A salesman decided to leave Huawei’s store.

Text | "China Entrepreneur" reporter Mo Wei

Editor | Maggie Ying

"Wen Jie will be the first mainstream brand to fall down this year." Adi (pseudonym) sighed. Adi is one of the first brands to sell in the world. He worked in a luxury car brand for many years and joined the world two years ago with the word "Huawei". But at the end of February, he chose to leave.

At present, this conclusion is premature and somewhat absolute. However, from the public data, compared with the sales performance in January and February this year, the industry has not yet stepped out of the sales trough. According to the sales report issued by Cyrus, in March, the sales volume of the industry was 3,679 vehicles, which was significantly lower than the monthly sales volume of over 10,000 vehicles last year. Within the realm of question, greater changes have also taken place.

On the morning of March 31, an announcement of "Resolution on Huawei Not Building Cars" inside Huawei was circulated on the Internet. According to the news, the resolution was issued by Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, and once again stressed that Huawei does not build cars and is valid for 5 years. Ren Zhengfei specifically emphasized that Huawei /HUAWEI could not be used in vehicle publicity and appearance.

On the afternoon of the same day, at the press conference of Huawei’s 2022 annual report, Xu Zhijun, vice chairman and rotating chairman of Huawei, once again stressed: "Some departments, individuals or partners are abusing Huawei’s brand. In the process of investigating this matter, the brand built by Huawei for more than 30 years will not be abused by anyone. Huawei doesn’t make cars, and it doesn’t have any brands of cars. Huawei brand is strictly prohibited as an automobile brand. We will rectify internal promotional materials such as flagship stores and return to strategy. "

Then, it was reported publicly that Yu Chengdong, managing director of HUAWEI, CEO of BG and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, ordered that the removal of Celestial cars in Huawei stores involved all promotional materials of Huawei brand, especially the sinking market.

On April 3, in a Huawei experience store in a shopping mall in the suburbs of Tianjin, the words "Huawei asks the world" have disappeared from the publicity screen in the store, and the display boards at the license plates before and after the show have been replaced with "AITO". The pasting of the new license plate is obviously a little hasty, the rear license plate is a little distorted, and the double-sided tape used for pasting is even exposed.

Photography: Mo Wei

Although there is no written logo of "HUAWEI asks the world" in the store, Huawei asks the world is still on the lips of store sales. When adding the WeChat of the in-store sales consultant, the nickname prefix suddenly shows "HUAWEI asks the world".

"Golden signboard" is not enough.

Summarizing the work experience in the field of inquiry in the past two years, Adi’s answer is: love is the deepest responsibility.

The reason why he thinks that the world of inquiry will "fall down" this year is not for his old club’s downfall, but for the future fate of the world of inquiry after "clearing the relationship" with Huawei.

In Adi’s impression, at the beginning of the establishment of the world, the manufacturer Cyrus has always been a humble existence. "The marketing and quality inspection of the brand are all led by Huawei, and even in the training courseware sold, Cyrus is not mentioned." Although he joined the brand in the world, all his work and performance are managed by Huawei. "Huawei will send a Huawei person to supervise in every store that sells cars, responsible for managing and conveying some guidelines from manufacturers and activity plans."

Adi’s feeling is that Huawei has always been a very strong presence, and the people who were stationed in the store at the beginning are very capable, which can help the sales people to make orders and sell better. "It sold very well at first, with an average of about three transactions a month. At that time, Huawei also wanted to make Cyrus a benchmark to prove its strength. "

Chen Jie (a pseudonym), another sales consultant who switched to Japanese brands from the world of inquiry, also has a deep understanding of Huawei’s strength. In the sales process, Huawei’s leading role is obvious. In 2022, it achieved a sales volume of 75,000 vehicles throughout the year, and was called "the fastest growing brand of new energy vehicles".

However, in the beginning of 2023, the price war in the automobile market intensified, and the sales volume in the world continued to decline. In 2023, the sales volume in January was 4,885 vehicles, down 56% from the previous month. In February, the sales volume dropped to 3,505 vehicles, down 21% from the previous month.

The pressure on the sales side has increased significantly. Since the beginning of this year, Adi obviously feels that Huawei is in a mess. "The preferential policies promoted by Huawei are said to be the lowest in history every time, and then it won’t be long before the activities are held again, and the price is even stronger than before."

After several times, Adi had no idea when communicating with customers, and could not confirm the preferential amount. "Internal policies are often inconsistent."

What makes Adi even more helpless is Huawei’s "involution" at the dealer level. "There are a lot of stores in a city, and each store recruits a lot of people. These stores are not the same boss, and the price is very serious." Adi said that in order to sell cars, peers kept each other’s prices down and even let their profits go.

Later, the professionalism of Huawei’s staff stationed in the store was also greatly reduced. "They don’t even understand Huawei’s basic policies."

At the same time, Huawei will have requirements for data such as test drive in the store, and most of this data can’t be completed. "There are many stores and many salespeople. In order to complete the task, the store will share it. Let’s find relatives and friends to complete it." For a long time, Adi and his colleagues were tired of completing the test drive data task in the store.

In this case, the loss of intentional customers has become the biggest problem. A lot of sales around Adi have lost many intentional customers because of the changeable prices and various "coquettish operations" in the store.

Due to the failure to complete the work task, the performance salary was deducted, and some sales people chose to leave their jobs. Artie is one of them.

A partner who starts a new stove

Although he has left, Adi is still paying attention to the world.

Adi and his former colleagues have discussed a lot about "drawing a clear line" between Huawei and the media. In their view, Huawei is somewhat "throwing a pot" in the case of poor overall sales at this time.

In the inner voice community of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei signed a post saying "Huawei doesn’t make cars", and Yu Chengdong left a message: "This era has changed, which will only make it more difficult for us! After a few years, everyone will understand! Leave time to test! " "For an industry, only in-depth insight and deep understanding can we grasp the correct direction! Mark it and come back in a few years! "

Since Huawei set foot in the automobile business in 2019, Yu Chengdong has been labeled as a "car maker". In February this year, the news that Wang Jun, the original Huawei smart car solution BU COO, was suspended came out, and the news that Yu Chengdong was fully responsible for BU was rampant. Immediately, photos of Yu Chengdong’s visits to Sellers and Aouita came out.

It seems that Huawei’s car-making route has become as radical and bold as himself.

At the beginning of March, "HUAWEI asked the world" appeared in the holiday poster released by HUAWEI terminal. Among the official accounts of the car, "AITO asked the world" was quietly replaced by "Huawei asked the world".

Promotional materials in offline stores are also updated synchronously. In the sinking market, the words "Huawei Auto" even appeared.

On March 30th, the day before Huawei and Cyrus "drew a clear line". Celestial’s company launched a brand-new new energy vehicle brand Blue Power, equipped with BYD Foday hybrid system. Sailis said that this is a brand new brand that is different from the outside world.

This is also regarded by the outside world as a signal that Cyrus is "planning ahead" and starting a new stove.

The change of HI mode partners is more obvious. It is reported that a senior executive of BAIC Polar Fox expressed his dissatisfaction with Huawei at a recent internal meeting. "We have cooperated with Huawei for so many years, and Huawei has gained a lot of voice. What have we got?" Under the bleak sales of Alpha created in cooperation with Huawei, BAIC has begun to promote the mother-baby parent-child model "Koala".

Another partner, GAC, has also undergone new changes. On March 27th, Guangzhou Automobile Group said that the AH8 project jointly built by Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an and Huawei was changed to independent development, and Huawei will participate as an important supplier. This means that the HI mode of GAC and Ai ‘an has fallen through.

In the public interview, Feng Xingya, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group, talked about the cooperation with Huawei and bluntly said that Guangzhou Automobile needs more brand characteristics. This just corresponds to the "soul theory" put forward by Chen Hong, the chairman of SAIC.

On April 1st, when Yu Chengdong attended the committee of 100 Forum on Electric Vehicles in China (2023), he said that Huawei was still under sanctions, and its partners were limited. "The new forces have their own intelligent pursuit, and it is unlikely to cooperate with us. It is also difficult for European, American and Japanese companies to choose Huawei. In the end, only traditional car companies are left." Yu Chengdong said.

An engineer from a head parts supplier told China Entrepreneur that Huawei seems to have neglected the brand dignity that traditional car companies value most, and planned a lot of cooperative car companies and models, which eventually became a constraint.

On April 6, the related content of "HUAWEI asks the world" has not been deleted from Huawei’s official accounts such as Huawei Terminal.

Huawei to ensure survival

Yu Chengdong insists that the cooperation has not changed. However, in the rapidly changing China market, it is becoming more and more difficult to do both the brand and Huawei’s automobile business.

In an interview with China Entrepreneur, Zhang Yun, global CEO of Rees Strategic Positioning Consulting and chairman of China, said that Huawei’s insistence on not building cars is a comprehensive choice.

"Huawei’s mobile phone business has been affected in the United States. If the car moves the’ cheese’ of European and American companies again, it will be’ killed’ in overseas core markets." Zhang Yun said that this is a statement spread from within Huawei and also reflects Huawei’s overall strategic considerations.

"If Huawei is a core supplier of smart cars, the technical value of core components is very high, and its value may be higher than that of a car-making enterprise." Zhang Yun believes that from the perspective of business value, technology is not only an area that Huawei is good at, but also can create more value.

In Zhang Yun’s view, just because Huawei can make a good mobile phone does not mean that it can also make a good car. "It takes a lot longer to make a car than a mobile phone. Interlacing is like a mountain. " This view seems to confirm the choice of Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei.

According to the financial report data released by Huawei on March 31st, in 2022, the company’s net profit decreased by 68.7% year-on-year, and the cash flow from operating activities decreased by 70.2% year-on-year. Although Meng Wanzhou, the rotating chairman, has repeatedly stressed that Huawei’s cash flow is still sufficient, the declining data has already reflected Huawei’s survival status in the current market environment.

As early as last year, Ren Zhengfei published the famous "Cold Theory" based on the changes in the domestic and international market environment, saying that Huawei should take survival as the highest program, focus on strategy and burn less money.

The impact of the car-making business seems to be contrary to Ren Zhengfei’s strategy.

The data shows that Huawei BU is the only loss-making business unit. China Entrepreneur learned from Huawei officials that BU, a Huawei smart car solution, has invested 3 billion US dollars in R&D since its establishment, with as many as 7,000 R&D personnel.

In the 2022 annual report, Huawei’s sales revenue in carrier business, enterprise business and terminal business was 284 billion yuan, 133.2 billion yuan and 214.5 billion yuan respectively. Among them, the revenue of smart car solution parts business was 2.1 billion yuan.

From the perspective of Huawei’s overall business, after the terminal mobile phone business encounters sanctions, Huawei may not be able to bear the car business to get into trouble again. The first task is to ensure the safety and survival of its main business.

Many people in the industry also believe that whether from the basic logic of building a car or the increasingly fierce market competition, Huawei should really be more rational in building a car.

In his speech at the committee of 100 Forum, Yu Chengdong said: "In the past, Huawei leaders, including Ren Zong, wanted to become a Tier1 supplier similar to Bosch, but now the conditions of this strategy seem to be untenable."


Yu Chengdong ordered overnight: Remove Huawei logo! The latest response, Global Times

Ren Zhengfei "strangles" Huawei to build a car, and Yu Chengdong mourns! ",Electric Vehicle Commune

"The board hits Yu Chengdong, and Ren Zhengfei hurts", Snow Leopard Finance and Economics.

Editor on duty: Wang Yijie Review: Zhang Gege Production: Wu Ying

The most successful anchor in history disappeared without warning when his career reached the top. What happened now?

Some time ago, Ti mo Feng, a tens of millions of fans who disappeared in the live broadcast room for nearly half a year, suddenly announced his comeback live broadcast.

▲ Ti mo Feng photos taken by ▲Vogue Me.

When her career was in full swing, she stopped broadcasting for half a year without warning, and the outside world also talked about whether she was going to retire quickly. Now I’m finally back. While a large number of eagerly awaited fans are waving their arms and shouting, a news of "Ti mo Feng’s advanced thyroid cancer" has set off a hot search in Weibo.

Maybe some friends who don’t pay much attention to the live broadcast have no idea who this is. Let’s briefly introduce her first.

This is a super online celebrity who is famous for singing. Have you ever overheard a popular Tik Tok Divine Comedy "You said that you like the Mori school, and I got an extra G, just like removing half of LOVE and changing it into loli… …" It was sung by Ti mo Feng.

▲ "Buddha Girl" sign gesture dance. Her Tik Tok has released several short videos about "The Girl of Buddhism", and one of them has nearly 5 million likes. It is conservatively estimated that the number of views of this song is absolutely hundreds of millions.

Ti mo Feng can be regarded as the highest figure in the industry, and even the most successful anchor in history. Various topics and controversies also make her one of the most popular anchors.

She is different from the e-commerce anchors like Weiya and Li Jiaqi, who sell goods. She mainly engages in live broadcast of show (attracting users’ attention through the anchor’s face value, talent, emotional intelligence and interactive ability, and using these abilities to show and get rewards from fans, which is the main source of income for the anchor). Simply put, it is to attract audiences by performing and interacting. In 2014, I made a fortune from fighting fish. With my lovely appearance and sweet singing voice, I became a fighting fish sister with tens of millions of flows.

▲ Ti mo Feng is the first anchor in the history of Betta TV live broadcast platform to exceed 20 million.

Very ambitious in career, spanning bilibili, Tik Tok, variety show and singer.

▲ In 2019, bilibili was signed at a high price.

▲ In 2019, the number of fans of Tik Tok reached 32 million. At that time, she was the first among a large number of show anchors who settled in Tik Tok from YY, Momo, Betta and Huya platforms.

▲ The first solo concert was held in 2019, and the fare was comparable to that of a first-line singer.

Participate in various popular variety shows.

▲ From top to bottom are Happy Camp, Everyday Up, Masked Singers Guess, and Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year’s Eve party.

There is another picture that can better illustrate her position in the industry.

▲ A picture of "online celebrity anchor income ranking" counted by a magazine once circulated on the Internet, which was later dismissed by the magazine as a fabrication. Although the data is unreliable, this ranking also shows Ti mo Feng’s absolute top position in the live broadcast industry.

The reason for the comeback news was that Ti mo Feng was interviewed by Tik Tok program and told about his illness and recovery in the past six months.

▲ Ti mo Feng was interviewed by Tik Tok program "White show". When the host asked about her illness, Ti mo Feng said that her thyroid cancer was in the advanced stage of malignancy, which was unknown not only to her fans, but also to her parents.

Talking about the situation when he was diagnosed, Ti mo Feng knew that his first reaction to cancer was to ask the doctor if he could still sing.

When told by the doctor that "you can’t sing", Ti mo Feng felt that there was no point in living. This girl really loves singing.

After the operation, my voice was hoarse and I didn’t want to live for a time. Fortunately, my voice has basically recovered after many consultations and persistent training.

After the release of this interview, Ti mo Feng also officially responded in Weibo, saying that his body has recovered. "The operation has been done and the operation was very successful.".

▲ Ti mo Feng reminds girls not to have mental internal friction and not to accumulate negative energy; And comfort the fans who are worried and miss her. "As long as you listen, I will keep singing."

After the news came out, netizens praised her strength and optimism, and some netizens questioned that the word "late stage" was suspected of exaggerating her blog. Some people who knew the relevant fields came out to popularize science. According to Ti mo Feng’s surgery and good recovery, it should belong to "differentiated thyroid cancer". Patients with such cancer under 55 years old only have "stage I and stage II", and there is no such thing as "late stage".

I’m not a professional in medicine, it’s hard to say, but it’s certain that mental stress, irregular work and rest, anxiety and so on will have a direct negative impact on thyroid. Although thyroid cancer is a relatively mild cancer (many people call it "lazy cancer", and the tumor grows slowly and progresses slowly, so it has a high clinical cure rate), it is also a serious illness. In addition, the disease has something to do with the anchor’s long-term high-pressure work, and the top anchor is not short of money to support his family. In my case, I would have to slow down the pace of work, but Ti mo Feng chose to start working non-stop quickly after recovery, which can only be really hard.

▲ Even during the half-year break, Weibo, Ti mo Feng maintained a high update frequency.

In August, she started her comeback.

First of all, it made its first live broadcast in Tik Tok, and after half a year’s suspension, it still achieved excellent premiere results, which shows its appeal.

▲ According to the official data, the number of people who watched the live broadcast of the first show exceeded 45 million, and the number of viewers reached 15.26 million. The highest online number of live broadcasts was 336,000, and the number of fans in the first show was 365,000.

In September, the live broadcast of singing tour began to travel all over the country. There are various passers-by perspectives in Tik Tok.

▲ From top to bottom, it is broadcast live in Chengdu, Wuhan, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The video is from a watermark.

In order to increase exposure, he quickly accumulated popularity in Tik Tok, and also visited the live broadcast room of a brother "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" in Tik Tok at present.

▲ "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" (right) and "Crazy Big Yang Ge" (left) are twins. The short video of "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" is mainly humorous, grounded and reversed. It moved from Aauto Quicker to Tik Tok in 2018 and now has 120 million fans. At 618 this year, Brother Xiao Yang and Simba Lianmai, the generous Simba, immediately gave a gift of 3 million.

‍ ▲ In 2022, with the help of Hefei government, "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" bought 3,000 square meters of space for 103 million yuan and established the headquarters of Three Sheep Network Company in Hefei. Last year, the company earned 860 million yuan and paid 250 million yuan in taxes, which is comparable to that of local leading enterprises. This year, these figures may double. Viya used to be the first person in Hefei online celebrity’s economy, and now this banner has been given to her Anhui hometown Xiao Yang Ge. The video is from a watermark.

▲ On November 26th, at Hefei Olympic Sports Center, Brother Xiao Yang paid 30 million yuan for a star concert to give back to his fans, and invited Pu Shu, twins, Paul Wong, Silence Wang, Chopsticks Brothers, Faye Chan and other stars. The concert was "No tickets, no goods and no rewards". However, this money is also well spent. This concert made Brother Dayang get 800,000 yuan, and Xiao Yang got 4 million yuan for his selected account. "It’s the star’s turn to work for online celebrity," netizens lamented.

In recent months, Ti mo Feng has achieved remarkable results, and the number of fans who have dropped a lot in the past six months has started to increase.

▲ In less than 4 months, the number of fans in Tik Tok has increased by nearly 4 million.

I have to admire Ti mo Feng’s enthusiasm and perseverance.

There is no way to regain popularity these days, but there is an extremely involuted and distorted ecology in the live broadcast industry. In recent years, the news of online celebrity’s anchor’s sudden death is not unusual.

In March 2021, a million fans in Tik Tok, who were only 29 years old, died suddenly after eating and broadcasting online celebrity’s "Paopaolong".

▲ Tik Tok eats and broadcasts online celebrity’s "Paopaolong" (right). His main content of eating and broadcasting is to visit the cafeteria and show his amazing appetite with friends. It is reported that "Paopaolong" weighed 320 Jin before his death. Long-term overeating and severe obesity have long buried a huge health hazard.

▲ Every video of "Paopaolong" before his death has netizens reminding him to pay attention to his health.

Not only the head online celebrity are under extreme working intensity, but also the newcomers who just entered the business. The glamorous myth of making wealth attracts countless young people to flock in.

In November this year, a Henan college student died suddenly when he returned to his rental house to rest after nearly 9 hours of live broadcast of the company’s all-night game.

Why is he trying so hard to broadcast live?

▲ The reason is the "Cooperation Agreement" signed by the college student and the game live broadcast company. The company offers a basic salary of 3,000 yuan, provided that it meets the company’s requirements of "240 hours of live broadcast per month and 26 days of broadcasting".

Everyone knows that the anchor needs to overdraw his health.

▲ The legal affairs of the company involved said that there are indeed hidden dangers of overwork in the industry, but the relevant responsibilities are attributed to the anchor individual, and the company only wants to pay a pension of 5,000 yuan.

Is there someone pointing a gun at everyone who plunges into the live broadcast industry, so that they can’t stop, including Li Jiaqi, a rich man who has long declared that he wants to retire and "has a headache every day"?

Who in the end forced them to stay on the tide of traffic rather than overdraw their health or even run out of life?

Let’s start with Ti mo Feng. She is a very representative figure in the live broadcast industry. Her eight-year live broadcast struggle history is almost a microcosm of the development of the live broadcast industry. A large number of early online celebrity people she represents created the myth of grassroots fame with the most vigorous vitality. Let’s get a glimpse of the real living conditions in online celebrity.

Become a sister

Want face value, want talent, but also be able to broadcast live.

Now we are used to live broadcast for a long time, and the time goes back to 10 years ago, when webcasting was still a novelty.

Ti mo Feng was born in Wanxian County, Sichuan Province (now Wanzhou District, Chongqing) in 1991. He loved singing and dancing since he was a child. He was an activist in school theatrical performances, majored in broadcasting and performance at university, dreamed of becoming a singer, and liked to show himself on the network platform.

▲ In 2013, she sang a song at that time, which was not very popular, and she was recommended on the homepage. The screen name "Little Boy" should be taken from her real name "Feng Yanan".

In 2014, the betta platform, which focuses on the live broadcast of the game, was officially launched. She was regarded as the first batch of early adopters, which also made her catch up with the heyday of the live broadcast of the show. Before short video platforms such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker were involved in live broadcast, Betta was the largest live broadcast platform in China.

▲ Ti mo Feng’s early pictures in DouYu. In 2014, Ti mo Feng, who graduated from Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, worked as a teacher in a junior college in Chongqing. During the day, she went to work and chatted with netizens while playing League of Legends in the betta live broadcast room at night, and often took her family with her.

Since then, Ti mo Feng has started her live broadcast career, working as a part-time anchor in Betta. At first, fighting fish didn’t have a reward function, and there was no income as an anchor. She just took live broadcast as a hobby and began to implement an almost crazy schedule.

Get up at five or six o’clock in the morning, get home from work at seven o’clock in the evening, eat and make up at eight o’clock, and finish at one o’clock in the morning, remove makeup and wash, and go to bed at two or three o’clock.

▲ Ti mo Feng started singing at the request of netizens because the game was so bad. In the betta anchor, her voice has obvious advantages, and she has gradually accumulated a lot of popularity. She is excited to have a large number of people willing to listen to her singing.

This day I feel that I will fall down in a month. Ti mo Feng has been like this for more than a year, and finally he is tired to lose his hair and his mental state is close to collapse. In 2015, she finally gave up her stable teaching job. At this time, her live broadcast income can be equal to her salary income, but she should not have expected to realize wealth freedom in the near future.

▲ Ti mo Feng, who takes the girl next door route, never basks in luxury houses, luxury cars and luxury bags on social media; Seeing a picture of Weibo who was practicing driving in 2015, the co-pilot’s "Xiaoxiang" bag seems to show that her financial resources have been quite extraordinary just one year after graduating from college.

At that time, there was a saying in the live broadcast world that "the female anchor wanted to be on fire, either selling cute or taking a sexy route".

▲ The early live broadcast was an era of "dancing with demons". YY, 9158 and other live broadcast platforms were full of various glamorous female anchors. At that time, the supervision was not strict, and it was common for live broadcasts to release soft pornography and beat the ball.

Ti mo Feng is a clean stream, and the signature of her studio is singing. She sings whatever songs the fans order, and she sings 40 to 50 songs a night, accompanying the fans conscientiously, and quickly sucking powder in the powerful betta anchor with "beautiful songs". In August, 2015, Ti mo Feng broke through one million fans in one year.

▲ Although I don’t take the sexy route, I occasionally make some little jokes that fans like.

Since 2016, the live broadcast industry has ushered in the golden age of capital. Platforms such as pepper live broadcast, Yingke live broadcast and Yi live broadcast have entered the market one after another, and staged a "Thousand Broadcast Wars". In order to grab the big anchor, each platform has spent a lot of money, and has a head anchor and fighting fish with constant capital blessing. For a time, the scenery is infinite.

▲ Betta fish was popular at that time, and there were four top female anchors of Betta fish, which were called the "four great singers" of Betta fish. First cousin, Ti mo Feng, Chen Yifa and Zhou Erke from left. After the first cousin and Zhou Erke were poached by Panda TV in Wang Sicong, Chen Yifa was banned from fighting fish because of her inappropriate remarks, and Ti mo Feng held the position of "First Sister Fighting Fish".

▲ In 2017, Ti mo Feng can receive more than 2 million rewards every month on the Betting Platform.

▲ In 2019, Betta went public in the United States, and CEO Chen Shaojie led four game anchors to ring the bell on Nasdaq. From the left, "Female Stream" in the console game board, "Xuxu Baby" in the DNF board, CEO Chen Shaojie, PDD in the lol board and YYF in the dota board. It is rumored that Panda TV in Wang Sicong offered a sky-high price of 300 million yuan for five years in order to dig the anchor PDD. Chen Shaojie, CEO of Betta Fish, was also questioned by netizens why he didn’t bring a sister Ti mo Feng. He explained that he didn’t bring an entertainment anchor because of the concept of live broadcast of Betta Fish.

Just this month, Chen Shaojie, CEO of Betta, was arrested on suspicion of opening a casino. As the leader of the game live broadcast industry, it is also embarrassing to end up like this … …

▲ It is rumored that some anchors of Betta opened a lottery in the live broadcast room, and the platform closed one eye for running water.

▲ The traditional live broadcast business has been severely squeezed by Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, and the market value of Betta has dropped from the highest $6.5 billion to less than $300 million at present. In recent years, the head anchor of Betta has left the nest one after another. In 2019, Ti mo Feng left Betta. This year, Baby Xuxu, the absolute brother of Betta, also announced that he would bid farewell to Betta for five years and switch to Tik Tok.

▲ Ti mo Feng and Xu Xu’s baby were connected live, and one elder brother and one elder sister once again gathered in Tik Tok.

The update speed of the Internet industry is so fast. With the rise of pan-entertainment platforms such as short videos, the traditional live broadcast giant Betta has been abandoned by the times.

Back to Ti mo Feng.

She has reached 20 million fans, and her live broadcast time is also quite amazing. "There is no latest, only later." In addition to broadcasting every day, there are four or five live broadcasts a week until three or four in the morning.

Not only did I stay up late for a long time, but I also started to lose weight extremely because of fan comments, so I suffered from stomach problems.

▲ Ti mo Feng was attacked by many people for being fatter than in the live broadcast because she participated in a large-scale performance under the betta line, and some fans told her to eat less, so she made up her mind to lose weight. She was already petite and lost 40 kilograms in more than a year. She often only ate grapefruit and drank water, and finally got stomach trouble and needed long-term medication.

Why does Ti mo Feng care so much about what fans think?

First of all, she is a person with high self-demand and thinks that she needs to manage her body. It is also very important that fans are the lifeblood of the anchor.

There is a "symbiotic" emotional relationship between the anchor and the fans. The anchor creates an online intimacy for the fans, and the fans want to get the most intimate feedback by rewarding.

Local tyrants spend a lot of money just to get strong emotional feedback from the anchor, and even more, they spend a lot of money on PK rewards between local tyrants and big brothers, fighting for their heads, just to compete for who is the most popular "Big Brother Bang" today, and "Big Brother Bang" has the most sacred rights and status in the live broadcast room.

Therefore, brushing gifts is a face-to-face competition, and such an extravagant moment needs to be watched and worshipped.

At that time, Wang Sicong also enjoyed this feeling.

▲ Wang Sicong (ID "Travel Frog Wage") likes to wander around the live broadcast rooms of female anchors, and his hand is quite generous. He once brushed 80 super rockets (unit price is 2,000 yuan) in the live broadcast room in Ti mo Feng, and smashed 160,000 in one minute.

This kind of emotional connection will sometimes continue into real life. The social news of female anchors and big brother Bang Yi emerges one after another, such as love, gray trading, fraud and even murder cases.

Ti mo Feng and "Big Brother Tuhao" also caused a great controversy. It is widely believed that this incident made Ti mo Feng’s popularity fall to the altar.

The other side of traffic is facing controversy.

This local tyrant was ranked second in Ti mo Feng at that time, and his ID was "Fragrant White Lotus Su Huanjen", so rich that netizens were curious about his background.

▲ The unit price of the rocket is 500 yuan, and it costs 30,000 yuan a night.

▲ At that time, Ti mo Feng’s "List One" was a mysterious figure with an ID of "Light a cigarette in the morning" all the year round, and was called the general manager of cigarettes by betta netizens. He used to hold the highest record of 2.69 million in fighting fish contribution list, and he often gave a "rocket" to every song in the live broadcast room in Ti mo Feng.

In 2018, the second eldest brother was on CCTV news, and everyone knew that his background was a company accountant. He did something that made everyone stunned.

In order to save face in the live broadcast room and enjoy the feeling of the stars holding the moon, he used his position to misappropriate 9.3 million yuan of public funds to reward anchors and squander enjoyment, 9.3 million yuan … …

Because the hole was too big, I was afraid that the company’s audit at the end of the year would find out that the accountant Wang tried to commit suicide in the hotel, regretted it and asked for help. Finally, Wang was sentenced to seven years.

▲ According to news reports, Wang, who earns more than 3,000 yuan a month, has recharged more than 7 million yuan on various live broadcast platforms. By constantly saving money, Wang, who is married, and Yu, a female anchor in Shanghai, have developed into a lover relationship, and each time Wang privately squanders tens of thousands of yuan to capture his heart.

▲ Later, he was pulled out, and Wang was in love with Yu Sizhen, the female anchor of Panda TV. After being scolded by Keyboard Man for a year, Yu Sitong responded in Weibo. The general content is that she called 120 to save Wang. She was deceived by Wang and didn’t know that Wang had a family. She was rewarded with more than 1.2 million yuan through the platform, and the platform was deducted by half, and the company was deducted by half. It was not so much in her hand. Influenced by the public opinion of this matter, Yu Sizhen later left the live broadcast world.

The news didn’t mention anything about Ti mo Feng from beginning to end, but the news video quoted a live video of a female anchor. Although the face was coded, the familiar audience recognized the female anchor as Ti mo Feng at a glance.

Plus media reports will bring the most traffic "Ti mo Feng". Many netizens simply don’t bother to read the content, and directly think that the female anchor who mentioned Wang’s private meeting in the news is Ti mo Feng. This is one of the reasons why Ti mo Feng was pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

As soon as the news came out, netizens quickly grasped the specific amount that Wang rewarded each anchor, and Ti mo Feng was 1.6 million.

In the face of public opinion, Ti mo Feng immediately expressed his position in the live broadcast room, and was willing to cooperate with the law enforcement unit to return all the rewards.

Before the reward was over, there were waves of news.

First, it was revealed that Ti mo Feng and Wang had been lovers. Netizens listed a large number of screenshots of chat, transfer, offline party photos and hotel dating photos, but this part of the news was unconfirmed from beginning to end.

▲ A back photo, I really can’t say who this is.

Second, it was revealed that the marriage was hidden. Netizens pointed out that Ti mo Feng married another betta anchor, Cookie Mad, in June 2015 and divorced in July 2017.

▲ photo of the anchor "biscuit maniac". Many information such as their marriage registration, divorce registration, and flights together were all exposed on the Internet. Ti mo Feng never responded to this matter. In view of the fact that she sent a lawyer’s letter to all the relevant reporters and communicators warning rumors and infringement, the pictures of the news were not put down.

Third, it was derailed in the marriage. The netizen posted an intimate photo of her and a man without providing any time and place explanation.

Three waves broke down, and things became more and more serious, interspersed with Ti mo Feng, Chen Yifa and other betta female anchors.

Ti mo Feng finally sat still and was interviewed by the media in public, but she only responded to the reward of public funds.

▲ In an interview, Ti mo Feng admitted that she had met Wang at an offline party once, and there was no relationship between men and women.

She once again expressed her willingness to return the reward amount, but the betta platform told her that because the reward amount involves complex processes such as platform, company drawing and tax deduction, this matter should be handled by the platform.

In the eyes of many people, Ti mo Feng didn’t do what she said, but also "acted and stood again", which became a point that she was criticized by countless people later.

▲ Under the pressure of public opinion, Ti mo Feng shed tears in the interview.

Ti mo Feng’s response can’t calm the public opinion, the image of purity and sweetness is greatly reduced, and the popularity of the road has also fallen to the bottom, and he also sucked a lot of Bosnia and Herzegovina powder. A large number of netizens criticized her for "returning money", "sleeping with her", "hidden marriage" and "plastic surgery".

This incident has also caused great heat in the social level, and many topics have been discussed around this incident, including "whether the reward of public funds is a sale or a gift, whether the anchor should refund the money", "whether the reward of public funds should be recovered", "how much’ dirty money’ there is in the live broadcast platform", "how to improve the system to prevent the reward of public funds" and so on.

At the peak of public opinion, a large number of netizens poured into the live broadcast room in Ti mo Feng, and the barrage was filled with cheers from fans and curses from all directions.

In the face of surging attacks, Ti mo Feng was quite calm. Such a strong psychological quality is also tempered.

"When I first made a live broadcast, I would cry on the spot when I was sprayed randomly. The biggest growth brought by the live broadcast was that I changed from blx to a steel woman warrior."

At that time, Ti mo Feng, who was already the best in the live broadcast industry, was perhaps most helpless because she could not put on a bad face like a star artist, or shut down comments, barrage and fans, because the anchor’s job was to accompany the audience.

▲ Third-party statistics of the 2018 Betta anchor paid income list. Ti mo Feng ranked seventh in the overall list with 24 million yuan, and the entertainment anchor was second. The traffic disk is still quite stable, but the personal topic has exceeded the liquidity.

Ti mo Feng realized that her stamina in fighting fish was weak, and she had always dreamed of being a singer, so she tried to go to the center of the stage, or she wanted to get rid of the label of "online celebrity" which was considered low by the public at that time.

The star and live online celebrity infiltrated each other.

DouYu’s career has enabled Ti mo Feng to accumulate a large number of loyal fans. From obscurity to top-notch online celebrity, their contribution is undoubtedly the first.

▲ Ti mo Feng’s "youthful beauty" with small face, cold white skin, big eyes and pouting lips is deeply loved by otaku.

▲ Ti mo Feng’s photo of Men’s Wear.

▲ In Ti mo Feng’s offline fan support activity, Yishui’s male powder called for her at the top of her lungs.

In 2019, Ti mo Feng gave up his old club to fight fish, refused Huya, and did not choose Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, which had already made a lot of noise, but signed a contract with bilibili. First, she thinks that artists in transition will need a bigger platform for music creation to absorb the flow of breaking circles. Second, it may be that bilibili’s sincerity of 50 million yuan moved her.

▲ The first live show in bilibili, Ti mo Feng. Rui Chen, CEO of Net Chuan bilibili, is also a mushroom (called by Ti mo Feng fans). He once parachuted into the live broadcast room of Ti mo Feng’s first show to give a crazy reward and give a full face.

By the standards of a show head anchor with tens of millions of fans on the whole network, Ti mo Feng’s performance in bilibili is average.

In bilibili, the ranking, income and popularity all showed a cliff-like decline.

▲ The monthly income has shrunk from 1.6 million to 300,000. After four years in bilibili, the number of fans has not broken 3 million. This number of fans is the highest in bilibili.

Bilibili data does not affect Ti mo Feng’s continuous running on the road of breaking circles, and variety shows, performances, singers and endorsements are in full bloom.

In terms of commercial value, Ti mo Feng is undoubtedly quite successful.

However, in the eyes of the public, it is always difficult to lose the identity of "online celebrity" without the blessing of works recognized by the mainstream and traditional authorities, but she has gone the farthest among the female anchors of cross-border artists.

Online celebrity wants to enter the mainstream, and the mainstream stars are rushing off the air. Today, Jerry is the most successful one, and his brilliance in the live broadcast industry may soon overshadow his acting career.

▲ He won the "Outstanding Individual" award at the Tik Tok E-commerce Author Summit for two consecutive years, which should be faster than his acting.

Jerry signed a contract with MCN Yuanwang Technology, which started live broadcast in August, 2021. This year’s Double Eleven single-game delivery exceeded 500 million, which directly set a new record for single-game sales in Tik Tok this year. We have also written about his story before.

▲ The operation team in Jerry has reached 1,000 people.

There were 11 live broadcasts of the whole Double Eleven, and the longest single broadcast was 13 hours, with a total GMV of 1.36 billion yuan, four times higher than last year’s 320 million. Most stars bring goods as "debut is the peak", and Jerry’s performance is getting better and better.

Jerry is now the undisputed number one star with goods. He has his own topic flow, a natural performance personality, and loves to talk. He has long known how to design routines and how to interact with the audience. Personally, he is the chosen son of live broadcast. Of course, it is also very important that he has worked hard and has enough pressure resistance.

▲ Jerry said that the live broadcast was not a ticket game, and he watched 30 live broadcasts of head anchors to do research.

▲ Talking with goods, professional introduction, hysterical selling, Jerry has all the qualities and behaviors that a head anchor should have.

There is a big data screen in the live broadcast room for data monitoring at any time.

When the data is found to fluctuate, we must do everything possible to attract and retain the audience to place an order, which is why every head anchor constantly announces lottery gifts and various tricks to catch horses in the live broadcast room.

▲ The CEO of Yaowang Technology (wearing white clothes and glasses) immediately communicated with the team when he found Jerry’s data problem at the scene, and must immediately prescribe the right medicine.

▲ The team immediately informed Jerry, who was thirsty to sell goods, that "the process should be faster".

▲ Even though we have achieved the goal of looking ahead first, the CEO is still not satisfied with Jerry’s data that day.

We must continue to make innovations in content. Team Jerry is now "making the live broadcast into a variety show, and doing the live broadcast with the configuration of variety show".

Jerry, who has worked hard in this field, was asked, "Are you worried that users will suddenly dislike you?" He replied, "Every day."

Have you noticed that many stars have recently dropped out of the live broadcast to bring goods? According to statistics, from the first year of star live broadcast in 2020, at least 500 artists will start live broadcast with goods.

Up to now, there is not much visible to the naked eye. Live broadcast with goods is the best track to make money. We have written about this scene before. Here, we can recall that the sentence "The star’s end is with goods" is still in my ears, so I will quit?

There must be different reasons, such as cherishing feathers, being unable to bear the pressure, unsustainable traffic, being afraid of rollover, exhaustion of physical strength, and chain loss in the supply chain. In short, it is not so easy to bring goods live, and not everyone who can play with the stars in the entertainment industry can serve this bowl of rice well. No matter how big the interest is, under the limited time and energy of the stars, it is obviously not their cost-effective choice to bring goods live with high investment and strong physical strength.

▲ Two female anchors, Tamia Liu and Li Xiang, who were the most successful in the live broadcast industry, have both retired.

▲ Li Xiang got involved in live broadcasting as early as 2019, and now she is accompanying her in the UK, saying that her elder sister has retired.

By the way, take a look at Wang Shiling, a famous second-generation story that we just wrote.

▲ Benenden School, Wang Shiling’s top boarding school for women in Britain, was established in 1923, located in Kent, southeast England. Princess Anne of the British royal family once attended this school. According to Li Xiang Tik Tok, the school also arranged the room where Princess Anne stayed for Wang Shiling (above).

Real gold needs fire, and the industry also knows that it is not possible to cut "leek" with a star sign now. For example, the MCN organization Yuanwang Technology has set a standard in the selection of star cooperation, and it is necessary to have love and be willing to invest, and it is also clearly mentioned that it is necessary to be resistant to pressure.

Four years is a cycle.

Less than four years have passed from the first year of star live broadcast to the first year of star live broadcast, which represents the real update speed of this industry. The live broadcast industry is an industry with a very high elimination rate and a very short life cycle.

People in the industry have said that the life cycle of most online celebrity is only half a year, or even only two or three months.

The ubiquitous anxiety permeates every one of their lives.

▲ Worry-Free Media’s cargo anchor "Bear Haunted" has gone from zero to over one million fans in one year. Last year, the GMV of Double Eleven reached 70 million. She was so anxious that "I took a break and others were broadcasting live, so I thought I was going to lose".

▲ The eye-catching slogan in the live broadcast room is beating everyone.

For anchors, their income depends entirely on fans, traffic and algorithms. Driven by platform algorithms, anchors can only be "at the mercy of others".

So,Big data is the root cause of the anchor’s increasingly serious mental anxiety. Like a perpetual motion machine, it can only continuously broadcast the live broadcast upside down day and night for a long time until the critical point of collapse. This is the origin of the AI ? ? era. It turns people into machines, but the key is that people, after all, are not machines. People are flesh and blood and cannot live at the critical point of life for a long time.

About this matter, Miss Huang described it in detail in her novel First Class:

< swipe left to see more >

The work intensity of WeChat official account is about five or six times different from that of live broadcast, so live broadcast is a more exhausting job.

▲ Jerry’s agent said that according to Tik Tok’s algorithmic mechanism, only high-quality content will be pushed to more people, otherwise it will not be brushed at all.

▲ The "bear haunt" who started from an amateur said that he could only fight for the live broadcast time to get fans.

▲ CEO of Yaowang Technology said that the company’s head anchor "Yu Dagongzi" can be broadcasted from 10 am to 2 am the next day, which is 14 hours of impassioned, no food or drink.

In addition to long abnormal working hours, the most fatal problem of live broadcast is its own damage to people’s body and mind.Live broadcast is high-intensity emotional labor.(emontion labor, which was first proposed by American emotional sociologist Arlie Hochschild in 1983, is defined as "employees manage their emotions and perform according to the organization’s requirements for facial expressions or body language for reward"),The anchor is actually a worker who sells emotions..

The anchor needs great mental consumption to create consuming content, to catch people’s attention, to make viewers feel happy, relaxed, enjoyable, and even to manipulate others’ satisfaction, which requires great psychological energy and even reaches the psychological endurance limit of this fragile creature as a human being.

▲ There is a documentary "People’s Republic of Desire" which tells the story of online celebrity’s live broadcast on the show. One of the protagonists is Hua Dan Shen Man, the most popular YY live broadcast in that year. When she was exhausted for more than ten hours, she received a phone call from a local fan. She had no choice but to answer the phone. She had no right to refuse, which was the generous privilege enjoyed by local fans.

▲ "The anchor wants the audience in the live broadcast room to get a sense of existence and make him feel that the money he spent is worth it, so he should show him a show, which may have humiliating elements".

When the anchor enters the live broadcast platform, it has entered the cage of power, and the body no longer belongs to itself, but a commodity tempered, shaped and packaged by brokers and platforms.

Female anchors are "atomized" individuals, who are trapped in the ubiquitous network woven by platforms and trade unions. They are produced by internet technology in the form of assembly line, manipulated by the emotional rules of the platform, and become "smile masks" where their self is gradually eroded. Under the "smile masks", there are worn-out hearts.

-Digital Labor: Freedom and Prison

▲ On the first day of training for newcomers, the live broadcast company will constantly emphasize "maintain good fans and consumers, and then you will be like a god".

Whether we talk about labor alienation, exploitation, or the change of the system to people, I feel pain in the "field" most of the time, which is also the reaction brought by the strong emotional stimulation in this industry. I wrote about the influence of the intensity of emotion on people in my doctoral thesis. In the live broadcast of the show, you have to constantly create a plot, sell it badly, or show yourself to be particularly generous. You have to let people experience emotional intensity that they can’t experience in reality.

—— Wang Yilin, a Ph.D. student at the University of Hong Kong, specializes in live show. In 2019, she signed a live broadcast association and began to experience it personally.

The anchor should keep interacting with fans at any time, stay on standby for a long time, and have high emotional energy, which is actually very embarrassing, which is also the main cause of anxiety and stress. "In many cases, it can even lead to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), especially after suffering from language violence, security threats and privacy attacks."

▲ Interview with Dr. Wang Yilin from HKU.

Being wrapped in high-concentration emotions in a live broadcast, some anchors can no longer return to their daily work and life.

▲ "It seems that a big ship has gone out and you can’t pull it back".

▲ In addition to endless anxiety, there is loneliness behind glitz.

For the platform, it must constantly create new people to become popular to ensure the sustainability of platform traffic. Online celebrity, with its iron platform and flowing water, everyone is worried that they will be replaced next.

▲ Anchors under the age of 29 account for 64%, and the age limit for many live broadcast companies to recruit new anchors is 30 years old.

▲95.2% of the anchors earn less than 5,000 yuan a month, and the head anchors we can see are rare.

However, in today’s employment situation, the anchor profession seems to be the only blue ocean workplace that does not need to consider academic qualifications and background. As long as you are willing to work hard, be willing to work hard, and be willing to give yourself up, it seems that there is a chance. This is also the place where countless grassroots people seem to realize their dream of getting rich. Here, what we don’t lack most is people.

Young people grow up one after another, spilling their strength and sweat in the waves of traffic one after another. Ti mo Feng suffers from cancer, which may shock us. A online celebrity may die, which may make us sigh, but we will still be fascinated by the illusion paradise created by the Internet and the myth of flying life and getting rich that online celebrity shows us.

But in those places where the light can’t shine, there are still surging figures. The vast majority of the bottom anchors who want to be online celebrity are like dirt, and they are carried away by the tide. Even if someone pops up, they are swept away by the waves for three to five months, and they have never been seen since.

This is the truth of online celebrity’s career.

The illusory paradise of the digital world enshrined with human flesh and blood is only the beginning of the AI era, and no one knows where it will take us human beings &hellip; &hellip;

Recommended: Miss.L&H|| This winter, the cashmere "protective mirror" in this tweet is badly needed.

Above: Vanity Fair || Zhang Aijia’s only son is married, old money and hipsters gather together, and contacts span the entertainment circle of Taiwan and Hong Kong &hellip; &hellip;

Author: Yang Waiwai

Editor in charge:Miss H

Produced by: Miss Lan and Miss Huang

Original text, with pictures from the network.

Tiggo 9 in Zhangjiakou area is on sale, the latest offer is 140,900! Preferential treatment waits for no man.

Zhangjiakou car home preferential promotion channel brings you the latest preferential information! At present, the model is undergoing preferential activities, and the preferential amount is as high as 12,000 yuan. The activity covers Zhangjiakou area, and the minimum starting price is 140,900 yuan. If you are interested in this model, please click "Check Car Price" in the quotation form to get more preferential information. Act quickly, seize the opportunity and enjoy the car discount!


Tiggo 9 is a stylish SUV model, with a large air intake grille on the front face and streamlined chrome decoration, creating a strong visual impact. The body lines are smooth, and the overall style is tough and exquisite, showing a strong sense of movement. The lines on the side of the car body are simple and smooth, and the lines on the roof are tilted backwards, creating a dynamic shape. The tail design of the car body is simple and generous, and the taillights adopt a unique through design, which has excellent visual effects. In addition, the Tiggo 9 is also equipped with large-size wheels and sporty wheels to make the whole car look more sporty and fashionable. Overall, the design of Tiggo 9 is fashionable, dynamic and exquisite, and it is a very attractive SUV model.


As a medium-sized SUV, the Tiggo 9 has a length, width and height of 4820*1930*1699mm, a wheelbase of 2820mm, a front track of 1638mm and a rear track of 1641mm, respectively. The side lines of Tiggo 9 are smooth and dynamic, which highlights its sporty atmosphere. The front and rear tyre size are both 245/50 R20, and the tire width is larger, which provides better grip and stability for the vehicle. The rim style is fashionable and matched with the body lines, which makes the appearance of the whole vehicle more fashionable and atmospheric.


The interior design of Tiggo 9 is simple and atmospheric, with black and brown color matching, creating a high-end comfortable atmosphere. The steering wheel is made of genuine leather and feels comfortable. It supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, so that drivers can find the most comfortable driving posture. The size of the central control screen reaches 12.3 inches, and the display effect is clear. It supports the voice recognition control system and can control the functions of multimedia system, navigation, telephone, air conditioner and skylight, making it more convenient for drivers to drive. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces for easy charging. The front seats also have heating, ventilation and electric seat memory functions, so drivers can enjoy a more comfortable driving experience. In addition, the second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can be laid down in proportion, providing passengers with more space and flexibility.


The Tiggo 9 is equipped with a 2.0T 261 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This engine can provide abundant power output, so that you can feel a strong sense of acceleration and surging power during driving. At the same time, with the 8-speed automatic manual transmission, the shift is smooth and fast, making driving more comfortable and smooth. No matter on urban roads or highways, Tiggo 9 can easily meet all kinds of driving needs and bring you excellent driving experience.

As a medium-sized SUV, Tiggo 9 has undoubtedly won the favor of the majority of car owners in terms of design. The owner of car home said that the design of Tiggo 9 gives people a very atmospheric and calm feeling, which is neither radical nor unassuming, and it is his favorite design style. This not only reflects the stability and atmosphere of Tiggo 9, but also shows its unique taste and style. It is believed that this design style can meet the needs of more car owners for vehicle appearance and bring more comfortable and confident driving experience to car owners.

Long-term strategic achievements began to show that Great Wall Motor sold more than 860,000 vehicles in the first three quarters, achieving a step-by-step growth.

Transfer from: China Business Network.

Our reporter Yin Limei Tong Haihua reports from Beijing.

(601633.SH) In September this year, it sold 121,600 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 29.89%. From January to September this year, it sold a total of 864,000 new cars. On the evening of October 8, Great Wall Motor disclosed the above data.

"China Business News" reporter noted that the sales volume of Great Wall Motor in the first three quarters of 2023 "jumped three times in a row", achieving a step-by-step growth. In the first quarter, Great Wall Motor sold 220,000 vehicles; In the second quarter, the sales volume was 299,300 vehicles, an increase of 36.05% from the previous quarter; In the third quarter, the sales volume reached 344,800 vehicles, an increase of 15.22% from the previous quarter.

New energy vehicles play an increasingly important role in the annual sales of car companies. In the first three quarters of this year, Great Wall Motor sold a total of 170,300 new energy vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 75.77%; In the first, second and third quarters, the sales of new energy vehicles accounted for 12.64%, 21.86% and 22.37% respectively, showing a trend of increasing quarter by quarter. This shows that the long-term strategic achievements of Great Wall Motor have begun to appear.

Previously, Feng Mu, president of Great Wall Motor, told reporters that new energy vehicles have reached a critical juncture, and the bloodletting price war is definitely not a long-term solution. Only by persisting in long-term doctrine and making the system have the ability to make blood, can enterprises go further.

The reporter also noted that thanks to the intelligent new energy development strategy, the pace of Great Wall Motor’s overseas ecological going to sea has accelerated, and at the same time, high-end models have continued to grow, and Great Wall Motor’s product matrix has formed a structural high-quality development. From January to September, the total export volume of Great Wall Motor reached 211,700 vehicles, up 89.45% year-on-year; The sales volume of vehicles above 150,000 yuan reached 179,700 vehicles, up 98.49% year-on-year, and the brand continued to improve. In the first, second and third quarters, the overseas sales of Great Wall Motor accounted for 23.63%, 24.04% and 25.45% respectively, and the proportion continued to grow.

It can be seen that with the adjustment and upgrading of product structure, star models have been listed one after another, the sales channel network has been accelerated, and the global layout has been deepened. Great Wall Motor has pressed the development acceleration button.

In the third quarter, the top five brands were "all red"

Specifically, the Haval brand sold 73,800 vehicles in September, a year-on-year increase of 37%; Under the strategic blessing of intelligent new energy, Haval sold 203,300 new cars in the third quarter, an increase of 22% from the previous quarter. In the third quarter, the Haval brand launched its efforts in the off-road field, and successively released 2024 Haval Big Dogs and the new Haval H5, a large-scale all-purpose hard-core SUV. The Haval Raptors, a new energy off-road popularization, will also be listed on October 10, leading the new energy off-road SUV to enter the era of the whole people.

Weipai New Energy sold 14,800 vehicles in the third quarter. Since the launch of the six-seat comfortable electric SUV Blue Mountain DHT-PHEV, the popularity has continued to rise, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 24,000 vehicles. During the Chengdu Auto Show, Wei Gaoshan DHT-PHEV officially opened the reservation and will be listed in the near future. In terms of terminal ecology, Weipai currently has 285 terminal stores, including 167 brand-new image stores, and has accelerated the construction of a multi-level sales service network including 4S stores, city exhibition halls and supermarkets, and continuously deepened the pace of high-end development of Weipai.

The Euler brand sold 10,000 vehicles in September, up 31.77% year-on-year, and sold over 10,000 vehicles for five consecutive months, leading the way in the new energy women-friendly subdivision track. In the third quarter, the Euler brand ushered in 400,000 off-line vehicles, officially becoming the first female new energy vehicle brand in the world to break through 400,000 vehicles. In the third quarter, the Euler brand also released the 2023 Euler Ballet Cat, the 2023 Good Cat and the Good Cat GT Mulan Edition, creating a better travel experience for users with the continuous renewal of product quality and service ecology.

Tank brands sold a total of 18,000 vehicles in September, a year-on-year increase of 43.15%. With the blessing of medium and large luxury off-road new energy SUV tank 500 Hi4-T and 2024 tank 300, the tank sold 104,500 vehicles from January to September, up 17.22% year-on-year. At the same time, the tank brand achieved sales of 300,000 vehicles in only 33 months, setting a record for China off-road brands to achieve sales of 300,000 vehicles at the fastest time, ranking first in the sales list of off-road SUVs in China market. In addition, the second model based on the Hi4-T architecture, the medium and large-scale urban function off-road SUV tank 400 Hi4-T, was launched on September 25th to meet the needs of users for urban and off-road vehicles.

Great Wall pickup trucks sold 17,200 vehicles in September, and accumulated sales of 152,700 vehicles from January to September, up 6.5% year-on-year. From January to September, the domestic market share of the Great Wall pickup truck was close to 50%. For every two pickup trucks sold in China, one was the Great Wall pickup truck. Great Wall Gun sold 12,200 vehicles in September, with a cumulative sales volume of over 10,000 vehicles in 37 months, ranking first in pickup truck sales in China. In the third quarter, on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the Great Wall Gun brand, the 500,000th vehicle was officially rolled off the assembly line, becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 500,000 vehicles, creating a new "Great Wall Gun Speed". Shanhai Gun Performance Edition, a large-scale high-performance luxury pickup truck owned by Great Wall Gun, will be pre-sold nationwide in mid-October after welcoming the world’s first show at Chengdu Auto Show.

The reporter is concerned that with the continuous efforts in the intelligent new energy track, the terminal channels of Great Wall Motor have developed rapidly, and its new energy terminals have reached 156 in August, and it is expected to grow to 1,200 during the year. The three major measures of matrix rejuvenation, channel expansion and service upgrade have worked together, and Great Wall Motor’s intelligent new energy has entered a period of rapid development.

Globalization has entered the era of "One Great Wall"

Overseas business is becoming an important part of car companies’ sales business. In the third quarter, Great Wall Motor sold 87,800 vehicles overseas, an increase of 21.97% from the previous month, accounting for 25.45% of the sales volume. From January to September, Great Wall Motor sold 211,700 vehicles overseas, up 89.45% year-on-year.

"While the sales volume of Great Wall Motor has steadily increased, it has focused on ‘(ONE GWM’ and implemented the strategy of’ Eco-going to Sea’ to achieve accelerated development overseas." Great Wall Motor said.

At the end of 2022, Great Wall Motor officially announced the "ONE GWM" global action plan, creating an aggregation channel with GWM parent brand as the leading category, and working together to achieve brand promotion. At this stage, the localization operation of Great Wall Motor overseas will pay more attention to the improvement of "quality", deepen the connotation of "ecological going out to sea" and create brand advantages.

It is reported that in the third quarter of 2023, Great Wall Motor accelerated the expansion of the international influence of the "GWM" brand. In August, Great Wall Motor successively released the "GWM" brand in Vietnam and Indonesia, realizing the comprehensive coverage of the core regional markets of ASEAN countries. In Latin America, the launch conference of GWM brand of Great Wall Motor and Haval H6 HEV was held in Mexico City, Mexico, marking the official entry of Great Wall Motor into the Mexican market.

In the era of "One Great Wall", Great Wall Motor adheres to the core of "intelligent new energy", and intelligent new energy technologies and products have become the key factors to promote the acceleration of going to sea.

The reporter learned that the five brands of Great Wall Motor have all gone to sea, and high-value intelligent new energy products such as Haval H6 New Energy, Tank 500 New Energy, Euler Good Cat and Wei Mocha PHEV are being accelerated to be put into overseas markets. Advanced new energy and intelligent technologies, such as Hi4, Hi4-T, autonomous driving and intelligent cockpit, will continue to make technical endorsements for the global models of Great Wall Motor.

It is reported that Haval H6, Haval JOLION, Haval Big Dog, Euler Good Cat, Tank 300, Great Wall Gun and other models have been listed in Cambodia, Vietnam, Brazil and other places.

At the same time, Great Wall Motor is also exporting high-end products to overseas markets. The Great Wall Motor Tank 500 has been listed in the Middle East market in succession in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Bahrain. In addition, in Central Asia, the listing of Tank 500 was held in Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan. In the ASEAN market, Tanks 300 and 500 are officially listed in Thailand.

Great Wall Motor’s vision is not only to launch products to overseas markets, but to practice the strategy of "going out to sea ecologically" and take root in overseas localization operations. Great Wall Motor has taken production and R&D abroad through the investment in overseas factories, improved the training and accumulation of local talents, and formed an all-round construction of overseas ecological and industrial chain.

At present, Great Wall Motor has formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement with ADM Automobile Factory of Uzbekistan Automobile Group on Uzbekistan’s market development cooperation, further accelerating the process of overseas localized production and sales of Great Wall Motor.

"In the future, with the outstanding achievements of Great Wall Motor’s intelligent new energy layout, Great Wall Motor will continue to accelerate the rejuvenation of intelligent new energy products with profound technical accumulation, continuously enhance the development potential of intelligent new energy, promote the upgrading of terminal services, accelerate the landing of the’ ecological sea-going’ model overseas, and push the development of enterprises to a new height." Great Wall Motor said.

(Editor: Zhang Shuo Proofreading: Yan Jingning)

Volvo cars enter a new stage of growth in China.

The 12th Volvo Ocean Race, which has attracted much attention, set sail again from Sanya, Hainan Province, China today to start the fourth stage race, thus opening the prelude to the strong development of Volvo Cars in China in 2015. Hanken samuelson, President and CEO of Volvo Car Group, announced that Volvo, a world-famous luxury car brand, is undergoing a global renaissance, and Volvo Car China entered the "Brand Year" in China in 2015 after two years of rapid growth. At the same time, Volvo "Nordic Luxury" will be accompanied by the new XC90 listing and differentiated brand combination boxing, realizing the revaluation and release of brand value, injecting new energy into the development of Volvo cars with a long history of 88 years in China, and the company’s "China growth strategy" will enter a new stage.

Hanken samuelson said at the launching ceremony: "Volvo is committed to becoming the most popular and enterprising luxury car brand in the world. Based on the three core values of safety, environmental protection and quality, it is demonstrating its strong innovation capability in the fields of air quality inside cars, new energy vehicles, autonomous driving and car networking, and big data. China is Volvo’s second hometown and Volvo’s largest market in the world. We have completed the first stage of development in China and are starting a new stage of’ China Growth Strategy’. China’s economic transformation and upgrading and the change of consumers’ values will provide a historic opportunity for Volvo’s development in China. By actively exploring the China market and strengthening the American market and the European market, our goal is to achieve sales of 800,000 units in 2020 and realize the vision of’ zero casualties’ and’ zero emissions’. "

Lars Deng, global senior vice president of Volvo Car Group and CEO of China, said, "In the past decade, China’s share in the global market of Volvo Cars has increased from a paltry 1% in 2005 to 17% by the end of 2014, making it the largest market of Volvo Cars. Our medium-term goal is to double the existing market share to 10% and achieve annual sales of 200,000 vehicles. In the future, we will continue to recover lost ground and gain a market position consistent with our brand strength with a more confident attitude. "

2014 is the "Wonderful Year of China" for Volvo Cars. The company’s sales in the world and China both reached record highs, and announced a new global marketing strategy with the core of increasing marketing investment, testing e-commerce and enhancing the accuracy and depth of brand experience. In 2014, the company sold 81,221 vehicles in China, a year-on-year increase of 32.8%, exceeding the annual sales target of 80,000 vehicles. In January this year, Volvo Cars achieved 19 consecutive months of growth worldwide, continuing the strong pace of global rejuvenation.

"Nordic Luxury" is confident to open up the China market

2014 is the core year for Volvo Cars to achieve the first phase of its "China Growth Strategy". The company has made great progress in sales, network, industrial system, product planning, brand building and organizational development.

Fu Qiang, President and CEO of Volvo Car China Sales Company, said: "The strong sales growth in the past decade fully shows that Volvo has been fully recognized by consumers in terms of product quality and brand value. In the new stage of’ China Growth Strategy’, with awe, we take 2015 as a new starting point and constantly dust off the Volvo brand, so that it will shine more brightly in the new journey. " He said, "Volvo is not only a luxury car brand full of beauty and affection, but also a technology and innovation brand full of passion and determination."

Fu Qiang said, "Although there are challenges in the luxury car market in China in 2015, Volvo will take the opportunity of’ Brand Year’ to build a brand from five aspects:’ One Entry (brand new XC90 is listed in China) and One Exit (exported to the United States)’,’ Volvo Way’ Nordic luxury experience, technology sub-brand release, car intelligence and new marketing strategy, so as to make Volvo’s image in the luxury camp clearer, more enterprising and more enterprising. Volvo has never been a follower. We have the strength and confidence to establish the image of a first-class luxury brand in China and embark on a new stage of comprehensive brand rejuvenation with the support of consumers. "

In 2015, Volvo’s powerful products to be listed in China include the first landmark new luxury flagship produced by the company with an investment of US$ 11 billion-Volvo’s brand-new XC90, the luxury plug-in hybrid vehicle S60L PHEV made in China for the first time, and the luxury crossover vehicle V60 Cross Country, and other 11 new and modified models. In addition, the company will also introduce self-driving demonstration projects in China, Volvo Ocean Race, Volvo China Open, etc., and will export domestic S60L to the United States within this year, which will be the first time that Volvo, as a representative of China’s advanced manufacturing industry, exports luxury car products to developed countries.

Lars Deng said, "As a brand with profound historical accumulation, Volvo will reshape and upgrade its brand in the new development stage. Adhering to the concept of’ people-oriented’, we will bring consumers a more unique customer experience through innovative marketing, drive and realize the new progress of’ China Growth Strategy’, and welcome the arrival of a new era in the luxury car market in China. "

"People-oriented" will become the mainstream values to drive the global rejuvenation of the brand.

Volvo brand originated from northern Europe, and it is the region with the highest "happiness index" in the world. In this desirable land, people embrace nature, are eager for quality, have a good relaxation, and have a perfect balance between work and family. Volvo’s "respect for people" is exactly the same as the essence of this happy and pure living state.

At the Volvo Brand and Lifestyle Forum of Volvo Ocean Race held in sanya station on the morning of February 7th, Thomas Ingrat, Senior Vice President of Global Design of Volvo Car Group, said: "Nordic luxury is an embrace of nature, and it is the best explanation that technology serves people. Volvo is not only an excellent’ driving machine’, but also endowed the car with emotion and soul by virtue of’ respecting people’. Understanding of Volvo through intelligent technology for drivers and passengers’ protection of life’, but also to’ quality of life’ to bring emotional experience and care to users. Volvo’s brand-new design language perfectly explains the brand value of’ people-oriented’. As China consumers continue to mature, the elegant Nordic design, which embodies the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetics, will go to the center of the stage and be appreciated and respected by more China consumers. "

Mr. Thomas Ingrat, Senior Vice President of Design of Volvo Car Group, shared the new Volvo XC90 design concept and explained the Nordic luxury in every detail.

Li Shuanke, a researcher at the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the president and editor-in-chief of chinese national geography magazine, said at the forum: "The sailing displayed in the Volvo Ocean Race is an exploration of the unknown and a respect for nature. Volvo introduced sailing, a brand-new way of life, into China, which reflected the origin of the brand, advocated a natural and healthy lifestyle and grasped the trend. "

He said that in China, where values are undergoing profound changes, people need to improve their spiritual prosperity after accumulating wealth. With the transformation of China society from "rich to expensive" and "from expensive to polite", the new lifestyle represented by self-improvement and self-improvement will gradually become the mainstream, and gradually replace the way of showing off sexual life and consumption concept. "This is a unique opportunity for Volvo to develop in China".

It perfectly explains the brand value of "people-oriented".

Volvo is an advocate of the concept of "putting people first" and a happy life in Northern Europe, and is committed to bringing a positive and healthy attitude and behavior to the elite in China. As a participant in the return of mainstream social values, Volvo has established and is strengthening its differentiated advantages from other luxury brands. With the continuous progress of China society, the life realm and grand pattern that Volvo adheres to and advocates will play an important role in the social evolution and commercial civilization development of China under the guidance of "Brand Year".

"Nordic Luxury" is confident to open up the China market

2014 is the core year for Volvo Cars to achieve the first phase of its "China Growth Strategy". The company has made great progress in sales, network, industrial system, product planning, brand building and organizational development.

Fu Qiang, President and CEO of Volvo Car China Sales Company, said: "The strong sales growth in the past decade fully shows that Volvo has been fully recognized by consumers in terms of product quality and brand value. In the new stage of’ China Growth Strategy’, with awe, we take 2015 as a new starting point and constantly dust off the Volvo brand, so that it will shine more brightly in the new journey. " He said, "Volvo is not only a luxury car brand full of beauty and affection, but also a technology and innovation brand full of passion and determination."

Fu Qiang said, "Although there are challenges in the luxury car market in China in 2015, Volvo will take the opportunity of’ Brand Year’ to build a brand from five aspects:’ One Entry (brand new XC90 is listed in China) and One Exit (exported to the United States)’,’ Volvo Way’ Nordic luxury experience, technology sub-brand release, car intelligence and new marketing strategy, so as to make Volvo’s image in the luxury camp clearer, more enterprising and more enterprising. Volvo has never been a follower. We have the strength and confidence to establish the image of a first-class luxury brand in China and embark on a new stage of comprehensive brand rejuvenation with the support of consumers. "

In 2015, Volvo’s powerful products to be listed in China include the first landmark new luxury flagship produced by the company with an investment of US$ 11 billion-Volvo’s brand-new XC90, the luxury plug-in hybrid vehicle S60L PHEV made in China for the first time, and the luxury crossover vehicle V60 Cross Country, and other 11 new and modified models. In addition, the company will also introduce self-driving demonstration projects in China, Volvo Ocean Race, Volvo China Open, etc., and will export domestic S60L to the United States within this year, which will be the first time that Volvo, as a representative of China’s advanced manufacturing industry, exports luxury car products to developed countries.

Lars Deng said, "As a brand with profound historical accumulation, Volvo will reshape and upgrade its brand in the new development stage. Adhering to the concept of’ people-oriented’, we will bring consumers a more unique customer experience through innovative marketing, drive and realize the new progress of’ China Growth Strategy’, and welcome the arrival of a new era in the luxury car market in China. "

"People-oriented" will become the mainstream values to drive the global rejuvenation of the brand.

Volvo brand originated from northern Europe, and it is the region with the highest "happiness index" in the world. In this desirable land, people embrace nature, are eager for quality, have a good relaxation, and have a perfect balance between work and family. Volvo’s "respect for people" is exactly the same as the essence of this happy and pure living state.

At the Volvo Brand and Lifestyle Forum of Volvo Ocean Race held in sanya station on the morning of February 7th, Thomas Ingrat, Senior Vice President of Global Design of Volvo Car Group, said: "Nordic luxury is an embrace of nature, and it is the best explanation that technology serves people. Volvo is not only an excellent’ driving machine’, but also endowed the car with emotion and soul by virtue of’ respecting people’. Understanding of Volvo through intelligent technology for drivers and passengers’ protection of life’, but also to’ quality of life’ to bring emotional experience and care to users. Volvo’s brand-new design language perfectly explains the brand value of’ people-oriented’. As China consumers continue to mature, the elegant Nordic design, which embodies the perfect combination of functionality and aesthetics, will go to the center of the stage and be appreciated and respected by more China consumers. "

Mr. Thomas Ingrat, Senior Vice President of Design of Volvo Car Group, shared the new Volvo XC90 design concept and explained the Nordic luxury in every detail.

Li Shuanke, a researcher at the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the president and editor-in-chief of chinese national geography magazine, said at the forum: "The sailing displayed in the Volvo Ocean Race is an exploration of the unknown and a respect for nature. Volvo introduced sailing, a brand-new way of life, into China, which reflected the origin of the brand, advocated a natural and healthy lifestyle and grasped the trend. "

He said that in China, where values are undergoing profound changes, people need to improve their spiritual prosperity after accumulating wealth. With the transformation of China society from "rich to expensive" and "from expensive to polite", the new lifestyle represented by self-improvement and self-improvement will gradually become the mainstream, and gradually replace the way of showing off sexual life and consumption concept. "This is a unique opportunity for Volvo to develop in China".

It perfectly explains the brand value of "people-oriented".

Volvo is an advocate of the concept of "putting people first" and a happy life in Northern Europe, and is committed to bringing a positive and healthy attitude and behavior to the elite in China. As a participant in the return of mainstream social values, Volvo has established and is strengthening its differentiated advantages from other luxury brands. With the continuous progress of China society, the life realm and grand pattern that Volvo adheres to and advocates will play an important role in the social evolution and commercial civilization development of China under the guidance of "Brand Year".

General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Development Plan of New Energy Automobile Industry (2021

General Office of the State Council on Printing and Distributing New Energy Automobile Industry

Notice of Development Plan (2021-2035)

No.39 [2020] of the State Council

People’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions and institutions directly under the State Council:

"New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)" has been approved by the State Council and is hereby issued to you, please implement it carefully.

the General Office of the State Council

October 20, 2020

(This piece is publicly released)

New Energy Automobile Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)

Developing new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a big automobile country to a strong automobile country, and it is a strategic measure to cope with climate change and promote green development. Since the State Council released the Development Plan of Energy Saving and New Energy Automobile Industry (2012-2020) in 2012, China has adhered to the strategic orientation of pure electric drive, and the development of new energy automobile industry has made great achievements, becoming one of the important forces in the development and transformation of the world automobile industry. At the same time, the development of new energy vehicles in China is also facing some problems, such as weak core technology innovation ability, imperfect quality assurance system, lagging infrastructure construction, imperfect industrial ecology and increasing market competition. This plan is formulated to promote the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry and accelerate the construction of a powerful automobile country.

Chapter I Development Trend

Section 1 New energy vehicles inject new kinetic energy into world economic development

At present, a new round of global scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are developing vigorously, and the integration of automobile and related technologies in energy, transportation, information and communication is accelerating. Electrification, networking and intelligence have become the development trend and trend of the automobile industry. New energy vehicles integrate new energy, new materials, Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other revolutionary technologies, and promote the transformation of vehicles from simple means of transportation to mobile intelligent terminals, energy storage units and digital spaces, promote the transformation and upgrading of energy, transportation, information and communication infrastructure, and promote the optimization of energy consumption structure, the improvement of transportation system and the intelligent level of urban operation, which is of great significance to building a clean and beautiful world and a community of human destiny. In recent years, the world’s major automobile countries have strengthened their strategic planning and policy support, and multinational automobile companies have increased their investment in research and development and improved their industrial layout. New energy vehicles have become the main direction of the transformation and development of the global automobile industry and an important engine for promoting the sustained growth of the world economy.

Section 2 China’s new energy vehicles have entered a new stage of accelerated development

The automobile product form, transportation mode, energy consumption structure and social operation mode are undergoing profound changes, which provide unprecedented development opportunities for the new energy automobile industry. After years of continuous efforts, the technical level of China’s new energy automobile industry has been significantly improved, the industrial system has been improved day by day, and the competitiveness of enterprises has been greatly enhanced. Since 2015, the production, sales and ownership have ranked first in the world for five consecutive years, and the industry has entered a new stage of overlapping, convergence and development. We must seize the strategic opportunity, consolidate the good momentum, give full play to the advantages in the fields of infrastructure, information and communication, continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the industry, and promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the new energy automobile industry.

In the third quarter, integration and opening up have become the new characteristics of the development of new energy vehicles.

With the overall transformation of automobile power source, production and operation mode and consumption and use mode, the ecology of new energy automobile industry is gradually evolving from the "chain relationship" among parts, vehicle R&D, production and marketing service enterprises to the "network ecology" involving multi-subjects in automobile, energy, transportation, information and communication. Mutual empowerment and coordinated development have become the inherent needs of the development of various market players. Cross-industry and cross-field integration and innovation and more open and inclusive international cooperation have become the characteristics of the new energy automobile industry development, which greatly enhanced the industrial development momentum, stimulated market vitality and promoted the formation of a new industrial development pattern of mutual integration, symbiosis and win-win cooperation.

第二章 总体部署

第一节 总体思路


第二节 基本原则


Driven by innovation.In-depth implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, the establishment of enterprise-oriented, market-oriented and Industry-University-Research-coordinated technological innovation system, improve the institutional environment for encouraging and protecting innovation, encourage the parallel development of various technological routes, support all kinds of entities to work together to overcome key core technologies, increase the innovation of business models, and form a new industrial innovation ecology.

Coordinated advancement.We will improve the coordination and promotion mechanism of horizontal cooperation and vertical penetration, promote the deep integration of new energy vehicles with energy, transportation and information communication, and make overall plans to promote technology research and development, standard formulation, popularization and application and infrastructure construction, so as to turn the super-large-scale market advantage into industrial advantage.

Open development.Practice the cooperative concept of openness, mutual benefit and win-win, expand high-level opening to the outside world, and promote reform, development and innovation through opening up; Adhere to the combination of "bringing in" and "going out", strengthen international cooperation, actively participate in international competition, cultivate new advantages in the new energy automobile industry, and deeply integrate into the global industrial chain and value chain system.

Section III Development Vision

By 2025, the competitiveness of China’s new energy vehicle market will be significantly enhanced, and major breakthroughs will be made in key technologies such as power batteries, drive motors and vehicle operating systems, and the safety level will be comprehensively improved. The average power consumption of new cars for pure electric passenger cars has dropped to 12.0 kWh/100 km, and the sales volume of new energy vehicles has reached about 20% of the total sales volume of new cars. Highly self-driving cars have been commercialized in limited areas and specific scenes, and the convenience of charging and replacing electricity services has been significantly improved.

After 15 years of continuous efforts, the core technology of new energy vehicles in China has reached the international advanced level, and the quality brands have strong international competitiveness. Pure electric vehicles have become the mainstream of newly sold vehicles, vehicles in public areas are fully electrified, fuel cell vehicles are commercialized, highly self-driving vehicles are applied on a large scale, the charging and replacing service network is convenient and efficient, and the construction of hydrogen fuel supply system is steadily promoted, effectively promoting energy conservation, drainage reduction and improvement of social operation efficiency.

Chapter III Improving the Ability of Technological Innovation

Section 1 Deepening the R&D Layout of "Three Verticals and Three Horizons"

Strengthen the innovation of vehicle integration technology.With pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles (including extended range vehicles) and fuel cell vehicles as "three verticals", the whole vehicle technology innovation chain is laid out. Research and develop a new generation of modular high-performance vehicle platform, tackle the integrated design of pure electric vehicle chassis and multi-energy power system integration technology, break through common energy-saving technologies such as intelligent energy management and control, lightweight and low friction, improve the safety technology level of battery management, charging connection and structural design, and improve the comprehensive performance of new energy vehicles.

Improve the industrial basic ability.Taking power battery and management system, drive motor and power electronics, networking and intelligent technology as "three horizontals", the technical supply system of key components is constructed. We will tackle key technical problems of advanced modular power batteries and fuel cell systems, explore solutions for a new generation of vehicle motor drive systems, strengthen the development of key components and systems of intelligent networked vehicles, break through bottlenecks such as basic platform technology for computing and control and supporting technology for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and enhance research and development capabilities such as basic key technologies, advanced basic processes, basic core components and key basic materials.

Section II Accelerating the Construction of Common Technology Innovation Platform

Establish and improve the joint research and development mechanism of leading enterprises, state key laboratories and national manufacturing innovation centers, focus on shortcomings and weaknesses such as core processes, special materials, key components and manufacturing equipment, actively explore from different technical paths, and improve the supply capacity of key common technologies. Guide cross-disciplinary cooperation in automobile, energy, transportation, information communication, etc., establish an innovative platform for the integration of new energy vehicles, smart energy and intelligent transportation for future travel, jointly tackle basic cross-cutting key technologies, and enhance the integration and innovation capabilities of new energy vehicles and related industries.

Section III Enhancing the Public Service Capability of the Industry

Relying on industry associations, innovation centers and other institutions to promote the co-construction and sharing of various innovative service platforms, and improve the support capabilities of public services such as technology transfer, information services, personnel training, project financing, and international exchanges. The application of virtual reality, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the establishment of automotive electrification, networking, intelligent virtual simulation and test verification platform, improve the measurement test, performance evaluation and testing certification capabilities of the vehicle and key components.

Chapter IV Building a New Industrial Ecology

Section 1 Supporting the Development of Eco-oriented Enterprises

Encourage enterprises in the fields of new energy vehicles, energy, transportation, information and communication to cooperate across borders, focus on diversified production and application needs, and build an eco-leading enterprise covering key links in the industrial chain such as solutions, R&D and production, use guarantee and operation services through open cooperation and benefit sharing. In areas with good industrial foundation and concentrated innovation elements, leading enterprises should play a leading role, cultivate a number of new energy automobile industrial clusters with international influence and competitiveness, and promote the modernization level of industrial chain.

Section 2 Promoting the Innovative Application of Key Systems

Accelerate the development and application of vehicle operating system.Guided by the demand of vehicle enterprises, we will play the role of leading enterprises, national manufacturing innovation center and other innovation platforms, adhere to the coordinated research of software and hardware, and focus on the development of vehicle operating systems. Around the vehicle operating system, the development and application ecology of deep cooperation between market players in the fields of vehicle, key components, basic data and software will be built. Through rapid product iteration, the scale of users will be expanded and the industrial application of vehicle operating system will be accelerated.

Promote the development of the full value chain of power batteries.Encourage enterprises to improve the support capacity of key resources such as lithium, nickel, cobalt and platinum. Establish and improve the modular standard system of power batteries, accelerate the breakthrough of key manufacturing equipment, and improve the process level and production efficiency. Improve the recycling system of power battery recycling, cascade utilization and recycling, and encourage the co-construction and sharing of recycling channels. Establish and improve the management system of transportation, storage, maintenance, safety inspection, retirement and recycling of power batteries, and strengthen the supervision of the whole life cycle.

The third quarter to improve the level of intelligent manufacturing

Promote the in-depth application of intelligent technology in key links such as R&D and design, manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, operation and management, and after-sales service of new energy vehicles. Accelerate the development and integration of core industrial software such as simulation, management and control of intelligent manufacturing of new energy vehicles, and carry out application demonstrations of intelligent factories and digital workshops. Accelerate the popularization and application of the product lifecycle collaborative management system, support the construction of an integrated demonstration platform for design, manufacturing and service, and improve the intelligent level of the whole industrial chain of new energy vehicles.

Section IV Strengthening Quality and Safety Assurance

Promote the construction of quality brands.Carry out actions to improve the quality of new energy vehicle products, guide enterprises to strengthen the development and application of reliability technologies in the whole process of design, manufacturing, testing and verification, make full use of advanced technologies such as the Internet, big data and blockchain, and improve the quality control and traceability mechanism of products throughout their life cycle. Guide enterprises to strengthen brand development strategy and strengthen brand building with the focus on improving quality and service level.

Improve the security system.Implement a safe production mechanism that combines corporate responsibility, government supervision, industry self-discipline and social supervision. Strengthen the main responsibility of enterprises for product safety, implement the extended producer responsibility system, and strengthen the quality and safety management, safety status monitoring and maintenance inspection of key systems such as vehicle, power battery and electronic control. We will improve the safety standards and laws and regulations for new energy vehicles, such as complete vehicles, spare parts, maintenance and testing, charging and replacing electricity, and strengthen the supervision and management of production safety and the safety recall management of new energy vehicles. Encourage industry organizations to strengthen technical exchanges, sort out and sum up experience, and guide enterprises to continuously improve their safety level.

Chapter V Promoting Industrial Integration and Development

Section 1 Promoting the Integration of New Energy Vehicles and Energy

Strengthen the energy interaction between new energy vehicles and power grid (V2G).Strengthen the research of high cycle life power battery technology and promote the application of low power DC technology. Encourage local governments to carry out V2G demonstration applications, coordinate the demand for charging and discharging of new energy vehicles and power dispatching, and comprehensively apply policies such as peak-valley electricity price and preferential charging of new energy vehicles to realize efficient energy interaction between new energy vehicles and the power grid, reduce the electricity cost of new energy vehicles, and improve the response capabilities of power grid such as peak-shaving and frequency modulation, and safety emergency.

Promote efficient cooperation between new energy vehicles and renewable energy.Promote the information sharing and integration of new energy vehicles with meteorological and renewable energy power forecasting systems, coordinate the coordinated scheduling of energy utilization of new energy vehicles with wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation, and increase the proportion of renewable energy applications. Encourage the construction of "optical storage charging and discharging" (distributed photovoltaic power generation-energy storage system-charging and discharging) multifunctional integrated station. Support qualified areas to carry out commercial demonstration operation of fuel cell vehicles.

Section II Promoting the Integration of New Energy Vehicles and Transportation

Develop integrated smart travel services.Accelerate the construction of a new intelligent traffic control system covering front-end information collection, edge distributed computing and cloud collaborative control. Accelerate the application of new energy vehicles in time-sharing leasing, urban public transport, taxis, venue vehicles and other fields, and optimize the use environment of new energy vehicles in public services. Guide automobile production enterprises and travel service enterprises to build a "one-stop" service platform, and promote the development and application of parking service technology.

Constructing intelligent green logistics transportation system.Promote the application of new energy vehicles in urban distribution, port operations and other fields, and facilitate the passage of new energy trucks. Develop "internet plus" efficient logistics, innovate smart logistics operation mode, promote the application of new modes such as network freight and trailer sharing, and create a new format of safe and efficient logistics and transportation services.

Section III Promoting the Integration and Development of New Energy Vehicles and Information Communication

Promote the efficient collaboration of "people-vehicles-roads-clouds" with data as the link.Based on the information of automobile perception, traffic control and urban management, a multi-layer data fusion and computing platform of "people-vehicles-roads-clouds" will be built, and demonstration applications of specific scenes, regions and roads will be carried out to promote the innovation of new energy vehicles and information communication integration application services.

Create a network security system.Improve the network security management system of new energy vehicles, build a unified vehicle identity authentication and security trust system, promote the in-depth application of cryptographic technology, strengthen the safety detection of vehicle information systems, service platforms and key electronic components, strengthen the data classification and compliance application management of new energy vehicles, improve the risk assessment, early warning monitoring and emergency response mechanisms, and ensure the information security of "vehicle end-transmission pipeline network-cloud".

Section IV Strengthening Standard Docking and Data Sharing

Establish a comprehensive standard system for the integration and development of new energy vehicles and related industries, and clarify the technical interface standards such as vehicle operating system, vehicle basic map, vehicle pile information sharing, and cloud control basic platform. Establish a comprehensive big data platform across industries and fields to promote the co-construction, sharing and interconnection of all kinds of data.

Chapter VI Perfecting the Infrastructure System

Section 1 vigorously promote the construction of charging and replacing network

Accelerate the construction of infrastructure for charging and replacing electricity.Scientifically arrange the charging and replacing infrastructure, and strengthen the overall coordination with urban and rural construction planning, power grid planning, property management and urban parking. Relying on "internet plus" smart energy, improve the level of intelligence, actively promote the charging service mode in residential areas, accelerate the formation of highways and urban and rural public charging networks with moderate lead, fast charging and slow charging, encourage the application of power exchange mode, strengthen the research and development of new charging technologies such as intelligent and orderly charging, high-power charging and wireless charging, and improve the convenience of charging and product reliability.

Improve the service level of charging infrastructure.Guide enterprises to jointly establish a charging facility operation service platform to realize interconnection, information sharing and unified settlement. Strengthen the research and development of technologies such as safety monitoring and early warning of charging equipment and distribution system, standardize the use of electromagnetic spectrum of wireless charging facilities, improve the safety, consistency and reliability of charging facilities, and improve the level of service guarantee.

Encourage business model innovation.Combined with the renovation of old residential areas, urban renewal and other work, we will guide many parties to jointly carry out the construction and operation of charging facilities, and support the development of cooperation modes such as multi-vehicle and one pile in residential areas and sharing of adjacent parking spaces. Encourage the combination of charging stations and commercial real estate, build integrated parking and charging service facilities, enhance the charging service capacity of public places, and expand value-added services. Improve the insurance system of charging facilities to reduce the risks of enterprise operation and user use.

Section 2 Coordinating and Promoting the Construction of Intelligent Road Network Facilities

Promote the construction of a new generation of wireless communication network, and accelerate the formulation and technical upgrade of wireless communication (C-V2X) standards between vehicles and other devices outside the vehicle based on cellular communication technology. Promote the digital transformation and upgrading of road infrastructure such as traffic signs, strengthen the intelligent interconnection between traffic lights, traffic signs and markings, communication facilities, intelligent roadside equipment and vehicle-mounted terminals, and promote the formulation of relevant standards and the construction of management platforms for the intelligent construction and transformation of urban road infrastructure. Accelerate the construction of differential base stations and promote the application of satellite navigation systems such as Beidou in the field of high-precision positioning.

Section III Promoting the Construction of Hydrogen Fuel Supply System in an Orderly Way

Improve the economy of hydrogen fuel storage and transportation.According to local conditions, we will develop the application of industrial by-product hydrogen and renewable energy to make hydrogen, and accelerate the industrialization of advanced and applicable hydrogen storage materials. Carry out demonstration and application of various storage and transportation technologies such as high-pressure gas, deep cold gas, low-temperature liquid and solid, explore the construction of hydrogen fuel transportation pipelines, and gradually reduce the storage and transportation costs of hydrogen fuel. Improve the standard system of hydrogen fuel production, storage, transportation and filling. Strengthen the research on hydrogen fuel safety and strengthen the safety supervision of the whole chain.

Promote the construction of hydrogenation infrastructure.Establish and improve the management norms of hydrogenation infrastructure. Guide enterprises to rationally arrange hydrogenation infrastructure according to hydrogen fuel supply and consumption demand, and improve the level of safe operation. Support the use of existing sites and facilities to carry out comprehensive supply services of oil, gas, hydrogen and electricity.

Chapter VII Deepening Open Cooperation

Section 1 Expanding Opening-up, Exchanges and Cooperation

Strengthen the docking with the internationally accepted economic and trade rules, fully implement the pre-entry national treatment plus negative list management system, treat the main players in the new energy market equally, and build a market-oriented, legal and international business environment. Give play to the role of multi-bilateral cooperation mechanism and high-level dialogue mechanism, and support domestic and foreign enterprises, research institutes and industry institutions to carry out exchanges and cooperation in R&D and design, trade and investment, infrastructure, technical standards and personnel training. Actively participate in the formulation of international rules and standards, promote the formation of an open, transparent and inclusive international market environment for new energy vehicles, create a new platform for international cooperation, and add new impetus to common development.

Section II Accelerating Integration into Global Value Chains

Guide enterprises to formulate international development strategies, constantly improve their international competitiveness, increase the intensity of international market development, and promote industrial cooperation to extend from manufacturing links to technology research and development, marketing and other whole chains. Encourage enterprises to make full use of domestic and foreign funds and establish an international consumer credit system. Support enterprises to establish an international marketing service network and build overseas storage and after-sales service centers and other service platforms in key markets. Improve the service guarantee system such as legal consultation, testing and certification, and personnel training, guide enterprises to standardize overseas business practices, and improve compliance management.

Chapter VIII Safeguard Measures

Section 1 Deepening the Reform of Industry Management

We will further promote the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services" reform, further relax market access, implement inclusive and prudent supervision, and promote the healthy and orderly development of new formats and models. We will improve the parallel management measures for the average fuel consumption of enterprises and the points of new energy vehicles, effectively undertake financial subsidy policies, and study and establish a linkage mechanism with the carbon trading market. Strengthen post-event supervision, consolidate local main responsibility, and curb chaos such as blindly launching new energy vehicle manufacturing projects. Promote the improvement of laws and regulations related to the production and management of road motor vehicles, establish and improve the exit mechanism of zombie enterprises, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the maintenance of enterprise access conditions, and promote the survival of the fittest. Give full play to the role of the market mechanism, support the merger and reorganization of advantageous enterprises, become bigger and stronger, and further improve industrial concentration.

Section 2 Improve the system of policies and regulations

Implement preferential tax policies related to new energy vehicles and optimize classified traffic management and financial services. Promote the scientific layout of infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity and hydrogenation, speed up construction, and give financial support to the construction of charging piles as public facilities. Break local protection and establish a unified, open and fair market system. Encourage local governments to increase support for vehicle operations in public services, shared travel and other fields, and give preferential policies such as parking and charging for new energy vehicles. From 2021, the proportion of new energy vehicles in public areas such as public transportation, rental, logistics and distribution will be no less than 80% in the national ecological civilization experimental zone and key areas for air pollution prevention and control. Formulate specific measures to incorporate R&D investment in new energy vehicles into the assessment system of state-owned enterprises. Accelerate the improvement of policies and regulations such as road traffic, accident liability and data use that meet the development requirements of intelligent networked vehicles. Accelerate the legislation on the recycling of power batteries.

Section III Strengthening the Construction of Talent Team

Accelerate the establishment of a talent training mechanism to meet the needs of the integration and development of new energy vehicles and related industries, compile a catalogue of talents in short supply in the industry, optimize the discipline layout in the fields of automotive electrification, networking and intelligence, and guide universities, research institutes and enterprises to increase the introduction and training of international talents. Carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit and craftsman spirit, establish a positive incentive orientation, and implement diversified incentive measures such as equity and options.

Section IV Strengthening Intellectual Property Protection

We will further implement the national intellectual property strategy and encourage researchers to develop high-value core intellectual property achievements in the field of new energy vehicles. Strictly implement the intellectual property protection system and strengthen the enforcement of infringement. We will build an intellectual property operation service system for new energy vehicles, strengthen the construction of a patent application transformation platform, and establish a mutually beneficial sharing and win-win cooperation patent operation model.

Section 5 Strengthening organizational coordination

Give full play to the role of the inter-ministerial joint meeting system and local coordination mechanism for the development of energy-saving and new energy vehicle industries, strengthen departmental coordination and linkage, formulate annual work plans and departmental task division, strengthen the overall planning of new energy vehicles and energy, transportation, information and communication industries in terms of policy planning, standards and regulations, and pay close attention to the major tasks and key tasks determined by the plan. All relevant departments should focus on the planning objectives and tasks, and formulate their work plans and supporting policies and measures according to the division of functions. All regions should earnestly implement it in light of local conditions, optimize the industrial layout, and avoid redundant construction. Industry organizations should give full play to the role of a bridge between enterprises and the government, and coordinate the establishment of a cross-border exchange and cooperation platform for the industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shall, jointly with relevant departments, conduct in-depth investigation and study, strengthen follow-up guidance, and promote the smooth implementation of the plan.

The acceleration of 100 kilometers is 3.9 seconds. How does BYD Han EV drive?

closefillIThe first time to share with you the hot spots in the automobile circle.

I have to say that when BYD Han just went public, many people were not very optimistic about it. After all, it was in the car segmentation field where its own brand had been weak, and it had a distance compared with Tesla and BBA in brand power. At the same time, pricing is also controversial.

Some netizens said: "Is BYD Han worth 219,800-279,500 yuan after subsidy?

Is the set price a little too floating?

The brain is crazy. Is it not fresh and fragrant to have the money to buy a Tesla?

This car is destined to be cool. "

However, in reality, BYD Han succeeded, and after three months of listing, BYD Han ushered in the first sales of more than 10,000. It can be said that BYD Han gave two big mouths to those who didn’t value it with real sales results. Yes! Byd Han not only didn’t get cold, but also climbed steadily.

According to the latest official sales data released by BYD in November, BYD Han sold a total of 10,105 vehicles in November, achieving a four-month sales increase, with a cumulative sales volume of 28,467 vehicles. Among them, BYD Han EV (parameter picture) sold 7,482 vehicles in November, ranking fourth in the sales list of new energy vehicles in November of china automobile dealers association Automobile Market Research Branch (Association); BYD Han DM also sold 2,623 vehicles in mid-November, up 5.3% from October. Judging from these sales figures, BYD Han really "went up". So why did it succeed? What are the core highlights? Just recently, the key gentleman participated in a deep test drive experience of "recalling Jiangnan" for BYD, and found some answers from it. Let’s go! Let’s take a look!

Full of Chinese style! The appearance is highly recognizable and differentiated.

Still as usual, let’s talk about the static part first. In this era of "looking at the face", not only people have to look at the face value, but even cars have to fight for the face value. In recent years, the post-90 s and post-00 s gradually replaced the post-70 s and post-80 s as the main group of consumers, and the personalized consumption characteristics of young people began to dominate the market changes. Therefore, the value of a car is good or bad, which can be said to play a decisive role in the process of consumers’ car selection.

After so many years of development, China’s automobile industry has become increasingly mature. While increasing the research and development of their own products, independent car manufacturers have also made great efforts in appearance value, striving to cater to the aesthetics of young consumers with the latest and most fashionable appearance design. Of course, BYD is the representative of this. Judging from the appearance of the models currently listed, the design style of BYD’s models is absolutely "fan".

Ok, the gossip is a little too much, so let’s get back to the topic! This time, the key test drive is a BYD Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version of the flagship, with a price of 279,500 yuan and an acceleration of 3.9s seconds per 100 kilometers. When the key gentleman saw this car at first sight, the key gentleman was really amazed by its design. First of all, the first feeling it gave the key gentleman was that this BYD Han EV was very coupe-like, with a low posture and smooth lines. Interestingly, the overall design of this car is also full of Chinese style. Specifically, the front face of BYD Han EV adopts a closed and integrated front face, and a silver chrome-plated decorative strip is conspicuous at the grille of the front face, and the "Han" logo is also dotted in it, which also makes China elements more prominent. In addition, the shape of the headlight group is slender and sharp, and it looks more sci-fi and avant-garde with the streamlined body.

In addition to the attractive value of the front face, BYD Han EV also has a surprising part on the side of the car body. The side of the whole car body adopts a slip-back roof arc to make the car look more sporty. In addition, the design of the hidden handle highlights its sense of science and technology. During the experience, the key gentleman thinks that BYD has made this design very carefully, and the LOGO with the word "Han" is printed on the inside of the door handle, which is also very good in the process of pushing and retracting. It is worth mentioning that this car also supports NFC unlocking, and the sensing area is in the rearview mirror, which can support Huawei mobile phone unlocking and binding. At this point, the key gentleman thinks it is very convenient for consumers.

In addition, the design of the tail shape of BYD Han EV is also very textured. The top corner of the trunk adopts a duck tail shape, and the popular through taillights are not absent. The design elements of the taillights are also used on both sides, which is highly recognizable after lighting. From the overall design point of view, the face value of BYD Han EV is very high, which is quite good in terms of atmosphere and durability, and there is actually a reason to have this face value.

It is reported that this design was jointly created by Wolfgang Eiger, former design director of Audi, JuanMa López, exterior design director of Ferrari, and Michele Jauch-Paganetti, former interior design director of Mercedes-Benz. It is not difficult to understand why BYD Han can have a highly recognizable and differentiated appearance with such a big-name designer.

The interior is both textured and advanced.

Press the car key lightly, and when you open the car door and enter the car, the electric seat and the electric steering wheel will move slowly. It can be said that the full sense of ceremony will burst out instantly, and the interior that gives the key gentleman the deepest feeling visually is the red and black collocation. It is worthy of recognition that this car has significantly improved the sense of texture and luxury compared with the previous BYD models. At the same time, the interior of the whole car is also decorated with many wood grains, which is very classy.

In terms of materials, BYD Han EV is also very sincere. For example, in terms of seats, BYD Han EV uses Nappa leather raw materials. It is reported that this is selected from cattle hide imported from Brazil and has been processed by more than 20 processes. The overall filler is also very soft and comfortable. At the same time, BYD Han EV is equipped with the function of seat ventilation, and the overall comfort is very good. From this point of view alone, BYD Han EV is much better than Model 3, which is criticized for its rough workmanship and poor materials.

In addition, the interior design of BYD Han EV has not only retained the family-style design, but also carried out many innovations. For example, the dashboard uses a large display screen and the latest DiLink 3.0 UI design, which is called the theme of "flowing". The central control rotating large screen is not absent from this BYD Han EV, with a size of 15.6 inches and a brand-new UI design. The display effect is very clear and delicate, and the fluency of use is also "smooth". In addition, it has functions such as car WIFI, OTA remote upgrade and split-screen display. It is worth noting that in audio-visual entertainment, it can also support Internet radio, online music, local music and local videos, and the system supports downloading applications, which is basically the same as the smart phones we use every day.

In addition, this car is also quite rich in configuration, especially in active safety configuration. It is equipped with BYD Dipilot driver assistance system, and it is equipped with basic common practical configurations such as adaptive cruise, lane keeping and automatic parking.

Key Jun also had some experience during the test drive, among which the most memorable one is that when you enter low-speed driving, as soon as you turn on the turn signal, the screen will automatically switch to a 360-degree panoramic image, and its response speed is really fast. The most important thing is that it is practical and convenient. In terms of voice control, BYD Han EV also has a high degree of voice recognition. The wake-up mode can be awakened by buttons on the steering wheel or by voice, and its voice system has a fast response speed and high recognition. You just need to say "Hello, Xiao Di+Command" to switch to the specified command. Byd Han EV can support switching to make a phone call, check the weather, open the window and other commands.

Let’s take a look at the size. As a medium-sized and large car, BYD Han EV is also full of advantages in space performance. First, let’s take a look at the body size of BYD Han EV. Its length, width and height are 4980/1910/1495mm, and the wheelbase is 2920mm. It is precisely because of its super-long wheelbase of 2920 mm that the rear space of BYD Han EV can be described as luxury. In the actual experience process, the emphasis is on your height. At the same time, sitting in the back seat, you can feel the softness of the whole seat is very high. In addition, the cushion is also very long, not only with ventilation and heating functions, but also with electric adjustment of the back seat, which is quite "cool". Of course, there are still some shortcomings in the space of BYD Han EV. Compared with the abundance of leg space, the head space in the back row is somewhat cramped. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. After all, there are restrictions on the shape of sliding back, so the head space is not so comfortable. According to the pro-test, the head distance is 3.5 to 4 fingers without sitting up straight. If the body plate is upright, it will be a bit awkward. Judging from the overall interior experience of BYD Han EV, BYD Han EV can give consumers a luxury car enjoyment in terms of texture, technical equipment and comfort.

How does BYD Han EV drive?

After talking about the appearance and interior, what is the feeling of BYD Han EV? Since it is a test drive experience, how can we not talk about the feeling of driving! Let’s talk about parameters and power first. BYD Han EV provides two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive models, in which the front and rear dual-motor systems with total power of 363kW(494Ps) and maximum torque of 680N·m are adopted for the dual-motor four-wheel drive models. Among them, the long endurance version, the cruising range of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is 605km, and our test drive is the high-performance version of the Han EV four-wheel drive.

In this activity, we started from 4S shop to Tongling Yongquan Mountain Villa, with a total length of 180 kilometers. The middle section includes urban roads and expressway sections. In the early stage, before we got on the expressway section, there was a section of urban roads and there were many traffic lights in the middle. At this stage, we switched to economic mode. In this mode, the power output was relatively soft. After entering the expressway section, we switched the driving mode to SPORT mode. Choose the standard intensity for kinetic energy recovery. In the actual experience, the accelerator pedal of the four-wheel drive version is extremely sensitive. When the floor is electrified, the whole car is like a runaway wild horse. Its powerful acceleration performance gives the driver a strong sense of pushing back, but the overall feeling will not appear so abrupt, but it is delicate and linear. To be honest, this kind of driving pleasure will also make consumers feel addicted.

In addition, in addition to the extreme feeling of performance, BYD Han EV also brings us a good driving experience in handling, sports and comfort. When we arrive at the destination of Tongling Yongquan Mountain Villa, we need to go through a continuous curve mountain road. When our vehicle enters the curve, the lateral support of BYD Han EV is very good, and the flexibility of the whole chassis is also very good, which can make you easily turn the curve. To be honest, in this performance, BYD Han EV is not worthy of some luxury brands.

Finally, let’s talk about the performance of BYD Han EV in sound insulation. In fact, in real life, car noise can directly affect our driving experience. If the performance of the vehicle we are driving is not good enough in quietness, it will also increase the burden on the driver’s brain invisibly, which will make people feel annoyed and even lead to road rage. This is harmful to safe driving. At this point, BYD Han EV’s noise control in the car is good, and even some of them exceed the expectations of the key drivers. During the driving process, even if the speed reaches 120KM/h, the car is very quiet, and the wind noise and tire noise are also well controlled. At this point, BYD Han EV is better than other new energy vehicles.

Write at the end:

Whether it is the advanced design or the interior with both texture and high sense, BYD Han EV has given the key gentleman a good feeling. The excellent performance and the pleasant driving texture also make the key gentleman have enough surprises. For this price or this level of models, BYD Han EV is definitely a "face" and a "value" model. I believe that in the future new energy field, BYD Han EV will also create new achievements. Let’s wait and see!

The price reduction of Tiggo 8 PRO in Jinhua area is coming, with a special price of 113,900! limited in number

[car home Jinhua Preferential Promotion Channel] Good news, preferential promotion activities are being carried out in Jinhua area! The current maximum discount for this model is 13,000, and the minimum starting price is 113,900. If you are interested in this model, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.


Tiggo 8 PRO is a medium-sized SUV, and its design is very fashionable and dynamic. The front part of the car adopts a large-area air intake grille, with sharp LED headlights and fog lights, creating a very domineering visual effect. The body lines are smooth and strong, and the overall style is very tough. The side of the car body is decorated with smooth lines and chrome plating, which makes the car body more exquisite. Through taillights are used in the rear part, which makes the whole rear look very fashionable. In addition, the Tiggo 8 PRO is also equipped with 18-inch wheels to make the whole car look more stable. On the whole, the design of Tiggo 8 PRO is excellent, which is not only fashionable and dynamic, but also very powerful, which is very in line with the aesthetic needs of modern consumers.


Tiggo 8 PRO is a medium-sized SUV. Its body size is 4745mm long, 1860mm wide and 1745mm high, with a wheelbase of 2710mm and front and rear wheel tracks of 1582mm and 1604mm respectively. The lines on the side of the car are smooth, showing a tough and fashionable feeling as a whole. Before and after tyre size are the same, both are 235/55 R18. Tire brands can choose different brands and models to meet different driving needs. In addition, the rim style of the Tiggo 8 PRO is also very unique, adopting a multi-spoke shape to make the vehicle look more dynamic. In short, the side design of the Tiggo 8 PRO is simple and atmospheric, which shows the strength and stability of the medium-sized SUV.


The interior design of the Tiggo 8 PRO is full of modernity. The central control screen size is 12.3 inches. It is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can easily control multimedia systems, navigation, telephones, air conditioners and skylights. The steering wheel is made of leather and supports manual up and down+forward and backward adjustment, so that the driver can easily find the most comfortable position. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. The front row is also equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main seat supports front-back adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the auxiliary seat also supports front-back adjustment and backrest adjustment. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can also be tilted in proportion, which increases the practicability of the vehicle.


The Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with a 1.6T 197 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 145kW and a maximum torque of 290N·m, and is equipped with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox. This engine has excellent performance and can provide strong power output for vehicles. At the same time, the addition of 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox also provides drivers with a smoother shift experience.

In the eyes of car home car owners, the design of Tiggo 8 PRO is excellent, which is not inferior to other models of Chery in recent years. He believes that the design of the Tiggo 8 PRO has high aesthetics, especially the black body, which gives people an atmospheric feeling. However, he also mentioned a problem that needs attention, that is, the black body is easy to get dirty. Overall, the owner is satisfied with the design of Tiggo 8 PRO. We believe that with the use and evaluation of more car owners, the reputation of Tiggo 8 PRO will become more and more rich and true, and it will also provide consumers with more car purchase references.

Weilai’s senior management team joined another general: once worked in Tucki, taking stock of the technical talents Weilai dug up from Huawei, NVIDIA and Xilinx.

Leifeng. com reported on March 30th that Xin Huang, the former director of Xpeng Motors Autopilot Products, had joined Weilai as vice president, reporting directly to Li Bin, founder, chairman and CEO of Weilai.

In this regard, Xin Huang in the circle of friends suspected response: "false". It is understood that Xin Huang did join Weilai last year, but the position is senior director, not vice president.

During his tenure as Director of Autopilot Products in Xpeng Motors, Xin Huang promoted the implementation of NGP and memory parking projects in Tucki. In addition, Li Bin attaches great importance to the talents of autonomous driving technology, so Xin Huang’s level in Weilai is 6, after which his level in Tucki was 5. In this regard, Wei Lai also did not comment.

In July last year, it was reported by the media that Xin Huang had sent out six words in his personal circle of friends-"Thanksgiving, Goodbye and Best wishes", and it was suspected that he had left Xpeng Motors at that time.

Among many new car-making forces, Weilai has attracted much attention from the outside world since its establishment. A big reason is that its founders, Li Bin and Li Xiang, were once the bosses of the two largest vertical websites of automobiles in China.

In 2014, Li Binlian, the founder of Easy Car, together with car home Li Xiang, JD.COM and Tencent, invested and created a financing of 1 billion US dollars, and formally established Weilai, with the intention of building Tesla in China.

In the two years after its establishment, Weilai successively recruited a large number of senior executives from traditional car companies, who became the core entrepreneurs of Weilai Company in the early days, enabling Weilai to land in the capital market in just four years and complete the ringing of the bell on the New York Stock Exchange. These people include:

Qin Lihong, co-founder and legal representative of Weilai Automobile

Qin Lihong graduated from Peking University University of International Relations in 1999 with a master’s degree in law. In 2001, he obtained a master’s degree in public policy from Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University. In 2005, he joined Anhui Chery Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. as deputy general manager.

Zheng Xiancong, co-founder and executive vice president of Weilai Company.

In 2015, he officially joined Weilai, and together with Li Bin, he built the core team of the company, making contributions to the company in supply chain, industrialization and Weilai-driven technology.

Previously, he served as vice president of Fiat China Global Purchasing Center and general manager of gac fiat, and earlier worked for Ford, with nearly 40 years of experience in the automotive industry.

In August 2019, Zheng Xiancong announced his retirement. After retirement, he will continue to serve as the chairman of Weilai Drive Technology.

Martin Leach, former president and CEO of Weilai Automobile

Martin Leach has been working for Ford motor company for 24 years since 1979; In 2004, he served as CEO of Maserati; In 2006, he served as the president of GAZ Group, a Russian automobile company, in the UK. Since 2008, he has served as the vice chairman of Volvo Construction Equipment Group. In 2015, he joined NEXTEV Weilai as the president of the company.

He is not only a professional manager, but also an avid racing enthusiast. He became a kart driver when he was only 11 years old, and became a professional player at the age of 14. He has made great achievements in the field of karting and racing, and won several championship prizes in Europe.

In 2016, Martin Leach died unfortunately due to illness, at the age of 59.

Huang Chendong, Senior Vice President of Weilaiyuan

Huang Chendong is a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan, USA. He used to be the deputy general manager of the new energy division of SAIC. In March 2015, Huang Chendong joined Weilai, and was responsible for the core business of Weilai vehicle development, independent intelligent driving technology research and development, and electric power engineering.

In October 2019, Huang Chendong was promoted to senior vice president of Weilai, reporting to Li Bin. In June 2020, Wei Laiguan announced the news of Huang Chendong’s departure.

Padmasree Warrior, Chief Development Officer of Weilai and CEO of North American Company.

Joined Weilai in 2015, and together with Li Bin, promoted Weilai Automobile to become a competitive member of the global electric vehicle manufacturers. Before joining Weilai Automobile, Warrior was the chief technology officer and strategy officer of Cisco, and also served as the chief technology officer of Motorola. In December 2018, it officially announced its departure from Weilai.

In addition, Weilai Automobile also recruited Lu Xiaoming, the former chairman of Montblanc in China, to take charge of Weilai’s user experience. Zhong Wan Li, executive vice president of Jiangling, is responsible for the specific manufacturing. Ganesh V. Lyer, former chief information officer of Tesla, is the leader of Tesla’s ERP system and is responsible for the operation.

Ping Jiang, former vice president of Guangzhou Automobile Group, Zhou Xin, former executive director of automobile procurement and human resources and government affairs of Qoros, and Mao Jie, former executive director of automobile assembly of Qoros, and other senior executives are responsible for R&D, cost and manufacturing.

It can be said that at the beginning of its establishment, Weilai Automobile began to recruit a large number of senior executives, covering all aspects of automobile manufacturing.

In addition to founding the core figures in the early days, in recent years, Weilai has successively recruited many technical talents from well-known enterprises such as Huawei, NVIDIA, Wal-Mart, Xilinx and Huami.

Ren Shaoqing, co-founder and R&D director of Momenta, an autonomous driving startup.

In August 2020, Ren Shaoqing joined Weilai as assistant vice president, reporting directly to Weilai CEO Li Bin.

Ren Shaoqing graduated from the doctoral program jointly trained by the University of Science and Technology of China and Microsoft Asia Research Institute, and participated in proposing an efficient framework Faster RCNN and an image recognition algorithm ResNet for object detection.

The latter related papers won the Best Paper Award of CVPR, the top conference in the field of computer vision, in 2016.

In 2019, Momenta published an article saying that Ren Shaoqing ranked first in the world in adding academic citations to Google in autonomous driving, and accumulated academic citations ranked second in the world.

In addition, Ren Shaoqing was selected into the list of outstanding young people under the age of 30 in Forbes Asia in 2018.

Zhang Lei, Chief Architect of Yuan Hua Mi Technology

In August 2019, Zhang Lei joined Weilai Automobile as the vice president of software development, succeeding Dr. Li Zhuang.

Judging from the public information, Zhang Lei is a veteran of the automotive technology industry. In 2016, he joined the Huami Technology Silicon Valley team as the chief architect. Before joining Huami, Zhang Lei participated in the development of Android Auto, a car project.

After joining Weilai, Zhang Lei was mainly responsible for Weilai CDC (Car Digital Cockpit) business.

Hu Chengchen, former director of Xilinx Asia-Pacific Laboratory

According to public information, Hu Chengchen received his Ph.D. in computer science and technology in Tsinghua University in 2008, and then taught in Xi ‘an Jiaotong University for a long time. At the age of 29, he became an associate professor at the School of Telecommunications of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, and later became a professor, and served as the head of the computer department of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University.

Its main research direction is data center, network big data and so on.

Later, in 2017, he was transferred from academia to industry, and served as the director /CTO of Xilinx Asia Pacific Laboratory, with rich experience in chip front-end design.

In October 2021, Hu Chengchen joined Weilai Automobile as the chief expert & assistant vice president and the head of the technical planning department.

Yin Shuijun, former president of Meitu mobile phone

(The picture on the right shows Yin Shuijun)

In February of this year, it was reported that Yin Shuijun, the former president of Meitu Mobile, joined Weilai to take the lead in the mobile phone business.

She Xiaoli, former chief functional safety expert of Huawei BU.

She Xiaoli graduated from Tsinghua University, worked as a functional safety expert in Baidu Autopilot Division for one year, and then worked as the chief functional safety expert and the chief big data application expert in Huawei.

According to public information, She Xiaoli joined Baidu (BIDU) in 2015 after receiving her Ph.D. in Tsinghua as a functional safety expert, and introduced the concept of functional safety into Baidu’s Autopilot Division.

A year later, he joined Huawei as the chief functional safety expert and the chief big data application expert, leading the design of vehicle-side data collection, cloud processing architecture and cloud value-added applications suitable for the characteristics of autonomous driving data.

In November 2021, She Xiaoli joined Weilai Automobile as an internal expert in algorithm research.

Zhang Xiaohong, former director of Huawei BU intelligent driving product project group.

Zhang Xiaohong graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University with a major in mechanical engineering, and has served as a senior software development engineer of Shanghai Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and an OSS product director of Dingqiao Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

In April 2021, he joined Weilai as a senior product manager.

Steve Xie, former head of NVIDIA autopilot simulation.

On January 11th, 2022, Steve Xie, the former head of NVIDIA Autopilot Simulation, said that he had joined Weilai Automobile as the head and senior director of Autopilot Simulation Department of Shanghai Weilai Automobile Co., Ltd.

Steve Xie graduated from Peking University and received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Judging from his work experience, Steve Xie had been deeply involved in the autonomous driving industry for many years before joining Weilai Automobile, and had working experience in Cruise, NVIDIA and other big manufacturers.

In 2018, Steve Xie joined Cruise, an American L4 autonomous driving company, responsible for simulation product development.

Alister Whelan, a former Jaguar Land Rover designer, and Joaquin Garcia, a former SEAT designer.

In October 2021, Whelan will become the design director of Weilai together with Garcia.

Alister Whelan had previously served as the interior design director in the design department of Jaguar Land Rover, and his career in Jaguar Land Rover was as long as 21 years, and he participated in the interior design of F-Type, F-Pace, I-Pace and other vehicles. Judging from his qualifications, he obviously has rich design experience.

Joaquin Garcia once worked in Skoda, a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group, for 5 years and in Seat for 6 years, and participated in the design work of Seat and its high-performance brand CUPRA.

Feng Li, Dean of BAIC New Technology Research Institute.

Feng Li comes from a technical background and knows a lot about automobile manufacturing. At the same time, he is also known as a "marketing wizard".

Previously, he worked in Chery Automobile, BAIC Group and other car companies, and has rich practice and successful experience in R&D, marketing, manufacturing and company management.

Since 2009, Feng Li has joined BAIC, successively serving as the executive deputy general manager of Beijing Hyundai, the president of Beijing Automotive Co., Ltd., the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of BAIC and the Party Secretary of the New Technology Research Institute of BAIC.

In December 2017, Feng Li joined Weilai Capital as a partner.

Bai Jian, former hardware director of OPPO and general manager of Xiaomi Chip and Forward-looking Research Department.

In November 2020, Bai Jian joined Weilai Automobile as vice president of hardware, reporting to Li Bin.

Before joining Xiaomi, Bai Jian worked for OPPO as the hardware director. In September 2018, Bai Jian joined Xiaomi Company as the general manager of Xiaomi Chip and Prospective Research Department. Bai Jian studied in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, majoring in cryptography and communication engineering.

Zhu Jiang, former deputy general manager of Lexus China

In February 2017, Zhu Jiang joined Weilai Automobile as the vice president. In November, 2021, Zhu Jiang announced his resignation from Weilai and joined Jidu Automobile, a brand owned by Baidu Car, as the vice president of Jidu Automobile and the person in charge of user development and operation.

In 2002, Zhu Jiang began to set foot in the automobile industry, and then entered BMW Brilliance, responsible for dealer market, event marketing and other related work. In 2008, he was promoted to vice president of brand management of BMW China MINI.

In July 2014, he joined Lexus China as Deputy General Manager, mainly responsible for product planning and marketing.

Xie Dongying, former CFO of New Oriental

Xie Dongying worked in JPMorgan Chase, UBS Assets, UBS Investment Bank and other companies for many years, and then served as CFO of New Oriental Education Group, and once served as chief financial officer.

He is also a director of JD.COM, British education groups Noranda and Yum! China, and has helped many companies to complete the listing.

In May 2017, Weilai announced the appointment of personnel, and announced that Xie Dongying had joined as CFO, responsible for Weilai automobile financing and listing projects, and reported directly to Li Bin.

In October 2019, Xie Dongying left from Weilai.

Ralph kranz, former Volvo executive

In January, 2022, overseas media reported that Ralph Kranz, sales and commercial director of Volvo Germany, resigned on March 1st and joined Weilai Automobile to take charge of the German market.

According to public information, Ralph Kranz has many years’ experience in the automobile industry. Besides 10 years at Volvo, he also worked in aston martin and Toyota.

On the surface, it is wise for Weilai to dig kranz, mainly to promote the plan to enter the German market before the end of 2022.

Shen Feng, former Volvo executive.

In December 2017, the global CTO of Polestar, a high-performance brand owned by Volvo Cars, and Shen Feng, president of China and president of Volvo China R&D Company, announced that they had joined Weilai Automobile as vice president of quality and chairman of quality management committee, and were responsible for its overall quality-related management.

Volvo said that Shen Feng’s previous position in Polestar had been temporarily taken over by Lars Danielson.

Before joining Weilai, Shen Feng was a master of Ford 6-Sigma black belt, global CTO of Volvo Car Polestar and president of China, and president of Volvo China R&D Company.

Shen Feng has rich experience in 6-Sigma quality management, Geely Volvo International M&A, establishment of international R&D center, product R&D and mass production, supplier management, and establishment and commissioning of new factories.

Bourne Optics | Empowering Xiaomi 14 Pro Perception Experience "Full Leap-forward Upgrade"


On October 26th, at the Xiaomi new product launch conference, Xiaomi 14 Pro was officially released in the long-awaited event. The performance, image and quality of congruent-depth micro-curved screen, Xiaomi Longjing glass, Leica optical summilux lens and the third-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform have been comprehensively upgraded by leaps and bounds, and the comprehensive strength has gone further. The new products have lived up to the expectations of rice noodles and brought the charm of high-end flagship to the extreme.

Outstanding appearance of technological innovation

As the main supplier of glass back cover and metal middle frame of Xiaomi 14 Pro series mobile phones, Bourne Optics has always played an outstanding role, and together with Xiaomi, it has created a high-end flagship machine with amazing face value and extraordinary performance!


Xiaomi 14 Pro has three colors: white, black and rock blue. Bourne Optics exclusively supplies Xiaomi 14 Pro black and rock blue back cover. The black back cover is the first brand-new sandblasting AG process developed and designed by Bourne Optics and Xiaomi. Let the glass backboard keep the silky and delicate touch, at the same time, it has the graininess of frosting, and when it is turned lightly, it reveals a little luster, making each light soft and stable.


The new design concept and new technology require extremely strict parameters. Bourne Optics set up a special project team to tackle the research and development with customers, and conducted analysis and verification for more than two months and rounds, ranging from the whole process design to the accurate 1 second time difference and 1 temperature difference, giving each color a high-definition beauty.

The beauty of science and technology tends to the extreme.

Xiaomi 14 Pro’s unique and innovative technology optimizes the multi-layer stress of the panel, and the four sides and corners are bent in equal depth to form a beautiful arc. Light up the screen and have a borderless vision; Hold it in your hand and bring a cobblestone touch.


Paris nail deco shines with exquisite charm.

The brand-new Leica optical Summilux lens is adopted. The lens module is designed as a rounded rectangle, the top of the metal ring is treated with Paris nail pattern, and the side surface is polished, which is visually unified with the camera module on the back. The middle frame is a right angle without radian, which makes the whole fuselage look more tough and stylish.


Elegant and light design of high strength aluminum alloy metal middle frame

The biggest highlight of Xiaomi 14 Pro this time is the use of high-strength aluminum alloy metal middle frame, and the introduction of high-brightness anodized surface treatment process to make the sense and feel better. As the main supplier of the metal middle frame of Xiaomi 14 Pro mobile phone, Bourne Optics cooperated with Xiaomi team to carve every detail carefully, put forward more than 20 verification schemes, and developed and verified 100 polishing consumables (sponge sand, polishing wheel, polishing wax, polishing skin, polishing liquid and anti-corrosion liquid) for five months, finally locking the current polishing process. With strong R&D and precision manufacturing capabilities to overcome difficulties, every opening of the metal frame is smooth and delicate, and the simple lines perfectly fit the textured back cover, making Xiaomi 14 Pro exquisite and eye-catching.


Join hands to explore more exciting

From 2012 to 2023, Bourne Optics and Xiaomi started in-depth cooperation, established a joint laboratory and created a number of classic products. The successful application of new technologies and processes on Xiaomi 14 Pro at this conference has become another milestone in the cooperation between the two parties. In the future, Bourne Optics will continue to strengthen its independent innovation capability, continue to develop high-tech technologies, and explore more wonderful things together with Xiaomi with exquisite manufacturing technology.