Guohejiu and Huading Club held a signing ceremony for strategic cooperation.

Source: headlines of the moment

  On April 21st, 2021, the opening ceremony of Huading Club Member Championship and the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Guohe Wine and Huading Club were successfully held in Beijing Tianan Holiday Golf Club.

  The epidemic in 2020 made people’s desire for healthy sports and happy life more intense. The epidemic prevention and control in China achieved a comprehensive victory, and the normal social order and economic development were fully restored. It is against this background that Guizhou Guohe Wine Co., Ltd. reached a strategic cooperation with Huadinghui Golf Club, making friends with the ball and entertaining friends with the party, promoting healthy sports, stimulating positive energy, developing together and giving back to the society.

  Many social celebrities and more than 100 members of Huading Club participated in the opening ceremony of the 2021 Huading Club Member Championship.

  After the competition, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Guohe Liquor and Huading Club was held. Ms. Zhang Yan, Vice President of Guizhou Guohe Liquor Industry under Huayi Oriental Asset Management Group, and Mr. Liu Weidong, Founder and Vice President of Huadinghui, respectively signed the cooperation agreement on behalf of Guizhou Guohe Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. and Huadinghui Golf Club. Mr. Wu Songmin, strategic partner of Huading Club and chairman of Huayi Oriental Asset Management Group, Mr. Fan Yue, vice chairman and secretary general of Beijing Golf Association, Mr. Sun Zhengping, former famous host of CCTV5 sports channel, Mr. Zhang Jianmin, vice chairman of Beijing Golf Association, Mr. Jin Feihong, vice chairman of Beijing Golf Association and head of handicap system of China High School Association, Mr. Liu Gang, deputy secretary general of Beijing Golf Association and chairman of China Golf Network TV Station, and Ms. Li Xing, a national first-class actor of Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, witnessed this exciting moment together.

  Guohe Liquor strongly supported this competition and will continue to provide high-quality Heya Maotai-flavor liquor products in future competitions. Mr Peng Lei, Marketing Director of Guizhou Guohe Liquor Co., Ltd., introduced Guohe Liquor to the guests. Guohe Liquor is produced in the core producing area of China Maotai-flavor liquor, which is 7.5 square kilometers in Maotai Town, renhuai city, Guizhou Province. It has been devoted for 40 years, and the national sauce master supervised the brewing and blending, creating Heya Maotai-flavor high-quality liquor with round and harmonious body, elegant sauce flavor, natural flavor, long aftertaste and lasting empty cup in Mika. In 2019 and 2020, Guohe Liquor won the title of "Gold Award in the Brussels Spirits Competition", which is known as the Oscar of international spirits. It enriched the categories of China traditional Maotai-flavor liquor and added new connotations to China sauce-flavor liquor culture. At the beginning of this month, Guohe Liquor made a stunning appearance at the 6th China Cultural Night for Global Diplomats, and as the founder of China Heya Maotai-flavor liquor, it represented China liquor on the international stage and won unanimous praise.

  Drinking Heya Maotai-flavor wine and playing elegant golf will greatly promote cross-border cooperation and win-win between the two sides, create a more dynamic and healthy development platform, take Maotai-flavor wine as social media and golf as sports focus, and make contributions to promoting China’s traditional harmony culture and wine culture and spreading positive sportsmanship.

He Guo he JIU Shang Jing dong Guo he JIU Guan Fang flagship shop


Shiyan launched a special food safety inspection of the "Group Annual Banquet" before the festival.


As the Spring Festival is approaching, in order to ensure the food safety of the "Group Year Banquet" during the Spring Festival, on January 19th, Shiyan City Market Supervision Bureau launched a special law enforcement inspection on food safety for some catering units in the urban area.

In Wudang International Hotel, market supervision and law enforcement officers conducted on-the-spot inspection of the hotel’s license publicity, the layout of dining places and the operation of feeding equipment.

During the inspection of the back kitchen of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some condiments lacked labels.The site requires immediate rectification..

In the meat cold storage area of the hotel, law enforcement officers carefully checked the purchase channels, storage environment and production date of meat products.

Then,law enforcement officialsCome to the Garden Hotel. In the raw food processing area of the hotel, law enforcement officers found that some processed finished ingredients were not isolated by the "three defenses" facilities, and the site required immediate rectification.

It is understood that before the Spring Festival, the market supervision department of our city will also set up a supervision team to investigate the catering units that received the reunion dinner during the Spring Festival in 2024, and urge the catering units to strictly implement the main responsibility of food safety and prevent expired, corrupt and spoiled food from flowing to the dinner table. The catering units with food safety problems will be rectified within a time limit, and the units that refuse to rectify or rectify actively will be dealt with seriously.

Chen Wei, Catering Service Supervision Department of Municipal Market Supervision BureauRemind consumers: In the consumption process of the reunion dinner, try to choose well-qualified businesses, such as those with quantitative classification above Grade A or Grade B for consumption. In the process of consumption, if consumers encounter consumption disputes, they should properly keep the consumption bills and call 12315 in time to protect their rights.


Coffee+tea lasts longer!

Original Swagpp mace medicine

Tea and coffee are two of the most widely consumed beverages in the world-

Tea is the second largest beverage in the world after water. About 3 billion people in the world like to drink tea, and basically one in every three people likes to drink tea. How much do you like coffee? According to the statistics of Science, the world consumes an average of 2.25 billion cups of coffee every day, and the cups can simply circle the earth 7.5 times!

Tea containing caffeine, catechin polyphenols and flavonoids has neuroprotective effects, and has the effects of anti-oxidative stress, anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis. Coffee contains caffeine, which is also a rich source of antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Compared with milk tea, fruit juice, sugary drinks and so on, coffee and tea have naturally become the public’s first choice.

For working "dogs", having coffee and afternoon tea in the morning is really for "continuing life". But have you ever thought that while refreshing your mind, maybe coffee and tea are really helping you continue your life!

The latest research on West China of Sichuan University;

Drink 3 cups of tea or 6-8g of tea every day.

The anti-aging effect is the most obvious.

Tea contains a variety of bioactive substances, among which tea polyphenols are the most concerned. Previous studies have shown that tea polyphenols have anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, inhibiting cell apoptosis and regulating epigenetic changes, thus delaying the occurrence of aging. At the same time, animal experiments show that flavonoids and polyphenols rich in tea can prolong the life of worms, fruit flies and mice.

So, can people who drink more tea live longer?

Recently, a research team from West China School of Public Health of Sichuan University found that moderate tea drinking can delay the growth of human biological age. Among them, drinking about 3 cups of tea a day, or 6-8g of tea, has a particularly obvious anti-aging effect. The research was published in Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific, a sub-journal of The Lancet.

The researchers recruited 7931 participants from the China Multi-Ethnic Cohort (CMEC) and 5998 participants from the longitudinal cohort of the British Biological Database (UKB), and estimated their biological ages (BA) by using composite biomarkers and Klemera Doubal method (KDM).

What is the concept of KDM-BA acceleration? The multivariable adjustment model shows that the death risk will increase by 56% every year when the acceleration of KDM-BA increases. In addition, KDM-BA acceleration has a good performance in predicting most elderly-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and weakness.

There are many kinds of tea covered in this survey, including green tea, scented tea, black tea, sweet tea, black tea, oolong tea, yellow tea and white tea. According to different frequency of drinking tea, participants were divided into three groups: no drinking at present, 1-2 days/week, 3-5 days/week and almost every day. And according to every 200ml as a standard cup, the daily tea consumption of participants was calculated.

What is very innovative is that when people in China drink tea, it is often in bulk rather than in bags. Therefore, the researchers specially measured the amount of tea (in grams) when collecting data.

Research flow chart

In the whole queue, participants who insisted on drinking tea had a lower aging rate.

Specifically, compared with those who never drink tea, participants who change from drinking tea to drinking tea and insist on drinking tea have a slower increase in KDM-BA acceleration, which is simply "aging more slowly".

It was observed in the CMEC cohort that participants who changed from drinking tea to drinking tea had lower KDM-BA acceleration (β = ?0.319, 95% CI: ?0.620 to 0.017) than those who had no habit of drinking tea.

On the other hand, compared with those who have always had the habit of drinking tea, the acceleration of KDM-BA of participants who changed from drinking tea to not drinking tea increased more, that is, they aged faster.

According to the basic information collected, most of the participants who insist on drinking tea are men, who love drinking more and will maintain healthier eating habits. In addition, these participants are less likely to suffer from insomnia, depression and anxiety, especially in CMEC.

Basic information of participants

In order to get more practical conclusions, the researchers evaluated the prospective exposure-response relationship between tea drinking and biological age. Restricted cubic spline shows that with the increase of daily tea consumption, the curve of KDM-BA acceleration decreases continuously until 3 cups/day tends to be flat.

In other words, compared with those who don’t drink tea, participants who insist on drinking 2-3 cups of tea every day have the lowest KDM-BA acceleration. When the amount of tea leaves is taken as the exposure of CMEC, drinking 6-8g of tea leaves every day shows the strongest correlation, that is, the aging speed is the lowest at this time.

Correlation between tea consumption and KDM-BA acceleration

To sum up, there is a close relationship between drinking tea and the decline of biological aging acceleration measured by KDM-BA-the dose-response relationship shows that drinking 3 cups of tea or 6-8g of tea every day can maximize the anti-aging benefits.

It’s the first time that a study has made it so intimate that the grams of tea should be used every day! Why don’t you drink up? !

Drink 0.5-3 cups of coffee every day.

All-cause mortality fell by 12%

But instant coffee is really not good …

The benefits of coffee need not be said. In addition to refreshing, drinking coffee regularly is beneficial to reduce the risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes, control weight, improve depression, and prevent Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Not only that, recent studies have shown that coffee can also reduce the risk of death, thus prolonging life!

A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology points out that drinking 0.5-3 cups of coffee a day is related to a 12% decrease in all-cause mortality and a 17% decrease in cardiovascular mortality. Compared with people who don’t drink coffee, coffee stars have better cardiovascular health; But the benefits are decaffeinated coffee and ground coffee, and have nothing to do with instant coffee … …


The study recruited 468,629 volunteers from British Biobank. These volunteers had no previous history of cardiovascular diseases, with an average age of 56.2 8.1 years, accounting for 44.2% of men, and the average follow-up period was 11(10-12) years.

Among nearly 470,000 volunteers, 22.1% have no habit of drinking coffee, 58.4% drink 0.5-3 cups of coffee every day on average, and 19.5% drink more than 3 cups of coffee every day on average.

The analysis of multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression model shows that compared with people who don’t drink coffee, people who drink 0.5-3 cups of coffee a day have a 12% reduction in all-cause death risk; The risk of cardiovascular death decreased by 17%, and the risk of stroke decreased by 21%.

However, people who drink more than three cups of coffee a day have no obvious improvement compared with those who have no coffee habit. In other words, although drinking coffee often is good for health, it is not the more the better. 0.5-3 cups a day is the best dose of coffee for life.

Relationship between coffee consumption and death risk

Next, the highlight of this study came-the researchers deliberately distinguished the health effects of different types of coffee.

Of all the volunteers who drink coffee, 19.5% are used to drinking decaffeinated coffee, 23.3% are used to drinking ground coffee and 55.1% are used to drinking instant coffee. After adjusting for possible confounding factors, the researchers found that compared with people who don’t drink coffee:

People who drink 0.5-3 cups of coffee every day have a 16% reduction in all-cause death risk (P = 0.001).

The risk of all-cause death decreased by 17% when drinking more than 3 cups of coffee every day (P = 0.022).

0.5-3 cups of ground coffee per day reduced the risk of all-cause death by 25% and cardiovascular death by 25% (P < 0.001).

What is even more shocking is that drinking more than 3 cups of ground coffee a day is associated with a 49% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular death (P=0.008)!

Compared with people who don’t drink coffee, many cardiac function parameters of volunteers who drink coffee without reason and ground coffee are improved. Unfortunately, the researchers found no evidence that drinking instant coffee for a long time can improve cardiovascular health.

The reason why different kinds of coffee have different health effects may be that they have gone through different processing processes and contain different chemical components. For example, although decaffeinated coffee does not contain caffeine, drinking decaffeinated coffee also helps to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of death, indicating that other coffee ingredients besides caffeine are also beneficial to health.

To sum up, this study confirmed that 0.5-3 cups of coffee a day is helpful to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular death and all-cause death. If possible, you can choose decaffeinated coffee and ground coffee!

Coffee+tea doubles the effect.

Drink enough of this amount

The risk of death is reduced by 22%

For most people, drinking tea or coffee is not a single thing, but both. So, what kind of sparks will tea and coffee collide?

Scholars from Tianjin Medical University have answered this long-standing question. They found that drinking coffee and tea in moderation every day can reduce the risk of death. Compared with people who don’t drink coffee or tea, participants who drink 2-4 cups of tea and < 1-2 cups of coffee a day have a lower risk of all-cause death, cardiovascular disease death and respiratory disease death.

(Source: BMC Medicine)

Using longitudinal cohort data of nearly 500,000 people from British Biobank, this study analyzed the relationship between coffee and tea drinking alone or in combination and total mortality and specific cause mortality (including cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and digestive diseases).

First, the researchers investigated the relationship between drinking only coffee or tea every day and mortality. Surprisingly, only drinking coffee or tea has a nonlinear relationship with mortality. Among them, there is a J-type correlation between drinking only coffee and all-cause, cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease mortality, while drinking only tea is an anti-J-type correlation between all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality; There is a consistent anti-J correlation between drinking only coffee or tea and mortality of digestive diseases.

Specifically, drinking 1 cup of coffee or 3 cups of tea a day has the lowest risk of all-cause death, while drinking about 5 cups of coffee or 6 cups of tea a day has the lowest risk of death from digestive diseases.

* Xiaobian Google learned that the UK 1 cup=250 mL.

Correlation curve between drinking coffee or tea and all-cause mortality and specific cause mortality

(Source: BMC Medicine)

Then, the author further quantified the relationship between the consumption of coffee and tea and the mortality rate. Participants were divided into two groups according to their coffee intake (none, < 1~2, 3~4 and ≥5 cups/day) and tea intake (none, < 1~1, 2~4 and ≥5 cups/day), and their all-cause mortality and specific cause mortality were counted.

The analysis results show that compared with participants with different drinking amounts in the same group, participants who drink 2-4 cups of tea or < 1-2 cups of coffee every day have the lowest mortality rate from all causes, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases.

All-cause mortality drinking coffee or tea (Source: BMC Medicine)

Great, it seems that the benefits of drinking coffee or tea are double-edged, which can actually reduce the mortality rate! Coffee star people and tea star people expressed great satisfaction. Not only that, the researchers also "humanized" the friends who love "the combination of Chinese and western" and analyzed the joint drinking of coffee and tea.

So, is drinking coffee and tea together a "happy takeoff" or a "full of harm"?

Surprisingly, the results show that there is a significant interaction between the co-drinking of coffee and tea and all-cause mortality. For those who drink a little coffee every day, the all-cause mortality increases with the increase of tea intake, but for those who drink a lot of coffee every day, the relationship is U-shaped. However, for people who drink tea every day, no matter how much they drink, the increase of their coffee intake is related to all-cause mortality in a U-shape.

Drinking coffee and tea is combined with all-cause and specific-cause mortality.

(Source: BMC Medicine)

As a result, the researcher draws a data conclusion that can make the majority of migrant workers "ecstatic": compared with those who don’t drink coffee and tea, drinking < 1~2 cups of coffee +2~4 cups of tea every day can reduce people’s risk of all-cause death by 22%, CVD risk by 24% and respiratory disease death risk by 31%!

So, everyone here, warm winter, would you choose poetic tea or romantic coffee? Let’s drink both together!


[1]Simon J, Fung K, Raisi-Estabragh Z, et al. Light to moderate coffee consumption is associated with lower risk of death: a UK Biobank study. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022; 29(6):982-991. doi:10.1093/eurjpc/zwac008

[2]Xiang Y, Xu H, Chen H, Tang D, Huang Z, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Wang Z, Yangla, Han M, Yin J, Xiao X, Zhao X. Tea consumption and attenuation of biological aging: a longitudinal analysis from two cohort studies. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2023 Nov 22; 42:100955. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100955. PMID: 38075587; PMCID: PMC10700389.

[3] Chen Y, Zhang Y, Zhang M, Yang H, Wang Y. Consumption of coffee and tea with all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a prospective cohort study. BMC Med. 2022 Nov 18; 20(1):449. doi: 10.1186/s12916-022-02636-2. PMID: 36397104; PMCID: PMC9673438.

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Original title: "Coffee+tea lasts longer! The latest in West China of Sichuan University: Drinking 3 cups of tea every day has the best anti-aging effect! The risk of death from drinking coffee decreases by 22%.

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The prelude to the "pilot era" of used car export or the end of full opening-up sounded

  The French economy grew nearly zero in the first quarter of this year, and unexpectedly increased by 0.6% in the second quarter. However, this was partly due to the strong rebound in exports caused by the delivery of a cruise ship worth over 1 billion euros, with a negative growth of 0.1% in the third quarter. In the fourth quarter, all economic engines stagnated. The Bank of France predicted a growth of 0.1%, the French National Bureau of Statistics predicted a zero growth, and institutions did not rule out the possibility of negative growth. The consensus of all institutions is that the French economy will achieve at most a low growth rate in the first half of next year, regardless of whether it escapes the technical recession at the end of the year.

  The OECD has lowered France’s economic growth forecast for this year and next to 0.9% and 0.8%. In fact, the world economy has experienced shocks again and again, and the euro zone economy as a whole is weak. Since July 2022, the European Central Bank has continuously raised interest rates. Although it has pulled the euro zone out of the inflation quagmire, it has suppressed consumption and investment, and many countries’ economies have been sluggish or even declining. The European Central Bank stopped raising interest rates in October this year, but the impact of monetary tightening on economic activities is lagging behind, and its comprehensive impact will appear next year.

  The more unfavorable factor than other economies in the euro zone is that according to the relevant data of Eurostat, the inflation rate in France was 3.8% in November 2023, while the average level in the euro zone has dropped to 2.4%. In 2022, France performed the best in controlling inflation in the euro zone, mainly because the government "protected purchasing power at all costs", and spent huge public expenditures to freeze natural gas prices and electricity prices, issue energy checks to poor families, and provide inflation subsidies to income earners. Nowadays, international oil prices tend to be stable, natural gas and electricity prices are falling, and energy prices in Europe are falling year-on-year. In France, with the gradual cancellation of measures to protect purchasing power, energy prices are rising year-on-year. The good news is that the French National Bureau of Statistics predicts that food prices in France will drop sharply in the coming months.

  Another unfavorable factor is the reversal of the unemployment rate decline curve. The unemployment rate in France gradually decreased from the high of 9.5% in 2017 to 7.1% in early 2023, and then rose to 7.2% in the second quarter and 7.4% in the third quarter. The French National Bureau of Statistics predicts that the employment slowdown will continue in the next few quarters. Analysts pointed out that this is of course caused by the weak economic prospects, but also because the previous rescue measures of "guaranteeing enterprises and ensuring employment" have been stopped, and the "short-term negative effect" of pension reform has been added: since September 2023, the retirement age in France has been delayed, and the working population base has increased accordingly.

  The budget deficit is too high and the public debt is too heavy, which has endangered France’s sovereign credit rating. Rising interest rates, weak growth and weak employment are likely to put pressure on tax revenue and lead to further deterioration of public finances. The French government has repeatedly promised to reduce the budget deficit to less than 3% of GDP by 2027. Therefore, public expenditure must be cut, which means that in the short term, it is difficult for the government to make a difference in purchasing power, wages, housing, immigration and other issues that people are most concerned about.

  The French National Bureau of Statistics predicts that consumption and investment will continue to be affected by the monetary tightening policy in the first half of next year, especially in the construction industry. However, thanks to the further easing of inflation and the global economic recovery, the French economy may grow slightly, reaching about 0.5% by the middle of next year. Inflation in France will also drop to 2.6% by the end of June next year, and the core inflation rate will drop to 2%. However, the agency stressed that "all forecasts are full of uncertainty", especially the geopolitical factors and the uncertainty of the central bank’s monetary policy decision.

  However, the French government maintains the growth target of 1% this year and 1.4% next year, and reiterates that it will continue to promote reforms under the framework of the "2030 Investment Plan", focusing on improving productivity and competitiveness. On December 10th, President Macron made a special trip to the Airbus headquarters in Toulouse to make a phased summary of the achievements of "France 2030" since its implementation for more than two years in the birthplace of the French industrial success story. He announced that "France 2030" aims to achieve three goals-obtaining industrial and technological autonomy, achieving full employment and fulfilling climate commitments. In 2024, the government will introduce more measures to ensure that French re-industrialization and innovation investment "accelerate, accelerate and accelerate".

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused nearly a thousand deaths, and Israel calls the current situation a "war situation."

On October 8, local time, in Gaza City, after the Israeli air raid, smoke billowed. This article is a picture of vision china.

A number of Israeli media, such as Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation, reported on the 8th that a new round of conflict between Palestine and Israel has killed more than 600 Israelis. The health department of the Gaza Strip in Palestine issued a statement on the same day saying that 370 people were killed and 2,200 injured when Israeli troops attacked the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, people stood outside a mosque destroyed by Israeli air strikes in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Palestine.

Statistics released by the Israeli medical department that afternoon showed that the conflict had injured more than 2,000 Israelis. According to the Jerusalem Post, more than 100 Israeli soldiers and civilians were taken into the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, Gaza City, the second day of the continuous conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas, was devastated by Israeli air strikes.

Daniel Heggli, chief spokesman of the Israel Defense Forces, said on the same day that the Israeli army is recruiting hundreds of thousands of reservists to "prepare for the final ground counterattack in the Gaza Strip", which is the largest recruitment activity in Israel in the past decades.

On October 8, local time, Merkava tanks rolled on the road near the Lebanese border in Kiliatshmna, Israel.

The Information Office of the Israeli Government issued a statement on the afternoon of the 8th, saying that the security cabinet confirmed the current situation as a "war situation" on the evening of the 7th, and took major military measures according to Article 40 of the Basic Law of Israel, that is, Israel was forced to wage war due to rocket attacks from Gaza, and the war started at 6 am local time on the 7th.

On October 8, local time, Israeli troops assembled at a secret location on the border of the Gaza Strip.

A new round of military conflict broke out between Israel and Palestine on the 7th, and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) launched a military operation against Israel during the Jewish holiday that day. The Israeli army launched several rounds of air strikes in the Gaza Strip.

(Source: Wang Zhuolun, Liu Weijian/Xinhua News Agency)

For more exciting information, please download the "Jimu News" client in the application market. Please don’t reprint it without authorization. Welcome to provide news clues and pay them as soon as they are adopted.


The 8 most popular tourist destinations make your holiday more unforgettable.

Here are 10 most popular tourist destinations to make your holiday more memorable:

1. Paris, France: Romantic Paris is famous for its art, culture and romantic atmosphere. The Eiffel Tower, Louvre and Seine attract countless tourists.

2. Rome, Italy: The ancient Roman city is full of historical sites, such as the Colosseum, Vatican City and Fighter Square, which attracts history lovers and cultural tourists.

3. Tokyo, Japan: As a city full of modernization and traditional culture, Tokyo has unique charm, such as Asakusa Temple, Ginza shopping area and Akihabara.

4. Hawaii, USA: Hawaii’s beautiful beaches, tropical climate and rich natural landscape attract countless tourists to spend their holidays.

5. Bali, Indonesia: Bali is famous for its beautiful beaches, religious temples and rich cultural traditions. It is a holiday resort.

6. Cape Town, South Africa: Located at the intersection of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean, Cape Town is famous for its magnificent natural landscape and diverse culture.

7. Sydney, Australia: Landmarks such as Sydney Harbour, Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge attract tourists, and Sydney’s beaches and food are also its charm.

8. Masai Mara National Park in Kenya: As a famous wildlife reserve in Africa, Masai Mara National Park is an excellent place to watch wild animals.

These tourist destinations have unique charm and attraction, which can make your holiday more unforgettable.

The difference between "reading at night" exercise and not exercising is a whole life.


There is a question on the Internet:What are the benefits of sticking to exercise?Praise replied:Sleep well and seldom suffer from insomnia;In a good mood, feel great;Quick body and quick response;More importantly, when the whole company catches a cold, I don’t catch a cold …

In this life, the most important thing is to have a good body, a good mood and a good attitude.And these, sports can just give you.Exercise and no exercise, life is really different.

Seeing an old man on the news,Spend a lot of time exercising after retirement. In winter in the northeast, it can reach MINUS 20 degrees Celsius, and he never stops exercising.Persistence in one day and two days will bring little change;And more than 20 years of persistence, let him practice a strong figure, but also let his body be healthier than his peers..
The most intuitive change that exercise can bring to a person is getting healthier and healthier.Long-term lack of exercise, the function of tissues and organs decline, and various diseases are easy to follow. A person’s decadent life consumes not only his own time, but also his health.
It is said that a person’s body hides his life direction.People who can manage their physical condition and plan their lives can often manage their lives better. The world is secretly rewarding those who love sports.
In the adjustment of emotions, the role of exercise is beyond many people’s imagination.
A neuroscientist once told a personal experience.As a scientist, she spends a lot of time in the laboratory every day. The pressure of work made her ignore her physical demands. Over time, her weight soared and she was unhappy. Once she walked out of the laboratory, she even began to doubt herself and felt that she had accomplished nothing.
In order to change this situation as soon as possible, she began to participate in various sports courses in the gym.She tried free fighting, dancing, yoga and so on. I felt very hard at first, but after every exercise, her mood will get better and her body will be very comfortable.After a year of persistent exercise, her weight tends to be normal.She was also surprised to find that her memory and concentration were better than before when doing scientific research.
It is said that it is difficult to control emotions, and exercise gives us a way to release bad emotions.Imagine, let the sweat take away the gloomy mood, will the whole person’s state be more positive?
Exercise, alsoIt will enhance our confidence in facing the life around us and enable us to face difficulties with a more positive and optimistic attitude.
I have such a friend around me,When we met last year, he was depressed, complaining that life was boring and there was endless work at hand. Because of his bad mentality, it is a great pressure to put small things on him. He often can’t sleep well all night, and his spirit is low.
Seeing him again this year, he seems to be a different person, a lot more sunny than before.It was only after asking that he learned that during this more than a year, he followed the advice of people around him and began to exercise.Whenever he has time, he will go for a few laps in the park.At first, he was panting after running a few hundred meters, but with the increase of running times, he gradually realized the "pleasure of running" from the need to force himself to concentrate on sports. He said that when you devote yourself to sports, your worries are forgotten, and your whole state is getting better and better.
I have heard the saying that exercise can keep a person young. I think so. What kind of mentality a person treats life with, what kind of state life will give him back.It is said that exercise and non-exercise lead different lives.Every minute you invest in sports will affect your state and mentality, and will affect your quality of life and happiness index.
So, while the sun is shining, let’s move!Life never starts too late,Even the smallest change, multiplied by 365 days, will become the strength that others can’t envy.

Source:Reading at ten o’clock (ID: duhaoshu) | Author: Zhou Meihao | Anchor: Zhao Wenlong

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10 books to help you understand the power of women.

Member of the jury of this book list: Han Haoyue Yan Han Zhang Jiahong

Column host: Shen Jiequn

One hundred years, many people, many things

Recommended reason:

Yang Yi’s beauty, to a great extent, stems from her status as a resister. Although she didn’t mention the word "resistance" in the whole book, her dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction made her the first person with female consciousness in modern China. Yang Yi’s courage has been consolidated step by step because of her love of literature. According to the story in the book, it is the communication, reading and writing that runs through her life, which helps her to gradually establish her own "castle". Anyone who has read "One Hundred Years, Many People, Many Things" is all moved by Yang Yi’s self-satisfied and ordinary narrative posture and unpretentious writing style, and will also be infected by her pursuit of beauty and her courage to pay for it.

Salt town

Recommended reason:

Salt Town is a book about women, first a record of women’s life, and then a record of women’s survival. Compared with life, survival needs a high degree of generalization and precise refinement. Compared with the random recording, the record reflects the author’s concentration and the value of the first-hand information obtained from the interview. Their life is tired, bitter, and even tormented. There is physical suffering, but also spiritual suffering. Non-tenacious hidden ninjas can’t wade through the tortuous and dim river of years, and they bear the burden of humiliation. Some women suffer all their lives, and some women are "forced" to become strong in life. The author writes them all in the book, not to compare who is tall and who is low, who is good and who is bad, but to make the original ecological presentation as much as possible. Recording their joys, sorrows, loves, hates and enmities actually has the significance of engraving history.

They and them

Recommended reason:

This collection of women’s reports in People magazine tells the fate and soul of women in this era through 12 real women’s stories, from the countryside to the city, from the confusion to the old age. They encounter difficulties, they struggle hard, and remain naive after suffering. Their stories are eternal stories and also stories of human nature, from silence to sound, from strangeness to meeting, and from one person to another.

Opening: An Interview with Female Scholars

Recommended reason:

The Opening: An Interview with Female Scholars tries to break the gender stereotype and the gender barrier in academic circles. In the form of questions and answers, the book has conducted in-depth interviews with 11 scholars, retracing their respective ideological threads and taking stock of their dissatisfaction, confusion, ambitions and dreams around their learning process, gender identity and academic research keywords; Similarly, these life experiences are the pain and happiness shared by most modern women.

Golden branch (full version)

Recommended reason:

There is an ancient village on the bank of Yinghe River-Last Week Village. The dream and reality, roots and branches, origin and present of a family of five generations are vividly presented in this novel. The escape, stabbing pain, separation and integration between relatives of the Zhou family are moving. In the historical cycle of family elites gathering from the countryside to the city and returning from the city to the countryside, it truly shows the great differences and changes between the city and the countryside, and writes the joys and sorrows of life from estrangement to blending.

The writer tells the family story supported by several generations of "golden branches" with the eyes of women. Through the rebellion and contest between the two daughters in the city and the country, the work shows the persistence and struggle, struggle and struggle of family women under the traditional culture. Their unique resilience and strength have propped up the soul and rebirth of the homeland of the Central Plains.

A woman’s story

Recommended reason:

A Woman’s Story is a touching account of mother and daughter, youth and aging, dreams and reality by Nobel Prize winner Anne Elnor. After her mother died of Alzheimer’s disease, the author began a daunting journey back in time, trying to capture the real woman, the woman who existed independently of her daughter. She discusses the fragile and unshakable bond between mother and daughter, the alienated world that separates them, and the inescapable fact that we must lose the people we love. In this calm and powerful tribute, Elnor wants to strive for the greatest fairness for her mother: to portray her as herself.

Dear daughter

Recommended reason:

Gong Jiyeong, the author of The Melting Pot, told his daughter 27 life stories, each of which was based on a simple home-cooked dish. She exposed the scars of the past to her daughter without reservation, and was not afraid to face her sincere self. She told her daughter with personal experience that you can complain about your family and life, but it didn’t help. The important thing in life is to love yourself and strive to grow. This is not only a mother’s encouragement to her daughter, but also a growth gift for everyone. When I feel that my dream is far away and I have been frustrated repeatedly, I might as well open this book and gain the warm power to move on.

The light we carry

Recommended reason:

There may be no perfect solution to the challenges in life, but Michelle Obama believes that we can find some ways to help us point out the course of change and move forward steadily in the torrent. In the book, she talks about the problem that bothers many people: how to establish lasting and sincere interpersonal relationships? How can we draw strength from differences and seek common ground while reserving differences? When you feel self-doubt or helpless, what tools can you use to solve it? By telling her experiences as a mother, a daughter, a partner, a friend and the first lady of the United States, she shared her habits and principles formed when she successfully adapted to change and surmounted many obstacles, and was full of life wisdom.

"Nine Chapters of the Goddess of Luo"

Recommended reason:

This book is the research achievement of Professor Dai Yan for more than ten years. From the aspects of literature, art and history, it reconstructs the literary background and communication process of Cao Zhi’s writing "Ode to Luoshen", so as to break through the old-fashioned interpretation of the theory of "feeling Zhen" and "thinking of Jun", analyze the original meaning of Cao Zhi’s writing "Ode to Luoshen" and explore the literary vitality of "Ode to Luoshen" spanning thousands of years.

Ladies’ relay

Recommended reason:

The Lady Relay is a biography of women’s groups, with nine public female figures who have deeply influenced the feminist movement in the United States as the main body, and outlines the development process of feminist movement in the United States. These women have stories, thoughts and personalities, and have had a wide and in-depth impact on society and history. They founded schools, established organizations, made public speeches, wrote, promoted legislation, explored art, and rebelled against authority … Against the inherent shackles of women in their time, they made hit the floor voices in all fields, which was a model for women to pursue themselves and transform society, and changed the process of American history and civilization with their own actions.

Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

Most doctors won’t tell you some "cold knowledge" about female physiology, so you should pay attention to it yourself.

Nowadays, most women really know very little about their own physiological knowledge, and most women also take an evasive and obscure attitude towards some topics of women’s physiological knowledge, and are unwilling to say or mention them. In fact, this is not correct. For their own physiological knowledge, it is the best way to deal with them correctly and actively.

You should know these cold knowledge about female physiology, even if the doctor doesn’t say it.

The first cold knowledge is that, for women, not everyone’s menstrual cycle is 30 days. In fact, women’s menstrual cycle is normal within 21~35 days. Many women will think that their menstrual cycle is not 30 days, so they have irregular menstruation. This idea is actually wrong. Whether women have irregular menstruation requires asking a professional doctor, and then making a comprehensive diagnosis according to their medical history, other physical examinations and even their hormone levels. Therefore, for every woman, never dare to feel that her menstrual cycle is not thirty days, and she is the abnormal one.

The second cold knowledge is actually that for women, their private parts should never be washed casually with some lotion, and it is unnecessary to wash private parts, because women’s vagina has the function of self-cleaning, and the vulva can be washed properly, but the vulva should never be washed. Excessive cleaning will cause more bacteria in the vagina, leading to vaginal dysfunction and counterproductive effects. And even if you use some professional cleaning agents, you can’t use them indiscriminately. You must ask a professional before you can use them properly.

The third cold knowledge about women’s physiology is that for women, urinary tract infection must be treated as early as possible, otherwise it will easily endanger the uterus! For many years, women may think that diseases such as urinary tract infection are definitely easier for men. In fact, compared with men, women are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infection. Because women’s urinary tract is shorter than men’s urinary tract, it is easier to get caught, and the way to avoid it is to keep the vulva clean, of course, to clean it in moderation, not to hold back urine, and to drink more water in daily life, and to do a good job of cleaning before and after sex.

The fourth cold knowledge about women’s physiology is that every woman needs to start cervical screening at the age of 21. Why? According to experts’ research, the age of 21 is the age when women have sexual intercourse for the first time. When screening begins at this period, you can find the problem early, or you can find the problem early and treat it early. Another reason is that in the past screening data, it is very rare for women to get cervical cancer before the age of 21, so to sum up, doctors’ research shows that it is the most appropriate time for women to start cervical screening at the age of 21.

The fifth cold knowledge about women’s physiology is aimed at the disease of pelvic effusion that women are prone to, and it is best not to treat it indiscriminately. Because about pelvic effusion, it is divided into two types, one is physiological and the other is pathological. If it is physiological pelvic effusion, it will gradually disappear after ovulation or early pregnancy, but if it is pathological, it will not be easily eliminated by some drugs at this time, so it is necessary to go to a special doctor for diagnosis and consultation. Therefore, for this disease, every woman should have a snack, and never treat and take medicine by herself.

About these physiological cold knowledge, women must know fairly well, after all, their health is the most important thing for themselves! # Breeze Plan #

What exactly is fashion?

As a fashion editor for several years, I have always been an outsider.

What exactly is fashion? I’ve been thinking about this problem recently.

Fashion is synonymous with the trend, fashion is the lifestyle of the nobility, fashion is unconventional, fashion is inclusive.

The definition of fashion can be varied and can be basically divided into the following categories:


It looks very fashionable

Recently, I have nothing to do, and I have revisited Yuezi Kono, a proofreading girl. If the Druna Hotel is a classic dressing show of IU, Yuezi Kono, a proofreading girl, is undoubtedly a 10-yuan fashion show, and it is almost impossible to count how many sets have been changed, but each set looks very fashionable.

This kind of fashion mainly focuses on the visual sense, and the clothing and makeup have been matched and taken care of, which is the most direct fashion expression.


The background is very fashionable

There is one kind of people, no matter what they wear, who can always be the focus of the photographer’s lens, such as this one:

Oh, no, I put the wrong picture (can the photographer let people have a good vacation)

The following is the correct way to open it.

Although I’m sorry to say this, Ms. Gigi is comparable to the top of the entertainment circle, but she has no good works and acting skills.

As the top traffic in the fashion circle, regardless of whether it is fashionable or not, fire is right.


Personalized fashion

This kind of fashion is somewhat incomprehensible, such as this:

Like this:

Or like this:

In short, just be casual. Regardless of the hustle and bustle of Yangguan Road, he insisted on a wooden bridge to go to black.


Subdivision fashion

Do you think what is mentioned above is fashion? All wet. There are also subdivisions under fashion, such as fashion, yes, the street fashion, and fashion shoes, skateboarding and joint names are its key words. For example, Uniqlo, which was robbed some time ago, jointly signed T.

Beauty fashion: see the beautiful mouth red number, the kind that uses liquid foundation to plant grass crazily.

There are too many sub-categories related to fashion, and every single item, jewelry, can derive a fashion.

Take the position of fashion editor as an example, there are paper editors, grass editors, clothing editors, beauty editors and other miscellaneous sub-categories, which overlap but are not inclusive.

Knock on the small blackboard:

With all this nonsense, what is fashion?

The answer to this question is open.

Personally, simplicity, elegance, neatness and plain face are my favorite fashion styles, but in fact, it doesn’t conform to the popular fashion aesthetics at all without makeup, at best, it is comfortable.

But when the word fashion is disassembled, it is not a monk at that time.

The former aristocratic fashion has evolved into popular fashion, andIt is really fashionable to find a way to express yourself correctly.

Note: The pictures are from Douban and Weibo. See the watermark for details.

——The end——