The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused nearly a thousand deaths, and Israel calls the current situation a "war situation."

On October 8, local time, in Gaza City, after the Israeli air raid, smoke billowed. This article is a picture of vision china.

A number of Israeli media, such as Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation, reported on the 8th that a new round of conflict between Palestine and Israel has killed more than 600 Israelis. The health department of the Gaza Strip in Palestine issued a statement on the same day saying that 370 people were killed and 2,200 injured when Israeli troops attacked the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, people stood outside a mosque destroyed by Israeli air strikes in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Palestine.

Statistics released by the Israeli medical department that afternoon showed that the conflict had injured more than 2,000 Israelis. According to the Jerusalem Post, more than 100 Israeli soldiers and civilians were taken into the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, Gaza City, the second day of the continuous conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas, was devastated by Israeli air strikes.

Daniel Heggli, chief spokesman of the Israel Defense Forces, said on the same day that the Israeli army is recruiting hundreds of thousands of reservists to "prepare for the final ground counterattack in the Gaza Strip", which is the largest recruitment activity in Israel in the past decades.

On October 8, local time, Merkava tanks rolled on the road near the Lebanese border in Kiliatshmna, Israel.

The Information Office of the Israeli Government issued a statement on the afternoon of the 8th, saying that the security cabinet confirmed the current situation as a "war situation" on the evening of the 7th, and took major military measures according to Article 40 of the Basic Law of Israel, that is, Israel was forced to wage war due to rocket attacks from Gaza, and the war started at 6 am local time on the 7th.

On October 8, local time, Israeli troops assembled at a secret location on the border of the Gaza Strip.

A new round of military conflict broke out between Israel and Palestine on the 7th, and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) launched a military operation against Israel during the Jewish holiday that day. The Israeli army launched several rounds of air strikes in the Gaza Strip.

(Source: Wang Zhuolun, Liu Weijian/Xinhua News Agency)

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# Funny

Anyway, I don’t study for a day.

Teacher Shi.

Tomorrow is the weekend. Today, the teacher won’t delay the class. Let’s go home early. Never leave your homework. By the way, it’s over, he remembered, it’s raining outside, so be sure to pay attention to safety on the way home.

Teacher, haven’t you left your homework yet? I didn’t know I didn’t leave my homework. You are so easy to get beaten, don’t you know? This is not just the end of the monthly exam. I think everyone did well in the exam, so I won’t leave any homework this time. Let’s relax and combine work and rest this Sunday. I object, teacher. You will delay our study too much. Do you want to hear what you are saying? Zi Xuan, don’t be a demon. You don’t want to rest. We want to rest. You idiot just want to play. Didn’t you know how many points you scored in the last exam?

Zi Xuan, don’t say that. I’m so proud that I’ve made great progress this time. It’s understandable to have a rest. No. Teacher, why are your requirements so low? Be strict with students, don’t you know? You also taught me a lesson. I don’t know about others. Anyway, if I don’t study for a day, I will feel uncomfortable all over and I can’t even sleep.

Zi Xuan, your grades seem to have regressed this time, right? I seem to have failed math. Right. So I strongly urge the teacher to leave us homework, and I will study hard when I go home. Okay, you asked for it. Zi Xuan, just finish this exercise book, and the others have no homework to go home. Man-eating goblin in the making.

The 8 most popular tourist destinations make your holiday more unforgettable.

Here are 10 most popular tourist destinations to make your holiday more memorable:

1. Paris, France: Romantic Paris is famous for its art, culture and romantic atmosphere. The Eiffel Tower, Louvre and Seine attract countless tourists.

2. Rome, Italy: The ancient Roman city is full of historical sites, such as the Colosseum, Vatican City and Fighter Square, which attracts history lovers and cultural tourists.

3. Tokyo, Japan: As a city full of modernization and traditional culture, Tokyo has unique charm, such as Asakusa Temple, Ginza shopping area and Akihabara.

4. Hawaii, USA: Hawaii’s beautiful beaches, tropical climate and rich natural landscape attract countless tourists to spend their holidays.

5. Bali, Indonesia: Bali is famous for its beautiful beaches, religious temples and rich cultural traditions. It is a holiday resort.

6. Cape Town, South Africa: Located at the intersection of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, Cape Town is famous for its magnificent natural landscape and diverse culture.

7. Sydney, Australia: Landmarks such as Sydney Harbour, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge attract tourists, and Sydney’s beaches and food are also its charm.

8. Masai Mara National Park in Kenya: As a famous wildlife reserve in Africa, Masai Mara National Park is an excellent place to watch wild animals.

These tourist destinations have unique charm and attraction, which can make your holiday more unforgettable.

How can China football rush out of Asia? These strategies are worth collecting.

# How can China Football Rush Out of Asia # China Football Rush Out of Asia, first of all, we need to examine our strengths and weaknesses, find out the fundamental problems that hinder development, and then formulate comprehensive and reasonable strategies.

Our advantages are: huge football population, strong football atmosphere and increasingly perfect football infrastructure. However, our disadvantages are equally obvious: low technical level, poor management and insufficient experience in international competitions.

To solve these problems, we put forward the following strategies:

Improve the technical level: improve the technical level of players through a large-scale youth training program. Learn from the experience of foreign excellent football schools, establish a number of high-level football schools and provide professional training and guidance.

Strengthen management: improve the management mechanism of clubs and national teams, introduce professional sports management talents, learn international advanced management experience, and make management more scientific and efficient.

Increase international competition experience: By participating in various international competitions, increase players’ competition experience and improve their psychological quality and coping ability. At the same time, it can also let the world know more about China football and increase our international influence.

Cultivate football culture: promote football culture in the whole society, so that more people can understand, love and participate in football. Through holding football matches, carrying out football training camps and other activities, we will cultivate more teenagers’ interest in football.

Do a good job in training young people: attach importance to the training of young people, provide professional coaches and facilities, and provide a good growth environment for young players. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the moral education of teenagers and cultivate players with excellent quality.

Attracting excellent foreign aid: On the premise of meeting the requirements, attract some excellent foreign aid to play in China, bring their experience and skills to China players, and promote the development of football in China.

Strengthen the contact with FIFA: By strengthening the contact and communication with FIFA, we can understand the development trend and dynamics of international football and learn the advanced international management experience and technology. At the same time, we can also use the platform of FIFA to promote China football and increase the international influence of China football.

Establish a scientific selection mechanism: establish a scientific selection mechanism to select young players with potential from all over the country and provide professional training and guidance. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversified development of players, attract players from different backgrounds to play in China, and enrich the cultural connotation of China football.

Establish a perfect professional league system: establish a perfect professional league system to improve the competitive level and appreciation of the league. Increase the publicity and marketing ability of the league, attract more audiences to pay attention to the league, play a "star effect" and let more people love football and participate in the sport, thus increasing the income and attention of the league and providing financial guarantee for the long-term development of the club and the national team.

Strengthen cooperation with the media: Promote football matches and related activities through the media, so that more people can understand and pay attention to China football, improve the popularity and influence of China football, and at the same time, use the power of the media to promote the importance of football culture and youth training, so that more people can understand and support the development of China football.

In short, China football needs the joint efforts and support of the whole society, from the government to the clubs, from coaches to players, from teenagers to professional leagues, in order to achieve this goal, we believe that as long as we make concerted efforts in Qi Xin, China football will certainly be able to rush out of Asia and go global!

Mao Bu, Tao Zhe, Vae and other top musicians gathered! 2023 National Tide Music Carnival is deep …

As the end of 2023 approaches, the National Tide Music Carnival (Shenzhen Station) created by Shenzhen Chaoyin Entertainment, a local company in Longgang, Shenzhen, will be held grandly in Longgang Universiade Center on December 24, 2023 and January 1, 2024. The Music Carnival will invite musicians with peak strength such as Mao Bu, Tao Zhe and Vae to gather on the Chaoyin stage.

Music carnival

Performance lineup

Create a new warm winter moment in Tibet, and the two performances will shine simultaneously! Shenzhen Universiade Center Stadium, crossing the winter with two feet off the ground, dispels the cold with the joy of accelerated heartbeat. This time, at the national tide scene, a snowflake is played for the audience.

Activity Poster

It is reported that Chaoyin Entertainment has the first-line resources in the industry and a first-class production and operation team. The operation contents include various music scenes, star brokers, artist incubation, independent IP development, etc. It has been selected in Longgang District as a normal performance venue for indoor livehouse, and plans to hold nearly 100 events every year. In addition, it will be selected as a fixed venue for outdoor music festivals, which will bring a tidal feast to music lovers everywhere through indoor and outdoor linkage.

Since the beginning of this year, Longgang Cultural and Creative Investment Promotion Headquarters has successively introduced high-quality cultural enterprises such as the headquarters of Dafeng Bay District in Zhejiang Province, which has been deeply involved in large-scale performing arts activities, the construction and operation of cultural and sports tourism projects, and Chaoyin Entertainment, which is operated by the pan-entertainment industry chain, which will significantly enhance the business of business performances, cultural and artistic activities planning and other sectors in the region, and drive the upstream and downstream related enterprises in the industry chain to settle in Longgang. In the next step, we will continue to focus on digital creativity and modern fashion industry clusters, focus on creative design, film and television production, animation games, clothing, gold jewelry and other cultural industries, aim at the top 30 national cultural enterprises and leading enterprises, carry out in-depth investment promotion, targeted investment promotion and business investment promotion, speed up the signing of key reserve projects, promote the development of local culture, sports and entertainment industries, empower industrial development with music culture, stimulate new vitality and explore new formats.

Text, map | Cai Pengfei

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng School

Editor | Feng Xiaojing

Proofreading | Zhao Dandan

The prediction of the fashion industry for the future turns out that the end of fashion is actually "scavenging", and beggars are on fire.

The fashion circle can always give people some unexpected surprises, especially in the show, all kinds of wonderful shapes are always emerging one after another, either clothes are worn upside down or garbage bags are worn on the body. The recent beggar fashion show has already caught fire in the fashion circle.

In the impression of many people, beggar style is a particularly casual, uninhibited and personalized dressing style, but this time the show is like a real "beggar" walking on the runway. I really don’t feel beautiful about such strange clothes. Maybe I have no aesthetic cells.

This reminds me of Brother Sharp 10 years ago. It turns out that he is the originator.

Table of the best exercise stages of the human body. What kind of exercise do you do at what age?

Come on, let’s go rock climbing. ]
[Rock climbing, you are 60 years old, can you still rock climbing? ]
[This exercise is relatively large, which is more beneficial to your health ~]
[That’s where you are wrong. Although exercise is very important, only exercise that suits your age is good for your health. ]
[and this statement? Then tell me, how does sports distinguish age groups? ]
[Ok, listen to me and tell you, this 60-year-old should exercise slowly …]
In recent years, the fitness craze has swept all ages.From the eighties to the eighties, Grandpa Muscle became a online celebrity, and from the young college students, everyone basically began to pay attention to sports.

In fact, people of different ages have suitable sports, different ages and physical qualities, and the key exercises they need are naturally different, so they need to choose appropriate and correct sports. For those who insist on exercise, the body will gain a lot of benefits imperceptibly.

Energetic:People who exercise regularly will give people an energetic and energetic look. As we all know, exercise accelerates the metabolic rate. In fact, not only during exercise, but also within 12 hours after exercise,The rate of metabolism will also be accelerated, thus keeping people full of vitality.

Improve sleep quality and improve cardiopulmonary function;When exercising,It can indirectly exercise the heart and lungs, thus improving the cardiopulmonary function and reducing the probability of heart and lung diseases.. In addition, people who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from insomnia, because exercise can effectively promote sleep and improve sleep quality.

Burn fat and keep weight:For beauty lovers, exercise is a good way to keep weight and lose weight.During exercise, fat is burned, calories are consumed, and weight naturally becomes lighter.

Enhance resistance:Exercise can promote blood circulation, enhance lymphatic flow, and help muscle contraction, thus effectively improving resistance and maintaining good health. People who exercise regularly are less likely to be infected during the flu season.

Release emotional stress:During exercise, the body will release a lot of indophenol, which is a substance that can ease the mood and make the mood calm. Therefore, exercise is an effective way to release emotional stress. If you encounter setbacks in the near future and have bad emotions, you may wish to exercise and get rid of them.

There are thousands of sports, which one is suitable for you? Actually, luckExercise is also divided into different age groups. People of different ages have different suitable sports. Only by choosing the right sports can we get the greatest benefits.

Children:What is the most suitable exercise for children?Ball games, swimming and other sports that can exercise various muscle groups.Experiencing new sports is full of fun for children, and showing more strength in sports is also something that children are proud of. In ball games, whether it is football or badminton, it can improve children’s teamwork ability. In addition, they can also promote bone growth and enhance their immunity through exercise.

Youth:People of this age group are more suitable.Rock climbing, ball games, sprints and other sports that can strengthen muscles and bones. Because youth is an important period for shaping bones and body shape, you should exercise at least three days a week and at least 30 minutes a day. While insisting on moderate-intensity sports such as ball games and sprints, you can also supplement strength training such as rock climbing and push-ups to train local muscles in a targeted manner.

Middle age:At this stage, the intensity of crowd exercise does not need to be increased, but enough exercise should be ensured.Ensure at least 150 minutes of exercise every week, and you can choose cycling, swimming or jogging.And carry out targeted strength training for body muscles to ensure muscle strength.

Middle-aged and elderly:After the age of 65, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the intensity of exercise and try to choose.Low-intensity sports such as walking, Ba Duan Jin or Tai Ji Chuan.. This is because the middle-aged and elderly people will have some health problems, such as calcium loss, which is prone to fractures. If they do high-intensity exercise, they are prone to accidents. Middle-aged and elderly people should exercise for the purpose of physical fitness and health care and do what they can.

In fact, no matter what age group people are, they should do warm-up exercises before exercise to ensure that there will be no accidents during exercise.

Warm-up exercise before exercise can make the body "ready" and avoid problems such as muscle strain, joint injury and ligament strain during exercise. So, what should you do to warm up?

In-situ leg lifts:Hold your head high, keep your eyes on the front, relax your body, raise your legs, swing your arms naturally, and alternate your legs.

Thoracoforearm rotation:Hold your head high, bend your body slowly, straighten your arms until you can touch your toes, and alternate your hands.

In-situ aerobics:Feet shoulder-width apart, jump up gently, put your hands over your head, and spread your legs naturally.

Leg press lunge:Hands akimbo, lunge posture, center of gravity between legs.

Adhere to scientific and effective sports,It can not only strengthen the body, but also effectively reduce the aging rate of the body.Starting from tomorrow, let’s move!


[1] "Preparation before fitness, five simple and practical warm-up exercises to avoid physical injury! Network Planet. 2018-02-01

[2] "Table of the Best Exercise Stages of the Human Body, What kind of exercise do you do at what age?" .2019-05-13

[3] There are so many benefits of sports, how many do you know? Xi ‘an Brothers Move. 2018-04-25

# Breeze Plan # # Health Enjoy Officer ##39 Health Super Group #

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Ten cultural phenomena, observing the future development trend of China’s culture.

"On the Party’s First Congress", Chen Yifei and Ruimin Qiu, 1977, 147.5cm×173cm, China Art Museum.

Art Basel 2021 Hong Kong.


Red art classics are deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

The year of 2021 coincides with the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s centenary birthday. While reviewing the glorious course of the founding of the Party, we feel the brand-new vitality of the red culture generate. From literary performances to film and television plays, from book publishing to exhibitions, thousands of stories of the history of the party have merged into a magnificent and vivid red literary galaxy.

For China art circles, this year’s red theme exhibitions have appeared in succession, and the creation of party history themes has become more and more mature since the reform and opening up. In the exhibitions organized by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and China Artists Association, such as "Do not forget your initiative mind remembers the mission-Celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC)" and "Ode to the Red Boat and National Exhibition of Fine Art Creation Works", classics of art history such as Crossing the Yalu River, Battle of Shangganling and founding ceremony reproduce the creative pattern of "painting masterpieces handed down from generation to generation with great beauty". A number of recent works, such as Zhang Zhiqing’s "China Core" and Zhang Jing’s "Exploring the Moon in China", which reflect the achievements of scientific and technological innovation in the new era, have also emerged in the "Art Exhibition of Guangdong Province Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC)" held by Guangdong Art Museum.

The spread of red art classics is inseparable from the cross-border help of streaming media. In January, 2021, the 100-episode special program "The History of the Party in Fine Arts Classics" was broadcast by the Central Radio and Television General Station, which presented a magnificent century-old history of the Party to the audience in a multi-dimensional vision by integrating images, literature, photos, animations and interviews in a cross-media way, providing a vivid sample for contemporary red art creation and becoming a "phenomenal" program.

How to tell the history of the Party well with works of art, and how to better interpret and spread the red classic works of art in the new era are the important trends of the "new opening" of red theme art creation in the past century. Today, the spread of "red culture" should closely follow the aesthetic habits of young people, learn from cross-media and multi-dimensional exhibition methods and means of communication, and make the reality of party history and the beauty of art blend with each other. To create red classic works of art in the new era, we should not only pay attention to the form of exhibition, but also show the content of party history with innovative ideas and artistic language close to the times, so that red literary and artistic creation can go out of art galleries and museums and enter people’s lives. (Zhu Rongting)


Online art market is testing the water.

In the past two years, the global epidemic has been repeated. It seems that we have long been accustomed to the constant closure and restart of theaters, and the delay or cancellation of art festivals and expositions has brought about new cultural ecology-online drama live broadcast, global online auction, virtual exhibition … How much impact does the new technology spawned by the epidemic have on the art industry?

In the field of performing arts, performers have not stopped exploring, and 2021 can even be said to be a "year of recovery"-the resumption of avignon Drama Festival, the resumption of live performances at Edinburgh International Art Festival and the return of Wuzhen Drama Festival after a two-year absence … It is undoubtedly exciting to bring performances back to the scene.

The offline scale has been reduced, so various types of online art forms have been actively created, and live broadcast and screening have become the most intuitive and timely measures of the festival. For example, the eighth Wuzhen Drama Festival’s "Far Away" unit shows eight works from six major drama festivals (art festivals) such as Edinburgh Art Festival, Berlin Drama Festival, avignon Drama Festival and Salzburg Art Festival. In Europe, the Berlin Drama Festival, which is famous for its professionalism, has even been changed to a full-scale online performance. Although we know that the charm of live art cannot be replaced, these "expedient measures" also inspire us to re-examine the relationship between theater viewing and performance and think about the significance of theater creation.

On the other hand, in the field of art auction, the transaction mode is also changing. Taking Basel, Hong Kong in 2021 as an example, the exhibition "testing the water" was displayed digitally. Artists also began to show or sell their works with the help of virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) technology. Buyers "examine" artworks on the screen of mobile phones, and even can see details such as materials, textures and fine lines that may not be visible to the naked eye. The online auction of the art line began to "anger the sense of existence", and the number of people participating in the online auction and the transaction price hit record highs. In 2021, China Guardian, Beijing Poly, Christie’s, Sotheby’s, etc. launched racquets with new records. Guangdong Chongzheng Autumn Auction 2021, nearly one-fifth of the transaction volume comes from online applets.

Data and phenomena show that the China art trade market is picking up in 2021 with the help of diversified technical communication means. In the future, will online be the "painkiller" in the transitional period, or will it be a brand-new situation that can be opened up? And leave it to time and the market to answer. (Zhu Rongting)


One hundred years of modern archaeology in China.

2021 is the centenary of the discovery of Yangshao culture and the birth of modern archaeology in China. On October 17th, "The Centenary Commemorative Meeting of Yangshao Culture Discovery and the Birth of Modern Archaeology in China" was held in Sanmenxia City, Henan Province. The next day, the third China Archaeological Congress was held, and the "Top 100 Archaeological Discoveries in a Hundred Years" was announced. One hundred discoveries including Zhoukoudian Site in Beijing and Nihewan Site Group in Yangyuan, Hebei Province were selected, and the site of Nanyue National Palace Office in Guangdong Province, Nanyue King’s Tomb and Nanhai I shipwreck were also on the list.

Yinxu, Erlitou, Liangzhu, Zhoukoudian, Mawangdui and Sanxingdui … Over the past century, modern archaeology in China has made remarkable achievements. Archaeological discoveries have rewritten people’s traditional cognition of Chinese history and culture, described the action marks of our ancestors on the vast land, and answered "Who are we, where are we from and where are we going" with physical evidence.

Since the beginning of the new century, the archaeological cause has flourished. With the continuous growth of archaeological institutions and professional teams, new important archaeological achievements have emerged one after another, and the mystery of Chinese civilization has been unveiled step by step. No matter the confirmation of the Chinese Emperor Ba Ling or the exposure of Princess Taiping’s "mansion" in Zhengpingfang site, every new discovery brings many reflections and surprises.

Archaeology was originally a little-known knowledge. In recent years, it has "flown into the homes of ordinary people" with the wings of science and technology. Cultural and creative products such as "archaeological blind box" are also on fire. Variety shows such as "National Treasures" and "China Archaeological Congress" unlock archaeological codes and explore Chinese civilization in a lively way, and they will become explosions after they are broadcast. Popular science books with the theme of archaeology are also widely welcomed by readers, and scholars such as Li Ling, Qi Dongfang, Xu Hong, Yang Hong and Zheng Yan have become the industry stars sought after by the public. With the high-frequency attention of the public and the help of science and technology, the cultural IP that is popular all over the world will be born in the future archaeological field. (Huang Xi)


Sanxingdui site shocked "Shangxin"

With the announcement of major archaeological discoveries at Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan Province on March 20th, 2021, information about Sanxingdui’s "Shangxin" frequently appeared in hot searches and became a veritable "online celebrity" in archaeology. As one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century, six Sanxingdui cultural "sacrificial pits" have been newly discovered in Sanxingdui site, and more than 500 important cultural relics have been unearthed, including the largest complete Jin Mianju to date, three bronze statues that have never been seen before, bronze shrines that can be called national treasures, bronze figurines that look like Altman, and so on.

If the archaeological excavation and research of Sanxingdui in the 21st century are different from those in the past, first of all, science and technology help archaeology, and modern scientific and technological means are used to build an archaeological excavation cabin, an integrated excavation platform and a multifunctional excavation operating system, which provide an effective guarantee for archaeological information collection and cultural relics safety protection. In addition, a special information platform was set up to comprehensively record and scientifically manage Sanxingdui cultural relics data, image data and environmental monitoring data. Secondly, more and more archaeologists from outside Sichuan are involved, and the international color of Sanxingdui is becoming more and more obvious and strong.

At present, the excavation area of Sanxingdui site only accounts for two thousandths of the total area! There is no doubt that Sanxingdui will be an important site in the second century of China archaeology. Professor Xu Jian, director of the History Department of Shanghai University, who is in charge of the excavation of the No.3 pit of Sanxingdui site, said in an exclusive interview with Nandu reporter that from the unearthed relics so far and even the overall cultural features of the site, Sanxingdui is not lost to any other place or culture in global archaeology. (Zhou Peiwen)


"Net writing goes to sea" becomes a heavyweight phenomenon.

After more than 20 years of development, online literature not only has many fans in China, but also attracts readers from all over the world. More and more "crooked nuts" have joined the army of urging more people to express their obsession with online writing in various ways, such as leaving messages, praising and rewarding.

On September 26th, 2021, "2021 China International Network Literature Week" was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, and the Chinese Writers Association released "China Network Literature International Communication Development Report". The report shows that by 2020, China’s online literature has exported more than 10,000 online works overseas. Among them, more than 4,000 physical books were authorized, and more than 3,000 works were translated online. There are more than 100 million users who subscribe to and read APP, covering most countries and regions in the world, and the international communication has achieved remarkable results.

In 2020, the scale of China’s online market will be 1.13 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 145%, and the growth rate of users will reach 160.4%. It is estimated that by the end of 2021, the scale of China’s online texts in overseas markets will increase exponentially, which is expected to exceed 3 billion yuan, and the scale of overseas users of China’s online texts may reach 145 million.

Since 2019, the IP adaptation of the net text has been further popular overseas. Nowadays, China’s online literature, as an important carrier of "Chinese culture going out", has become the "four major cultural phenomena in the world" alongside American Hollywood movies, Japanese cartoons and Korean TV dramas. On the one hand, online literature has opened a window for overseas readers to learn about ancient Chinese civilization through "cool" plots, humorous or beautiful language and immersive reader interaction mode. On the other hand, from translation and output to overseas originality, and then to the cultivation and development of web IP with global industrial partners, the mode of web going to sea is more and more flexible and diverse. In the future, online literature will permeate all aspects of contemporary culture in various forms. (Huang Xi)


Cantonese Opera Movie White Snake "Out of Circle"

In 2021, the biggest "out-of-the-box" of China opera circle should be the release of White Snake, the first Cantonese opera film in China. The film has been popular all over the country. It has not only won several awards at major film festivals at home and abroad, but also easily set a record for the highest box office of China’s film history. It is also regarded as a masterpiece that led China’s drama films into the "blockbuster era".

The artistic basis of White Snake, a Cantonese opera film, is the newly edited Cantonese opera of the same name in 2017. The "emotion" cited in the title of the drama is actually a modern interpretation of this classic drama in the history of Chinese opera by the writers and creative teams. Obviously, the film creation of the play fully understood the new theme of the play, and fully publicized the modernity of the play with the lens language. Zeng Xiaomin, the starring actor, adjusted and combined the traditional sleeves in the film under the guidance of the director to achieve extraordinary artistic effects, which is an example.

Through focus plane’s language and stunts, a brand-new artistic life experience and sensory and emotional experience can be created, so that the traditional opera film can become a work that pays tribute to tradition, inherits culture and shows the taste of the times. Valuably, the exploration of traditional Cantonese opera’s filmization is not limited to White Snake. On the last day of 2021, the Cantonese opera film "Nanyue Palace Ci" won the Best opera film Award in the 34th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Award, which added another surprise. (Zhou Peiwen)


China e-sports team EDG won the championship globally.

In the early morning of November 7th, 2021, in the League of Legends S11 finals held in Iceland, China team EDG won the global finals. In the face of DK, the last champion of South Korea, who was in the limelight, EDG, who was not optimistic, finally won the championship after falling behind 1-2.

The major social platforms boiled at midnight, and the official account of CCTV News Weibo issued a congratulatory message for the first time; Weibo topic #EDG wins the championship # The reading volume is 3.35 billion, and the discussion volume is 4.218 million … Hundreds of millions of young people are so excited that they even stay up all night to celebrate. This lively scene is only comparable to the national football team’s promotion to the World Cup finals in South Korea and Japan 20 years ago.

But in the other corner of this carnival night, there are countless non-players eagerly "seeking science": what is EDG? What is League of Legends S11?

Behind EDG’s destruction, Guangming Daily commented: "The grand intention of’ China Champion’ has also been carried by e-sports. As a subculture, e-sports is gradually becoming mainstream. With the penetration of technology, it breaks the social circle and geographical barriers, showing greater possibilities, and then connecting everyone into a worldwide network. "

Since China IG team won the League of Legends championship for the first time in 2018, e-sports, once regarded as "doing nothing", has gradually broken through the game circle and entered the public eye. The 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee announced that eight e-sports events were selected for the Hangzhou Asian Games, and e-sports became the official event of the Asian Games for the first time.

Behind actively embracing e-sports is a huge audience base and commercial value. The 2021 China E-sports Industry Trend Report shows that the number of e-sports users in China has exceeded 489 million in March 2021. Huge e-sports enthusiasts have gradually deepened their identity recognition, value recognition and group affiliation, and developed into an e-sports culture. (Tao Xinlei)


Amazing innovation of Henan Satellite TV’s "Tang Gong Night Banquet"

At the Spring Festival party of Henan Satellite TV in 2021, the dance "Tang Palace Banquet" became an instant hit. "The Banquet at the Tang Palace" uses VR technology, and takes cultural objects such as Tang Sancai, Jia Hu Bone Flute, and "The Picture of Zanhua Ladies" as the background of the program, so that the young ladies of the Tang Dynasty can shuttle through these Tang elements and make the traditional culture "live" in an instant. The wonderful tour of the Dragon Boat Festival, which was broadcast later, is a story-based program based on The Banquet in Tang Palace. It adopts the mode of "online drama+online synthesis", with the little sister of the Tang Dynasty performing in the palace as the main line, interspersed with traditional cultures such as dragon boat racing and eating zongzi, as well as puppet shows, trying to fit in with the development of modern society from the social perspective of the Tang Dynasty.

In addition, Dance Millennium, a dance variety jointly created by Henan Satellite TV and bilibili, is a series of Chinese stories in dance with the performance mode of "plot+repertoire". Dance and story are combined and connected with each other.

Earlier, Guangdong Satellite TV launched a large-scale acrobatic program "Amazing Four", which took the form of "acrobatics+dance+martial arts+national music" and combined with high-tech dance beauty and VR immersion experience, and also presented an acrobatic audio-visual feast to the audience. There are also cultural variety shows that shine in this respect. The China Archaeological Congress turned the studio into a 3D naked-eye archaeological site, which can instantly generate different virtual scenes and reproduce the real archaeological environment.

The new initiative of combining variety and culture, with variety entertainment as the carrier, makes all kinds of traditional cultures organically combined, no longer just "acting", but also more artistic processing, which greatly enriches the connotation of culture and its deductive form. It can be seen that the integration of traditional culture and the trend of the new era has become the new trend of variety show production. The new form of "culture+variety" will also be recognized by more audiences. (Xu Xiaolei, Chen Qian)


First year of NFT encryption art

On March 11th, 2021, for the first time in Christie’s history, digital artist Beeple’s NFT work "Everydays:The First 5000 Days" (as shown below) was auctioned in NFT form, with a reserve price of $100, and finally it was sold for $69.346 million, which jumped to the third highest transaction price of living artists’ works in one fell swoop, and the concept of NFT broke the circle.

NFT is called Non-Fungible Token, which is translated into non-homogeneous token. It is a digital asset encrypted by blockchain technology and has unique and inseparable characteristics. Digital artworks blessed by NFT encryption technology suddenly overtook the curve, which became the market explosion point to break the monopoly of traditional art forms and expanded the new field of art collection.

Moreover, the rise of NFT is not limited to the art circle. Business giants and celebrity stars have tried different ways of playing NFT, such as virtual sneakers, NFT game cards, NFT music albums, Twitter messages, and short videos of wonderful moments … NFT appears almost like a blowout in all kinds of news, forming a hot situation that "everything can be NFT". According to statistics, the size of the entire NFT market did not exceed $42 million three years ago. By the end of 2020, the market value of NFT has increased by 705% to reach $338 million. In the first three quarters of 2021, the sales of works of art using NFT reached $3.5 billion, which was almost an explosive growth.

NFT technology makes a brand-new digital art collection market that can’t be estimated appear. On the investment level, NFT makes art a digital asset that can be purchased by share. However, one thing that needs to be kept awake is that no matter how much the concept of NFT is hyped, NFT is technology, art is art, and it is the part of art that really determines the value of art. As Beeple said, "If all NFTs disappear tomorrow, I will still be engaged in digital art creation." (Zhou Peiwen)


Cultural and cultural institutions "cloud tour" broke the circle

In recent years, major cultural institutions are trying to promote themselves and enhance interaction and communication with the public in an "online experience" way. The epidemic prevention and control pressed the "fast forward button" for the live broadcast of the museum.

On December 21st, 2021, version 2.0 of the "Digital Forbidden City" applet jointly created by the Palace Museum and Tencent was launched. The "online celebrity", a well-versed broken Hongqiao, officially took up his post, showing the audience around the Palace Museum and revealing the past of the Forbidden City. In addition to the newly hired "tour guide", the applet also optimized and added practical sections such as online ticket purchase, exhibition reservation and in-hospital shopping. At the same time, more accurate open area route navigation, visit comfort index and other important open service functions are added to support users to check the visit comfort of the main open areas of the Forbidden City in real time, and seven interesting "customized tour routes" are built in.

In fact, the "Digital Forbidden City" was launched a year ago, and it is more deeply rooted in people’s hearts in 2021, and 5 million netizens have taken this opportunity to "play online in the Forbidden City". Some "online games" experience is far from offline. For example, you can enjoy the details of ancient famous paintings with hundreds of billions of pixels online.

In 2021, the live broadcast of the museum reached its climax. Take the Guangdong Provincial Museum as an example, there will be 30 live broadcasts in 2021. The theme of International Museum Day in 2021 is "The Future of Museums: Restoration and Remodeling". On that day, museums in China adopted the online and offline communication mode, and all the key events were webcast. The live broadcast of the museum and the "cloud tour" show the cultural heritage and charm by using new technical means, which not only maximizes the integration and development of cultural resources, but also adapts traditional culture to the development of the new era. (Xu Xiaolei, Chen Qian)

Everyone who can swim agrees that these four benefits are obvious after swimming for half a month.

With the coming of summer heat, swimming has almost become a national sport in this season. From the point of view of fitness, people who often do swimming exercises have obviously improved their physical fitness. As a sport loved by the whole people, swimming has many benefits, but we also need to know and remember the precautions.

The benefits of swimming

First, exercise respiratory muscles to improve cardiopulmonary function

Because of the water pressure, you need to bear certain pressure during swimming. When exhaling, due to the high density of water, resistance is generated, so you must exert yourself. Every breath is equivalent to a deep breath, and you will breathe rhythmically according to your swimming style, which can effectively stimulate your respiratory function. People who insist on swimming for a long time can significantly improve their oxygen uptake and vital capacity.

Second, shaping and bodybuilding

Swimming is a whole-body exercise, which can make the whole body muscle groups exercise, get balanced and coordinated development, and make the muscle lines smooth. Like running and playing ball, although they are also full-body sports, if you are accidentally injured, your local muscles will be hard and obvious. However, if swimming training is planned for a long time, the body can be in a state of no load and the joint injury rate can be reduced by 90%.

Third, relieve stress

Nowadays, the fast pace of life and heavy work pressure have become a normal state of urban life. Swimming can stimulate the secretion of endorphins in the body and relieve the pressure of daily work and life. Like yoga, people can fully relax their bodies, make people calm, eliminate external interference, become more focused, and reduce tension and depression.

Fourth, enhance resistance

The temperature of the swimming pool is usually lower than that of the human body, and the body dissipates heat quickly and consumes a lot of energy in the water. In order to supplement the heat emitted by the body, the nervous system will respond quickly, accelerate the metabolism of the human body and increase its adaptability to the outside world. Therefore, the winter swimmers we see are not easy to catch a cold, and their resistance and immunity to diseases are higher than those of ordinary people.

Understand swimming precautions to avoid accidents.

First, make full security preparations, and don’t be alone. Children, especially, must be accompanied by their parents.

Second, do a good job of sun protection when swimming in summer, because the skin is bare when swimming, plus the reflection of water on light, it is easy to get sunburn or sunburn, and in severe cases, it will cause dermatitis.

Third, women avoid swimming during menstruation, and their physical resistance during menstruation is poor, and germs are easy to enter the body and cause infection. Suffering from tuberculosis, otitis media, heart disease, skin disease, etc., it is not suitable for swimming.

Four, swimming time should not be too long, the longest is not more than 2 hours. 5. Don’t swim on an empty stomach or after meals. Swimming on an empty stomach will affect appetite and digestive function, and it is prone to dizziness and fatigue in the water; And satiety will produce stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and so on.