# Funny

Anyway, I don’t study for a day.

Teacher Shi.

Tomorrow is the weekend. Today, the teacher won’t delay the class. Let’s go home early. Never leave your homework. By the way, it’s over, he remembered, it’s raining outside, so be sure to pay attention to safety on the way home.

Teacher, haven’t you left your homework yet? I didn’t know I didn’t leave my homework. You are so easy to get beaten, don’t you know? This is not just the end of the monthly exam. I think everyone did well in the exam, so I won’t leave any homework this time. Let’s relax and combine work and rest this Sunday. I object, teacher. You will delay our study too much. Do you want to hear what you are saying? Zi Xuan, don’t be a demon. You don’t want to rest. We want to rest. You idiot just want to play. Didn’t you know how many points you scored in the last exam?

Zi Xuan, don’t say that. I’m so proud that I’ve made great progress this time. It’s understandable to have a rest. No. Teacher, why are your requirements so low? Be strict with students, don’t you know? You also taught me a lesson. I don’t know about others. Anyway, if I don’t study for a day, I will feel uncomfortable all over and I can’t even sleep.

Zi Xuan, your grades seem to have regressed this time, right? I seem to have failed math. Right. So I strongly urge the teacher to leave us homework, and I will study hard when I go home. Okay, you asked for it. Zi Xuan, just finish this exercise book, and the others have no homework to go home. Man-eating goblin in the making.

The difference between "reading at night" exercise and not exercising is a whole life.


There is a question on the Internet:What are the benefits of sticking to exercise?Praise replied:Sleep well and seldom suffer from insomnia;In a good mood, feel great;Quick body and quick response;More importantly, when the whole company catches a cold, I don’t catch a cold …

In this life, the most important thing is to have a good body, a good mood and a good attitude.And these, sports can just give you.Exercise and no exercise, life is really different.

Seeing an old man on the news,Spend a lot of time exercising after retirement. In winter in the northeast, it can reach MINUS 20 degrees Celsius, and he never stops exercising.Persistence in one day and two days will bring little change;And more than 20 years of persistence, let him practice a strong figure, but also let his body be healthier than his peers..
The most intuitive change that exercise can bring to a person is getting healthier and healthier.Long-term lack of exercise, the function of tissues and organs decline, and various diseases are easy to follow. A person’s decadent life consumes not only his own time, but also his health.
It is said that a person’s body hides his life direction.People who can manage their physical condition and plan their lives can often manage their lives better. The world is secretly rewarding those who love sports.
In the adjustment of emotions, the role of exercise is beyond many people’s imagination.
A neuroscientist once told a personal experience.As a scientist, she spends a lot of time in the laboratory every day. The pressure of work made her ignore her physical demands. Over time, her weight soared and she was unhappy. Once she walked out of the laboratory, she even began to doubt herself and felt that she had accomplished nothing.
In order to change this situation as soon as possible, she began to participate in various sports courses in the gym.She tried free fighting, dancing, yoga and so on. I felt very hard at first, but after every exercise, her mood will get better and her body will be very comfortable.After a year of persistent exercise, her weight tends to be normal.She was also surprised to find that her memory and concentration were better than before when doing scientific research.
It is said that it is difficult to control emotions, and exercise gives us a way to release bad emotions.Imagine, let the sweat take away the gloomy mood, will the whole person’s state be more positive?
Exercise, alsoIt will enhance our confidence in facing the life around us and enable us to face difficulties with a more positive and optimistic attitude.
I have such a friend around me,When we met last year, he was depressed, complaining that life was boring and there was endless work at hand. Because of his bad mentality, it is a great pressure to put small things on him. He often can’t sleep well all night, and his spirit is low.
Seeing him again this year, he seems to be a different person, a lot more sunny than before.It was only after asking that he learned that during this more than a year, he followed the advice of people around him and began to exercise.Whenever he has time, he will go for a few laps in the park.At first, he was panting after running a few hundred meters, but with the increase of running times, he gradually realized the "pleasure of running" from the need to force himself to concentrate on sports. He said that when you devote yourself to sports, your worries are forgotten, and your whole state is getting better and better.
I have heard the saying that exercise can keep a person young. I think so. What kind of mentality a person treats life with, what kind of state life will give him back.It is said that exercise and non-exercise lead different lives.Every minute you invest in sports will affect your state and mentality, and will affect your quality of life and happiness index.
So, while the sun is shining, let’s move!Life never starts too late,Even the smallest change, multiplied by 365 days, will become the strength that others can’t envy.

Source:Reading at ten o’clock (ID: duhaoshu) | Author: Zhou Meihao | Anchor: Zhao Wenlong

Submission email: rmrbydtg@163.com

Academician Zhong Nanshan suggested: Keep exercising, you will be younger than your peers, and there are two things to do.

Everyone is familiar with Zhong Nanshan. This is an 85-year-old academician of China Academy of Engineering who fought in the front line of fighting against the epidemic twice. Although we didn’t see him personally, we can see through the lens that he is 85 years old, with a tall and straight figure and strong posture, which is not inferior to the young people next to him. Why?

In April this year, when Zhong Nanshan was giving online lectures to students in Nankai, Tianjin, there was a remark that surprised all the students, that is, now some of his students are lying in bed, and some have already used crutches, and the reason why he is still in good health is that he has never stopped exercising. At the time of teachingZhong Nanshan has always said that exercise plays a very important role in his health.

One: we must persist in sports.

When Zhong Nanshan was young, his physical quality could reach the level of a professional athlete. He believed that exercise should be an indispensable part of every day like sleeping. According to the Guangzhou Daily, Zhong Nanshan was compared when he was a child.Like competitive sports, for exampleBasketball or runningWait, he once created several sports records in school that no one has ever broken. For example, at a National Games a few decades ago, he once broke the national record of 400-meter hurdles.

It is because Zhong Nanshan, no matter how busy his life is, willTake time out to exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week.every timeThe time is about forty or fifty minutes.He said that a person who has been exercising for 30 to 40 years old may not see any effect for the time being, but when you reach middle age, that is, after 50 years old, you will try again, and the effect will be there. You will look younger than your peers, and if you wait until you are 70 to 80 years old, the effect will be even more obvious.

How to exercise?

He doesn’t have any special exercise mode, just simple and ordinary exercise, such asRun on the treadmill, support on the bar and do sit-ups.Exercise from the inside out, and take the whole family out when you have time.Swim. Nowadays, young people should exercise more, so they can give it a try.Basketball, badminton or running fast,Old people are a little relieved,Taiji, brisk walking or swimming.Everything is ok. It can be seen that Academician Zhong Nanshan did not pursue high-intensity sports.Just what suits you, especially the elderly.

Two: Have a good attitude.

Zhong Nanshan said that whether a person is really healthy,It depends not only on the body but also on the mind.. That is to say, bad emotions are harmful to people’s health. Scientists have found that each of us has about 3,000 cancer cells every day. Don’t panic. The immune system in our body will repair or eliminate cancer cells. Of course, their work cannot be separated from a good mood. If a person often has a dark cloud on his head,Have a bad mood.Then it will affect the work of the body’s immune system, and the ability of good cells in the body to restrict cancer cells will be restricted. Over time, there are more and more cancer cells in the body, and then, plus cancer cells are more cunning, they will be in the early stage.Lurking in the human body.If you don’t do the corresponding physical examination, it will be difficult to find out, so that’s why many people find that cancer is basically advanced, and then there is no cure, because it has beenMiss the best timeYes.

How to have a good attitude?

Zhong Nanshan said that the most important thing is to have a good attitude.Have a good pursuit.Many things can beLaugh it off, don’t worry about it.

If a person has no pursuit, he will pay attention to any irrelevant trivial things around him, and then any small things will affect your mood, causing your heart to become impetuous and anxious, especially the young people now, and the middle-aged and elderly people who have worked and retired and have nothing to do. If you have a goal, you will work hard to achieve it.The mentality is naturally good.

Three: Don’t eat too much.

Three years ago, at a food festival in Guangzhou, Zhong Nanshan generously exposed his breakfast recipe, the breakfast of Academician Zhong Nanshan.Not only many but also rich.. He believes that breakfast must be eaten and eaten seriously. There are staple foods, two kinds of protein and one or two kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. Yes.Enhance satiety, but also conducive to digestion.achieveGood breakfast, full lunch and little dinner.The principle of eating, breakfast is mainly based onFruits and vegetables and dairy products and beans.Mainly, mainly at noonFish, poultry and beansGive priority to, dinner is.Whole grains.

Not only Zhong Nanshan, but also Ge Junbo, an academician of China Academy of Sciences, said that eating breakfast well is good for the heart and can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If you don’t eat breakfast, it will lead to overweight, hyperlipidemia and other diseases.

To sum up, Zhong Nanshan, like us, is a mortal body. Why can people be the same as young people at the age of 85? Just look at these three things.Exercise more, have a good attitude and don’t eat too much.Don’t hurry up and do it?


1. "85-year-old Academician Zhong Nanshan advises you to keep exercising: my classmates are either on crutches or lying in bed now"-Beiqing.com 2022-04-11.

2. The 84-year-old young people in Zhong Nanshan who are in poor health benefit from decades of daily exercise-Guangming. com 2020-08-09.

3. Zhong Nanshan: That’s the Way to Eat Breakfast-Guangming. com 2021-07-16.

Most doctors won’t tell you some "cold knowledge" about female physiology, so you should pay attention to it yourself.

Nowadays, most women really know very little about their own physiological knowledge, and most women also take an evasive and obscure attitude towards some topics of women’s physiological knowledge, and are unwilling to say or mention them. In fact, this is not correct. For their own physiological knowledge, it is the best way to deal with them correctly and actively.

You should know these cold knowledge about female physiology, even if the doctor doesn’t say it.

The first cold knowledge is that, for women, not everyone’s menstrual cycle is 30 days. In fact, women’s menstrual cycle is normal within 21~35 days. Many women will think that their menstrual cycle is not 30 days, so they have irregular menstruation. This idea is actually wrong. Whether women have irregular menstruation requires asking a professional doctor, and then making a comprehensive diagnosis according to their medical history, other physical examinations and even their hormone levels. Therefore, for every woman, never dare to feel that her menstrual cycle is not thirty days, and she is the abnormal one.

The second cold knowledge is actually that for women, their private parts should never be washed casually with some lotion, and it is unnecessary to wash private parts, because women’s vagina has the function of self-cleaning, and the vulva can be washed properly, but the vulva should never be washed. Excessive cleaning will cause more bacteria in the vagina, leading to vaginal dysfunction and counterproductive effects. And even if you use some professional cleaning agents, you can’t use them indiscriminately. You must ask a professional before you can use them properly.

The third cold knowledge about women’s physiology is that for women, urinary tract infection must be treated as early as possible, otherwise it will easily endanger the uterus! For many years, women may think that diseases such as urinary tract infection are definitely easier for men. In fact, compared with men, women are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infection. Because women’s urinary tract is shorter than men’s urinary tract, it is easier to get caught, and the way to avoid it is to keep the vulva clean, of course, to clean it in moderation, not to hold back urine, and to drink more water in daily life, and to do a good job of cleaning before and after sex.

The fourth cold knowledge about women’s physiology is that every woman needs to start cervical screening at the age of 21. Why? According to experts’ research, the age of 21 is the age when women have sexual intercourse for the first time. When screening begins at this period, you can find the problem early, or you can find the problem early and treat it early. Another reason is that in the past screening data, it is very rare for women to get cervical cancer before the age of 21, so to sum up, doctors’ research shows that it is the most appropriate time for women to start cervical screening at the age of 21.

The fifth cold knowledge about women’s physiology is aimed at the disease of pelvic effusion that women are prone to, and it is best not to treat it indiscriminately. Because about pelvic effusion, it is divided into two types, one is physiological and the other is pathological. If it is physiological pelvic effusion, it will gradually disappear after ovulation or early pregnancy, but if it is pathological, it will not be easily eliminated by some drugs at this time, so it is necessary to go to a special doctor for diagnosis and consultation. Therefore, for this disease, every woman should have a snack, and never treat and take medicine by herself.

About these physiological cold knowledge, women must know fairly well, after all, their health is the most important thing for themselves! # Breeze Plan #

Table of the best exercise stages of the human body. What kind of exercise do you do at what age?

Come on, let’s go rock climbing. ]
[Rock climbing, you are 60 years old, can you still rock climbing? ]
[This exercise is relatively large, which is more beneficial to your health ~]
[That’s where you are wrong. Although exercise is very important, only exercise that suits your age is good for your health. ]
[and this statement? Then tell me, how does sports distinguish age groups? ]
[Ok, listen to me and tell you, this 60-year-old should exercise slowly …]
In recent years, the fitness craze has swept all ages.From the eighties to the eighties, Grandpa Muscle became a online celebrity, and from the young college students, everyone basically began to pay attention to sports.

In fact, people of different ages have suitable sports, different ages and physical qualities, and the key exercises they need are naturally different, so they need to choose appropriate and correct sports. For those who insist on exercise, the body will gain a lot of benefits imperceptibly.

Energetic:People who exercise regularly will give people an energetic and energetic look. As we all know, exercise accelerates the metabolic rate. In fact, not only during exercise, but also within 12 hours after exercise,The rate of metabolism will also be accelerated, thus keeping people full of vitality.

Improve sleep quality and improve cardiopulmonary function;When exercising,It can indirectly exercise the heart and lungs, thus improving the cardiopulmonary function and reducing the probability of heart and lung diseases.. In addition, people who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from insomnia, because exercise can effectively promote sleep and improve sleep quality.

Burn fat and keep weight:For beauty lovers, exercise is a good way to keep weight and lose weight.During exercise, fat is burned, calories are consumed, and weight naturally becomes lighter.

Enhance resistance:Exercise can promote blood circulation, enhance lymphatic flow, and help muscle contraction, thus effectively improving resistance and maintaining good health. People who exercise regularly are less likely to be infected during the flu season.

Release emotional stress:During exercise, the body will release a lot of indophenol, which is a substance that can ease the mood and make the mood calm. Therefore, exercise is an effective way to release emotional stress. If you encounter setbacks in the near future and have bad emotions, you may wish to exercise and get rid of them.

There are thousands of sports, which one is suitable for you? Actually, luckExercise is also divided into different age groups. People of different ages have different suitable sports. Only by choosing the right sports can we get the greatest benefits.

Children:What is the most suitable exercise for children?Ball games, swimming and other sports that can exercise various muscle groups.Experiencing new sports is full of fun for children, and showing more strength in sports is also something that children are proud of. In ball games, whether it is football or badminton, it can improve children’s teamwork ability. In addition, they can also promote bone growth and enhance their immunity through exercise.

Youth:People of this age group are more suitable.Rock climbing, ball games, sprints and other sports that can strengthen muscles and bones. Because youth is an important period for shaping bones and body shape, you should exercise at least three days a week and at least 30 minutes a day. While insisting on moderate-intensity sports such as ball games and sprints, you can also supplement strength training such as rock climbing and push-ups to train local muscles in a targeted manner.

Middle age:At this stage, the intensity of crowd exercise does not need to be increased, but enough exercise should be ensured.Ensure at least 150 minutes of exercise every week, and you can choose cycling, swimming or jogging.And carry out targeted strength training for body muscles to ensure muscle strength.

Middle-aged and elderly:After the age of 65, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the intensity of exercise and try to choose.Low-intensity sports such as walking, Ba Duan Jin or Tai Ji Chuan.. This is because the middle-aged and elderly people will have some health problems, such as calcium loss, which is prone to fractures. If they do high-intensity exercise, they are prone to accidents. Middle-aged and elderly people should exercise for the purpose of physical fitness and health care and do what they can.

In fact, no matter what age group people are, they should do warm-up exercises before exercise to ensure that there will be no accidents during exercise.

Warm-up exercise before exercise can make the body "ready" and avoid problems such as muscle strain, joint injury and ligament strain during exercise. So, what should you do to warm up?

In-situ leg lifts:Hold your head high, keep your eyes on the front, relax your body, raise your legs, swing your arms naturally, and alternate your legs.

Thoracoforearm rotation:Hold your head high, bend your body slowly, straighten your arms until you can touch your toes, and alternate your hands.

In-situ aerobics:Feet shoulder-width apart, jump up gently, put your hands over your head, and spread your legs naturally.

Leg press lunge:Hands akimbo, lunge posture, center of gravity between legs.

Adhere to scientific and effective sports,It can not only strengthen the body, but also effectively reduce the aging rate of the body.Starting from tomorrow, let’s move!


[1] "Preparation before fitness, five simple and practical warm-up exercises to avoid physical injury! Network Planet. 2018-02-01

[2] "Table of the Best Exercise Stages of the Human Body, What kind of exercise do you do at what age?" .2019-05-13

[3] There are so many benefits of sports, how many do you know? Xi ‘an Brothers Move. 2018-04-25

# Breeze Plan # # Health Enjoy Officer ##39 Health Super Group #

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"double 11" Perspective

China Business Daily (Reporter Ma Jia)This year’s "double 11", beauty rivers and lakes "killing" extremely fierce. According to the list data of pre-sale and final payment volume, L ‘Oré al, Estee Lauder and Lancome, the big brands in Europe and America, take the lead; Domestic products such as Polaiya, Winona, Quadi, Nature Hall, etc. rank among the list and become "dark horses"; The Korean makeup brand "disappeared" across the board and was squeezed out of the list.

Some insiders told China Business Daily that at present, European and American brands and domestic brands are "positive", and "double 11" may make domestic and foreign brands fall into the anxiety of "price war".

Domestic beauty cosmetics and the "positive rigidity" of big brands in Europe and America

In this beauty promotion war, domestic brands compete head-on with big brands in Europe and America.

After the first wave of pre-sale data of "double 11" was released this year, domestic beauty products showed the momentum of becoming a "dark horse", and more and more domestic beauty brands made the list. According to the pre-sale data released by Tmall on October 31, Hua Xizi, Caitang, Blankme and Mao Geping are among the top 20 cosmetics sales; In the beauty and skin care category, Polaiya, Winona, Quadi and Nature Hall are all on the list.

The relevant person in charge of Winona told reporters that this year’s situation exceeded expectations, and a number of large single products sold explosively. The sales of special care essence just newly listed in September also rushed to 600,000 pieces during the pre-sale period.

Although the performance of domestic beauty products is more "competitive" this year, judging from the pre-sale and final transaction, the top brands in Europe and America are still the top brands. On the Tmall platform, in addition to the above-mentioned eight domestic brands, the top 20 brands in the sales list of cosmetics, beauty and skin care are European and American brands, and L ‘Oreal, Estee Lauder and Lancome lead the major beauty categories; On platforms such as JD.COM and Tik Tok, L ‘Oreal, Shiseido and Estee Lauder continue to lead.

The relevant person in charge of Estee Lauder’s sales business said that all brands under the group were fully prepared for the "double 11", which increased the stocking volume and gave greater preferential treatment. Judging from the sales results, the performances of all brands are bright.

It is worth noting that this year, domestic brands and big brands in Europe and America have made great concessions in price. Major international beauty brands not only launched preferential activities such as "buy one get one free" and "give away samples", but many brands even lowered the prices of original products. According to consumer statistics, during the "double 11" this year, the discounts of domestic brands are mostly below 30%, while the discounts of international brands are about 40% to 60%.

Kong Sihan, a beauty marketing practitioner, told reporters that this year’s "double 11", domestic beauty brands began to go to the high-end market, such as efficacy skin care products and high-end essence, which all had higher sales. In the live broadcast room of the head anchor, the discount of big-name beauty products in Europe and America is great, and the price of domestic beauty products is lower, which forms a competitive situation between them. This also shows that domestic beauty brands are qualified to compete with international brands in terms of product efficacy and brand influence, which has never happened before in the domestic market.

Korean makeup status may be replaced by domestic makeup.

Why did Korean makeup disappear from the sales list? "This year’s’ double 11′ is more like a reshuffle of beauty brands at home and abroad." The relevant person in charge of the marketing business of a listed cosmetics company in China admitted that European and American brands have a dominant position in the high-end skin care market, and domestic beauty brands are trying to overtake in sub-sectors such as efficacy skin care track. From the perspective of sales performance, domestic beauty brands may be able to find a position in the high-end skin care market; In the past, the advantage of Korean makeup was in makeup products, and many domestic new brands have done quite well in makeup products, which has had a great impact on Korean makeup brands that focus on parity.

It is noteworthy that in this year’s "double 11", domestic beauty brands that started from online cosmetics products seized new opportunities and gave greater promotion discounts.

The relevant person in charge of Yixian E-commerce told reporters that this year’s "double 11", brands such as Perfect Diary, Wanzi Xinxuan, Little Odin, Pico Bear, DR.WU Darfu, Galenic French Colanli and EVE LOM all participated in the promotion. "In order to meet the needs of more consumers for beauty, the company has increased discounts and enriched its product matrix. For example, the perfect diary has a new series of wild leopard gold and brown cosmetics, and Odin Jr. and Betty Boop jointly launched a limited joint series of’ ‘90′ s spice girl makeup’. In the whole cycle of "double 11", in addition to cooperating with external anchors, the company’s own stores also added "the president came to the self-broadcast room" and "the star talent entered the self-broadcast room", and the frequency and duration of live broadcast increased, realizing 12-24 hours of high-frequency live broadcast interaction. "

"Domestic beauty brands have a lot of innovations in affordable makeup, from packaging, color to product promotion strategies, which have dazzled domestic consumers." Kong Sihan said that the young consumers who loved Korean makeup before turned their attention to domestic cosmetics, and Korean makeup will be transformed into mid-to high-end products in China market. For example, Amore Pacific has continuously launched high-end products such as Snow Show Anti-aging Series, IOPE Essence and Yueshi Fengyin Black Tea Essence.

Online competition will continue.

It is noteworthy that after "double 11", domestic and foreign beauty brands may rely more on online sales channels.

The relevant person in charge of Beiersdorf told reporters: "In addition to the promotion in major channels in the past, the company’s marketing department has also stepped up its efforts to promote social media frequently used by consumers such as Xiaohongshu and Tik Tok. Short video’ planting grass’, information flow and accurate crowd delivery are all constantly creating momentum for store activities. In terms of live broadcast, we have launched different product mechanisms in the live broadcast rooms of different platforms to attract more consumers. "

The person in charge of Huaxi Bio said that this year’s "double 11" Tmall beauty venue, two brands of the company entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and at the same time, the traffic of their own live broadcast rooms was comparable to that of the head anchor. The cost of putting the brand into the live broadcast room can be controlled, which will not have much impact on the overall expense rate of the company. With the promotion of brand power, consumers’ active purchase behaviors such as name-calling purchase and window search have also made a stable contribution to the performance.

"Fighting for the head anchor and price reduction promotion are two things that beauty brands must do in double 11." The relevant person in charge of the marketing business of a domestic listed cosmetics company admitted to the reporter that at the promotion nodes such as "double 11" and "June 18th", most beauty brands invested more than one million yuan in marketing expenses. With the rising cost of online channels, the pressure on domestic beauty brands may be even greater.

"The price reduction space of domestic beauty brands is smaller. If beauty brands attract consumers with low prices as a gimmick as soon as they arrive in double 11, then after several similar promotions, domestic beauty brands will have to face the situation that there is no room for price reduction. The competition in the’ price war’ may not even be guaranteed, and it is impossible to continue to grow for a long time. " Kong Sihan said.