A salesman decided to leave Huawei’s store.

Text | "China Entrepreneur" reporter Mo Wei

Editor | Maggie Ying

"Wen Jie will be the first mainstream brand to fall down this year." Adi (pseudonym) sighed. Adi is one of the first brands to sell in the world. He worked in a luxury car brand for many years and joined the world two years ago with the word "Huawei". But at the end of February, he chose to leave.

At present, this conclusion is premature and somewhat absolute. However, from the public data, compared with the sales performance in January and February this year, the industry has not yet stepped out of the sales trough. According to the sales report issued by Cyrus, in March, the sales volume of the industry was 3,679 vehicles, which was significantly lower than the monthly sales volume of over 10,000 vehicles last year. Within the realm of question, greater changes have also taken place.

On the morning of March 31, an announcement of "Resolution on Huawei Not Building Cars" inside Huawei was circulated on the Internet. According to the news, the resolution was issued by Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, and once again stressed that Huawei does not build cars and is valid for 5 years. Ren Zhengfei specifically emphasized that Huawei /HUAWEI could not be used in vehicle publicity and appearance.

On the afternoon of the same day, at the press conference of Huawei’s 2022 annual report, Xu Zhijun, vice chairman and rotating chairman of Huawei, once again stressed: "Some departments, individuals or partners are abusing Huawei’s brand. In the process of investigating this matter, the brand built by Huawei for more than 30 years will not be abused by anyone. Huawei doesn’t make cars, and it doesn’t have any brands of cars. Huawei brand is strictly prohibited as an automobile brand. We will rectify internal promotional materials such as flagship stores and return to strategy. "

Then, it was reported publicly that Yu Chengdong, managing director of HUAWEI, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, ordered that the removal of Celestial cars in Huawei stores involved all promotional materials of Huawei brand, especially the sinking market.

On April 3, in a Huawei experience store in a shopping mall in the suburbs of Tianjin, the words "Huawei asks the world" have disappeared from the publicity screen in the store, and the display boards at the license plates before and after the show have been replaced with "AITO". The pasting of the new license plate is obviously a little hasty, the rear license plate is a little distorted, and the double-sided tape used for pasting is even exposed.

Photography: Mo Wei

Although there is no written logo of "HUAWEI asks the world" in the store, Huawei asks the world is still on the lips of store sales. When adding the WeChat of the in-store sales consultant, the nickname prefix suddenly shows "HUAWEI asks the world".

"Golden signboard" is not enough.

Summarizing the work experience in the field of inquiry in the past two years, Adi’s answer is: love is the deepest responsibility.

The reason why he thinks that the world of inquiry will "fall down" this year is not for his old club’s downfall, but for the future fate of the world of inquiry after "clearing the relationship" with Huawei.

In Adi’s impression, at the beginning of the establishment of the world, the manufacturer Cyrus has always been a humble existence. "The marketing and quality inspection of the brand are all led by Huawei, and even in the training courseware sold, Cyrus is not mentioned." Although he joined the brand in the world, all his work and performance are managed by Huawei. "Huawei will send a Huawei person to supervise in every store that sells cars, responsible for managing and conveying some guidelines from manufacturers and activity plans."

Adi’s feeling is that Huawei has always been a very strong presence, and the people who were stationed in the store at the beginning are very capable, which can help the sales people to make orders and sell better. "It sold very well at first, with an average of about three transactions a month. At that time, Huawei also wanted to make Cyrus a benchmark to prove its strength. "

Chen Jie (a pseudonym), another sales consultant who switched to Japanese brands from the world of inquiry, also has a deep understanding of Huawei’s strength. In the sales process, Huawei’s leading role is obvious. In 2022, it achieved a sales volume of 75,000 vehicles throughout the year, and was called "the fastest growing brand of new energy vehicles".

However, in the beginning of 2023, the price war in the automobile market intensified, and the sales volume in the world continued to decline. In 2023, the sales volume in January was 4,885 vehicles, down 56% from the previous month. In February, the sales volume dropped to 3,505 vehicles, down 21% from the previous month.

The pressure on the sales side has increased significantly. Since the beginning of this year, Adi obviously feels that Huawei is in a mess. "The preferential policies promoted by Huawei are said to be the lowest in history every time, and then it won’t be long before the activities are held again, and the price is even stronger than before."

After several times, Adi had no idea when communicating with customers, and could not confirm the preferential amount. "Internal policies are often inconsistent."

What makes Adi even more helpless is Huawei’s "involution" at the dealer level. "There are a lot of stores in a city, and each store recruits a lot of people. These stores are not the same boss, and the price is very serious." Adi said that in order to sell cars, peers kept each other’s prices down and even let their profits go.

Later, the professionalism of Huawei’s staff stationed in the store was also greatly reduced. "They don’t even understand Huawei’s basic policies."

At the same time, Huawei will have requirements for data such as test drive in the store, and most of this data can’t be completed. "There are many stores and many salespeople. In order to complete the task, the store will share it. Let’s find relatives and friends to complete it." For a long time, Adi and his colleagues were tired of completing the test drive data task in the store.

In this case, the loss of intentional customers has become the biggest problem. A lot of sales around Adi have lost many intentional customers because of the changeable prices and various "coquettish operations" in the store.

Due to the failure to complete the work task, the performance salary was deducted, and some sales people chose to leave their jobs. Artie is one of them.

A partner who starts a new stove

Although he has left, Adi is still paying attention to the world.

Adi and his former colleagues have discussed a lot about "drawing a clear line" between Huawei and the media. In their view, Huawei is somewhat "throwing a pot" in the case of poor overall sales at this time.

In the inner voice community of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei signed a post saying "Huawei doesn’t make cars", and Yu Chengdong left a message: "This era has changed, which will only make it more difficult for us! After a few years, everyone will understand! Leave time to test! " "For an industry, only in-depth insight and deep understanding can we grasp the correct direction! Mark it and come back in a few years! "

Since Huawei set foot in the automobile business in 2019, Yu Chengdong has been labeled as a "car maker". In February this year, the news that Wang Jun, the original Huawei smart car solution BU COO, was suspended came out, and the news that Yu Chengdong was fully responsible for BU was rampant. Immediately, photos of Yu Chengdong’s visits to Sellers and Aouita came out.

It seems that Huawei’s car-making route has become as radical and bold as himself.

At the beginning of March, "HUAWEI asked the world" appeared in the holiday poster released by HUAWEI terminal. Among the official accounts of the car, "AITO asked the world" was quietly replaced by "Huawei asked the world".

Promotional materials in offline stores are also updated synchronously. In the sinking market, the words "Huawei Auto" even appeared.

On March 30th, the day before Huawei and Cyrus "drew a clear line". Celestial’s company launched a brand-new new energy vehicle brand Blue Power, equipped with BYD Foday hybrid system. Sailis said that this is a brand new brand that is different from the outside world.

This is also regarded by the outside world as a signal that Cyrus is "planning ahead" and starting a new stove.

The change of HI mode partners is more obvious. It is reported that a senior executive of BAIC Polar Fox expressed his dissatisfaction with Huawei at a recent internal meeting. "We have cooperated with Huawei for so many years, and Huawei has gained a lot of voice. What have we got?" Under the bleak sales of Alpha created in cooperation with Huawei, BAIC has begun to promote the mother-baby parent-child model "Koala".

Another partner, GAC, has also undergone new changes. On March 27th, Guangzhou Automobile Group said that the AH8 project jointly built by Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an and Huawei was changed to independent development, and Huawei will participate as an important supplier. This means that the HI mode of GAC and Ai ‘an has fallen through.

In the public interview, Feng Xingya, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group, talked about the cooperation with Huawei and bluntly said that Guangzhou Automobile needs more brand characteristics. This just corresponds to the "soul theory" put forward by Chen Hong, the chairman of SAIC.

On April 1st, when Yu Chengdong attended the committee of 100 Forum on Electric Vehicles in China (2023), he said that Huawei was still under sanctions, and its partners were limited. "The new forces have their own intelligent pursuit, and it is unlikely to cooperate with us. It is also difficult for European, American and Japanese companies to choose Huawei. In the end, only traditional car companies are left." Yu Chengdong said.

An engineer from a head parts supplier told China Entrepreneur that Huawei seems to have neglected the brand dignity that traditional car companies value most, and planned a lot of cooperative car companies and models, which eventually became a constraint.

On April 6, the related content of "HUAWEI asks the world" has not been deleted from Huawei’s official accounts such as Huawei Terminal.

Huawei to ensure survival

Yu Chengdong insists that the cooperation has not changed. However, in the rapidly changing China market, it is becoming more and more difficult to do both the brand and Huawei’s automobile business.

In an interview with China Entrepreneur, Zhang Yun, global CEO of Rees Strategic Positioning Consulting and chairman of China, said that Huawei’s insistence on not building cars is a comprehensive choice.

"Huawei’s mobile phone business has been affected in the United States. If the car moves the’ cheese’ of European and American companies again, it will be’ killed’ in overseas core markets." Zhang Yun said that this is a statement spread from within Huawei and also reflects Huawei’s overall strategic considerations.

"If Huawei is a core supplier of smart cars, the technical value of core components is very high, and its value may be higher than that of a car-making enterprise." Zhang Yun believes that from the perspective of business value, technology is not only an area that Huawei is good at, but also can create more value.

In Zhang Yun’s view, just because Huawei can make a good mobile phone does not mean that it can also make a good car. "It takes a lot longer to make a car than a mobile phone. Interlacing is like a mountain. " This view seems to confirm the choice of Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei.

According to the financial report data released by Huawei on March 31st, in 2022, the company’s net profit decreased by 68.7% year-on-year, and the cash flow from operating activities decreased by 70.2% year-on-year. Although Meng Wanzhou, the rotating chairman, has repeatedly stressed that Huawei’s cash flow is still sufficient, the declining data has already reflected Huawei’s survival status in the current market environment.

As early as last year, Ren Zhengfei published the famous "Cold Theory" based on the changes in the domestic and international market environment, saying that Huawei should take survival as the highest program, focus on strategy and burn less money.

The impact of the car-making business seems to be contrary to Ren Zhengfei’s strategy.

The data shows that Huawei BU is the only loss-making business unit. China Entrepreneur learned from Huawei officials that BU, a Huawei smart car solution, has invested 3 billion US dollars in R&D since its establishment, with as many as 7,000 R&D personnel.

In the 2022 annual report, Huawei’s sales revenue in carrier business, enterprise business and terminal business was 284 billion yuan, 133.2 billion yuan and 214.5 billion yuan respectively. Among them, the revenue of smart car solution parts business was 2.1 billion yuan.

From the perspective of Huawei’s overall business, after the terminal mobile phone business encounters sanctions, Huawei may not be able to bear the car business to get into trouble again. The first task is to ensure the safety and survival of its main business.

Many people in the industry also believe that whether from the basic logic of building a car or the increasingly fierce market competition, Huawei should really be more rational in building a car.

In his speech at the committee of 100 Forum, Yu Chengdong said: "In the past, Huawei leaders, including Ren Zong, wanted to become a Tier1 supplier similar to Bosch, but now the conditions of this strategy seem to be untenable."


Yu Chengdong ordered overnight: Remove Huawei logo! The latest response, Global Times

Ren Zhengfei "strangles" Huawei to build a car, and Yu Chengdong mourns! ",Electric Vehicle Commune

"The board hits Yu Chengdong, and Ren Zhengfei hurts", Snow Leopard Finance and Economics.

Editor on duty: Wang Yijie Review: Zhang Gege Production: Wu Ying

Positioning young Nordic wind LYNK&CO two concept cars released

  [New Car Launch] LYNK&CO, a brand-new brand of Geely Group, officially released the Harmony. The new car is built on the CMA platform jointly developed by Geely and Geely, in which 01 will be officially mass-produced as the first model of LYNK&CO in 2017, and will be listed in China at the end of 2017. Meanwhile, the Lynk & Co brand will gradually enter the European and North American markets.

Home of the car

『LYNC&CO 01 concept car

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

『LYNK concept car

LYNK&CO 01 concept car

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  LYNK&CO 01 concept car is located in a model, which is built by Gothenburg styling center led by Peter Hobury, deputy director of Geely Group, and its overall style is very fashionable. The large mouth air intake grille gives people a very layered feeling. At the same time, the headlight group adopts split design, in which the light band shape is very individual, while the high beam and low beam groups are hidden on both sides of the grille, which makes the front face of the whole vehicle look more integrated.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  On the tail, the 01 concept car adopts L-shaped taillight design and LED light source, and presents a stereoscopic visual effect. The overall design is coordinated, the lines are full, and it doesn’t look stingy.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  In terms of interior, the new car adopts a 10-inch full LCD instrument panel with mechanical instrument combination design, and is equipped with interior atmosphere lights, a 10.1-inch touch screen, an electronic shift lever, etc. to increase the sense of technology. On the whole, the new car focuses on Nordic style, and the design is simple and fashionable.

Home of the car

  LYNK&CO brand official said that this concept car is "the product that best represents intelligent interconnection technology". Based on the open digital platform, it will cooperate with the world’s leading technology companies. Therefore, interconnection is also one of the main aspects of LYNK&CO brand in the future.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with 1.5T three-cylinder and 2.0T four-cylinder matched with CMA platform in the future, as well as hybrid system and pure electric system. In terms of transmission, it will be matched with a brand-new 7-speed, and the new car will also be equipped with a four-wheel drive system.

LYNK concept car

Home of the car

  Compared with LYNK&CO 01 concept car, this concept car named LYNK has no mass production plan. It is just an attempt by the designer for LYNK&CO brand. The new car adopts a four-door coupe design and looks very dynamic as a whole. The front face of the new car still uses a large mouth grille design, while the headlight group uses a more simplified LED light source. Compared with LYNK&CO 01 concept car, the new car has more muscular lines.

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

  In terms of body, the new car adopts a four-door style that tilts upwards and looks very individual. In the tail shape, we can see the sense of movement of its design, and the taillight group adopts integrated light belt design, which gives people a very fashionable feeling.

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

  In terms of interior, the concept car is even more exaggerated. The steering wheel with more sporty shape is equipped with a full LCD instrument panel and a central control LCD screen, which gives people a more futuristic feeling. At the same time, the 2+2-type four-seat chair looks very design-oriented.

Introduction of CMA platform

Home of the car

  With regard to the platform, the 01 concept car is built on the CMA modular platform of Geely Group. The CMA platform is a brand-new intermediate car basic module structure led by Volvo Cars and jointly developed by Geely Cars and Volvo Cars. The platform has been developed in the European Research and Development Center (CEVT) of Geely Cars for more than three years, and can be adjusted according to the positioning and length of different models, covering small, compact and corresponding product layouts. In the future, a new generation of Volvo 40 series models will be born on this platform.

LYNK&CO brand introduction:

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  LYNK&CO brand is a brand-new brand created by Geely Group. Its positioning is between Geely brand and Volvo brand under the group, focusing on Nordic style, and it will become a competitor of overseas mainstream brands including and.

Home of the car

  LYNK&CO is a combination of two English words. LYNK means connection and interconnection, which represents the cooperative nature of the brand and the future development route of intelligent interconnection. It is expected to join the ranks of future mobile travel service providers. CO has no specific meaning, its meaning is to make the brand name more catchy, thus showing that the new brand is young and full of vitality.

  In the future, the brand will build matrix products based on CMA platform. The first production car will be a compact SUV, code-named C11, which will adopt the overall design language of 01 concept car. In the future, LYNK&CO brand will also enter the China market in the future, so as to compete with Volkswagen, Ford and other brands. (Text/car home Wuyuan)

  Read more:

  Promote smart interconnection? LYNK&CO’s latest trailer released

2022 Black Bomb Officially Listed Great Wall Gun Shines at Qilu Auto Show

  On June 9th, the 45th Qilu International Automobile Exhibition and Trade Fair officially opened. Qilu Auto Show, as one of the important exhibitions in the central market, has a strong radiation influence. At this year’s auto show, the Great Wall Gun took two major categories, leisure and fashion business, and three models, 2022 black bullet, off-road gun trailer version and King Kong gun flat-bottomed container version, made a grand debut. Among them, the 2022 black bullet rejuvenation is listed, which is a 1-word scalp card model, and the official guide price is 248,800 yuan.

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2022 black bomb goes on the market.

  In May, the 300,000th vehicle of the Great Wall Gun was officially rolled off the assembly line. From zero to 300,000, the Great Wall Gun took only 2 years and 8 months, and once again demonstrated the "Great Wall Gun Speed", becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 300,000 sets, setting a new industry record.

  Designed for off-road players, 2022 black bombs were launched.

  In 2021, Great Wall Gun officially released the "Cannonball Plan", and together with excellent co-creation partners such as Yunliang, Dinghuo and Yuanda Shelby, it built the first co-creation and modification platform of China automobile brand, which is also the first professional, customized, personalized and ultimate user experience platform in China. Black bomb is the first product of this platform incubation. In view of the individual needs of deep cross-country and pan-outdoor players, Great Wall Gun and Yunliang Cross-country jointly developed, and after many revisions and demonstration tests, this "wilderness weapon" was created.

  At the auto show, the 2022 black bomb was launched. In terms of face value, the 2022 black bullet adopts the all-black body background color, which is only decorated with bright orange, which is very appropriate in the temperament of "low-key is not mediocre, high-profile is not unassuming".

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2022 Black Bomb

  What is even more surprising is that the 2022 black bullet chassis has been newly developed and upgraded, with stronger resistance, lighter weight, faster chassis response and worry-free handling. The whole vehicle is also equipped with professional K-MAN shock absorption and standard Bailuchi KO2 tires, which not only provides strong support and rebound suppression, but also enables people to "walk on the ground" in any environment, and can cope with all kinds of road conditions and easily meet various usage scenarios. Off-road hard core equipment is added. Thanks to part-time 4wd system, front and rear axle electronic differential system and WARN winch, the 2022 Black Bomb has a stronger ability to get out of trouble, and it can be easily hold in desert, Gobi, river beach or bog, enjoying the fun of off-road driving. In addition, the original factory comes with 2.5 tons of traction qualification, which can meet all kinds of traction needs and enjoy outdoor life.

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2022 Black Bomb

  The Great Wall Gun, which takes users as the center, will continue to create personalized customized models with upgraded performance, enhanced functions and unlimited expansion of scenes together with major modified brands, so as to meet the needs of pickup players and lead the development of pickup culture in China.

  Full scene pickup truck life Great Wall gun whole car layout trailer version

  As the pioneer of new pickup truck category, the leader of pickup truck culture and the leader of users’ co-creation, Great Wall Gun insists on category innovation and makes full efforts to take advantage of leisure and fashion business. Take the leisure category, and strive to meet the diversified and personalized needs of users, improve the quality of life of users around the world, and empower the pickup culture to develop upwards.

  At the auto show, as an all-terrain mass production off-road pickup truck — — The trailer version of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck is particularly eye-catching. In order to meet the diversified needs of users, at present, the whole car system of Great Wall Gun has been equipped with trailer models. The off-road gun trailer version is naturally powerful, with C6 driving towing qualification, equipped with 2.5 tons of towing qualification, a trailer with a reserved power outlet and a rear towing device, which can create infinitely expanding towing use scenarios, including towing motorcycles, Luya boats, RVs, motorboats, etc., which perfectly adapts to the whole scene of pickup truck life and allows users to enjoy the charm of pickup truck culture.

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Great wall gun off-road pickup trailer

  Empowering thousands of industries to create a car with people’s livelihood value.

  Great Wall Gun’s fashion and commercial products focus on building compact and medium-sized pickup trucks, and are committed to building a car of value and people’s livelihood for thousands of industries, helping users to have good business and a better life. King Kong Gun, which is positioned as a fashionable commercial pickup truck, is another global product of Great Wall Gun’s category innovation.

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King kong cannon

  King Kong Cannon has three kinds of containers to choose from: standard box, long box and flat bottom. No matter what "goods" they are, they can give you the right choice. In particular, the flat-bottomed container is "value-for-money, economical and fashionable". The horizontal inclination angle of the container is smaller than that of competing products, the rear of the container is not tilted, and the car posture is good; 1.82m ultra-long flat container, leading the same level, the effective loading of flat container is increased by 50%, and the square boxes and drums are placed casually. King Kong cannon also has a small turning diameter, which can easily cope with narrow road conditions and turn around and turn. Intimate container lighting, caring for everyone who races against the clock.

  King Kong Cannon is a high-value model based on the needs of users in the era of industrial interconnection. It is tempered to be rigid and has the quality of King Kong. It pays tribute to the strugglers in the new era with hard-core strength, empowers thousands of industries, expands new formats and innovates business together.

  At this year’s auto show, the Great Wall Gun also shared its understanding of the "climber spirit": the climber spirit is the spirit of pursuing dreams, and the Great Wall Gun has changed the commercial characteristics of pickup trucks, endowed them with the characteristics of riding, created a full-scene pickup truck life, and made pickup trucks have culture; Climbers need to challenge themselves mentally. Above 300,000, the Great Wall Gun will climb to a higher goal. The climber’s spirit needs cooperation and co-creation. The Artillery League Cheyouhui has 31 provincial teams, 800,000 fans of the Great Wall Gun APP and six pickup colleges. The Great Wall Gun has built a full-scale pickup truck life by co-creating, co-building and sharing with users, helping the diversified development of pickup trucks.

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Measure Everest

  Great Wall pickup truck has been the first in domestic sales and the first in export for 24 consecutive years. Ride the wind and waves, be steady and far-reaching. Standing on a new starting point of 300,000 units, Great Wall Gun will continue to exert its efforts in category innovation and user co-creation, write a new chapter in category innovation, practice the concept of global user co-creation and deepen global development. (Photo courtesy of the Great Wall pickup)

General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Development Plan of New Energy Automobile Industry (2021

General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing New Energy Automobile Industry

Notice of Development Plan (2021-2035)

No.39 [2020] of the State Council

People’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions and institutions directly under the State Council:

"New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)" has been approved by the State Council and is hereby issued to you, please implement it carefully.

the General Office of the State Council

October 20, 2020

(This piece is publicly released)

New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)

Developing new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a big automobile country to a strong automobile country, and it is a strategic measure to cope with climate change and promote green development. Since the State Council released the Development Plan of Energy Saving and New Energy Automobile Industry (2012-2020) in 2012, China has adhered to the strategic orientation of pure electric drive, and the development of new energy automobile industry has made great achievements, becoming one of the important forces in the development and transformation of the world automobile industry. At the same time, the development of new energy vehicles in China is also facing some problems, such as weak core technology innovation ability, imperfect quality assurance system, lagging infrastructure construction, imperfect industrial ecology and increasing market competition. This plan is formulated to promote the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry and accelerate the construction of a powerful automobile country.

Chapter I Development Trend

Section 1 New energy vehicles inject new kinetic energy into world economic development

At present, a new round of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are developing vigorously, and the integration of automobile and related technologies in energy, transportation, information and communication is accelerating. Electrification, networking and intelligence have become the development trend and trend of the automobile industry. New energy vehicles integrate new energy, new materials, Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other revolutionary technologies, and promote the transformation of vehicles from simple means of transportation to mobile intelligent terminals, energy storage units and digital spaces, promote the transformation and upgrading of energy, transportation, information and communication infrastructure, and promote the optimization of energy consumption structure, the improvement of transportation system and the intelligent level of urban operation, which is of great significance to building a clean and beautiful world and a community of human destiny. In recent years, the world’s major automobile countries have strengthened their strategic planning and policy support, and multinational automobile companies have increased their investment in research and development and improved their industrial layout. New energy vehicles have become the main direction of the transformation and development of the global automobile industry and an important engine for promoting the sustained growth of the world economy.

Section 2 China’s new energy vehicles have entered a new stage of accelerated development

The automobile product form, transportation mode, energy consumption structure and social operation mode are undergoing profound changes, which provide unprecedented development opportunities for the new energy automobile industry. After years of continuous efforts, the technical level of China’s new energy automobile industry has been significantly improved, the industrial system has been improved day by day, and the competitiveness of enterprises has been greatly enhanced. Since 2015, the production, sales and ownership have ranked first in the world for five consecutive years, and the industry has entered a new stage of overlapping, convergence and development. We must seize the strategic opportunity, consolidate the good momentum, give full play to the advantages in the fields of infrastructure, information and communication, continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the industry, and promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the new energy automobile industry.

In the third quarter, integration and opening up have become the new characteristics of the development of new energy vehicles.

With the overall transformation of automobile power source, production and operation mode and consumption and use mode, the ecology of new energy automobile industry is gradually evolving from the "chain relationship" among parts, vehicle R&D, production and marketing service enterprises to the "network ecology" involving multi-subjects in automobile, energy, transportation, information and communication. Mutual empowerment and coordinated development have become the inherent needs of the development of various market players. Cross-industry and cross-field integration and innovation and more open and inclusive international cooperation have become the characteristics of the new energy automobile industry development, which greatly enhanced the industrial development momentum, stimulated market vitality and promoted the formation of a new industrial development pattern of mutual integration, symbiosis and win-win cooperation.

第二章 总体部署

第一节 总体思路


第二节 基本原则


Driven by innovation.In-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, the establishment of enterprise-oriented, market-oriented and Industry-University-Research-coordinated technological innovation system, improve the institutional environment for encouraging and protecting innovation, encourage the parallel development of various technological routes, support all kinds of entities to work together to overcome key core technologies, increase the innovation of business models, and form a new industrial innovation ecology.

Coordinated advancement.We will improve the coordination and promotion mechanism of horizontal cooperation and vertical penetration, promote the deep integration of new energy vehicles with energy, transportation and information communication, and make overall plans to promote technology research and development, standard formulation, popularization and application and infrastructure construction, so as to turn the super-large-scale market advantage into industrial advantage.

Open development.Practice the cooperative concept of openness, mutual benefit and win-win, expand high-level opening to the outside world, and promote reform, development and innovation through opening up; Adhere to the combination of "bringing in" and "going out", strengthen international cooperation, actively participate in international competition, cultivate new advantages in the new energy automobile industry, and deeply integrate into the global industrial chain and value chain system.

Section III Development Vision

By 2025, the competitiveness of China’s new energy vehicle market will be significantly enhanced, and major breakthroughs will be made in key technologies such as power batteries, drive motors and vehicle operating systems, and the safety level will be comprehensively improved. The average power consumption of new cars for pure electric passenger cars has dropped to 12.0 kWh/100 km, and the sales volume of new energy vehicles has reached about 20% of the total sales volume of new cars. Highly self-driving cars have been commercialized in limited areas and specific scenes, and the convenience of charging and replacing electricity services has been significantly improved.

After 15 years of continuous efforts, the core technology of new energy vehicles in China has reached the international advanced level, and the quality brands have strong international competitiveness. Pure electric vehicles have become the mainstream of newly sold vehicles, vehicles in public areas are fully electrified, fuel cell vehicles are commercialized, highly self-driving vehicles are applied on a large scale, the charging and replacing service network is convenient and efficient, and the construction of hydrogen fuel supply system is steadily promoted, effectively promoting energy conservation, drainage reduction and improvement of social operation efficiency.

Chapter III Improving the Ability of Technological Innovation

Section 1 Deepening the R&D Layout of "Three Verticals and Three Horizons"

Strengthen the innovation of vehicle integration technology.With pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles (including extended range vehicles) and fuel cell vehicles as "three verticals", the whole vehicle technology innovation chain is laid out. Research and develop a new generation of modular high-performance vehicle platform, tackle the integrated design of pure electric vehicle chassis and multi-energy power system integration technology, break through common energy-saving technologies such as intelligent energy management and control, lightweight and low friction, improve the safety technology level of battery management, charging connection and structural design, and improve the comprehensive performance of new energy vehicles.

Improve the industrial basic ability.Taking power battery and management system, drive motor and power electronics, networking and intelligent technology as "three horizontals", the technical supply system of key components is constructed. We will tackle key technical problems of advanced modular power batteries and fuel cell systems, explore solutions for a new generation of vehicle motor drive systems, strengthen the development of key components and systems of intelligent networked vehicles, break through bottlenecks such as basic platform technology for computing and control and supporting technology for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and enhance research and development capabilities such as basic key technologies, advanced basic processes, basic core components and key basic materials.

Section II Accelerating the Construction of Common Technology Innovation Platform

Establish and improve the joint research and development mechanism of leading enterprises, state key laboratories and national manufacturing innovation centers, focus on shortcomings and weaknesses such as core processes, special materials, key components and manufacturing equipment, actively explore from different technical paths, and improve the supply capacity of key common technologies. Guide cross-disciplinary cooperation in automobile, energy, transportation, information communication, etc., establish an innovative platform for the integration of new energy vehicles, smart energy and intelligent transportation for future travel, jointly tackle basic cross-cutting key technologies, and enhance the integration and innovation capabilities of new energy vehicles and related industries.

Section III Enhancing the Public Service Capability of the Industry

Relying on industry associations, innovation centers and other institutions to promote the co-construction and sharing of various innovative service platforms, and improve the support capabilities of public services such as technology transfer, information services, personnel training, project financing, and international exchanges. The application of virtual reality, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the establishment of automotive electrification, networking, intelligent virtual simulation and test verification platform, improve the measurement test, performance evaluation and testing certification capabilities of the vehicle and key components.

Chapter IV Building a New Industrial Ecology

Section 1 Supporting the Development of Eco-oriented Enterprises

Encourage enterprises in the fields of new energy vehicles, energy, transportation, information and communication to cooperate across borders, focus on diversified production and application needs, and build an eco-leading enterprise covering key links in the industrial chain such as solutions, R&D and production, use guarantee and operation services through open cooperation and benefit sharing. In areas with good industrial foundation and concentrated innovation elements, leading enterprises should play a leading role, cultivate a number of new energy automobile industrial clusters with international influence and competitiveness, and promote the modernization level of industrial chain.

Section 2 Promoting the Innovative Application of Key Systems

Accelerate the development and application of vehicle operating system.Guided by the demand of vehicle enterprises, we will play the role of leading enterprises, national manufacturing innovation center and other innovation platforms, adhere to the coordinated research of software and hardware, and focus on the development of vehicle operating systems. Around the vehicle operating system, the development and application ecology of deep cooperation between market players in the fields of vehicle, key components, basic data and software will be built. Through rapid product iteration, the scale of users will be expanded and the industrial application of vehicle operating system will be accelerated.

Promote the development of the full value chain of power batteries.Encourage enterprises to improve the support capacity of key resources such as lithium, nickel, cobalt and platinum. Establish and improve the modular standard system of power batteries, accelerate the breakthrough of key manufacturing equipment, and improve the process level and production efficiency. Improve the recycling system of power battery recycling, cascade utilization and recycling, and encourage the co-construction and sharing of recycling channels. Establish and improve the management system of transportation, storage, maintenance, safety inspection, retirement and recycling of power batteries, and strengthen the supervision of the whole life cycle.

The third quarter to improve the level of intelligent manufacturing

Promote the in-depth application of intelligent technology in key links such as R&D and design, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, operation and management, and after-sales service of new energy vehicles. Accelerate the development and integration of core industrial software such as simulation, management and control of intelligent manufacturing of new energy vehicles, and carry out application demonstrations of intelligent factories and digital workshops. Accelerate the popularization and application of the product lifecycle collaborative management system, support the construction of an integrated demonstration platform for design, manufacturing and service, and improve the intelligent level of the whole industrial chain of new energy vehicles.

Section IV Strengthening Quality and Safety Assurance

Promote the construction of quality brands.Carry out actions to improve the quality of new energy vehicle products, guide enterprises to strengthen the development and application of reliability technologies in the whole process of design, manufacturing, testing and verification, make full use of advanced technologies such as the Internet, big data and blockchain, and improve the quality control and traceability mechanism of products throughout their life cycle. Guide enterprises to strengthen brand development strategy and strengthen brand building with the focus on improving quality and service level.

Improve the security system.Implement a safe production mechanism that combines corporate responsibility, government supervision, industry self-discipline and social supervision. Strengthen the main responsibility of enterprises for product safety, implement the extended producer responsibility system, and strengthen the quality and safety management, safety status monitoring and maintenance inspection of key systems such as vehicle, power battery and electronic control. We will improve the safety standards and laws and regulations for new energy vehicles, such as complete vehicles, spare parts, maintenance and testing, charging and replacing electricity, and strengthen the supervision and management of production safety and the safety recall management of new energy vehicles. Encourage industry organizations to strengthen technical exchanges, sort out and sum up experience, and guide enterprises to continuously improve their safety level.

Chapter V Promoting Industrial Integration and Development

Section 1 Promoting the Integration of New Energy Vehicles and Energy

Strengthen the energy interaction between new energy vehicles and power grid (V2G).Strengthen the research of high cycle life power battery technology and promote the application of low power DC technology. Encourage local governments to carry out V2G demonstration applications, coordinate the demand for charging and discharging of new energy vehicles and power dispatching, and comprehensively apply policies such as peak-valley electricity price and preferential charging of new energy vehicles to realize efficient energy interaction between new energy vehicles and the power grid, reduce the electricity cost of new energy vehicles, and improve the response capabilities of power grid such as peak-shaving and frequency modulation, and safety emergency.

Promote efficient cooperation between new energy vehicles and renewable energy.Promote the information sharing and integration of new energy vehicles with meteorological and renewable energy power forecasting systems, coordinate the coordinated scheduling of energy utilization of new energy vehicles with wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation, and increase the proportion of renewable energy applications. Encourage the construction of "optical storage charging and discharging" (distributed photovoltaic power generation-energy storage system-charging and discharging) multifunctional integrated station. Support qualified areas to carry out commercial demonstration operation of fuel cell vehicles.

Section II Promoting the Integration of New Energy Vehicles and Transportation

Develop integrated smart travel services.Accelerate the construction of a new intelligent traffic control system covering front-end information collection, edge distributed computing and cloud collaborative control. Accelerate the application of new energy vehicles in time-sharing leasing, urban public transport, taxis, venue vehicles and other fields, and optimize the use environment of new energy vehicles in public services. Guide automobile production enterprises and travel service enterprises to build a "one-stop" service platform, and promote the development and application of parking service technology.

Constructing intelligent green logistics transportation system.Promote the application of new energy vehicles in urban distribution, port operations and other fields, and facilitate the passage of new energy trucks. Develop "internet plus" efficient logistics, innovate smart logistics operation mode, promote the application of new modes such as network freight and trailer sharing, and create a new format of safe and efficient logistics and transportation services.

Section III Promoting the Integration and Development of New Energy Vehicles and Information Communication

Promote the efficient collaboration of "people-vehicles-roads-clouds" with data as the link.Based on the information of automobile perception, traffic control and urban management, a multi-layer data fusion and computing platform of "people-vehicles-roads-clouds" will be built, and demonstration applications of specific scenes, regions and roads will be carried out to promote the innovation of new energy vehicles and information communication integration application services.

Create a network security system.Improve the network security management system of new energy vehicles, build a unified vehicle identity authentication and security trust system, promote the in-depth application of cryptographic technology, strengthen the safety detection of vehicle information systems, service platforms and key electronic components, strengthen the data classification and compliance application management of new energy vehicles, improve the risk assessment, early warning monitoring and emergency response mechanisms, and ensure the information security of "vehicle end-transmission pipeline network-cloud".

Section IV Strengthening Standard Docking and Data Sharing

Establish a comprehensive standard system for the integration and development of new energy vehicles and related industries, and clarify the technical interface standards such as vehicle operating system, vehicle basic map, vehicle pile information sharing, and cloud control basic platform. Establish a comprehensive big data platform across industries and fields to promote the co-construction, sharing and interconnection of all kinds of data.

Chapter VI Perfecting the Infrastructure System

Section 1 vigorously promote the construction of charging and replacing network

Accelerate the construction of infrastructure for charging and replacing electricity.Scientifically arrange the charging and replacing infrastructure, and strengthen the overall coordination with urban and rural construction planning, power grid planning, property management and urban parking. Relying on "internet plus" smart energy, improve the level of intelligence, actively promote the charging service mode in residential areas, accelerate the formation of highways and urban and rural public charging networks with moderate lead, fast charging and slow charging, encourage the application of power exchange mode, strengthen the research and development of new charging technologies such as intelligent and orderly charging, high-power charging and wireless charging, and improve the convenience of charging and product reliability.

Improve the service level of charging infrastructure.Guide enterprises to jointly establish a charging facility operation service platform to realize interconnection, information sharing and unified settlement. Strengthen the research and development of technologies such as safety monitoring and early warning of charging equipment and distribution system, standardize the use of electromagnetic spectrum of wireless charging facilities, improve the safety, consistency and reliability of charging facilities, and improve the level of service guarantee.

Encourage business model innovation.Combined with the renovation of old residential areas, urban renewal and other work, we will guide many parties to jointly carry out the construction and operation of charging facilities, and support the development of cooperation modes such as multi-vehicle and one pile in residential areas and sharing of adjacent parking spaces. Encourage the combination of charging stations and commercial real estate, build integrated parking and charging service facilities, enhance the charging service capacity of public places, and expand value-added services. Improve the insurance system of charging facilities to reduce the risks of enterprise operation and user use.

Section 2 Coordinating and Promoting the Construction of Intelligent Road Network Facilities

Promote the construction of a new generation of wireless communication network, and accelerate the formulation and technical upgrade of wireless communication (C-V2X) standards between vehicles and other devices outside the vehicle based on cellular communication technology. Promote the digital transformation and upgrading of road infrastructure such as traffic signs, strengthen the intelligent interconnection between traffic lights, traffic signs and markings, communication facilities, intelligent roadside equipment and vehicle-mounted terminals, and promote the formulation of relevant standards and the construction of management platforms for the intelligent construction and transformation of urban road infrastructure. Accelerate the construction of differential base stations and promote the application of satellite navigation systems such as Beidou in the field of high-precision positioning.

Section III Promoting the Construction of Hydrogen Fuel Supply System in an Orderly Way

Improve the economy of hydrogen fuel storage and transportation.According to local conditions, we will develop the application of industrial by-product hydrogen and renewable energy to make hydrogen, and accelerate the industrialization of advanced and applicable hydrogen storage materials. Carry out demonstration and application of various storage and transportation technologies such as high-pressure gas, deep cold gas, low-temperature liquid and solid, explore the construction of hydrogen fuel transportation pipelines, and gradually reduce the storage and transportation costs of hydrogen fuel. Improve the standard system of hydrogen fuel production, storage, transportation and filling. Strengthen the research on hydrogen fuel safety and strengthen the safety supervision of the whole chain.

Promote the construction of hydrogenation infrastructure.Establish and improve the management norms of hydrogenation infrastructure. Guide enterprises to rationally arrange hydrogenation infrastructure according to hydrogen fuel supply and consumption demand, and improve the level of safe operation. Support the use of existing sites and facilities to carry out comprehensive supply services of oil, gas, hydrogen and electricity.

Chapter VII Deepening Open Cooperation

Section 1 Expanding Opening-up, Exchanges and Cooperation

Strengthen the docking with the internationally accepted economic and trade rules, fully implement the pre-entry national treatment plus negative list management system, treat the main players in the new energy market equally, and build a market-oriented, legal and international business environment. Give play to the role of multi-bilateral cooperation mechanism and high-level dialogue mechanism, and support domestic and foreign enterprises, research institutes and industry institutions to carry out exchanges and cooperation in R&D and design, trade and investment, infrastructure, technical standards and personnel training. Actively participate in the formulation of international rules and standards, promote the formation of an open, transparent and inclusive international market environment for new energy vehicles, create a new platform for international cooperation, and add new impetus to common development.

Section II Accelerating Integration into Global Value Chains

Guide enterprises to formulate international development strategies, constantly improve their international competitiveness, increase the intensity of international market development, and promote industrial cooperation to extend from manufacturing links to technology research and development, marketing and other whole chains. Encourage enterprises to make full use of domestic and foreign funds and establish an international consumer credit system. Support enterprises to establish an international marketing service network and build overseas storage and after-sales service centers and other service platforms in key markets. Improve the service guarantee system such as legal consultation, testing and certification, and personnel training, guide enterprises to standardize overseas business practices, and improve compliance management.

Chapter VIII Safeguard Measures

Section 1 Deepening the Reform of Industry Management

We will further promote the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform, further relax market access, implement inclusive and prudent supervision, and promote the healthy and orderly development of new formats and models. We will improve the parallel management measures for the average fuel consumption of enterprises and the points of new energy vehicles, effectively undertake financial subsidy policies, and study and establish a linkage mechanism with the carbon trading market. Strengthen post-event supervision, consolidate local main responsibility, and curb chaos such as blindly launching new energy vehicle manufacturing projects. Promote the improvement of laws and regulations related to the production and management of road motor vehicles, establish and improve the exit mechanism of zombie enterprises, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the maintenance of enterprise access conditions, and promote the survival of the fittest. Give full play to the role of the market mechanism, support the merger and reorganization of advantageous enterprises, become bigger and stronger, and further improve industrial concentration.

Section 2 Improve the system of policies and regulations

Implement preferential tax policies related to new energy vehicles and optimize classified traffic management and financial services. Promote the scientific layout of infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity and hydrogenation, speed up construction, and give financial support to the construction of charging piles as public facilities. Break local protection and establish a unified, open and fair market system. Encourage local governments to increase support for vehicle operations in public services, shared travel and other fields, and give preferential policies such as parking and charging for new energy vehicles. From 2021, the proportion of new energy vehicles in public areas such as public transportation, rental, logistics and distribution will be no less than 80% in the national ecological civilization experimental zone and key areas for air pollution prevention and control. Formulate specific measures to incorporate R&D investment in new energy vehicles into the assessment system of state-owned enterprises. Accelerate the improvement of policies and regulations such as road traffic, accident liability and data use that meet the development requirements of intelligent networked vehicles. Accelerate the legislation on the recycling of power batteries.

Section III Strengthening the Construction of Talent Team

Accelerate the establishment of a talent training mechanism to meet the needs of the integration and development of new energy vehicles and related industries, compile a catalogue of talents in short supply in the industry, optimize the discipline layout in the fields of automotive electrification, networking and intelligence, and guide universities, research institutes and enterprises to increase the introduction and training of international talents. Carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit and craftsman spirit, establish a positive incentive orientation, and implement diversified incentive measures such as equity and options.

Section IV Strengthening Intellectual Property Protection

We will further implement the national intellectual property strategy and encourage researchers to develop high-value core intellectual property achievements in the field of new energy vehicles. Strictly implement the intellectual property protection system and strengthen the enforcement of infringement. We will build an intellectual property operation service system for new energy vehicles, strengthen the construction of a patent application transformation platform, and establish a mutually beneficial sharing and win-win cooperation patent operation model.

Section 5 Strengthening organizational coordination

Give full play to the role of the inter-ministerial joint meeting system and local coordination mechanism for the development of energy-saving and new energy vehicle industries, strengthen departmental coordination and linkage, formulate annual work plans and departmental task division, strengthen the overall planning of new energy vehicles and energy, transportation, information and communication industries in terms of policy planning, standards and regulations, and pay close attention to the major tasks and key tasks determined by the plan. All relevant departments should focus on the planning objectives and tasks, and formulate their work plans and supporting policies and measures according to the division of functions. All regions should earnestly implement it in light of local conditions, optimize the industrial layout, and avoid redundant construction. Industry organizations should give full play to the role of a bridge between enterprises and the government, and coordinate the establishment of a cross-border exchange and cooperation platform for the industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shall, jointly with relevant departments, conduct in-depth investigation and study, strengthen follow-up guidance, and promote the smooth implementation of the plan.

Xiamen Volvo V90 has significantly reduced its price, with a reserve price of 399,400! Act quickly.

In the car home Xiamen Promotion Channel, we are pleased to announce that luxury brands are having preferential activities! As a high-profile medium and large station wagon, the price reduction of Volvo V90 is very impressive, with the highest discount reaching 61,000 yuan. In Xiamen, you can start with this model at a lower price through preferential activities. The minimum starting price is 399,400 yuan. If you want to know the specific preferential price, please click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount.


The design of Volvo V90 is full of unique charm and exquisiteness. The front face design adopts the iconic Volvo family-style design, with a unique air intake grille, which makes it more visually eye-catching. The body lines are smooth, the overall style is fashionable and atmospheric, especially the unique C-pillar design, which shows its unique charm. The design of Volvo V90 not only embodies the traditional aesthetics of the brand, but also shows the sense of modernization and technology. No matter from which angle, Volvo V90 is an impressive luxury station wagon.


Volvo V90 is a luxury station wagon, with the length, width and height of 4959*1903*1543 mm and the wheelbase of 2941 mm respectively. The side lines of the car body are smooth, simple and elegant, giving people a feeling of noble atmosphere. The front and rear wheels are made of 245/45 R20 tires, with unique tire pattern design and good grip performance. The rim style is simple and generous, which complements the overall design of the car body and makes the vehicle more fashionable and sporty.


The interior design of Volvo V90 is full of simple Nordic style, creating a comfortable and luxurious atmosphere. The steering wheel is made of leather, which can be adjusted manually up and down+front and back, so that the driver can adjust according to his own needs. The central control screen has a size of 9 inches and supports voice recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation and telephone functions. There are four USB/Type-C interfaces in the front row and the back row, which is convenient for passengers to charge. The front seats are equipped with heating, ventilation and massage functions to provide a comfortable driving experience. The main and co-pilot seats can be electrically adjusted, including front and rear, backrest, height, leg rest and lumbar support, while the front seats are also equipped with seat memory function. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion, which increases the flexibility of space. Overall, the interior design of Volvo V90 is both comfortable and luxurious, making the driving experience more comfortable.


The Volvo V90 is equipped with a 2.0T 250 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 184 kW and a maximum torque of 350 N m.. This engine uses an 8-speed automatic transmission, which can provide a smooth shifting experience and excellent acceleration performance. At the same time, it also has excellent fuel economy and reliability, and is a high-performance and high-efficiency engine.

If you are satisfied with the performance and configuration of Volvo V90, now is the best time to buy it. At present, our dealers are holding promotional activities to provide you with a cash discount of up to 10,000 yuan. In addition, we also provide 0 interest rate loans and free maintenance services for 3 years or 100,000 kilometers, making it easier for you to own this luxury station wagon. Act quickly and make your dream come true!

Chery’s sales in August were released: the whole department sold well, and the new Tiggo broke 80,000.

  Recently, Chery Group released an August sales report. In August, Chery Group sold 65,200 vehicles, up 33.2% from the previous month and 5.4% from the same period last year. Among them, the sales volume of self-owned brand models was 52,000 units, up 23.1% from the previous month and 3.8% from the same period last year.

  From January to August this year, Chery Group sold a total of 439,000 vehicles, including 378,000 vehicles of its own brand, up 5.9% year-on-year. Since the beginning of this year, the market share of Chery products has continued to increase. In July, the independent market share reached 4.27%, and 29 provinces achieved positive growth year-on-year, 56 cities doubled year-on-year, and 270 cities experienced positive growth year-on-year.

  In terms of specific products, Chery’s two star cars, Tiggo and Arrizo, performed well. The sales volume of Tiggo SUV series was 21,081, of which the sales volume of the new generation Tiggo 8 was 10,340, up 11.9% from the previous month and 43.9% from the same period last year. Tiggo 5x sold 6,320 vehicles, up 51.7% from the previous month and 57.1% year-on-year. Arrizo series cars sold 8712 cars, of which the new Arrizo 5 sold 4600 cars and the Arrizo GX sold 4112 cars.

  In the case of the overall decline of the domestic auto market, Chery Automobile can maintain the continuous growth of sales, thanks to the steady improvement in products, quality and channels.

  System support product strength has been greatly improved.

  Based on the perfect system capability and abundant technology accumulation, in recent years, the iteration speed of Chery’s new products and the upgrading speed of its old products have been significantly accelerated. Tiggo SUV series and Arrizo series products have been fully upgraded in design (modeling, appearance and interior decoration), power, intelligent networking and intelligent driving technology, including the third-generation engine, "Lion Zhiyun" intelligent networking system, intelligent assisted driving and other leading technologies, and their competitiveness has been greatly improved.

  Taking the new generation of Tiggo 8 as an example, it is equipped with Chery’s third-generation ACTECO 1.6TGDI in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine, and its power performance level has achieved a qualitative leap; At the same time, for the first time, it was equipped with dozens of super smart configurations, including full-speed ACC adaptive cruise system including L2 intelligent assisted driving, APA automatic parking, LKA lane keeping, etc., which were very popular among young consumers. After three months of listing, sales continued to climb, and sales in August successfully exceeded 10,000.

  A new generation of Tiggo 8

  Ariza GX Pro

  Improve quality and catch up with the level of joint venture brands in an all-round way.

  In recent years, by strengthening the construction of total quality management system, Chery has effectively guaranteed the quality of new products, including the new generation of Tiggo 8, Tiggo 5x, Arrizo GX PRO, Arrizo 5 PRO and other new products, which are in the forefront of the industry in terms of product design, performance and reliability. At present, the 3MIS IPTV(3 of Chery’s new products has far exceeded the industry average and the level of some mainstream joint venture brands.

  In the "2019 New Car Quality Survey Report" released by J.D.Power not long ago, Chery reached the average level of international brands with 92 points, and the brand ranking was 26 places higher than last year.

  At the just-concluded national TQM promotion and the 40th anniversary of the founding of china association for quality, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. was awarded the title of "Outstanding Promotion Unit for the 40th Anniversary of TQM Promotion" and "Annual National Quality and Technology Progress Award", and Chery’s "Seeking Truth from Facts QC Team" was awarded the title of "National Excellent Quality Management Team".

  Channel promotion online and offline comprehensive empowerment

  After entering 2019, Chery further improved the channel quality and formulated a first-level network to improve quality; The secondary network ensures the vertical penetration of the "super deep-sea plan", and the network scale has risen steadily. Up to now, the scale of Chery’s first network has stabilized at 500, and the scale of the second network has reached 1300. The dealers of the new network have grown rapidly, which has strongly supported the sales growth.

  At the same time, Chery is also actively testing new retail models, cooperating with many new auto retail platforms, integrating customers’ big data, artificial intelligence and other resources, and actively improving users’ car purchase experience. In August this year, Tiggo 7i officially landed in Tmall and participated in the "Tmall 99" event. Consumers can make an appointment to pick up the car at the nearest Chery store by paying the deposit online through Tmall platform, and experience the new car purchase service model jointly built by Chery and Tmall, making the whole car purchase process more efficient and convenient.

  In September, in order to thank the friends who have trusted Chery for many years, Chery specially launched the golden autumn car purchase preferential activities for consumers all over the country. During the event, all the designated models such as the new generation Tiggo 8, Tiggo 5x HERO, Arrizo GX Pro and Arrizo 5 Pro can enjoy high discounts. Among them, the new generation of Tiggo 8 can enjoy a maximum replacement subsidy of 10,000 yuan, and the Arrizo series can enjoy 0 down payment, 0 interest rate and 0 waiting time limit.

  In this golden September, silver and ten automobile industry sales season, driven by product upgrading, quality improvement and channel improvement, as well as the release of a series of preferential policies, it is believed that Chery Automobile will continue to maintain the momentum of contrarian growth and become the backbone of China automobile brand.?

There are three models of Huawei P70 full series network access.

At present, all three models of Huawei P70 series have been connected to the network, and the certification information has been announced. According to the previous planning, the P70 series should be divided into three models: P70, P70 Pro and P70 Art According to the network access information, the standard version of P70 supports Beidou satellite message, while P70 Pro and P70 Art go further and support Beidou satellite message+Tiantong-1 satellite call.

In terms of specific configuration, the P70 series will adopt the Kirin 9000S chip with the same model as the Mate 60 series, supporting 5G, which is the first time that Huawei P series has returned to Kirin since P50.

Other specifications are also high-end, with 50-megapixel main camera, periscope telephoto lens, wireless charging and satellite communication technology as standard, which greatly improves the comprehensive strength of the standard version.

As for the oversized P70 Art, it will be further upgraded. The main camera will be replaced with IMX989 one-inch sensor, telephoto module and satellite communication technology, which will bring a stronger experience.

According to various sources, Huawei P70 series is likely to join the Pioneer Program like Mate 60 series and suddenly be put on the shelves in official website at 12:08 on a certain day in April.

Mercedes-Benz/BMW/Audi German car maintenance cost comprehensive PK

  [car home Car Information] We have made a separate investigation and analysis on the maintenance prices of conventional cars owned by Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi in the first two weeks. Today, we will make a big summary for everyone. Let’s take a look at the maintenance prices of these three brands.

  As for the choice of vehicle types, we have chosen two relatively representative vehicles in each of the three basics: medium-sized cars, medium-sized cars and luxury cars. In the field of medium-sized cars, they are Mercedes-Benz C200K and C260, BMW 320i and 325i, and Audi A4L2.0T;; The fields of medium and large vehicles are Mercedes-Benz E200 and E300, BMW 523Li and 530Li, and Audi A6L 2.0T and 2.4. Luxury cars are Mercedes S300 and S600, BMW 730Li and 760Li, and Audi A8L 3.0L and 6.0L, with a total of 17 models.

Medium-sized cars: Mercedes-Benz C200K, C260, BMW 320i, 325i, Audi A4L2.0T

  Among the three luxury mid-size cars, the sales volume of Audi A4L has an absolute advantage in this class, and the 2.0T model is the best-selling displacement among them, while the 1.8T and 3.2L models are neglected. The same situation also appears in BMW 3 Series and mercedes benz c Class cars. The sales of BMW 320i and Mercedes-Benz C200K are good, but at the same time, the market performance of BMW 325i and Mercedes-Benz C260 is ok. Let’s take a look at the maintenance prices of these seven cars.

Maintenance Price List of mercedes benz c Class, BMW 3 Series and Audi A4L (unit: RMB)
  Mercedes C200K Mercedes-Benz C260 Bmw 320i Bmw 325i Audi A4L 2.0T
Minor maintenance:
Oil maintenance
(Replace the oil filter)
1725 2349 820 1115 860
Major maintenance:
Oil maintenance+replace air conditioner filter and air filter.
4119 5077 1429 1768 2035
All prices in the tableIncluding accessories and working hours.
List of engine oil prices in Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi 4S stores
run quickly Designated oil: Jin Mobil No.1 SM 0W-40 Price: 168 yuan/liter.
BMW Original factory designated oil: Castrol Zun Hu SM 5W-30 Price: 125 yuan/liter

Optional oil: Grey Shell SM 5W-40 Price: 125 yuan/liter

Original factory designated oil: Audi original engine oil 5W-40 SM price 93 yuan/liter.

Optional oil: Castrol Zun Hu SM 0W-30 192 yuan/liter

Mercedes benz c Class, BMW 3 Series and Audi A4L three-car manufacturer’s specified maintenance cycle table.
cycle run quickly BMW Audi
Minor maintenance 10,000 kilometers 10,000 kilometers 5,000 kilometers
Major maintenance 30,000 kilometers 30,000 kilometers 15,000 kilometers
Date of Form Collection: July 16th, 2010

Mercedes-Benz Beijing Benz mercedes benz c Class 2010 C200K Standard Model

"Beijing Benz mercedes benz c Class 2010 C200K Standard"

BMW Brilliance BMW 3 Series 2010 320i Fashion

"BMW Brilliance BMW 3 Series 2010 320i Fashion Model"

Audi FAW Audi A4L 2010 2.0 TFSI technology type

"FAW Audi A4L 2010 2.0 TFSI Technology Type"

  Judging from the price of routine maintenance, compared with Audi A4L and mercedes benz c, BMW 3 Series has obvious advantages in terms of both major maintenance and minor maintenance. The single maintenance price of Audi A4L model is moderate, but the maintenance price of mercedes benz c Class is obviously expensive, which is twice as high as that of BMW 3 Series basically listed.In terms of maintenance cycle, the original factories of Mercedes-Benz and BMW stipulate that 10,000 kilometers should be a minor maintenance and 30,000 kilometers should be a major maintenance, while Audi stipulates that 5,000 kilometers should be a minor maintenance and 15,000 kilometers should be a major maintenance, which is half of that of Mercedes-Benz and BMW. However, under normal circumstances, the staff of Mercedes-Benz and BMW 4S stores will advise the owners to do maintenance at 7000-8000 km, while Audi basically allows the owners to do maintenance at 7000-8000 km. Of course, the specific maintenance cycle will be determined according to the actual use of each car. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the actual maintenance cycle of these three cars is roughly the same.

"The original factory of Mercedes-Benz designated Jin Mobil No.1 SM 0W-40 all over synthetic engine oil"

BMW small maintenance minimum 820 yuan! 320i Maintenance Full Record car home

"BMW original factory designated Castrol to protect SM 5W-30 all over synthetic engine oil"

"Audi original factory designated (Castrol OEM) SM 5W-40 all over synthetic engine oil"

  In the choice of engine oil, these three luxury brands will naturally not be shabby, and SM-level synthetic engine oil is certain. Among them, the oil designated by Audi and BMW are all Castrol products. Of course, BMW will also provide two kinds of SM-grade all-synthetic engine oil products, namely Grey Shell and Jin Mobil No.1, according to the climate and environment of different 4S stores. As for Mercedes-Benz, there are not so many choices, so we just offer the 0W-40 all over synthetic engine oil. In terms of price, Audi is the cheapest, the unit price is 92 yuan/liter, followed by BMW at 125 yuan/liter, and Mercedes-Benz is relatively expensive at 168 yuan/liter.

  At the same time, the editor needs to explain something here, about the amount of oil. Mercedes benz c-class cars have a big appetite. As a four-cylinder car, C200K can be said to have a considerable amount of better engine oil of 6L at a time. The oil consumption of V6 engines of C230, 260 and C300 is 8.5L. As a four-cylinder car, BMW 320i needs about 4.5L to change the oil once, and the oil consumption of the straight six engine of 325i model is about 6.5l.. The 2.0T engine oil consumption of Audi A4L is basically the same as that of BMW 320i, ranging from 4.5L to 5.0L..

For more details about the specific maintenance prices of the above seven models, please click the following icon to enter.


Mercedes benz C/E/S level maintenance survey, the minimum maintenance is 1,700 yuan.


Reveal the maintenance price of BMW car! Minimum 820 yuan once.


Small maintenance 860 yuan! Audi A4L/A6L/A8L Maintenance Survey

Medium and large cars: Mercedes-Benz E200, E300, BMW 523Li, 530Li and Audi A6L 2.0T, 2.4.

  At present, in the field of medium and large-sized cars in China, Audi A6L has a higher dominance than Audi A4L in medium-sized cars. The annual sales of more than 100,000 vehicles are astounding, and the relatively low-end 2.0T and 2.4L models are the main sales products. With the development of domestic market in recent years, BMW 5 Series has also achieved good results. Among them, 523Li is the absolute main product, and 530Li has won the appreciation of some high-end users with its rich configuration and excellent power. As for Mercedes-Benz E-Class, although the market performance is average, we can’t ignore its existence with its golden signboard of "three-pointed star". Especially in recent months, with the lower price of imported Mercedes-Benz E-Class cars, the sales of Mercedes-Benz E-Class cars have a gradual upward trend. Among them, E200 and E300 are relatively representative. Let’s take a look at the maintenance price of these cars.

Maintenance price list of Mercedes-Benz E-Class, BMW 5 Series and Audi A6L (unit: RMB)
  Mercedes E200
1.8T M271
Mercedes-benz E300
3.0 V6
Bmw 523Li Bmw 530Li Audi A6L
Audi A6L
Minor maintenance:
Oil maintenance
(Replace the oil filter)
1783 2469 1115 1115 1351 1567
Major maintenance:
Oil maintenance+replace air conditioner filter and air filter.
4028 4863 2246 2246 2743 2966
All prices in the tableIncluding accessories and working hours.
List of engine oil prices in Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi 4S stores
run quickly Designated oil: Jin Mobil No.1 SM 0W-40 Price: 168 yuan/liter.
Original factory designated oil: Castrol Zun Hu SM 5W-30 Price: 125 yuan/liter

Optional oil: Grey Shell SM 5W-40 Price: 125 yuan/liter

Original factory designated oil: Audi original engine oil 5W-40 SM price 93 yuan/liter.

Optional oil: Castrol Zun Hu SM 0W-30 192 yuan/liter

Schedule of Maintenance Periods for Mercedes-Benz E-Class, BMW 5 Series and Audi A6L.
cycle run quickly BMW Audi
Minor maintenance 10,000 kilometers 10,000 kilometers 5,000 kilometers
Major maintenance 30,000 kilometers 30,000 kilometers 15,000 kilometers
Date of Form Collection: July 16th, 2010

  Judging from the price in the above table, the large maintenance cost of Mercedes-Benz E-Class is still the most expensive, but the small maintenance cost is reasonable. Take the E200CGI model with M271 1.8L in-line four-cylinder turbocharged engine as an example, the small maintenance price of replacing oil and machine filter is 1783 yuan, which is reasonable compared with the price of six-cylinder BMW 5 Series Xiaobao of 1115 yuan and Audi A6L with different displacement models of 1300-1600 yuan. But if it is replaced by a six-cylinder Mercedes E300 model, the price will be much more expensive.

Mercedes-Benz (Import) Mercedes-Benz E-Class (Import) 2010 E 260 Fashion Style

"Mercedes-Benz (imported) Mercedes-Benz E-Class (imported) 09 E 300 Fashion Model"

BMW Brilliance BMW 5 Series 2010 523Li Leading Model

"BMW Brilliance BMW 5 Series 2010 523Li Leading Model"

Audi FAW Audi A6L 2010 2.4 Comfort Type

"FAW Audi A6L 2010 2.4 Comfort Type"

  However, if we compare the large maintenance prices of the replacement oil filter, air filter and air conditioner filter of these three models, Mercedes-Benz is obviously much more expensive. Doing roughly the same maintenance content, the cost of Mercedes-Benz is basically twice that of BMW, and it is about 50% more expensive than Audi.

Luxury cars: Mercedes S300, S600, BMW 730Li, 760Li and Audi A8L 3.0L and 6.0L.

  In the field of luxury cars, Mercedes-Benz BMW has finally found its face, and Mercedes-Benz S-Class can sit firmly in this basic model and it is difficult to shake in the short term. Bmw 7 series, with the launch of E66 in China, has also achieved good market performance. As for Audi A8L, although China has a special preference for this brand, it also has a certain sales volume, but it is much worse than Audi A6L and A4L. As for the choice of car models, the editor chose the entry-level Mercedes S300, BMW 730Li and Audi A8L 3.0, and their respective flagships, 12-cylinder models.

Maintenance price list of Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series and Audi A8L (unit: RMB)
  Mercedes S300 Mercedes S600 Bmw 730Li Bmw 760Li Audi A8L
Audi A8L
Minor maintenance:
Oil maintenance
(Replace the oil filter)
2396 2486 1150 1448 1910 2801
Major maintenance:
Oil maintenance+replace air conditioner filter and air filter.
5872 6215 2309 2986 3313 4480
All prices in the tableIncluding accessories and working hours.
List of engine oil prices in Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi 4S stores
run quickly Designated oil: Jin Mobil No.1 SM 0W-40 Price: 168 yuan/liter.
Original factory designated oil: Castrol Zun Hu SM 5W-30 Price: 125 yuan/liter

Optional oil: Grey Shell SM 5W-40 Price: 125 yuan/liter

Original factory designated oil: Audi original engine oil 5W-40 SM price 93 yuan/liter.

Optional oil: Castrol Zun Hu SM 0W-30 192 yuan/liter

Schedule of Maintenance Periods for Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series and Audi A8L
cycle run quickly BMW Audi
Minor maintenance 10,000 kilometers 10,000 kilometers 5,000 kilometers
Major maintenance 30,000 kilometers 30,000 kilometers 15,000 kilometers
Date of Form Collection: July 16th, 2010

Mercedes-Benz (import) Mercedes-Benz S-Class 2010 S 300L distinguished model

"Mercedes-Benz (imported) Mercedes-Benz S-Class S300L distinguished model"

BMW BMW (imported) BMW 7 Series 09 730Li luxury model

"BMW (imported) BMW 7 Series 730Li Luxury Model"

Audi Audi (imported) Audi A8 2010 3.0 FSI Centennial Edition

"Audi (imported) Audi A8 2010 3.0 FSI Centennial Edition"

  As a million-class luxury car, Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series and Audi A8L can’t match the maintenance cost of these three models naturally, but judging from the small maintenance price of normal oil change and machine filter, BMW is still the cheapest of these three brands. Even the 760Li of V12 is less than 1,500 yuan at a time, which is quite surprising. The price difference between Mercedes-Benz S-Class and Audi A8L is not too much, both of which are around 2000-2500 yuan. Only Audi A8L 6.0L has a higher price, close to 3,000 yuan. As for the big maintenance cost, BMW is the cheapest, Audi is the second, and Mercedes is the most expensive. Among them, the price of Mercedes-Benz is twice that of BMW and about 50% more expensive than that of Audi, which is roughly the same as that of previous models.

Editor’s comment:

  With the increasing competition in the domestic auto market, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi, the three German luxury brands, are getting closer and closer to our lives. Nowadays, you can buy a BMW 318i, Audi A4L or Mercedes-Benz C180K for more than 200,000 yuan, and you can drive the BMW 5 Series, Audi A6L or the original imported Mercedes-Benz E-Class for about 400,000 yuan. Although on the whole, these cars are not very close to the people, in any case, compared with 10 years ago or even 5 years ago, they can be said to be a big step closer to the lives of the people.

  But at the same time, we can often hear many people say that entry-level models of luxury brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi can afford them, but they can’t afford them. Today, the editor hopes that through this article, everyone can have a simple but systematic understanding of the general maintenance prices of these three brands of cars, hoping to help you choose, use and raise a car. At the same time, in the near future, we will launch more articles on the horizontal comparison of maintenance prices of the same grade vehicles, so please look forward to it. (Text/car home Sheng Yuanjun)

For more details about the maintenance of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi cars and the price of conventional wearing parts, please click the following icon to enter.


Mercedes benz C/E/S level maintenance survey, the minimum maintenance is 1,700 yuan.


Reveal the maintenance price of BMW car! Minimum 820 yuan once.


Small maintenance 860 yuan! Audi A4L/A6L/A8L Maintenance Survey

The drone postman appeared in the mountainous area of Guiyang and needed to change batteries when flying to every village.

  Since the beginning of January this year, residents of Weicheng Town, Guiyang City, located in the mountainous area of Guizhou Province, have often seen a drone shuttle through the town. Under the belly of the plane, there was a box with the words "China Post". The local people later learned that this drone was used by the post office in the town to deliver mail to the surrounding mountain villages. Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from the local post office on the 15th that this drone now flies twice a week, and it will be promoted if it works well in the future.

  Postman part-time drone operator

  On the morning of 15th, Wang Hua, a staff member of Weicheng Post Sub-bureau in Guiyang, took his drone to an open space near the town, and prepared to deliver newspapers and some mails to five villages around the town.

  Wang Hua is a postman. He used to ride a motorcycle to deliver mail to several surrounding villages three times a week. Because the mountain road is rugged, although the distance is not far, it takes a whole day to deliver it every time. Since the beginning of January this year, Wang Hua has added a new task, which is to operate drones to transport mail.

  "Our economy is not developed here. Many people have never seen drones, so many people gathered around to see them when they first started flying. Some old people asked us about the timetable for flying drones and came to see them several times." Wang Hua said.

  Wang Hua said that he is driving a drone, but in fact the main operation is not done by him. He is mainly responsible for loading mail on the drone and then checking the battery. The flight route has long been set by the company that developed the drone. All he has to do is scan the QR code on the plane with his mobile phone, and then click the start button on the mobile phone, and the plane can fly according to the pre-designed route.

  "It used to take a whole day to send the mail from these villages by motorcycle. Now the whole route is flown by drones, which is more than an hour." Wang Hua said.

  Flying to every village requires changing batteries.

  Director Chen Zhongxiang of Weicheng Post Sub-office told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that at present, there is only one drone in the town post office, and they selected five villages, namely Yingyan, Yinqiao, Maixiang, Xingguang and Lianhua Temple, as delivery pilots. Chen Zhongxiang said that these villages were chosen because they are relatively remote, and it takes too long and the road is dangerous to send mail into the village by manpower.

  Chen Zhongxiang said that the UAV they are using now has a diameter of more than 1 meter and six propellers. In theory, it can carry about 7 kilograms of goods. However, for safety reasons, the stipulated delivery weight is no more than 5 kilograms, and the flying distance between villages is about 10 minutes. Every time you fly to a village, you need people from the village to help replace the new battery, and then you can fly to the next village. The whole journey is a "relay" process.

  "The plane must be fully charged before it can take off. The last time we saw the power of the plane was 82%, we felt that we could complete a flight, but after the start, the plane still could not take off. This may be the design made by the aircraft research and development enterprise for the absolute safety of the aircraft." Chen Zhongxiang said.

  Temporarily unable to replace manual delivery.

  According to the staff of the UAV R&D company, when the plane lands, it needs to lay a red and blue positioning carpet at the landing site. The UAV is equipped with a sensor in the vertical direction. When it searches for the positioning carpet, it will land accurately. Location.

  Chen Zhongxiang told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that it was not the decision of the town post office to equip the town post office with drones, but the higher authorities chose the Weicheng post office as a pilot. If the use effect is good in the future, it will continue to be promoted.

  "Many people in the village felt particularly fresh when they saw the plane at first, and the people in charge of managing the plane in each village also had a WeChat group. When the plane took off and landed, everyone would inform each other."

  Annabelle of Xingguang Village Committee is one of the managers of this drone. Every time he receives the mail from his village, he also needs to replace the plane with a new battery. "If the battery is not fully charged, the plane can’t fly, but there will definitely be no forgetting to charge the battery. Everyone will remind each other when they have WeChat groups."

  Chen Zhongxiang said that in the past, the postman of the post office had to go into the mountain three times a week, but now it has been reduced to twice a week, while the drone now flies twice a week. If the effect is good in the future, it will increase the flight frequency. "But due to the limitation of load, drones can’t completely replace the postman now, and everywhere they go, they need people to get express delivery for batteries. There are still some troubles. It would be nice if these jobs can be replaced by machines in the future."

  Text/reporter Fu Wei

"Silver-haired online celebrity" has a different style. The elderly open the "tidal life" online

  Screenshot of Tik Tok account of "Qinba Grandma Qinba Yiwei". The picture comes from the Internet.

  In Shengli Community, Jincheng Street, Lin ‘an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, young social workers guide the old people how to shop with their mobile phones. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Yushe

  An elderly person is broadcasting live. The picture comes from the Internet.

  In recent years, more and more middle-aged and elderly people shine brilliantly on the Internet platform. Sending short videos, opening live broadcasts and selling goods online … … They have subverted people’s traditional impression of old age, attracted a large number of fans to watch and become a beautiful landscape in the era of mobile internet.

  "Silver-haired online celebrity" shows a different style

  Accompanied by ancient music, four ladies dressed in batik cheongsam are walking leisurely. They are either holding red umbrellas or dancing folding fans, smiling and full of confidence. This is a 15-second short video released by Tik Tok’s account "Fashion Grandma Group", which has received nearly 1.5 million likes. It is hard to imagine that they are a group of "silver-haired online celebrity" with an average age of 68.

  In Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok, bilibili and other short video platforms, countless "silver online celebrity" are everywhere. For example, Tik Tok’s account "Qinba Grandma Qinba Yiwei" records the rural life of two old people near Daba Mountain. Grandma’s cooking of braised pig’s trotters, potato Baba fried bacon, pulp water and other foods in southern Shaanxi made netizens salivate. At present, the account has gained 2.73 million fans and been praised more than 34 million times; The handsome "Grandpa Beihai" often wears a suit, a hat and a bow tie. His love for life and his spirit of "not being old" make many young people envy him. The short video released by "Grandpa Jigong" begins with "Dear Dolls", telling life experiences and talking about the world in simple language, as kind as grandpa next door; "Grandma Wang who only wears high heels" has a live broadcast with goods, and its sales can reach several million yuan, surpassing many young live broadcasts in online celebrity.

  In the Internet era of "everyone has a microphone", the elderly are no longer network insulators. They pursue fashion, are confident and enthusiastic, know how to consume and love life, and show a unique style of "the most beautiful is the sunset red".

  The 45th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China shows that by March 2020, the number of netizens in China reached 904 million, and the number of mobile phone users reached 897 million. Among netizens, netizens aged 50 and above account for 16.9%, and the number exceeds 150 million. The Internet continues to penetrate into middle-aged and elderly people.

  Perceive the temperature of the years from the live broadcast

  The reporter found out that the "silver-haired people" who are currently popular on the Internet are mainly divided into three categories: First, they show their young mentality and self-disciplined living habits. They often dress well and maintain a good posture and mental outlook, showing people the "exquisite life" of the elderly. The second is to record fragments of daily life. In the warmth and fun of the old people with their wives, children and grandchildren, netizens can feel the deep affection and see the true temperament of the old people who are childlike, lovely and straightforward. The third is to share life common sense and experience. Such as introducing health knowledge through live broadcast, recording short videos to interpret common scams and warning people how to deal with them.

  What is the charm of "Silver-haired online celebrity"? Some insiders pointed out that there are three "degrees" advantages in online celebrity, namely, the length of life experience, the width of knowledge and the depth of professional fields. Specifically, the rich life experience and social experience of the elderly are not available to young people. They are well-informed, often thoroughly study their own professional fields, have strong comprehensive ability to deal with problems, and have a unique charm of time precipitation. When they express their little philosophies in life as experienced people, they will give people a sense of reliability and peace of mind.

  Online celebrity’s old people have resonated with their peers, and at the same time, they have been loved and sought after by a large number of young people. For example, seeing the warm picture of "Grandma Qinba" and her wife taking care of each other, many netizens were envious and said that "this is love, and happiness is included in the plain". Industry analysts pointed out that, by contrast, the videos of Grandpa online celebrity and Grandma online celebrity are more authentic, frank and cordial, arousing many young people’s fond childhood memories, and arousing their yearning for their loved ones, family and affection, which is more penetrating and user-friendly.

  The "silver hair economy" market is on the rise.

  In May this year, "I’m Grandma Tian" in online celebrity, Tik Tok opened the first live show with goods, and achieved sales of 1.5 million yuan. Experts pointed out that behind the outbreak of "silver-haired online celebrity" is the rise of the trillion-dollar "silver-haired economy" market.

  Recently, the China Development Report 2020: Trends and Policies of Population Aging in China issued by China Development Foundation said that by 2022, the population over 65 in China will account for 14% of the total population, realizing the transformation to an aging society. In 2050, the aging in China will reach its peak, and the population over 65 will account for 27.9% of the total population in China. "Silver-haired economy" will become a new growth point to promote the sustainable development of China’s economy in the future aging society.

  Li Jia, deputy director of Pangu Think Tank Aging Society Research Center, believes that what middle-aged and elderly people need is to find more channels to release their abilities and energy and become participants in social development and progress. As the post-60s with higher education begin to retire, middle-aged and elderly people will be completely separated from the stereotype of "digital refugees" in the past, and their social needs are growing day by day, which is a good opportunity for the market to mature.

  "Silver-haired online celebrity" not only spreads the positive energy of loving life and attaching importance to family, but also is a blue ocean with infinite opportunities. The insiders believe that the current market consumption potential of "Silver Hair online celebrity" has not been fully tapped, and there is still huge market space. To achieve the economic benefits of "silver-haired online celebrity", we need team packaging and continuous content output. In addition, due to limited energy, the old people are not familiar with the Internet economy and fans’ psychology, and the live broadcast of goods still faces no small challenge.