8 secrets of running without fatigue

8 tips for running no matter how far you are! Learn in 3 minutes, easily run for 10 kilometers, and the fat reduction effect is particularly good!
It’s not easy to make content, thank you for moving your hands, like+collection support! Let’s talk about it next!
Pre-run skills:
17 minutes full, and exercise 30 minutes after meals.
Don’t eat greasy and indigestible things before running! To avoid hypoglycemia, a cup of black coffee and two slices of whole wheat bread are good choices!
2 Warm-up skills before running
Remember to collect the 6 moves you must do before running, and the national team is also using them!
A. Walking around the thigh
B. Hold your legs while walking
C. Hip abduction during marching
D. Hold your head and touch your knees while moving.
E. Raise your legs during the journey
F. Kicking after moving.
3 Running shoes selection skills
Remember this formula! The choice of BMI<24 is lightweight cushioning running shoes; 24<=BMI<=28 Choose heavy running shoes; If BMI>28, don’t run, you need to lose weight before running!
I wore Anta Hydrogen Run 4.0 today and just finished 10 kilometers! Run very lightly! I want to recommend it to boys and girls with normal weight!
Running skills:
4 jogging for the first 2 kilometers (a better way to lose weight: Tolek running+maximum aerobic heart rate running)
Recommend two professional running methods, you can run more effectively and reduce fat better!
A. Tolek runs for 1 minute, runs fast, and jogs for 1 minute.
B. Maximum aerobic heart rate Keep your heart rate below 180- your age when running.
5 Breathing skills
Keep breathing in two steps and breathing in two steps when running, and you will find it easier and more carefree!
6-step frequency technique
Keep the pace frequency of the first runner between 170 and 180, and you will save more effort! A pair of lightweight running shoes will also help you improve your pace!
Post-run skills:
7 run and then walk for 2 minutes.
Don’t stop at once after running! Walking for 2 minutes is good for heart health and slow down the heart rate!
8 stretching skills after running
If you don’t stretch after running, your muscles will be stiff, your legs will be thick and your pain will come! These six must do stretching, remember to put them away!
A. Stretching the front thigh (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
B. Stretching the back of thigh (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
C. Stretching the front side of the calf (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
D. Stretching the back of calf (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
E. Hip stretching (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
F stretching iliopsoas muscle (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
Finally, three suggestions for beginners:
1 Don’t run every day! Otherwise, almost 100% will encounter pain.
Step by step: increase the running volume by 10% every week! Not 5 kilometers today, 10 kilometers tomorrow.
3 wear professional running shoes! Can better protect your ankles and knees.


Where are the reserve talents of volleyball in China?

  Because of the existence of China Women’s Volleyball Team, China people have always maintained deep feelings for volleyball, and the talent training and sustainable development of China volleyball have also been highly concerned.

  However, in terms of the professional development of the project, China volleyball and the other two big ball projects &mdash; &mdash; There is still a big gap between football and basketball.

  Insiders pointed out that the sustainable development of volleyball in China can not be separated from the growth of campus volleyball, considering the characteristics of volleyball and the development experience of some developed countries. At present, more system construction and policy support are needed in this field.

  Shi Yongming, the former head coach of Beijing Women’s Volleyball Team, who has been engaged in school volleyball for a long time, brought out the men’s volleyball team of the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology, which was once famous in the domestic volleyball field.

  After 2018, Shi Yongming left the front line of the school volleyball team due to injury, but before that, Shi Yongming had been a middle school volleyball coach for more than 10 years.

  What makes Shi Yongming proud is that over the years, many professional volleyball players have come out from the men’s volleyball team of the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology, and almost all the players have passed the university as they wish, among which there are not a few students who have entered famous universities such as Tsinghua University and China Renmin University.

  Shi Yongming told reporters that children who play volleyball have a way out, which is the key factor to attract children to participate in volleyball and the school to support volleyball.

  "Volleyball itself is also a sport that tests the IQ of athletes," Shi Yongming said. Although the physical condition of volleyball players is very important, the IQ and education level of athletes can not be ignored.

  Shi Yongming recalled to reporters his experience of leading the men’s volleyball team of the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology to participate in a national competition &mdash; &mdash; At that time, the physical conditions of many teams participating in the competition were superior to those of the men’s volleyball team in the middle school attached to Beijing Institute of Technology, which made the children of the men’s volleyball team in the middle school attached to Beijing Institute of Technology afraid.

  Shi Yongming told them that volleyball can’t be played well just by the height of the players, and athletes with good physical conditions may not know volleyball better. In that competition, the men’s volleyball team attached to the Middle School of Beijing Institute of Technology finally broke into the top five. This unexpected achievement not only greatly enhanced the confidence of the players, but also made them understand volleyball better.

  Shi Yongming said that the achievements of some foreign teams have shown that volleyball is not only about athletes’ bodies, but the rise of Thai women’s volleyball team is a good example.

  Shi Yongming believes that whether volleyball players can use their brains to play ball is closely related to their education level, which makes him firmly believe that the future of volleyball in China lies in the campus.

  In fact, from the current training of volleyball reserve talents in China, it is also the wish of many young volleyball players to go to college with their volleyball expertise.

  Chen Wang, head coach of Beijing Youth Women’s Volleyball Team, recently told reporters that young women’s volleyball players are between the ages of 15 and 18, which is the age when they are ready to take the university entrance exam. Most parents of the players at this age have the hope that their children will take the university entrance exam.

  If parents think that continuing to take the volleyball road is not conducive to their children’s college entrance examination, then they will often let their children give up volleyball.

  Chen Wang said that the players of Beijing Young Women’s Volleyball Team mainly come from sports schools in various districts of Beijing, traditional volleyball schools in middle schools and selected from other places, but no matter which channel the players are transported from, their families will basically consider their children’s going to college.

  "So, on the one hand, from our Beijing Youth Team, the players are both training and learning, ensuring that the players are trained and studied for half a day; On the other hand, we are constantly conveying a message to the parents of the players: it is not contradictory for children to take the volleyball professional road and go to college. "

  "We have a lot of volleyball players who are college students, and the state has preferential policies for excellent athletes to attend universities without examination. It is completely a misunderstanding of parents that children can only choose between becoming professional volleyball players and going to college. "

  In addition, Chen Wang also hopes that parents can notice that sports also bring children the shaping of will quality, sense of honor, values and other aspects, which can provide hidden bonus points for children to better go to society in the future.

  Another place worthy of parents’ attention is that the sports industry is a sunrise industry in China. Keeping children’s sports expertise will help them to have wider career choices in the future.

  Students from Zhangye Middle School in Gansu Province are having a volleyball friendly match on the playground.

  In 1990s, the professionalization reform of volleyball in China started immediately after football and basketball, but today, there is still a significant gap between the professionalization development of volleyball in China and football and basketball. The relatively weak professionalism makes the future development of volleyball in China more prominent in the construction of school volleyball system.

  According to Li Shiguang, a physical education teacher and volleyball coach in high school affiliated to renmin university of china, the promotion of volleyball in primary and secondary schools is accelerating. For example, there was no volleyball in physical education class, but in the new curriculum standard, small volleyball will be taught in physical education class from the third grade, which can be said to be a "zero" breakthrough in the school teaching system.

  Li Shiguang said that small volleyball is not only different from adult volleyball in name, but also has corresponding standards in terms of venue, equipment, teaching and competition according to children’s age and physical and mental characteristics.

  It is expected that small volleyball will be launched in qualified schools in China as soon as the spring semester starts in 2023.

  Li Shiguang has been a school volleyball coach for more than 20 years. He believes that children are a blank sheet of paper, and they can be interested in any sport. As far as volleyball is concerned, what children need is the opportunity to contact, understand and learn volleyball.

  The most important thing for the development of volleyball is the increase of volleyball population. Only when the volleyball population is large can more volleyball athletes be selected.

  On the other hand, only with a large volleyball population can we better cultivate volleyball culture and let more people understand volleyball, not just watch it.

  According to the statistics of China Volleyball Association, in recent years, the scale of volleyball reserve talents in China is on the rise.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Youth Training Department of China Volleyball Association, China Volleyball Association has promoted the further development of youth volleyball in China by increasing the number of teams of young age groups in the National Games, canceling the entry barriers of national U-series volleyball events, transferring coaches from the top teams of national middle school students to the national team, and launching national small volleyball summer camps and championship activities.

  However, affected by the change of enrollment policy for sports specialty students, there are still many difficulties in establishing a one-stop training system for volleyball talents from primary school to middle school to university.

  Shi Yongming believes that the most important position for the long-term development of volleyball in China is on campus. The cultivation of volleyball competitive talents needs to pay equal attention to sports training and cultural education. At the same time, the most potential group to increase the volleyball population is students.

Xu Shaogang, the dean of the Central Academy of Social Sciences, once handled the petition problem of "making the secretary of the municipal party Committee climb the window to work"

According to the information of official website of the Central Institute of Socialism, Xu Shaogang, who was the director of the office of the Central Institute of Socialism before, has become a member of the party group and dean of the institute, ranking among the leaders of the institute.

Xu Shaogang, male, Han nationality, born in September 1971, Luoyang, Henan Province, joined the Party in April 1991, and joined the work in July 1991. He is a doctoral student majoring in Marxist philosophy at the Graduate School of the Central Party School.

He has served as the deputy director of the editorial department of Political Science Research in the Institute of Political Science of China Academy of Social Sciences, the deputy researcher of the comprehensive group of the research office of the Central Office, the deputy director-level cadre of the comprehensive group of the research office of the Central Office, the deputy inspector of the research office of the Central Office, and the deputy inspector of the supervision and inspection office of the Secretariat of the Central Office. In 2016, he was appointed as the standing Committee member and deputy mayor of Siping Municipal Committee of Jilin Province, and later served as the director of the office of the Central Institute of Socialism.

The Central Institute of Socialism is a United front political college led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), a joint party school of democratic parties and personages without party affiliation, the main front for United front personnel education and training, an important department to carry out the party’s United front work, and an important part of the party and state cadre education and training system.

It is worth mentioning that during his tenure in Siping, Xu Shaogang was reported by People’s Daily for dealing with the problem of "making the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor climb the window to go to work".

In 1980s and 1990s, Siping Scientific Research Institute was once the most productive institution and large taxpayer in the city, and it was "a good unit that many people tried to get in". Before the wage reform in 2001, the average monthly salary of scientific research institutes had reached more than 2,000 yuan, more than double that of government agencies. However, it is such a "fat as oil" scientific research unit. Due to the former "corrupt" successors of two presidents and a group of cadres, the solid financial resources were squandered in just 10 years, and the former "star enterprise" became a "rat nest" where corrupt elements swaggered through the city and bad style became popular.

Leadership corruption, family ruin, rampant unhealthy practices, and distracted people, the research institute finally fell into a situation of long-term suspension of production and shutdown, with a debt of more than 80 million yuan. By March 2016, the enterprise owed employees nearly 14 million yuan in social security fees and 700,000 yuan in medical insurance fees. The employees had not been paid for nine consecutive months, and even the funeral expenses could not be paid. Some employees can’t retire at retirement age because of social security debts …

The report mentioned that in order to "seek a way out", some employees began to petition. Ma Li, vice president of the Academy, told reporters that since 2010, petitions have been sporadic, and in 2012, large-scale group visits have appeared. On several occasions, even the municipal party committee and the municipal government were blocked for a long time. At that time, the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor could only jump in and out of the office on the first floor when going to work, and lunch was served with hanging baskets. By the beginning of 2016, petitioners had visited the city, the province and Beijing for nearly 400 times.

"We ran all over the relevant departments, but we were kicked around like a ball." Yu Fei, the head of the trade union of the Research Institute and the petition leader of that year, said, "In those days, we found the deputy mayor in charge, but said that another deputy mayor was in charge. When we found another deputy mayor, we said that we still had to find the deputy mayor in charge."

"This’ mess’ of the research institute must be solved!" At the beginning of 2016, the Siping Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government decided to hand over the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau to Xu Shaogang, who has just been appointed as the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor. Zhao Xiaojun, secretary of the municipal party Committee, said, "We consider that Comrade Shao Gang is a cadre on the job and has no intersection with Siping, so it is convenient to let go."

According to the report, Xu Shaogang plunged into the staff of the research institute. There are 132 employees in the research institute, except for more than 30 retired and temporary workers, more than 80 people have participated in petitions. In more than two months, Xu Shaogang interviewed 66 people face to face. He called all the petitioners’ phones, and then made appointments to talk in the office one after another. When there was not enough time during the day, he used holidays, and at the latest, he talked about it after 3 am. He said: "communist party cadres can’t be afraid to meet the masses!"

For many years, the visiting leaders in Siping City have always thought that people’s petition is to be fully staffed by public institutions, which is unreasonable at all, and there is no solution no matter how fierce it is. Through discussions and visits, Xu Shaogang found that the deep-seated reason is that corruption has wiped out the family of the enterprise, and the employees are angry in their hearts and can’t live any longer, so they stubbornly cling to the iron rice bowl. To solve the problems of scientific research institutes, we must first strictly manage the party in an all-round way, uncover the cover of corporate corruption cases and regain the trust of the masses!

The Siping Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection recorded a heavy blow against corruption, and immediately slammed into the corruption shady of the research institute: In May 2016, Dong Weidong, the former president who had been transferred for two years, was "double-regulated"; In August, Cheng Xiaomin, the former president, was placed on probation and dismissed from his post. All but one of the original teams of the Academy of Scientific Research were dismissed, and all middle-level cadres were dismissed. In September, the former director of the Science and Technology Bureau was transferred, and the head of the discipline inspection team stationed in the bureau was ordered to resign … "Double regulations" and transferred to the judiciary, four people were formally arrested, more than 10 people were dealt with by party discipline and discipline, and more than 10 million yuan of corruption and misappropriation funds were recovered.

Xu Shaogang said, "Strictly administering the Party in an all-round way is a systematic project. Combating corruption is only a’ stop loss’ and a’ break’. The key is to’ stand up’ and save the enterprise and let the employees live a better life again."

"It’s not easy to let a dead enterprise regain its vitality!" Cong Tienan, the head of the discipline inspection team of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the head of the working group stationed in the research institute, recalled awkwardly, "In September 2016, Wang Zhidong, the new director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and I went to the research institute for a meeting on the first day, and we were ousted by the masses without saying a few words. At that time, the relationship between the cadres and the masses in the research institute had broken down, and no matter what the cadres said, the employees did not believe it. "

"The first time I met Mayor Xu, we didn’t trust him either." Yu Fei, Zhang Shouzhong, Chang Wen, Bai Minghui, Hao Qingfeng and Gao Hongjie, the petitioners of the Academy of Sciences in those days, all mentioned Xu Shaogang when they talked about the change of mentality: "Other leaders saw the petition and tried their best to hide and push it. Mayor Xu was not afraid. He took the initiative to talk to us, and it lasted for hours. Later, the city arrested and exempted the corrupt elements, and we really believed in him and the municipal party Committee. This is the cadre of communist party! "

According to the report, in order to help the research institute plug the growing debt hole and solve the problem of shortage of development funds, Xu Shaogang tried every means to coordinate all aspects, adjust the original obviously unreasonable seizure and deduction according to the law, and re-apply for mortgage loans. In order to lift the seizure of enterprise assets, Xu Shaogang offered to take his private car as collateral for creditors.

"Don’t say it’s a temporary cadre, it’s a working cadre. Who is not afraid of falling into the trap of the Academy and jumping out? However, the mayor of Shaogang dared to take responsibility and was not afraid of hitting hard. In order to plan the way out for the enterprise, he worked overtime day and night. Once on Sunday, he removed gastrointestinal polyps in the morning and went to the office to work overtime in the afternoon. With such a leader, we still have something to say. " On the evening of the announcement of his appointment, Cong Tienan checked into the office of the Academy with his bedclothes on his back and vowed: "I will never leave until the problem is solved."

Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong

Author: The Paper

Text Editor: Yang Rong

Source of the title map: the creativity of the worm

Photo editor: Xiang Jianying

Focus on the special college entrance examination season and launch a relay to protect the college entrance examination throughout the country.

On the 3rd, senior three students from Huainan No.2 Middle School in Anhui Province studied by themselves last night. Photo by Chen Bin (People’s Vision)

On the 4th, the caring driver in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, put the vehicle with the words "Come on" to encourage the college entrance examination students. Photo by Ding Genhou (Image China)

  Core reading

  July is coming, and the 2020 college entrance examination will come as scheduled. A sudden epidemic makes this year’s review preparation particularly unusual. With the efforts of schools, families and all walks of life, candidates overcome all kinds of difficulties and sprint for their dreams. How to ensure that candidates can enter the examination room safely, successfully finish the examination papers and fill in their volunteers in an orderly manner? As always, all parts of the country are working hard to launch a relay to protect the college entrance examination.

  On July 7th, 10.71 million candidates from all over the country will take the college entrance examination. This year’s college entrance examination is a college entrance examination under the background of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19, and it is also a college entrance examination in which the reform of the examination enrollment system has entered a critical period. More than 7,000 test sites and 400,000 examination rooms are waiting. The majority of college entrance examination candidates will gain growth in this special college entrance examination season.

  Ping’ an examination

  The most stringent measures, strengthen the examination epidemic prevention.

  "The number of candidates in each examination room has been reduced from 30 to 20. Candidates who have temporary symptoms such as fever on the day of the exam will be arranged to take the exam in the standby examination room &hellip; &hellip;” A few days ago, Li Yi, deputy secretary of the Municipal Education Commission and spokesman of the Municipal Education Commission, introduced the epidemic prevention and control work in novel coronavirus.

  "Strengthen the examination and epidemic prevention with the strictest measures." According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education, all localities have conducted daily temperature measurement and physical health monitoring for candidates and examiners 14 days in advance. All test sites are equipped with sufficient epidemic prevention materials as required, and isolation examination rooms and isolation facilities are set up. In principle, every 10 ordinary examination rooms shall be set up with one spare isolation examination room (not less than 3 for each examination center).

  The test center shall measure the body temperature of all the people who enter the test center, and they can only enter the test center below 37.3℃. The test center will set up a arbor and a re-examination room for those with abnormal body temperature, etc., for the people to be tested to prepare for the test and for those who fail to pass the test to take a short rest and adjust. Under the guidance of local health departments and disease control institutions, all test sites, examination places, passages, areas, tables and chairs will be cleaned and disinfected, and the completion signs will be clearly posted. Candidates with fever and cough will be transferred to the standby isolation examination room according to the established procedures.

  "Each test center will organize candidates to leave the venue in an orderly manner, so as to achieve the wrong peak at the wrong time, keep the distance and avoid crowding. Examiners shall hand over examination papers, answer sheets, draft papers and other examination materials in an orderly manner as required. After the exam every day, each test center will also do a preventive disinfection of the examination room. Strictly implement closed management of marking points or marking areas, and implement a daily zero reporting system for marking teachers’ health status. " The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education introduced.

  All localities are taking strict measures to ensure a healthy and safe college entrance examination.

  Beijing requires all examination staff to carry out nucleic acid testing before the exam, and strictly implement epidemic prevention measures such as registration of health status of candidates and examination staff, wearing masks throughout the exam, disinfection and ventilation of the examination center, and temperature check on admission.

  Zhejiang implemented health monitoring management for candidates for 14 days before the exam, and immediately conducted "one-on-one" tracking when abnormalities were found. All candidates must enter the examination room with "temperature measurement+health code", and the candidates with abnormal temperature will be arranged according to the response plan.

  Jinniu district, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province requires candidates to make a unified health registration on the provincial examination platform, and show their 14-day temperature test table, flow chart and health code when receiving the admission ticket.

  "In order to create a cool environment for candidates, we require all the examination rooms without air conditioning to be installed." Li Yuping, director of the Education Bureau of Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, said that each test center in Pingxiang City is equipped with a staff member of the health department as the deputy examiner, as well as four doctors, an expert in disease control and epidemic prevention, an electrician and a college entrance examination equipment technician.

  Wenxin examination

  All-round care, providing multiple guarantees

  "Careful thinking and hard work, stick to the end and surprise!" On the blackboard of senior three classroom in Jiyuan No.1 Middle School, Henan Province, there is a "sentence before the exam" written by the teacher every day. In addition to the scores corrected in red ink, there is also a warm sentence on the examination paper: "You are a thoughtful and talented child." "Come on! I am optimistic about you as always. "

  "It is necessary to ensure good health and not to ignore the mental health of students." During the interview, the senior three teachers in Duodi said that it is an important part of teachers’ work to always pay attention to the psychological situation of candidates, strengthen psychological counseling before the exam and guide candidates to release anxiety.

  On the eve of the college entrance examination, Jinan City, Shandong Province opened a "student psychological care hotline", and full-time psychological counselors provided services 24 hours a day. Wang Xiangyu, director of the Department of Ideological and Political Work of Jinan Education Bureau, said, "We selected 18 outstanding psychological counselors and psychologists in the industry to provide professional help".

  "Teacher, can I live in the teacher’s dormitory during the college entrance examination?" Not long ago, Wang Wen quietly asked Zhou Zhihong, the head teacher, in Class 1, Grade 3, Jinkou Middle School, Jiangxia District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Wang Wen’s family situation is quite special. Her father works in other places, her mother can’t live without her grandmother who is seriously ill, and there are young brothers and sisters at home. Jinkou Middle School, after asking the education authorities for instructions, decided that students whose parents could not take the exam should be accompanied by school teachers. Responsible teachers keep candidates’ certificates, guide candidates to go to bed early and get up early, and give psychological counseling to students every night.

  "It is lucky and happy to have someone to help you at the most critical time in life." A student from Wuhan No.23 Middle School wrote in his diary. Accompanied by love and guarded by teachers, the teacher-student relationship in the third year of senior high school is particularly precious.

  In order to ensure a safe and warm college entrance examination, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Education that all localities have further strengthened their protection in transportation, noise control, heatstroke prevention and cooling, information security, etc. Under the guidance of the health and health departments, they have made overall plans to do a good job in heatstroke prevention and cooling in the examination room and try their best to create a cool examination environment for candidates. The public security department has opened up a green channel for college entrance examination candidates to apply for identity cards. At the same time, in view of the frequent occurrence of heavy rainfall, floods and typhoons in some areas in July, the relevant localities have focused on refining the special plans for dealing with natural disasters and organized emergency drills to ensure that they are prepared and effectively disposed of.

  Fair college entrance examination

  Check the whole process to prevent exam fraud.

  A few days ago, Liaoning public security organs detected a cheating case involving the college entrance examination organization and withheld a batch of cheating equipment. Anhui and Henan public security organs took the initiative to attack during the classified entrance examination and art joint examination in higher vocational colleges, and cracked many cases of cheating in examinations organized and implemented through the Internet.

  In addition, the network security department of the public security organs also investigated and dealt with a number of online self-media accounts that spread rumors of the college entrance examination according to law, and severely punished the publishers of rumors that seriously disrupted the order of the examination according to law.

  According to reports, in order to ensure the sunshine college entrance examination and fair college entrance examination, all localities have further improved the working mechanism of joint defense, joint control and joint management, intensified prevention and crackdown, and made every effort to ensure the safety of the examination.

  Ensuring the security and confidentiality of test papers is the most important thing. The Ministry of Education requires all localities to strictly carry out the whole process inspection, and implement multi-control in one post and joint defense of personnel and technology in the test work links such as test paper life system, printing, transportation and storage, so as to realize video monitoring without dead ends in the whole process of test paper operation and ensure the safety of test papers. At the same time, crack down on exam fraud.

  "This year, all localities will further strengthen the admission management of test sites and actively adopt various testing methods to prevent high-tech cheating tools from entering the examination room; Take measures such as multi-card checking and man-machine comparison to prevent substitute exams. At the same time, strict selection of examination staff, strict implementation of examination regulations, timely detection and disposal of fraud in the examination room. " The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education introduced.

  "With the most rigorous procedures, ensure fair enrollment. In response to the hot and difficult issues that the masses care about, we will improve the system rules, plug loopholes with heavy punches, and earnestly safeguard the fairness and justice of college enrollment. " The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education introduced: It is necessary to tighten the cage of the system, implement the enrollment bans such as "six prohibitions", "ten prohibitions" and "30 prohibitions" in college enrollment, and ensure that the enrollment process is strictly regulated. Adhere to the "sunshine enrollment", strengthen the social supervision of college enrollment, establish a multi-level enrollment information disclosure system at the national, local and school levels, and conscientiously implement the "ten publicity" of enrollment information.

  "Increase the supervision and inspection of illegal enrollment, and insist on finding together, investigating together, and zero tolerance. Seriously carry out the re-examination of freshmen’s admission, and resolutely cancel their admission qualifications and deal with them seriously for those freshmen who resort to fraud, cheat in exams, cheat extra points or attempt to impersonate; Those who register for school will cancel their school status and will not be electronically registered as freshmen; At the same time, cooperate with the public security, discipline inspection and supervision departments to check the end and investigate the responsibilities of relevant personnel according to law. " The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Education introduced.

  Reporter Zhao Yina Zhang Shuo (Yang Xiao mystery participated in writing)

KPMG China Financial Technology 50 List: Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai rank in the top three, and 70% of the listed companies have more than 40% technical talents.

Image source: the idea of the worm

Zhu Hanqi, intern reporter of Economic Observer Network  On January 9th, KPMG China released the "2023 KPMG China Financial Technology Enterprises Double 50 List" and the annual trend report.

Huang Aizhou, managing partner of KPMG China Financial Technology, said that in the process of digital transformation of the financial industry, there are unique advantages in the three pillars needed for the vertical model of the industry: algorithm, computing power and data. The financial industry has mastered a large number of historical data and written materials, which provides natural convenience for the development of the industry model; In the process of financial digitalization and intelligence, financial technology enterprises have also formed unique solutions in terms of algorithms and computing power.

The report analyzes the listed enterprises in five dimensions: professional field, city and region, main technical elements, proportion of technical personnel and establishment time.

In the distribution of professional fields, platform technology empowerment and wealth technology rank first and second, Pratt & Whitney technology and insurance technology rank third, and AI and blockchain are still the core technologies in the underlying technologies.

In terms of urban and geographical distribution, Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai rank in the top three, and Chengdu ranks fourth for the first time. Tan Wei, chief partner of KPMG in China, Sichuan and Chongqing, said that in recent years, Chengdu has incorporated financial technology into the category of "building a circle and strengthening a chain" and become one of the 28 key industrial chains, forming an ecological layout that integrates Chongqing, links the whole country and sails the whole world.

In the distribution of main technical elements, the types of technical elements are more colorful, and the proportion of technical elements such as safety, credibility and large-scale correlation is obviously improved.

In terms of the proportion of technical personnel, 70% of the listed companies have more than 40% technical personnel, thus occupying an advantageous position in the fierce market competition.

In terms of the time distribution of enterprise establishment, the proportion of listed enterprises established for more than 10 years in 2023 has increased, and more enterprises that have been deeply involved in this field for a long time have continuously consolidated their market position by optimizing data processing, increasing transaction rate, simplifying financial service processes, and innovating financial products and services.

Kpmg chart

In addition, the report also puts forward nine major trends:

Trend 1: The development of financial macro-model will have a far-reaching impact on the paradigm of financial technology industry (annual trend). In the era of mobile internet, domestic manufacturers are actively developing the layout of financial big models, and relevant enterprises need to build competitive advantages by virtue of "having data" and "understanding scenarios". In the future, the wide application of financial macro-model will have the following changes: the change of AI cognition and concept, reshaping customer service process and experience, improving risk management, improving financial service efficiency and innovating financial business forms.

Trend 2: Science and technology investment pays more attention to output energy efficiency, and peer-to-peer science and technology output changes to ecological empowerment mode (integrated financial technology). Comprehensive financial technology enterprises pay more attention to business orientation and precise focus in objectives and methods, and change from technical empowerment to all-round ecological empowerment in service direction.

Trend 3: AI helps to innovate wealth management, and the core system of the organization is autonomous and accelerated (wealth technology). Wealth technology enterprises provide support for wealth management business scenarios such as investment, research and marketing, and will explore more application scenarios of large models to improve efficiency and service upgrade.

Trend 4: Insurance technology has evolved into risk reduction management, and the service boundary (insurance technology) has been continuously expanded in combination with industrial upgrading. Insurance technology companies turn the original uninsurable risks into insurable risks, and penetrate technology into the development process of all walks of life, which leads to new risk management demands.

Trend 5: Digital symbiosis and digital platform services accelerate the development of inclusive finance (Pratt & Whitney Technology).

Small and medium-sized enterprises access digital resources through the digital service platform, build a digital intelligent business process, meet the rapidly changing market demand, and accelerate the digital intelligent transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Trend 6: Multi-parties join hands to expand the new blue ocean of supply chain finance, and scene product innovation is emerging (supply chain technology). The supply chain science and technology platform has accelerated its efforts in the scene business. It is expected that there will be more scene-based innovative products based on data credit in the future, and the traditional confirmation mode will begin to weaken.

Trend 7: Mobile payment innovation scenario application, cross-border payment opens up a new chapter in the sea (payment technology). The third-party payment platform at the C end expands its business by exploring new scenes and product innovation, and the mobile payment platform at the B end provides integrated services based on payment functions. The cross-border payment platform will also provide customers with integrated services to enhance customer stickiness.

Trend 8: Regulatory technology is expected to improve regulatory efficiency with the help of large models (regulatory technology). The development of regulatory technology will rely more and more on scientific and technological means to achieve more efficient and accurate supervision.

Trend 9: A new round of development opportunities will be opened, and a big article on digital finance (platform technology empowerment) will be done with the tide. At the present stage, the trends of innovation and going out to sea are highly certain, and the actions of "data elements ×" and "high-quality development of computing infrastructure" are steadily advanced, and the opportunity of technological change is expected to drive the sustained release of China’s financial technology value.

Spanish priest falls in love with a beautiful girl in Paiwan, leaving a sad story (Figure)


  Pan Mingfu (right) and his biological father Father Su Shilang (left) both have the handsome appearance of European men with straight noses and heavy eyebrows.


    Lai Guihua, the mother who fell in love with the priest, was a beautiful woman in the tribe at that time, with a delicate face and a slender figure and a height of about 160 centimeters.

    BEIJING, March 19 (Xinhua)-Pan Mingfu, the curly and tall principal of Wutan Primary School in Taiwu Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan, decided to unlock the heart lock for half a century. He said: "I am the crystallization of love between the Spanish priest Su Shilang who came to Taiwan to preach and Lai Guihua, a girl from Paiwan."

    According to Taiwan Province’s United Daily News, The Thorn Birds, one of the top ten best-selling novels in the United States in the 1980s, described the story that Father Ralph fell in love with a woman Maggie and gave birth, and it was made into a movie. Pan Mingfu, 53, said that the plot of his life is more tortuous than that of The Thorn Birds.

    Church priests can’t get married. In the remote mountainous area of Pingtung, the love story between Su Shilang and Lai Guihua not only touched church taboos, but also made it difficult to accommodate closed ethnic tribes.

    "The times have become more open, and my life topic has to be lifted." Pan Mingfu told his life story yesterday. He opened his notebook and said that his biological father Su Shilang was a Catholic Dominican priest. He was only thirty-four years old when he was sent to Jiaping Village in Taiwu Township in 1953. According to records, Su Shilang was the first priest in Taiwan Province Mountain area.

    The older local people still remember this priest: Su Shilang can speak fluent Minnan and Paiwan dialect. After a year of missionary work, she fell in love with Lai Guihua, a female missionary, and gave birth to Pan Mingfu privately in 1955, when Lai Guihua was only seventeen.

    This love story violated the church precepts and shocked the Paiwan tribe. Zhang Xiuzhen, the eldest daughter of the big boss Liu Bihuang, recalled that at that time, through her grandmother Liu Chunmei, she secretly resolved the local dissatisfaction with the authority of the big boss and arranged for Lai Guihua to marry Pan Keji, the then leader.

    Lai Guihua married Pan Mingfu, who was about two or three years old, and suppressed this relationship until she died. Their stories still secretly spread mysterious and beautiful colors; It’s just that the people don’t want to touch the sad past of the parties and avoid talking about it.

    Su Shilang later left Taiwu Township and went to Majia, Laiyi and other mountainous areas to preach. Until Pan Mingfu was eleven years old, Su Shilang could not resist the pressure of tribes and churches, and left Taiwan and returned to Spain. Later, he was sent to Argentina again. In 1985, he died in a foreign land, and Taiwan Province, the father and son, never met again.

    Su Shilang once wrote a letter to Pan Mingfu from Argentina, writing in Latin, and he asked the staff to assist in translation. "Although I don’t know much about it, I believe that many feelings between father and son should be hidden between sentences." His mother and adoptive father died one after another more than ten years ago, and the mystery of his life has been hidden to this day.

Editor: Wang Yuxi

Weather forecast | It’s a little hot "huo"! The highest temperature in the downtown area in the next three days is 19 C.

During the day on the 10th, all parts of Chongqing were cloudy to cloudy, and some areas were foggy in the morning, with a temperature of 0 ~ 15 C..
According to the forecast of Chongqing Meteorological Observatory, most parts of Chongqing will be cloudy to cloudy in the next three days, and it will be foggy in the morning. It is estimated that on the 11th, the air quality in the central city is good-slightly polluted, and the primary pollutant is PM2.5.
Weather forecast for the next three days
From the night of the 10th to the day of the 11th, most areas turned cloudy, with fog in the morning and sporadic light rain in the southeast, with the temperature of 0 ~ 18 C; The downtown area turns cloudy with a temperature of 10 ~ 16 C.
From the night of the 11th to the day of the 12th, it is cloudy to cloudy, with local fog in the morning, and the temperature is 1 ~ 19 C; The central city turned cloudy to cloudy with a temperature of 11 ~ 16 C.
From the night of the 12th to the day of the 13th, it turned cloudy and foggy in the morning, and the temperature was 2 ~ 20 C; The downtown area turns cloudy and cloudy, and the temperature is 11 ~ 19 C.
Upstream journalist He Yan

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused nearly a thousand deaths, and Israel calls the current situation a "war situation."

On October 8, local time, in Gaza City, after the Israeli air raid, smoke billowed. This article is a picture of vision china.

A number of Israeli media, such as Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation, reported on the 8th that a new round of conflict between Palestine and Israel has killed more than 600 Israelis. The health department of the Gaza Strip in Palestine issued a statement on the same day saying that 370 people were killed and 2,200 injured when Israeli troops attacked the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, people stood outside a mosque destroyed by Israeli air strikes in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Palestine.

Statistics released by the Israeli medical department that afternoon showed that the conflict had injured more than 2,000 Israelis. According to the Jerusalem Post, more than 100 Israeli soldiers and civilians were taken into the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, Gaza City, the second day of the continuous conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas, was devastated by Israeli air strikes.

Daniel Heggli, chief spokesman of the Israel Defense Forces, said on the same day that the Israeli army is recruiting hundreds of thousands of reservists to "prepare for the final ground counterattack in the Gaza Strip", which is the largest recruitment activity in Israel in the past decades.

On October 8, local time, Merkava tanks rolled on the road near the Lebanese border in Kiliatshmna, Israel.

The Information Office of the Israeli Government issued a statement on the afternoon of the 8th, saying that the security cabinet confirmed the current situation as a "war situation" on the evening of the 7th, and took major military measures according to Article 40 of the Basic Law of Israel, that is, Israel was forced to wage war due to rocket attacks from Gaza, and the war started at 6 am local time on the 7th.

On October 8, local time, Israeli troops assembled at a secret location on the border of the Gaza Strip.

A new round of military conflict broke out between Israel and Palestine on the 7th, and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) launched a military operation against Israel during the Jewish holiday that day. The Israeli army launched several rounds of air strikes in the Gaza Strip.

(Source: Wang Zhuolun, Liu Weijian/Xinhua News Agency)

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The 8 most popular tourist destinations make your holiday more unforgettable.

Here are 10 most popular tourist destinations to make your holiday more memorable:

1. Paris, France: Romantic Paris is famous for its art, culture and romantic atmosphere. The Eiffel Tower, Louvre and Seine attract countless tourists.

2. Rome, Italy: The ancient Roman city is full of historical sites, such as the Colosseum, Vatican City and Fighter Square, which attracts history lovers and cultural tourists.

3. Tokyo, Japan: As a city full of modernization and traditional culture, Tokyo has unique charm, such as Asakusa Temple, Ginza shopping area and Akihabara.

4. Hawaii, USA: Hawaii’s beautiful beaches, tropical climate and rich natural landscape attract countless tourists to spend their holidays.

5. Bali, Indonesia: Bali is famous for its beautiful beaches, religious temples and rich cultural traditions. It is a holiday resort.

6. Cape Town, South Africa: Located at the intersection of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, Cape Town is famous for its magnificent natural landscape and diverse culture.

7. Sydney, Australia: Landmarks such as Sydney Harbour, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge attract tourists, and Sydney’s beaches and food are also its charm.

8. Masai Mara National Park in Kenya: As a famous wildlife reserve in Africa, Masai Mara National Park is an excellent place to watch wild animals.

These tourist destinations have unique charm and attraction, which can make your holiday more unforgettable.

The difference between "reading at night" exercise and not exercising is a whole life.


There is a question on the Internet:What are the benefits of sticking to exercise?Praise replied:Sleep well and seldom suffer from insomnia;In a good mood, feel great;Quick body and quick response;More importantly, when the whole company catches a cold, I don’t catch a cold …

In this life, the most important thing is to have a good body, a good mood and a good attitude.And these, sports can just give you.Exercise and no exercise, life is really different.

Seeing an old man on the news,Spend a lot of time exercising after retirement. In winter in the northeast, it can reach MINUS 20 degrees Celsius, and he never stops exercising.Persistence in one day and two days will bring little change;And more than 20 years of persistence, let him practice a strong figure, but also let his body be healthier than his peers..
The most intuitive change that exercise can bring to a person is getting healthier and healthier.Long-term lack of exercise, the function of tissues and organs decline, and various diseases are easy to follow. A person’s decadent life consumes not only his own time, but also his health.
It is said that a person’s body hides his life direction.People who can manage their physical condition and plan their lives can often manage their lives better. The world is secretly rewarding those who love sports.
In the adjustment of emotions, the role of exercise is beyond many people’s imagination.
A neuroscientist once told a personal experience.As a scientist, she spends a lot of time in the laboratory every day. The pressure of work made her ignore her physical demands. Over time, her weight soared and she was unhappy. Once she walked out of the laboratory, she even began to doubt herself and felt that she had accomplished nothing.
In order to change this situation as soon as possible, she began to participate in various sports courses in the gym.She tried free fighting, dancing, yoga and so on. I felt very hard at first, but after every exercise, her mood will get better and her body will be very comfortable.After a year of persistent exercise, her weight tends to be normal.She was also surprised to find that her memory and concentration were better than before when doing scientific research.
It is said that it is difficult to control emotions, and exercise gives us a way to release bad emotions.Imagine, let the sweat take away the gloomy mood, will the whole person’s state be more positive?
Exercise, alsoIt will enhance our confidence in facing the life around us and enable us to face difficulties with a more positive and optimistic attitude.
I have such a friend around me,When we met last year, he was depressed, complaining that life was boring and there was endless work at hand. Because of his bad mentality, it is a great pressure to put small things on him. He often can’t sleep well all night, and his spirit is low.
Seeing him again this year, he seems to be a different person, a lot more sunny than before.It was only after asking that he learned that during this more than a year, he followed the advice of people around him and began to exercise.Whenever he has time, he will go for a few laps in the park.At first, he was panting after running a few hundred meters, but with the increase of running times, he gradually realized the "pleasure of running" from the need to force himself to concentrate on sports. He said that when you devote yourself to sports, your worries are forgotten, and your whole state is getting better and better.
I have heard the saying that exercise can keep a person young. I think so. What kind of mentality a person treats life with, what kind of state life will give him back.It is said that exercise and non-exercise lead different lives.Every minute you invest in sports will affect your state and mentality, and will affect your quality of life and happiness index.
So, while the sun is shining, let’s move!Life never starts too late,Even the smallest change, multiplied by 365 days, will become the strength that others can’t envy.

Source:Reading at ten o’clock (ID: duhaoshu) | Author: Zhou Meihao | Anchor: Zhao Wenlong

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