How can China football rush out of Asia? These strategies are worth collecting.

# How can China Football Rush Out of Asia # China Football Rush Out of Asia, first of all, we need to examine our strengths and weaknesses, find out the fundamental problems that hinder development, and then formulate comprehensive and reasonable strategies.

Our advantages are: huge football population, strong football atmosphere and increasingly perfect football infrastructure. However, our disadvantages are equally obvious: low technical level, poor management and insufficient experience in international competitions.

To solve these problems, we put forward the following strategies:

Improve the technical level: improve the technical level of players through a large-scale youth training program. Learn from the experience of foreign excellent football schools, establish a number of high-level football schools and provide professional training and guidance.

Strengthen management: improve the management mechanism of clubs and national teams, introduce professional sports management talents, learn international advanced management experience, and make management more scientific and efficient.

Increase international competition experience: By participating in various international competitions, increase players’ competition experience and improve their psychological quality and coping ability. At the same time, it can also let the world know more about China football and increase our international influence.

Cultivate football culture: promote football culture in the whole society, so that more people can understand, love and participate in football. Through holding football matches, carrying out football training camps and other activities, we will cultivate more teenagers’ interest in football.

Do a good job in training young people: attach importance to the training of young people, provide professional coaches and facilities, and provide a good growth environment for young players. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the moral education of teenagers and cultivate players with excellent quality.

Attracting excellent foreign aid: On the premise of meeting the requirements, attract some excellent foreign aid to play in China, bring their experience and skills to China players, and promote the development of football in China.

Strengthen the contact with FIFA: By strengthening the contact and communication with FIFA, we can understand the development trend and dynamics of international football and learn the advanced international management experience and technology. At the same time, we can also use the platform of FIFA to promote China football and increase the international influence of China football.

Establish a scientific selection mechanism: establish a scientific selection mechanism to select young players with potential from all over the country and provide professional training and guidance. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversified development of players, attract players from different backgrounds to play in China, and enrich the cultural connotation of China football.

Establish a perfect professional league system: establish a perfect professional league system to improve the competitive level and appreciation of the league. Increase the publicity and marketing ability of the league, attract more audiences to pay attention to the league, play a "star effect" and let more people love football and participate in the sport, thus increasing the income and attention of the league and providing financial guarantee for the long-term development of the club and the national team.

Strengthen cooperation with the media: Promote football matches and related activities through the media, so that more people can understand and pay attention to China football, improve the popularity and influence of China football, and at the same time, use the power of the media to promote the importance of football culture and youth training, so that more people can understand and support the development of China football.

In short, China football needs the joint efforts and support of the whole society, from the government to the clubs, from coaches to players, from teenagers to professional leagues, in order to achieve this goal, we believe that as long as we make concerted efforts in Qi Xin, China football will certainly be able to rush out of Asia and go global!

In the first three quarters, domestic tourism reached 3.67 billion person-times and realized income of 3.7 trillion yuan.

Wen Ziyu, website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

"In the first three quarters of this year, there were 342,000 commercial performances nationwide, with a box office income of 31.54 billion yuan and 111 million audience, up by 121.0%, 84.2% and 188.5% compared with the same period in 2019." "Actively promote the application for the Beijing Central Axis and the Spring Festival, and promote the inclusion of’ Pu ‘er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape’ in the World Heritage List, and the number of world heritage sites in China has increased to 57. Lu Yingchuan, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, introduced the situation of building a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism at a series of news conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities" held by the State Council.

The press conference introduced that since the beginning of this year, China’s tourism industry has accelerated its recovery. In the first three quarters, domestic tourism reached 3.67 billion person-times, and tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. In order to further release the potential of tourism consumption and promote the high-quality development of tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, on the one hand, optimizes the policy environment, combines the new situation of tourism development, and exerts efforts from both supply and demand to boost tourism investment confidence and consumption confidence. On the other hand, we should cultivate new consumption formats and modes, innovate and upgrade music festivals, concerts and other products, promote the healthy development of new formats such as script entertainment and tourism performing arts, and promote the integration of food, performances, sports, health care, Chinese medicine and other fields with tourism. In addition, we will promote the brand building of a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, national night cultural and tourism consumption gathering areas, build a good platform carrier, and increase the intensity of benefiting the people.

"Culture and tourism business environment and market order are related to the vital interests of the majority of business entities and consumers." According to the press conference, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism started with relaxing market access and actively innovating supervision methods to stimulate the vitality of the cultural and tourism markets and help the industry develop with high quality. We will fully implement the negative list system for market access and the review system for fair competition, delegate a number of administrative examination and approval items, and reasonably reduce the time limit for examination and approval. At the same time, explore the formulation of inclusive and prudent policies for new formats to boost market development confidence. For example, new formats such as scripted entertainment and e-sports hotels have been introduced with inclusive and prudent supervision policies, and regulatory methods suitable for the characteristics of the industry have been formulated, and a policy transition period has been set up to create an inclusive, stable and predictable policy environment, leaving enough room for the development of new formats. Adhere to administration according to law, formulate and revise a number of policies and regulations on commercial performances, cultural entertainment, online travel management, introduce regulations on credit management in the cultural and tourism markets, and constantly improve policies and regulations.

In the implementation of the national cultural digitalization strategy, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has continuously promoted the digital development and transformation of cultural relics, classics and various artistic works resources. For example, the Palace Museum keeps about 1.86 million pieces of cultural relics. It is understood that 900,000 pieces have been digitally collected, accounting for about 48%. At the same time, vigorously promote the application of digital technology and foster the development of new formats. For example, in the field of stage art, we should vigorously promote online and offline integration, performance and broadcasting at the same time, actively promote offline performances, vigorously promote the development of stage art in the direction of networking and digitalization, and create a "second theater." In addition, improving the digital service capability of cultural services includes promoting the construction of smart library system and public cultural cloud. Up to now, in addition to the national public cultural cloud, there are public cultural clouds in more than 200 places in China, with a total resource of more than 1530TB, which is conducive to reading and popularizing art for all.

Systematic protection of intangible cultural heritage is an important aspect of building a strong cultural country. Up to now, there are more than 100,000 non-legacy representative projects at all levels in China, including 1,557 national non-legacy representative projects, and more than 90,000 representative inheritors at all levels, including 3,062 national non-legacy representative inheritors. At the same time, a total of 43 projects are included in UNESCO’s non-legacy list and roster. Lu Yingchuan introduced that in order to protect and inherit the intangible heritage, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will continue to exert efforts in policies and regulations system, directory system, theoretical research system, talent team system, communication and promotion system, heritage experience facilities construction and digital protection in accordance with the requirements of systematic protection, so as to protect and inherit the intangible heritage in a down-to-earth manner.

Source: Website of State Supervision Commission of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

China Automobile Association: Automobile production and sales are expected to reach a record high in 2023, exceeding expectations and achieving the annual forecast target.

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, December 11 (Reporter Li Qiaochu) On December 11, data released by the China Automobile Association showed that in November this year, China’s automobile production and sales were 3.093 million and 2.97 million respectively, up 7% and 4.1% from the previous month and 29.4% and 27.4% from the same period last year. Among them, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 1.074 million and 1.026 million respectively, up by 39.2% and 30% respectively, and the market share reached 34.5%.

According to the China Automobile Association, in November this year, the automobile market continued to be hot. With the help of the "double 11" promotion and other consumer waves, the demand for car purchase was further released, and the market performance continued to improve and exceeded expectations. In November, both automobile production and sales increased year-on-year, passenger cars continued their good trend, commercial vehicles maintained rapid growth, and new energy vehicles and automobile exports led the industry growth. With the continuous appearance of the policy effect, auto shows and promotional activities in various places continue to exert their strength, and the final sprint of enterprises in the last month, it is expected that the auto market will continue to improve in December, reappearing the phenomenon of "jumping tail" at the end of the year. Automobile production and sales are expected to hit a record high throughout the year, exceeding the expected annual forecast target.

Source: People’s Network

Everyone who can swim agrees that these four benefits are obvious after swimming for half a month.

With the coming of summer heat, swimming has almost become a national sport in this season. From the point of view of fitness, people who often do swimming exercises have obviously improved their physical fitness. As a sport loved by the whole people, swimming has many benefits, but we also need to know and remember the precautions.

The benefits of swimming

First, exercise respiratory muscles to improve cardiopulmonary function

Because of the water pressure, you need to bear certain pressure during swimming. When exhaling, due to the high density of water, resistance is generated, so you must exert yourself. Every breath is equivalent to a deep breath, and you will breathe rhythmically according to your swimming style, which can effectively stimulate your respiratory function. People who insist on swimming for a long time can significantly improve their oxygen uptake and vital capacity.

Second, shaping and bodybuilding

Swimming is a whole-body exercise, which can make the whole body muscle groups exercise, get balanced and coordinated development, and make the muscle lines smooth. Like running and playing ball, although they are also full-body sports, if you are accidentally injured, your local muscles will be hard and obvious. However, if swimming training is planned for a long time, the body can be in a state of no load and the joint injury rate can be reduced by 90%.

Third, relieve stress

Nowadays, the fast pace of life and heavy work pressure have become a normal state of urban life. Swimming can stimulate the secretion of endorphins in the body and relieve the pressure of daily work and life. Like yoga, people can fully relax their bodies, make people calm, eliminate external interference, become more focused, and reduce tension and depression.

Fourth, enhance resistance

The temperature of the swimming pool is usually lower than that of the human body, and the body dissipates heat quickly and consumes a lot of energy in the water. In order to supplement the heat emitted by the body, the nervous system will respond quickly, accelerate the metabolism of the human body and increase its adaptability to the outside world. Therefore, the winter swimmers we see are not easy to catch a cold, and their resistance and immunity to diseases are higher than those of ordinary people.

Understand swimming precautions to avoid accidents.

First, make full security preparations, and don’t be alone. Children, especially, must be accompanied by their parents.

Second, do a good job of sun protection when swimming in summer, because the skin is bare when swimming, plus the reflection of water on light, it is easy to get sunburn or sunburn, and in severe cases, it will cause dermatitis.

Third, women avoid swimming during menstruation, and their physical resistance during menstruation is poor, and germs are easy to enter the body and cause infection. Suffering from tuberculosis, otitis media, heart disease, skin disease, etc., it is not suitable for swimming.

Four, swimming time should not be too long, the longest is not more than 2 hours. 5. Don’t swim on an empty stomach or after meals. Swimming on an empty stomach will affect appetite and digestive function, and it is prone to dizziness and fatigue in the water; And satiety will produce stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and so on.