Straight down 12.4℃! Spring flashes back in Hangzhou!

According to the Central Meteorological Observatory:
20-22 February
The cold wave will continue to affect the central and eastern parts of China.
In some areas, there is a high risk of snowstorm and low temperature rain, snow and freezing disaster.
Today (February 20th) at 6 o’clock.
Six early warnings are issued!
Issued by the Central Meteorological Observatory
Cold wave orange warning, frozen yellow warning
Fog yellow warning, blizzard blue warning
Strong wind blue warning and strong convective weather blue warning
Please pay attention to safety when you return to Spring Festival travel rush!
Photo/Jiang Zhiqing
In Hangzhou
The prelude of continuous low temperature and rainy weather has also been opened.
Cool down by 12.4℃! But this is just an appetizer.
Yesterday, the highest temperature in Hangzhou Station reached 25.5℃, but in the evening, due to the influence of cold air front, the weather pattern reversed, and Hang Cheng cooled down, with rain and wind.
At 10 o’clock today, the hourly temperature at Hangzhou Station was only 9.6℃, which was 12.4℃ lower than that at the same time yesterday.
Photo/Jiang Zhiqing
Some people say that after years of cold wave, rain, snow and freezing, this coldness is nothing. Don’t be too proud, it’s just an appetizer for cold air.The real cold air body will go south from tomorrow afternoon to the day after tomorrow (21-22).
Go home early from work tomorrow!
Moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain are coming.
Tomorrow morning, the front area will be strengthened, and the shear line and the front area will be pressed southward after noon. Coupled with the warm and humid air flow, the rain will be obviously strengthened tomorrow, with moderate to heavy rain, and there will even be heavy rain in the southwest!
Not only the rain, but also the temperature will continue to drop.The lowest temperature on 22-26 days is 0 ~ 4℃ in plain area and 0 ~-3℃ in mountainous area.There is freezing. Tomorrow, the largest northerly wind will be 5-7 in the plain area, 8 in some areas, and 7-9 in the rivers and lakes and high mountains.
Next, the cold and rainy weather will last for many days, and the wet and cold sensation will linger, especially in the early stage when the temperature is high and the warm and cold turn sharply. Everyone must pay special attention to the impact of drastic temperature changes and continuous wet and cold on human health.
In addition, Spring Festival travel rush is still going on. Friends who have travel plans must pay attention to the weather conditions along the way and pay attention to traffic safety.
(Source: Hangzhou Release)

The heat of the "Lantern Festival" has soared! Henan two cities are on the list of the top ten popular lantern festivals in China.

The Lantern Festival in the Year of the Tiger coincides with the working day, but there are still a few people who enjoy the night tour after work. According to the data released by Ctrip, the booking volume of the Lantern Festival scenic spots increased by nearly 30% compared with last year, and the search popularity of the keyword "Lantern Festival" increased by 312% year-on-year. Among them, Rizhao, Shandong, Zhumadian, Henan, Zhoukou, Jincheng, Shanxi, Zhangjiakou, Hebei, Zigong, Meishan, Sichuan, Suizhou, Yining, Xinjiang and Siping, Jilin, are among the top ten cities in China that enjoy lanterns during the Lantern Festival.

The popularity of the Lantern Festival keyword "Lantern Festival" increased by 312%

Major scenic spots across the country are well prepared for festival experiences such as watching lantern exhibitions, enjoying folk customs, and night tours of intangible cultural heritage. The reporter learned from Ctrip that the booking volume of tickets for the Lantern Festival this year increased by nearly 30% compared with last year, and the search popularity of the keyword "Lantern Festival" increased by 312% year-on-year. The search volume of popular lantern festivals such as "Welcome the Spring Festival in Yuyuan Garden in 2022" and "Zigong China Lantern World" increased by more than four times compared with January.
According to the search popularity of recent lantern festivals, Ctrip counted five popular lantern festivals, namely: Zigong Zhonghua Lantern World, Yuyuan Garden in 2022 to welcome the Spring Festival (Yuyuan Lantern Festival), Longqingxia Ice Lantern, Shenyang Spring Festival Lantern Festival in 2022 and Shenzhen Bay Area Super Lantern Festival in 2022.

Young people in small towns prefer to have Lantern Festival.

It is worth mentioning that young people in small towns love Lantern Festival more than those in big cities and small towns. According to the data of Ctrip Lantern Festival, the growth rate of tourists visiting the Lantern Festival scenic spots in fourth-and fifth-tier cities is much higher than that in first-tier and new-tier cities. In the fourth-and fifth-tier cities, the growth of the Lantern Festival in this year’s Lantern Festival is 62% and 30% respectively; The growth of fourth-tier cities is 80% higher than that of new first-tier cities.
Among them, Rizhao in Shandong, Zhumadian in Henan, Zhoukou in Henan, Jincheng in Shanxi, Zhangjiakou in Hebei, Zigong in Sichuan, Meishan in Sichuan, Suizhou in Hubei, Yining in Xinjiang and Siping in Jilin have the strongest atmosphere of enjoying lanterns and observing the New Year.

After the Lantern Festival, the last round of return wave was ushered in.

After the Lantern Festival, the New Year will be over. From the traffic point of view, after the Lantern Festival, all parts of the country will welcome the last wave of return passengers. Ctrip ticket data shows that the booking volume of air tickets on the 16th day of the first month is nearly 50% higher than that on the 15th day of the first month. After the holiday, the trend of students returning to school is obvious. The number of student air tickets booked in the four days after the Lantern Festival (February 16 -19) increased by 200% compared with the previous four days. In addition, the average price of air tickets for this round of small return peak is around 600 yuan, which is more than 30% lower than the average price during the peak hours on February 5th and 6th.
Hotel bookings for Lantern Festival increased by 45%

Although the Spring Festival holiday has passed, the tourism market has not significantly "cooled down". According to data from Ctrip, the number of hotel reservations for the Lantern Festival this year has increased by 45% compared with last year. The trend of "hotel vacation" still exists, and the Lantern Festival is also a good time to punch in your favorite hotel at the wrong peak.

(Zhengguan journalist Cheng Yan)


Do you like running? What is the significance of our running?

Do you like running?


Last year, I loved running.

This year, before the Spring Festival, I saw a netizen edit it online.Strong wind blowingShort film, moved to tears.

I found the treasure., finished watching this cartoon.

it isWhere many people dream of starting.How many people fell in love with running because of this cartoon.

People who like running first will be as excited as fighting chicken blood when they come into contact with this cartoon, and all their blood will be ignited for the second time, and they really want to change their equipment and go out for running at once.

As long as there is love in our hearts, maybe we can feel the same feelings when we are moved like this.

At the beginning of the film, Keiseki rides a bike to catch up with Zangyuan and asks him with glowing eyes:Do you like running?

This is the beginning of moving this animation;

Also, the beginning of running romance;

What’s more, the place where dreams begin.

Every time I see the second time that Grey Er asks questions, the light from his eyes gives me goose bumps, which shocks my soul.


Those classic quotations that I was moved by "Strong Wind Blowing":

1. Do you like running?-Keiji Kiyoseki

2. Can only the selected people participate? Is running such a sport?-Keiji Kiyoseki

I have never really liked running before, just do what adults say …It was not until I couldn’t continue running that I really wanted to run for the first time.-Keiji Kiyoseki

4. This time, you must chase your dreams with your partners who really like running. -Keiji Kiyoseki

When I’m running, it’s the only time that I feel purified. Become pure and flawless, as if all those burdens on your shoulders can be forgotten. As long as there is a moment of happiness, then I am willing. —— Senior Nico

6. Stretch out your right foot, stretch out your left foot, and speed up a little bit. People who could only walk originally ran unconsciously. You can experience the touch of running again. -Keiji Kiyoseki

7. The biggest compliment to long-distance runners is "strong". -Keiji Kiyoseki

8. Being strong, not moving like a mountain, will not lose to your true strength. -Keiji Kiyoseki

9. Take turns to take the left and right feet, so that you can reach the finish line sooner or later. -Mr. Tanaka

10. As long as there is a road, I will run with all my strength. -Zangyuan left.

11. You should know best that you want to run, but you can’t beat the mood of a player. -Keiji Kiyoseki

12. Players don’t need to be treated gently, because they have a longing for victory. -the prince

13. I like running, I love this project deeply, and I want to throw all my attachment on this track. —— Senior Nico

14. Where should we go? Is there really an end in front of us? -Fujioka Yizhen

However, we still cannot stop. -Keiji Kiyoseki

15. The ideal appearance that I can never reach is you. I can see a straight path of light under your running feet, like a shooting star. -Keiji Kiyoseki

16. Where you are, it will always be your runway. -Mr. Tanaka

17. Strong winds are blowing head-on, running against the wind, firmly believing that the answer lies ahead.

Hope is in our hearts. Look, the road is under our feet, so we should run today and all the way to eternity. -Keiji Kiyoseki

18. Can you find a job after running? -brother ——King

I don’t know, but I feel uneasy when I stop. -Keiji Kiyoseki

19. For long-distance runners, what is most needed is "strength". -Keiji Kiyoseki

20. It is clear that there is no wind at this time, because it has caught up with your heart. -Keiji Kiyoseki

"Only the selected people can attend? Is running such a sport?……It was not until I couldn’t continue running that I really wanted to run for the first time. "

These two words of Kiyoseki give me a lot of thoughts, both dreamy and realistic. Some are fragmented, and perhaps some are flawless.

No matter how many times I watch it, I will still break the defense every time I watch it. I really can’t stand it. It’s because my tears are naturally too low ~

What is the significance of our running?

Since I started running in 2021, I actually can’t explain clearly why I like running and what it means to me.

I only know that running will always accompany me in the future, and it is the only sport that I can’t give up.

I like a lot of sports and fitness, but they are all add-ons, and running is the only one.

So why on earth is running so important to me?

In the past, among all the sports, running was the most boring sport I would choose.

During the running time, it is simply torture for me to mechanically repeat the same action with both legs.

But the most unexpected thing is that after the second run,I love running.

It seems that I have spied some meaning of running:Running seems to be my confrontation with myself and my destiny.

Running is just two legs repeatedly alternating, but it means a lot to me.


Running for the first timeIt’s really hard. I’m very discouraged that I can’t run down the standard runway for 400 meters in one lap.

It is difficult to continue running rhythmically as long as you stop once in the process, because the brain remembers the feeling of rest, and both the spirit and the body are resisting shouting and longing for the next rest.

This is my first running plan after I insisted on 50 bobby jumps every day for a week.

According to the novice running plan, my second run was two days later.

At this time, I began to look for resources online and learn how to run more scientifically, in order to adjust and encourage myself.


Second runAt that time, I said to myself: There must be no pause and rest in the middle. We must run down 800 meters in one breath, and we must finish it!

But when I ran on the plastic track, I realized again: running is really difficult.

I didn’t like running before. I thought running was an ascetic sport.

Now, it’s really hard to run 800 meters in one breath when I first came into contact with running.

How hard is it?

Every step you take is to give up.

Every step of the way is: let’s do it this time, and there will be another time:

It has improved a lot compared with last time;

Know how to be content;

You’re getting into a dead end again;

Want to eat a fat man again?

These lines, which were used by my family and me in the past, filled my ears. If I didn’t bite my teeth, I would give up every second.

"Come on next time." There is a voice in my heart telling myself that I am not firm, how can I stick to it?

Thinking of the agreement with myself before running, all the unwilling emotions have poured in over the years, and I almost broke the defense on the runway.


I have the best idol in the world.

At the moment when I wanted to give up most, I thought of my idol.

Why do you like him?

He is not a star idol, he is an athlete.

It was his strong spirit that touched me, so every time I think of him, my heart is very touched.

Later, I realized that the pursuit of idols is actually what I look forward to, and the powerful spiritual power I see in him is actually the projection of my heart.

He made me feel that as long as I worked as hard as he did, I might be able to achieve the life I wanted.

So when I think of him, my heart will be full of strength, which is a kind of unyielding and unyielding force!

Then I silently recited the name of my idol in my mind every step.

In this way, I finished running 800 meters in one breath.

Later, I found that I really fell in love with running from that time on.


The future can be firmly held in your own hands.

Running has become my irreplaceable and unique.

I remember all the mental journey of that run very clearly.

May be in the process of running, I had an emotional interaction and collision with the sport itself.

Therefore, I attached my spiritual strength to this sport, which made it so unique and unparalleled.

When I ran for the second time, the shock brought to me by running 800 meters in one breath has been deeply imprinted on my mind.

Unconsciously, I am no longer confused.

I became more confident and determined.

When I realize this, I can clearly foresee that this will bring great help to my future life.

Since then, every step taken by running for me is no longer a cyclic mechanical movement.

They are my uncompromising fate and my inner pride and dignity.

Running is no longer boring, lonely and meaningless, but sticking to yourself.

Running has no end for me, just like life has no end.

Running makes me think better and examine myself more clearly.

Running also makes me think.Some of your future can be firmly held in your own hands.

When running, lower your head and concentrate on the plastic track under your feet. It has no end, just like the road of life.

What you have to do in running is to take every step with all your strength and persist in taking the next step with all your life. From that moment on, the link at the other end of the runway is faith, and every step with all your strength is moving towards that faith.

Haruki Murakami said: I ran because I didn’t want to run.

More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that sunshine, air, water and exercise are the sources of life and health.

There must be a place where I can run near where I live, and I will choose my address according to this.

Generally, I choose near the stadium, because the stadium has a standard plastic track.

I especially like running on the plastic track, especially the professional sports ground.

But I don’t agree with my preference in my heart. Running should be natural, and you should run whenever you want, without so many additional items.

Now, I’m sure I haven’t found the true meaning of running, but I’ve already fallen in love with running, so is that still important?

The only thing I can be sure of is that running and reading are very important to me in my life.

The women’s beach volleyball team meets strong enemies again and expects to hit a record high.

China team Wang Jie (right)/Tian Jia celebrates the victory Xinhua News Agency reporter Shadati photo.

  On August 21st, Beijing time, the bronze medal battle for the women’s beach volleyball in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will start first. China’s Xue Chen/Zhang Xi will meet Brazil’s renate and Tarita. Although they lost to China veteran Tian Jia/Wang Jie in the semi-final, they have already made history. Can they help China win the first Olympic sand volleyball medal? The Renata/Tarita combination is not without strength. Although Walsh/May, the former Olympic champion of the American combination, easily defeated them, after Julianne retired due to injury, they were already the top players in Brazil.

  Xue Chen/Zhang Xi ranked fourth in the world in 2008, which is also the highest ranking in these years. It can be said that this year is the best year for China women. Two China teenagers are typical high-profile teams. Zhang Xihe, who is 23 years old and 1.83 meters tall, and Xue Chen, who is 19 years old and 1.89 meters tall, have been fighting very hard in previous competitions. After winning the group competition without bloodshed, they met Blana/Youngs, the strongest rival from the United States, in the knockout stage. Xue and Zhang didn’t play well in the competition, but their opponents were high-scoring players with high mistakes at the same time. In the semi-final, they faced Tian Jia and Wang Jie, a senior teacher and sister. Xue Zhang and Zhang have played the spirit of daring to fight and dare to fight, and they can afford to let go. They are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, especially Zhang Xi. They are not soft in the face of the aggressive momentum of the teacher elder sister Wang Jie, and their offensive efficiency is super high. At the same time, they also scored many defensive points. And Xue Chen showed the rare composure of young players, and used his height advantage to tackle Wang Jie’s smash many times. If Tian Jia, a veteran of the three-time Olympic Games, didn’t finally play the role of anchoring the sea, it would be Xue Chen Zhang Xi who stood in the final tomorrow.

  Renate and Tarita from different backgrounds had a brief cooperation as early as 2002. At the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, Tarita and Jackie? Silva partnered and won their first Olympic gold medal in women’s beach volleyball. Coincidentally, with Jackie? Together with Silva, renate won the South American Beach Volleyball Championship. After a brief dissolution in 2003, the two reunited in 2005, when Tarita won the Best Newcomer Award in the FIVB World Volleyball Tour. When they reached the final in St. Petersburg, Russia on the sand volleyball tour, they broke the youngest record in the history of beach volleyball competition to participate in the final. And it was Xue Chen Zhang Xi who broke their record again. At the end of the 2005 season, they ranked sixth, and in 2006 and 2007, they ranked fifth. In 2008, Tarita won the title of Queen of Beach Volleyball in Brazil. She also partnered with renate to beat Olympic champion Walsh/May in the Queen Challenge of Beach Volleyball, and this year they ranked second in the world. In the group stage, the Brazilian team also won three big victories. When facing the Norwegian opponent of Tian Jia and Wang Jie’s team, the two talents participated in the deciding game for the first time. Of course, when facing the American team Walsh/Mei again, they lost their direction. In the face of the American team’s storm blocking, they lost their rhythm and could only accept the fate of losing 0-2.

  Although Brazil ranked second and Xue Chen/Zhang Xi ranked fourth, Zhang Xi once said, "In fact, our fourth place does not mean that only three teams can beat us, and our performance will fluctuate when we meet different types of players." Compared with Xue Zhang, the Brazilian team belongs to the double-short team, so in tomorrow’s game, storming and blocking are bound to be the scoring means we need to seize, while for the opponent’s light adjustment and saving, what China team needs to do is to make a good backcourt and stick to the position.

  The match between Xue Chen and Zhang Xi will start at 9:00 am on 21st, and the championship battle between Tian Jia and Wang Jie will start at 11: 00. Let’s wish them success and win glory for their motherland.

Editor: Zhang Toya

Xu Shaogang, the dean of the Central Academy of Social Sciences, once handled the petition problem of "making the secretary of the municipal party Committee climb the window to work"

According to the information of official website of the Central Institute of Socialism, Xu Shaogang, who was the director of the office of the Central Institute of Socialism before, has become a member of the party group and dean of the institute, ranking among the leaders of the institute.

Xu Shaogang, male, Han nationality, born in September 1971, Luoyang, Henan Province, joined the Party in April 1991, and joined the work in July 1991. He is a doctoral student majoring in Marxist philosophy at the Graduate School of the Central Party School.

He has served as the deputy director of the editorial department of Political Science Research in the Institute of Political Science of China Academy of Social Sciences, the deputy researcher of the comprehensive group of the research office of the Central Office, the deputy director-level cadre of the comprehensive group of the research office of the Central Office, the deputy inspector of the research office of the Central Office, and the deputy inspector of the supervision and inspection office of the Secretariat of the Central Office. In 2016, he was appointed as the standing Committee member and deputy mayor of Siping Municipal Committee of Jilin Province, and later served as the director of the office of the Central Institute of Socialism.

The Central Institute of Socialism is a United front political college led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), a joint party school of democratic parties and personages without party affiliation, the main front for United front personnel education and training, an important department to carry out the party’s United front work, and an important part of the party and state cadre education and training system.

It is worth mentioning that during his tenure in Siping, Xu Shaogang was reported by People’s Daily for dealing with the problem of "making the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor climb the window to go to work".

In 1980s and 1990s, Siping Scientific Research Institute was once the most productive institution and large taxpayer in the city, and it was "a good unit that many people tried to get in". Before the wage reform in 2001, the average monthly salary of scientific research institutes had reached more than 2,000 yuan, more than double that of government agencies. However, it is such a "fat as oil" scientific research unit. Due to the former "corrupt" successors of two presidents and a group of cadres, the solid financial resources were squandered in just 10 years, and the former "star enterprise" became a "rat nest" where corrupt elements swaggered through the city and bad style became popular.

Leadership corruption, family ruin, rampant unhealthy practices, and distracted people, the research institute finally fell into a situation of long-term suspension of production and shutdown, with a debt of more than 80 million yuan. By March 2016, the enterprise owed employees nearly 14 million yuan in social security fees and 700,000 yuan in medical insurance fees. The employees had not been paid for nine consecutive months, and even the funeral expenses could not be paid. Some employees can’t retire at retirement age because of social security debts …

The report mentioned that in order to "seek a way out", some employees began to petition. Ma Li, vice president of the Academy, told reporters that since 2010, petitions have been sporadic, and in 2012, large-scale group visits have appeared. On several occasions, even the municipal party committee and the municipal government were blocked for a long time. At that time, the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor could only jump in and out of the office on the first floor when going to work, and lunch was served with hanging baskets. By the beginning of 2016, petitioners had visited the city, the province and Beijing for nearly 400 times.

"We ran all over the relevant departments, but we were kicked around like a ball." Yu Fei, the head of the trade union of the Research Institute and the petition leader of that year, said, "In those days, we found the deputy mayor in charge, but said that another deputy mayor was in charge. When we found another deputy mayor, we said that we still had to find the deputy mayor in charge."

"This’ mess’ of the research institute must be solved!" At the beginning of 2016, the Siping Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government decided to hand over the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau to Xu Shaogang, who has just been appointed as the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor. Zhao Xiaojun, secretary of the municipal party Committee, said, "We consider that Comrade Shao Gang is a cadre on the job and has no intersection with Siping, so it is convenient to let go."

According to the report, Xu Shaogang plunged into the staff of the research institute. There are 132 employees in the research institute, except for more than 30 retired and temporary workers, more than 80 people have participated in petitions. In more than two months, Xu Shaogang interviewed 66 people face to face. He called all the petitioners’ phones, and then made appointments to talk in the office one after another. When there was not enough time during the day, he used holidays, and at the latest, he talked about it after 3 am. He said: "communist party cadres can’t be afraid to meet the masses!"

For many years, the visiting leaders in Siping City have always thought that people’s petition is to be fully staffed by public institutions, which is unreasonable at all, and there is no solution no matter how fierce it is. Through discussions and visits, Xu Shaogang found that the deep-seated reason is that corruption has wiped out the family of the enterprise, and the employees are angry in their hearts and can’t live any longer, so they stubbornly cling to the iron rice bowl. To solve the problems of scientific research institutes, we must first strictly manage the party in an all-round way, uncover the cover of corporate corruption cases and regain the trust of the masses!

The Siping Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection recorded a heavy blow against corruption, and immediately slammed into the corruption shady of the research institute: In May 2016, Dong Weidong, the former president who had been transferred for two years, was "double-regulated"; In August, Cheng Xiaomin, the former president, was placed on probation and dismissed from his post. All but one of the original teams of the Academy of Scientific Research were dismissed, and all middle-level cadres were dismissed. In September, the former director of the Science and Technology Bureau was transferred, and the head of the discipline inspection team stationed in the bureau was ordered to resign … "Double regulations" and transferred to the judiciary, four people were formally arrested, more than 10 people were dealt with by party discipline and discipline, and more than 10 million yuan of corruption and misappropriation funds were recovered.

Xu Shaogang said, "Strictly administering the Party in an all-round way is a systematic project. Combating corruption is only a’ stop loss’ and a’ break’. The key is to’ stand up’ and save the enterprise and let the employees live a better life again."

"It’s not easy to let a dead enterprise regain its vitality!" Cong Tienan, the head of the discipline inspection team of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the head of the working group stationed in the research institute, recalled awkwardly, "In September 2016, Wang Zhidong, the new director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and I went to the research institute for a meeting on the first day, and we were ousted by the masses without saying a few words. At that time, the relationship between the cadres and the masses in the research institute had broken down, and no matter what the cadres said, the employees did not believe it. "

"The first time I met Mayor Xu, we didn’t trust him either." Yu Fei, Zhang Shouzhong, Chang Wen, Bai Minghui, Hao Qingfeng and Gao Hongjie, the petitioners of the Academy of Sciences in those days, all mentioned Xu Shaogang when they talked about the change of mentality: "Other leaders saw the petition and tried their best to hide and push it. Mayor Xu was not afraid. He took the initiative to talk to us, and it lasted for hours. Later, the city arrested and exempted the corrupt elements, and we really believed in him and the municipal party Committee. This is the cadre of communist party! "

According to the report, in order to help the research institute plug the growing debt hole and solve the problem of shortage of development funds, Xu Shaogang tried every means to coordinate all aspects, adjust the original obviously unreasonable seizure and deduction according to the law, and re-apply for mortgage loans. In order to lift the seizure of enterprise assets, Xu Shaogang offered to take his private car as collateral for creditors.

"Don’t say it’s a temporary cadre, it’s a working cadre. Who is not afraid of falling into the trap of the Academy and jumping out? However, the mayor of Shaogang dared to take responsibility and was not afraid of hitting hard. In order to plan the way out for the enterprise, he worked overtime day and night. Once on Sunday, he removed gastrointestinal polyps in the morning and went to the office to work overtime in the afternoon. With such a leader, we still have something to say. " On the evening of the announcement of his appointment, Cong Tienan checked into the office of the Academy with his bedclothes on his back and vowed: "I will never leave until the problem is solved."

Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong

Author: The Paper

Text Editor: Yang Rong

Source of the title map: the creativity of the worm

Photo editor: Xiang Jianying

The first snow in 2024 is coming, and these areas need to pay attention to prevention →

Today (13th) morning, fog with visibility less than 1km appeared in many parts of the country.The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue yellow fog warning.
From today to the 15th, a cold air will bring strong winds and cool weather to most parts of the north.. Affected by cold air, the haze weather in North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other places will gradually weaken and dissipate from the daytime on the 14th.

Affected by cold air

Since the 14th, haze in North China and other places has gradually dissipated.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be foggy weather in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places from the night of the 13th to the morning of the 14th, including parts of southern Hebei, northern and southwestern Shandong and eastern Henan.Strong fog with visibility less than 200 meters,There is a very strong fog with visibility less than 50 meters in the local area.
In addition, the coastal waters in the south of Shandong Peninsula, the coastal waters in the southeast of Jiangsu, the coastal waters in the east of Zhejiang and the waters near the Yangtze River estuary will haveFog with visibility less than 1 km.
From 13th to 15th, a cold air will affect most parts of northern China.There will be a temperature drop of 4 ~ 8℃ in the eastern part of northwest China and most areas north of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The temperature drop in some areas such as central Inner Mongolia and Huanghuai can reach 10 ~ 14℃, and in some areas it can exceed 14℃, accompanied by northerly winds of 4 ~ 6.
Affected by cold air, from the day of the 14 th, North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other placesHaze weather will gradually weaken and dissipate from north to south.
Meteorological department remindsThe public should pay attention to temperature changes, add clothes in time, and take measures to prevent wind and cold. At the same time, pay attention to the adverse effects of low visibility on traffic travel and pay attention to travel safety.The public in North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other places need to do a good job in respiratory protection and minimize outdoor sports.

From the 15th

China will usher in a large-scale rain and snow weather process.

In terms of precipitation, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that,From 15th, affected by cold and warm air, China will have a large-scale rain and snow weather process.
It is predicted that a large-scale rain and snow weather process will occur in the central and eastern regions of China from 15th to 18th, with the joint efforts of cold and warm air currents.Most of northwest China, western and southern North China are dominated by small to medium snow; There is rain in eastern Gansu, south-central Shaanxi, most of Henan, Shandong and other places, or the rain turns to medium snow, and there is heavy snow or blizzard in the local area.
The accumulated precipitation in the above areas is 1 ~ 5 mm, and the local area is 8 ~ 15 mm; The newly added snow depth is 1 ~ 3 cm, and the local area is more than 5 cm.
The snowfall from 15th to 16th was mainly located in Shaanxi, Shanxi, northern Henan and other places. On 17th, the snowfall was reduced.On the 18th, the snowfall expanded again., mainly located in the eastern part of northwest China to the northern part of Huanghuai.
From the day of 15th to the morning of 16th, in southwestern Shaanxi, western Henan, northwestern Hubei and other places.There may be freezing rain in the local area..
Meteorological department remindsSome areas in Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Hubei and other places are at risk of snowstorm, freezing rain and snow at low temperature.The public should pay attention to the adverse effects of low visibility, snow and ice on traffic caused by rain and snow, and pay attention to travel safety.
Source: China Weather Network of Central Meteorological Observatory.
Producer: Liang Bingqing Editor: Liu Wanru

How will real estate develop in the next five years? It must be transferred!

In Report to the 20th CPC National Congress, CPC, the development direction of real estate was expounded under the general framework of "enhancing people’s livelihood and improving people’s quality of life". Specifically, it was put forward that the house should be used for living, not for speculation, and the housing system with multi-subject supply, multi-channel guarantee and simultaneous rent and purchase should be established.
How will this affect the housing system and the development of the real estate market in China?
Reiterate that "housing is not speculation"
Since the end of 2016, the Central Economic Work Conference first put forward the position that "houses are used for living, not for speculation", and "houses are not used for speculation" was also written into the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October 2017.
"In the past few years, despite the ups and downs of the real estate industry, the central government has supported all localities to optimize the property market regulation policies due to urban policies, and’ staying in the house and not speculating’ has always been the policy to stick to the bottom line." Chen Wenjing, director of market research in the Index Division of the Central Finger Research Institute, believes that after years of development, the concept of "housing without speculation" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a social consensus. Buyers have become more rational in buying their own homes, and the residential properties of housing have been continuously strengthened.
Chen Wenjing said that Report to the 20th CPC National Congress Middle School once again emphasized that "houses are for living, not for speculation", which showed the firm policy. At the same time, it also means that "houses are not for speculation" will become the long-term orientation of China’s real estate industry, and then the foothold of real estate development will focus more on protecting people’s livelihood and improving quality.
"In the future, reasonable housing demand will still be the main target of policy support and encouragement. There is still room for the release of rigid and improved housing demand, especially the people’s need for a better life is increasingly extensive, and improved housing demand may become the key support of the market." Chen Wenjing said.
Let’s talk about "rent and purchase simultaneously"
In addition to "housing is not speculation", "renting and purchasing at the same time" is also a familiar formulation.
Report to the 20th CPC National Congress’s statement of "accelerating the establishment of a housing system with multi-agent supply, multi-channel guarantee and simultaneous rent and purchase" is consistent with the report of the 19th National Congress.
"The focus of work is not where to go, but how to go." Yan Yuejin, research director of the think tank center of Yiju Research Institute, said that this fully shows that the housing system reform in the next five years will come down in one continuous line with the thinking of the 19th National Congress, that is, the general direction will remain unchanged.
Li Yujia, the chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Provincial Planning Institute, also believes that this aspect shows that the housing system with both rent and purchase must be promoted with the strategic thinking of waiting for time; On the other hand, the construction of this system needs a process to achieve the real simultaneous development of "rent" and "purchase".
But there are also differences behind the same expression.
Yan Yuejin pointed out: In the report of the 19th National Congress, the reform of the housing system was discussed under the framework of "improving security and improving people’s livelihood"; Report to the 20th CPC National Congress is carried out under the framework of "enhancing people’s livelihood and improving people’s quality of life". It can be seen that on the basis of protecting people’s livelihood, improving quality is also an important content. In other words, the housing system reform should take into account the dual goals of protecting people’s livelihood and improving quality.
Li Yujia further analyzed and pointed out that the top-level thinking of housing work in the new era is very clear, that is, "housing and living without speculation" and "renting and purchasing simultaneously". The former is the overall situation of housing work, and it is the top-level guidance for the whole country to carry out industry and market management, innovate management mode and long-term mechanism, and promote the construction of new housing system and system; The latter is the top-level design for China to further promote the reform of housing system, explore new models of real estate development and promote the high-quality development of housing.
"Rent and purchase simultaneously" is expected to accelerate.
At the end of 2015, the Central Economic Work Conference mentioned the development of the housing rental market for the first time, and emphasized that the development of the housing rental market was significantly accelerated after "both rent and purchase" was established as the main direction of China’s housing system reform.
"At present, China has initially formed a good trend of multi-agent development of rental housing. State-owned leasing enterprises have played a leading, standardizing, activating and regulating role in the market, and more specialized and institutionalized housing leasing enterprises have actively participated in market construction." Zhao Ran, dean of ICCRA Housing Leasing Industry Research Institute, said.
"Since the second half of last year, the state has taken substantial steps in promoting the construction of affordable housing, lowering the threshold for new citizens to settle down, leasing can be settled in collective households, building rental communities, and combining rent and purchase." Li Yujia believes that the construction of the housing system with both rent and purchase will be accelerated in an all-round way in the next five years with the joint efforts of relevant subjects.
"To develop the housing rental market, especially long-term leasing, the key lies in providing large-scale and professionally managed housing through multiple channels, expanding the effective supply of rental housing and enhancing the sustainability of development." Zhao Ran proposed that all localities should incorporate new rental housing into housing development planning and reasonably determine the scale of rental housing construction in combination with factors such as housing supply and demand.
"More importantly, as the real estate market in China gradually changes from an incremental market to a stock market, we can actively revitalize the stock assets through the transformation of stock houses, so that the supply of rental housing can move towards a sustainable development path." Zhao Ran said.
(China News Network)

"Olive" is the first "flag" to win the youth flag football match held in Zheng

On November 20th, the reporter learned from the Henan Student Sports Association that the 2023 Youth Waist Flag Rugby Competition, the first inter-school rugby league in Zhengzhou Economic Development Zone, recently started in Chaofeng Road Primary School (North Campus). A total of 118 small players from the school teams of seven primary schools in the Economic Development Zone will compete in the five-day competition to show off the style of waist flag football, a new wave sport that has just entered the Olympics.

This youth flag football match is guided by Henan Student Sports Association and Zhengzhou Education Bureau, sponsored by Education, Culture and Sports Bureau of Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, and undertaken by Chaofenglu Primary School and Dongzhimai Sports and Culture Development Co., Ltd. in Economic Development Zone. This is also the first time that the Economic Development Zone has held an inter-school rugby league. It is understood that Flag Football is a variant of American football. Unlike the traditional American football, the defender does not throw the ball holder down, but pulls the flag from the ball holder to end an attack. As a non-contact, zero-equipment, small-scale football game, flag football has no requirements for the number, age and physical fitness of participants. Even with zero sports foundation, it can quickly integrate into the team, and it can achieve mixed teams of men and women and compete in the same field. Flag rugby has now become an official event of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

During the game, the attacking player hangs a colorful waist flag around his waist, and the defending player pulls out the opponent’s waist flag instead of the traditional American football collision confrontation to stop the attack. You come and go between teams, holding each other back, constantly running, attacking, and pitching … The little players are just like each other, competing tactics and physical strength on the court. "This competition is somewhat similar to tearing brand-name games. It is fun and exciting, and the threshold is low. It tests the team spirit and helps to enhance the tacit understanding and friendship of the team." A small contestant said happily.

As a new sports event that has just entered the Olympic Games, waist flag rugby has entered the campus under the background of deepening the integration of sports and education and promoting the healthy development of teenagers, and gradually formed a good campus sports culture and fierce competitive exchanges between schools and teams, which has become a unique landscape in the primary school campus of Economic Development Zone. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Education, Culture and Sports Bureau of the Economic Development Zone said, "In recent years, the Economic Development Zone has constructed the sunshine sports opening mode of’ one activity class every day to ensure one hour of exercise’ and promoted it in the whole province. This flag football game is another potential but challenging event added to the competition system of the Economic Development Zone."

"The purpose of holding this inter-school league is to let children feel the charm of emerging sports in flag football, make good use of after-school time, like sports, fall in love with sports and enjoy sports." A person in charge of the competition organizer said, "In the future, the competition system will be further enriched, and the middle school league is being planned to let more primary and secondary school students participate in this emerging sport. Teams that have achieved outstanding results in the league will also participate in the national finals to enhance their experience and show their style on a higher stage. "

(Zhengguan journalist Chen Kaiwen Image source: Yaoqi Rugby Inter-school League Organizing Committee)


Coffee+tea lasts longer!

Original Swagpp mace medicine

Tea and coffee are two of the most widely consumed beverages in the world-

Tea is the second largest beverage in the world after water. About 3 billion people in the world like to drink tea, and basically one in every three people likes to drink tea. How much do you like coffee? According to the statistics of Science, the world consumes an average of 2.25 billion cups of coffee every day, and the cups can simply circle the earth 7.5 times!

Tea containing caffeine, catechin polyphenols and flavonoids has neuroprotective effects, and has the effects of anti-oxidative stress, anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis. Coffee contains caffeine, which is also a rich source of antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Compared with milk tea, fruit juice, sugary drinks and so on, coffee and tea have naturally become the public’s first choice.

For working "dogs", having coffee and afternoon tea in the morning is really for "continuing life". But have you ever thought that while refreshing your mind, maybe coffee and tea are really helping you continue your life!

The latest research on West China of Sichuan University;

Drink 3 cups of tea or 6-8g of tea every day.

The anti-aging effect is the most obvious.

Tea contains a variety of bioactive substances, among which tea polyphenols are the most concerned. Previous studies have shown that tea polyphenols have anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, inhibiting cell apoptosis and regulating epigenetic changes, thus delaying the occurrence of aging. At the same time, animal experiments show that flavonoids and polyphenols rich in tea can prolong the life of worms, fruit flies and mice.

So, can people who drink more tea live longer?

Recently, a research team from West China School of Public Health of Sichuan University found that moderate tea drinking can delay the growth of human biological age. Among them, drinking about 3 cups of tea a day, or 6-8g of tea, has a particularly obvious anti-aging effect. The research was published in Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific, a sub-journal of The Lancet.

The researchers recruited 7931 participants from the China Multi-Ethnic Cohort (CMEC) and 5998 participants from the longitudinal cohort of the British Biological Database (UKB), and estimated their biological ages (BA) by using composite biomarkers and Klemera Doubal method (KDM).

What is the concept of KDM-BA acceleration? The multivariable adjustment model shows that the death risk will increase by 56% every year when the acceleration of KDM-BA increases. In addition, KDM-BA acceleration has a good performance in predicting most elderly-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and weakness.

There are many kinds of tea covered in this survey, including green tea, scented tea, black tea, sweet tea, black tea, oolong tea, yellow tea and white tea. According to different frequency of drinking tea, participants were divided into three groups: no drinking at present, 1-2 days/week, 3-5 days/week and almost every day. And according to every 200ml as a standard cup, the daily tea consumption of participants was calculated.

What is very innovative is that when people in China drink tea, it is often in bulk rather than in bags. Therefore, the researchers specially measured the amount of tea (in grams) when collecting data.

Research flow chart

In the whole queue, participants who insisted on drinking tea had a lower aging rate.

Specifically, compared with those who never drink tea, participants who change from drinking tea to drinking tea and insist on drinking tea have a slower increase in KDM-BA acceleration, which is simply "aging more slowly".

It was observed in the CMEC cohort that participants who changed from drinking tea to drinking tea had lower KDM-BA acceleration (β = ?0.319, 95% CI: ?0.620 to 0.017) than those who had no habit of drinking tea.

On the other hand, compared with those who have always had the habit of drinking tea, the acceleration of KDM-BA of participants who changed from drinking tea to not drinking tea increased more, that is, they aged faster.

According to the basic information collected, most of the participants who insist on drinking tea are men, who love drinking more and will maintain healthier eating habits. In addition, these participants are less likely to suffer from insomnia, depression and anxiety, especially in CMEC.

Basic information of participants

In order to get more practical conclusions, the researchers evaluated the prospective exposure-response relationship between tea drinking and biological age. Restricted cubic spline shows that with the increase of daily tea consumption, the curve of KDM-BA acceleration decreases continuously until 3 cups/day tends to be flat.

In other words, compared with those who don’t drink tea, participants who insist on drinking 2-3 cups of tea every day have the lowest KDM-BA acceleration. When the amount of tea leaves is taken as the exposure of CMEC, drinking 6-8g of tea leaves every day shows the strongest correlation, that is, the aging speed is the lowest at this time.

Correlation between tea consumption and KDM-BA acceleration

To sum up, there is a close relationship between drinking tea and the decline of biological aging acceleration measured by KDM-BA-the dose-response relationship shows that drinking 3 cups of tea or 6-8g of tea every day can maximize the anti-aging benefits.

It’s the first time that a study has made it so intimate that the grams of tea should be used every day! Why don’t you drink up? !

Drink 0.5-3 cups of coffee every day.

All-cause mortality fell by 12%

But instant coffee is really not good …

The benefits of coffee need not be said. In addition to refreshing, drinking coffee regularly is beneficial to reduce the risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes, control weight, improve depression, and prevent Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Not only that, recent studies have shown that coffee can also reduce the risk of death, thus prolonging life!

A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology points out that drinking 0.5-3 cups of coffee a day is related to a 12% decrease in all-cause mortality and a 17% decrease in cardiovascular mortality. Compared with people who don’t drink coffee, coffee stars have better cardiovascular health; But the benefits are decaffeinated coffee and ground coffee, and have nothing to do with instant coffee … …


The study recruited 468,629 volunteers from British Biobank. These volunteers had no previous history of cardiovascular diseases, with an average age of 56.2 8.1 years, accounting for 44.2% of men, and the average follow-up period was 11(10-12) years.

Among nearly 470,000 volunteers, 22.1% have no habit of drinking coffee, 58.4% drink 0.5-3 cups of coffee every day on average, and 19.5% drink more than 3 cups of coffee every day on average.

The analysis of multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression model shows that compared with people who don’t drink coffee, people who drink 0.5-3 cups of coffee a day have a 12% reduction in all-cause death risk; The risk of cardiovascular death decreased by 17%, and the risk of stroke decreased by 21%.

However, people who drink more than three cups of coffee a day have no obvious improvement compared with those who have no coffee habit. In other words, although drinking coffee often is good for health, it is not the more the better. 0.5-3 cups a day is the best dose of coffee for life.

Relationship between coffee consumption and death risk

Next, the highlight of this study came-the researchers deliberately distinguished the health effects of different types of coffee.

Of all the volunteers who drink coffee, 19.5% are used to drinking decaffeinated coffee, 23.3% are used to drinking ground coffee and 55.1% are used to drinking instant coffee. After adjusting for possible confounding factors, the researchers found that compared with people who don’t drink coffee:

People who drink 0.5-3 cups of coffee every day have a 16% reduction in all-cause death risk (P = 0.001).

The risk of all-cause death decreased by 17% when drinking more than 3 cups of coffee every day (P = 0.022).

0.5-3 cups of ground coffee per day reduced the risk of all-cause death by 25% and cardiovascular death by 25% (P < 0.001).

What is even more shocking is that drinking more than 3 cups of ground coffee a day is associated with a 49% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular death (P=0.008)!

Compared with people who don’t drink coffee, many cardiac function parameters of volunteers who drink coffee without reason and ground coffee are improved. Unfortunately, the researchers found no evidence that drinking instant coffee for a long time can improve cardiovascular health.

The reason why different kinds of coffee have different health effects may be that they have gone through different processing processes and contain different chemical components. For example, although decaffeinated coffee does not contain caffeine, drinking decaffeinated coffee also helps to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of death, indicating that other coffee ingredients besides caffeine are also beneficial to health.

To sum up, this study confirmed that 0.5-3 cups of coffee a day is helpful to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular death and all-cause death. If possible, you can choose decaffeinated coffee and ground coffee!

Coffee+tea doubles the effect.

Drink enough of this amount

The risk of death is reduced by 22%

For most people, drinking tea or coffee is not a single thing, but both. So, what kind of sparks will tea and coffee collide?

Scholars from Tianjin Medical University have answered this long-standing question. They found that drinking coffee and tea in moderation every day can reduce the risk of death. Compared with people who don’t drink coffee or tea, participants who drink 2-4 cups of tea and < 1-2 cups of coffee a day have a lower risk of all-cause death, cardiovascular disease death and respiratory disease death.

(Source: BMC Medicine)

Using longitudinal cohort data of nearly 500,000 people from British Biobank, this study analyzed the relationship between coffee and tea drinking alone or in combination and total mortality and specific cause mortality (including cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and digestive diseases).

First, the researchers investigated the relationship between drinking only coffee or tea every day and mortality. Surprisingly, only drinking coffee or tea has a nonlinear relationship with mortality. Among them, there is a J-type correlation between drinking only coffee and all-cause, cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease mortality, while drinking only tea is an anti-J-type correlation between all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality; There is a consistent anti-J correlation between drinking only coffee or tea and mortality of digestive diseases.

Specifically, drinking 1 cup of coffee or 3 cups of tea a day has the lowest risk of all-cause death, while drinking about 5 cups of coffee or 6 cups of tea a day has the lowest risk of death from digestive diseases.

* Xiaobian Google learned that the UK 1 cup=250 mL.

Correlation curve between drinking coffee or tea and all-cause mortality and specific cause mortality

(Source: BMC Medicine)

Then, the author further quantified the relationship between the consumption of coffee and tea and the mortality rate. Participants were divided into two groups according to their coffee intake (none, < 1~2, 3~4 and ≥5 cups/day) and tea intake (none, < 1~1, 2~4 and ≥5 cups/day), and their all-cause mortality and specific cause mortality were counted.

The analysis results show that compared with participants with different drinking amounts in the same group, participants who drink 2-4 cups of tea or < 1-2 cups of coffee every day have the lowest mortality rate from all causes, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases.

All-cause mortality drinking coffee or tea (Source: BMC Medicine)

Great, it seems that the benefits of drinking coffee or tea are double-edged, which can actually reduce the mortality rate! Coffee star people and tea star people expressed great satisfaction. Not only that, the researchers also "humanized" the friends who love "the combination of Chinese and western" and analyzed the joint drinking of coffee and tea.

So, is drinking coffee and tea together a "happy takeoff" or a "full of harm"?

Surprisingly, the results show that there is a significant interaction between the co-drinking of coffee and tea and all-cause mortality. For those who drink a little coffee every day, the all-cause mortality increases with the increase of tea intake, but for those who drink a lot of coffee every day, the relationship is U-shaped. However, for people who drink tea every day, no matter how much they drink, the increase of their coffee intake is related to all-cause mortality in a U-shape.

Drinking coffee and tea is combined with all-cause and specific-cause mortality.

(Source: BMC Medicine)

As a result, the researcher draws a data conclusion that can make the majority of migrant workers "ecstatic": compared with those who don’t drink coffee and tea, drinking < 1~2 cups of coffee +2~4 cups of tea every day can reduce people’s risk of all-cause death by 22%, CVD risk by 24% and respiratory disease death risk by 31%!

So, everyone here, warm winter, would you choose poetic tea or romantic coffee? Let’s drink both together!


[1]Simon J, Fung K, Raisi-Estabragh Z, et al. Light to moderate coffee consumption is associated with lower risk of death: a UK Biobank study. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022; 29(6):982-991. doi:10.1093/eurjpc/zwac008

[2]Xiang Y, Xu H, Chen H, Tang D, Huang Z, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Yangla, Han M, Yin J, Xiao X, Zhao X. Tea consumption and attenuation of biological aging: a longitudinal analysis from two cohort studies. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2023 Nov 22; 42:100955. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100955. PMID: 38075587; PMCID: PMC10700389.

[3] Chen Y, Zhang Y, Zhang M, Yang H, Wang Y. Consumption of coffee and tea with all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a prospective cohort study. BMC Med. 2022 Nov 18; 20(1):449. doi: 10.1186/s12916-022-02636-2. PMID: 36397104; PMCID: PMC9673438.

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Original title: "Coffee+tea lasts longer! The latest in West China of Sichuan University: Drinking 3 cups of tea every day has the best anti-aging effect! The risk of death from drinking coffee decreases by 22%.

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Thank you for your persistence in the New Year holiday!

New year holiday

Bengbu Daily News reporters and editors don’t rest.

Spend the holidays at the post

Media reporters

Record the workers with words and lenses.

Busy figure who sticks to his post during the festival

Construction of affordable rental housing in China Sensing Valley was accelerated.

Expected to be delivered in October 2024.

During the New Year holiday,

China Sensor Valley Security Rental Housing Project

Is under construction in full swing


The main structure of the project has been completely capped.

It is expected to be completed and delivered in October 2024.

The reporter saw at the construction site that the workers were intensively carrying out wall masonry construction and other decoration works inside the building. "At present, the seven monomers of the Sensor Valley Apartment Project have all been capped, and the main structure has been completed. The curtain wall construction of the external wall, indoor wall masonry, indoor plastering and floor construction are underway at the site. The indoor engineering is expected to be fully completed in August 2024, after which we will carry out outdoor supporting engineering construction. " Zhang Xiaoqiang, production manager of the construction unit, said that in order to ensure the construction quality and progress, the construction unit arranged more than 200 workers to carry out on-site operations during the New Year holiday.

China Sensor Valley affordable rental housing project is located on the south side of Donghai Avenue and the west side of Laoshan Road. It is planned to build three 12-storey dormitories, three 22-storey dormitories and a supporting business. The project started construction in October 2022 and is scheduled to be completed in October 2024. After the project is delivered, it can effectively meet the housing needs of employees in the park. Meng Jie, the person in charge of the project construction unit, said, "The EPC project of China Sensor Valley Phase I has 7 units, of which Units 1 to 6 are affordable rental housing projects and Unit 7 is supporting businesses. After completion, it can provide 1944 sets of affordable rental housing for the entire sensing valley to meet the housing needs of industrial workers and senior managers in the sensing valley park. "

It is understood that China Sensor Valley is an intelligent sensor industry cluster supported by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and it is also called the "three valleys" of artificial intelligence industry in Anhui Province together with Hefei "Sound Valley" and Wuhu "Vision Valley". By the end of October 2023, there were 39 enterprises in Bengbu intelligent sensing industry, with an output value of 4.17 billion yuan and a revenue of 5.51 billion yuan.

Welded flowers are tempered and shine with youth.

Welder Han Zhiwei strives for the goal.

The machine roared and the welding sparkled.

The first day of New Year’s Day holiday

Han Zhiwei, who loves to study hard

But he couldn’t let go of his beloved welding torch

Continue to ponder the technology in the post.

Han Zhiwei is a front-line employee of Bengbu Chemical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. He graduated from Anhui Bengbu Technician College less than two years ago, but he has made shining achievements in the post of "special operation welder".

In 2020, Han Zhiwei won the first prize in the welding technology project competition of Bengbu Vocational College (secondary vocational school group) and the second prize in the welding technology competition of Anhui Vocational College Skills Competition. In 2023, Han Zhiwei participated in the selection contest of Bengbu Skills Competition for the first time on behalf of the company, and won the first prize of the welding project group. As an outstanding player in the selection contest of Bengbu Skills Competition, he participated in the provincial competition on behalf of our city and won the first prize of the welding project group of the provincial vocational skills competition.

The harvest in 2023 is full, which stems from the down-to-earth work style of this young man who is just 20 years old and his love for welding.Welder is a bit bitter, a bit tired and a bit dirty, so many impetuous young people "don’t like it", but Han Zhiwei, who is calm and introverted, loves this profession deeply and finds his own happiness from it. "At first, I didn’t have a good grasp of the position of the welding point, but I liked it, so I made up my mind to learn the welding skills well. If others work for an hour, I will work for two hours. In short, I must do it well. " Although he has won several awards at school, Han Zhiwei has higher requirements for himself after entering the job. During the training period of half a year, he practiced for nearly 10 hours every day, and used more than 20,000 covered electrode. Through constant study and hard training, he summarized his study and constantly improved his ability and level. "When I see that the welding patterns are arranged neatly and symmetrically on the welded works, those patterns are like a painting, and my happiest thing is to appreciate it after welding!" Touching the pattern he "painted" on the steel plate with a welding torch, Han Zhiwei said.

The products produced by Bengbu Chemical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are mainly various types of pressure vessels. The welding technology and seam control are not only related to the product quality of the enterprise, but also to the life, health and safety of every user. "It’s not only exquisite skills, but also patience, a strong sense of responsibility, and love to study, and these qualities are possessed by Han Zhiwei." Liu Yiyong, the master of Han Zhiwei, the outstanding craftsman and senior welder of the third Jianghuai, said with joy, "I am 55 years old, and I can cultivate such a good seedling in the younger generation, which will enable our generation’s technology to be passed down, happy and at ease."

In 2024, Han Zhiwei had a new goal.Just 20 years old, he is already a technician, and his technical mastery and award-winning situation have met the conditions. The enterprise is going to declare the municipal "skill master studio" for him. "Enterprises have very high expectations for me. I will continue to temper myself in the new year and work hard towards such a goal." Han Zhiwei said.

The resettlement housing project is busy.

On the morning of December 30th.

At the resettlement site of Huaishang Mingju in Huaishang District.

Construction workers are installing aluminum formwork.

Build walls, tie steel cages,

The tinkling sound is endless.

Huaishang Mingju is the largest resettlement housing project in Huaishang District, with a construction area of 270,000 square meters. It is expected to be completed and accepted in 2025. At present,The construction unit is striving for fine weather and continuous construction, striving to dedicate the best quality and most beautiful buildings to the people of Huaishang District.

Because of you.

Our city is more beautiful.

Zhucheng builders

Thank you for your persistence and dedication in the festival!

(Source: Bengbu Daily Media Reporter: Hao Yulin Zhang Jianping Correspondent: Lu Jiayuan Text/Photo Editor: Zhou Ze)
