The Palestinian-Israeli war officially expanded, the third country suddenly attacked Israel, and the five-star red flag in the Gaza Strip "fluttered"

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been going on for so long, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip. However, it is worrying that the war still shows no signs of stopping. Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip, continue to be cruel to civilians. Israel did not expect that when the Israeli army bombed Gaza, a third country suddenly bombed Israel, which marked the official expansion of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. On the 16th, the Houthi armed forces in Yemen claimed to have launched a "cross-border drone attack" on several targets in the southern Israeli city of Eilat. A spokesman for the Houthi armed forces said that the organization will continue to attack Israel until Israel stops its attack in the Gaza Strip.

On the 16th, Israel continued to launch air strikes against the Gaza Strip. The casualties were unknown, but the communication service in the Gaza Strip was interrupted. Palestinian media pointed out that while Israel carried out air strikes, its ground troops continued to slaughter civilians. On the same day, the Israeli army attacked a hospital in northern Gaza. Israeli soldiers drove armored bulldozers and destroyed tents where patients and displaced people lived, killing at least 20 people.

According to international law, during the war, such non-military targets as hospitals and schools cannot be attacked, and the Israeli army claimed that there were Hamas fighters in these places and carried out inhuman attacks on these places, resulting in the tragic death of a large number of innocent civilians. In fact, the Israeli army attacked the hospital in order to prevent these places from providing timely treatment to Hamas fighters. Hamas fighters who can’t get effective treatment can only die.

It can be seen that the Israeli army is really insane in order to destroy Hamas and annex Gaza. On the 16th, Hamas officials said that since the outbreak of the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel has continued to bomb Gaza, resulting in constant civilian casualties. At present, at least 19,000 Palestinians have died, and more than 8,000 people are missing. Among these 8,000 people, there are no bones left by Israeli bombing, or they may be buried alive. Nine times out of ten, they are unlucky.

The viciousness of the Israeli army has also led to the death of Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip. Recently, the Israeli army "killed" three Israeli hostages in an offensive.this momentIt has caused great controversy at home and abroad, because Israel attacked the Gaza Strip under the guise of rescuing hostages, and as a result, the person you wanted to save was killed by you. What is the significance of launching a war? Why do you have to start a war when you can save the hostages through negotiations? In Israel, the families of Israeli detainees held a press conference, strongly demanding that the Israeli Prime Minister and wartime cabinet negotiate with Hamas to peacefully rescue the hostages held by them. After all, the Palestinians and Israelis have exchanged many hostages through a ceasefire before.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized for the "manslaughter" of Israeli hostages, saying that he was very sad and said that he was under strong pressure from the international community, but Israel would not stop its military operations in Gaza.

It can be seen that the Israeli government still does not want to stop the war. Still thinking about the territory of Gaza, as long as Israel’s ambitions are not stopped, the suffering of the people in Gaza will not stop.

China has given active assistance to the suffering Palestinian people. Recently, China has previously announced that it will assist 40 trucks of materials in Gaza, which have been distributed locally. These materials include emergency relief, medical and health care, daily life and other supplies.

A large number of Palestinian children in Gaza gathered and danced. Knowing that these life-saving materials came from Yiwu, China, they waved a five-star red flag and held high a "poster" that read "Yiwu, China". They shouted "Thank you China" crazily, which made people cry.


After six years in Shanghai, Chun Xuanmao continues to lead the new trend of Shanghai-style pension life!

On December 16th, a long-planned "Six Endless Tides of Time in Shanghai Style" was held in Chunxuanmao Hongwan with the theme of Dream Back to Paramount.seniorThe celebration of the sixth anniversary of the community was held in Shanghai as scheduled. Living elders, their families, guests and friends, and Chunxuanmao Hongwan.seniorCommunity workers gathered together to celebrate Chunxuanmao Hongwan with a wonderful performance with unique Shanghai characteristics.seniorOn the sixth birthday of the community, I talked about the charm of the exquisite old-age life in Shanghai.

Deeply cultivate Shanghaisixyear,Be steadfast in one’s original heart

In 2017, Chun Xuanmao started the layout of the old-age life in the Yangtze River Delta region with Shanghai as the origin. Chun Xuan Mao hong wanseniorThe community is the first stop in the development of the Yangtze River Delta. Chunxuanmao, the downtown center of Hongqiao, which has strong Shanghai characteristics, has his own ingenious ideas. Its purpose is to enable Shanghai elders to integrate Chunxuanmao’s concept of healthy old-age care with their living habits while continuing their convenient, prosperous and exquisite urban life.

Here, there is an exquisite life field that belongs to the memory of the elders’ growth. In the early morning, the elders stroll along the picturesque riverside trail and enjoy this pleasant slow time; In the afternoon, under the genial warmth, gentle pingtan, pattern cheongsam, and country.feng shuiInk has become an indispensable part of the elders.

Here, Chun Xuanmao uses professional health management services to help elders stay healthy and prolong their healthy lives. With high-quality life service, help the elders take care of their daily lives and let them enjoy the old-age life easily and happily. Meet the taste bud needs of the elders with rich scientific diet collocation.

After six years of deep cultivation, Chunxuanmao HongwanseniorThe community has become synonymous with Shanghai’s exquisite old-age care, and the initial concept of professional old-age care is consistent, and continuous optimization continues to lead the new trend of old-age care in Shanghai.

Dream back to Bailemen era,Haipai pension modernParty

Combining the unique gene of Bailemen era in Shanghai, Chunxuanmao HongwanseniorThe celebration of the sixth anniversary of the community launched a trip to recall the classic years of old Shanghai around Paramount Gate.

Chun Xuan Mao hong wanseniorLai Yong, the dean of the community, said in his speech at the event that "healthy old-age care and professionalism come first. Chun Xuanmao is engaged in a difficult and loving career. Here, with professional services and systematic pension mode, we will comprehensively care for the healthy life of the elders. In the scientific diet management, we should customize scientific meals according to the eating habits of the elders in Shanghai to help them be healthy.Kang ShengLive. In life, the professional life housekeeper takes care of the daily life of the elders, and the community regularly holds cultural performances, manual classes and other community entertainment activities to make the elders change from passive pension to active enjoyment of the elderly. Professional health management, customized health management files for elders, and irregular health consultation for elders to help elders keep healthy and prolong their healthy life. "

Chun Xuan Mao hong wanseniorLai Yong, dean of the community

Hua Dan Li Xiaoling, a popular elder living in Shanghai, started with a night Shanghai song and dance performance, taking everyone back to the busy and varied old Shanghai. The Shanghai jazz "Ha Cha Cha" brought by teacher Zhang Aili will make the party better and better. Followed by "Shanghai Ballad", "Beauty of Lijiang River in Ink and Wash" and "We All Have a Home", the rich Shanghai style was vividly interpreted and received bursts of applause and praise.

Earnestly fulfill the promise of the family. At the event site, the award of "The Most Beautiful Family" was awarded to the elders who accompanied Chun Xuanmao for six years: Li Guilan, Ding Yanyi, He Jintian, Qi Ligen and Wu Zhengbi, and the employees who grew up with Chun Xuanmao: Chen Julan, Liu Fengying, Shu Chenxiang and Xiang Junfen. "Chunxuanmao is fulfilling his promise with the service with temperature, which is also the core reason why our elders choose Chunxuanmao." Teacher Ding, the elder, said this as the presenter. Chun Xuan Mao hong wanseniorThe monthly birthday party of the community will be performed at the event site. In everyone’s birthday wishes, the birthday stars will cut the cake together and get full blessings. In Chun Xuanmao’s view, the choice of elders and employees is a kind of fate and trust, and the choice of elders is the best affirmation of Chun Xuanmao’s old-age life. I believe that with this warmth in the future, we will go further and longer as family members.

In the laughter, Chunxuanmao HongwanseniorThe celebration of the sixth anniversary of the community ended successfully. The seventh year has officially kicked off, and the future is Chunxuanmao Hongwan.seniorThe community will continue to practice healthy old-age life and continue to lead the new trend of old-age care in Shanghai.

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Take stock of funny pictures, who laughs at the whole network with a stomachache, and laughs to death ~ (the first issue)

Thanks for clicking into this hilarious joke collection! Get ready to be funny!

Today, I took stock of the funniest pictures on the whole network, and the opportunity to laugh is just around the corner.

Come and have a good laugh together, but please remember to make your stomach bear it, and don’t laugh until you shed tears ~ Here are the highlights of today’s jokes, to make sure you laugh to death!

Lovers’ game: write one thing that the other party doesn’t know!

How lucky! My wife and mother-in-law are pregnant at the same time!

Challenge: look into her eyes for ten seconds!

These funny pictures networks are like a bright mirror, reflecting countless happy moments in our lives.

They not only make people relax in their busy lives, but also arouse people’s laughter and bring people more happiness.

Therefore, when you browse the Internet, you might as well pay more attention to these funny pictures, which will bring you unexpected joy.

Let’s face life with a smile and spend every day happily!

Do you know the eight differences between Korean women and China women?

Eight differences between Korean women and China women;

1. Beauty concept: Korean women attach great importance to appearance and beauty, and usually spend a lot of time and money to maintain their appearance. Although women in China also pay attention to appearance, they usually pay more attention to the beauty of nature and self-confidence.

2. Clothing matching: Korean women usually pursue fashion trends and differentiation, and like to match different types of clothing together. China women, on the other hand, pay more attention to the elegance and elegance of clothes, and like traditional and beautiful clothes.

3. Personality characteristics: Korean women are usually more enthusiastic and open, expressing their feelings and opinions. However, women in China are usually reserved and reserved, and pay more attention to thinking and exploring their hearts.

4. Socialization: Korean women usually choose to go to cafes, bars or some emerging social places with friends to enjoy the fun of socializing. Women in China usually choose to go to parks, teahouses or chat at home with friends, and pay more attention to intimate interpersonal relationships.

5. Family responsibilities: Korean women usually need to take care of and educate their families and children, and usually put family life first. Women in China also take on family responsibilities, but usually pay more attention to the balance between family and work.

6. Education background: Korean women generally receive high-quality education and training, and usually have high academic qualifications and professional status. Women in China are now paying more and more attention to education, but due to historical and cultural reasons, there is still a certain gap between educational opportunities and career development.

7. Marriage concept: Korean women usually get married and have children in their twenties. Traditional family concept is very important. Women in China are relatively more flexible in this respect, and their marriage concepts and family planning are more diversified.

8. Concept of health care: Korean women generally like to eat Undaria pinnatifida for health care, which is a common understanding in Korea. Moreover, there are many ways for women in China to keep healthy, and some ways affect their health.

Korean women like to use Undaria pinnatifida for health preservation mainly for the following three reasons:

1. Undaria pinnatifida is rich in dietary fiber and low in calories, which can effectively suppress appetite, promote gastrointestinal digestion and excrete waste, thus achieving the effect of keeping fit. In addition, Undaria pinnatifida is also rich in vitamins and minerals, which helps to improve skin quality and maintain a healthy and beautiful figure.

2. In Korea, Undaria pinnatifida is a very popular food, which can be made into various delicious dishes, such as Undaria pinnatifida soup and Undaria pinnatifida salad, and is widely used in Korean food culture. Therefore, Undaria pinnatifida has become one of the first choice ingredients for many Korean women to lose weight.

Undaria pinnatifida is a kind of food growing in the sea, which has strong reproductive ability, so it is very economical and affordable, and most people can afford it.

There are many kinds of Undaria pinnatifida in the market, and the price is not high. If it is an e-commerce platform, it will be cheaper. A bag of Undaria pinnatifida in the headline shop is 19.9 yuan, which is very popular and has sold more than 2 million copies. Interested friends can click on the link below to buy it.

Fashion trends: the latest and hottest fashion trends in 2023.

Hi, fashionistas! 2023 has arrived, are you eager to know what the latest and hottest fashion trends are? Don’t worry, we unveiled the 2023 fashion collection for you, making you a trend vane! Follow us to explore the excitement of this fashion world, so that your clothes are no longer ordinary!

1. ** The revival of exaggerated colors * *:

In 2023, bold and exaggerated colors will become the dominant color in the fashion world. Don’t immerse yourself in the world of black, white and gray, try some eye-catching colors, such as bright orange and bright blue like the sky, so that the whole street can become your personal runway!

2. ** Unique material combination * *:

The eclectic fashion trend people will carry out the material combination to the end. The wonderful combination of silk and leather and the dialogue between metal and wool make you feel layered. Challenge tradition and create your own fashion language.

3. ** Retro style rises again * *:

The classic elements of the 1980s and 1990s have returned again. Loose jeans, colorful plaid shirts and exaggerated shoulder designs break the boundaries between time and space, allowing you to show your personality in retro.

4. ** Luxury sports style * *:

The perfect combination of sports style and luxury elements makes you show elegance in lazy leisure. Sweater pants with high heels, sports coat with jewelry, let you easily control the streets and parties.

5. ** Digital Art Printing * *:

Unique printing inspired by digital art has become the new darling of fashion. Abstract geometric patterns and digital oil painting styles make your clothing a moving work of art, leading the trend.

6. ** The trend of customization * *:

Customization becomes the key word of fashion in 2023. Customize your own clothes and accessories, break the homogenization of everyone and show the unique charm of personality.

7. ** The rise of environmental fashion * *:

Environmental protection has become a new trend of fashion. The design concept of sustainable materials and recycling makes you not only walk on the cutting edge of fashion, but also do your part for the earth.

The fashion stage in 2023 is full of infinite possibilities. Stop following, but lead the trend. Fashion trend, let’s define the fashion attitude belonging to 2023 together and become the fashion pioneer of this era! Keep up with the trend, become a new fashion darling, and show your unique charm!

Mao Bu, Tao Zhe, Vae and other top musicians gathered! 2023 National Tide Music Carnival is deep …

As the end of 2023 approaches, the National Tide Music Carnival (Shenzhen Station) created by Shenzhen Chaoyin Entertainment, a local company in Longgang, Shenzhen, will be held grandly in Longgang Universiade Center on December 24, 2023 and January 1, 2024. The Music Carnival will invite musicians with peak strength such as Mao Bu, Tao Zhe and Vae to gather on the Chaoyin stage.

Music carnival

Performance lineup

Create a new warm winter moment in Tibet, and the two performances will shine simultaneously! Shenzhen Universiade Center Stadium, crossing the winter with two feet off the ground, dispels the cold with the joy of accelerated heartbeat. This time, at the national tide scene, a snowflake is played for the audience.

Activity Poster

It is reported that Chaoyin Entertainment has the first-line resources in the industry and a first-class production and operation team. The operation contents include various music scenes, star brokers, artist incubation, independent IP development, etc. It has been selected in Longgang District as a normal performance venue for indoor livehouse, and plans to hold nearly 100 events every year. In addition, it will be selected as a fixed venue for outdoor music festivals, which will bring a tidal feast to music lovers everywhere through indoor and outdoor linkage.

Since the beginning of this year, Longgang Cultural and Creative Investment Promotion Headquarters has successively introduced high-quality cultural enterprises such as the headquarters of Dafeng Bay District in Zhejiang Province, which has been deeply involved in large-scale performing arts activities, the construction and operation of cultural and sports tourism projects, and Chaoyin Entertainment, which is operated by the pan-entertainment industry chain, which will significantly enhance the business of business performances, cultural and artistic activities planning and other sectors in the region, and drive the upstream and downstream related enterprises in the industry chain to settle in Longgang. In the next step, we will continue to focus on digital creativity and modern fashion industry clusters, focus on creative design, film and television production, animation games, clothing, gold jewelry and other cultural industries, aim at the top 30 national cultural enterprises and leading enterprises, carry out in-depth investment promotion, targeted investment promotion and business investment promotion, speed up the signing of key reserve projects, promote the development of local culture, sports and entertainment industries, empower industrial development with music culture, stimulate new vitality and explore new formats.

Text, map | Cai Pengfei

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng School

Editor | Feng Xiaojing

Proofreading | Zhao Dandan

China Automobile Association: Automobile production and sales are expected to reach a record high in 2023, exceeding expectations and achieving the annual forecast target.

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, December 11 (Reporter Li Qiaochu) On December 11, data released by the China Automobile Association showed that in November this year, China’s automobile production and sales were 3.093 million and 2.97 million respectively, up 7% and 4.1% from the previous month and 29.4% and 27.4% from the same period last year. Among them, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 1.074 million and 1.026 million respectively, up by 39.2% and 30% respectively, and the market share reached 34.5%.

According to the China Automobile Association, in November this year, the automobile market continued to be hot. With the help of the "double 11" promotion and other consumer waves, the demand for car purchase was further released, and the market performance continued to improve and exceeded expectations. In November, both automobile production and sales increased year-on-year, passenger cars continued their good trend, commercial vehicles maintained rapid growth, and new energy vehicles and automobile exports led the industry growth. With the continuous appearance of the policy effect, auto shows and promotional activities in various places continue to exert their strength, and the final sprint of enterprises in the last month, it is expected that the auto market will continue to improve in December, reappearing the phenomenon of "jumping tail" at the end of the year. Automobile production and sales are expected to hit a record high throughout the year, exceeding the expected annual forecast target.

Source: People’s Network

Table of the best exercise stages of the human body. What kind of exercise do you do at what age?

Come on, let’s go rock climbing. ]
[Rock climbing, you are 60 years old, can you still rock climbing? ]
[This exercise is relatively large, which is more beneficial to your health ~]
[That’s where you are wrong. Although exercise is very important, only exercise that suits your age is good for your health. ]
[and this statement? Then tell me, how does sports distinguish age groups? ]
[Ok, listen to me and tell you, this 60-year-old should exercise slowly …]
In recent years, the fitness craze has swept all ages.From the eighties to the eighties, Grandpa Muscle became a online celebrity, and from the young college students, everyone basically began to pay attention to sports.

In fact, people of different ages have suitable sports, different ages and physical qualities, and the key exercises they need are naturally different, so they need to choose appropriate and correct sports. For those who insist on exercise, the body will gain a lot of benefits imperceptibly.

Energetic:People who exercise regularly will give people an energetic and energetic look. As we all know, exercise accelerates the metabolic rate. In fact, not only during exercise, but also within 12 hours after exercise,The rate of metabolism will also be accelerated, thus keeping people full of vitality.

Improve sleep quality and improve cardiopulmonary function;When exercising,It can indirectly exercise the heart and lungs, thus improving the cardiopulmonary function and reducing the probability of heart and lung diseases.. In addition, people who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from insomnia, because exercise can effectively promote sleep and improve sleep quality.

Burn fat and keep weight:For beauty lovers, exercise is a good way to keep weight and lose weight.During exercise, fat is burned, calories are consumed, and weight naturally becomes lighter.

Enhance resistance:Exercise can promote blood circulation, enhance lymphatic flow, and help muscle contraction, thus effectively improving resistance and maintaining good health. People who exercise regularly are less likely to be infected during the flu season.

Release emotional stress:During exercise, the body will release a lot of indophenol, which is a substance that can ease the mood and make the mood calm. Therefore, exercise is an effective way to release emotional stress. If you encounter setbacks in the near future and have bad emotions, you may wish to exercise and get rid of them.

There are thousands of sports, which one is suitable for you? Actually, luckExercise is also divided into different age groups. People of different ages have different suitable sports. Only by choosing the right sports can we get the greatest benefits.

Children:What is the most suitable exercise for children?Ball games, swimming and other sports that can exercise various muscle groups.Experiencing new sports is full of fun for children, and showing more strength in sports is also something that children are proud of. In ball games, whether it is football or badminton, it can improve children’s teamwork ability. In addition, they can also promote bone growth and enhance their immunity through exercise.

Youth:People of this age group are more suitable.Rock climbing, ball games, sprints and other sports that can strengthen muscles and bones. Because youth is an important period for shaping bones and body shape, you should exercise at least three days a week and at least 30 minutes a day. While insisting on moderate-intensity sports such as ball games and sprints, you can also supplement strength training such as rock climbing and push-ups to train local muscles in a targeted manner.

Middle age:At this stage, the intensity of crowd exercise does not need to be increased, but enough exercise should be ensured.Ensure at least 150 minutes of exercise every week, and you can choose cycling, swimming or jogging.And carry out targeted strength training for body muscles to ensure muscle strength.

Middle-aged and elderly:After the age of 65, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the intensity of exercise and try to choose.Low-intensity sports such as walking, Ba Duan Jin or Tai Ji Chuan.. This is because the middle-aged and elderly people will have some health problems, such as calcium loss, which is prone to fractures. If they do high-intensity exercise, they are prone to accidents. Middle-aged and elderly people should exercise for the purpose of physical fitness and health care and do what they can.

In fact, no matter what age group people are, they should do warm-up exercises before exercise to ensure that there will be no accidents during exercise.

Warm-up exercise before exercise can make the body "ready" and avoid problems such as muscle strain, joint injury and ligament strain during exercise. So, what should you do to warm up?

In-situ leg lifts:Hold your head high, keep your eyes on the front, relax your body, raise your legs, swing your arms naturally, and alternate your legs.

Thoracoforearm rotation:Hold your head high, bend your body slowly, straighten your arms until you can touch your toes, and alternate your hands.

In-situ aerobics:Feet shoulder-width apart, jump up gently, put your hands over your head, and spread your legs naturally.

Leg press lunge:Hands akimbo, lunge posture, center of gravity between legs.

Adhere to scientific and effective sports,It can not only strengthen the body, but also effectively reduce the aging rate of the body.Starting from tomorrow, let’s move!


[1] "Preparation before fitness, five simple and practical warm-up exercises to avoid physical injury! Network Planet. 2018-02-01

[2] "Table of the Best Exercise Stages of the Human Body, What kind of exercise do you do at what age?" .2019-05-13

[3] There are so many benefits of sports, how many do you know? Xi ‘an Brothers Move. 2018-04-25

# Breeze Plan # # Health Enjoy Officer ##39 Health Super Group #

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The war is just around the corner, and 14 overseas masterpieces get the version numbers, and Tencent, Netease and Linxi are ready to go.

Who will be the winner?

The introduction of game reserves in the domestic market this year is quite interesting.
Recently, Grape Jun has made an inventory.Q1′ s Dachang Product Reserve, andThe recent masterpieces are voiced or finalized.. From this, you can see many flagship products developed by big manufacturers, most of which are key projects with high hopes.
These times are highly certain, and it is very promising to occupy a place in the head echelon after going online. At the same time, there are another batch of masterpieces, which have entered the next waiting echelon with the imported version numbers issued at the end of last year.
Although the schedule of many of these products is not clear for the time being, or no new trends have been released, it is still worth sorting out and summarizing.
Some of the products with imported version numbers are "not small". Considering the previous product achievements, influence or IP magnitude, after they go online, they may also cause quite a storm.


Fearless contract
Fearless contract(Valorant)It is the first FPS product launched by Fist and will be released by Tencent in the domestic market.
When it was first published, people habitually associated it with Watching Pioneer, thinking that it was all action shooting with MOBA elements. But after actually getting started, players found that the overall feedback of the game was closer to classic FPS such as CS: GO.
Valorant is another big DAU product after League of Legends. When the game was first released, it was once criticized that the image quality specification was not high, but on the other hand, it also made the hardware threshold of Valorant extremely low. In an interview, the developer once said that "the PC ten years ago should also run with low image quality".
In addition to the gameplay content, these preconditions objectively ensure the popularization of the game. On the Twitch platform, Valorant is the most watched shooting game, nearly twice as much as the second-place CS: GO.
After its official release, Valorant has also entered the forefront of PC game revenue ranking by SuperData, so it can be optimistically predicted that after it is launched in the domestic market, the game is likely to have outstanding performance in terms of user volume and market performance.

Ark of destiny
Ark of destiny(Lost Ark, translated as "Lost Ark" in China before it was officially named)MMORPG, developed by CF developer Smile Gate, was launched in the Korean market as early as 2019, and then distributed by Amazon to European and American markets, and the domestic market was distributed by Tencent.

The official positioning of "Ark of Destiny" is "MMOARPG with fantasy theme", which emphasizes the action of overlooking angle more than typical MMO. At the same time, in addition to the core warfare mechanism, the game has designed a life system with more content levels.
Although there is little innovation in gameplay, Amazon made corresponding localization and numerical adjustment for local players when it was released to Europe and the United States, which made the game outstanding in the target market. The total number of players exceeded 20 million within one month of its launch, and Steam reached more than 1.3 million at the same time, which once became the second-ranked game in the history of Steam.
Korean MMO was once one of the backbone of domestic end-tours, but with the development of domestic market and products, many Korean tours have withdrawn from the historical stage.
However, the Ark of Destiny, a new product that is relatively more suitable for the current needs, may have a different trend. Coupled with the suspension of World of Warcraft’s national service, a large number of MMO audiences who have lost their main games have "opened branches and scattered leaves", which may also become an opportunity that Ark of Destiny can take advantage of.
The game recently plans to start a small-scale technical test, and it seems that it may be expected to go online this year.
Bao ke Meng da Ji "
Bao ke Meng da Ji "(Pokemon Unite)Originally announced in 2020, it is a MOBA game jointly developed by Tianmei and Baokemeng Co., Ltd., which has been launched on overseas NS and mobile platforms earlier.

The game organically combines Baokemeng IP with MOBA gameplay, forming a kind ofThe experience of "a little outrageous at first glance, but actually it feels good to get started".
"Bao Ke Meng Da Ji" won the best game of the year in Google Play in 2021, and also won the three awards of the most popular game, the best battle game and the most innovative game in the same year.
By the end of 2022, it is officially announced that the total download volume of games on NS platform and mobile terminal will exceed 100 million. However, in contrast, the product’s revenue ability is not outstanding. According to statistics of Statista, the monthly income of "Bao Ke Meng Da Ji" since 2022 has never exceeded 2 million US dollars.
Aurora at White Night
"Aurora on a White Night" was born with many labels, including two-dimensional war chess, top-level 2D art production, big touch painter … The game was developed by Yonghang Technology and released by Tencent, and has been launched in overseas markets before.
"White Night Aurora" is also Tencent’s first second-generation new product released overseas. According to the statistics of Sensor Tower, in the month when it was launched in overseas markets in 2021, the game revenue exceeded US$ 17 million, ranking 23rd in the airborne revenue statistics list. "White Night Aurora" ranked 11th in the best-selling list of mobile games in the Japanese market for half a month, and it was the best-performing foreign mobile game in the statistical period.

In addition, after getting the version number, the action of "Aurora at White Night" began to accelerate. Before the Spring Festival, the official bilibili released the first video prologue PV. Last month, "Aurora at White Night" released a new PV "The Colossus Sails", which seems to be a warm-up for the follow-up test. In the following days, the official number released a new PV with Chinese dubbing and camp introduction, and the test date may be announced in a while.
Country of Two: Interlaced Worlds
"Two Kingdoms: Interlaced World" is an MMORPG jointly developed by LEVEL-5 and Netmarble, and the operating unit applying for the version number in China is shown as a dream world. The game’s Ghibli style is its most distinctive label:

However, despite the external style, the overall core of "Two Kingdoms" is still a Korean MMO game with a lot of one-click pathfinding and fighting content, which also leads to some polarization in the evaluation of the game.

The market performance of "Country of Two" is outstanding. In the month of launch, it ranked third in the Top 10 of global popular mobile game revenue in that month according to Sensor Two. The product attracted more than 100 million US dollars in the world within 11 days of launch, and ranked second in the global mobile game bestseller list within two weeks. When the game is only released in Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong and Macao, the revenue in 11 days exceeds 100 million dollars, which is one of the products that reach the revenue node of 100 million dollars at the fastest.
Raid: The Legend of the Shadow
Raid: The Legend of the Shadow(Raid: Shadow Legends)It is a very representative product in the European and American card /Team RPG category in recent years. The game was developed by Israeli developer Plarium and will be distributed by Netease in China.
"Raid: Shadow Legend" was launched as early as 2019, and the domestic App Store was once launched on the iOS version, but its performance was average. However, in developed markets such as the United States, the product rushed into the Top 50 from the Top 100 of the iOS bestseller list one month after its launch, and stayed within the Top 50 for a long time in recent years.
The theme of the product is distinctive and typical, and it is a wide range of fantasy magic categories in European and American markets. "Raid: The Legend of the Shadow" was one of the most expressive products of its kind in the online period. If we only focus on Europe and America, Raid: Shadow Legend can be regarded as a successful attempt to upgrade the quality of card games in Europe and America.
However, in the eyes of domestic card users, "Raid: Shadow Legend" may be a game that is familiar with the gameplay routines and has some picky themes. After all, the foundation of this category in the domestic market is too deep.

Naughty King: Dream Pointer
Nautical King: Dream Pointer is another Nautical King IP product. According to the previous information, it will be a vertical screen, 3D interactive adventure game. The market performance of a Navigator IP product in the morning and evening light years is quite outstanding, which will naturally make people look forward to their next one.

However, all kinds of official accounts before the game seem to have stopped for a while. The latest development of the game bilibili stayed in July last year.
On the TapTap platform, it seems that this game can’t be searched.
The seventh epic
The Seventh Epic is a relatively mainstream two-dimensional card RPG game, which was developed by Korean manufacturer Supercreative and distributed by Zi Long in China. The main features of the game are the outstanding hand-painted art, a large number of combat performances, animation special effects, and more dependent on plot-driven. During the online period, it used to focus on the concept of "playable animation". As for the core gameplay and card cultivation, the design of the game is relatively conventional.
The Seventh Epic was launched in overseas markets earlier, and it is also one of the few secondary products that have entered the forefront of the income list in developed markets in Europe and America.

King of animals
King of animals(Zooba)It is a tactical competitive mobile game that survived in the "eat chicken masterpiece". The game was developed by Wildlife Studios and distributed by Baidu Duoku in China. Although the volume of products is far from the previous four donkey kong, it has also opened up a foothold in the category market, and filled the gaps of too few users when "Night of the Fortress" is absent. In the context of the suspension of Apex Hero Mobile Games, its fifth position may be more stable.
Three kingdoms war chess edition
"The History of the Three Kingdoms" is another mobile game of "The History of the Three Kingdoms" authorized by glorious IP, which was developed and released by Linxi Entertainment. At present, it is scheduled for public beta on March 17th.
As the name suggests, the game is a product of war chess +SLG positioning, which also belongs to SLG category, but it emphasizes the playing elements such as walking operation and strategy in battle.
Previously, the producer said that he didn’t want to be a "one-look-through" SLG, hoping to distinguish it from COK/ROK and seasonal SLG.
The sword and the knights
Before it was officially named, Sword and Knights was translated into Grand Knights in China. The product was developed by Korean manufacturer Npixel, and Linxi Entertainment had previously released overseas versions of the game in some Southeast Asian markets such as China, Hong Kong and Macao, Singapore and Malaysia.
Sword and Knights is also a typical Korean MMORPG, some core members come from the development team of Seven Horsemen, and the game also has a little JPRG flavor, such as the English name of the game and some vertical painting styles, which are reminiscent of the Blue Fantasy series, but they are not related.
Sword and Knights has made some innovations in the construction of a three-person team combat system, skill linking and role switching in combat, but the overall gameplay and cultivation methods of the game are still relatively strong Korean tour flavor.
The game was very strong during its launch in 2021. It once reached the top of the best-selling list of iOS in South Korea, and the highest monthly flow in the Korean market reached 150 million yuan.

Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man: A New Beginning
"Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man: A New Beginning" is another new mobile game of the Sword IP. According to the information approved by the version number, it was released by Kaiying. At present, there is very little public content, and it can only be preliminarily inferred that it is an MMORPG with the existing information. The official adaptation of Xianjian or the mobile game authorized by IP is generally not very prominent from the long-term curve. I wonder if this new work can make a new breakthrough.
Empire and puzzle
Empire and puzzle(Empires & Puzzles: RPG Quest)It is one of the examples of "San Xiao +RPG imitation" in overseas markets in recent years. This game developed by Finnish manufacturer Small Giant has been staged for three years.A drama that rises against the trend and attacks all the way., from the Top 200 of the iOS bestseller list to the Top 20.
The design framework of "Empire and Puzzle", Three Elimination +RPG+SLG, has attracted many imitators, and some of them have also performed well in European and American markets, which is a benchmark that cannot be ignored on the path of three elimination+X.
At present, the game has no such strong advantages in terms of art and expressiveness, but a few years ago, Empire and Puzzle did seize some market gaps by virtue of the integration of theme and gameplay, and the developer was acquired by Zynga by virtue of this advantage. In 2019, the global download volume of Empire and Puzzle has exceeded 34 million, and reached the top of the iOS bestseller list in 57 countries.

Adventure Island: The Legend of Maple
Adventure Island: Legend of Maple is a series of genuine mobile games of Adventure Island developed by Nexon, which continues the presentation mode of horizontal 2D. The game is jointly transported by Century Tiancheng and Tencent in the domestic market.
Products focus on keywords such as genuine, restoration and feelings in positioning, and elements such as painting style, music, scenes and characters familiar to old players will be reproduced one by one, and the operation of the mobile terminal will be adapted.
Adventure Island: The Legend of Maple was tested in China in 2021. After obtaining the version number, the official accounts of the game, such as Weibo, were also dynamically updated.


More than a dozen products are listed above, but only some heavy IPS with user potential or cases where revenue performance has been verified in other markets are highlighted. At the end of last year, there were more than 40 imported masterpieces, most of which have not yet been finalized. Although these dozens of games are very weighty, they may not all be officially launched within this year.
For some well-known imported products, apart from when they will be launched, everyone may be more concerned about how high they can reach.
To put it bluntly, a few heavy end-games such as "Fearless Contract" and "Ark of Destiny" are undoubtedly the most optimistic and highly anticipated by the outside world.
At the same time, masterpieces with different styles are placed here, which inevitably raises some questions. For example, there are many typical Korean MMO kernel products now. In the domestic market in 202X, it is obviously a question mark whether they can still be as popular as in 200X.
For example, in several sub-categories, representatives who have established their advantages through the integration of gameplay have been in the European and American markets, but that was a story three or five years ago after all. Now, when they are transferred to China, I am afraid they will also face the test of "will they not be acclimatized?"
However, even with many unknowns, the current reserves can still be gratifying.
This is not only because everyone has been "holding back" for a long time, but also because they have the opportunity to introduce some living water to the domestic market, so that some new variables can be produced in some slightly homogeneous fields in recent years.

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Are there any 3DS games worth playing in 2023?

Since its release in 2011, 3DS has attracted a large number of loyal fans by virtue of its small size, naked-eye 3D and other features, as well as Nintendo’s first-party quality games. Even now, many people are willing to use it as a game device to take out. But all good things must come to an end, and 3DS, which has been with us for more than ten years, finally ushered in its curtain call this year.

On March 28th, 2023, Nintendo officially stopped the service of eShop for 3DS. After the production of 3DS was discontinued in 2020, this move also announced that the 3DS series handhelds officially ended its service period and became the tears of the times. However, today in 2023, there are still many people who can’t put it down. With the retro tide in recent years, the price of 3DS on idle fish is rising.

Many classic games on 3DS have made a generation’s memories, including "Poké mon Sun/Moon", which witnessed the official Chinese culture of Poké mon series, and "Come on! Animal Forest Friends Association. You may have never had this memory for various reasons, and you didn’t start to make up the ticket in a hurry until its life came to an end.

When eShop stopped taking clothes, I prepared some 3DS game recommendations worth playing for you. If you want to reopen the 3DS, or start a 3DS to make up for your past, I hope these games can provide you with some directions.

The biggest difference between 3DS and other game devices is thatthree dimensional andDouble screen. The former is the biggest selling point of 3DS, and well-adapted games can also bring us a unique game experience. The latter is a feature inherited from the NDS era, so 3DS can be perfectly compatible with NDS games, greatly expanding its playability.

Games on the 3DS platform are in full bloom, from Nintendo’s IP such as Mario and Zelda to the popular Baokemeng and Monster Hunter series, which have left their footprints on the 3DS platform. This article will be based onPlay experienceandHandheld machine fitnessRecommend some games worth playing, which may be missed. You are also welcome to share the 3DS games you think are most worth playing in the comments section.

If you know something about Nintendo, I’m sure you won’t worry about their "red hat" and "green hat" escorting the new mainframe. On the 3DS, "Super Mario 3D Continent" will stir up the beam and skillfully use the brand-new naked-eye 3D function of 3DS, making players feel as if they are in a box level, fighting with the enemy and exploring hidden elements with Mario. The game supports two 3D modes of "protruding" and "concave", and players can switch them at any time.

After opening 3D, you can clearly perceive the depth of the scene and the distance between objects. In some levels, you need to open 3D to see the bricks floating in the air, so as to get the hidden gold coins.

There are 8 worlds in the game. After customs clearance, you can unlock the special levels of the additional 8 worlds, which is very playable. The scale of each level is not particularly large, and it usually takes about 5 minutes to complete a level, which is very suitable for picking it up and playing for a while.

When I play, I am always addicted to finding hidden gold coins and playing monsters. However, the hidden gold coins are not so easy to collect. They are either placed in places that require skill to reach or hidden in very hidden places. At least it’s hard for me to reach the level at the first time. This also brings a lot of repeated play value to the level. I often pick up the game machine at 10 o’clock in the evening and put it down before I find it is the next afternoon.

Tp: Is it difficult to get through customs perfectly?

"Super Mario 3D Continent" reveals Nintendo’s characteristics of "easy to use but difficult to master" everywhere. The operation of the game is very simple, you can master it in a few minutes, and you can easily touch the flagpole through the checkpoint. But if you want to achieve perfect customs clearance and even look for hidden elements, then it is difficult enough for you to challenge again and again.

Sometimes I get invincible effect and rampage and forget the time, which directly leads to my raccoon costume being knocked off by a monster, so I can’t go down from the top of the flagpole at the end; Sometimes I don’t have a good direction in the air and fall off the map and die; Sometimes I’m about to eat a star, but I miss it because of my mistakes. I jump three or four times for a star.

People are addicted to food, right?

Say "Red Hat", and then talk about Nintendo’s proud "Green Hat"-the legend of zelda series. Oh, by the way, the man’s name is not Zelda, but Link.

The legend of zelda has released four works on 3DS, including the full 3D flute of time, the mask of Mezula, the triangular power of the gods 2 and the hero of triangular power from a 2D perspective. Every work can make people play for a long time. Before the release of Tears of the Kingdom, it is better to take out 3DS to review the classic of Time Flute 3D.

As the first perfect score game on GameSpot website, The Legend of Zelda: The Flute of Time attracted a large number of players when it first appeared on N64. At that time, the game evaluation industry was not like the era when this perfect game was everywhere. At that time, the evaluation was extremely harsh, even to the point of abnormal condition. However, in such an environment, The Flute of Time can still get full marks, and its excellent production can be seen.

The flute of time has laid a lot of foundations for modern 3D games, such as the locking mechanism in wartime and a complete 3D perspective solution. I used to play those pseudo-3D games that "can’t see the sky" (that’s you DQ! ), the characters don’t go up and down when climbing mountains, but I can adjust the angle of view 360 degrees in the flute of time, and the position of the characters will change with the geographical environment.

In addition, when using slingshots or flying claws, the viewing angle automatically switches to the FPS viewing angle, which makes the operation more convenient and more substitutive. Jumping and diving can also give a glimpse of the embryonic form of the subsequent Zelda game. As a game of that era, I will give full marks even if I am asked to score.

"Time Flute 3D" is almost a perfect reappearance of "Time Flute", retaining the original game experience. At the same time, the game also makes full use of the lower screen to display maps, backpacks and other interfaces, which improves the efficiency of the game. The naked-eye 3D effect of the game is also good, which can immerse you in the vast mainland of Heraru.

Besides Time Flute 3D, I would also like to recommend Triangle Power of the Gods 2. As an orthodox sequel to SFC’s Triangle Power of the Gods, Triangle Power 2 continues the setting of the previous work, and makes good use of the naked-eye 3D characteristics of 3DS, so that you can clearly feel the ups and downs of the terrain even from a 2D perspective, and you can also feel the height changes through 3D when you jump from a height, fly with a staff of wind, and birds swooped down on you.

The game adds the setting of becoming a mural. After becoming a mural, the angle of view will change from 2D to 3D, allowing you to observe the maze from another angle. There are many hidden elements in the game that you need to use your new abilities flexibly to discover.

The use of this pair of dual screens is also in place. The lower screen can not only display the map and mark it with pushpins, but also switch props quickly without pausing the game. If you haven’t played "Triangle Power of the Gods", you can start playing directly from "Triangle Power 2", which may bring you unexpected surprises.

The first part of Resident Evil: Apocalypse, which first appeared in 3DS, is of high quality. Even compared with the second part of Apocalypse on PS3/PSV, it can be called a "masterpiece" or even a "game beyond function". The story of the game is not the true story, but the story of Jill, Chris and BSAA. The plot mainly happened before resident evil 5. Although it is rumored, the plot and the true story are also closely related. For the plot party, there is no need to worry that there will be too much sense of division.

Thanks to the characteristics of naked-eye 3D, players can experience the horror of the game more personally. When the monster comes at you, only 3DS can bring you the feeling of jumping out of the screen. If you use new 3DS, or buy peripherals, it also supports using the C joystick on the right to adjust the viewing angle, and the game experience will be better.

Today, the shooting elements of this work are definitely not excellent. However, in that year, the screen and gameplay of the game brought a lot of impact to the players. I am a person who has little patience to watch an animation, but I have watched all the scenes of the apocalypse. I was deeply attracted by the performance of these cutscenes, which made me sigh "Niu X, this picture can be presented on 3DS" for countless times. As mentioned earlier, this is a "beyond function" game. I think it is also very suitable for players to rush just at the picture.

When it comes to monster hunters on 3DS, we have to mention "monster hunter XX". As the last monster hunter on this model, the evaluation of the game was not very good in that year. Compared with the upgrade of "Monster Hunter X", it simply adds two "styles" and several monsters. Even though XX is equivalent to the G version of Monster Hunter compared with X, the upgraded content players don’t buy it, and even refuse to admit that it is a G version, just regard it as a complementary version of X.

Monster hunter has always been listed as a "hardcore game" in my place. Because it is obviously an RPG, but I need to recite it like a cross-board fighting game, and I also need to remember the monster’s behavior pattern. The reason why I enjoy playing continuously is because it is rich in material collection elements, and it can build better equipment by collecting materials. Every time I see those equipment made by me, I have a sense of accomplishment, and I feel that the sweat I left behind to fight monsters is worthwhile.

To put it bluntly, I just want to make a beautiful dress.

As the only work of the Ace Air Combat Series that was first released in 3DS, Ace Air Combat 3D set off quite a craze in that year. As we all know, the three pillars of the game industry are guns, cars and balls. This game, which combines "guns" and "cars", is very popular among players. This game makes full use of the function of the lower screen of the handheld, which can display information such as radar, radio conversation, fighter performance, etc. Click the enemy plane on the radar, and it can be easily locked. The game also introduces a sharp turn "High G Turn", which can be achieved without slowing down by holding down L and R during the turn.

When it comes to game enlightenment, the racing game is "Need for Speed Series" and the shooting game is CS. But I have never played a game that combines shooting and racing before. Although it may not be so appropriate to compare "ace air combat" to racing+shooting, the speed and shooting elements contained in the game always exist. I’m still shocked to see the dogfight in air combat, rapid climbing and falling, and 3D effects on the handheld.

3DS has four orthodox Poké mon works in two generations, namely the authentic works Pokémon X/Y and Poké mon Dream Sun/Moon, the replica work Pokémon Alfa Sapphire/Omega Ruby and the expansion piece Poké mon Dream/Moon. Since X/Y, Baokemeng series has officially entered 3D, and the traditional pixel style has been replaced by a brand-new three-dimensional five-headed figure, and buildings, lawns, etc. also have 3D modeling.

After stepping into 3D, Baokemeng has also changed a lot in gameplay. For example, every generation of Baokemeng from X/Y will add new elements to the battle, such as Mega evolution (X/Y), Z-style (Sun/Moon), Extremely Giant (Sword/Shield) and Too Crystallization (Zhu/Zi).

In "X/Y", some Baokemeng can carry out Mega evolution in battle by wearing corresponding Mega stones. After the evolution, Baokemeng has a leap-forward growth in all values, and even can obtain the second attribute. In addition, the work also added a brand-new treasure dream attribute-goblin, a new attribute introduced to restrain the dragon system.

In Sun/Moon, in addition to the official support of Chinese for the first time, the Baokemeng game also made innovations in the game mechanism, canceling the previous Taoist temple and changing it into a "Island Tour" and "Great Test" in line with the world outlook. After passing through all the checkpoints of the island, you will fight against a huge overlord, Bao Kemeng, and then you can challenge the island owner and complete the "tour" of an island. It also introduces the mechanism of regional form, and some Baokemeng clubs have different forms because of their living areas. For example, Vulpix and Kyubi no Youko will have white fur in the Arora area, which is very beautiful.

3DS’s Baokemeng series can’t fully open 3D, especially in "Sun/Moon", the 3D function has almost become a supplement. However, the game makes full use of dual screens in gameplay. For example, in Sun/Moon, you can interact with Baokemeng through the lower screen to increase intimacy.

I am not a heavy player of Poké mon, just to collect my favorite Poké mon. At the same time, it also has the elements of recalling childhood. When I was a child, I also collected beautiful and lovely treasures. Now I am also collecting beautiful and lovely treasures. Do not seek to gather together, but seek to look good! Raichu, Jigglypuff, such as Bao Ke, MUBI, please! Moreover, during the caressing session with Bao Kemeng, every time Bao Kemeng smiles and jumps, it seems that I am in a cat cafe, and there is quite a feeling of cyber cat in it.

With the Switch platform "collection! Animal Forest Friends Association has different settings for moving to uninhabited islands. In 3DS, Come on! In Animal Forest Friends Association, we will take a train to a village as the village head. The core gameplay of the game and "Collection! Animal Forest Friends Association is the same, players only need to run villages and towns according to their own ideas. We can freely shuttle between villages and towns and shopping streets, cultivate feelings with small animals, and enjoy shopping in shopping streets.

The game gives full play to many features of 3DS, especially the support for 3DS pedometer and shoulder communication, which greatly enhances the fun of the game. Some items in the store need players to take 3DS to go out and walk, and exchange them through gold coins accumulated by steps. And if the player meets someone who also opens the shoulder communication outdoors, then the data of both parties will be exchanged, and you can see each other’s house in the game. The addition of these two features makes the virtual world of the game contact with the real world, which makes people have the impulse to take 3DS out for a walk.

If you like this slow-paced game, I highly recommend you to try "Come on! Animal Forest Friends Association. Take 3DS with you when you go out every day, and take it out in your spare time to weed and communicate with small animals. If you come home and find yourself passing other players today and seeing each other’s house, it may surprise you for a while.

Finally, I also want to talk to you about whether it is worthwhile to start 3DS at present. In recent years, many speculators poured into the market and speculated on the so-called "NS replacement", which once raised the price of 3DS to the price close to that of Switch Lite. Although it has fallen back now, there are still problems of premium and profiteers’ speculation, which can not be ignored when we choose to start.

Now want to start with 3DS reasons are mostly these points:

  • Want to play exclusive games on 3DS;
  • Want to collect a 3DS;;
  • Want to experience the effect of naked-eye 3D;
  • I want to buy a portable game device.

If you have made it clear that you just want to play exclusive games on 3DS, it is not a problem to start at any time as long as it meets your psychological price. For this part of the players, it is recommended to start with the new 3DS series equipment, which has stronger performance, more buttons and better 3D effect.

However, the exclusive game mentioned here refers toGames that can only be played in 3DSorOnly 3DS can get the complete experience of the game.. For example, The Legend of Zelda: The Flute of Time can be played in the official N64 simulator on Switch, and Excalibur has also been remastered on Switch. If you choose to play on an updated device, the experience you can get will definitely be better. However, it is very worthwhile to start with a 3DS to experience a platform-exclusive game like Poké mon Dream Sun/Moon, or a game like Super Mario 3D Continental that can give full play to the 3D characteristics of the device.

For the collector’s party, you have obviously determined your determination to start. However, it is not easy to find equipment with good color, complete box and three yards in one. Don’t forget to identify it carefully when buying.

If you want to experience the effect of naked-eye 3D, you can consider the new 3DS series if the budget is sufficient, and the old 3DS or 3DS LL if it is insufficient. Because the new 3DS adds an infrared camera to detect the face and adjust the 3D effect, its 3D effect will be better, while the old 3DS needs to face the screen to get a better 3D experience.

Of course, if you just want to experience naked-eye 3D, there is no game preference. Then it may be a more affordable choice to spend one or two hundred dollars to buy an HTC EVO 3D.

If you just want to own a portable game device, then 3DS may not be the perfect choice. I suggest that you choose a platform according to the game and avoid impulsive consumption. After all, most of the games on 3DS don’t have official Chinese, and there are restrictions on the cassette lock area.

Because the meaning of 3DS to me is far more than just a game machine, but a device that can read past memories.

As @Tp said, 3DS series handhelds can’t be described as "NS flat replacement" at all, and their functions and picture quality are not at the same level. But why is the 3DS on fire again? Maybe it’s our nostalgia for childhood memories. Nowadays, it is no longer an item that can be described by the simple word "game machine".

Tp says it is a device to read past memories, and I regard it as the key to my childhood. When I am tired, I turn on my 3DLL, and even if I don’t play games, I can remember the beauty of my childhood when I hold it.