Most satisfied:High value, good performance, taking pictures is a surprise, Huawei old fans adapt faster
The least satisfied:It’s a pity that it’s not 5G.
Workmanship appearance:Originally torn to the standard black or rococo white, finally chose rococo white, the value is really high
Configuration performance:The battery life is at the level of a regular Snapdragon model, just over 6 hours and 20 minutes.
System fluency:Performance is not to worry about, with Hongmeng 3.1 to enjoy silky smoothness, while the animation has also been strengthened a lot, there is a more obvious detail, drop down the notification bar and then pull up the recycling when the recycling is closer to the upper left corner, observe the displacement of time will be obvious.
Photo effect:If you take a picture, try it, the most intuitive experience of telephoto is stable, unprecedented stability, followed by the telephoto photo formation rate is greatly improved, the night telephoto photo image quality can not be said to be much stronger than mate40PRO, especially the smearing feeling is much better, the main camera is also stronger than mate40PRO, mainly with the variable collar, the blurring of the picture is much stronger.

How to protect supermarket shopping, online car-hailing, and dining out?

  As the resumption of work and production across the country continues to advance in an orderly manner, everyone can’t help but ask in work and life: how to prevent the risk of infection when shopping in supermarkets? When traveling, how to take online taxis and taxis? What protection details should be paid attention to when eating out?… In response to these issues of public concern, the Economic Daily reporter interviewed relevant experts.

  In the season of surprise, the spring is getting stronger. With the return of spring to the earth, the resumption of work and production across the country is carried out in an orderly manner. However, at the moment of the COVID-19 epidemic, how to continue to do a good job of personal protection is still an issue that everyone needs to pay special attention to.

  Keep your distance from shopping and avoid peak crowds

  "When shopping, keep a certain distance from each other, at least one meter or more." Zhang Liubo, a researcher at the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that in order to meet the daily needs of people, stores and supermarkets have to open their doors. As consumers, they should minimize the frequency of visiting these stores and supermarkets and shorten the time when shopping. In addition to daily shopping, consumers should try to avoid wandering in stores.

  "When shopping, it is very necessary to take good personal protection." Shi Xiaoming, director of the environment institute of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, believes that the public should try to avoid the peak traffic of shopping malls and supermarkets when shopping. For example, choose non-weekend hours, or when you just open in the morning, this can reduce the chance of direct contact with other people. In addition, try to avoid taking the box elevator. If you are shopping on a lower floor, it is best to take the stairs. If you are shopping on a higher floor, it is recommended to use the escalator first. If you must take the box elevator, you can wait for the next elevator when there are many people in the elevator, and keep a safe distance from other people when taking the elevator. In addition, wear a mask correctly and do good hand hygiene throughout the journey.

  Open more windows in a taxi and do a good job of hand hygiene

  When traveling for a long distance, how do you take online taxis and taxis? In this regard, Zhang Liubo said that taxis and online taxis have a relatively independent space, and you need to do five things during the ride:

  The first is to ensure that the driver is not infected. A health declaration system can be established to carry out temperature testing; drivers need to wear masks throughout the journey, and often do hand hygiene, which is the most basic requirement. Second, before the vehicle leaves the car every day, door handles, seats, handrails and other places should be cleaned and disinfected. Third, during driving, if conditions permit, windows should be opened as much as possible when the outside temperature is suitable to ensure better air communication. Fourth, before passengers get on the bus, open the door for a minute or two to give the car an opportunity for air exchange. You can also use disinfectant paper towels to wipe and disinfect the positions that may be encountered. Most importantly, passengers should wear masks throughout the ride and do hand hygiene after the ride. Fifth, when paying, promote contactless payment.

  Travel remotely, don’t wait too early

  For people who travel remotely by train, plane, and other means of transportation, Zhang Liubo recommends:

  First, you should pay attention to the timetable and not wait too early in crowded areas such as railway stations and terminals. This can not only reduce the density of people in such public places, but also avoid being in a relatively closed environment for a long time. Of course, some transportation departments also have relevant regulations that cannot enter the station 2 hours or 3 hours in advance.

  Second, passengers should take good personal protection when entering the station, wear masks throughout the process, minimize contact with public facilities and public goods, and avoid too much communication with strangers. They should also maintain good hand hygiene as soon as possible.

  The third is to keep quiet and avoid noise when riding these means of transportation. When individuals cough or sneeze, they should pay attention to civilized etiquette, cover their mouths and noses with paper towels or their arms; if they go to the bathroom, they should pay attention to the surfaces of handrails and door handles. Once they come into contact with these items, they should do a good job of hand hygiene in time.

  Fourth, when travel conditions permit, it is best to sit as far away from the seat as possible.

  Eating out, try to pay without contact

  How to take personal protection during restaurant queuing and dining? Zhang Liubo said that during the queuing process, the public should wear masks, reduce language communication, and maintain a certain safe distance from neighboring customers. If you sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or use elbow shielding measures. When picking up meals, individuals should avoid directly touching the surfaces of frequently touched objects with their hands; when paying, they should try to choose electronic payment methods such as QR codes that are not in direct contact, and reduce the use of cash settlement.

  In addition, before eating, individuals should choose tables and chairs with clean surfaces, preferably near doors and windows and other well-ventilated locations. They should pay attention to hand hygiene and wash their hands with hand sanitizer under running water, or disinfect them with disinfectant.

  During the meal, when individuals take off their masks, they must pay attention to keeping the inside of the masks clean to avoid pollution. They should avoid sitting face-to-face, preferably in the same direction, and the distance between them should be more than 1 meter. They should shorten the dining time and reduce the communication between colleagues. If there are many people in the restaurant, packing is a better choice. After the meal, individuals should leave the restaurant immediately to reduce their stay.

  Reduce meetings and increase temperature monitoring

  After the resumption of work, it is inevitable that the company will hold a meeting. During the meeting, local personnel can gather, so it is very important to do a good job in hygiene protection. In this regard, Zhang Liubo has 4 suggestions:

  The first is to ensure the ventilation and ventilation of the conference room; the second is to clean and disinfect the conference room desktops, handles, and floors in a timely manner; the third is to minimize the frequency of meetings, shorten the meeting time, pay attention to the distance between participants, and wear masks; the fourth is that if it can be turned into a network conference, video conference, or WeChat meeting, it is best to use these methods instead.

  For enterprises with employees living in collective dormitories, how to prevent and control the epidemic? Shi Xiaoming suggested that for the personnel living in collective dormitories, daily temperature monitoring should be strengthened, and the body temperature should be checked every time they enter the collective dormitory. This is a universal measure for everyone. Once people with abnormal body temperature are found, they should be immediately transferred to a temporary isolation area and disposed of in accordance with relevant regulations. In addition, dormitories should have windows and regular ventilation. For dormitories without windows, mechanical exhaust equipment such as exhaust fans should be installed; washbasins should be equipped with hand disinfection products and regularly cleaned and disinfected. At the same time, the number of people living in collective dormitories should be strictly controlled.

  Public transportation system, increase the frequency of disinfection

  For traveling by public transportation, Zhang Liubo introduced that bus companies should arrange vehicles appropriately according to traffic counting, try to evacuate passenger flow and reduce the congestion of carriages. When conditions permit, vehicles should open windows for ventilation as much as possible during driving, and try to increase the frequency of disinfection while ensuring safety. In addition, passengers, attendants, and drivers should wear masks; passengers should try to keep a certain distance from each other when riding.

  Due to the relatively fixed station of the subway, it is recommended to strengthen personnel guidance and control the number of people entering the station; increase the temperature detection device in the station hall; increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of public facilities and public areas to ensure the normal operation of the air conditioning in the platform; before each trip, clean and disinfect the interior of the carriage, paying special attention to ensure the normal operation of the ventilation system of the carriage; operators, including platform service personnel, should wear masks; make full use of radio, television, posters, and reminders to publicize relevant prevention and control knowledge; passengers should wear masks throughout the ride and do a good job of hand hygiene after the ride.

  Nursery institutions, full health knows the real situation

  In the near future, childcare institutions in some areas are about to open parks. How to protect against the epidemic? Zhang Liubo said that childcare institutions should carry out relevant work from three aspects:

  First, before the opening of the kindergarten, the kindergarten should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to ensure that the classrooms are well ventilated, and relevant material reserves should be made, and the kindergarten teachers should master these prevention and control knowledge. In addition, the most critical point is to know the real situation of the health status of all teaching staff and children. Only children can enter the kindergarten if they are healthy. Second, if the epidemic is over, the kindergarten can be implemented according to the normal teaching order; if there are still cases, we must take corresponding preventive measures and make an emergency plan, especially to strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of the environment and items, as well as hand hygiene and personal protection. Third, once suspected cases occur, they must be dealt with quickly according to the emergency plan. ( Economic Daily · China Economic Net reporter, Wu Jiajia)

Andy Lau holds a concert in Singapore on his 58th birthday, and fans sing the birthday song

Last night, Andy Lau held his second concert in Singapore, and there was still a lot of singing and dancing at the scene. But what was even more noticeable was that at halftime, all the fans began to sing the birthday song. It turned out that today was Andy Lau’s 58th birthday, so the fans had been preparing for a big surprise for Andy Lau.

Andy was also touched by the fans that day, and Andy kept blowing kisses to the fans, and the whole scene was real spectacular. Presumably only Andy can have such treatment, so Andy also sang with the fans at the scene. The scene was really warm and harmonious, so Andy kept blowing kisses to the fans.

Andy Lau’s first concert in Singapore was also quite exciting, and Andy Lau was also moved to tears by the fans at the scene, and began to sob directly at the scene, which made the fans really feel distressed and comforted Andy to be strong, because you have always been accompanied by us.

This time Andy Lau’s "my love" world tour concert can be said to be quite successful. For example, the recent concert in Malaysia was also proposed by female fans on the spot. It can be said that this time Andy Lau really has surprises everywhere. So "my love" is the love that Andy Lau gives to fans, and it is also the love that fans give to Andy Lau.

On Andy Lau’s 58th birthday, the whole concert in Singapore sang the birthday song, and Andy blew kisses. At the same time, Andy Lau also sang classic songs such as "Chinese" at the concert, which made the Chinese fans on the scene excited again. I have to say that Andy is really a well-deserved idol. We also hope that Andy’s concert will be a complete success. Happy birthday.

Lynk & Co 05/Volkswagen Viloran leads the new car to be launched in May

New car features: NEDC battery life up to 530km
IPO time: May 10

  The Jianghuai iC5 is based on Jianghuai’s new 432 platform, and its appearance and shape are similar to the Jiayue A5 on the same platform. Its appearance is very simple and handsome, and the polyline design can be seen everywhere. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4770/1820/1514mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2760mm. The rear of the vehicle is clearly layered, and the opening shape on both sides of the rear insurance echoes the design of the front of the car.

Jianghuai Automobile, Jianghuai iC5 2020, Deluxe Urban Edition

Jianghuai Automobile, Jianghuai iC5 2020, Deluxe Urban Edition

  The interior of the Jianghuai iC5 uses a black rice color scheme + chrome plating + piano paint trim to bring a good texture. The large central control screen and simple design style enhance the sense of technology in the car a lot. In terms of configuration, the car has 64-color ambient lights, as well as a powerful vehicle to everything car system. Built-in iFLYTEK intelligent voice control, can recognize a variety of dialects, and controls multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, sunroof, etc., through voice control, and also has car Wi-Fi.

Jianghuai Automobile, Jianghuai iC5 2020, Deluxe Urban Edition

Jianghuai Automobile, Jianghuai iC5 2020, Deluxe Urban Edition

  In terms of active and passive safety configuration, the JAC iC5 high-end model features intelligent ramp assistance, body stabilization system, ABS + EBD, emergency braking assistance, adaptive cruise, lane keeping assistance, lane departure warning, traffic sign recognition, and more.

Jianghuai Automobile, Jianghuai iC5 2020, Deluxe Urban Edition

  The new car retains the hatchback tailgate design of the Jianghuai Jiayue A5, which is rare in models of the same class. In addition, the rear air conditioner is out of trend and the rear seats are divided into 4/6 proportions. In terms of power, the Jianghuai iC5 has a maximum power of 204 horsepower and a peak torque of 340 Nm. The acceleration time of 0-100km/h is 7.6 seconds. With a 64.5kWh lithium battery, the NEDC battery life can reach 530km.

Editor’s comment:

  The appearance of the Jianghuai iC5 is very simple and spiritual, giving people a good first impression, and I believe it will win the favor of young people. Since it is a pure electric car, the cruising range is naturally the focus of everyone’s attention. The official data of the Jianghuai iC5 is 530km (NEDC battery life), which is also good. As for the configuration, it is comparable to the Chinese brand models of the same class, and it is difficult to distinguish between the top and the bottom.

  In the case of a relatively balanced book strength, the deciding elements also include the texture of driving and interior materials, which can only be evaluated when we get the Jianghuai iC5 test car. For Jianghuai, it is also necessary to set an attractive and competitive price for the iC5 to make up for the weakness of brand recognition.

Zero run T03
New car features: miniature car/battery life up to 403km
IPO time: May 11

  As early as April 10, the Zero Run T03 had been on pre-sale. The new car was positioned as a miniature pure electric vehicle, and the appearance adopted what the official called the "curved design aesthetic" style, which looked quite cute. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the T03 were 3620/1652/1577mm respectively, and the wheelbase was 2400mm.

Zero Run Car, Zero Run T03 2020, Trial Car

Zero Run Car, Zero Run T03 2020, Trial Car

  The interior design of the new car is simple, and the central control screen integrates most functions. The Zero Run T03 is quite high, such as facial recognition start system, Leap On smart car system, etc.; and the T03 has the hardware foundation of "3 cameras + 1 millimeter wave radar + 11 ultrasonic radar" and up to 10 autonomous driving auxiliary features, including: APS intelligent parking system, ACC adaptive cruise system, LDW lane departure warning system, LKA lane keeping assistance system, FCW front collision warning system, AEB automatic emergency braking system, etc.

Zero Run Car, Zero Run T03 2020, Trial Car

  In terms of power, the Zero Run T03 is equipped with the Heracles electric drive assembly independently developed by Zero Run, with a maximum power of 55kW (75Ps) and a maximum torque of 155Nm. The battery pack adopts the ternary lithium battery of Ningde era, and the energy density of the battery system is as high as 171Wh/kg. According to the previous declaration information, the battery capacity of the new car is 31kWh and 38kWh, and the corresponding NEDC cruising range is 300km and 403km respectively.

Editor’s comment:

  The Zero Run T03 is positioned as a mini car. From the perspective of body length (3620mm), it is longer than the Euler R1 (3495mm) and BYD e1 (3465mm). In addition, the slightly square body helps to improve the head space of the second row. So the Zero Run T03 gives people the feeling of a more practical mini car.

  At present, the Zero Running T03 has started pre-sale, and the pre-sale price after subsidy is less than 80,000 yuan. Surprisingly, its configuration is very awesome, and this level of models equipped with L2-level intelligent driving assistance is indeed rare. At the same time, the new car is also equipped with the Leap On smart car system. Most importantly, its range is enough to complete the task of daily city commuting.

New car features: plug-in hybrid model
IPO time: May 18

  As a plug-in hybrid model, SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 5 PLUG IN continues the overall shape of the EUNIQ 5, both of which also adopt a new energy design style. The closed air intake grille is embellished with blue elements, and a larger front lip is added under the front surround. The shovel-like shape highlights the movement and looks very fashionable.



  From the side, the standard MPV style design adds a sense of style to the new car due to the use of a suspended roof. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4825/1825/1778mm, and the wheelbase is 2800mm.

SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 5 2019, Comfort Edition

"The picture shows SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 5"

  In terms of the interior, the new car should still use the pure electric version of the interior layout, equipped with a 7-inch LCD instrument panel and a 12.3-inch floating touch screen, and equipped with "Zebra Zhixing System". The new car offers wireless charging, head-up display, automatic emergency braking, lane keeping assistance, panoramic imaging, panoramic sunroof and seat heating.

SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 5 2019, Comfort Edition

"The picture shows SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 5"

  Power is the biggest highlight of the new car. The motor of the new 1.3T engine forms a plug-in gasoline-electric hybrid power system, with a maximum engine power of 163 horsepower and a maximum motor power of 82 horsepower. The comprehensive pure electric cruising range is 64km.

Editor’s comment:

  SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 5 PLUG IN is a plug-in hybrid model. For many friends, it is undoubtedly a more secure choice at present, without mileage anxiety, and at the same time can be supported by relevant policies. Since it is built on the same platform as the EUNIQ 5 pure electric version, their appearance, interior and even configuration will not be significantly different. Recently, SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 5 PLUG IN has opened pre-sale, and the new car will launch 5 models. The only suspense is the price.

New car features: two power versions/power balance
IPO time: May 18

  The SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 is based on the SAIC MAXUS MERA intelligent scalable mid-size vehicle platform, which is compatible with pure electric, hybrid, and fuel powertrain layouts.

SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 2020 1.3T PLUG IN Geek Full Edition

  Among them, the EUNIQ 6 PLUG IN (hereinafter referred to as the plug-in hybrid version) adopts a new air intake grille design. The appearance of blue decorative strips emphasizes the new energy identity of the new car. At the same time, blue decoration is also added to the headlight group to highlight. In addition, the new car shape is basically the same as the fuel car, and even equipped with the same 19-inch wheels.

SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 2020 PRO 510 Edition

  The EUNIQ 6 is a pure electric model with a more futuristic feel. The new car has cancelled the plug-in hybrid version of the air intake grille shape, and the design of the full LED headlight group has been continued, resulting in a very fashionable visual effect. In addition, the new car will also be equipped with a separately designed low wind resistance rim, and the two exhaust layouts at the tail side have been cancelled, and the chrome decoration design has been changed. In terms of size, the two models remain the same, with a length, width and height of 4735/1860/1736mm respectively, and a wheelbase of 2760mm.

SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 2019, trial vehicle

  In terms of interior layout, the two use the same design. The leather-wrapped interior with stitching process and Alcantara fabric seats enhance the texture of the vehicle, and the 12.3-inch full LCD meter, head-up display and 14-inch center console display are equipped to further enhance the technological atmosphere of the vehicle. The 14-inch central control display adopts touch design and is embedded with Zebra Zhixing Internet System 3.0, which can control air conditioning, music, navigation, sunroof opening/closing, express inquiry, weather inquiry and other functions through voice.

SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 2019, trial vehicle

  In addition, the air-conditioning control area of the new car is also integrated into the central control screen, making the center console appear very simple. However, the new car does not cancel all physical buttons, and there are necessary driving auxiliary features around the shift lever.

SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 2019, trial vehicle

  It is reported that SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 will also support SAIC MAXUS’s C2B intelligent customization mode. In terms of configuration, it also provides panoramic sunroof, 64-color ambient light, electric tailgate, mobile phone wireless charger, etc. In terms of safety configuration, it provides panoramic surround view system (360-degree panoramic image + transparent chassis system), parking sentry mode, tire pressure monitoring, DRS driver identification system, and supports Face ID to start the vehicle, driver fatigue reminder, in-car environment remote monitoring, etc.

SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 2019 PLUG IN test vehicle

  In terms of power, the EUNIQ 6 PLUG IN is equipped with a plug-in gasoline-electric hybrid system composed of a motor of SAIC GM’s 1.3T engine. The maximum power of the engine is 163 horsepower, the maximum power of the motor is 82 horsepower, and the comprehensive pure electric cruising range is 62km.

SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 2019, trial vehicle

  The EUNIQ 6 will be equipped with a motor with a maximum power of 177 horsepower and a peak torque of 310 Nm. The power battery is a ternary lithium battery provided by Ningde Times, with a battery capacity of 70kW · h. It has the latest generation of battery heating management system and battery management system, supports fast charging mode, and has a range of 510km under NEDC comprehensive operating conditions.

Editorial comments:

  SAIC MAXUS EUNIQ 6 can be seen as a main force for SAIC MAXUS to enter the new energy market, as a medium-sized SUV. Thanks to the generalization of the MERA platform, the new car has adopted a more mature design style. Judging from the upcoming version, the pure electric version and the plug-in hybrid version have a double insurance feeling. For SAIC MAXUS, in addition to the strength of the product itself, it is necessary to quickly improve the brand’s recognition among consumers, which takes time to accumulate.

Why did Volvo and Krypton choose their batteries?

On April 27th, an interview with the theme of "Walking in the Pioneer Area to See Green, Low Carbon and High Quality Development" entered Shandong Geely Xinwangda Power Battery Co., Ltd. As the undertaker of Geely Automobile’s latest pure electric and hybrid platform power battery manufacturing, with the world’s first advantage of Xinwangda hybrid battery production capacity and Geely Group’s multi-brand and multi-series automobile resource endowment, we cooperate and support each other, and give priority to the supply of many popular models such as Lectra, Krypton, Volvo and Smart, helping enterprises to develop circularly and comprehensively utilize product resources. (Public Daily Public News Client Reporter Ma Haiyan Zhang Ziliang Tang Yi Gong Shan Planning Ma Yufeng Zhang Huanze)

Positioning young Nordic wind LYNK&CO two concept cars released

  [New Car Launch] LYNK&CO, a brand-new brand of Geely Group, officially released the Harmony. The new car is built on the CMA platform jointly developed by Geely and Geely, in which 01 will be officially mass-produced as the first model of LYNK&CO in 2017, and will be listed in China at the end of 2017. Meanwhile, the Lynk & Co brand will gradually enter the European and North American markets.

Home of the car

『LYNC&CO 01 concept car

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

『LYNK concept car

LYNK&CO 01 concept car

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  LYNK&CO 01 concept car is located in a model, which is built by Gothenburg styling center led by Peter Hobury, deputy director of Geely Group, and its overall style is very fashionable. The large mouth air intake grille gives people a very layered feeling. At the same time, the headlight group adopts split design, in which the light band shape is very individual, while the high beam and low beam groups are hidden on both sides of the grille, which makes the front face of the whole vehicle look more integrated.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  On the tail, the 01 concept car adopts L-shaped taillight design and LED light source, and presents a stereoscopic visual effect. The overall design is coordinated, the lines are full, and it doesn’t look stingy.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  In terms of interior, the new car adopts a 10-inch full LCD instrument panel with mechanical instrument combination design, and is equipped with interior atmosphere lights, a 10.1-inch touch screen, an electronic shift lever, etc. to increase the sense of technology. On the whole, the new car focuses on Nordic style, and the design is simple and fashionable.

Home of the car

  LYNK&CO brand official said that this concept car is "the product that best represents intelligent interconnection technology". Based on the open digital platform, it will cooperate with the world’s leading technology companies. Therefore, interconnection is also one of the main aspects of LYNK&CO brand in the future.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with 1.5T three-cylinder and 2.0T four-cylinder matched with CMA platform in the future, as well as hybrid system and pure electric system. In terms of transmission, it will be matched with a brand-new 7-speed, and the new car will also be equipped with a four-wheel drive system.

LYNK concept car

Home of the car

  Compared with LYNK&CO 01 concept car, this concept car named LYNK has no mass production plan. It is just an attempt by the designer for LYNK&CO brand. The new car adopts a four-door coupe design and looks very dynamic as a whole. The front face of the new car still uses a large mouth grille design, while the headlight group uses a more simplified LED light source. Compared with LYNK&CO 01 concept car, the new car has more muscular lines.

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

  In terms of body, the new car adopts a four-door style that tilts upwards and looks very individual. In the tail shape, we can see the sense of movement of its design, and the taillight group adopts integrated light belt design, which gives people a very fashionable feeling.

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

  In terms of interior, the concept car is even more exaggerated. The steering wheel with more sporty shape is equipped with a full LCD instrument panel and a central control LCD screen, which gives people a more futuristic feeling. At the same time, the 2+2-type four-seat chair looks very design-oriented.

Introduction of CMA platform

Home of the car

  With regard to the platform, the 01 concept car is built on the CMA modular platform of Geely Group. The CMA platform is a brand-new intermediate car basic module structure led by Volvo Cars and jointly developed by Geely Cars and Volvo Cars. The platform has been developed in the European Research and Development Center (CEVT) of Geely Cars for more than three years, and can be adjusted according to the positioning and length of different models, covering small, compact and corresponding product layouts. In the future, a new generation of Volvo 40 series models will be born on this platform.

LYNK&CO brand introduction:

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  LYNK&CO brand is a brand-new brand created by Geely Group. Its positioning is between Geely brand and Volvo brand under the group, focusing on Nordic style, and it will become a competitor of overseas mainstream brands including and.

Home of the car

  LYNK&CO is a combination of two English words. LYNK means connection and interconnection, which represents the cooperative nature of the brand and the future development route of intelligent interconnection. It is expected to join the ranks of future mobile travel service providers. CO has no specific meaning, its meaning is to make the brand name more catchy, thus showing that the new brand is young and full of vitality.

  In the future, the brand will build matrix products based on CMA platform. The first production car will be a compact SUV, code-named C11, which will adopt the overall design language of 01 concept car. In the future, LYNK&CO brand will also enter the China market in the future, so as to compete with Volkswagen, Ford and other brands. (Text/car home Wuyuan)

  Read more:

  Promote smart interconnection? LYNK&CO’s latest trailer released

On April 26th, Cyrus was increased by 854,600 shares in Shanghai Stock Connect.

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Lei Jun personally experienced Xiaomi SU7! Watch unlock, auto-flip dashboard cool

Fast technology January 19 news, a few days ago, Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun released a video, personally taking everyone to immerse themselves in Xiaomi’s first car Xiaomi SU7.

As you can see,Lei Jun unlocked the vehicle through Xiaomi Watch, and at the same time, the tail wing also rose synchronously, which was very handsome.

After Lei Jun enters Xiaomi SU7 and starts, the main driver’s seat will be automatically adjusted to the memory position. The advantage of this function is that it is convenient to get on and off.

Xiaomi SU7 is also equipped with a dashboard that supports automatic flipping.Support to display total mileage, gear, driving mode and total energy consumption.

Finally, Lei Jun also demonstrated the head-up display function in the car, which can display information such as remaining power, speed and navigation.

The watch is unlocked, the tail wing is automatically raised, the main driver is automatically adjusted, and the dashboard is automatically turned over. It must be said that these processes in one go have already filled the sense of ceremony before Xiaomi SU7 runs.

It is worth mentioning that some netizens sincerely asked Lei Jun in the comment area: Will there be Redmi cars? ".

In this regard, Lei Jun replied: At present, we are still focusing on Xiaomi Automobile. "

Lei Jun personally experienced Xiaomi SU7! Watch unlock, auto-flip dashboard cool

It is understood that the first models of Xiaomi SU7 will be equipped with Xiaomi super motors V6 and V6s, with a speed of up to 21,000 rpm, and adopt a new super 800V silicon carbide high-voltage platform developed by Xiaomi, with a maximum voltage of up to 871V V.


There are three models of Huawei P70 full series network access.

At present, all three models of Huawei P70 series have been connected to the network, and the certification information has been announced. According to the previous planning, the P70 series should be divided into three models: P70, P70 Pro and P70 Art According to the network access information, the standard version of P70 supports Beidou satellite message, while P70 Pro and P70 Art go further and support Beidou satellite message+Tiantong-1 satellite call.

In terms of specific configuration, the P70 series will adopt the Kirin 9000S chip with the same model as the Mate 60 series, supporting 5G, which is the first time that Huawei P series has returned to Kirin since P50.

Other specifications are also high-end, with 50-megapixel main camera, periscope telephoto lens, wireless charging and satellite communication technology as standard, which greatly improves the comprehensive strength of the standard version.

As for the oversized P70 Art, it will be further upgraded. The main camera will be replaced with IMX989 one-inch sensor, telephoto module and satellite communication technology, which will bring a stronger experience.

According to various sources, Huawei P70 series is likely to join the Pioneer Program like Mate 60 series and suddenly be put on the shelves in official website at 12:08 on a certain day in April.

The driving sense is improved, and the momentum D9 welcomes the upgrade of OTA Yunnian-C.

  [car home Information] Recently, we learned from the official that (|) once again ushered in the OTA upgrade, which was mainly aimed at optimizing the Yunnian -C system to improve its driving comfort. In addition, it also includes adding pet care mode, optimizing dynamic multi-color logic of atmosphere lights, etc., as follows:

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Cloud chariot -C upgrade:

  Optimize the Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system, and the braking pitch suppression is increased by 20%, and the cornering roll suppression is increased by 12%, regardless of handling and comfort. This function upgrade corresponds to the vehicle configuration, and only applies to the models equipped with Yunnian-C.

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Pet care mode:

Start the exclusive care for pets, automatically lock the doors and windows, start the anti-misoperation function in the car, keep the constant temperature air conditioning and make the air circulate freely. This mode upgrade is only applicable to Tengshi D9 EV models.

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Optimizing dynamic multi-color logic of ambient light;

  Ambient lights can realize independent control of the whole vehicle and its partitions, freely choose colors, show smart visual effects, and change with the rhythm of music. This function optimization is applicable to Tengshi D9 DM- car.

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Optimizing the heating strategy of the main driver’s seat;

  Optimize the heating time of the main driver’s seat without waking up many times. This function optimization is applicable to Tengshi D9 DM-i model.

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  1. This upgrade will be pushed nationwide in batches. Please be patient. If there is an urgent upgrade demand, please contact the nearest Tengshi Center for assistance. 2. This upgrade is mainly aimed at 22 and 23 Tengshi D9 models (the new Tengshi D9 models have been optimized and upgraded); 3. There may be differences due to vehicle configuration and other reasons. Please refer to the prompt information of the vehicle for the specific upgrade time; 4. This push takes a long time, so it is recommended to make an appointment to upgrade and reserve sufficient upgrade time; 5. This push will not consume user traffic and can be upgraded with confidence; 6. When upgrading, please park the vehicle on a gentle road to ensure that the vehicle network signal is good, the power is higher than 20%, and the front and rear doors and the front and rear hatch covers are closed; 7. During the upgrade process, the vehicle may appear short-term prompts such as off-screen, running lights on, dashboard failure, etc. These are normal phenomena. Please don’t intervene manually or forcibly power off and restart the vehicle. You can lock the vehicle normally and leave, and the vehicle will automatically complete the upgrade. 8. If you encounter any other problems during the upgrade, please call the user care hotline at 400-039-8888 for consultation. (Compile/car home Guo Chen)