Suzhou, Jiangsu: The development of Wechat business agent to take orders and use express delivery, Zhangjiagang police cracked the case of illegal fireworks and firecrackers.

On the morning of January 26th, Suzhou Public Security Bureau held a meeting.News briefing on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers in the whole city, to inform the work related to the ban on release control this year. During this period, it released the first case of illegal fireworks and firecrackers that was cracked by Zhangjiagang police through the development of Wechat business agent to take orders and deliver goods by express delivery.

Recently, Zhangjiagang police smashed a

Collection of procurement, storage, transportation and sales

Illegal operation of fireworks and firecrackers interest chain

More than 1,900 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers were seized.

The amount involved is 4 million yuan.

In mid-January, the police in Zhangjiagang found that someone was selling fireworks in the WeChat circle of friends. This Wechat business named Su Mou sold fireworks at a clearly marked price without obtaining a sales license for fireworks and firecrackers, and his behavior was suspected of illegal business operation.

Online celebrity, explosions, express home, Su Mou in the circle of friends mainly sells a fireworks named "gatling". As early as the eve of the Spring Festival last year, "gatling" fireworks became popular through social media and turned into "online celebrity Fireworks".

It is understood that the name of "gatling" fireworks comes from Gatling machine gun, which is named after its fast firing speed and fierce firepower. This kind of fireworks is extremely powerful and loud, and it blooms a wide range of sparks when it rises into the sky. After the internet became popular, sales were hot, and even the demand was in short supply.

The price of "gatling" fireworks appearing in the circle of friends ranges from 680 to 960 yuan according to different categories. As long as you complete the online payment and provide the harvest address, you will soon receive the "gatling" fireworks wrapped in snakeskin bags.

After investigation, the police found that in Zhangjiagang City, like Su Mou, there was more than one Wechat business who used his circle of friends to sell fireworks, and even a subordinate agent was derived.Their delivery sources all started in a city in other provinces.

Fireworks and firecrackers are treated as ordinary commodities, and they are bought and sold at will through logistics, regardless of the hidden safety hazards behind them! The police found out that several micro-businesses such as Su Mou were subordinate agents, and the leader of the gang was a 29-year-old Henan woman named Shimou. At this time, the illegal fireworks gang with Shimou as the core was in Hubei and Hunan hundreds of kilometers away.

Zhangjiagang police immediately dispatched elite police to carry out investigations. After investigation, since October, 2021, Shimou and his friend Peng have made a joint venture, and Shimou sought the source of goods to purchase fireworks mainly based on "gatling". Subsequently, the two found a number of relatives and friends to rent the warehouse, making this place a distribution center for the purchase and sale of fireworks.

After that, Shimou and Pengmou began to sell fireworks in the circle of friends, and also authorized subordinate agents. "Agents at every level will raise the price of fireworks step by step to earn the difference." According to the police handling the case, the agent only needs feedback after receiving the order, and the delivery is completed by Shimou gang. In this way, the purchase price of fireworks per box is only 200 to 300 yuan, and the price sold by the agent is doubled.

Due to the large shipment volume, Guan, who had done logistics business in Shimou’s gang, was stationed in the warehouse and used the regulatory loopholes of individual express delivery companies to deliver fireworks to many provinces and cities across the country.

On January 21st, Suzhou Public Security Bureau organized police forces to cooperate with Zhangjiagang police, and with the cooperation of police in Wuhan, Hubei Province and Wuxi, Changzhou and other places in our province, carried out centralized network-closing operations in two provinces and places, successfully arrested 13 suspects suspected of illegally operating fireworks and firecrackers, including Shimou and Pengmou, and seized more than 1,900 boxes of illegal fireworks and firecrackers for sale in Shimou’s rented warehouse.

After investigation, since October 2021, the criminal suspect Shimou, together with Peng and others, illegally stored a large number of fireworks and firecrackers without obtaining a sales license, and sold the fireworks and firecrackers to 28 provinces and cities across the country by developing an agent in Wechat business to take orders and using express delivery, involving more than 4 million yuan.

At present, seven people, including Shimou, have been taken criminal compulsory measures according to law for suspected illegal business operations. The relevant logistics units and express delivery enterprises involved in the case have been punished by the local regulatory authorities according to law; The agents in Wechat business who were sorted out were also punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Police reminder

No unit or individual may produce, operate, store or transport fireworks and firecrackers without permission, and fireworks and firecrackers must be operated with a "Fireworks and Firecrackers Business (Retail) License".

Citizens need to go to a regular fireworks store to buy fireworks and firecrackers. It is strictly forbidden to buy or discharge inferior, low-priced and unidentified fireworks and firecrackers.

The sound of firecrackers said goodbye to the old year.

Smoke and flowers bloom to welcome the new year.

this year

Within the Second Ring Road of Suzhou City

Continue to implement the policy of banning fireworks and firecrackers.

At present, the forbidden areas of fireworks and firecrackers in Suzhou are the East Second Ring Road, the South Second Ring Road, the West Second Ring Road and the JASON ZHANG Highway.

According to the Regulations of Suzhou Municipality on the Prohibition of Fireworks and Firecrackers, if fireworks and firecrackers are set off in areas and places where fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited, the public security organ shall order them to stop the discharge and impose a fine of 100 yuan and 200 yuan; If the circumstances are serious, a fine of more than 200 yuan and less than 500 yuan shall be imposed. Members of the public can call 58812319 to report the suspected illegal discharge of fireworks and firecrackers.

Source: Zhangjiagang Public Security Micro Police


"Going to the Grassroots in the Spring Festival" and "Silent Police Room" are the lively group years.

People’s Daily Online, Chongqing, February 8 th On February 8 th, He Qiao, the "most beautiful grass-roots policeman in China" and "the most beautiful police model in Chongqing" and the community policeman in Shapingba District of Chongqing, opened the door of the police office early in the morning. Today, a group of special guests will be welcomed here.
At 8 o’clock in the morning, residents of the community arrived one after another. Some of them were old people who were over the age of 70, and some of them were young migrant workers who responded to the call of "celebrating the New Year on the spot". Most of them were deaf residents of the community. At the invitation of He Qiao, they are going to have a special Spring Festival in advance in the police room today.
Residents make dumplings in the police room. Photo courtesy of Shapingba police
He Qiao said that considering that many deaf residents’ families in the area did not return home for the Spring Festival in other places, she specially invited everyone to the police office to make dumplings and chat at home to welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival.
After the residents arrived, the police room, which was originally deserted, began to be lively. Everyone sat around the table in the police room, greeted each other with sign language and paid New Year greetings, and then began to prepare for the next activity: making dumplings.
The glutinous rice balls and fillings brought by everyone from home have been put on the table. Just do it. After everyone washes their hands, they mix the dough, adjust the stuffing, and boil the water. They are busy in an orderly manner. Busy at the same time, they also communicate with each other from time to time with hands covered with starch, and it is better to compare the dumplings made by whoever. Several experienced old people are teaching young people who are not very good at how to make beautiful dumplings. I saw my hands gently rubbing a few times, and a round glutinous rice ball was born from their hands.
Residents make dumplings in the police room. Photo courtesy of Shapingba police
In a short time, several pots on the table were already filled with wrapped dumplings. Just then, the water boiled, and everyone put the wrapped dumplings into the pot in batches, watching them slowly float to the surface from the bottom of the pot, and then "roll" one by one, which is a signal that the dumplings are cooked.
Hot dumplings are put into bowls, and everyone around the table enjoys this special "reunion dinner". He Qiao brought the first bowl out of the pot to the oldest mother-in-law, Zhu, and fed her one. He Qiao said: "We are like a big family. We get together in the New Year. Of course, the oldest elder has to move chopsticks first."
In the last few days before the Spring Festival, He Qiao also visited the deaf families in the community door to door, asking how the new year’s goods were prepared, whether there was any need for help, and sent them Spring Festival couplets and blessings. He Qiao said to the residents: "Many people actively responded to the government’s call to celebrate the New Year on the spot, so this year must be grand and festive, and welcome the new year with the most joyful mood."
The boiled water with glutinous rice balls is still boiling hot, and the Spring Festival couplets at the entrance of the police office are red and festive. The "silent police office" is silent, but it is full of joy and peace, and a happy smile is on everyone’s face. (Liu Zhengning, Ren Xueyi)

What will be the next step of the government’s determination to stabilize housing prices?

  CCTV News:As we all know, the annual "Golden September and Silver 10" has been the traditional sales season of the property market. However, since September 22nd this year, several provincial capital cities such as Xi ‘an, Nanchang, Nanning, Changsha, Guiyang, Shijiazhuang, Wuhan and Chongqing have intensively introduced new policies on property market regulation in two days, and six of them have implemented sales restrictions. Sales restriction has also become the biggest feature of this round of regulation, which is different from the previous regulation cycle.

  Among them, Chongqing City and Nanchang City stipulate that newly-built commercial houses purchased in restricted sales areas can only be transferred after obtaining the title certificate of immovable property for two years; The restricted sales period in Guiyang is three years after signing the house purchase contract; Nanning is a restricted sales upgrade: legal entities purchase two or more houses for two years. Previously, Nanning had stipulated that buyers could not transfer the third or more houses until two years later; The newly purchased housing in Changsha can only be transferred after three years, and the second suite can only be purchased after the first housing is purchased for three years.

  Zhu Daolin, director of the Department of Land Resources Management of China Agricultural University, said, judging from the recent intensive introduction of these cities, firstly, the price increase in these cities was relatively stable in the early stage, but their prices began to rise to a certain extent this year. In addition, the relative supply and demand relationship or population size of these cities is relatively large, so the demand will be relatively strong.

  Experts said that the restriction of sales has also become the biggest feature of this round of regulation, which is different from the previous regulation cycle. From the effect point of view, it belongs to a short-term mechanism, with the aim of curbing speculative demand in the market. The essence of restricted sales is the deleveraging policy of the property market, which requires buyers to allocate assets for their own use. Otherwise, according to the trading cycle of 3-5 years, it is unlikely to attract high-leverage and high-cost funds. This restriction on sales has obviously hit the demand for speculation and investment, which reduces the investment attribute of real estate and affects the possibility of short-term profit. For leveraged investors, the risk is getting bigger and bigger.

  Liu Weimin, a researcher at the the State Council Development Research Center, said that this means that we should carry out this regulation from the perspective of ensuring the basic balance between supply and demand. Then, on the other hand, we actually need to control the speed of entering the market reasonably, so that we can release this demand for housing smoothly.

  The investment cycle is prolonged or the house price is consolidated at a high level.

  For many cities to introduce purchase restriction policies, experts said that the impact on the property market should be viewed from two levels, one is the impact on itself, and the other is the signal sent by policy upgrading to the property market.

  With the introduction of the new property market policy, the investment cycle of housing purchase in these cities will inevitably be extended, the liquidity will be limited, the demand for housing, especially the demand for investment housing, will be suppressed, the transaction volume will also decline, and house prices will be consolidated at a high level or even fall. Take Xiamen, the first city in China to implement the sales restriction policy, for example. In the month when Xiamen introduced the sales restriction policy, its new commercial housing rose by 1.9% month on month, and the price of second-hand housing rose by 4.9%. The month after the introduction of the sales restriction policy, the price increase of all kinds of houses fell rapidly, especially the price of second-hand houses fell month-on-month. In the following months, the price increase of all kinds of houses in Xiamen was within 0.5%, and the second-hand houses kept a slight decline for five consecutive months.

  Liu Weimin, a researcher at the State Council Development Research Center, said that it will play a good role in the smooth operation of local real estate, especially for those real rigid demands.

  Liu Weimin also said that the upgrading of property market regulation policies in many places will send a clear signal to the market, so that all parties in the market can realize the government’s determination to regulate the property market and stabilize housing prices. This will have a certain deterrent effect on property buyers in other cities, especially investment property buyers, and the wait-and-see ratio of potential property buyers in cities will also increase.

  Expert advice: we should speed up the construction of a long-term mechanism in the real estate market.

  The superposition of control policies such as purchase restriction, price restriction, loan restriction and sales restriction has played a significant role in curbing the rise of real estate prices for a period of time. In this regard, Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center, said in an interview with CCTV that the next step is more important for the country to speed up the construction of a long-term mechanism for the real estate market.

  At present, local governments have begun to comprehensively use land, finance, housing security and other policy means to curb investment and strengthen the residential properties of housing, such as increasing land supply in cities with prominent housing supply and demand expectations, strengthening differentiated housing credit policies, implementing different credit policies for different buyers, improving the housing security system, and strengthening the construction of shared property housing.

  Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said that how to better meet the normal living needs of residents, constantly improve living conditions and guard against real estate risks should be a key point in the adjustment of our entire real estate market policy in the future, that is, how to establish the basic system and long-term mechanism of the real estate market.

  In addition, the rental and purchase housing system will be another important aspect of the long-term mechanism of the real estate market. The reform of the housing rental market has advanced rapidly, which has forced the commercial housing market to improve itself. According to statistics, in the next five years, only four first-tier cities in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen will provide more than 2.5 million rental houses. In the long run, the supply structure of real estate will be optimized by providing rental housing, and the demand for self-occupation and investment will be guided to everyone, so as to promote the development of the real estate market in a more rational direction.

  Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said, I think it is still necessary to distinguish between investment demand and normal improvement demand, and guide investment demand reasonably so that they can play an active role in providing housing rental and realizing housing market rental, instead of speculating on houses.

How will real estate develop in the next five years? It must be transferred!

In Report to the 20th CPC National Congress, CPC, the development direction of real estate was expounded under the general framework of "enhancing people’s livelihood and improving people’s quality of life". Specifically, it was put forward that the house should be used for living, not for speculation, and the housing system with multi-subject supply, multi-channel guarantee and simultaneous rent and purchase should be established.
How will this affect the housing system and the development of the real estate market in China?
Reiterate that "housing is not speculation"
Since the end of 2016, the Central Economic Work Conference first put forward the position that "houses are used for living, not for speculation", and "houses are not used for speculation" was also written into the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October 2017.
"In the past few years, despite the ups and downs of the real estate industry, the central government has supported all localities to optimize the property market regulation policies due to urban policies, and’ staying in the house and not speculating’ has always been the policy to stick to the bottom line." Chen Wenjing, director of market research in the Index Division of the Central Finger Research Institute, believes that after years of development, the concept of "housing without speculation" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a social consensus. Buyers have become more rational in buying their own homes, and the residential properties of housing have been continuously strengthened.
Chen Wenjing said that Report to the 20th CPC National Congress Middle School once again emphasized that "houses are for living, not for speculation", which showed the firm policy. At the same time, it also means that "houses are not for speculation" will become the long-term orientation of China’s real estate industry, and then the foothold of real estate development will focus more on protecting people’s livelihood and improving quality.
"In the future, reasonable housing demand will still be the main target of policy support and encouragement. There is still room for the release of rigid and improved housing demand, especially the people’s need for a better life is increasingly extensive, and improved housing demand may become the key support of the market." Chen Wenjing said.
Let’s talk about "rent and purchase simultaneously"
In addition to "housing is not speculation", "renting and purchasing at the same time" is also a familiar formulation.
Report to the 20th CPC National Congress’s statement of "accelerating the establishment of a housing system with multi-agent supply, multi-channel guarantee and simultaneous rent and purchase" is consistent with the report of the 19th National Congress.
"The focus of work is not where to go, but how to go." Yan Yuejin, research director of the think tank center of Yiju Research Institute, said that this fully shows that the housing system reform in the next five years will come down in one continuous line with the thinking of the 19th National Congress, that is, the general direction will remain unchanged.
Li Yujia, the chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Provincial Planning Institute, also believes that this aspect shows that the housing system with both rent and purchase must be promoted with the strategic thinking of waiting for time; On the other hand, the construction of this system needs a process to achieve the real simultaneous development of "rent" and "purchase".
But there are also differences behind the same expression.
Yan Yuejin pointed out: In the report of the 19th National Congress, the reform of the housing system was discussed under the framework of "improving security and improving people’s livelihood"; Report to the 20th CPC National Congress is carried out under the framework of "enhancing people’s livelihood and improving people’s quality of life". It can be seen that on the basis of protecting people’s livelihood, improving quality is also an important content. In other words, the housing system reform should take into account the dual goals of protecting people’s livelihood and improving quality.
Li Yujia further analyzed and pointed out that the top-level thinking of housing work in the new era is very clear, that is, "housing and living without speculation" and "renting and purchasing simultaneously". The former is the overall situation of housing work, and it is the top-level guidance for the whole country to carry out industry and market management, innovate management mode and long-term mechanism, and promote the construction of new housing system and system; The latter is the top-level design for China to further promote the reform of housing system, explore new models of real estate development and promote the high-quality development of housing.
"Rent and purchase simultaneously" is expected to accelerate.
At the end of 2015, the Central Economic Work Conference mentioned the development of the housing rental market for the first time, and emphasized that the development of the housing rental market was significantly accelerated after "both rent and purchase" was established as the main direction of China’s housing system reform.
"At present, China has initially formed a good trend of multi-agent development of rental housing. State-owned leasing enterprises have played a leading, standardizing, activating and regulating role in the market, and more specialized and institutionalized housing leasing enterprises have actively participated in market construction." Zhao Ran, dean of ICCRA Housing Leasing Industry Research Institute, said.
"Since the second half of last year, the state has taken substantial steps in promoting the construction of affordable housing, lowering the threshold for new citizens to settle down, leasing can be settled in collective households, building rental communities, and combining rent and purchase." Li Yujia believes that the construction of the housing system with both rent and purchase will be accelerated in an all-round way in the next five years with the joint efforts of relevant subjects.
"To develop the housing rental market, especially long-term leasing, the key lies in providing large-scale and professionally managed housing through multiple channels, expanding the effective supply of rental housing and enhancing the sustainability of development." Zhao Ran proposed that all localities should incorporate new rental housing into housing development planning and reasonably determine the scale of rental housing construction in combination with factors such as housing supply and demand.
"More importantly, as the real estate market in China gradually changes from an incremental market to a stock market, we can actively revitalize the stock assets through the transformation of stock houses, so that the supply of rental housing can move towards a sustainable development path." Zhao Ran said.
(China News Network)

"Olive" is the first "flag" to win the youth flag football match held in Zheng

On November 20th, the reporter learned from the Henan Student Sports Association that the 2023 Youth Waist Flag Rugby Competition, the first inter-school rugby league in Zhengzhou Economic Development Zone, recently started in Chaofeng Road Primary School (North Campus). A total of 118 small players from the school teams of seven primary schools in the Economic Development Zone will compete in the five-day competition to show off the style of waist flag football, a new wave sport that has just entered the Olympics.

This youth flag football match is guided by Henan Student Sports Association and Zhengzhou Education Bureau, sponsored by Education, Culture and Sports Bureau of Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, and undertaken by Chaofenglu Primary School and Dongzhimai Sports and Culture Development Co., Ltd. in Economic Development Zone. This is also the first time that the Economic Development Zone has held an inter-school rugby league. It is understood that Flag Football is a variant of American football. Unlike the traditional American football, the defender does not throw the ball holder down, but pulls the flag from the ball holder to end an attack. As a non-contact, zero-equipment, small-scale football game, flag football has no requirements for the number, age and physical fitness of participants. Even with zero sports foundation, it can quickly integrate into the team, and it can achieve mixed teams of men and women and compete in the same field. Flag rugby has now become an official event of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

During the game, the attacking player hangs a colorful waist flag around his waist, and the defending player pulls out the opponent’s waist flag instead of the traditional American football collision confrontation to stop the attack. You come and go between teams, holding each other back, constantly running, attacking, and pitching … The little players are just like each other, competing tactics and physical strength on the court. "This competition is somewhat similar to tearing brand-name games. It is fun and exciting, and the threshold is low. It tests the team spirit and helps to enhance the tacit understanding and friendship of the team." A small contestant said happily.

As a new sports event that has just entered the Olympic Games, waist flag rugby has entered the campus under the background of deepening the integration of sports and education and promoting the healthy development of teenagers, and gradually formed a good campus sports culture and fierce competitive exchanges between schools and teams, which has become a unique landscape in the primary school campus of Economic Development Zone. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Education, Culture and Sports Bureau of the Economic Development Zone said, "In recent years, the Economic Development Zone has constructed the sunshine sports opening mode of’ one activity class every day to ensure one hour of exercise’ and promoted it in the whole province. This flag football game is another potential but challenging event added to the competition system of the Economic Development Zone."

"The purpose of holding this inter-school league is to let children feel the charm of emerging sports in flag football, make good use of after-school time, like sports, fall in love with sports and enjoy sports." A person in charge of the competition organizer said, "In the future, the competition system will be further enriched, and the middle school league is being planned to let more primary and secondary school students participate in this emerging sport. Teams that have achieved outstanding results in the league will also participate in the national finals to enhance their experience and show their style on a higher stage. "

(Zhengguan journalist Chen Kaiwen Image source: Yaoqi Rugby Inter-school League Organizing Committee)


Guohejiu and Huading Club held a signing ceremony for strategic cooperation.

Source: headlines of the moment

  On April 21st, 2021, the opening ceremony of Huading Club Member Championship and the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Guohe Wine and Huading Club were successfully held in Beijing Tianan Holiday Golf Club.

  The epidemic in 2020 made people’s desire for healthy sports and happy life more intense. The epidemic prevention and control in China achieved a comprehensive victory, and the normal social order and economic development were fully restored. It is against this background that Guizhou Guohe Wine Co., Ltd. reached a strategic cooperation with Huadinghui Golf Club, making friends with the ball and entertaining friends with the party, promoting healthy sports, stimulating positive energy, developing together and giving back to the society.

  Many social celebrities and more than 100 members of Huading Club participated in the opening ceremony of the 2021 Huading Club Member Championship.

  After the competition, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Guohe Liquor and Huading Club was held. Ms. Zhang Yan, Vice President of Guizhou Guohe Liquor Industry under Huayi Oriental Asset Management Group, and Mr. Liu Weidong, Founder and Vice President of Huadinghui, respectively signed the cooperation agreement on behalf of Guizhou Guohe Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. and Huadinghui Golf Club. Mr. Wu Songmin, strategic partner of Huading Club and chairman of Huayi Oriental Asset Management Group, Mr. Fan Yue, vice chairman and secretary general of Beijing Golf Association, Mr. Sun Zhengping, former famous host of CCTV5 sports channel, Mr. Zhang Jianmin, vice chairman of Beijing Golf Association, Mr. Jin Feihong, vice chairman of Beijing Golf Association and head of handicap system of China High School Association, Mr. Liu Gang, deputy secretary general of Beijing Golf Association and chairman of China Golf Network TV Station, and Ms. Li Xing, a national first-class actor of Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, witnessed this exciting moment together.

  Guohe Liquor strongly supported this competition and will continue to provide high-quality Heya Maotai-flavor liquor products in future competitions. Mr Peng Lei, Marketing Director of Guizhou Guohe Liquor Co., Ltd., introduced Guohe Liquor to the guests. Guohe Liquor is produced in the core producing area of China Maotai-flavor liquor, which is 7.5 square kilometers in Maotai Town, renhuai city, Guizhou Province. It has been devoted for 40 years, and the national sauce master supervised the brewing and blending, creating Heya Maotai-flavor high-quality liquor with round and harmonious body, elegant sauce flavor, natural flavor, long aftertaste and lasting empty cup in Mika. In 2019 and 2020, Guohe Liquor won the title of "Gold Award in the Brussels Spirits Competition", which is known as the Oscar of international spirits. It enriched the categories of China traditional Maotai-flavor liquor and added new connotations to China sauce-flavor liquor culture. At the beginning of this month, Guohe Liquor made a stunning appearance at the 6th China Cultural Night for Global Diplomats, and as the founder of China Heya Maotai-flavor liquor, it represented China liquor on the international stage and won unanimous praise.

  Drinking Heya Maotai-flavor wine and playing elegant golf will greatly promote cross-border cooperation and win-win between the two sides, create a more dynamic and healthy development platform, take Maotai-flavor wine as social media and golf as sports focus, and make contributions to promoting China’s traditional harmony culture and wine culture and spreading positive sportsmanship.

He Guo he JIU Shang Jing dong Guo he JIU Guan Fang flagship shop


Shiyan launched a special food safety inspection of the "Group Annual Banquet" before the festival.


As the Spring Festival is approaching, in order to ensure the food safety of the "Group Year Banquet" during the Spring Festival, on January 19th, Shiyan City Market Supervision Bureau launched a special law enforcement inspection on food safety for some catering units in the urban area.

In Wudang International Hotel, market supervision and law enforcement officers conducted on-the-spot inspection of the hotel’s license publicity, the layout of dining places and the operation of feeding equipment.

During the inspection of the back kitchen of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some condiments lacked labels.The site requires immediate rectification..

In the meat cold storage area of the hotel, law enforcement officers carefully checked the purchase channels, storage environment and production date of meat products.

Then,law enforcement officialsCome to the Garden Hotel. In the raw food processing area of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some processed finished ingredients were not isolated by the "three defenses" facilities, and the site required immediate rectification.

It is understood that before the Spring Festival, the market supervision department of our city will also set up a supervision team to investigate the catering units that received the reunion dinner during the Spring Festival in 2024, and urge the catering units to strictly implement the main responsibility of food safety and prevent expired, corrupt and spoiled food from flowing to the dinner table. The catering units with food safety problems will be rectified within a time limit, and the units that refuse to rectify or rectify actively will be dealt with seriously.

Chen Wei, Catering Service Supervision Department of Municipal Market Supervision BureauRemind consumers: In the consumption process of the reunion dinner, try to choose well-qualified businesses, such as those with quantitative classification above Grade A or Grade B for consumption. In the process of consumption, if consumers encounter consumption disputes, they should properly keep the consumption bills and call 12315 in time to protect their rights.


Weather forecast | It’s a little hot "huo"! The highest temperature in the downtown area in the next three days is 19 C.

During the day on the 10th, all parts of Chongqing were cloudy to cloudy, and some areas were foggy in the morning, with a temperature of 0 ~ 15 C..
According to the forecast of Chongqing Meteorological Observatory, most parts of Chongqing will be cloudy to cloudy in the next three days, and it will be foggy in the morning. It is estimated that on the 11th, the air quality in the central city is good-slightly polluted, and the primary pollutant is PM2.5.
Weather forecast for the next three days
From the night of the 10th to the day of the 11th, most areas turned cloudy, with fog in the morning and sporadic light rain in the southeast, with the temperature of 0 ~ 18 C; The downtown area turns cloudy with a temperature of 10 ~ 16 C.
From the night of the 11th to the day of the 12th, it is cloudy to cloudy, with local fog in the morning, and the temperature is 1 ~ 19 C; The central city turned cloudy to cloudy with a temperature of 11 ~ 16 C.
From the night of the 12th to the day of the 13th, it turned cloudy and foggy in the morning, and the temperature was 2 ~ 20 C; The downtown area turns cloudy and cloudy, and the temperature is 11 ~ 19 C.
Upstream journalist He Yan

Where to play on New Year’s Day? Please keep this activity guide of Xiangtan Yaowan historical and cultural block!

In order to carry forward the classic traditional culture, according to the needs of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to vigorously advocate the development of traditional mass cultural and sports activities, on the occasion of New Year’s Day, Xiangtan Yaowan Historical and Cultural District launched a series of activities of "Hundred Dragons and Hundred Lions Welcome the New Year".
Hosted by Xiangtan Cultural Tourism and Sports Bureau and undertaken by Chenghonglv Group, a thrilling dragon and lion dance performance will be held in Yaowan historical and cultural tourist block on New Year’s Day, from Tangxingsi Square to Tanbao Bus Station, across the whole historical and cultural block, to pray for the New Year and wish the motherland prosperity and people live and work in peace and contentment.
Time: 14: 30pm on January 1st.
Venue: Yaowan Tanbao Bus Station Square
Famous writers write Spring Festival couplets and send calligraphy.
In my memory, handwritten Spring Festival couplets seem to have a more Chinese New Year feeling and can better inherit the excellent culture of the Chinese nation.
Ink life, Dan Qing Yi Cai! Famous artists from calligraphy and art circles gathered in Yaowan to write Spring Festival greetings, write Spring Festival couplets and send calligraphy works to tourists. Come and taste the famous Mo Bao in the new year! At the event site, visitors can also be creative and write their own blessings.
Time: 14: 30pm on January 1st.
Venue: Qianping, Yaowan Fun Club
Solve riddles on the lanterns sends gifts.
Solve riddles on the lanterns lights lanterns, people move the Milky Way to the world, and Tangxing Bridge, which has been quietly stationed in Yaowan for 300 years, will once again come to life in generate on New Year’s Day. Lanterns are hung high, and all kinds of riddles are spread all over the ends of Tangxing Bridge, stepping on the ancient stone road, making you feel a wave of ancient "argot" and "hidden head", and there are rich prizes waiting for you.
Time: 14: 30pm on January 1st.
Venue: Tangxing Bridge, Yaowan
Appreciation of Huxiang Flower Drum Opera in Traditional Chinese Opera
Huagu Opera, a traditional drama in Hunan Province, is a national intangible cultural heritage. For hundreds of years, Hunan Huagu Opera, which has a strong flavor of life, has gradually formed a unique style of local opera by constantly absorbing the nutrition of local drama, folk art, rap and other arts. On the day of New Year’s Day, the famous opera artists will stage a wonderful local opera, which is full of Hunan customs. Come and watch as soon as possible.
Time: 14: 30pm on January 1st.
Venue: Yaowan Wind and Rain Corridor
Saxophone team 100-member New Year’s Eve welcome party
Let the freedom and beauty of music art itself break through the barriers of technology and give freedom to thought and mind-Haydn
There are Chinese and Western styles, national trends and fashions, classical and new styles. A group composed of saxophone lovers will hold a New Year’s greeting party in the stormy corridor of Yaowan, to make friends with songs and feel the charm and beauty of music!
Time: 19:00 pm on December 31st.
Venue: Yaowan Bar Street
In addition, there are unique intangible food in Xiangtan, such as wick cake, oil-paper umbrella, Yihe Zhai, brain roll, old iron bacon, lime loach, dragon brand soy sauce and Xianglian for tourists to taste, eat traditional food and enjoy hometown flavor. There are also hand-made lemon tea, book-burning grass, sizzling squid, fried chicken chops and N kinds of large-scale amusement projects waiting for you to punch in! Come to Yaowan on New Year’s Day to eat and play!
Perched in the wild, a room, a pot of tea, listening to the trembling of leaves and the blooming of buds, Xilou Minsu, located in Yaowan Scenic Area, lives in the scenery and feels the time flowing. WeChat official account’s top 10 people enjoy the value-added activities of staying in 99 yuan during the New Year holiday!
Time: all day from December 30th to January 1st.
Venue: Xilou Minsu, Wenbo District, Yaowan
Slow time and warm winter are special, and a set meal of 99-188 yuan for cooking tea around the stove is launched, starting from 16 yuan for baking pears with rock sugar, and starting from 18 yuan for baking milk in jars.
Qinyaxuan Painting and Calligraphy Experience Hall launched a 29.9-yuan experience class, and you can enjoy a cup of green tea by forwarding WeChat official account’s activity tweets.
Time: all day from December 30th to January 1st.
Venue: Yaowan Main Street Slow Time, Qinyaxuan
Feather Arrow Pavilion launched a special event of 18 arrows in 20 yuan, teaching you how to pierce the Yang with a hundred paces!
Time: all day from December 30th to January 1st.
Venue: Dayu Arrow Hall, Yaowan Main Street
When you are tired of shopping, you can also enjoy delicious food in Yixiangyuan restaurant, enjoy the first-line river view and taste the delicious food on earth. When you consume it, you will get the value of 58 yuan Zhawei Hezheng!
Time: all day from December 30th to January 1st.
Venue: Yixiang Garden, Yaowanhe Street
It is extremely happy for a group of people to read a book and meet people with the same thoughts and interests. The reading club of Tang Yu Teahouse is constantly active.
Time: all day from December 30th to January 1st.
Venue: Tangyu Teahouse in Yaowan
Handwork is precious because someone materialized a period of life for you. It is not only an ornament, but also has a lot of special meanings behind "handcraft". Create things by hand, and send feelings with things. The bear workshop is warm.
1. Handmade clay roses 48 yuan /8.
2. Hand-knitted crocheted potted 50 yuan /3 pots.
3. Handmade wool potted lily 88 yuan/pot
4. Wool crocheted sunflower potted 99 yuan/pot
Time: all day from December 30th to January 1st.
Venue: Xiaoxiong Handmade Workshop, Yaowan Main Street
Millennium Yaowan, ancient streets, pavilions, bridges, temples, houses, docks, buildings and other famous places still exist in the past. Liancheng Hanyun launched a 39.9 yuan package, dressed in Hanfu, followed the footsteps of Xiaobian, and punched out eight views of Yaowan together to cross the long river of history!
Venue: Hanyun, Liancheng, Yaowan Main Street
Tangxing Temple, a famous temple throughout the ages, was spread by scholars and writers.
Linjiang stands looking at Heng Pavilion, looking at Heng Peak in the south and Yue in the north.
The antique Li Liu dyed the hall, and the century-old house saw the rise and fall.
Tangxing Bridge in 300 years, the deepest place leading to Yaowan.
Cliff stone carving "Jiangshan scenic spot" has been handed down for a hundred years.
Centennial Tanbao Bus Station is a milestone of China Highway.
I still remember the heroic achievements of the cenotaph by the water in the mountains.
At the lion’s mouth of the dock, great men’s footprints remain.
Focus! Focus! !
"Happy New Year is enough for Xiangtan"
Hundred dragons and lions welcome the new year.
Wonderful programs are known in advance!
Time: 14: 30pm on January 1st.
Venue: Yaowan Tanbao Bus Station
Detailed program list
Event organizer:
Xiangtan culture tourism radio, film and television sports bureau
Activity assistance unit:
Yuhu district Cultural Tourism and Sports Bureau, Yuetang Cultural Tourism and Sports Bureau, Xiangtan Intangible Cultural Heritage Center, Xiangtan Group Art Museum, Xiangtan Art Theatre, Xiangtan Library, Qi Baishi Memorial Hall, Centennial Zhang Xinfa, Xiangtan Dramatists Association and Xiangtan Calligraphers Association.
Event organizer:
Xiangtan Red Culture Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd.

The Palestinian-Israeli war officially expanded, the third country suddenly attacked Israel, and the five-star red flag in the Gaza Strip "fluttered"

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been going on for so long, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip. However, it is worrying that the war still shows no signs of stopping. Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip, continue to be cruel to civilians. Israel did not expect that when the Israeli army bombed Gaza, a third country suddenly bombed Israel, which marked the official expansion of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. On the 16th, the Houthi armed forces in Yemen claimed to have launched a "cross-border drone attack" on several targets in the southern Israeli city of Eilat. A spokesman for the Houthi armed forces said that the organization will continue to attack Israel until Israel stops its attack in the Gaza Strip.

On the 16th, Israel continued to launch air strikes against the Gaza Strip. The casualties were unknown, but the communication service in the Gaza Strip was interrupted. Palestinian media pointed out that while Israel carried out air strikes, its ground troops continued to slaughter civilians. On the same day, the Israeli army attacked a hospital in northern Gaza. Israeli soldiers drove armored bulldozers and destroyed tents where patients and displaced people lived, killing at least 20 people.

According to international law, during the war, such non-military targets as hospitals and schools cannot be attacked, and the Israeli army claimed that there were Hamas fighters in these places and carried out inhuman attacks on these places, resulting in the tragic death of a large number of innocent civilians. In fact, the Israeli army attacked the hospital in order to prevent these places from providing timely treatment to Hamas fighters. Hamas fighters who can’t get effective treatment can only die.

It can be seen that the Israeli army is really insane in order to destroy Hamas and annex Gaza. On the 16th, Hamas officials said that since the outbreak of the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel has continued to bomb Gaza, resulting in constant civilian casualties. At present, at least 19,000 Palestinians have died, and more than 8,000 people are missing. Among these 8,000 people, there are no bones left by Israeli bombing, or they may be buried alive. Nine times out of ten, they are unlucky.

The viciousness of the Israeli army has also led to the death of Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip. Recently, the Israeli army "killed" three Israeli hostages in an offensive.this momentIt has caused great controversy at home and abroad, because Israel attacked the Gaza Strip under the guise of rescuing hostages, and as a result, the person you wanted to save was killed by you. What is the significance of launching a war? Why do you have to start a war when you can save the hostages through negotiations? In Israel, the families of Israeli detainees held a press conference, strongly demanding that the Israeli Prime Minister and wartime cabinet negotiate with Hamas to peacefully rescue the hostages held by them. After all, the Palestinians and Israelis have exchanged many hostages through a ceasefire before.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized for the "manslaughter" of Israeli hostages, saying that he was very sad and said that he was under strong pressure from the international community, but Israel would not stop its military operations in Gaza.

It can be seen that the Israeli government still does not want to stop the war. Still thinking about the territory of Gaza, as long as Israel’s ambitions are not stopped, the suffering of the people in Gaza will not stop.

China has given active assistance to the suffering Palestinian people. Recently, China has previously announced that it will assist 40 trucks of materials in Gaza, which have been distributed locally. These materials include emergency relief, medical and health care, daily life and other supplies.

A large number of Palestinian children in Gaza gathered and danced. Knowing that these life-saving materials came from Yiwu, China, they waved a five-star red flag and held high a "poster" that read "Yiwu, China". They shouted "Thank you China" crazily, which made people cry.
