Win the game and get the bonus? Gambling trap under legal cloak

  □ Our reporter Luo Shasha □ Our correspondent Ding Jin

  In recent years, with the continuous development of the e-sports industry, some lawless elements have set their eyes on e-sports and surrounding derivative projects in order to gain high illegal interests. A 14-member criminal gang headed by Gong and Liu set up an e-sports company, developed an e-sports game App, and opened a casino in the name of "Bounty Tournament". In just three months, the gambling money involved was as high as 8.6 million yuan.

  On June 14th, 2023, the People’s Procuratorate of gusu district, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province filed a public prosecution, and the court sentenced 14 people, including Gong, Liu, Deng and Li, to prison terms ranging from five years and three months to one year and six months, and fined them ranging from 50,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan. Some of them were suspended. He was ordered to withdraw more than 1 million yuan of illegal income and confiscated more than 100 tools such as computers and mobile phones. At present, the judgment has come into effect.

  In August, 2021, Xiao Liu, a college student who lives in gusu district, Suzhou, got a short live video of "Bounty Tournament". According to the anchor, this game App called "Meet Me" contains all kinds of popular mobile games. If you win in the random pairing game, you can win the bonus, and you can withdraw it through the App.

  Not only can you play games, but you can also get money if you win? Xiao Liu, who was very excited, quickly downloaded, registered and logged in, and found that to participate in the "prize-winning battle", he had to recharge the diamond in the App as an "admission fee". Xiao Liu has recharged 100 diamonds and transferred to the entrance of a shooting mobile game that he often plays through the platform to participate in the battle. The so-called "bonus" is the sum of the "admission fees" of him and other players. Although he won 100 diamonds in the end, 30 diamonds were automatically taken away by the platform. Under the reminder of a friend, Xiao Liu realized that the platform was involved in gambling, so he immediately uninstalled the App and called 110.

  After receiving the report, the public security organ filed a case for investigation. The police found that Xiao Liu’s recharge funds flowed to an e-sports company in Chengdu, and a total of 14 suspects including the company’s head Gong, management Liu, App development and promotion and financial personnel were locked up. In September 2021, with the cooperation of the Chengdu police, the police arrested all the suspects and brought them to justice, and the "Mutual Help" App was immediately forced to stop.

  After investigation, Gong and his friend Liu partnered to open a network technology company, which faced losses due to poor operation. One day, when Gong accidentally saw an e-sports game advertisement of "winning the game and earning a bonus", he wanted to develop an App to explode the popularity of mobile games and use the "bonus" gimmick to attract traffic. The company only needed to sit and enjoy the draw.

  Later, Gong persuaded five people, including Liu, to use the state’s support policies for the e-sports industry to register and establish Encounter E-sports Co., Ltd. and obtain the e-sports business license. The business scope includes sports competition organization, animation game development, sports event planning and other e-sports related content. Gong is the actual controller of the company, and Liu and other five people are the shareholders of the company. After joint discussion, they instructed five technicians, including Li and Ma, to develop the "Mutual Help" App, which was officially launched in June 2021. The company’s employees, Deng Mou and Huang Mou, used the online platform to promote the "Bounty Tournament" as a gimmick to attract players to download the App. After registration, they recharged through WeChat and Alipay and bought diamonds as virtual coins. After the user pays the prescribed equivalent virtual currency, the platform randomly pairs into the game, and the winner wins all the rewards and cashes out through App. The company draws profits according to the proportion of shooting mobile games 30% and pushing tower mobile games 20%, and financial staff Xu is responsible for fund settlement. After verification, the App has been in operation for 3 months, and the registered users have reached 2.6 million, and the user’s recharge amount has exceeded 10 million yuan.

  In November 2021, six management personnel, including Gong Mou and Liu Mou, were arrested by the gusu district Procuratorate on suspicion of opening a casino, and eight technical, promotion and financial personnel, including Li Mou, Deng Mou and Xu Mou, were criminally compulsory on bail pending trial. It was found through trial that from June to September, 2021, 14 people, including Gong and Liu, organized players to participate in online gambling through App. The gambling money involved was as high as 8.6 million yuan, and the profit from it was more than 1 million yuan, which constituted the crime of opening a casino.

  "The company has a legal e-sports license, ‘ Meet each other ’ App is similar to JJ landlord, how can it be regarded as opening a casino? " In January 2022, the case was transferred for review and prosecution. Gong and Liu tried to cover up the facts of the crime and insisted that they were engaged in legal and compliant e-sports business.

  According to the review of the procuratorate, the "Mutual Encounter Help" App provides users with a recharge channel for converting cash into virtual currency and a withdrawal channel for converting virtual currency into money again. Users can bet virtual currency as a chip, and the companies involved are drawn from the amount bet by each game player. The resulting user recharge and withdrawal are drawn from the companies involved, which correspond to the "up and down" links of gambling respectively, and belong to online gambling activities.

  "In fact, as long as it meets ‘ Money goes in and money goes out, winning or losing is random ’ This gambling feature can constitute the crime of opening a casino, ‘ E-sports ’ Camouflage is just self-deception. " Undertaking the introduction of prosecutor Liu Ben. In fact, along with the bloody e-sports competition, there were criminals who developed the e-sports quiz App, which allowed players to recharge and bet, and the platform settled and cashed out. In essence, it opened an online casino under the banner of e-sports quiz, which once attracted many players to indulge in it. In contrast, the "mutual encounter" App uses "playing games and winning bounty" as a cover and puts on a "legal coat", which is more confusing and tempting. Young people who love e-sports games, especially students at school, have weak discrimination ability, and are easy to fall into this kind of well-disguised trap, breaking the law without knowing it, so we should take a warning and be vigilant.

  How can we stay away from this kind of online gambling trap? The procuratorate reminded that buying chips to bet, winning or losing determines the income and can be exchanged for cash. As long as these three characteristics are met, whether it is chess, mobile games or other forms, it is already suspected of gambling violations. The masses must improve their discriminating ability, put an end to luck, download and log in games through official platforms and formal channels, don’t trust online advertisements and private recommendations, and don’t click on links that come from unknown sources. Once illegal activities such as gambling are found, they should take the initiative to refuse and report them immediately. Never believe gimmicks such as "generous bonuses" and "one-second cash withdrawal", otherwise they may be bankrupt, heavily in debt, and may be investigated for legal responsibility.

25:2! The primary school football match is now "fake ball". Netizen: It is more desperate than losing to Syria.

  Cctv news: 25-2, a U11 football match in Guangzhou, kicked out the volleyball score. Fake ball? Negative competition? Over-age player? One puzzle appeared in front of people.

  Bring a stunning game to your door.

  On the afternoon of October 5th, the U11 age group of Guangzhou Yida Golden Autumn Cup National Day Invitational Tournament entered the final round. Before that, the "Guangdong Youth Team" and "Dongshan Xiaoye Team" were both 5 wins and 1 draw, and the final champion will also be produced between these two teams.

  In the final round, the opponent of the young crop team was the Shawan Blue Lion team, which ranked at the bottom. In the end, the young crop beat the opponent 31-0, leading the second-place Dongshan Xiaoye team by 17 goal difference.

  The opponent of Dongshan Xiaoye team is Tikitaka team. In the first half, Dongshan Xiaoye once fell behind by 1: 2, but in the second half, the situation changed suddenly and Dongshan Xiaoye team began to score goals in succession.

  When the score became 15: 2, Tikitaka players even took the ball directly to their own goal after kicking off in the middle circle and hit the post with a shot. This scene of attacking his own goal stunned many people present. "In the end, Dongshan Xiaoye team won by 25: 2, and overtook the young crops team on the goal difference, and finally won the championship.

  A coach of the young crops team said, at that time, the members of the young crops team cried "in tears". "Their pure world outlook can’t accept this. How can football be played like this?"

 Guangdong qingmiao team

  U11 children play "fake ball"?

  Originally, it was not impossible to score 25-2 in the U11 football match. However, it is not normal to concede 24 goals in 30 minutes in the second half. What is even more unimaginable is that Tikitaka players not only played passively in the second half, but also took the initiative to kick the ball into their own goal. 

  Basically, it can be judged: fake ball.

  Why do a group of U11 children play fake ball? Was this match-fixing inspired by some people? Who are these people who have poisoned football seedlings since childhood?

  Young crop coach: The opponent threatened to kill us.

  "Originally, this was just an exchange event, focusing on happy football. Why do you want to be so utilitarian? Why do you want to fake the ball!"

  Guan Yuhai, the head and head coach of the Guangdong young crops team, restored the process of the game when interviewed by the media. "The first half of the game was normal, and the second half was completely different." The parents of our players are very angry and have condemned Tikitaka’s "immoral" game behavior. The other side responded, "That’s how we’re going to kill you."

 Dongshan Xiaoye team is the champion of this competition.

  Grandpa Dongshan: I refused to play fake ball at first. 

  Since the "match-fixing incident" was exposed, Dongshan Xiaoye’s players and parents refused to speak out because they didn’t want to be hyped and exposed to the spotlight of the media. Strictly speaking, being a champion in such a shameful way also makes the parents of these players feel ashamed. "In fact, we refused to play fake football from the beginning." A parent A, who did not want to be named, said this in an interview with the media on the evening of the 9th.

  According to parent A, before the game started on the afternoon of the 5th, someone in Tikitaka suggested to the parents of Dongshan Xiaoye that he would lose the game on purpose, so that Dongshan Xiaoye would win the championship, in order to prevent the champion from falling into the hands of Guangdong young crops.

  "Of course, we hope that our children can win, but not in this way. If we want to win, we will win in an upright manner. This is also the concept we have been instilling in our children." Parent A said that although they refused to fake the ball together, the opponent’s release of water was beyond their control. "How the opponent kicks is their business, and we only ask the children to be themselves."

  What hatred? What hatred? Revenge with "match-fixing"

  According to media follow-up investigation, Guangdong Young Beavers recalled two players they had trained from Evergrande Football School and R&F Football School before the competition. In addition, due to the holiday, Dongshan Xiaoye and Tikitaka teams are not led by coaches, but by parents. 

  In the view of the young crop team coach, these two things have become the fuse of the "match-fixing" storm.

  In the direct confrontation between the young crops team and Tikitaka team, Tikitaka lost 2-4. After losing, they complained to the organizing committee that the No.28 player of the young crops team was "the wrong goods", and this player was the player recalled by the young crops from Evergrande Football School. In addition, in the match between young crops and Dongshan Xiaoye, a member of the young crops team hit a parent of the Dongshan Xiaoye team who was watching the game while clearing the clearance, which almost triggered a conflict between the two sides.

  In the view of the coach of the young crops team, the "match-fixing" between Grandpa Dongshan and Tikitaka is a "grudge" between parents.

  "The most important thing about this accident is that the two teams have no coach to lead the team, so it will cause such a big storm. I hope everyone can learn the lesson of this matter. " He said.

  At present, the parents of the Tikitaka team have not been interviewed by the media. What purpose is hidden behind the match-fixing is still unknown.

  Guangzhou Football Association made a heavy penalty. 

  On October 9th, the news of match-fixing in Guangzhou U11 alerted the China Football Association. On the morning of the same day, Ceng Dan, director of the National School Foot Office of the China Football Association, called the Guangzhou Football Association to inquire about the situation and demanded that the match-fixing incident be strictly investigated.


  On the morning of October 10th, Guangzhou Football Association convened some news organizations to hold a briefing meeting in the office of the Municipal Football Association, so that the organizer could introduce the situation and regulations of this Golden Autumn Cup competition, and three related teams could also state the situation. Finally, the Municipal Football Association explained the situation of the competition and put forward suggestions for handling it — — Guangzhou Yida Football Club violated regulations and was stopped from registering with Guangzhou Football Association for three years. "Tikitaka" was banned from participating in the competition organized by Guangzhou Football Association and was disqualified. "

   Reviews from netizens

   @ Nobody-Li Zenglu: China faked the ball and grabbed it from the doll. . .

   @ Bu2ma: This is more desperate than losing to Syria.

   @ 中中中中中中 ours: Why do some people behind it need it? They are still children!

   @ Xiao _48592: If China Football is a broken tree, at first I thought it was a problem with the branches, but later I thought the roots were broken. Now I know that the land where the trees were planted is broken!

   @ 京京京京京京: fish begins to stink at the head.

   @MARONGDI: The shady youth football is the real nightmare of China football.

  Football in China has been poisoned by match-fixing more than once. Nowadays, some parents even instigate their children to play match-fixing for the sake of being quick, which is not only shameful, but also sad. Is this the original intention of parents to send their children to the football field?

  For a long time, the number one enemy of youth football is utilitarian football. Too blind pursuit of achievements has killed many football talents in the cradle of youth training. Haven’t you learned enough? Take this as a warning and create a fair, just and "clean" football environment for children.

In the first half of the year, tax reduction and fee reduction increased by 1,504.5 billion yuan-"releasing water to raise fish" helped enterprises feel at home.

  On June 19th, in Lianyungang Port, Jiangsu Province, a ro-ro ship was loading a batch of goods exported overseas. With the support of many policies such as tax reduction and fee reduction, China’s foreign trade enterprises seized the opportunity to resume work and production, and accelerated the pace of "going out". Photo by Geng Yuhe (Zhongjing Vision)

  Since the beginning of this year, in the face of the severe and complicated situation, the CPC Central Committee has timely deployed and issued a series of tax reduction and fee reduction policies to release water to raise fish and help market players to bail out development. Finance, taxation and other relevant departments at all levels implement relevant policies and measures to reduce the tax and reduce the fees. From January to June this year, 1,504.5 billion yuan was added to reduce taxes and fees, effectively reducing the burden on market players.

  Recently, Liu Kun, Minister of Finance, said in his "Report of the State Council on Budget Implementation since this year" to the NPC Standing Committee that from January to June this year, 1,504.5 billion yuan of new taxes and fees were reduced, effectively reducing the burden on market players.

  In the face of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, how can relevant departments and localities implement policies and measures to increase tax reduction and fee reduction? How do enterprises feel about reducing taxes and fees?

  Help ensure supply and benefit people’s livelihood

  Since the beginning of this year, in the face of the severe and complicated situation, the CPC Central Committee has timely deployed and issued a series of tax reduction and fee reduction policies to release water to raise fish and help market players to bail out development.

  1.073 billion masks, 4.39 million protective clothing and 4.7 million in isolation gown … … After the outbreak, Steady Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. made every effort to ensure the supply of epidemic prevention and treatment materials. "Tax cuts and fee reductions have given us strong support. According to the relevant equipment newly purchased by the key materials production enterprises for epidemic prevention and control to expand production capacity, a one-time pre-tax deduction policy for enterprise income tax is allowed. The company invested about 80 million yuan in various production equipment in Shenzhen, which can be deducted once before tax. " Wu Kezhen, financial director of Steady Medical Care, said.

  In addition to sound medical care, Shenzhen Mindray Bio, Yi Yatong and other enterprises also fully enjoy the tax reduction and fee reduction bonus in the anti-epidemic insurance supply. "The tax reduction and fee reduction policy is highly targeted, which effectively guarantees the prevention and control of the epidemic and the supply of materials." Tang Shukui, director of Shenzhen Finance Bureau, said.

  Among the key support materials for epidemic prevention and control, in addition to medical emergency materials, the supply of daily necessities such as grain and oil is also very important. "After our company filed an application for 1.6 million yuan of incremental value-added tax allowance, it arrived in 2 days." Ms. Tong, a financial officer of Red Dragonfly (Chongqing) Vegetable Oil Co., Ltd., said that at the critical stage of capacity expansion, the receipt of this tax refund fund effectively eased the cash pressure of enterprises.

  It is noteworthy that the policy of tax reduction and fee reduction covers a wide range, which effectively guarantees the basic people’s livelihood. Chongqing has introduced a series of measures to reduce fees within the scope of local power, and provided sufficient supply for people’s basic living needs by ensuring market players and ensuring the stability of the supply chain of the industrial chain. For example, in view of the urgent problems faced by enterprises in returning to work and expanding financing, the use rate of emergency working capital for re-lending will be reduced by half to provide bridge support for enterprises to renew loans. It is estimated that the annual re-lending will be 21 billion yuan, indirectly saving financing costs by 600 million yuan.

  In Shenzhen, only the policy of exempting the income obtained from providing public transportation services, living services and providing residents with express delivery services of essential living materials will reduce the burden on enterprises by 700 million yuan. Take Shenzhen Boxma Xiansheng as an example. From January to April alone, the value-added tax was reduced by more than 3.5 million yuan.

  Enterprises increase vitality and add stamina

  The epidemic situation has brought difficulties to the operation of enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises and private enterprises, which have weak ability to resist risks and are more vulnerable to shocks. On the basis of previous years, this year, we further implemented measures such as tax relief and mitigation, and increased the tax reduction and fee reduction of small and micro enterprises.

  On August 3rd, customers lined up in Modern China Tea Shop Window of the World store to buy milk tea. More than 260 shops in Modern China Tea Shop once pressed the "pause button" after the outbreak, and now they are full of vitality. "Our stores are all small and micro enterprises, and a series of preferential policies are applicable. In the first half of the year, direct stores reduced the value-added tax by 10.81 million yuan, social security by 3.11 million yuan, and deferred corporate income tax by 1.1 million yuan, greatly reducing operating costs." Cheng Xiaofeng, financial director of Hunan Chayue Catering Company, said that in July, the average revenue of this enterprise store was about 280,000 yuan, setting a record high.

  "Tax reduction and fee reduction effectively eased the financial pressure of the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises during the epidemic, played a role in promoting the resumption of work, stabilizing and expanding employment, promoting enterprises to expand production capacity and increase investment, and improving market activity." He Weiwen, deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Finance, said that in the first half of this year, the province’s accumulated tax reduction and fee reduction exceeded 31 billion yuan.

  The epidemic has an obvious impact on import and export, and foreign trade enterprises are facing severe challenges. In order to support the steady foreign trade, the fiscal and taxation departments have issued clear policies. Since March 20th this year, the export tax rebate rate of 1,084 products such as porcelain sanitary wares has increased to 13%, and that of 380 products such as plant growth regulators has increased to 9%.

  Chongqing International Composite Materials Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production and sales of glass fiber series products and reinforced plastic products, and its export business accounts for 40% of the total business volume. "The main products of the enterprise are within the scope of benefit, and it is estimated that the tax rebate for the enterprise will increase by 11.4 million yuan throughout the year." Li Kangzhi, a financial officer of the company, introduced.

  According to the latest statistics, by the end of June, 25,000 export enterprises nationwide had enjoyed the bonus of this export tax rebate policy.

  At the same time, the tax authorities have launched a series of measures to facilitate and speed up the export tax rebate, so as to promote the export tax rebate to speed up and increase efficiency. In Chongqing, the single tax refund of "Full Electronic Refund" arrived on the same day as soon as possible, and the average processing time of tax refund business was reduced to 3 working days, which was more than 50% lower than before.

  Weisheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a communication terminal equipment manufacturing enterprise, and handled export tax rebate of 4.2 million yuan in the first half of this year. "Thanks to Hunan’s export tax rebate ‘ Immediately report and do it ’ System, tax refund funds can be received within 1 working day. " Zhong Xiyu, secretary of the board of directors and chief financial officer of VIA Company, told the reporter.

  "Tax refund funds ‘ Living water ’ Rapid return plays a role in stabilizing foreign trade ‘ Support ’ Function. " Ming An Bin, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Shenzhen Taxation Bureau, said that as of July 29th this year, the bureau had handled a total of 67.085 billion yuan of export tax refund (exemption).

  Work together to implement the reduction.

  One point for deployment and nine points for implementation. Finance, taxation and other relevant departments at all levels have implemented relevant policies and measures to reduce taxes and fees in place, which has promoted steady economic and social development.

  Tang Shukui introduced that Shenzhen has established a linkage and information sharing mechanism between finance, taxation, social security, medical insurance and other departments to smooth the policy to the "last mile".

  Shenzhen tax department vigorously promotes "non-contact" taxation, forming a taxation pattern with online taxation as the main channel and comprehensive speed-up and flow control in the lobby. "We conscientiously do a good job in the implementation of preferential policies, non-contact taxation, data services and epidemic prevention and control, and help market players to move forward lightly." Zhang Guojun, Party Secretary and Director of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Shenzhen Taxation Bureau, said.

  With the in-depth implementation of various policies and measures to benefit enterprises, the vitality of Shenzhen market players has recovered rapidly. The value-added tax invoice data of 3.5 million taxpayers in the city show that the overall sales revenue of Shenzhen in the first half of the year has fully recovered to the same level of the previous year, and the overall recovery rate is nearly 100%.

  Since the beginning of this year, the Hunan Provincial Department of Finance has established and improved the working mechanism of tax reduction and fee reduction for the first time, set up the coordination mechanism of finance, development and reform, taxation and human society departments, planned tax and fee policies and measures in advance, made a good analysis and calculation of tax reduction and fee reduction, and took the lead in introducing preferential tax and fee policies to support small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households to resume work. In Yueyang City, the work of tax reduction and fee reduction is included in the assessment of promoting the high-quality development of the private economy and key fiscal and taxation work in the city.

  "In order to ensure that the national tax reduction and fee reduction policies and measures go directly to enterprises and become the main body of the market ‘ Empower ’ We implement grid services and strengthen the follow-up of policy implementation. " Wang Jianping, deputy director of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Hunan Provincial Taxation Bureau, said. It is reported that Hunan Province has established a system for cadres of tax authorities at all levels to go to enterprises for research and counseling, to solve tax-related problems such as policy application and qualification identification for enterprises such as Lansi Technology, and to form a policy implementation guide, which is applied in the province.

  In Chongqing, the municipal departments of discipline inspection and supervision, finance, taxation and auditing, the Chongqing Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Finance and the Chongqing Special Office of the National Audit Office have jointly strengthened the supervision of tax reduction and fee reduction. At the same time, we will implement "interaction between banks and taxes", improve tax-related data value-added services, and link tax credit with financial credit to provide financial support for enterprises that operate in good faith and pay taxes according to law. "Chongqing will be more active in implementing a proactive fiscal policy and fully stabilizing enterprises to protect market players." Chen Junwu, director of the Tax Administration Department of Chongqing Finance Bureau, said. (Economic Daily China Economic Net reporter Zeng Jinhua)

My son wanted to go to the zoo, but his father took him to the pigsty. The truth behind it made my nose sour.

  Are you willing to remain anonymous all your life?

  For the first atomic bomb of new China, tens of thousands of scientists and soldiers gave a positive answer to this question more than 60 years ago. They left home and entered Lop Nur, which is known as the "sea of death", and began the years of hard struggle. A few years later, People’s Republic of China (PRC) appeared in front of the world with a brand-new attitude.

Zhang Yunyu son of the general, the first commander of China's nuclear test base, tells the origin of the name of Malan base.

Zhang Yunyu son of the general, the first commander of China’s nuclear test base, tells the origin of the name of Malan base.

  "Husband and wife tree" on Gobi Desert 

  In 1963, Wang Ruzhi, deputy director of the Third Institute of Engineering Research, received a notice from the organization and secretly went to Lop Nur to participate in the nuclear test. She was so excited that she didn’t sleep all night.

  But the next day, she put up with all her emotions and said simply to her husband Zhang Xianglin, "I’m going on a business trip abroad." Zhang Xianglin replied: "Good."

  Two people so calm tunnel don’t.

  Wang Ruzhi entered the base for a few months. One day, she was waiting for the bus under an old elm tree, and she saw a soldier coming with a box in the distance, looking like her husband. When the man approached, her eyes widened in surprise, and it was him!

  On the day of the original farewell, Zhang Xianglin also received the same notice, but both of them kept it a secret and didn’t ask each other much.

  In those months, they have been close at hand, doing the same job, but they don’t know that their beloved is beside them, fighting side by side with themselves.

  General Zhang Aiping, who organized and directed the nuclear test, was deeply moved by this incident and gave the old elm a name — — Couple tree.

  Time flies to 1984. Deng Jiaxian returned to Beijing after completing the 32nd nuclear test in his life. He looked very happy. His wife asked him, "What happened today?"

  Deng Jiaxian could not say, but read a poem: "After twenty years of brave climbing, the second generation canoe has crossed the bridge."

  The lady asked again, "What is the second-generation canoe?" Deng Jiaxian replied: "This is a secret."

  At this time, Deng Jiaxian was suffering from cancer, which was the last nuclear test in his life.

  Before leaving, Deng Jiaxian held his wife’s hand and said, "If there is an afterlife, I will choose China, the nuclear weapons industry and you."

  Many years later, Hu Renyu, an 88-year-old nuclear physics scientist, recalled those years with great emotion. He said, "I think this is an era when revolutionary passion is burning. None of the people who participated in manufacturing wanted to do this for their own future, just for the country."

  Although they were engaged in the most advanced scientific undertakings of the country, at that time, their living environment was desolate and backward.

  "Why is dad here? What is Dad doing here? "

  In 1999, the film "Out of the Sky" first presented the tortuous process of developing the first atomic bomb in China to the public.

  Screenwriter Peng Jichao also won the first prize of the second Xia Yan Film Literature Award for his play Malanchao. At this time, Peng Jichao had lived in Malan base for more than 30 years. During this period, he heard too many touching stories and accumulated too many vivid materials.

  But what Peng Jichao remembered most there was a funeral.

  The protagonist of this funeral is not a scientist or a soldier, but a 12-year-old child.

  Peng Jichao told this story in the program "China in the Story".

  The children in Malan base "play with stones from birth, come home every day, take out a handful of stones from their pockets". They have never seen a swimming pool, and they don’t know what swimming is.

  In the 1980s, with the TV in Malan base, children learned from TV that people could swim.

  One summer, the base began to build a fish pond. A heavy rain made the fish pond store more than one meter of water, and the children were in high spirits and went swimming together. Several children swam home after a while, but one of them, Xiao Ming, stayed there before he had enough fun.

  At dinner, Xiao Ming still didn’t go home, and the adults finally found him in the fish pond who had stopped breathing and heartbeat.

  Peng Jichao recalled that this funeral held in the Gobi Desert gathered hundreds of people.

  Xiaoming’s mother has been crying without tears, so she can only whisper over and over again in a hoarse voice: "Xiaoming, you want to eat cookies, but I didn’t buy them for you;" You want to go to the zoo to see animals, but you haven’t been able to do it yet; We don’t have the toys you want in Malan. "

  On that day, the biscuits in the base were sold out, and all the things that children could play with were sold out.

  After that, the first swimming pool was built in Malan base.

  "Malan’s children grew up with their parents in the Gobi Desert, and they sacrificed the most common and common things in life." Peng Jichao sighed, "From small to large, it is just a few Malan trees and a piece of Malan. They think this is their most beautiful place."

  Zhang Lvtian is the son of General Zhang Yunyu, the first commander of China’s nuclear test base. According to his memory, in the early days of the construction of Malan base, the conditions were difficult. Some children told their fathers that they wanted to go to the zoo, but the fathers had no choice but to take their children to the company’s pigsty to play.

  At that time, a classmate of Zhang Lvtian also followed his parents to Malan base. Just after getting off the bus, he saw the Gobi Desert was black and yellow — — The sandstorm is coming.

  The wind roared by and the child was blown away.

  Zhang Lvtian said: "The soldiers chased out two miles before they were recovered, and both of them became natives."

  The mother hugged the child tightly and wouldn’t let go. She asked her husband, "How did you bring us to this terrible place?"

  The child also cried and asked his mother, "Why do we come to this windy place?"

  While dusting the child with dirt, the mother wiped her tears and said, "Because dad is here."

  This sentence has puzzled the child for many years: why is dad here? What’s Dad doing here?

  It was not until 1964 that the puzzle he thought finally got the answer — — Dad’s career is here. Dad’s career is a national career.

  On October 16th, 1964, at 3pm, a bright light appeared in generate, northwest China, and mushroom clouds soared, and China’s first atomic bomb exploded successfully. Since then, People’s Republic of China (PRC) has its own nuclear shield.

  "Forgive my son for being heartless and unfilial, and do my duty for the motherland." This pair of couplets posted on Malan base is the best portrayal of Malan spirit that "everything can be sacrificed, but national interests cannot be sacrificed".

  Today, a monument symbolizing nuclear test and peace stands in Malan Martyrs Cemetery, where more than 400 revolutionary martyrs are buried. Among them, there are military generals, ordinary officers and men who died in the line of duty, and scientists who died from overwork. At the end of their lives, they still chose to go back there to witness the immortal inheritance of Malan spirit. (Text/Kan Chunyu)

Beauty-loving girls treat fruits as dinner experts: Some fruits have higher calories than pork!

  The summer has arrived, and the summer in Chongqing has not passed yet. For many girls who love beauty, midsummer means the crucial stage of losing weight in a year. In order to make themselves wear skirts without a trace of fat, many girls choose to go on a diet to lose weight. If you don’t eat, you can’t stand it. If you eat, you are afraid of getting fat. All kinds of fruits have become the most common meal replacement food for them to lose weight. But you may not think that some fruits may make you lose weight and gain weight.

  Community fruits shop

  Every day, there are customers who put fruit into contemporary meals.

  Liu Hemiao, 23, lives in Dapingzheng Street, Yuzhong District. On the afternoon of August 21, she called the fruit shop downstairs, "Help me cut half a watermelon, and I’ll get it later." Every two days, Xiao Liu will let the fruit shop leave half a watermelon for himself.

  The clerk of the fruit shop will cut the pulp of the watermelon bought for Xiao Liu and put it in two plastic boxes, which is her dinner for the next two days. "Generally, half a watermelon weighs about 7 pounds, which sounds a lot, but it’s all water, and you can still eat it, which is just right for losing weight." Watermelon for dinner to lose weight, Xiao Liu has insisted on it for more than a month, but the effect is not obvious. "I lost 3 pounds, I think it’s not bad. Anyway, I don’t exercise."

  In fact, there are not a few people who lose weight with fruit instead of dinner. In this fruit shop under Xiaoliujialou, there are several old customers who, like Xiaoliu, choose different fruits for dinner to lose weight. "Some customers come to buy fresh fruits every day, buy several kinds at a time, and buy a little of each." Ms. He, the clerk, said.

  Although they are all fruits to lose weight, everyone’s methods are different. Maggie Zhou, who lives in the same community as Liu Hemiao, eats some meat and pasta accidents every morning, and uses fruits for lunch and dinner. "One catty a day, at least three kinds of fruits."

  On August 21st, Maggie Zhou set himself the fruits of pitaya, Cui Tao and bananas. Ms. Qian, who goes to the fruit shop every day to buy fresh fruit contemporary meals, will choose fruits that are not so sweet, such as white-hearted pitaya and small tomatoes. "I will not choose watermelons, grapes and bananas. The sugar is high and the calories are high. The more I eat, the fatter I get."

  Hospital nursing specialist

  Some fruits have higher calories than meat, and fruits lose weight before meals.

  Is it really useful to eat fruit for dinner to lose weight? "Fructose contained in fruits can also cause the accumulation of fat in the body. Replacing dinner with fruit may not be able to reduce weight and body fat. Moreover, the nutritional components of fruits are single, mostly water and sugar, and a small amount of vitamins and protein fiber, but the trace elements such as calcium, iron and zinc required by normal metabolism of the human body cannot be satisfied. " Experts from the Nutrition Department of Daping Hospital said.

  According to experts, eating fruit is really beneficial to lose weight, but it can’t completely replace dinner. "Actually, eating fruit before meals is more conducive to losing weight. Many of the nutrients in most fruits are water-soluble. Eating before meals is easier to be digested and absorbed by the stomach, and it is easy to feel full, which can help suppress appetite for people who want to lose weight. "

  "On the other hand, the choice of fruits is also very important. Some fruits have higher fat content than meat. If you choose these foods for contemporary meals, it may be counterproductive. Avocado, which is regarded as a holy product to lose weight, has a higher calorie index than pork, with 143 calories for 100 grams of lean pork and 160 calories for 100 grams of avocado. At the same time, the fat content of avocado is as high as 15%-30%. "

  For people who lose weight, fruit can’t replace vegetables. Experts suggest that no matter whether the fruit is sweet or not, the daily consumption should be controlled at 200 -350 grams, and the intake of vegetables should reach 500 grams, and different types should be changed.

  Chongqing morning post upstream journalist Shi Heng

The heat of the "Lantern Festival" has soared! Henan two cities are on the list of the top ten popular lantern festivals in China.

The Lantern Festival in the Year of the Tiger coincides with the working day, but there are still a few people who enjoy the night tour after work. According to the data released by Ctrip, the booking volume of the Lantern Festival scenic spots increased by nearly 30% compared with last year, and the search popularity of the keyword "Lantern Festival" increased by 312% year-on-year. Among them, Rizhao, Shandong, Zhumadian, Henan, Zhoukou, Jincheng, Shanxi, Zhangjiakou, Hebei, Zigong, Meishan, Sichuan, Suizhou, Yining, Xinjiang and Siping, Jilin, are among the top ten cities in China that enjoy lanterns during the Lantern Festival.

The popularity of the Lantern Festival keyword "Lantern Festival" increased by 312%

Major scenic spots across the country are well prepared for festival experiences such as watching lantern exhibitions, enjoying folk customs, and night tours of intangible cultural heritage. The reporter learned from Ctrip that the booking volume of tickets for the Lantern Festival this year increased by nearly 30% compared with last year, and the search popularity of the keyword "Lantern Festival" increased by 312% year-on-year. The search volume of popular lantern festivals such as "Welcome the Spring Festival in Yuyuan Garden in 2022" and "Zigong China Lantern World" increased by more than four times compared with January.
According to the search popularity of recent lantern festivals, Ctrip counted five popular lantern festivals, namely: Zigong Zhonghua Lantern World, Yuyuan Garden in 2022 to welcome the Spring Festival (Yuyuan Lantern Festival), Longqingxia Ice Lantern, Shenyang Spring Festival Lantern Festival in 2022 and Shenzhen Bay Area Super Lantern Festival in 2022.

Young people in small towns prefer to have Lantern Festival.

It is worth mentioning that young people in small towns love Lantern Festival more than those in big cities and small towns. According to the data of Ctrip Lantern Festival, the growth rate of tourists visiting the Lantern Festival scenic spots in fourth-and fifth-tier cities is much higher than that in first-tier and new-tier cities. In the fourth-and fifth-tier cities, the growth of the Lantern Festival in this year’s Lantern Festival is 62% and 30% respectively; The growth of fourth-tier cities is 80% higher than that of new first-tier cities.
Among them, Rizhao in Shandong, Zhumadian in Henan, Zhoukou in Henan, Jincheng in Shanxi, Zhangjiakou in Hebei, Zigong in Sichuan, Meishan in Sichuan, Suizhou in Hubei, Yining in Xinjiang and Siping in Jilin have the strongest atmosphere of enjoying lanterns and observing the New Year.

After the Lantern Festival, the last round of return wave was ushered in.

After the Lantern Festival, the New Year will be over. From the traffic point of view, after the Lantern Festival, all parts of the country will welcome the last wave of return passengers. Ctrip ticket data shows that the booking volume of air tickets on the 16th day of the first month is nearly 50% higher than that on the 15th day of the first month. After the holiday, the trend of students returning to school is obvious. The number of student air tickets booked in the four days after the Lantern Festival (February 16 -19) increased by 200% compared with the previous four days. In addition, the average price of air tickets for this round of small return peak is around 600 yuan, which is more than 30% lower than the average price during the peak hours on February 5th and 6th.
Hotel bookings for Lantern Festival increased by 45%

Although the Spring Festival holiday has passed, the tourism market has not significantly "cooled down". According to data from Ctrip, the number of hotel reservations for the Lantern Festival this year has increased by 45% compared with last year. The trend of "hotel vacation" still exists, and the Lantern Festival is also a good time to punch in your favorite hotel at the wrong peak.

(Zhengguan journalist Cheng Yan)


The first snow in 2024 is coming, and these areas need to pay attention to prevention →

Today (13th) morning, fog with visibility less than 1km appeared in many parts of the country.The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue yellow fog warning.
From today to the 15th, a cold air will bring strong winds and cool weather to most parts of the north.. Affected by cold air, the haze weather in North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other places will gradually weaken and dissipate from the daytime on the 14th.

Affected by cold air

Since the 14th, haze in North China and other places has gradually dissipated.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be foggy weather in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places from the night of the 13th to the morning of the 14th, including parts of southern Hebei, northern and southwestern Shandong and eastern Henan.Strong fog with visibility less than 200 meters,There is a very strong fog with visibility less than 50 meters in the local area.
In addition, the coastal waters in the south of Shandong Peninsula, the coastal waters in the southeast of Jiangsu, the coastal waters in the east of Zhejiang and the waters near the Yangtze River estuary will haveFog with visibility less than 1 km.
From 13th to 15th, a cold air will affect most parts of northern China.There will be a temperature drop of 4 ~ 8℃ in the eastern part of northwest China and most areas north of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The temperature drop in some areas such as central Inner Mongolia and Huanghuai can reach 10 ~ 14℃, and in some areas it can exceed 14℃, accompanied by northerly winds of 4 ~ 6.
Affected by cold air, from the day of the 14 th, North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other placesHaze weather will gradually weaken and dissipate from north to south.
Meteorological department remindsThe public should pay attention to temperature changes, add clothes in time, and take measures to prevent wind and cold. At the same time, pay attention to the adverse effects of low visibility on traffic travel and pay attention to travel safety.The public in North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other places need to do a good job in respiratory protection and minimize outdoor sports.

From the 15th

China will usher in a large-scale rain and snow weather process.

In terms of precipitation, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that,From 15th, affected by cold and warm air, China will have a large-scale rain and snow weather process.
It is predicted that a large-scale rain and snow weather process will occur in the central and eastern regions of China from 15th to 18th, with the joint efforts of cold and warm air currents.Most of northwest China, western and southern North China are dominated by small to medium snow; There is rain in eastern Gansu, south-central Shaanxi, most of Henan, Shandong and other places, or the rain turns to medium snow, and there is heavy snow or blizzard in the local area.
The accumulated precipitation in the above areas is 1 ~ 5 mm, and the local area is 8 ~ 15 mm; The newly added snow depth is 1 ~ 3 cm, and the local area is more than 5 cm.
The snowfall from 15th to 16th was mainly located in Shaanxi, Shanxi, northern Henan and other places. On 17th, the snowfall was reduced.On the 18th, the snowfall expanded again., mainly located in the eastern part of northwest China to the northern part of Huanghuai.
From the day of 15th to the morning of 16th, in southwestern Shaanxi, western Henan, northwestern Hubei and other places.There may be freezing rain in the local area..
Meteorological department remindsSome areas in Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Hubei and other places are at risk of snowstorm, freezing rain and snow at low temperature.The public should pay attention to the adverse effects of low visibility, snow and ice on traffic caused by rain and snow, and pay attention to travel safety.
Source: China Weather Network of Central Meteorological Observatory.
Producer: Liang Bingqing Editor: Liu Wanru

What kind of romantic collision will there be when the nickname of winter meets the winter scenery of Linxia?

these two days

Do you have a cold wind and snowflakes rustling there?

Winter has arrived, and everything is hidden.

Flip through ancient books

Once again intoxicated with the beauty of ancient Chinese!

Everything in the world, vegetation falling, spring, summer, autumn and winter

All have unique and elegant names endowed by the ancients.

12 nicknames about winter

Meet twelve winter scenes in Linxia.

What kind of romantic collision will there be?

Let’s have a look!

The ancients took October of the lunar calendar as Meng Dong, November as Midwinter, and December as Ji Dong, and collectively referred to the three months as "three winters" to refer to winter.

There are 90 days in three months in winter, so winter is also called "Nine winters".

"Strict" has the meaning of "deep degree", so "severe winter" has become another generation of extremely cold winter.

Everything is depressed in winter, and it is cold between heaven and earth, so winter is also called "clear winter".

"Xuan" is black. In ancient times, the four directions were the four seasons, and the northern winter was black, so winter was also called "Xuandong".

"Poor" means nothing. Winter is the last season of the year, so it is called "poor winter".

In ancient times, spring and summer were sunny, autumn and winter were cloudy, and winter was the last season of the year, so it was called this.

"Sui Shu Records Fifteenth Astronomical Seven Obsidian" contains: "The sun travels eastward along the ecliptic, once a day and once a night, 365 days are strange and Sunday. Traveling to the east is called spring … Traveling to the north is called winter ".

Er Ya Shi Tian says, "Winter is Xuan Ying". Therefore, it is called winter by later generations.

Note: Xuan, color of winter, sequence, season. Use "Xuan Xu" to call winter people.

Source: The Book of Beginners, Volume III, quoted the Compilation of Emperor Liang Yuan of the Southern Dynasties: "Winter is called Xuan Ying … Festival is called Yan Festival."

The ancients had the so-called "three redundancies" in reading. The rest: in winter, after the year, in the night, after the day, and in rainy days. The winter reading in "spare time" is the best.

Source: Linxia Zhourong Media Center

Editor: Ren Li

Check: Zhang Haipeng.

Original title: "What kind of romantic collision will there be when the elegant name of winter meets the winter scenery of Linxia? 》

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What will be the next step of the government’s determination to stabilize housing prices?

  CCTV News:As we all know, the annual "Golden September and Silver 10" has been the traditional sales season of the property market. However, since September 22nd this year, several provincial capital cities such as Xi ‘an, Nanchang, Nanning, Changsha, Guiyang, Shijiazhuang, Wuhan and Chongqing have intensively introduced new policies on property market regulation in two days, and six of them have implemented sales restrictions. Sales restriction has also become the biggest feature of this round of regulation, which is different from the previous regulation cycle.

  Among them, Chongqing City and Nanchang City stipulate that newly-built commercial houses purchased in restricted sales areas can only be transferred after obtaining the title certificate of immovable property for two years; The restricted sales period in Guiyang is three years after signing the house purchase contract; Nanning is a restricted sales upgrade: legal entities purchase two or more houses for two years. Previously, Nanning had stipulated that buyers could not transfer the third or more houses until two years later; The newly purchased housing in Changsha can only be transferred after three years, and the second suite can only be purchased after the first housing is purchased for three years.

  Zhu Daolin, director of the Department of Land Resources Management of China Agricultural University, said, judging from the recent intensive introduction of these cities, firstly, the price increase in these cities was relatively stable in the early stage, but their prices began to rise to a certain extent this year. In addition, the relative supply and demand relationship or population size of these cities is relatively large, so the demand will be relatively strong.

  Experts said that the restriction of sales has also become the biggest feature of this round of regulation, which is different from the previous regulation cycle. From the effect point of view, it belongs to a short-term mechanism, with the aim of curbing speculative demand in the market. The essence of restricted sales is the deleveraging policy of the property market, which requires buyers to allocate assets for their own use. Otherwise, according to the trading cycle of 3-5 years, it is unlikely to attract high-leverage and high-cost funds. This restriction on sales has obviously hit the demand for speculation and investment, which reduces the investment attribute of real estate and affects the possibility of short-term profit. For leveraged investors, the risk is getting bigger and bigger.

  Liu Weimin, a researcher at the the State Council Development Research Center, said that this means that we should carry out this regulation from the perspective of ensuring the basic balance between supply and demand. Then, on the other hand, we actually need to control the speed of entering the market reasonably, so that we can release this demand for housing smoothly.

  The investment cycle is prolonged or the house price is consolidated at a high level.

  For many cities to introduce purchase restriction policies, experts said that the impact on the property market should be viewed from two levels, one is the impact on itself, and the other is the signal sent by policy upgrading to the property market.

  With the introduction of the new property market policy, the investment cycle of housing purchase in these cities will inevitably be extended, the liquidity will be limited, the demand for housing, especially the demand for investment housing, will be suppressed, the transaction volume will also decline, and house prices will be consolidated at a high level or even fall. Take Xiamen, the first city in China to implement the sales restriction policy, for example. In the month when Xiamen introduced the sales restriction policy, its new commercial housing rose by 1.9% month on month, and the price of second-hand housing rose by 4.9%. The month after the introduction of the sales restriction policy, the price increase of all kinds of houses fell rapidly, especially the price of second-hand houses fell month-on-month. In the following months, the price increase of all kinds of houses in Xiamen was within 0.5%, and the second-hand houses kept a slight decline for five consecutive months.

  Liu Weimin, a researcher at the State Council Development Research Center, said that it will play a good role in the smooth operation of local real estate, especially for those real rigid demands.

  Liu Weimin also said that the upgrading of property market regulation policies in many places will send a clear signal to the market, so that all parties in the market can realize the government’s determination to regulate the property market and stabilize housing prices. This will have a certain deterrent effect on property buyers in other cities, especially investment property buyers, and the wait-and-see ratio of potential property buyers in cities will also increase.

  Expert advice: we should speed up the construction of a long-term mechanism in the real estate market.

  The superposition of control policies such as purchase restriction, price restriction, loan restriction and sales restriction has played a significant role in curbing the rise of real estate prices for a period of time. In this regard, Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center, said in an interview with CCTV that the next step is more important for the country to speed up the construction of a long-term mechanism for the real estate market.

  At present, local governments have begun to comprehensively use land, finance, housing security and other policy means to curb investment and strengthen the residential properties of housing, such as increasing land supply in cities with prominent housing supply and demand expectations, strengthening differentiated housing credit policies, implementing different credit policies for different buyers, improving the housing security system, and strengthening the construction of shared property housing.

  Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said that how to better meet the normal living needs of residents, constantly improve living conditions and guard against real estate risks should be a key point in the adjustment of our entire real estate market policy in the future, that is, how to establish the basic system and long-term mechanism of the real estate market.

  In addition, the rental and purchase housing system will be another important aspect of the long-term mechanism of the real estate market. The reform of the housing rental market has advanced rapidly, which has forced the commercial housing market to improve itself. According to statistics, in the next five years, only four first-tier cities in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen will provide more than 2.5 million rental houses. In the long run, the supply structure of real estate will be optimized by providing rental housing, and the demand for self-occupation and investment will be guided to everyone, so as to promote the development of the real estate market in a more rational direction.

  Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said, I think it is still necessary to distinguish between investment demand and normal improvement demand, and guide investment demand reasonably so that they can play an active role in providing housing rental and realizing housing market rental, instead of speculating on houses.

Shiyan launched a special food safety inspection of the "Group Annual Banquet" before the festival.


As the Spring Festival is approaching, in order to ensure the food safety of the "Group Year Banquet" during the Spring Festival, on January 19th, Shiyan City Market Supervision Bureau launched a special law enforcement inspection on food safety for some catering units in the urban area.

In Wudang International Hotel, market supervision and law enforcement officers conducted on-the-spot inspection of the hotel’s license publicity, the layout of dining places and the operation of feeding equipment.

During the inspection of the back kitchen of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some condiments lacked labels.The site requires immediate rectification..

In the meat cold storage area of the hotel, law enforcement officers carefully checked the purchase channels, storage environment and production date of meat products.

Then,law enforcement officialsCome to the Garden Hotel. In the raw food processing area of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some processed finished ingredients were not isolated by the "three defenses" facilities, and the site required immediate rectification.

It is understood that before the Spring Festival, the market supervision department of our city will also set up a supervision team to investigate the catering units that received the reunion dinner during the Spring Festival in 2024, and urge the catering units to strictly implement the main responsibility of food safety and prevent expired, corrupt and spoiled food from flowing to the dinner table. The catering units with food safety problems will be rectified within a time limit, and the units that refuse to rectify or rectify actively will be dealt with seriously.

Chen Wei, Catering Service Supervision Department of Municipal Market Supervision BureauRemind consumers: In the consumption process of the reunion dinner, try to choose well-qualified businesses, such as those with quantitative classification above Grade A or Grade B for consumption. In the process of consumption, if consumers encounter consumption disputes, they should properly keep the consumption bills and call 12315 in time to protect their rights.
