Is the American dream stable for the "light speed" IPO of the polar krypton car under two years old?

Wen | Fangfang, New Economic Observer Mission

On December 13, 2022, Geely Automobile officially announced that its high-end pure electric brand Extreme Krypton Automobile had secretly submitted the IPO registration documents to the US Securities and Exchange Commission on December 7. At this point, this "traditional new force" established less than two years ago began to break through the IPO.

The data shows that in 2022, a total of nearly 72,000 new cars were delivered, which further narrowed the gap with the new forces’ head camp. However, despite the rapid growth, there are many "problems" in Krypton cars compared with "Wei Xiaoli": performance loss, low gross profit margin, and doubtful high-end positioning are very prominent. Nowadays, the extremely krypton car in the initial stage of development is so eager to go public, is it really hot enough?

01, a rising star, losses.

Compared with other brands of Geely Automobile, the daily performances of Krypton Automobile, which was established in 2021, are showing its more independent existence. But no matter from the development process or business performance, we can’t put it outside Geely Automobile to observe.

Before Krypton Automobile, Geely Automobile had tried many times to transform and upgrade with electrification, but it didn’t splash much water in the new energy market.

In 2015, Geely Automobile released the new energy strategy of "Blue Geely Action" and set an extremely aggressive sales target: by 2020, the sales of new energy vehicles will account for 90% of the total sales. However, at that time, Geely Automobile bet on "oil to electricity", which led to a general market reaction. In 2019, Geely Automobile launched a geometric brand focusing on the field of high-end pure electric vehicles, which is at the same level as Lectra, and the degree of attention can be seen.

But again, the geometric brand has little thunder and rain, and has not broken out its due potential. In 2020, Geely Automobile actually sold 68,000 new energy vehicles (including Geely, Link and Geometry brands), and the proportion of new energy was only 5.15%, far from reaching the target of 90%.

Until March 2021, Geely once again launched the extremely krypton car that positioned the high-end electric vehicle market, while the geometric car returned to the mainstream mass market. Once the former came out, it quickly launched the first mass-produced new car with an average sales price of more than 300,000 yuan, and ran all the way up with the strong support of the group.

Drawing of the delivery table of the new car-making forces in 2022: New Economic Observation Mission

In 2022, Kyk 001 delivered nearly 72,000 new cars, and the average order amount reached 336,000 yuan. Especially in the fourth quarter of 2022, the sales volume of Krypton in January 2001 exceeded 10,000 vehicles for three consecutive months, which was basically able to compete with the head camp of the new forces. It is also the ever-increasing sales of Krypton 001 that makes the capital market begin to re-evaluate the prospective map of Geely Automobile’s new energy.

But the question is, is Geely’s electrification transformation really successful this time? I’m afraid it’s too early to draw a conclusion. Because cars sell well, it doesn’t mean high profitability. At this point, new forces such as "Wei Xiaoli" have already had a deep understanding.

First of all, like "Wei Xiaoli", Krypton cars sell well, but their operating conditions are not satisfactory. Geely Automobile’s interim financial report in 2022 shows that in the first half of 2021 -2022, Kyo Automobile achieved revenue of 2.868 billion yuan and 8.828 billion yuan respectively. However, under the rapid growth of revenue, the net loss is constantly expanding. In the same period, the brand’s net loss reached 1.01 billion yuan and 759 million yuan respectively. In other words, in just one and a half years, Krypton has lost 1.769 billion yuan.

The crazy "burning money" of sub-brands also directly dragged down the overall profitability of Geely Automobile. In the first half of 2021-2022, the net profit of Geely Automobile was 4.847 billion yuan and 1.552 billion yuan respectively, and the year-on-year decline rate of net profit reached 12.4% and 34.81% respectively. As for the reasons for the further expansion of losses, Geely Automobile stated directly in the financial report that the relatively high operating costs of Krypton Automobile in the early stage of development and the confirmation of share-based payment fees in the current period were one of the reasons that adversely affected the profitability of the Group during the period.

It can be said that the climbing road of Krypton automobile is based on Geely automobile’s continuous blood transfusion. Nowadays, extremely krypton cars are eager for IPO. On the one hand, it can be seen that the capital market still shows great tolerance for new forces; On the other hand, it is also the bad situation caused by the group’s long-term blood transfusion behind the crazy burning of money by extremely krypton cars, which is in urgent need of IPO financing.

02, the core indicators are not good, not as good as "Wei Xiaoli"

Geely Automobile’s explanation of the development status of Krypton automobile in the financial report also gave the latter time to change course. However, with the acceleration of the electrification transformation of traditional car companies and the crazy invasion of cross-border people such as Huawei and Xiaomi, the competition faced by extremely-krypton cars is becoming increasingly fierce, and this battle is more filled with strong smoke compared with the increasingly mature head camp of new forces.

Schematic diagram of the comparison of the revenue of the new car-making forces in the first half of 2022 Tabulation: New Economic Observation Mission

First of all, from the volume point of view, the positioning of Krypton 001 has a certain competitive relationship with "Wei Xiaoli" and so on. In recent months, it has broken the sales performance of 10,000 vehicles, posing a great threat to the models such as Weilai ET5 and Tucki P7. However, judging from the volume of both sides, the revenue of extremely-krypton cars still cannot be compared with "Wei Xiaoli". According to the data of various financial reports, in the first half of 2022, Weilai, LI and Xpeng Motors achieved revenues of 20.2 billion yuan, 18.2 billion yuan and 14.8 billion yuan respectively, while the revenue of Krypton Automobile was only 8.8 billion yuan.

Graphic tabulation of gross profit margin of the new force of making cars in the first half of 2022: new economic observation group

At the same time, judging from the gross profit margin of various companies, there is a big gap between the profitability of extremely krypton cars and the head camp of new forces. According to An Conghui, CEO of Krypton Automobile, in the first half of 2022, the gross profit margin of Krypton automobile was around 5%. In the same period, the gross profit margins of LI, Weilai and Xpeng Motors reached 22.09%, 13.8% and 11.55% respectively.

The more serious situation is that Li Xiang, the founder of LI, revealed that the company is about to reach the turning point of breakeven. Li Bin, the founder of Weilai, also said that it is expected to break even in the fourth quarter of 2023. Obviously, the first batch of new car-making forces have touched the threshold of performance and profitability, while extremely krypton cars are still struggling in the whirlpool of losses.

Despite the poor performance, the capital market’s evaluation of extremely krypton cars is not low. In August, 2021, Krypton Auto completed the Pre-A round of strategic financing of US$ 500 million (equivalent to RMB 3.24 billion), with five ecological partners including Intel Capital and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited participating. After the completion of the investment, five companies got 5.6% of the shares of Extreme Krypton Automobile, and Geely Automobile’s shareholding dropped to 48%, but it is still the single largest shareholder of Extreme Krypton Automobile. At that time, the valuation of Krypton cars had reached $9 billion.

According to informed sources, this IPO in the United States will seek a valuation of more than 10 billion US dollars, and it is planned to be listed in new york as early as the second quarter of 2023. The reason why we abandoned the HKEx and chose new york as the listing place is to seek a higher valuation.

Looking at the new force "predecessors" car companies, "Wei Xiaoli" has taken the lead in listing in the United States. It took four years, six years and five years for the three companies to go public. If Krypton can really successfully pass the IPO within the predicted time, it means creating a record of the shortest time to market for new forces. And its valuation of nearly 70 billion yuan, although there is still a certain gap with Weilai (134 billion yuan) and Ideal (156.7 billion yuan), has surpassed the current market value of 57.6 billion yuan in Xpeng Motors and the zero-running car listed in September last year (the market value as of January 13 was 26.7 billion yuan).

It can be seen that although the performance is not satisfactory, the capital market still has high hopes for extremely krypton cars. However, there is a lesson that the stock price of the zero-run car broke and fell by more than 33% on the first day of listing. It is still unknown whether the extremely-krypton car can re-sample for the listing of new forces.

03, "Benchmarking Tesla", the road to high-end is not easy.

In addition to the embarrassing status quo, the problem of the extreme krypton car is that "ambition is not worthy of ability." From the emphatic wording of "the average order amount exceeds 336,000 yuan" in the sales posters of each issue, we can see that it is imperative for extreme krypton cars to hit the high end. After all, according to the definition of "high-end models" by the Federation, the starting price of products must exceed 300,000 yuan.

However, in the upsurge of "benchmarking Tesla" on the Internet, Extreme Krypton 001 played a configuration beyond Tesla such as "712km long battery life", hoping to raise the product positioning. However, in Tesla’s repeated price reduction boom, Krypton has lost its vital price advantage. As for the level of revenue and profitability, the two are not an order of magnitude.

One of the most critical problems that hinder krypton cars from taking the high-end road is that product problems emerge one after another.

Extreme krypton cars rank first in complaints. Image source: Car Quality Network

On January 1, 2023, Extreme Krypton Automobile announced that the new Extreme Krypton 001 was officially launched, and the new car was fully upgraded at the configuration level. However, it failed to take into account the rights and interests of old car owners. Since January 2nd, there have been hundreds of complaints about "sales promise not fulfilled" in the online complaint platform, ranking first in the complaint list.

According to the old owner of Krypton 001, after the launch of the new model of 001, the "old" owners who decided in advance have received the "overlord clause" to cancel the lifetime warranty, and the related rights and interests have also shrunk. The car owners accused the car of "cutting leeks" and did not hesitate to make false marketing to harm the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

In addition, some car owners revealed that in addition to the change of rights and interests, the car also unilaterally locked the order automatically, which was inconsistent with the information promised at the beginning, and today’s terms are even more unreasonable. As of press time, Extreme Krypton Automobile has not announced the handling results of this incident.

Complaints against extremely krypton cars (partial) Image source: Car Quality Network

The actual situation is that there is a precedent for the "false marketing" of extremely krypton cars. On New Year’s Day last year, Extreme Krypton Automobile released the rights and interests of the Spring Festival, which led to the price of new cars under the same configuration being lower than the purchase price years ago, which triggered the rights protection of old car owners. After several rounds of games, Krypton finally reached a settlement with the old car owners in the form of "returning 5,000 yuan".

Since then, Krypton 001 has also experienced various questions and problems such as "disguised price increase", "replacement of motor", "EC light-sensing canopy goods are not on the right board" and "order delay". More importantly, after the incident, the authorities never paid enough attention to the owner of the extremely krypton car. Instead, they responded indifferently by destroying misleading legends and perfunctory apologies, which made the owner even more annoyed.

As we all know, one of the biggest differences between new forces and traditional car companies is that they are good at user marketing and often play the banner of "deeply linking users" in order to win the favor of more consumers. However, judging from the company’s performance, although it classifies itself as a new force, it still has the "arrogance and prejudice" of traditional car companies in its bones. This simple and rude response has had a negative impact on the brand image.

On January 9th of this year, the second new car, Extreme Krypton 009, was officially mass-produced, and it is expected to be officially delivered in the second half of January. The new car hit the "high-end" goal again, and the prices of the two models were 499,000 yuan and 588,000 yuan respectively.

However, even Jason Lin, vice president of Extreme Smart Technology, once said, "To meet the high end, it is not how much money is used to measure the high end, but whether you can represent the most important products in that market." No matter from the perspective of copying the bottom chip of Krypton 001 completely or the battery scheme that has not been optimized and upgraded, it is obvious that Krypton 009 has not controlled the core technology well.

To add insult to injury, the problem of false propaganda of Qianqiu Kyo 001 has not been properly solved, and Kyo 009 was controversial because of the advertisement "All pets are love" on the day of listing, and finally ended up deleting the advertisement. Prior to this, Li Xiang also questioned the interior space of the extremely krypton 009 and "poured cold water" on the listing of the new car. Nowadays, Krypton 009 has not been mass-produced and delivered, and it has suffered from public opinion crises one after another. This is really not a good sign.

For a company to be listed, the establishment time is too short, the loss situation of the company is increasing, and the product quality problems have been repeatedly criticized, which will become a stumbling block on the road to sprint IPO. Whether Geely can achieve the goal of high-end by relying on Krypton 009 can be successfully achieved, I am afraid it will take a long time to investigate.

Beijing Auto Show: BYD Qin L DM-i was launched and listed in the second quarter.

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149 thousand. No way! The black technology of Xiaomi Automobile has come, and where is the market position?

Report from Jiwei. com (Text/Dusha) Following the official announcement of the "Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference" on December 25th, Lei Jun has written more than one eye-catching essay a day, and on December 27th, he also published a sincere tribute blog post: "We are well aware of the complexity of the automobile industry, and we are well aware of the hard-won development, and sincerely pay tribute to pioneers such as BYD, Weilai, Tucki, Ideality and Huawei", and in Beijing and Shanghai.

At 14 o’clock on the afternoon of December 28th, 1003 days after the announcement of entering the smart electric vehicle industry, the first press conference of Xiaomi Automobile was finally grandly opened. Although as early as December 25, Xiaomi Auto officially said that this conference only talked about technology, not products. However, at the press conference site, the "pre-press conference" of Xiaomi SU7 was also held simultaneously, involving product information including appearance, interior, space, power and safety. The first car is positioned as a "C-class high-performance eco-technology car" to achieve the ultimate performance of high performance, eco-technology and smart space experience, and to build the first choice of the elite of the times and the top benchmark of science and technology and humanities.

Because the release of Xiaomi car will take several months, the price that has attracted much attention has not been announced, but according to the configuration and information disclosed intentionally or unintentionally, Lei Jun’s words are proved, "Xiaomi SU7 is indeed a bit expensive, but it makes sense", and the scene has been compared with Porsche Taycan Turbo and Tesla Model S. When talking about the configuration of power batteries at the scene, Lei Jun quipped that the cost of the 101-kilowatt-hour power batteries currently carried is more than 100,000, and the price of similar power systems on the market is more than 400,000, so 149,000 is impossible. In fact, judging from the portrait of Xiaomi SU7 configuration, its price is hard to be lower than 200,000.

Then, before the official price is further announced, let’s take a look at what black technologies Xiaomi SU7 is equipped with.

At the whole press conference, Lei Jun unveiled five core technologies, including electric drive (motor), battery, large die casting, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

Xiaomi Automobile Motor overtook Tesla, and the established Xiaomi Super Motor Project has an expert team of more than 100 people, and cooperated with suppliers such as Huichuan. At the same time, by using AI technology, it successfully developed a motor with a speed of 21,000 at the end of 2022, surpassing Tesla. At this stage, the millet motors V6 and V6s have been mass-produced, and the first millet car will be equipped with the millet motors V6 and V6s, with performance comparable to Porsche and Tesla.

What’s more, Lei Jun released the third motor V8s developed by Xiaomi at the scene, with a speed of 27,200. It is also the top motor in the world at present, and its rotor is made of ultra-high strength silicon steel, which will get on the bus in 2025.

In terms of batteries, Xiaomi launched the 871V silicon carbide high-voltage battery pack jointly developed by thousands of people with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, which took two years to overcome many difficulties, and Xiaomi built its own battery pack factory. At the same time, in order to ensure battery safety and improve vehicle efficiency, we developed the world’s first CTB battery inversion technology, designed it according to the most stringent battery safety standards, and equipped it with powerful thermal management technology, with the goal of "challenging the king of batteries in winter".

Since Tesla started the large-scale die casting, this wave has quickly swept the entire automobile industry. Xiaomi Automobile also hopes to reshape automobile manufacturing with industrial behemoths, and launch super die-casting of Xiaomi, reaching the maximum locking force of 9,100 t, exceeding the locking force of 9,000 t in Tesla’s newly completed factory in the United States. The driving force of industrial behemoths often comes from the innovation of the underlying materials. Therefore, Xiaomi independently developed Titan alloy materials, which is also the only car factory in China that has mass-produced self-developed alloy materials. Based on innovative technology, it introduced the 72-in-1 integrated die-casting floor, which reduced the welding points of the whole car by 840, reduced the noise in the car by 2dB and reduced the weight by 17%.

In the field of intelligent driving, the industry is particularly involved at present. Lei Jun bluntly said that Xiaomi is not afraid of rolling, and it is from small to large. Xiaomi’s goal is to enter the first camp in the industry in 2024. Its strength stems from Xiaomi’s self-developed intelligent driving technology and three outstanding advantages. One is to insist on long-term investment. The total investment of Xiaomi in the first phase is 3.3 billion, which has been increased to 4.7 billion. The scale of the exclusive team exceeds 1,000, more than 200 vehicles have been put into test, and the test mileage exceeds 10 million kilometers. The second is the comprehensive empowerment of AI: Xiaomi AI Lab was established in 2016. After seven years of development, it currently has 3,000 AI engineers; The third is the self-developed underlying algorithm: Xiaomi’s new generation technology platform, which has BEV+Transformer+ occupation network and is fully integrated into the big model.

Perception has always been the key in intelligent driving. In order to break through the difficult problems in perception, adaptive zoom BEV technology, large road model and super-resolution occupation network technology constitute three key technologies of Xiaomi intelligent driving. These technologies can support a comprehensive leap in terms of visibility accuracy, perception accuracy and control accuracy, making cars "visible, accurate and understandable", making high-speed and urban intelligent driving more accurate and safer, and solving the existing problems of urban NOA, such as difficulty in crossing intersections.

In terms of hardware, the intelligent driving system is equipped with top-level configuration, including two NVIDIA Orin high computing power chips, with a comprehensive computing power of 508TOPS. The sensing hardware includes 1 lidar, 11 high-definition cameras, 3 millimeter-wave radars and 12 ultrasonic radars (Max version).

What’s more worth mentioning is that Xiaomi’s self-developed world’s first mass-produced end-to-end "perceptual decision-making model" has shown amazing strength in application scenarios such as mechanical warehouses. It combines perception-decision algorithm, real-time observation and dynamic adjustment of large models, which is the first time in the world to apply this technology to production vehicles.

As a field that Xiaomi is good at, the intelligent cockpit is also the last link of its strategy of "people and cars are all ecological". After 13 years of exploration, the Xiaomi 澎湃 OS developed in 7 years is highly anticipated for the first time. Based on Xiaomi 澎湃 OS, Xiaomi has built a unified visual interaction system, realizing a comprehensive sharing ecosystem from software to hardware. Through a series of bottom reconstruction such as intelligent cockpit, Xiaomi has laid a solid foundation for the evolution of cars.

Xiaomi’s intelligent cockpit adopts a "people-centered" interactive architecture, and is equipped with a 16.1-inch 3K ultra-clear central control panel, a 56-inch oversized HUD head-up display, a 7.1-inch flip instrument panel, and Xiaomi Pad, which can realize five-screen linkage. At the same time, in order to support the silky experience of the intelligent cockpit, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 cockpit chip is equipped.

Ecology is the key word of Xiaomi cockpit system. The intelligent cockpit has a strong application ecology, and the Xiaomi tablet application ecology can seamlessly get on the bus. At the same time, the mobile phone application Pin can be applied to the car, and the native application of the car can be changed in seconds. In addition, the Xiaomi cockpit system supports hardware ecological boarding, including the Mijia ecological non-inductive boarding, the central control large screen can be expanded, the center console can be expanded, and the seat back can be expanded.

Xiaomi also opened a unified standardized interface and enriched standard protocols, creating the strongest exclusive CarIoT ecosystem. The built-in CarIoT docking station supports the changeable access of a series of devices, including smart fragrance. Four groups of Pin point power supply communication design can expand physical keys. In order to meet the needs of Apple users, Xiaomi fully supports wireless CarPlay car, and provides exclusive accessories and exclusive applications for iPad on the rear expansion screen.

When it is about to close in 2023 and friends are fighting for the high-end smart electric market of 400,000 and above, Xiaomi Automobile will release Xiaomi SU7 real car with a vision. Lei Jun said that the automobile industry has been more than 100 years, and there is no shortcut to the track for a hundred years. Xiaomi decided to invest ten times, start with the underlying core technology, seriously build a good car, and through 15 to 20 years of efforts, become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world, and strive for the all-round rise of China’s automobile industry.

However, it is conceivable that when Xiaomi enters the automobile market, the challenges it faces are greater than those of the previous new car-making forces, and the competition in each segment of the track can be called bloody rain. In 2024, the price war is expected to continue in the industry. Therefore, when Xiaomi comes, it is bound to face the quagmire of price scuffle, and the longer-term problem for Xiaomi is, where is the market position? (Proofreading/Zhu Zhilei)

Can the sub-class economy achieve new opportunities from the beginning of the child, and then become a dating software?

Original Wang Yingli Kuaiwan Thinking

Tips: This article is about 3,620 words, and it takes 10 minutes to burn your brain. Wang Yingli, a journalist who plays chopsticks, sent it in Beijing.

Carpooling, maps, group buying, take-away, e-commerce, chatting, learning, games, music, reading, payment … Any new thing, if it can become the living habit of most people, will create a new platform opportunity.

Whether the catering and catering economy can become new platform opportunities depends on the flow, irreplaceable demand, capital operation and liquidity, etc. From the perspective of applet and App, the sub-category application did have corresponding platform construction earlier.

Previously, in the article "",some fans left a message that the economy will probably deteriorate in the end.

In fact, from the perspective of apps such as partners and rice friends, they have indeed become chat and dating software in the name of (rice) partners.

Chopsticks Playing Thinking ( This article analyzes whether the (rice) partner can become a platform opportunity, but also needs to consider the practical problems. Why does the (rice) partner App deteriorate in the end?

Why do young people need partners?

Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, Weibo and other platforms have millions and tens of millions of traffic about the content and topics of the partner, and the highest even reaches tens of billions of broadcasts. Young people’s main demand for partners is diet, and rice partners are the most common combination. However, no matter whether they are qualified partners or normal modern people, anyone’s demand is not limited to eating, except diet, travel, script killing, swimming, fitness, reading, and even fishing at work, it can be said that everything can be built.

Don’t think that it’s just young people who are keen on taking partners. According to the 2023 Social Research Report on Taking Partners, the number one job is civil servants, as well as retired people and students at school. Taking partners is not only for young people, but also for office workers and silver-haired people.

Interestingly, the report data shows that women need partners more than men, and it can even be said that partners are dominated by women’s economy.

The author has previously gone deep into the rice partner group and experienced four facts:

1) Partners are not only single people, but also couples and married people have additional needs, such as attending multi-person dinners and script killings.

2) Partner is not only a hobby to push, but some people look for partners just for curiosity or to pass the time.

3), partners are not to make friends, some partners are to have no human burden when having fun, and in group chat, the habit of not adding is set for most partners. For example, some couples traveled by car together for seven days, and when they came back, they not only didn’t know each other’s names (communicated by their net names), but even didn’t add WeChat (had group chats), focusing on a chance meeting, but the origin was together and the fate was separated.

4) You don’t have to meet each other. It’s also a sub-category game to supervise each other’s fitness and eating in the group.

From a realistic point of view, the partners’ interests are very strange. Some of them ask each other for self-study, walk the dog, stay in a daze, Pinduoduo cut a knife, or a few introverted people go out to walk in the street together. Even many couples have half-price meals and second cups. The partners only talk about companionship and AA system, and don’t talk about feelings at all.

Judging from the Baidu index chart, contemporary people’s demand for activities is stronger than that for parties and socializing, and the index of parties and activities has been rising for a long time (just to play for fun, not to play for socializing). For the behavior of partners, it emphasizes activities, but it is also related to parties and socializing.

Hidden above the activities is the great boredom and loneliness of contemporary people. Interestingly, contemporary people have no time to be sad. They prefer happiness. How can they pursue happiness? It seems that making friends is a broad solution. From this point of view, it is not surprising that some subclassing apps will become dating software.

Judging from the deteriorated sub-category App, if it is put into the social field, it is not cost-effective. Obviously, it is a new demand, but it must be close to a broken Red Sea.

Dating apps can’t solve the needs of partners.

Most dating software is actually feminine logic. In the conventional communication relationship, there is only one payer, which is contrary to the logic of partner AA. In other words, if we return to the traditional logic of making friends, the partner relationship will not exist.

In the previous article about the partner, some fans pointed out that the landing of the partner is actually that the active payer stops playing and returns to please himself from pleasing others. Not only men, but also women don’t like the traditional relationship. The traditional relationship is that whoever initiates pays the bill. If it is a high-quality relationship, rushing to settle the bill at checkout will also make the sponsors feel indebted, while if they are fair-weather friends, it will hurt their wallets too much.

Based on the dissatisfaction with the traditional relationship, this is the friendship between children. Everyone doesn’t need to invest in feelings, just enjoy the activity itself, and AA is enough when checking out. Everyone doesn’t care about each other and doesn’t owe anyone.

In dating software, it becomes: I pursue you, you accompany me, and I pay for your company. Reality has also proved that this kind of communication relationship can’t actually solve the spiritual emptiness and loneliness of contemporary people. Contemporary people have turned from emotional bondage to short and ruthless trading needs, returning to the basics of activities, playing together, and then paying their own bills and returning to their homes for happiness.

The original intention of the partner is not only to solve the financial problem, but also to lift the human bond. In the survey, the partner’s needs include helping Pinduoduo cut a knife, and also collecting orders and doing tasks. However, for such needs, most acquaintances will feel that the other party does not respect themselves. If they are partners, there is no such psychological burden at all. The partners of migrant workers also carry the burden on each other, fish together, skip work together, etc. Acquaintances will only refuse and dissuade them, and only partners will accompany them and do not need to return.

From this point of view, the friendship between children and traditional friends is almost a completely different track. What is needed to build a sub-category App is anti-traditional social gameplay, and all social apps can’t keep the real children.

Why can’t I do a subclass App?

The partner has no feelings and does not rely on his face.

There is such a case. In a boarding group, a boarding friend asked for a photo of the boarding partner before going out for a drink, and was finally kicked out of the group by the group owner, because such people need a group of friends, not a boarding group.

On WeChat, Julang creatively developed the "nearby partner" applet, ranging from rice partner, travel partner, street vendor to movie partner. The applet is also divided into Beijing partner, Inner Mongolia partner and Guangdong partner by region, among which game partner, travel partner and dinner partner are the most common, and the reading of a single message is around 5,000-20,000, but it may be too scattered and other reasons.

Perhaps it is true that the traffic on the sub-platform is insufficient. Some apps that were also serious about making partners earlier have transformed to make friends. At this point, the fact is probably that they have given up the business of building sub-category apps.

Judging from the total annihilation of App applications and the desolation of small programs, the demand for partners may not really support a single platform.

The rise and fall of economic behavior actually depends on the change of economic value, and perhaps the fact is that it is difficult to realize the positive realization of the economy.

1) Demand satisfaction is complicated, and ruthlessness is universal.

The partner’s age span is relatively large. From the post-80s to the post-00s, some people are old and naughty, and some are young and mature, such as reading partners to form a reading club. The sources of such channels include Douban, Little Red Book, Weibo, Tik Tok and acquaintances. The needs of the partners are precise and ruthless. After investigation, many partners will immediately uninstall the Douban App after they find an organization in Douban, including the 50-year-old uncle who is looking for a fishing partner in Xiaohongshu. As long as he enters the fishing group, the uncle will change hands with Xiaohongshu. It is an unloading.

Young people will also find partners from digital apps such as Cool ‘an. It is normal that cool friends can’t find people for ten days after they pay attention. The friendship of the people in the new era is that everyone doesn’t invest their feelings in it, and their interests come online. Bye-bye.

2) The commercial dilemma that cannot be ignored

Tik Tok, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Douban, Kuan, WeChat and other platforms are all faintly visible. It is really difficult to make money from the partner.

Even if it is a group purchase, people used to buy coupons from platforms such as Tik Tok, Word of Mouth, Public Comment, Meituan, etc. In the past, partners found that there were almost no good things in the packages of merchants, which made their consumption tendency basically go to the store, which was beneficial to the entity business but not to the platform.

Some partners have also found that the prices of group purchase packages on many platforms are the same as the actual prices of stores, which also leads customers to get used to paying in stores. I don’t know if this is a cautious move or a helpless move (generally beneficial to businesses).

It seems that the traffic of the partner is just a formality. If the platform wants to make money on the partner, the past business model is almost completely ineffective.

To realize the value of partners, we must reconstruct our thinking.

Can a partner really fail to do a business? Or, can partners really not bring value to capital or brands? That’s not the case.

1), community reconstruction

Partners can be used by businesses, at least to empower the community.

In the past, the community was coupon thinking, and it was the logic of issuing coupons and asking customers to spend. With the passage of time, most of them have become dead groups. In some couples’ dry meals, the chatting energy of strangers is indeed the most abundant. By changing their thinking, bosses can join the partners’ community and spontaneously form a team to win customers for the brand, which requires neither discounts nor group purchases, and does not need to pay new drainage fees.

Bosses can also help partners launch activities and help partners recruit new partners. These are all ways to realize the flow of partners.

In the brand group, there was always the only brand in the past. For example, all the brands in the group talked about the same brand, which is also the reason why the brand group will eventually be silent. In the chopsticks thinking, bosses can initiate a partner alliance, such as multi-restaurants × swimming and fitness × camping brands × parent-child activities, etc., through multi-brand alliances, which is a way to revitalize traffic and can also form a brand consumption cluster.

2), functional reconstruction

It’s difficult to build a single platform, so it’s probably a good idea to embed the old platform to make the platform functional. For example, the four functions of comments are punching in, taking videos, sending photos and writing comments. In fact, a team function can be added to initiate the platform. When several people meet at the store for dinner, they can pay a deposit first and spend it at the store, which can not only bring new passengers to the store, but also facilitate the communication of the platform.

Compared with rebuilding the sub-platform, embedding the old platform and functionalizing it will be more efficient and practical.

In summary, it can be seen that the sub-category economy is not without economic value and flow play, but now most of them use traditional business models to deal with new play, and the failure of running-in naturally fails to see the value.

As for the partner economy, this article does not discuss and judge it too deeply. Partner is like a new business opportunity rising in Ran Ran, which is not only a new social problem, but also a new demand of social people. Only by paying attention to it can we gain benefits from it.

Original title: "Starting from a partner and then becoming a dating software, can the sub-category economy achieve new opportunities?" 》

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Empowering Industry Financing Innovation Huawei Cloud Innovation Center Partner Cooperation Forum was held.

Shenzhen News Network August 29, 2023(Reporter Ye Mei) On August 27th, the "828 B2B Enterprise Festival Huawei Cloud Innovation Center Ecological Development Forum" was held in Shenzhen. The theme of this forum was "Empowering industries to integrate innovation", focusing on enterprise digitalization and exploring the path and vision of enterprise digital transformation.

At the meeting, Huawei Cloud Innovation Center joined hands with more than 10 software eco-partners to release the special plan of Huawei Cloud Industry Expert Group. UFIDA Software and Huawei Cloud released the Fast by BIP product scheme, and CITIC Bank Shenzhen Branch and Huawei Cloud jointly launched CITIC e-loan financial products for software partners. Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud and the National Service Alliance for Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises jointly released the National Alliance for Digital Services of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises "Three Fu" National Bank-Shenzhen Station. In addition, the awarding ceremony of Huawei Cloud Innovation Center’s excellent education solution partner and Huawei Cloud Innovation Center’s excellent manufacturing solution partner was held at the same time.

Digital transformation experts from many industries shared the digital transformation of manufacturing and education industries, as well as the cooperation history and achievements with Huawei Cloud Innovation Center.

Gather wisdom and strength to help enterprises transform digitally and win a new future for industrial development.

Liu Yaohuang, Party Secretary and Director of Shenzhen Pingshan Industry and Information Technology Bureau, delivered a speech at the scene. He thanked Huawei and partner companies for their support to Pingshan’s economic and social development, and introduced the achievements of digital transformation of Pingshan’s manufacturing industry. He said that Pingshan has always insisted on planning, exploring and promoting the development of "digital+"empowerment, intelligence and assignment manufacturing, and promoting the real economy to improve quality, increase efficiency and reduce costs. The N of Pingshan industrial policy "2+N" includes the special policy of digital economy, which highlights the strong support for the industrial Internet.

Zhiqiang Tao, vice president of Huawei Cloud China District, shared the theme of "Gathering wisdom, gathering strength, and sharing a new chapter of booming industrial ecology". He said that "empowering industries and integrating innovation" is the core of Huawei Cloud Innovation Center. With the help of integrating innovative public service platforms, it provides a complete set of technical empowerment solutions related to all aspects of digital ecology, helping enterprises solve the technical, financial and talent problems faced in the transformation and helping enterprises grow better. In the future, Huawei Cloud will continue to practice the concept of "everything is service", continue to increase investment in the fertile soil of industrial digital innovation, and join hands with governments at all levels, enterprises, ecological partners and developers to jointly develop, tolerate and innovate a new chapter in industrial ecology.

Peng Kunmin, general manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud Excellence Operation, gave a speech entitled "Gathering together, working together for a win-win situation, and the road of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud Digital Intelligence Empowerment", which explained the development trend of digital economy and the development process of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud. He said that digital transformation has become an important direction of industrial development. Huawei Cloud Empowering Cloud continues to build an eco-service organization, strengthen the introduction of eco-partner capabilities, and with the help of the public service platform model of Huawei Cloud Innovation Center, it continues to empower enterprises in digital transformation and accelerate the digital innovation of the industry for industrial manufacturing, software development, integration of industry and education and other industry scenarios.

At the inauguration ceremony of Huawei Cloud Partner Expert Group, Chen Qianwen, general manager of inclusive finance Department of CITIC Bank Shenzhen Branch, Tang Xianyong, deputy general manager of Shenzhen Xunfang Technology Co., Ltd., Liu Chen, co-founder and vice president of Beijing Yidong Fanxiang Technology Co., Ltd., Wang Pei, chairman of Shanghai Zhenyun Information Technology Co., Ltd., Zhang Yancong, founder and &CEO of Guangzhou Shengyuancheng Technology Co., Ltd., and Zhou Haiwei, chief technology officer of Shanghai Yurui Information Technology Co., Ltd. Wang Zhiwei, Vice President of Ecology of Shanghai Black Lake Technology Co., Ltd., and Ma Changxi, General Manager of South China Operation Center of Shanghai Pan Micro Network Technology Co., Ltd. became members of the expert group. Zhiqiang Tao, Vice President of Huawei Cloud China District, and Peng Kunmin, General Manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud Excellence Operation presented letters of appointment to the members of the expert group and took a group photo.

Huawei Cloud Innovation Center joins hands with eco-partners to create heavy activities, invest superior resources and boost the digitalization of the industry.

Cloud gathers innovation and prospers ecology. In the process of promoting the digital development of the industry, Huawei Cloud Innovation Center cannot do without the support of excellent partners. In this forum, Huawei Cloud Innovation Center and ecological partners released a number of projects to accelerate the digital transformation process of the industry.

Fast by BIP, a large-scale enterprise digital intelligence package jointly built by UFIDA Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Huawei Cloud, provides a one-stop global service for large enterprises, enabling customers to make good use of the cloud and help them quickly promote digital intelligence and become a digital intelligence enterprise. In this forum, Zhiqiang Tao, Vice President of Huawei Cloud China, Gao Feng, Minister of Huawei Cloud Ecological Development Department, Dong Bo, Vice President of UFIDA Network and President of UFIDA Ecological Department, and Wang Zengliang, Director of UFIDA Network Ecology jointly announced that "2023 UFIDA Fast by BIP & Huawei Cloud Joint Product" was officially released.

CITIC Bank Shenzhen Branch and Huawei Cloud launched the "e-loan for cloud merchants" to help enterprises build a lifeline and empower their partners to grow their businesses. Under the witness of Zhiqiang Tao, Vice President of Huawei Cloud China, Peng Kunmin, General Manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud Excellence Operation, Chen Qianwen, General Manager of inclusive finance Department of CITIC Bank Shenzhen Branch, and Luo Wenqiang, Deputy General Manager of State-owned Assets Business Department of CITIC Bank Shenzhen Branch, the "2023 Cloud Business E-Loan Huawei Cloud Innovation Center Accelerated Action" was officially released.

The National Alliance of Digital Services for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises "Sanfu" National Tour-Shenzhen Station was officially launched.

Qi Lu, Secretary-General of the National Alliance for Digital Services of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, introduced the "three contributions" of the National Alliance for Digital Services of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, namely, promoting digital empowerment, intellectual empowerment of scientific and technological achievements, and brand assignment of quality standards-Shenzhen Station.

Under the joint witness of Peng Kunmin and Qi Lu, the activity of "National Alliance of Digital Services for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises’ Three-Fu National Tour-Shenzhen Station" was officially launched.

The forum also presented awards and awards for Huawei Cloud Innovation Center’s outstanding educational solution partners, Huawei Cloud Innovation Center’s outstanding manufacturing solution partners, Huawei Cloud Innovation Center’s outstanding general solution partners and Huawei Cloud Innovation Center’s potential partners.

In the future, Huawei Cloud Innovation Center will continue to join hands with ecological partners, continue to serve enterprises, deeply empower the industry, accelerate the integration of innovation, and help the process of digital intelligence transformation.

On April 26th, Cyrus was increased by 854,600 shares in Shanghai Stock Connect.

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2022 Black Bomb Officially Listed Great Wall Gun Shines at Qilu Auto Show

  On June 9th, the 45th Qilu International Automobile Exhibition and Trade Fair officially opened. Qilu Auto Show, as one of the important exhibitions in the central market, has a strong radiation influence. At this year’s auto show, the Great Wall Gun took two major categories, leisure and fashion business, and three models, 2022 black bullet, off-road gun trailer version and King Kong gun flat-bottomed container version, made a grand debut. Among them, the 2022 black bullet rejuvenation is listed, which is a 1-word scalp card model, and the official guide price is 248,800 yuan.

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2022 black bomb goes on the market.

  In May, the 300,000th vehicle of the Great Wall Gun was officially rolled off the assembly line. From zero to 300,000, the Great Wall Gun took only 2 years and 8 months, and once again demonstrated the "Great Wall Gun Speed", becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 300,000 sets, setting a new industry record.

  Designed for off-road players, 2022 black bombs were launched.

  In 2021, Great Wall Gun officially released the "Cannonball Plan", and together with excellent co-creation partners such as Yunliang, Dinghuo and Yuanda Shelby, it built the first co-creation and modification platform of China automobile brand, which is also the first professional, customized, personalized and ultimate user experience platform in China. Black bomb is the first product of this platform incubation. In view of the individual needs of deep cross-country and pan-outdoor players, Great Wall Gun and Yunliang Cross-country jointly developed, and after many revisions and demonstration tests, this "wilderness weapon" was created.

  At the auto show, the 2022 black bomb was launched. In terms of face value, the 2022 black bullet adopts the all-black body background color, which is only decorated with bright orange, which is very appropriate in the temperament of "low-key is not mediocre, high-profile is not unassuming".

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2022 Black Bomb

  What is even more surprising is that the 2022 black bullet chassis has been newly developed and upgraded, with stronger resistance, lighter weight, faster chassis response and worry-free handling. The whole vehicle is also equipped with professional K-MAN shock absorption and standard Bailuchi KO2 tires, which not only provides strong support and rebound suppression, but also enables people to "walk on the ground" in any environment, and can cope with all kinds of road conditions and easily meet various usage scenarios. Off-road hard core equipment is added. Thanks to part-time 4wd system, front and rear axle electronic differential system and WARN winch, the 2022 Black Bomb has a stronger ability to get out of trouble, and it can be easily hold in desert, Gobi, river beach or bog, enjoying the fun of off-road driving. In addition, the original factory comes with 2.5 tons of traction qualification, which can meet all kinds of traction needs and enjoy outdoor life.

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2022 Black Bomb

  The Great Wall Gun, which takes users as the center, will continue to create personalized customized models with upgraded performance, enhanced functions and unlimited expansion of scenes together with major modified brands, so as to meet the needs of pickup players and lead the development of pickup culture in China.

  Full scene pickup truck life Great Wall gun whole car layout trailer version

  As the pioneer of new pickup truck category, the leader of pickup truck culture and the leader of users’ co-creation, Great Wall Gun insists on category innovation and makes full efforts to take advantage of leisure and fashion business. Take the leisure category, and strive to meet the diversified and personalized needs of users, improve the quality of life of users around the world, and empower the pickup culture to develop upwards.

  At the auto show, as an all-terrain mass production off-road pickup truck — — The trailer version of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck is particularly eye-catching. In order to meet the diversified needs of users, at present, the whole car system of Great Wall Gun has been equipped with trailer models. The off-road gun trailer version is naturally powerful, with C6 driving towing qualification, equipped with 2.5 tons of towing qualification, a trailer with a reserved power outlet and a rear towing device, which can create infinitely expanding towing use scenarios, including towing motorcycles, Luya boats, RVs, motorboats, etc., which perfectly adapts to the whole scene of pickup truck life and allows users to enjoy the charm of pickup truck culture.

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Great wall gun off-road pickup trailer

  Empowering thousands of industries to create a car with people’s livelihood value.

  Great Wall Gun’s fashion and commercial products focus on building compact and medium-sized pickup trucks, and are committed to building a car of value and people’s livelihood for thousands of industries, helping users to have good business and a better life. King Kong Gun, which is positioned as a fashionable commercial pickup truck, is another global product of Great Wall Gun’s category innovation.

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King kong cannon

  King Kong Cannon has three kinds of containers to choose from: standard box, long box and flat bottom. No matter what "goods" they are, they can give you the right choice. In particular, the flat-bottomed container is "value-for-money, economical and fashionable". The horizontal inclination angle of the container is smaller than that of competing products, the rear of the container is not tilted, and the car posture is good; 1.82m ultra-long flat container, leading the same level, the effective loading of flat container is increased by 50%, and the square boxes and drums are placed casually. King Kong cannon also has a small turning diameter, which can easily cope with narrow road conditions and turn around and turn. Intimate container lighting, caring for everyone who races against the clock.

  King Kong Cannon is a high-value model based on the needs of users in the era of industrial interconnection. It is tempered to be rigid and has the quality of King Kong. It pays tribute to the strugglers in the new era with hard-core strength, empowers thousands of industries, expands new formats and innovates business together.

  At this year’s auto show, the Great Wall Gun also shared its understanding of the "climber spirit": the climber spirit is the spirit of pursuing dreams, and the Great Wall Gun has changed the commercial characteristics of pickup trucks, endowed them with the characteristics of riding, created a full-scene pickup truck life, and made pickup trucks have culture; Climbers need to challenge themselves mentally. Above 300,000, the Great Wall Gun will climb to a higher goal. The climber’s spirit needs cooperation and co-creation. The Artillery League Cheyouhui has 31 provincial teams, 800,000 fans of the Great Wall Gun APP and six pickup colleges. The Great Wall Gun has built a full-scale pickup truck life by co-creating, co-building and sharing with users, helping the diversified development of pickup trucks.

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Measure Everest

  Great Wall pickup truck has been the first in domestic sales and the first in export for 24 consecutive years. Ride the wind and waves, be steady and far-reaching. Standing on a new starting point of 300,000 units, Great Wall Gun will continue to exert its efforts in category innovation and user co-creation, write a new chapter in category innovation, practice the concept of global user co-creation and deepen global development. (Photo courtesy of the Great Wall pickup)

The acceleration of 100 kilometers is 3.9 seconds. How does BYD Han EV drive?

closefillIThe first time to share with you the hot spots in the automobile circle.

I have to say that when BYD Han just went public, many people were not very optimistic about it. After all, it was in the car segmentation field where its own brand had been weak, and it had a distance compared with Tesla and BBA in brand power. At the same time, pricing is also controversial.

Some netizens said: "Is BYD Han worth 219,800-279,500 yuan after subsidy?

Is the set price a little too floating?

The brain is crazy. Is it not fresh and fragrant to have the money to buy a Tesla?

This car is destined to be cool. "

However, in reality, BYD Han succeeded, and after three months of listing, BYD Han ushered in the first sales of more than 10,000. It can be said that BYD Han gave two big mouths to those who didn’t value it with real sales results. Yes! Byd Han not only didn’t get cold, but also climbed steadily.

According to the latest official sales data released by BYD in November, BYD Han sold a total of 10,105 vehicles in November, achieving a four-month sales increase, with a cumulative sales volume of 28,467 vehicles. Among them, BYD Han EV (parameter picture) sold 7,482 vehicles in November, ranking fourth in the sales list of new energy vehicles in November of china automobile dealers association Automobile Market Research Branch (Association); BYD Han DM also sold 2,623 vehicles in mid-November, up 5.3% from October. Judging from these sales figures, BYD Han really "went up". So why did it succeed? What are the core highlights? Just recently, the key gentleman participated in a deep test drive experience of "recalling Jiangnan" for BYD, and found some answers from it. Let’s go! Let’s take a look!

Full of Chinese style! The appearance is highly recognizable and differentiated.

Still as usual, let’s talk about the static part first. In this era of "looking at the face", not only people have to look at the face value, but even cars have to fight for the face value. In recent years, the post-90 s and post-00 s gradually replaced the post-70 s and post-80 s as the main group of consumers, and the personalized consumption characteristics of young people began to dominate the market changes. Therefore, the value of a car is good or bad, which can be said to play a decisive role in the process of consumers’ car selection.

After so many years of development, China’s automobile industry has become increasingly mature. While increasing the research and development of their own products, independent car manufacturers have also made great efforts in appearance value, striving to cater to the aesthetics of young consumers with the latest and most fashionable appearance design. Of course, BYD is the representative of this. Judging from the appearance of the models currently listed, the design style of BYD’s models is absolutely "fan".

Ok, the gossip is a little too much, so let’s get back to the topic! This time, the key test drive is a BYD Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version of the flagship, with a price of 279,500 yuan and an acceleration of 3.9s seconds per 100 kilometers. When the key gentleman saw this car at first sight, the key gentleman was really amazed by its design. First of all, the first feeling it gave the key gentleman was that this BYD Han EV was very coupe-like, with a low posture and smooth lines. Interestingly, the overall design of this car is also full of Chinese style. Specifically, the front face of BYD Han EV adopts a closed and integrated front face, and a silver chrome-plated decorative strip is conspicuous at the grille of the front face, and the "Han" logo is also dotted in it, which also makes China elements more prominent. In addition, the shape of the headlight group is slender and sharp, and it looks more sci-fi and avant-garde with the streamlined body.

In addition to the attractive value of the front face, BYD Han EV also has a surprising part on the side of the car body. The side of the whole car body adopts a slip-back roof arc to make the car look more sporty. In addition, the design of the hidden handle highlights its sense of science and technology. During the experience, the key gentleman thinks that BYD has made this design very carefully, and the LOGO with the word "Han" is printed on the inside of the door handle, which is also very good in the process of pushing and retracting. It is worth mentioning that this car also supports NFC unlocking, and the sensing area is in the rearview mirror, which can support Huawei mobile phone unlocking and binding. At this point, the key gentleman thinks it is very convenient for consumers.

In addition, the design of the tail shape of BYD Han EV is also very textured. The top corner of the trunk adopts a duck tail shape, and the popular through taillights are not absent. The design elements of the taillights are also used on both sides, which is highly recognizable after lighting. From the overall design point of view, the face value of BYD Han EV is very high, which is quite good in terms of atmosphere and durability, and there is actually a reason to have this face value.

It is reported that this design was jointly created by Wolfgang Eiger, former design director of Audi, JuanMa López, exterior design director of Ferrari, and Michele Jauch-Paganetti, former interior design director of Mercedes-Benz. It is not difficult to understand why BYD Han can have a highly recognizable and differentiated appearance with such a big-name designer.

The interior is both textured and advanced.

Press the car key lightly, and when you open the car door and enter the car, the electric seat and the electric steering wheel will move slowly. It can be said that the full sense of ceremony will burst out instantly, and the interior that gives the key gentleman the deepest feeling visually is the red and black collocation. It is worthy of recognition that this car has significantly improved the sense of texture and luxury compared with the previous BYD models. At the same time, the interior of the whole car is also decorated with many wood grains, which is very classy.

In terms of materials, BYD Han EV is also very sincere. For example, in terms of seats, BYD Han EV uses Nappa leather raw materials. It is reported that this is selected from cattle hide imported from Brazil and has been processed by more than 20 processes. The overall filler is also very soft and comfortable. At the same time, BYD Han EV is equipped with the function of seat ventilation, and the overall comfort is very good. From this point of view alone, BYD Han EV is much better than Model 3, which is criticized for its rough workmanship and poor materials.

In addition, the interior design of BYD Han EV has not only retained the family-style design, but also carried out many innovations. For example, the dashboard uses a large display screen and the latest DiLink 3.0 UI design, which is called the theme of "flowing". The central control rotating large screen is not absent from this BYD Han EV, with a size of 15.6 inches and a brand-new UI design. The display effect is very clear and delicate, and the fluency of use is also "smooth". In addition, it has functions such as car WIFI, OTA remote upgrade and split-screen display. It is worth noting that in audio-visual entertainment, it can also support Internet radio, online music, local music and local videos, and the system supports downloading applications, which is basically the same as the smart phones we use every day.

In addition, this car is also quite rich in configuration, especially in active safety configuration. It is equipped with BYD Dipilot driver assistance system, and it is equipped with basic common practical configurations such as adaptive cruise, lane keeping and automatic parking.

Key Jun also had some experience during the test drive, among which the most memorable one is that when you enter low-speed driving, as soon as you turn on the turn signal, the screen will automatically switch to a 360-degree panoramic image, and its response speed is really fast. The most important thing is that it is practical and convenient. In terms of voice control, BYD Han EV also has a high degree of voice recognition. The wake-up mode can be awakened by buttons on the steering wheel or by voice, and its voice system has a fast response speed and high recognition. You just need to say "Hello, Xiao Di+Command" to switch to the specified command. Byd Han EV can support switching to make a phone call, check the weather, open the window and other commands.

Let’s take a look at the size. As a medium-sized and large car, BYD Han EV is also full of advantages in space performance. First, let’s take a look at the body size of BYD Han EV. Its length, width and height are 4980/1910/1495mm, and the wheelbase is 2920mm. It is precisely because of its super-long wheelbase of 2920 mm that the rear space of BYD Han EV can be described as luxury. In the actual experience process, the emphasis is on your height. At the same time, sitting in the back seat, you can feel the softness of the whole seat is very high. In addition, the cushion is also very long, not only with ventilation and heating functions, but also with electric adjustment of the back seat, which is quite "cool". Of course, there are still some shortcomings in the space of BYD Han EV. Compared with the abundance of leg space, the head space in the back row is somewhat cramped. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. After all, there are restrictions on the shape of sliding back, so the head space is not so comfortable. According to the pro-test, the head distance is 3.5 to 4 fingers without sitting up straight. If the body plate is upright, it will be a bit awkward. Judging from the overall interior experience of BYD Han EV, BYD Han EV can give consumers a luxury car enjoyment in terms of texture, technical equipment and comfort.

How does BYD Han EV drive?

After talking about the appearance and interior, what is the feeling of BYD Han EV? Since it is a test drive experience, how can we not talk about the feeling of driving! Let’s talk about parameters and power first. BYD Han EV provides two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive models, in which the front and rear dual-motor systems with total power of 363kW(494Ps) and maximum torque of 680N·m are adopted for the dual-motor four-wheel drive models. Among them, the long endurance version, the cruising range of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is 605km, and our test drive is the high-performance version of the Han EV four-wheel drive.

In this activity, we started from 4S shop to Tongling Yongquan Mountain Villa, with a total length of 180 kilometers. The middle section includes urban roads and expressway sections. In the early stage, before we got on the expressway section, there was a section of urban roads and there were many traffic lights in the middle. At this stage, we switched to economic mode. In this mode, the power output was relatively soft. After entering the expressway section, we switched the driving mode to SPORT mode. Choose the standard intensity for kinetic energy recovery. In the actual experience, the accelerator pedal of the four-wheel drive version is extremely sensitive. When the floor is electrified, the whole car is like a runaway wild horse. Its powerful acceleration performance gives the driver a strong sense of pushing back, but the overall feeling will not appear so abrupt, but it is delicate and linear. To be honest, this kind of driving pleasure will also make consumers feel addicted.

In addition, in addition to the extreme feeling of performance, BYD Han EV also brings us a good driving experience in handling, sports and comfort. When we arrive at the destination of Tongling Yongquan Mountain Villa, we need to go through a continuous curve mountain road. When our vehicle enters the curve, the lateral support of BYD Han EV is very good, and the flexibility of the whole chassis is also very good, which can make you easily turn the curve. To be honest, in this performance, BYD Han EV is not worthy of some luxury brands.

Finally, let’s talk about the performance of BYD Han EV in sound insulation. In fact, in real life, car noise can directly affect our driving experience. If the performance of the vehicle we are driving is not good enough in quietness, it will also increase the burden on the driver’s brain invisibly, which will make people feel annoyed and even lead to road rage. This is harmful to safe driving. At this point, BYD Han EV’s noise control in the car is good, and even some of them exceed the expectations of the key drivers. During the driving process, even if the speed reaches 120KM/h, the car is very quiet, and the wind noise and tire noise are also well controlled. At this point, BYD Han EV is better than other new energy vehicles.

Write at the end:

Whether it is the advanced design or the interior with both texture and high sense, BYD Han EV has given the key gentleman a good feeling. The excellent performance and the pleasant driving texture also make the key gentleman have enough surprises. For this price or this level of models, BYD Han EV is definitely a "face" and a "value" model. I believe that in the future new energy field, BYD Han EV will also create new achievements. Let’s wait and see!

Chery’s sales in August were released: the whole department sold well, and the new Tiggo broke 80,000.

  Recently, Chery Group released an August sales report. In August, Chery Group sold 65,200 vehicles, up 33.2% from the previous month and 5.4% from the same period last year. Among them, the sales volume of self-owned brand models was 52,000 units, up 23.1% from the previous month and 3.8% from the same period last year.

  From January to August this year, Chery Group sold a total of 439,000 vehicles, including 378,000 vehicles of its own brand, up 5.9% year-on-year. Since the beginning of this year, the market share of Chery products has continued to increase. In July, the independent market share reached 4.27%, and 29 provinces achieved positive growth year-on-year, 56 cities doubled year-on-year, and 270 cities experienced positive growth year-on-year.

  In terms of specific products, Chery’s two star cars, Tiggo and Arrizo, performed well. The sales volume of Tiggo SUV series was 21,081, of which the sales volume of the new generation Tiggo 8 was 10,340, up 11.9% from the previous month and 43.9% from the same period last year. Tiggo 5x sold 6,320 vehicles, up 51.7% from the previous month and 57.1% year-on-year. Arrizo series cars sold 8712 cars, of which the new Arrizo 5 sold 4600 cars and the Arrizo GX sold 4112 cars.

  In the case of the overall decline of the domestic auto market, Chery Automobile can maintain the continuous growth of sales, thanks to the steady improvement in products, quality and channels.

  System support product strength has been greatly improved.

  Based on the perfect system capability and abundant technology accumulation, in recent years, the iteration speed of Chery’s new products and the upgrading speed of its old products have been significantly accelerated. Tiggo SUV series and Arrizo series products have been fully upgraded in design (modeling, appearance and interior decoration), power, intelligent networking and intelligent driving technology, including the third-generation engine, "Lion Zhiyun" intelligent networking system, intelligent assisted driving and other leading technologies, and their competitiveness has been greatly improved.

  Taking the new generation of Tiggo 8 as an example, it is equipped with Chery’s third-generation ACTECO 1.6TGDI in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine, and its power performance level has achieved a qualitative leap; At the same time, for the first time, it was equipped with dozens of super smart configurations, including full-speed ACC adaptive cruise system including L2 intelligent assisted driving, APA automatic parking, LKA lane keeping, etc., which were very popular among young consumers. After three months of listing, sales continued to climb, and sales in August successfully exceeded 10,000.

  A new generation of Tiggo 8

  Ariza GX Pro

  Improve quality and catch up with the level of joint venture brands in an all-round way.

  In recent years, by strengthening the construction of total quality management system, Chery has effectively guaranteed the quality of new products, including the new generation of Tiggo 8, Tiggo 5x, Arrizo GX PRO, Arrizo 5 PRO and other new products, which are in the forefront of the industry in terms of product design, performance and reliability. At present, the 3MIS IPTV(3 of Chery’s new products has far exceeded the industry average and the level of some mainstream joint venture brands.

  In the "2019 New Car Quality Survey Report" released by J.D.Power not long ago, Chery reached the average level of international brands with 92 points, and the brand ranking was 26 places higher than last year.

  At the just-concluded national TQM promotion and the 40th anniversary of the founding of china association for quality, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. was awarded the title of "Outstanding Promotion Unit for the 40th Anniversary of TQM Promotion" and "Annual National Quality and Technology Progress Award", and Chery’s "Seeking Truth from Facts QC Team" was awarded the title of "National Excellent Quality Management Team".

  Channel promotion online and offline comprehensive empowerment

  After entering 2019, Chery further improved the channel quality and formulated a first-level network to improve quality; The secondary network ensures the vertical penetration of the "super deep-sea plan", and the network scale has risen steadily. Up to now, the scale of Chery’s first network has stabilized at 500, and the scale of the second network has reached 1300. The dealers of the new network have grown rapidly, which has strongly supported the sales growth.

  At the same time, Chery is also actively testing new retail models, cooperating with many new auto retail platforms, integrating customers’ big data, artificial intelligence and other resources, and actively improving users’ car purchase experience. In August this year, Tiggo 7i officially landed in Tmall and participated in the "Tmall 99" event. Consumers can make an appointment to pick up the car at the nearest Chery store by paying the deposit online through Tmall platform, and experience the new car purchase service model jointly built by Chery and Tmall, making the whole car purchase process more efficient and convenient.

  In September, in order to thank the friends who have trusted Chery for many years, Chery specially launched the golden autumn car purchase preferential activities for consumers all over the country. During the event, all the designated models such as the new generation Tiggo 8, Tiggo 5x HERO, Arrizo GX Pro and Arrizo 5 Pro can enjoy high discounts. Among them, the new generation of Tiggo 8 can enjoy a maximum replacement subsidy of 10,000 yuan, and the Arrizo series can enjoy 0 down payment, 0 interest rate and 0 waiting time limit.

  In this golden September, silver and ten automobile industry sales season, driven by product upgrading, quality improvement and channel improvement, as well as the release of a series of preferential policies, it is believed that Chery Automobile will continue to maintain the momentum of contrarian growth and become the backbone of China automobile brand.?

There are three models of Huawei P70 full series network access.

At present, all three models of Huawei P70 series have been connected to the network, and the certification information has been announced. According to the previous planning, the P70 series should be divided into three models: P70, P70 Pro and P70 Art According to the network access information, the standard version of P70 supports Beidou satellite message, while P70 Pro and P70 Art go further and support Beidou satellite message+Tiantong-1 satellite call.

In terms of specific configuration, the P70 series will adopt the Kirin 9000S chip with the same model as the Mate 60 series, supporting 5G, which is the first time that Huawei P series has returned to Kirin since P50.

Other specifications are also high-end, with 50-megapixel main camera, periscope telephoto lens, wireless charging and satellite communication technology as standard, which greatly improves the comprehensive strength of the standard version.

As for the oversized P70 Art, it will be further upgraded. The main camera will be replaced with IMX989 one-inch sensor, telephoto module and satellite communication technology, which will bring a stronger experience.

According to various sources, Huawei P70 series is likely to join the Pioneer Program like Mate 60 series and suddenly be put on the shelves in official website at 12:08 on a certain day in April.