2022 national industrial Internet platform empowered Ningbo

A few days ago, the 2022 National Industrial Internet Platform Empower Deep Tour (first stop · Ningbo) and the 2nd Future Intelligent Manufacturing Conference were held in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, and the Industrial Internet Platform Empower Manufacturing Digital Transformation Deep Tour of 2022 began.

With the theme of "Deepening Platform Applications and Accelerating Digital Development", this first stop in Ningbo has built a "Six Ones" activity for the industrial Internet platform to empower digital transformation through a platform empowering in-depth industry forum, a digital transformation sub-forum, a platform and application supply and demand special matchmaking meeting, a closed-door seminar on the construction and development of "Industrial Internet Platform + Park", a new model and new business model special exhibition, and an offline industry research and other "Six Ones" activities, which have built a constructive exchange stage for government-industry-university-research-use interaction for the industrial Internet platform to empower digital transformation, fully demonstrating the innovative development picture of the industrial Internet.

The conference was organized by Ningbo Municipal People’s Government, China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute, and the Industrial Internet Platform Innovation Cooperation Center, with the aim of analyzing and discussing the new situation and new path facing the development of the Industrial Internet, promoting the precise docking of the Industrial Internet platform and the market, and promoting the platform to empower manufacturing enterprises. Digital transformation, while enhancing the service capabilities of the Industrial Internet platform, help the higher quality development of the Industrial Internet.

The conference released a number of achievements: the monograph "Digital Road: Decoding the Road to digital transformation" was released; China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute and China Industrial Internet Research Institute signed relevant strategic cooperation agreements with Ningbo City respectively; launched the Industrial Internet Platform Open Source Alliance Program; held a series of projects such as industrial Internet platform and application enterprise empower cooperation, industrial brain cooperation, and ecological cooperation; also released a new industrial operating system and related solutions.

Innovation is Now: Advancing Industrial Internet Upgrading

At present, the application of industrial Internet platforms is showing a steady and positive development trend, and the enthusiasm of all parties to participate continues to rise. At this conference, relevant leaders, academicians and experts, entrepreneurs of mainstream industrial Internet platform enterprises, etc. will deeply implement the industrial Internet innovation and development strategy, integrate development in a wider range, deeper and higher level, take digital reform as the guide, and promote the deep integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing.

Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that the current industrial Internet in our country is in a critical period of rapid development. In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will adhere to the guidance of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, gather multi-party joint efforts, seize the opportunities of the times, solidly promote the upgrading of the industrial Internet, and continue to do a good job in the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, so as to provide strong support for the efficient overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. First, adhere to the appropriate advance and deepen infrastructure. Second, adhere to innovation-driven and deepen integrated application. Third, adhere to win-win cooperation and deepen coordination and linkage.

Jiang Guigui, deputy secretary-general of the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, emphasized that Zhejiang has accelerated the construction of a digital economy system with "industrial brain + future factory" as the core, and built a "1 + N" industrial Internet platform system. A total of 32 factories of the future have been identified, 88 industrial brains have been built, and 285 provincial industrial Internet platforms have been built. The industrial Internet has been approved to build an integrated development demonstration zone in the Yangtze River Delta. The industrial digitization index continues to maintain the first place in the country.

Hua Wei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, said that Ningbo will develop the industrial Internet as an important breakthrough point for the implementation of the extraordinary development of the digital economy, and strive to contribute more Ningbo wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of the national manufacturing industry. He said that Ningbo actively builds basic, industry-level, enterprise-level, regional-level and other "1 + N + X" industrial Internet platform systems, actively explores the application of industrial Internet platforms in characteristic industries such as molds, home appliances, and clothing, cultivates new scenarios for integrated applications, and empowers enterprises to go to the cloud.

At the main forum of the conference, the China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute and the China Industrial Internet Research Institute signed the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Jointly Promoting the Building of a Global Intelligent Manufacturing and Innovation Capital" and the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Jointly Promoting the Innovation and Development of the Industrial Internet" with the Ningbo Municipal People’s Government respectively. Zhang Li, President of the China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute, and Zhang Xiaotong, Chief Engineer of the China Industrial Internet Research Institute, signed the relevant agreement with Hua Wei, Member of the Standing Committee of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor.

Keynote Forum: Creating an Industrial Internet Empowering Manufacturing China Model

As a product of the integration and development of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing, the industrial Internet platform is an important carrier to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. The quality of the platform application determines the development of the industrial Internet, and it is also related to the stability and long-term development of the industrial Internet.

At the keynote forum of this conference, Tan Jianrong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhang Xiaoyan, deputy dean of the China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, ***, deputy director of the National Science and Technology Resource Sharing Service Engineering Technology Research Center of Beihang University, Lian Shiguo, chief AI scientist of Unicom Mathematics, Chu Jian, founder of Zhejiang Lanzhuo, founder and dean of Ningbo Industrial Internet Research Institute, and the heads of industrial Internet platform enterprises such as Aerospace Cloud Network, Baidu and Inspur made special reports, through the practical application cases of each enterprise landing, insight into the current industrial Internet development situation, and shared the thinking on the future vision and ecological construction of the industrial Internet.

Academician Tan Jianrong gave a keynote report on "Industrial Interconnection and Data Mining: Key Technologies and Development Trends". In the report, he pointed out two misunderstandings of the "uselessness" and "omnipotence" of the Industrial Internet, analyzed the connotation of the Industrial Internet and the key to data mining, and pointed out several key technical directions empowered by industrial data such as classification technology, modeling technology, clustering technology, matching technology, optimization technology, and visual technology. Tan Jianrong pointed out that the digitization of industry will generate a large amount of data, and enterprises should make good use of, maintain, and protect these data to truly give play to the synergy of industrial Internet improvement.

Zhang Xiaoyan, Vice President of China Electronics Industry Development Research Institute, shared the theme of the situation analysis and development research of "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" based on the development background of "Platform + Park", the reference framework of "Platform + Park" of "1 + 3 + 2", the development path of typical models and application scenarios of "Platform + Park", the evaluation system of "Platform + Park" construction level, and the future trend outlook of "Platform + Park".

Chu Jian analyzed the current situation of digitalization of industrial enterprises and the seven major pain points, proposed a large-scale and low-cost digitalization path for future factories, and gave a solution for future factory digital operating systems. Chu Jian believes that the era of smart factories requires factory operating systems + industrial APPs, just as the era of mobile Internet requires Android/iOS + APPs.

Lian Shiguo stressed that 5G, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other new technologies are the driving force for the digital transformation of the industry, especially artificial intelligence technology will help the high-quality development of the industrial Internet. Operators, as the national team, main force and vanguard of digital development, will play a greater role in 5G + industrial Internet and manufacturing digitalization.

Tang Tao, deputy general manager of Aerospace Cloud Network Technology Development Co., Ltd., pointed out that as a new engine for the development of the digital economy, the industrial Internet plays a fundamental role in supporting, driving innovation, and allocating resources. It is a new industrial base for promoting industrial digitalization and digital industrialization.

Baidu Kaiwu Industrial Internet Platform has become the No. 1 of the new "double-cross" platform this year. Li Shuo, vice president of Baidu, introduced the application thinking of Baidu’s industrial Internet, which is effectiveness-first, application-driven, platform open, and sinking operation. Li Shuo said that industry is the most suitable field for AI to land. Perception technologies such as vision, speech, and natural language understanding in the field of AI have opened a new door for industrial digitalization. AI technologies such as deep learning, Knowledge Graph, and inference prediction have made the data accumulated by enterprises useful.

Shang Guangyong, deputy general manager of Inspur Industrial Internet joint stock company, believes that as a new model and new business format, the industrial Internet mainly promotes industrial digitalization and digital industrialization with the model of "platform + operation", empowering the high-quality development of the industry.

For data processing, *** pointed out that at present, there are two major bottlenecks of technical path and economic cost in mass data processing. To this end, it is necessary to develop a set of original algorithms, abstract a set of underlying rules, and get rid of the dependence on cleaning and marking accurate large samples and large materials to meet the needs of rule adaptation.

Through the ideological collision of the attendees, the industry saw that the integration of digital technology and manufacturing is closer, the digital transformation is deepening, the application of industrial Internet is showing vigorous innovation vitality, the Chinese model of industrial Internet platform empowering manufacturing digitalization is taking shape, and the industrial Internet platform has a broader application prospect.

In-depth sub-forum: On the new digital future of the manufacturing industry

Empower is the foundation for the development of the current industrial Internet platform, and digital transformation is the general task of manufacturing upgrading. On the afternoon of July 19, the "Platform Empower and Manufacturing Digital Transformation Forum" focused on the key topics of "empower", focusing on industrial operating systems, digital transformation directions, future manufacturing paradigms, digital twins, and green manufacturing.

Yang Weiling, deputy director of the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Wu Junqing, deputy director of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Zhejiang Province, attended the sub-forum and delivered speeches. Zhang Xiaoyan, vice president of China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute, presided over part of the sub-forum.

Dong Kai, Director of the Industrial Policy Research Institute of China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute, Tan Zhang, CEO of Lanzhuo, Yang Chen, Executive Dean of Zhejiang Unicom Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute, Ye Yingchun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Future Network, and other national think tank experts, heads of industrial Internet companies, and operator representatives jointly explore new models and paths for the development of the industrial Internet, and help shape a new ecosystem for the development of multi-party industrial Internet platforms.

Dong Kai believes that industrial data will become the core element of the development of intelligent manufacturing. Industrial software will become the core engine of the development of intelligent manufacturing. The industrial Internet platform is the operating system of the industry, an important support for the integration of digital things, and a key infrastructure for the development of intelligent manufacturing and the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

Tan Zhang said that Lanzhuo is exploring a digitalization path suitable for large-scale replication and low-cost promotion. With the "platform + APP" model and the lightweight approach of "universal modules + optional components", it empowers the digital transformation of China’s manufacturing industry, so that enterprises can "afford to turn around, turn around quickly and turn around well".

Yang Chen stressed that the interconnection of human, machine, material, method, environment and testing of all production factors brings infinite possibilities, but the premise is to solve the connection problem. 5G will become a key enabling technology to support the transformation of intelligent manufacturing, and will promote manufacturing enterprises to move towards the mature stage of intelligent manufacturing with "everything connected and everything controllable".

Ye Yingchun pointed out that facing the future network, four major innovation capabilities need to be realized. One is the "minute level" customized network service capability, the other is the "subtle level" deterministic guarantee service capability, the third is the "tens of millions" large-scale multi-cloud switching service capability, and the fourth is the "TB level" intelligent drive cyber security protection capability.

Representatives from Zhejiang Chuanhua, Meikang Bio, Xin’an Group, Anresi Network, Xinhuaxin and other platforms and manufacturing companies also shared the application cases and methodologies of industry digitalization at the sub-forum.

Special Matching Session: Let the Industrial Internet "supply" and "demand" face to face

Facing demand and solving problems is the foundation of the development of the industrial Internet platform. On the afternoon of the 19th, a unique "Industrial Internet Deep Empowering Supply and Demand Special Matching Meeting" brought together the excellent industrial Internet platform and Ningbo excellent industrial enterprises face-to-face to talk about supply and demand docking.

This matchmaking meeting brought together the leaders of the "industrial brain" in the three major industries of chemical, clothing and home appliances, such as China Unicom Garment Manufacturing Corps, Zhejiang Lanzhuo, and Ningbo Artificial Intelligence Products R & D Institute, as well as excellent digital transformation typical enterprises and representatives of industrial Internet supply enterprises in the industries such as Wanhua Chemical, Youngor, Fangtai Kitchenware, Humi Network, and Keyuan Wisdom, to jointly discuss the road of enterprise digital transformation based on the industrial Internet platform. Ningbo Economic and Information Bureau hosted this down-to-earth face-to-face exchange activity.

"Industrial Brain + Factory of the Future" is the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Construction of a Global Advanced Manufacturing Base in Zhejiang Province" issued this year in order to accelerate the construction of a global advanced manufacturing base in Zhejiang Province. The construction of "Industrial Brain + Factory of the Future" is emphasized. Ningbo has undertaken the task of building an "industrial brain" in five industries including chemicals, clothing, and home appliances.

Tong Honggen, deputy director of Ningbo Economic and Information Bureau, said in his speech at the matchmaking meeting that Ningbo will take the "three full coverage" of the digital transformation of enterprises as the breakthrough point, and promote the improvement of the level of industrial digitalization development from the point to the point. Focusing on the depth and popularization of enterprise digitalization application, focus on the digital transformation and quality improvement of enterprises by industry, level and type, and build a new intelligent manufacturing enterprise group led by "Future Factory" and the "Ten-Hundred-Thousand" three-level digital transformation projects of provinces and cities and counties as the focus. Fully support the full coverage of the digital transformation of industrial enterprises on the scale. Make every effort to build a leading city of industrial Internet with first-class infrastructure, outstanding technological innovation, outstanding application characteristics, prosperous industrial ecology and strong security.

At the docking meeting, the operators of the "industrial brain" in the three major industries of chemical industry, clothing and home appliances shared the construction of the "industrial brain". Zhao Wei, senior vice president of Zhejiang Lanzhuo, made an in-depth analysis on the practical exploration of the supOS industrial brain base ability to help the construction of the chemical industry brain; Chen Wei, chief consultant of China Unicom Garment Manufacturing Corps, focused on the garment industry, cultivated specialized and special new core products with China Unicom’s new mechanism and new model, and shared the digital innovation in the garment industry; Fang Haojie, director of Ningbo Artificial Intelligence Industry Research Institute Center, shared the operation model and typical practices and thoughts of the home appliance industry.

The manufacturing enterprises attending the meeting exchanged and shared their practices, experiences and experiences in promoting digital transformation. Li Jingjing, manager of Wanhua Chemical Information Department, shared the planning and practical exploration of the Internet platform for the new chemical materials industry, Gu Yuejun, chief information officer of Youngor, discussed and exchanged the experience and thinking of Youngor in the "5G + Future Factory", and Fan Danliang, director of Ningbo Fangtai Technical Department, shared the exploration and practice of Fangtai in the construction of the "Future Factory". At the same time, Liu Hua, an excellent industrial Internet platform enterprise representative in the industry, Humi Yunxuan Solution Director, shared Humi’s own experience in identifying and linking all industrial elements to help the industry integrate multi-platform development. Zhou Songming, Director of Technology of Keyuan Wisdom, introduced the introduction and practice of the low-code platform of the Industrial Internet.

The matchmaking meeting further clarified the direction of the "industrial brain" construction plan, solved the pain points and difficulties of the integration of technology and the real economy with typical scenarios and successful cases, and shared the development process of helping industrial enterprises improve informatization and intelligence. The participating companies also had a clear understanding of the methods and paths for the intelligent transformation of enterprises, and had a clear goal for the digital development of intelligent manufacturing.

The Supply and Demand Matching Conference builds a direct dialogue platform between supply resources and enterprise needs, promotes accurate docking and in-depth cooperation, accelerates the deep empowerment of the industrial brain, and comprehensively promotes the digital transformation of enterprises.

The results are fruitful: intellectual achievements are released, and a number of cooperation contracts are signed

As the first stop of the National Industrial Internet Platform Empower, co-sponsored by the National Think Tank, this event achieved fruitful results. The event released a number of knowledge achievements and monographs, released a new industrial operating system, organized several rounds of cooperation project signing, and launched the Industrial Internet Platform Open Source Alliance Program.

Digital transformation is no longer a "multiple choice question", but a "compulsory course" related to the survival and long-term development of enterprises. The industrial chain needs the development guide and reference of digital transformation. The monograph "Number Dao: Decoding the Road to Digital transformation" edited by Zhang Li, dean of China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, was released at the conference.

As an authoritative reading book on digital transformation, "Digital Way: Decoding the Road to Digital Transformation" is divided into five chapters: "Digital Wave", "Digital Engine", "Digital Source", "Digital Capability" and "Digital Transformation". It systematically discusses the background, theory and practice of digital transformation, provides a variety of ideas and channels for interpreting digital transformation, and provides professional and authoritative reference for different groups such as local governments, enterprise managers, platform builders, and software developers to promote digital transformation. The book is published by China Industrial and Information Publishing Group People’s Post and Telecommunications Publishing House.

The "China Industrial Operating System White Paper" released by the conference expounds from the characteristics of industrial operating systems, typical characteristics of industrial operating systems, to the deployment and application of industrial operating systems, and the development trend of industrial operating systems. The white paper believes that the construction and promotion of industrial operating systems with independent intellectual property rights, ecological cohesion, and independent controllable industrial control systems will become the evolutionary form of the industrial Internet, and then become the core of the deep integration of new generation information technology and industry.

The industrial operating system supOS 4.0 was officially released at this conference. SupOS focuses on the digital transformation of factories and is a general digital base that is generally suitable for discrete industries and process industries. SupOS 4.0 strengthens the core capabilities of the factory operating system in connection, low-code rapid development of APPs, unified operation platform of multi-source APPs, APP application store, industrial big data and AI, mechanism and training model fusion, which can continuously improve the performance of the factory operating system and realize the construction of a new future factory based on the platform.

The conference launched the Industrial Internet Platform Open Source Alliance Program. It is understood that the Industrial Internet Platform Open Source Alliance Program is an action jointly initiated by enterprises and institutions, community organizations, colleges and universities, and scientific research institutes related to the industrial Internet industry to promote the open source development of industrial Internet platforms. The alliance program focuses on the open source opening of industrial Internet platforms and industrial software, with leading enterprises of industrial Internet platforms as the driving force, system integrators, and industrial software enterprises as the main body, to gather high-quality resources, complement the advantages of multiple parties, integrate across borders, and prosper the development of industries. Promote the deep integration of traditional manufacturing and industrial Internet.

The conference held multiple rounds of project signings, involving the entry of relevant ecological enterprises, the cooperation between industrial Internet platforms and application enterprises to empower, and the cooperation between "industrial brains" and application enterprises.

Under the time window of the critical year of the implementation of the tasks of the new three-year action plan for the industrial Internet, the 2022 National Industrial Internet Platform Empower Deepin Tour (the first stop, Ningbo) and the second Future Intelligent Manufacturing Conference showcased the results of industrial Internet innovation and development, deepened the application of industrial Internet platforms, accelerated the popularization, iteration and optimization of solutions, provided a stage for interactive exchanges for platform service providers and industry users to accurately match, and created a good development atmosphere of collaborative innovation, mutual benefit and win-win for the industrial Internet industry.

The Industrial Internet is a digital revolution from scratch, the best example of the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy. In the world’s largest industrial sector scene, the Chinese market provides the world’s largest practical fertile ground for the development of the Industrial Internet. It is believed that with the digitalization process of China’s industry, the Industrial Internet industry will achieve greater development, and China’s industry will also undergo high-quality digital butterfly changes.

These six products were named on March 15 this year. What time will the live broadcast of the 315 party in 2021 be?

  It’s March 15th again.

  March 15th this year is the first consumer rights day since the 14th Five-Year Plan. Many people are concerned, which enterprises and products will be greatly exposed? Many businesses are worried that their products will be "named"?

  According to the complaints received by the National Consumers Association in 2020 announced by the China Consumers Association, the hot spots of consumer complaints and media attention in the past year should be sorted out, and products in these six fields should be extra careful.


  One is the car.

  Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision and other five departments talked about Tesla, involving abnormal acceleration, battery fire, remote vehicle upgrade and other issues.

  Many models of Toyota have problems such as oil increase and oil emulsification. Especially Asian Dragon, the related complaints on the car quality network are more serious.

  In the complaint list of Chezhi. com in 2020, the Volkswagen model headed by sagitar has abnormal gearbox noise and frustration, with 1199 complaints. Among them, it also involves a variety of models such as LaVida and Bora.

  Some local consumers’ associations pointed out that Buick’s complaints among mid-level car joint venture brands are outstanding, followed by Chevrolet and SAIC Volkswagen; Domestic independent brands such as Geely, Roewe and BYD have more complaints; Luxury brands BMW, Audi and Mercedes-Benz have the highest number of complaints.

  In addition, the car purchase contract is "tricky", the after-sales service is not in place, and the car insurance is bundled, which are also common problems in car consumption complaints.

  The second is live broadcast with goods.

  Low price is the biggest selling point of live broadcast to attract consumers, but it is also mixed. Some live broadcast rooms also gather many consumption traps such as counterfeiting, exaggeration, wrong goods and poor after-sales.

  The problems of live broadcast with goods include old problems such as poor quality, false propaganda, and inadequate after-sales, as well as new problems such as fraud by public figures with goods, traffic fraud, and false reports. Although Tmall, JD.COM and other shopping platforms are increasingly cracking down on swiping bills, it is not difficult to find traffic dealers on the Internet, and even you can find sellers by directly entering keywords such as "pink" and "live traffic" on some websites.

  The third is short video.

  Short video platform has become the main channel for consumers to browse and share information, but the low-cost experience released by enterprises through short video may be a trap. Some college students complained that they saw that "Yanyu Oriental Costume Photography" had an experience activity of 19.9 yuan through the short video platform. After the actual registration, the studio staff constantly induced them to upgrade their services, and finally the accumulated service fee was as high as 20,000 yuan. The Consumer Protection Committee found that the trap of low-cost experience is more in the service fields such as photography and moving.

  The fourth is the network car.

  Not long ago, a 23-year-old woman in Changsha jumped out of the window and died. The Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau interviewed the cargo girl twice. On March 11th, Cargo Lala announced the on-line recording function, trial operation of on-board equipment and other rectification measures.

  Previously, Didi was also caught in many security incidents. Compared with the management loopholes in previous years, Didi has made many improvements in recent years, but the problems such as "killing big data", "high drawing" and "selling coupons black production chain" are still criticized.

  Fifth, educational institutions.

  Recently, the market supervision departments in many places have issued consumer warnings about carefully choosing education and training institutions.

  A few days ago, five education and training institutions with a large number of complaints and low resolution rate made public exposure. Among them, Yousheng Education was exposed for the seventh time because of running a school without a license, and Jianwei Education and Yi Xiao Education were exposed for the sixth time and the fourth time respectively.

  The sixth is mobile phone software.

  Over the past year, the loopholes in mobile phone software have repeatedly triggered public opinion.

  A professor from Fudan University led a team to complete a research report on "mobile phone software taxi" in many cities across the country, saying that taxi software has the phenomenon of "big data killing".

  On March 12, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "APP Notice on Infringement of Users’ Rights and Interests (the third batch in 2021, the twelfth batch in total)", and 136 apps were notified for infringing users’ rights and interests. Among them, companies such as Tencent, Iflytek and Shengtian Network are involved.

related news

  The "March 15th" party of the Central Radio and Television General Station in 2021 will be broadcast live on CCTV financial channel, CCTV financial client and Yangguang Economic Voice at 8 pm on March 15th. The theme of this "March 15th" party is: boosting consumption starts from the heart.

  China’s economy has gone through an extraordinary year in 2020. In the face of multiple severe impacts such as the sudden COVID-19 epidemic and the deep recession of the world economy, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with the Supreme Leader as the core, people of all ethnic groups throughout the country have worked hard, made significant strategic achievements in epidemic prevention and control, achieved positive economic growth in the only major economies in the world, won a comprehensive victory in the fight against poverty, won a decisive victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way, and handed over an answer that was satisfactory to the people, attracted worldwide attention and could go down in history. At such a critical moment, consumption is still the mainstay of the national economy. The total retail sales of consumer goods in the whole year was 39,198.1 billion yuan, accounting for 38.6% of the total economic output. Among them, the improvement of consumption order and consumption environment is a remarkable feature. The determination and sincerity of policies and supervision, the conscience and intention of enterprises, and the confidence and reassurance of consumers constitute a benign consumption ecology.

  The "March 15th" party in 2021 focused on "boosting consumption from the heart", hoping that through the power of honesty, everyone can live a happier and happier life, steadily improve their consumption capacity, improve the consumption environment, enable residents to consume and be willing to consume, speed up the construction of a modern economic system, smooth the domestic cycle and the domestic and international dual cycle, start the "14th Five-Year Plan" for China’s economy, and contribute to the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

  The new development stage, new development concept and new development pattern mean that a new consumption era is coming with the wind. A good new consumption ecology will make everyone enjoy a sense of acquisition, happiness and security more fully, more securely and sustainably, and jointly usher in the spring of growth. The "March 15th" party advocates that every producer, operator, consumer and supervisor should weave the country’s development goals with the people’s simple wishes into a better life.

  The "March 15th" party in 2021 was jointly sponsored by the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, National Internet Information Office, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, National Health and Wellness Commission, State Administration of Market Supervision, National Medical Products Administration, China Consumers Association and CCTV.

Original title: This year’s "March 15th", these six products were named.
Editor in charge: Zheng Lili

Stunning design, Huawei Ascend P7 mid-autumn big price

  [PConline Anhui Railway Station Quote]As a typical example of the world’s thinnest machine, Huawei Ascend P7 has a stunning appearance design, both front and rear are third-generation Corning Gorilla Glass, which combines beauty and protection performance. At the same time, it is equipped with a HiSilicon Kirin 910T quad-core processor, has 2GB RAM, and a 5-inch full high definition screen. The running performance is also not to be underestimated. On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, "Hefei Five Star Telecom" is promoting this mobile phone. Interested friends may wish to call for consultation.

Mobile communication latest price change table
Model Previous quotation (yuan) Current price (yuan) Rise and fall (yuan) Remarks
Huawei Ascend P7 Mobile So — yeah. So — yeah. So — yeah.  So — yeah.
Collection date: August 26, 2014, please click for more market price changesAnhui mobile phone market

Huawei Ascend P7 Mobile
Huawei Ascend P7 Mobile  picture  series  review  forum  quote  Online shopping price  

Huawei Ascend P7 Mobile  Huawei Ascend P7 Mobile 

Huawei Ascend P7 Mobile  Huawei Ascend P7 Mobile 

  Huawei P7 is an upgraded version of the previous generation P6, with a body size of 139.8 × 68.8 × 6.5 mm and a weight of 124 grams. It is similar in appearance to the P6 design. It is still the style of the aluminum alloy frame and the C-shaped arc design at the bottom of the fuselage, but the material and craftsmanship of the fuselage have changed greatly compared to the previous generation. It is made of glass before and after, and the back case has textured decoration. The screen of Huawei P7 has been upgraded from the 4.7-inch 720P resolution of the previous generation to 5.0-inch 1080P (1920×1080 pixels). The screen frame is 2.97mm. The outer layer of the screen is made of Corning’s third-generation gorilla glass to enhance the scratch resistance. This screen also supports glove mode, which provides convenience for operating the mobile phone in winter. Huawei P7 is equipped with a 1.8 GHz HiSilicon Kirin 910T quad-core processor, with 2 GB RAM and 16 GB body storage space, and supports microSD card expansion; front and rear cameras are 8 million/13 million pixels.

PConline Product Library– Specifications
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Mobile phone frequency band GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz, TD-SCDMA 1880-1920/2010-2025MHz, TD-LTE 1900/2300/2600MHz (Mobile 4G)
weight 124G
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Bluetooth Bluetooth v4.0
WiFi (WLAN) Supports WiFi, IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
expansion card Support TF card (microSD card), up to 64GB expansion
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  [Latest Quotes]:Anhui mobile phone market
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Unbounded design leads the fashion trend! Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition has skyrocketed in popularity and is sold out immediately upon sale

  Recently, the Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition has finally been officially launched. This high-profile Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition mobile phone has quickly become the focus of the market due to its excellent product design advantages. From design craftsmanship to appearance, it shows unparalleled charm and quality, and is loved by many star Internet celebrities. Let’s take a deeper look at this trendsetting mobile phone and explore the beauty of its design.

  The design of Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition adopts the Infinite Design unbounded design language, which interprets the aesthetic concept of unbounded design. The front design creates a sense of immersion, while the front and back sides are made of solid Titan glass, which is not only extremely strong, but also improves the anti-drop performance by 4 times, providing users with excellent durability.

  The middle frame is made of ultra-lightweight stainless steel material from the automotive field mixed with steel and aluminum, which not only reduces the weight of the whole machine by 30%, but also improves the heat dissipation efficiency by 40%. The rear camera, on the other hand, abandons the frame design and adopts the crystal dome borderless mirror group. Each lens is inlaid with two pieces of sapphire, which is more forcibly updated and pure.

  In addition, Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition shines with its many eye-catching color schemes. Star Black seems to bring users into the universe world of traceless stars, space silver imaginative vast starry sky, nebula green symbolizes the most mysterious nebula above the sky, each color scheme shows a unique personality and charm.

  In terms of screen, the Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition is equipped with BOE Q9 OLED flexible straight screen, and the almost borderless design allows users to immerse themselves in the visual unbounded experience. 2K + resolution, 1850nit peak brightness and 10Bit color depth bring more delicate and realistic color performance. At the same time, it supports 1Hz to 120Hz LTPO variable refresh rate and 1920Hz PWM dimming technology for a smoother and more natural display effect.

  In terms of performance, the Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition is equipped with the second-generation Snapdragon 8 flagship platform, equipped with LPDDR5X memory and UFS 4.0 flash memory, providing users with excellent processing speed and storage capacity. The built-in 4800mAh battery meets daily use needs and supports 65W Super mCharge wired overcharge technology, making charging faster and more convenient.

  In addition to its excellent design and powerful performance, Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition has also attracted the attention and love of star Internet celebrities. Many well-known stars have shared photos with Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition, showing its appearance and fashion sense. This phenomenon further proves the unique charm and attractiveness of Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition in appearance.

  What’s more exciting is that the Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition sold out quickly in the first sale, demonstrating its high popularity and user recognition. Users have given positive feedback on the product power of the Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition, which is also a trust and support for the Meizu brand.

  In addition, the Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition also provides up to 3 years of quality assurance service to provide users with a full range of after-sales protection. At the same time, the mobile phone has also passed the 48-month smooth certification to ensure that users can get a lasting and smooth operation experience during use, free from performance degradation.

  In short, Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition has won the love of many star Internet celebrities with its excellent design craftsmanship and eye-catching appearance and has achieved great success in the market. Unbounded design language, high-quality materials, excellent screen and powerful performance have made Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition a leader in fashion trends. Whether it is appearance or interior, it has attracted users’ attention with its unique charm and brought them an excellent experience. The news that Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition sold out for the first time is further proof of its excellent quality and market recognition. Whether it is the pursuit of fashion or the pursuit of excellent performance, Meizu 20 Unbounded Edition is a good choice.

A number of car companies have announced price cuts, and the car market will be "price war" or reopened in the second half of the year.

  Our reporter Gong Mengze

  In the first half of 2023, the automobile industry accelerated the "involution" in the reshuffle, and achieved a cumulative sales volume of 13.239 million vehicles in the first six months, a year-on-year increase of 9.8%. However, due to the low achievement rate of domestic automobile enterprises, especially new energy automobile enterprises in the first half of the year, enterprises started the impulse work early in the second half of the year.

  Since August, many car companies have joined the army of price reduction through official reduction, new car concessions and terminal concessions, covering more than 20 models, with prices ranging from 50,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan.

  On August 7th, the reporter of Securities Daily visited the authorized experience store of AITO Wenjie Automobile located in Blue Harbor, Chaoyang District, Beijing. As the first inquiry M5 to follow up Tesla’s price reduction at the beginning of the year, the current car purchase can enjoy the first sale rights of the optional fund of 10,000 yuan, the Beijing brand redemption discount of 5,000 yuan, and the optional equipment donated by subsidies varies according to different models. "In addition to price concessions, the equity category is mainly upgraded around the rim and seat configuration." The store sales staff told reporters.

  In addition, the reporter learned from china automobile dealers association that the inventory index of domestic dealers rebounded to 57.8% in July after three consecutive months of decline. At the same time, 32.7% of dealers have raised their sales targets in the second half of the year in the context of the continuous decline in transaction prices, which means that the sales pressure in the domestic automobile market has intensified, and a new round of "price war" may be reopened.

  A number of car companies announced price cuts.

  The "price war" in the second half of the year may be more intense.

  In August, SAIC-Volkswagen launched the "first shot" of price reduction, announcing the price reduction of nine SUV models of SAIC-Volkswagen from August 1 to August 31. Among them, the highest comprehensive discount for Tourang and Tourang X reached 60,000 yuan, and the highest comprehensive discount for Tiguan L plug-in hybrid was 55,000 yuan.

  On the same day, the zero-running car in the new domestic car-making force simultaneously started the price reduction activity of "double C-door, zero-running and summer price". Zero-run automobile announced the price reduction of some models of its C series, including two C11 models and three C01 models, of which the highest drop of C01 model reached 20,000 yuan.

  In fact, this is the year after the zero-run official announced the price reduction in March this year. "Everyone thinks that the central integrated electronic and electrical architecture is carried by products with more than 300,000 yuan. But zero running can popularize such an architecture to popular products. " Ying Zhou, general manager of the retail car marketing department, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that "technical equality" is one of the greatest significance of retail cars to ordinary consumers.

  Then, Chery New Energy launched an official event. Users can enjoy different cash discounts when purchasing three models of Chery New Energy, namely Little Ant, Unbounded Pro and QQ Ice Cream, up to 10,000 yuan. At the same time, SAIC MG MG also offered limited-time discounts for three hot-selling models: MG5 Scorpio, the third-generation MG6PRO and MGONE, with a maximum discount of 26,000 yuan for bicycles.

  Under the pressure, the Euler brand of Great Wall Motor has also launched a limited-time preferential activity recently, and many of its models have ushered in a sharp price reduction, and can enjoy a cash discount of up to 30,000 yuan. The models involved include Euler Lightning Cat, Euler Good Cat, Euler Good Cat GT Mulan Edition and Euler Ballet Cat; As for Nezha Auto, it has recently announced that its 2022 Nezha S will be released on Tanabata, with a maximum price reduction of 49,000 yuan from August 5, 2023, and at the same time, it will enjoy a financial discount or replacement subsidy of 8,000 yuan.

  "At the beginning of the year, Tesla took the lead in lowering the selling price and triggered other car companies to follow up. By March, the joint subsidy between Hubei government and enterprises triggered a national promotion, and then ‘ The dispute between oil and electricity ’ Competing for the user base, in fact ‘ Price war ’ It has never really stopped. " According to Zhang Xiuyang, Secretary-General of China Passenger Car Industry Alliance, the "price war" in the second half of the year is even fiercer than that in the first half.

  In fact, there has long been a consensus on the speculation that auto companies will continue to reduce prices in the second half of the year. Earlier, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the All-China Federation of Riders, said in an institutional investigation: "It appeared in the second half of the year ‘ Price war ’ The probability is greater. " Cui Dongshu also specifically mentioned that the market competition among brands in plug-in hybrid field will be more intense.

  Policies are favorable frequently.

  Automobile demand continues to recover.

  Previously, every time the domestic auto market experienced a "price war" and a wave of price reduction, it would have a great impact on the overall auto market revenue and profit in that year, disrupting the development rhythm of the auto market in the future, which would bring some negative effects that were not conducive to the development of the industry.

  Based on this, in order to create a good market atmosphere, China Automobile Industry Association initiated the Commitment Letter on Maintaining Fair Market Order in Automobile Industry, which was signed by 16 mainstream automobile companies including Dongfeng, SAIC and Tesla, requiring automobile companies to abide by the rules and regulations and standardize marketing activities, with the aim of maintaining the competitive order in the automobile market and jointly creating a harmonious consumption environment.

  On the policy level, on July 31 this year, the state officially promulgated the "Measures on Restoring and Expanding Consumption", in which automobile consumption was highlighted. On July 21st, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and other thirteen ministries and commissions also issued "Several Measures on Promoting Automobile Consumption".

  In Cui Dongshu’s view, consumer demand is still insufficient, the industry operation is still under great pressure, and there are still many challenges in business operation. It is necessary to maintain the stability and predictability of policies to help the industry run smoothly.

  In 2023, China Automobile Association put forward the development goal that automobile sales are expected to reach 27.6 million units, a year-on-year increase of 3%. It is understood that on the basis of positive growth for two consecutive years, whether the domestic auto market can continue its growth performance has attracted much attention from the market.

  "The good performance of new energy vehicles and automobile exports has effectively boosted market growth." Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of China Automobile Industry Association, said that as the effect of automobile consumption promotion policy continues to appear, the consumption potential of the automobile market will be further released, which will help promote the steady growth of the industry throughout the year. (Securities Daily)

AWE directly hits JD.com on the spot and joins hands with Hisense to release a variety of "lightning new products"

On March 14th, the highly anticipated China Home Appliances and Consumer Electronics Expo 2024 (AWE2024) was grandly held in Shanghai. As one of the three major home appliances and consumer electronics exhibitions in the world, AWE brings together the innovative achievements brought by the world’s most influential and technological enterprises. Among them, JD.com and Hisense brought 4 "Lightning New Products", including Hisense E5N-Pro, Hisense Laser TV S1, Rongsheng 517 French Sugar Cube Flat Insert Refrigerator and Hisense Fresh Air Conditioning Small Oxygen Bar X5. During the JD.com "Lightning New Product Season" event, the purchase of the same new product of AWE Hisense can enjoy multiple benefits such as 10% discount on trade-in, interest-free for up to 12 issues, and limited new products purchased at 0 yuan.

In the TV industry, the battle for image quality has never stopped. Whoever has better image quality will be recognized by more users. This "Lightning New Product" Hisense E5N-Pro is equipped with Hisense Core’s independent image quality chip and professional-grade console game adaptation, bringing a new visual experience. In terms of screen, Hisense 100E5N-Pro has achieved 704 partition dynamic light control, and a stable peak brightness of 1600nit. Compared with the previous generation of products, the light control precision has increased by 83%, making the picture more transparent, the bright scene is more shocking, and the dark field details are richer. At the same time, with the only independent image quality chip developed by Hisense in China – Xinxin AI image quality chip, it can achieve pixel-level AI fine adjustment, contrast, color, clarity and dynamic range are fully improved, the skin tone of the characters in the picture is more realistic and natural, and the face scene is wider and more three-dimensional.

Hisense E5N-Pro not only brings great image quality, but also not to be outdone in sound effects. It brings a three-dimensional theater sound field experience. It adopts a 2.1-channel independent subwoofer acoustic system. After Hisense’s unique Hi-Sound Pro Teana engine and the tuning of the Golden Ear professional team, the cinema and music hall are moved into your living room. You don’t have to go out or buy tickets. Open Hisense E5N-PRO to get the best visual and auditory experience. It is worth mentioning that Hisense E5N-Pro is equipped with four mainstream sizes, 65 inches, 75 inches, 85 inches and 100 inches respectively. The prices are 4699 yuan, 6199 yuan, 8599 yuan and 16399 yuan respectively.

At the scene, Hisense also brought the annual blockbuster new Starlight S1 series, which is equipped with a 100-inch foldable screen, which does not need to break the door and open the window, and is 100% easy to enter the house. After the diaphragm curl frame is folded, it is equivalent to half the size of a ping pong table. The Starlight S1 series has also obtained Rheinland’s 0 harmful blue light verification. Through nano-level light control technology, the Starlight S1 series effectively avoids the harmful blue light range, providing users with a more comfortable and healthy visual environment. The screen does not need to be powered on, and it really has 0 radiation. Coupled with the principle of reflection imaging, the TV picture is clearer and more natural, bringing users a more immersive movie viewing experience.

The upgrading of refrigerator technology has made "fresh" more durable. This "Lightning New Product" Rongsheng 517 French Sugar Cube Flat Insert Refrigerator attracted the attention of the audience with its Yashibai light luxury panel design and elegant and atmospheric French cloth pattern. The 598mm ultra-thin body can be flush with conventional home improvement cabinets, integrated with cabinets, beautiful and atmospheric, which not only meets consumers’ aesthetic needs for the integration of home appliances and home appliances, but also avoids bumps and is clean and does not accumulate dust. The refrigerator is loaded with the nutrition and health of the family. Rongsheng 517 French Sugar Cube Flat Insert Refrigerator is also equipped with IDP high-energy ion purification technology. With the strength of sterilization rate and net taste rate exceeding 99%, fresh vegetables and fruits are always healthy, and frozen meat and seafood will not deteriorate for a long time.

With the development of the times, contemporary people’s requirements for health and sleep quality are becoming more and more strict. This "Lightning New Product" Hisense Fresh Air Conditioning Small Oxygen Bar X5 can easily solve these problems. Using micro-positive pressure fresh air technology, the dirty air in the house, including carbon dioxide, can be discharged. Even if the doors and windows are not opened, there is still a steady stream of fresh air introduced at night, which truly achieves "oxygenation without oppression, and a deep sleep". When consumers turn on the fresh air function, the outdoor air is purified 6 times to isolate dust, PM2.5 and pollutants from the outside to ensure the cleanliness of the introduced fresh air; even if the cooling heat function is turned on, the indoor air will be filtered 4 times, truly achieving "outdoor fresh air and indoor clean air integration". The most important thing is that the Hisense Fresh Air Air Conditioning Small Oxygen Bar X5 also supports the removal of aldehyde in the drying room, which can help everyone remove aldehyde easily and quickly, more efficiently and intelligently, and the new home is also healthier.

As close partners, JD.com and Hisense have long built e-billing, service process visualization and other service projects around service timeliness, service cost, and experience improvement that users pay attention to, bringing users a more reliable and reassuring experience. Especially in 2023, the two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation around trade-in projects to promote a new service experience that integrates home appliance delivery, assembly, dismantling and collection, and achieve fruitful performance growth and general praise in the market. In the future, the two sides will deepen cooperation in products, technologies and services, and jointly explore new growth space for the home appliance industry.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

From hormone-bursting black bombs and guns, to leisure-filled traveling guns, towed guns and wild fishing guns, from coffee guns with entrepreneurial dreams to rescue guns for emergency rescue, the Great Wall guns came with a whole system modification plan.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

Heavy modification of black bombs is more domineering.

Speaking of outdoor cross-country, black bomb is definitely a big move of the Great Wall Gun. The heavily modified black bullet has a tough and powerful shape, which shows the domineering spirit of others; Strengthen the fever-level off-road equipment, and the off-road performance is more outstanding. It is reported that the black bomb will be pre-sold at the Shanghai Auto Show. Are you ready to start?

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

As a heavily modified model of the Great Wall Gun, Black BombThe front and rear bumpers of the original car were replaced by stronger competitive bars, which were consistent with the style of the whole car in terms of modeling and color matching, which not only had more value, but also resisted the impact of flying slopes and off-road.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

The Black Bomb also has various off-road kits such as side treads for rock climbing, front and rear double winches, spotlights, etc. Professional adjustable damping shock absorbers are used, the chassis is raised by 50mm as a whole, and the full-size off-road tires of Toyo Dragon Claw make off-road more pure.


How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

In the interior of the car, the newly designed interior of "Black Bomb" gives people a new look. Cement ash with orange lines shows high performance and fashionable design trend, while there is no lack of luxury and comfort.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.


Crossing the gun and challenging the limit is not a dream.

The life you yearn for is not the same, and challenging yourself is the highlight of exploring nature. The Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Truck mainly attacks long-distance off-road, redesigned the wading throat with low wind noise, and added a quick-release roll cage in the car to improve the safety level and meet the extreme challenge.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

The rear bucket is designed with a multi-purpose self-defined side plate rack and a sliding reset tray. Various types of roof tents can be installed on the gantry, and the world-famous Avandia wheel hub is matched with the prestigious KM3 tire of Bailuchi to adapt to more difficult and dangerous outdoor road conditions. The biggest highlight of the cross-country pickup truck version of the Great Wall Gun is to fix all kinds of equipment, equipped with roof racks, roof spotlights, headlights, etc., which is convenient for crossing bad road conditions and replacing tires and wheels at the same time, which looks more domineering.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.


Brigade guns give you freedom to camp.

The Great Wall Gun is committed to building a full-scene pickup truck life, and to achieve the full scene, it needs targeted deep modification. For consumers who yearn for a natural life, while retaining most functions of the RV, the RV gun makes full use of the body space to ensure the simplicity of the vehicle shape, portability and good passability, and has sufficient storage space and fully functional camping equipment.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

The traveling gun adopts the space expansion design, and the bed on the side adopts the cable-stayed structure, so that the bed can be raised and retracted into the carriage during driving. The roof adopts lifting structure, which lowers the roof when driving, reducing the height of the car body and reducing wind resistance; Raise when parking, strengthen ventilation and lighting, improve comfort, so that users can stay in the camp at any time during the journey and enjoy the natural scenery.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.


Legal towing of towed guns is more casual.

Long-distance travel, in addition to food and shelter, but also have fun, many consumers will drag yachts, motorcycles, RV travel. The towing quality of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck is 2.5 tons, and it has a towing notice, which can be legally towed on the road; Optional rear traction device+electric outlet in trailer area to meet various towing requirements.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

The towed gun has 11 unique off-road equipment with fever level, 7 all-terrain driving modes, three locks, tank U-turn, Bailuchi tires, crawling mode, winch, wading throat, nitrogen shock absorption, off-road expert mode, multi-link and off-road information display, etc., which can easily be used for dragging and other tasks.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.



How many wild fishing guns can be used without worrying?

There is a huge group of outdoor enthusiasts, who often set out with fishing rods, buckets and nets, looking for them in inaccessible mountains and lakes. This is fishing enthusiasts. Their demand for pickups is that they can cross-country, drag, wade and store, and the Great Wall gun cross-country pickups are all satisfied.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

The wild fishing gun converts the container into a pulley drawer-type partition storage bin, which can classify fishing gear and fish and bid farewell to fishing line entanglement and mud-water cross-flow; Full-coverage gantry, set up a large number of expansion fixed points, and place fishing rods, shovels and other items in different categories; In addition, the frame of the gantry extends all the way to the roof, and outdoor equipment with large size such as kayaking can be placed above the gantry through fixed components.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

Different from the traditional side-opening side curtain, the side curtain of Australian rhinoceros used in the wild fishing version can be unfolded at 270 degrees, providing a larger covering area.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

Coffee cannon, starting a business, getting rich, assisting god

Pickup truck users have diverse needs. While enjoying life, they are also working hard for their dreams. The coffee-themed car modified by the Great Wall Artillery commercial pickup truck is built for this group of people.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

The telescopic fixed coffee console is easy to operate, coffee machines, bean grinders and other coffee utensils are readily available, the flip coffee bar is exquisitely designed and easy to display, and the advertising price board is installed in a proper position, which is beautiful and elegant. Considering customers’ demand for "coffee time", the Great Wall Cannon coffee theme car is equipped with retractable sunshade and outdoor table, which is convenient for customers to relax while drinking coffee.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

Mobile coffee carts bring flexibility in doing business, but it is not easy to carry coffee utensils, tables and chairs around. Considering the storage demand, the Great Wall Gun Coffee Theme Car is equipped with a telescopic storage cabinet for placing coffee utensils and other items, and the folding table, seat and sunshade also have corresponding storage positions, which is convenient to operate and saves time and effort.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.


Reliable comrade-in-arms of the rescue gun retrograde warrior

Enjoy life at ordinary times and come forward at critical moments. As a leader of independent brands, Great Wall Gun has developed rescue guns for medical, fire fighting, communication, outdoor and other rescue scenes with a high sense of responsibility and using product advantages.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

The rescue gun was modified based on the commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun, and the cargo box was changed into a rescue mobile warehouse, equipped with professional rescue equipment such as generators, lifebuoys, demolition machines, medical boxes, stretchers and oxygen tanks. The whole vehicle is equipped with rescue equipment such as car radio, long-distance telescopic antenna (relay antenna) and climbing ladder.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

The chassis suspension is raised and the passability is strengthened, which can cope with all kinds of complicated road conditions and ensure that it can reach the rescue site as quickly as possible. In the future, Great Wall Gun, which has reached a strategic cooperation with Blue Sky Rescue Team, will launch a customized model for Blue Sky Rescue to provide professional rescue vehicles with more professional, off-road capability, better loading capacity and comfort for registered members of Blue Sky Rescue.

How to play it is up to you. The original factory modification of the Great Wall Gun will change with you.

Nowadays, on the basis of successfully developing the three sub-categories of passenger, commercial and off-road markets, Great Wall Gun has expanded N-type modified vehicles to form a 3+N pattern, and has used unlimited modification to meet the diversified needs of users in all directions. In the future, the Great Wall Gun will also launch more abundant, better quality and more targeted modified models to satisfy all your imaginations of pickup trucks!

Beijing Auto Show: BYD Qin L DM-i was launched and listed in the second quarter.

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Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

A salesman decided to leave Huawei’s store.

Text | "China Entrepreneur" reporter Mo Wei

Editor | Maggie Ying

"Wen Jie will be the first mainstream brand to fall down this year." Adi (pseudonym) sighed. Adi is one of the first brands to sell in the world. He worked in a luxury car brand for many years and joined the world two years ago with the word "Huawei". But at the end of February, he chose to leave.

At present, this conclusion is premature and somewhat absolute. However, from the public data, compared with the sales performance in January and February this year, the industry has not yet stepped out of the sales trough. According to the sales report issued by Cyrus, in March, the sales volume of the industry was 3,679 vehicles, which was significantly lower than the monthly sales volume of over 10,000 vehicles last year. Within the realm of question, greater changes have also taken place.

On the morning of March 31, an announcement of "Resolution on Huawei Not Building Cars" inside Huawei was circulated on the Internet. According to the news, the resolution was issued by Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, and once again stressed that Huawei does not build cars and is valid for 5 years. Ren Zhengfei specifically emphasized that Huawei /HUAWEI could not be used in vehicle publicity and appearance.

On the afternoon of the same day, at the press conference of Huawei’s 2022 annual report, Xu Zhijun, vice chairman and rotating chairman of Huawei, once again stressed: "Some departments, individuals or partners are abusing Huawei’s brand. In the process of investigating this matter, the brand built by Huawei for more than 30 years will not be abused by anyone. Huawei doesn’t make cars, and it doesn’t have any brands of cars. Huawei brand is strictly prohibited as an automobile brand. We will rectify internal promotional materials such as flagship stores and return to strategy. "

Then, it was reported publicly that Yu Chengdong, managing director of HUAWEI, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, ordered that the removal of Celestial cars in Huawei stores involved all promotional materials of Huawei brand, especially the sinking market.

On April 3, in a Huawei experience store in a shopping mall in the suburbs of Tianjin, the words "Huawei asks the world" have disappeared from the publicity screen in the store, and the display boards at the license plates before and after the show have been replaced with "AITO". The pasting of the new license plate is obviously a little hasty, the rear license plate is a little distorted, and the double-sided tape used for pasting is even exposed.

Photography: Mo Wei

Although there is no written logo of "HUAWEI asks the world" in the store, Huawei asks the world is still on the lips of store sales. When adding the WeChat of the in-store sales consultant, the nickname prefix suddenly shows "HUAWEI asks the world".

"Golden signboard" is not enough.

Summarizing the work experience in the field of inquiry in the past two years, Adi’s answer is: love is the deepest responsibility.

The reason why he thinks that the world of inquiry will "fall down" this year is not for his old club’s downfall, but for the future fate of the world of inquiry after "clearing the relationship" with Huawei.

In Adi’s impression, at the beginning of the establishment of the world, the manufacturer Cyrus has always been a humble existence. "The marketing and quality inspection of the brand are all led by Huawei, and even in the training courseware sold, Cyrus is not mentioned." Although he joined the brand in the world, all his work and performance are managed by Huawei. "Huawei will send a Huawei person to supervise in every store that sells cars, responsible for managing and conveying some guidelines from manufacturers and activity plans."

Adi’s feeling is that Huawei has always been a very strong presence, and the people who were stationed in the store at the beginning are very capable, which can help the sales people to make orders and sell better. "It sold very well at first, with an average of about three transactions a month. At that time, Huawei also wanted to make Cyrus a benchmark to prove its strength. "

Chen Jie (a pseudonym), another sales consultant who switched to Japanese brands from the world of inquiry, also has a deep understanding of Huawei’s strength. In the sales process, Huawei’s leading role is obvious. In 2022, it achieved a sales volume of 75,000 vehicles throughout the year, and was called "the fastest growing brand of new energy vehicles".

However, in the beginning of 2023, the price war in the automobile market intensified, and the sales volume in the world continued to decline. In 2023, the sales volume in January was 4,885 vehicles, down 56% from the previous month. In February, the sales volume dropped to 3,505 vehicles, down 21% from the previous month.

The pressure on the sales side has increased significantly. Since the beginning of this year, Adi obviously feels that Huawei is in a mess. "The preferential policies promoted by Huawei are said to be the lowest in history every time, and then it won’t be long before the activities are held again, and the price is even stronger than before."

After several times, Adi had no idea when communicating with customers, and could not confirm the preferential amount. "Internal policies are often inconsistent."

What makes Adi even more helpless is Huawei’s "involution" at the dealer level. "There are a lot of stores in a city, and each store recruits a lot of people. These stores are not the same boss, and the price is very serious." Adi said that in order to sell cars, peers kept each other’s prices down and even let their profits go.

Later, the professionalism of Huawei’s staff stationed in the store was also greatly reduced. "They don’t even understand Huawei’s basic policies."

At the same time, Huawei will have requirements for data such as test drive in the store, and most of this data can’t be completed. "There are many stores and many salespeople. In order to complete the task, the store will share it. Let’s find relatives and friends to complete it." For a long time, Adi and his colleagues were tired of completing the test drive data task in the store.

In this case, the loss of intentional customers has become the biggest problem. A lot of sales around Adi have lost many intentional customers because of the changeable prices and various "coquettish operations" in the store.

Due to the failure to complete the work task, the performance salary was deducted, and some sales people chose to leave their jobs. Artie is one of them.

A partner who starts a new stove

Although he has left, Adi is still paying attention to the world.

Adi and his former colleagues have discussed a lot about "drawing a clear line" between Huawei and the media. In their view, Huawei is somewhat "throwing a pot" in the case of poor overall sales at this time.

In the inner voice community of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei signed a post saying "Huawei doesn’t make cars", and Yu Chengdong left a message: "This era has changed, which will only make it more difficult for us! After a few years, everyone will understand! Leave time to test! " "For an industry, only in-depth insight and deep understanding can we grasp the correct direction! Mark it and come back in a few years! "

Since Huawei set foot in the automobile business in 2019, Yu Chengdong has been labeled as a "car maker". In February this year, the news that Wang Jun, the original Huawei smart car solution BU COO, was suspended came out, and the news that Yu Chengdong was fully responsible for BU was rampant. Immediately, photos of Yu Chengdong’s visits to Sellers and Aouita came out.

It seems that Huawei’s car-making route has become as radical and bold as himself.

At the beginning of March, "HUAWEI asked the world" appeared in the holiday poster released by HUAWEI terminal. Among the official accounts of the car, "AITO asked the world" was quietly replaced by "Huawei asked the world".

Promotional materials in offline stores are also updated synchronously. In the sinking market, the words "Huawei Auto" even appeared.

On March 30th, the day before Huawei and Cyrus "drew a clear line". Celestial’s company launched a brand-new new energy vehicle brand Blue Power, equipped with BYD Foday hybrid system. Sailis said that this is a brand new brand that is different from the outside world.

This is also regarded by the outside world as a signal that Cyrus is "planning ahead" and starting a new stove.

The change of HI mode partners is more obvious. It is reported that a senior executive of BAIC Polar Fox expressed his dissatisfaction with Huawei at a recent internal meeting. "We have cooperated with Huawei for so many years, and Huawei has gained a lot of voice. What have we got?" Under the bleak sales of Alpha created in cooperation with Huawei, BAIC has begun to promote the mother-baby parent-child model "Koala".

Another partner, GAC, has also undergone new changes. On March 27th, Guangzhou Automobile Group said that the AH8 project jointly built by Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an and Huawei was changed to independent development, and Huawei will participate as an important supplier. This means that the HI mode of GAC and Ai ‘an has fallen through.

In the public interview, Feng Xingya, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group, talked about the cooperation with Huawei and bluntly said that Guangzhou Automobile needs more brand characteristics. This just corresponds to the "soul theory" put forward by Chen Hong, the chairman of SAIC.

On April 1st, when Yu Chengdong attended the committee of 100 Forum on Electric Vehicles in China (2023), he said that Huawei was still under sanctions, and its partners were limited. "The new forces have their own intelligent pursuit, and it is unlikely to cooperate with us. It is also difficult for European, American and Japanese companies to choose Huawei. In the end, only traditional car companies are left." Yu Chengdong said.

An engineer from a head parts supplier told China Entrepreneur that Huawei seems to have neglected the brand dignity that traditional car companies value most, and planned a lot of cooperative car companies and models, which eventually became a constraint.

On April 6, the related content of "HUAWEI asks the world" has not been deleted from Huawei’s official accounts such as Huawei Terminal.

Huawei to ensure survival

Yu Chengdong insists that the cooperation has not changed. However, in the rapidly changing China market, it is becoming more and more difficult to do both the brand and Huawei’s automobile business.

In an interview with China Entrepreneur, Zhang Yun, global CEO of Rees Strategic Positioning Consulting and chairman of China, said that Huawei’s insistence on not building cars is a comprehensive choice.

"Huawei’s mobile phone business has been affected in the United States. If the car moves the’ cheese’ of European and American companies again, it will be’ killed’ in overseas core markets." Zhang Yun said that this is a statement spread from within Huawei and also reflects Huawei’s overall strategic considerations.

"If Huawei is a core supplier of smart cars, the technical value of core components is very high, and its value may be higher than that of a car-making enterprise." Zhang Yun believes that from the perspective of business value, technology is not only an area that Huawei is good at, but also can create more value.

In Zhang Yun’s view, just because Huawei can make a good mobile phone does not mean that it can also make a good car. "It takes a lot longer to make a car than a mobile phone. Interlacing is like a mountain. " This view seems to confirm the choice of Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei.

According to the financial report data released by Huawei on March 31st, in 2022, the company’s net profit decreased by 68.7% year-on-year, and the cash flow from operating activities decreased by 70.2% year-on-year. Although Meng Wanzhou, the rotating chairman, has repeatedly stressed that Huawei’s cash flow is still sufficient, the declining data has already reflected Huawei’s survival status in the current market environment.

As early as last year, Ren Zhengfei published the famous "Cold Theory" based on the changes in the domestic and international market environment, saying that Huawei should take survival as the highest program, focus on strategy and burn less money.

The impact of the car-making business seems to be contrary to Ren Zhengfei’s strategy.

The data shows that Huawei BU is the only loss-making business unit. China Entrepreneur learned from Huawei officials that BU, a Huawei smart car solution, has invested 3 billion US dollars in R&D since its establishment, with as many as 7,000 R&D personnel.

In the 2022 annual report, Huawei’s sales revenue in carrier business, enterprise business and terminal business was 284 billion yuan, 133.2 billion yuan and 214.5 billion yuan respectively. Among them, the revenue of smart car solution parts business was 2.1 billion yuan.

From the perspective of Huawei’s overall business, after the terminal mobile phone business encounters sanctions, Huawei may not be able to bear the car business to get into trouble again. The first task is to ensure the safety and survival of its main business.

Many people in the industry also believe that whether from the basic logic of building a car or the increasingly fierce market competition, Huawei should really be more rational in building a car.

In his speech at the committee of 100 Forum, Yu Chengdong said: "In the past, Huawei leaders, including Ren Zong, wanted to become a Tier1 supplier similar to Bosch, but now the conditions of this strategy seem to be untenable."


Yu Chengdong ordered overnight: Remove Huawei logo! The latest response, Global Times

Ren Zhengfei "strangles" Huawei to build a car, and Yu Chengdong mourns! ",Electric Vehicle Commune

"The board hits Yu Chengdong, and Ren Zhengfei hurts", Snow Leopard Finance and Economics.

Editor on duty: Wang Yijie Review: Zhang Gege Production: Wu Ying

Positioning young Nordic wind LYNK&CO two concept cars released

  [New Car Launch] LYNK&CO, a brand-new brand of Geely Group, officially released the Harmony. The new car is built on the CMA platform jointly developed by Geely and Geely, in which 01 will be officially mass-produced as the first model of LYNK&CO in 2017, and will be listed in China at the end of 2017. Meanwhile, the Lynk & Co brand will gradually enter the European and North American markets.

Home of the car

『LYNC&CO 01 concept car

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

『LYNK concept car

LYNK&CO 01 concept car

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  LYNK&CO 01 concept car is located in a model, which is built by Gothenburg styling center led by Peter Hobury, deputy director of Geely Group, and its overall style is very fashionable. The large mouth air intake grille gives people a very layered feeling. At the same time, the headlight group adopts split design, in which the light band shape is very individual, while the high beam and low beam groups are hidden on both sides of the grille, which makes the front face of the whole vehicle look more integrated.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  On the tail, the 01 concept car adopts L-shaped taillight design and LED light source, and presents a stereoscopic visual effect. The overall design is coordinated, the lines are full, and it doesn’t look stingy.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  In terms of interior, the new car adopts a 10-inch full LCD instrument panel with mechanical instrument combination design, and is equipped with interior atmosphere lights, a 10.1-inch touch screen, an electronic shift lever, etc. to increase the sense of technology. On the whole, the new car focuses on Nordic style, and the design is simple and fashionable.

Home of the car

  LYNK&CO brand official said that this concept car is "the product that best represents intelligent interconnection technology". Based on the open digital platform, it will cooperate with the world’s leading technology companies. Therefore, interconnection is also one of the main aspects of LYNK&CO brand in the future.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with 1.5T three-cylinder and 2.0T four-cylinder matched with CMA platform in the future, as well as hybrid system and pure electric system. In terms of transmission, it will be matched with a brand-new 7-speed, and the new car will also be equipped with a four-wheel drive system.

LYNK concept car

Home of the car

  Compared with LYNK&CO 01 concept car, this concept car named LYNK has no mass production plan. It is just an attempt by the designer for LYNK&CO brand. The new car adopts a four-door coupe design and looks very dynamic as a whole. The front face of the new car still uses a large mouth grille design, while the headlight group uses a more simplified LED light source. Compared with LYNK&CO 01 concept car, the new car has more muscular lines.

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

  In terms of body, the new car adopts a four-door style that tilts upwards and looks very individual. In the tail shape, we can see the sense of movement of its design, and the taillight group adopts integrated light belt design, which gives people a very fashionable feeling.

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

  In terms of interior, the concept car is even more exaggerated. The steering wheel with more sporty shape is equipped with a full LCD instrument panel and a central control LCD screen, which gives people a more futuristic feeling. At the same time, the 2+2-type four-seat chair looks very design-oriented.

Introduction of CMA platform

Home of the car

  With regard to the platform, the 01 concept car is built on the CMA modular platform of Geely Group. The CMA platform is a brand-new intermediate car basic module structure led by Volvo Cars and jointly developed by Geely Cars and Volvo Cars. The platform has been developed in the European Research and Development Center (CEVT) of Geely Cars for more than three years, and can be adjusted according to the positioning and length of different models, covering small, compact and corresponding product layouts. In the future, a new generation of Volvo 40 series models will be born on this platform.

LYNK&CO brand introduction:

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  LYNK&CO brand is a brand-new brand created by Geely Group. Its positioning is between Geely brand and Volvo brand under the group, focusing on Nordic style, and it will become a competitor of overseas mainstream brands including and.

Home of the car

  LYNK&CO is a combination of two English words. LYNK means connection and interconnection, which represents the cooperative nature of the brand and the future development route of intelligent interconnection. It is expected to join the ranks of future mobile travel service providers. CO has no specific meaning, its meaning is to make the brand name more catchy, thus showing that the new brand is young and full of vitality.

  In the future, the brand will build matrix products based on CMA platform. The first production car will be a compact SUV, code-named C11, which will adopt the overall design language of 01 concept car. In the future, LYNK&CO brand will also enter the China market in the future, so as to compete with Volkswagen, Ford and other brands. (Text/car home Wuyuan)

  Read more:

  Promote smart interconnection? LYNK&CO’s latest trailer released