the community was gradually completed, and residents moved back to their new homes one after another.
The picture shows more than 600 households in the community gathered together to share the reunion dinner. Photo by Zhong Xin
Through the photo exhibition, video materials and lively reunion dinner set up on the spot, the reporter felt the great changes in the lives of the residents in the area and their joy on their faces.
Xingjiaqiao Community is one of the earliest development and construction areas in the whole Liangjiang New Area. The community resettlement house was built in 1992, and it is a multi-storey brick-concrete structure commercial and residential building. Due to the early development and construction, it is obviously difficult to compare the planning layout, housing standards and materials used in the resettlement housing area with those in the modern community. In addition, after more than 20 years of baptism, the area has changed from a "new village" that everyone yearns for to an old old street.
The picture shows more than 600 households in the community gathered together to share the reunion dinner. Photo by Zhong Xin
"There are poor supporting facilities, poor security, poor municipal foundation, poor sanitary environment and poor living conditions. The poor living environment makes residents strongly hope to change the status quo." Xie Lan, secretary of the Party Committee of Xingjiaqiao Community, who has been rooted in the community for 17 years, said that 465 of the 488 houses leaked to varying degrees, and the walls and roofs of the living room and bedroom fell off; Cover the bed with film to keep out dust during the day, and lift it at night to sleep. From time to time, large pieces of dust and sand fall off the roof, which makes you sleepy. Cooking and cooking in the kitchen often leaves dust, adding some "seasoning" to the dishes; Don’t even dare to go to the toilet for a while, or you’ll have to take an umbrella and wear a straw hat. These are the true portrayal of residents’ life before the renovation of old houses.
All this is due to a policy that ushered in a "turning point"-in 2017, the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government included the renovation and upgrading of old residential areas in the urban upgrading action plan, and Xingjiaqiao community was included in the comprehensive renovation scope, involving 488 sets of resettlement houses, 91 facades and 1,422 people. The Management Committee of the Party Working Committee of Liangjiang New Area decided to renovate the area with the concept of urban repair and ecological restoration and the principles of safety, functionality, practicality, appreciation and economy.
At the end of 2018, the pilot building of Xingjiaqiao Community Comprehensive Improvement Project started. In March 2019, the comprehensive improvement project was officially launched.
It is worth mentioning that in the process of promoting the renovation of Xingjiaqiao’s old house, Xie Lan and his team worked with the spirit of "5+2" and "white+black", and reversed the residents’ attitude by organizing residents’ meetings, visiting door to door, customizing the plan for one household and decorating the model room. After being diagnosed with lung cancer, Xie Lan insisted on working despite illness, and won with tenacity, ingenuity, strength and enthusiasm.
On January 13th, 2020, Ms. Luo, the last resident who signed the resettlement house renovation project in Xingjiaqiao Community, Renhe Street, Liangjiang New District, came to the community office to sign the consent form for the renovation. It marks that the consent rate of Xingjiaqiao community home improvement project has reached 100%.
According to reports, the renovated Xingjiaqiao community will enjoy a five-story community service center, add about 800 parking spaces and build a new community park of 4,000 square meters to provide residents with a safe, convenient, comfortable and livable living environment.
Braised pork with plum vegetables, round brown sugar dumplings symbolizing family reunion, and roast duck with special characteristics indicating the future prosperity … At the scene, residents of Xingjiaqiao community sat together, sipping delicious dishes and toasting each other, and the laughter and blessings merged together, and the delicious dishes conveyed friendship and were filled with happiness and warmth.
"The renovation has not been completed yet, and we can’t relax. We will start a new task tomorrow. I want to thank the residents for their trust and support. In the future, I will, as always, stick to my original heart and always stand with the residents to contribute my modest strength to the bright future of Xingjiaqiao. " Xie Lan said.

LAY plays! "Changsha Nightlife" made the opening song "Xiangjiang River Water"

1905 movie network news On April 4th,, producer, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, specially starring, and friendship starring, released the title song "Xiangjiang River Water" sung by LAY and Kung Fu Pang, which was composed and arranged by Kung Fu Pang and LAY. The two musicians who grew up in Changsha integrated the domineering and hotness of Huxiang culture into the song, and also expressed their infinite love for their hometown through this passionate "Xiangjiang River Water".

In the opening song, LAY vividly expressed the attitude of Changsha nightlife with Changsha dialect RAP. "Changsha people, Changsha soul, the Party ends in the morning" vividly explained the lively fireworks in Changsha night. The MV also launched the story line of LAY’s role. He played the role of He An, a talk show actor, who insisted on polishing jokes and performing on stage with the enthusiasm of "leading Changsha dialect to the world". Whether in songs or movies, LAY used Changsha dialect to make the audience feel the charm of Changsha nightlife.


LAY shows Changsha night attitude with dialect RAP, and "Xiangjiang River Water" sings the whole city life.

"Xiangjiang River Water" was written by LAY, a native of Changsha, and Kung Fu Pang, and their fate continued with this song. LAY also has different feelings about this song about his hometown. The title of the song is called Xiangjiang River Water because the sound of the flute flowing in the song is like the Xiangjiang River water flowing, and the sound of the flute contains the yearning for my hometown. He used Chinese-style instruments with Beatbox arrangement to make the song more ethnic. LAY also used Changsha dialect to sing this song telling the story of Changsha, hoping to make friends all over the country feel the enthusiasm and hotness of Changsha through this song, which is also the attitude of Changsha that the film "Changsha Nightlife" wants to convey.

LAY’s authentic Changsha dialect RAP injects soul into the colorful Changsha night. "This is the people of Changsha, the soul of Changsha, and the story of Changsha lives in the city of Changsha", and every word of the lyrics reflects the tyrant of Changsha. "Changsha people, the soul of Changsha, the party ends in the morning", "Take a tour in the Martyrs Park, and listen to close lovers by the boat" are combined with the pictures in the film, showing the beauty and excitement of Changsha’s streets. Xiangjiang River passes through the city, and there are fireworks in daily life. During the day, history and culture blend with each other, and at night, there is a collision between soul and food.

Since the official announcement of Nightlife in Changsha, the hot topic has continued. LAY’s opening song "Xiangjiang River Water" is full of singing, and "Watching Nightlife in Changsha during the May Day holiday" has earned the audience’s expectations.


"Cold talk show" witnessed the constant contradiction between father and son.

Changsha dialect must be an essential element in a film full of "Xiang". He An, a talk show actor played by LAY, insisted on talking in Changsha dialect and vowed to "lead Changsha dialect to the world". LAY and Luo Gang are both from Changsha, and they play a father and son. The father is puzzled by his son’s career choice, and the son is unwilling to follow his father’s ideas, which reflects the family relationship and generation gap between Chinese father and son. As soon as the authentic dialect lines come out, the life breath of Changsha will come to me.

Previously, once the video of LAY talking about talk show in the film was released, it was well received by many viewers. He An, who was pursuing her dream, met with a cold reception when she talked about the talk show in front of her father for the first time. He An’s performance was cold and her eyes were lonely. Her father sat in the audience with tears in his eyes, which even hurt many netizens. "Comedians provide joy on the stage, but they are not happy inside. The role of He An makes people feel very empathetic.". In Changsha, a city full of emotions and stories, can a father and son who care about each other but don’t know how to express themselves resolve their feelings in this ordinary Changsha night? Many viewers are curious about the subsequent development of this plot line.

[Association News] Association leaders and their party went to Yunnan Department of Commerce for docking and exchange.

  Click the "blue word" above to learn more first-hand information about the industry.

  On December 15th, Liang Yuxia, Secretary of the Association, Ma Renhong, Executive President, and Ye Suping, General Manager of Guangdong Jinze Investment Group, Vice President, and others went to Yunnan Department of Commerce for business docking and exchange. Yin Yonglin, the second-level inspector of the Department of Commerce, and leaders of Modern Logistics Industry Department, Exhibition Economy Department, Market System Construction Department, Business Service Department and ASEAN Department attended the meeting.

  The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on the deployment of Yunnan’s docking with Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area next year, the development and construction of a two-way logistics channel between Guangdong market and Yunnan market, the entry of beef cattle from Laos and Myanmar and Yunnan into Guangdong market, and the recommended products from Yunnan during the 2024 Expo.

  At the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on the application of "Air Smart Express" in Yunnan, which was highly recognized by everyone. They agreed that "Air Smart Express" is an effective way to solve the difficulties faced by the last mile logistics in mountainous areas of Yunnan, and will arrange an on-site inspection as soon as possible to study the promotion of the project.

  At the same time, a serious docking and research was carried out around the beef cattle industry and the 2024 Expo.

  Yunnan Province is the source province of "Western Cuisine Moving to the East" and "Yunnan Cuisine Entering Guangdong". At the same time, as the bridgehead area connecting "the belt and road initiative" with "Lan-Mei Region", its advantages in agricultural products and geographical location are particularly prominent. The two sides believe that through the platform of the association, we will speed up the close docking of the two markets and jointly promote the high-quality development of the regional economy in Yunnan and Guangdong provinces.

  Li Wenjie, director of Yunnan Rongwan Professional Committee of the Association, attended the meeting.