Interview with Ruan Jingtian: Accelerating accumulation offers more possibilities


  Ethan Ruan

  "Come, turn your chin slightly to the right."

  Ruan Jingtian was wrapped in a black turtleneck sweater and turned his face to the right. The peaks of his eyebrows were obvious, and the lines of his chin were almost sharp.

  This is Ethan Ruan under the camera, accurate and sharp.

  And in the conversation that the camera can’t capture, he has the softest and most relaxed lines. Although his eyebrows are still as flamboyant as the "monk" in "Mengka", the eyes below are not at all incompatible with the warmth of Xiao Kuan in "LOVE". Occasionally, a few strands of ancient spirits belonging to "Fan Ruyi" in "Detective Runaway" sneak out and shine very brightly.


  Ethan Ruan

  "Many things in life are full of surprises and surprises, and this job is an accident for me." The plain ring ring on his left ring finger is not conspicuous, and the smile on the corner of his mouth is slow. "But I gradually discovered that this job is related to people. And people are the most complex and fun things in the world. I like people, whether friends, real-world friends or strangers. I like to study people more and more, not to talk to anyone deliberately, but to carefully observe how he will behave in what situation." Apparently, the older boy who had "never thought of entering this industry" enjoyed the accident.

  Indeed, it was a beautiful accident that brought a new king to Taiwanese cinema.


  Ethan Ruan

  It’s not all real.

  But emotion must come from the heart

  As early as when reading Cai Jun’s novel "Murder Like Water," Ruan Jingtian liked this story very much. When Ruan Jingtian learned that director Chen Guo would adapt the novel, Ruan Jingtian had a face-to-face communication with the director. 10 minutes, from conversation to setting the angle, the matter was settled.

  Ethan loves this kind of face-to-face communication, which is also his exclusive way to win the role of his favorite director.

  "When communicating with people, I like to communicate face-to-face, eye-to-eye, and communicate the feelings of the heart. These are the most direct feelings I express. In many cases, instead of competing for roles through agents and companies, I prefer to connect through them, and then talk to the director face-to-face, so that I can find out if there is a common idea about the role and the possibility of cooperation."

  Of course, there were exceptions.

  When taking over "Mengka", don’t talk about communicating with the director. Ruan Jingtian readily agreed without even reading the script. Director Doudou (director Niu Chengze) directly said that he was "with seeds". "Sometimes this is done because of trust in certain directors and teams. Some people will never harm you, just like your own family, you will have complete trust in him." "Not afraid of not being able to play this role well?" "Of course I will be afraid, but with such a director in front to check, he will not let you go if you can’t play well, and he will never let his play go badly!" He laughed playfully, as if he had succeeded in "plotting" Director Doudou.

  "Paradise in the Army" is Mr. Ruan’s most recent collaboration with Mr. Dou, and his first film since leaving the army, because Mr. Dou is Mr. Ruan’s "most important person" in the film.

  The filming process was not easy, and Ruan Jingtian often struggled on the verge of breaking the dam emotionally. Watching "Lao Zhang" Chen Jianbin being captured but helpless, he could not promise a visible tomorrow to his lover. Xiao Bao, one of the thousands of recruits he plays, is wrapped up in the times and fate and has no way to fight back. In several scenes, Ruan Jingtian had to rely on the director’s help to hold back the tears that were about to flow. "Paradise in the Army is a painful and happy process for me. Sometimes it’s very torn, and sometimes I enjoy the feeling of being trapped in the character."

  For Mr. Ruan, the emotions he wants in every play to be real. Whether it’s the sibling relationship between Chen Yihan and Chen in "LOVE" or the brotherhood of the Prince Gang in "Monga", he has carried these emotions into his life without reservation. "The performance is not all real, but the emotions must come from the most authentic place."


  Ethan Ruan

  Learn to wait

  Waiting for the next big wave

  In the early hours of 2006, a slender shadow was speeding skating across the viaduct. Lin Yuxian, the filmmaker, and the cameraman kept their eyes on the camera, while the rest of the crew watched and listened. Their filming was not allowed, and they had to quickly evacuate once the police showed up.

  For the first-time filmmaker, it was probably the most memorable early morning of his life. "After that time, I thought making movies was a very fun thing for me." In the film’s debut film, "Exit 6," the film’s infinite creative and imaginative space helped him achieve childhood pranks such as hiding in tires and rolling downstairs, riding a trolley to shake his tail, and setting off firecrackers with his butt. Not only that, but the film also opened the door for Ethan to go to the big screen.

  In 2009, he met with Monga.

  Ruan Jingtian plays a super-intelligent, reserved and calm gangster He Tianyou ("monk") in the film. His extremely textured performance makes Chen Kexin praise "a superstar is born" and Woo Yusen sees "Chow Yun-fat in a young era". With this film, Ruan Jingtian runs like a dark horse into the competition for the best actor of the 47th Golden Horse Awards.

  His eyes widened, his sexy mouth held up a full "O", and his muscles stiffened for a moment. On November 20, 2010, when the camera gave a close-up of Ruan Jingtian at the 47th Golden Horse Awards ceremony, he used this expression to explain all his surprise. Although he said with a smile that "he had prepared his acceptance speech ten years ago", he was still stunned by this "happy lightning" in the face of the results of beating Wang Xueqi, Ni Dahong and Qin Hao by a large number of votes.

  Now talking about the little golden horse, Ruan Jingtian said jokingly: "That’s a trophy!" After a string of boy-like mischievous laughter, he turned indifferent ": In fact, at that age, getting that award was very stressful. I was lost for a while because I didn’t know what to do to qualify for it. Looking back, I found that you don’t have to do anything to qualify for it, because when you gave it back then, it means you have been there before, and you don’t have to copy it every time. As long as you do your best to do every performance after that, you can slowly learn to live peacefully with pressure and emotions."

  Ruan Jingtian, who came out of the misty forest brought by the "Best Actor", saw more possibilities in himself in "Detective Runaway". "During filming, Director Luo Zhuoyao showed us German silent films. At first I was confused, but after seeing the editing of the movie, I could probably understand it." However, he did not shy away from admitting that "these are still difficult for me to understand, but it is a good experience, which makes me feel that I can slowly play in black humor."

  Ruan Jingtian, who found himself with countless possibilities in the role, never said "I don’t really like this job, I plan when to retire every day and live a so-called free life". As he grew older and experienced, he began to think more and have more confidence in this job, and at the same time, he asked himself to be "a good actor".

  "Every director, whether commercial or artistic, as long as you are soft, as long as you are willing to listen, he will always bring you something. For actors, this will make you more able to adapt to every director." Time has taught Ethan Ruan to accumulate thick hair. He can shoot a shot 20 times in the new film "New York New York" to try to be closer to the psychological changes of the characters; he can also seize the three or four precious opportunities given by director Liu Weiqiang in "Blood Drops" to show what the director wants to see the most in the fastest but most accurate state.

  Before the accumulation had reached a qualitative change, Ethan Ruan also had a long and difficult time. However, his favorite surfing taught him to persevere and wait.

  "The spirit of surfing is to wait. The experience of life is a lot like surfing. No one is always on the high and no one is always on the low. Learn to live with the low tide and wait for the point to come up. Learn to wait instead of picking up the board and going home. When you get home you don’t have the next wave. Wait, maybe five minutes, maybe an hour, but you have to wait."


  Ethan Ruan

  Taiwan movie story

  From Niu Chengze to Hou Hsiao-hsien, Ruan Jingtian has worked with these two standard-bearers in the Taiwanese film industry.

  Doudao Niu Chengze has accompanied Ruan Jingtian all the way from counting steel coins to buying bento to today. In Ruan Jingtian’s eyes, he is not only a "guide", "life mentor", "friend who can scold him as a dog", but also like a "father".

  At the 50th anniversary ceremony of the 2013 Golden Horse Awards, Ethan said that he was sick and left the table early. Niu Chengze, who was watching the live broadcast, was trembling with anger and smashed the remote control in his hand against the TV. At the time, the crew was rushing to shoot "Paradise in the Army", but Niu Chengze turned a blind eye to Ethan for two weeks. During this time, even if he gave a play to the actors, he only passed the message to Ethan through the assistant director. This "strict father" punishment made Ethan realize the seriousness of his mistake.

  Director Hou Hsiao-hsien feels completely different from Director Dou. "One is like grandpa and the other is like dad. Director Dou is very demanding, but for me he is the most important person. Because many times his requirements for acting will allow me to go to a state I did not expect and unknown, rather than staying in a place I know. Of course, it is not just the pressure of working with Director Dou. In the face of some directors who have high requirements for acting, it is impossible for me to bring ordinary things to satisfy them. They are like the most tricky guests, and sometimes even the color and fragrance of reason cannot satisfy them. You have to do your best and spend a little ingenuity to meet their requirements."

  "Chef" Ruan Jingtian arrived in front of the director Hou Hsiao-hsien, obviously with more freedom to play. "It’s a very comfortable state. Because he has no restrictions on what the actor should do, it gives you a huge imagination. For me, this experience is very special. In fact, it was not suitable at first, and in the end, I miss every shot directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien. You will really want to work with him again and bring him something different. Working with him is a great experience!"

  Nine years, 13 films, 10 films directed by Taiwanese directors, Ethan has an almost persistent love for Taiwanese films. Commemorative growth and local stories are the eternal melodies of Taiwanese films in his heart. "Monga" is a typical Taiwanese film about growth in Ethan’s eyes. Brothers, fate, youth and injuries in growth make Taiwanese films that inspire youth have a sadness that shines through tomorrow. And Taiwan’s story is not just a story of growth but also a story of life. "Shanghai, Beijing, New York, Taipei, these big cities are very similar. People from all over the world take root in the local leaves and develop their own unique way of life."


  Ethan Ruan

  It takes fear to be brave

  Ruan Jingtian’s own Weibo profile is: a timid and brave ordinary person.

  He was timid. "When you ask me to jump from five or six floors on a wire, it’s a fool to say that I’m not afraid. Of course I’m afraid, but I have a reason to do it, so I have to be brave. Because being afraid is the only way to be brave."

  More often, he is willing to stay at home and spend time with his two cats in the safest place. One of them rubbed Ethan’s trousers at the Taichung night market, and finally impressed Ethan, who raised a dog, before being driven away for the third time.

  Now that the 12-year-old cat was old and frail, Ruan Jingtian smiled and said that he had become a veterinarian who gave injections to cats every day. But on second thought, thinking of the cat who had been with him for many years, "If something happens, it will die", a trace of gentle concern and sadness showed in his eyes.

  He loves silence and also enjoys limits.

  "What’s your biggest impression of surfing?" he asked excitedly of his hobby. "Summer, the beach, a bikini?" The question caught him off guard.

  "Haha, but, did you know, Taiwan only has waves in winter!" The slyness in his eyes poured out, as if announcing a shocking secret. "The waves usually appear before 9 o’clock in the morning, mostly between 4 and 6 o’clock. So get up early and go into the water when it’s very cold. It’s hot at noon, and there are no waves, so you can only sleep. So when you actually do something, you will find that it is different from everyone’s stereotypes."

  Racing is another passion of Ethan Ethan’s. Like many young boys, he has loved racing since he was a child and has been playing with it for seven or eight years since he grew up. In the last two years, he has participated in car racing and won two annual championships. "Racing and acting can put people in a tight environment. You can’t go wrong a lot of the time, because many good shots can only be shot once. In such a tense and precise moment, you have to be very subtle and careful to control every movement of your body, every expression, and cooperate with everyone. The same is true of racing. It’s not about who is faster, but who makes fewer mistakes." He was personally involved in every aspect of car repair, setting up, and practicing, because in his opinion: "You have to be serious about playing! Because if you are not serious, you will not be happy."

  Recently, the topic of Ruan Jingtian’s relationship has attracted people’s attention. He interacted calmly with netizens on Weibo, and the comments were polarized. Some people praised him Man, while others laughed and scolded him. He said that "this matter is unique and will not appear again in the future." Even if the problem was not originally planned, Ruan Jingtian did not shy away from his most natural emotions at this moment, as he said: "At first you were not wary, the reporter editor asked your girlfriend, and you would say it. But later found that what you said would follow you like a shadow, which is a very annoying thing. Emotions are private, like closing the door when going to the toilet." And his ideal love and family life is like his grandparents, not the passion and ups and downs of the two, but the peace of the years.

  At the end of the shooting, he signed for the studio. Ruan – Jing – Tian, the rounded corners, the word "Tian" one stroke and one stroke, the willful length of "two legs", Xiao Tian left the last stroke with boyish wanton and innocence. The sun, the moon, the rivers, the river of time flows, initializing the once rampage, Ruan Jingtian’s charm as a man has just revealed a corner.

Chen Edison talks about pornographic photos again: In terms of sex, I am not wrong

  Edison Chen looked serious, "I deeply think that this happened because I didn’t understand it exactly, and I came to a lot of conclusions. I didn’t take into account the whole environment, I only took into account myself, misjudged the environment, and didn’t respect the local culture where I live and make a living." Edison Chen continued to explain: "Having sex all over the world happens behind closed doors. I don’t think I did anything particularly wrong in that situation. The only thing I did wrong was the way I handled the incident in that cultural context. Maybe that’s a bit direct, but in terms of sex, I don’t think I was wrong."

Ministry of Transportation: Online ride-hailing drivers must pass national and local exams

  On September 9, the Ministry of Transport announced the "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications" and "Regulations on the Administration of Cruise Taxi Business Services" as supporting policies for the new policy of taxi online car-hailing. According to the "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications", from October 1, drivers who engage in online car-hailing services need to participate in national and local exams. The regulations also set the threshold for the exam. Those who participate in the exam must have "no five" and must have a violent criminal record. After passing the exam, they need to register to work, and the registration period of professional qualifications is valid for 3 years.

  At the same time, the "Regulations on the Management of Taxi Business Services" have also been revised. The plan stipulates that cruise taxi operators should adjust the contract fee standard or quota tasks in a timely manner according to factors such as operating costs and freight changes. In the future, the adjustment of taxi "part money" will be adjusted according to the actual situation.

  Online car-hailing drivers need to take exams to obtain professional qualifications

  On September 9, the Ministry of Transport announced the "Regulations on the Management of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications" and "Regulations on the Management of Cruise Taxi Business Services" as supporting policies for the new policy of taxi online car-hailing. The revised "Regulations on the Management of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications" clarify the scope of application. The qualifications of taxi drivers include the qualifications of cruise taxi drivers and the qualifications of online booking taxi drivers. Combined with the characteristics of the new online car-hailing business, the driver’s conditions, exam content, certificate types, registration management, further education and legal responsibilities have been adjusted accordingly. The qualification regulations will be implemented from October 1.

  According to the relevant regulations on professional qualifications, future online car-hailing drivers cannot "run naked" on the road and need to take the test like taxi drivers. Online car-hailing drivers need to apply for professional qualification exams and need to take national and local exams. Specifically, it includes national public subjects and regional subject exams.

  The national public subject examination is a knowledge test with general normative requirements for national taxi laws and regulations, professional ethics, service norms, and safe operation. Regional subject examinations, localities can set the test content according to their own conditions. There are certain differences between traditional taxi drivers and online taxi drivers.

  A taxi driver who has obtained the qualification certificate shall only engage in taxi passenger service after registering with the qualification of the taxi administrative department. The valid period of registration of the qualification of a taxi driver is 3 years.

  Only "Five No Personnel" are allowed to take the exam

  The qualification regulations set a threshold for online car-hailing drivers, which means that not everyone can apply for the online car-hailing qualification examination.

  Specifically, only those who have obtained the corresponding type of motor vehicle driver’s license and have more than 3 years of driving experience; no traffic crime, dangerous driving criminal record, no drug use record, no driving record after drinking, and no 12-point record in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles; Only those who have no violent criminal record can become online car drivers.

  Those who meet the above conditions can apply to take the test. The Ministry of Transport has made it clear that as a taxi driver, there is no difference in application conditions whether it is a cruise or an online reservation service.

  Those who apply to take the taxi driver qualification examination shall provide proof or commitment materials that comply with relevant regulations before they can take the examination.

  The cost of cruise taxis needs to be adjusted according to the actual situation

  According to the Ministry of Transport, the revised "Regulations on the Management of Cruise Taxi Business Services" adjusted the scope of application and made a series of regulations on the positioning of the taxi industry and the distribution of interests between operators and drivers. It is clear that taxis are an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provide personalized transportation services for the public.

  In response to the problem of "part money" for taxis, cruise taxi operators are required to adjust the contract fee standard or quota task in a timely manner according to factors such as operating costs and changes in freight rates, etc., to better build a business model of shared risk and reasonable distribution of benefits between enterprises and drivers, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. In the future, part money will be adjusted according to the actual situation.


  How to apply for a car-hailing license?

  Why should ride-hailing drivers manage it?

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport, whether it is online car-hailing or cruise car, it provides a general passenger transportation service for the public, and the driver is subject to access management according to law. This is the bottom line requirement of the industry management department to ensure transportation safety and service quality. The "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver Qualifications" have been revised to consider the characteristics of online car-hailing, and through "tailor-made" system design and management innovation, it actively supports the development of new business formats. For example: Compared with cruise car drivers, the content of the online car-hailing driver’s test is simplified to the greatest extent, and its registration and cancellation are stipulated. It can be completed by the platform company reporting to the taxi administrative department where the issuing authority is located.

  Are the application conditions for cruise car and online ride-hailing drivers the same?

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport, according to the revised "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications", those who apply to participate in the taxi driver’s qualification examination shall meet the following conditions: Obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding approved driving type and have more than 3 years of driving experience; No traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking alcohol, and no record of 12 points in the last 3 consecutive scoring periods; No violent criminal record; Other conditions stipulated by the urban people’s government. As a taxi driver, there is no difference in application conditions whether it is engaged in cruise or online booking service.

  How can I provide relevant proof materials such as a non-violent criminal record?

  The revised "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver Qualifications" makes it clear that those who apply to participate in the taxi driver qualification examination must provide a motor vehicle driver’s license and a copy; no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no drinking driving record, and no record of 12 points in the last three consecutive scoring cycles; no violent criminal record materials; identity certificate and photocopy and other supporting materials stipulated by the city people’s government.

  Wang Hao, deputy director of the Highway Development Center of the Academy of Highway Sciences of the Ministry of Transport, said that this seems very inconvenient and will discourage many online ride-hailing drivers. But in fact, there is not much that individuals need to do. "Personal documents definitely need to be provided by individuals, but no criminal record and so on do not need to be provided by individuals. Individuals only need to promise no criminal record and so on. Whether it is true or not is a matter between the transportation department and the public security department."

  What exactly is a non-violent criminal record?

  In terms of criminal records, this regulation clearly states that there is a "no violent crime" record, not a "no criminal record". Lawyer Wang Yongjie, director of Beijing Zeyong Law Firm, introduced that a no-violent criminal record is a very clear legal concept. A no-violent criminal record specifically refers to a person who has no robbery, robbery, intentional homicide, intentional injury, rape, explosion and other crimes that endanger public safety. If it is only "criminal detention" or civil disputes, it is not a "violent crime". In addition, fraud is not included in violent crimes.


  The entry of online car-hailing drivers requires four hurdles

  The first step: the threshold

  Only those who meet the "five no personnel" are allowed to take the exam

  (1) Obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding type and have more than 3 years of driving experience;

  (2) No record of traffic accident or dangerous driving, no record of drug abuse, no record of driving after drinking, and no record of 12 points in the last three consecutive scoring periods;

  (3) No violent criminal record;

  (4) Other conditions stipulated by the city people’s government.

  Step 2: Apply

  Eligible personnel may apply to take the exam

  Those who plan to engage in taxi passenger transportation services shall fill in the "Application Form for Taxi Driver’s Qualification Certificate" and apply to the local municipal taxi administrative department to participate in the taxi driver qualification examination.

  The application should contain the following materials

  (1) Motor vehicle driver’s license and a copy thereof;

  (2) No record of traffic accident or dangerous driving, no record of drug abuse, no record of driving after drinking, and no materials with 12 points recorded in the last three consecutive scoring cycles;

  (3) Materials without a violent criminal record;

  (4) Identity certificate and photocopy;

  (5) Other materials stipulated by the city people’s government.

  Step 3: Examination

  Taxi and ride-hailing drivers must pass national and regional exams

  Taxi driver qualification examination includes national public subject and regional subject examination.

  The national public subject examination is a knowledge test with universal normative requirements for national taxi laws and regulations, professional ethics, service norms, and safe operation.

  The regional subject examination for the qualification of online taxi drivers is a knowledge test with regional normative requirements such as local taxi policies and regulations. The taxi administrative department of the local people’s government at or above the municipal level divided into districts may determine other examination contents by itself according to the characteristics of regional services.

  Step 4: Register

  The valid period of registration is 3 years

  A taxi driver who has obtained a license shall be registered with the competent taxi administrative department before engaging in taxi passenger transportation services.

  The registration of the taxi driver is completed by the taxi operator reporting to the taxi administrative department where the license issuing authority is located, and the reporting information includes the driver’s qualification certificate information, the employment contract or agreement signed with the taxi operator, etc.

  The valid period of registration of taxi driver qualification is 3 years.


  What are the exams for professional qualifications?


  Drivers must pass a two-level test

  The revised "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver Qualifications" makes it clear that the taxi driver qualification examination includes the national public subject and regional subject examinations.

  The national public subject examination is a knowledge test with universal normative requirements for national taxi laws and regulations, professional ethics, service norms, and safe operation. The taxi administrative department of the local people’s government at or above the municipal level divided into districts may determine other examination contents by itself according to the characteristics of regional services.

  Wang Hao, deputy director of the Highway Development Center of the Academy of Highway Sciences of the Ministry of Transport, introduced that the national-level examination is mainly aimed at the specific problems set by the Ministry of Transport’s new regulations, while the regional examination is a regional examination set according to the local situation, mainly the specific content of the local new regulations.


  Cruising taxi drivers need to take a geography test

  According to the regulations, the regional subject test for the qualification of cruise taxi drivers is a knowledge test with regional service characteristics such as local taxi policies and regulations, human geography of the operating area and traffic routes. The regional subject test for the qualification of online taxi drivers is a knowledge test with regional specifications such as local taxi policies and regulations. Wang Hao introduced that from the content point of view, the test for cruise car drivers is more difficult than that for online taxi drivers. For example, cruise car drivers need to take the human geography test. Because all online taxi-hailing cars are equipped with navigation systems, there is no such requirement.


  The written test is the main one, and there is no road test content.

  After the regulations were issued, many drivers wondered, how to take the test and whether they need to take the road test again? Wang Hao introduced that the test is basically the content of the written test, which is similar to the traffic regulation test. Whether it is a national or local, there are question banks. The types of question bank questions are mainly multiple-choice questions and judgment questions, and are not likely to involve large questions such as short answer questions. Considering that the person applying to be a driver must have a driver’s license, there will be no repeated test of the content of the road test.

  exam results

  It is always valid without special circumstances, but registration is required.

  Wang Hao introduced that after passing the exam, there are no special circumstances such as crime, and the test results are always valid, but you need to register to become a driver.

  The revised "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Drivers’ Qualifications" basically retains the relevant requirements of the original registration regulations for cruise car drivers. At the same time, taking into account the characteristics of the new business model of online car-hailing, it is stipulated that the registration and cancellation of online car-hailing drivers can be completed through the online car-hailing platform company reporting to the local taxi administrative department where the issuing authority is located. "That is to say, it can be collective registration of the platform or individual registration, depending on the specific regulations of the local government."

  qualification certificate

  If you have not registered for more than three years, you need to participate in further education

  According to the introduction, the revised "taxi driver qualification management regulations" on the driver further education, only the results of further education requirements, further education of the way and process is no longer specific provisions, and clear driver further education by the taxi operator organization implementation, further implementation of the main responsibility of the operator, focusing on the effectiveness of further education.

  At the same time, it is necessary to make it clear that those who have obtained the qualification certificate for more than 3 years and have not applied for registration should complete no less than 27 hours of further education before starting the job after registration.


  Taxi element money should be dynamically adjusted according to operating costs and freight rates

  Cruising taxis can be fined 2,000 yuan for deliberately detouring

  On September 9, the Ministry of Transport announced the newly revised "Regulations on the Administration of Cruise Taxi Business Services" (Order No. 64 of 2016 of the Ministry of Transport). The regulations require that, in response to the issue of taxi "share money", cruise taxi operators are explicitly required to adjust in a timely manner according to factors such as operating costs and changes in freight rates. At the same time, penalties have also been increased for violations or criminal acts committed by traditional taxi drivers. Eight acts such as detours will be fined up to 2,000 yuan.

  Taxi element money needs to be adjusted dynamically

  The revised "Regulations on the Administration of Cruise Taxi Business Services" adjusted the scope of application and made a series of regulations on the positioning of the taxi industry and the distribution of interests between operators and drivers. It is clear that taxis are an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provide personalized transportation services for the public. The amendment to the ministerial decree was solicited in early July this year. As an important supporting regulation for deepening the reform of the taxi industry, it will come into effect on November 1, 2016.

  In response to the problem of taxi "share money", cruise taxi operators are required to adjust the contract fee standard or quota task in a timely manner according to factors such as operating costs and freight changes. This means that the taxi element money will be dynamically adjusted in the future.

  Increase penalties for 8 types of behavior such as refusal to load

  The revised draft increases the penalties for the following eight types of acts, and changes the "taxi driver who violates these regulations and falls under any of the following circumstances shall be ordered to make corrections by the road transportation management agency at or above the county level, and shall be issued with a warning or a fine of not less than 50 yuan but not more than 200 yuan" in Article 49 to "Cruising taxi drivers who violate these regulations and fall under any of the following circumstances shall be ordered to make corrections by the taxi administrative department of the local people’s government at or above the county level, and shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan."

  The specific acts include refusing to carry, bargaining, dumping passengers on the way or deliberately detouring; carrying other passengers without the consent of the passengers; not using metering equipment in accordance with regulations or charging fees in violation of regulations; not issuing corresponding fare bills in accordance with regulations; not carrying road transportation certificates and professional qualification certificates in accordance with regulations; not using cruise taxi-related equipment in accordance with regulations; failing to fulfill the agreement after accepting the cruise taxi electric call task; not using civilized language in accordance with regulations, and the car’s appearance does not meet the requirements.

  Criminal liability for participating in taxi ticket scalping

  It is worth mentioning that the revised draft emphasizes the punishment of the staff of the taxi administrative department for violations of regulations. The following acts: those who fail to implement administrative licensing according to the prescribed conditions, procedures and time limit; those who participate in or participate in the operation of cruise taxis in disguise; those who find illegal acts and do not investigate and deal with them in a timely manner; those who solicit or accept other people’s property, or seek other benefits, will be given administrative sanctions in accordance with relevant regulations; those who constitute a crime will be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned that at present, many cloned cars use regular taxi invoices to defraud illegal income, and many regular invoices flow out through various channels. In the future, participating in taxi bill scalping will be prosecuted.

  This article/Our reporter, Liu Wei

Changan and NIO invest in establishing a new energy vehicle technology company

"Car Market Overview" is a self-media subsidiary of Car Market Story, always focusing on all auto companies at home and abroad.

Recently, we learned from the Qichacha official that on October 20, Avita New Energy Vehicle Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established, the legal representative is Ma Xinjie, the registered capital is 10 million yuan, and the business scope includes: auto parts research and development; conference and exhibition services; enterprise management consulting, etc.

Qichacha’s equity penetration shows that the company is 100% controlled by Avita Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., which is a holding company of Changan Automobile (000625) and NIO.

It is worth noting that, according to previous information, Avita Technology will operate completely in the market, operate independently, develop independently, and join hands with Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Times to create new products. Previously, the expected carrier company for Changan, Huawei, and Ningde Times to jointly build cars is Avita Technology. This new high-end independent brand launched by Changan will run in parallel with the existing Changan brand.

On May 20, 2021, Chongqing Changan Automobile joint stock company (hereinafter referred to as "Changan Automobile" or "Company") holding subsidiary Changan NIO New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. has officially changed its name to Avita Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Avita Technology"). Avita Technology will be fully market-oriented, operate independently, and develop independently. Together with Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Times, we will create a world-leading, autonomous and controllable intelligent electric connected vehicle platform (CHN), create a rich range of intelligent vehicle products, and build a "people-car-family" smart life and smart energy ecosystem.

According to the official, the name "Avatar" is taken from the English Avatar, which means virtual avatar in the game or online world. Avatar Technology has given the word a deeper meaning, that is, to create another self in the intelligent parallel world for each user, knowing "you" worries, understanding "you" thinking, and giving "you" what you want. Based on this, Avatar Technology is committed to creating a new generation of intelligent end point beyond the mobile space through future-forward design aesthetics, discreet driving experience and emotional human-machine interaction. Avatar, yourmostemotionalintelligentcompanion.

Avita technology aggregates the superior technologies of Changan Automobile, Huawei and Ningde Times in the fields of R & D and manufacturing, intelligent solutions and energy management ecology, and deeply integrates the strategic resources of the three parties to redefine the future intelligent electric vehicle (SmartElectricVehicle). Huawei will give full play to its ICT technology advantages and jointly build a full value chain of R & D, channels, services, and ecology with Avita Technology to provide users with full-stack smart vehicle solutions and achieve the intelligent level of electric vehicles; Ningde Times, as a power battery provider and new energy solution service provider, empowers Avita Technology with smart electric vehicle power battery technology and jointly creates a safe and convenient energy ecosystem; Changan Automobile will jointly develop the world’s leading intelligent electric connected vehicle platform (CHN) with Avita Technology based on the capabilities of Huawei and Ningde Times.

In fact, the cooperation between Changan and NIO has been in place for nearly 4 years. On April 9, 2017, Changan Automobile and NIO signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO, said at the time that the two parties will establish a joint venture company to develop new products (different from JAC’s foundry cooperation). On August 17, 2018, Changan NIO New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., a joint venture jointly funded by Changan Automobile and NIO, settled in Nanjing Jiangning Development Zone. Li Bin is the chairperson of Changan NIO, and the vice chairperson is Li Wei, executive vice president of Changan Automobile.

However, since then, the cooperation between Changan and NIO has been delayed. In June 2020, Changan NIO underwent an industrial and commercial change. NIO Li Bin stepped down as the chairperson of the company, and the new chairperson was Tan Benhong, executive vice president of Changan Automobile. Changan Automobile originally held a 50% stake in Changan NIO, but Changan Automobile increased its investment in Changan NIO through cash increases and other means. After the capital increase was completed, Changan Automobile held a total of 95.38% of Changan NIO’s equity, while NIO only held 4.62%. In other words, in the joint venture relationship of Changan NIO, NIO retreated significantly, and Changan Automobile took over.

On November 15, 2020, Changan officially announced that together with two other giants in the automotive industry, Huawei and Ningde Times will jointly create a new high-end smart car brand. In the future, the AB brand will be built based on the CHN architecture (the architecture jointly created by Changan, Huawei, and Ningde Times), and will launch 5 new energy high-end products. The first model may be a high-end pure electric SUV. The product definition of this model is responsible for Changan, equipped with Huawei’s intelligent cockpit platform CDC, autonomous driving domain controller ADC, and some Sandian components.

In the future, AB brand and the existing Changan New Energy will be two independent operating companies, with different product brands and product segments, providing products and services to customers in different market segments. Among them, Changan New Energy is the new energy business bearer of Changan Automobile brand, and AB brand is a high-end intelligent electric vehicle brand jointly created by aggregating the resources of Changan Automobile, Huawei and Ningde Times.

Ask the world’s first full-size flagship SUV M9 debut

  Recently, at the nova 11 series and all-scene new product launch conference, AITO Qinjie M9 made its debut as the finale product. Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, CEO of end point BG, and CEO of intelligent vehicle solutions BU, announced that Qinjie M9 will be officially released in the fourth quarter of 2023.

  Positioning the panoramic smart flagship SUV, the Q-world M9 brings a new family design based on the "ultimate simplicity and purity" design concept of the Q-world series. As a full-size flagship SUV, the Q-world M9 has a comfortable riding space comparable to MPV class, and provides a variety of riding spaces of 3-6 seats. The newly created D-class luxury SUV platform is equipped with an all-aluminum alloy chassis, and all series are standard with air springs and CDC shock absorption systems, bringing better ride comfort and safety. As Huawei’s deeply empowered flagship product, Huawei’s smart car full-stack technology solutions are fully on the bus. On the basis of the double "ceiling" of smart cockpit and smart driving, Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights, HUAWEI AR-HUD, AI big model, sensor federation and other black technologies are all on the bus, bringing the ultimate full-scene intelligent experience.

  "The Wenjie M9 has both the large space of a full-size flagship SUV and the flexible driving experience of a small car. It is equipped with a chassis suspension system that exceeds one million luxury cars. More importantly, it is equipped with Huawei’s most complete smart car full-stack technology solution. It will definitely become the leading work of the Wenjie series, more luxurious than luxury, more technological than technology, and brings users an unprecedented smart car experience!" Yu Chengdong said.

  New family design, the simplicity and purity of Vientiane Unification

  The brand-new family design of the M9 is inspired by a pure skyline, featuring a smart cockpit and comfortable space above the skyline, providing a luxurious experience with a wide field of vision. Beneath the skyline is a brand-new intelligent driving platform, providing an intelligent driving experience.

  The front face shape integrates innovative functions. The new smart lamp module integrates megapixel headlights, ADB (Adaptive High Beam)/AFS (Adaptive Headlight System) lights, starlight digital matrix interaction system and aerodynamic air intake curtain, making complexity simple and unified. The through taillights echo the design of the headlights, forming an All In One design from the front and rear, which is highly recognizable at a glance from 100 meters away.

  Variety of luxury space, comparable to MPV’s driving space

  As a full-size flagship SUV, the Wenjie M9 is 5230mm long and has a wheelbase of 3110mm. Based on the original design intention of six seats, it integrates innovative designs such as flat floors, flexible space changes, and changeable seat modes, allowing SUVs to achieve a variety of luxury space experiences comparable to MPVs.

  The Qinjie M9 realizes the same flat floor as the MPV, with three rows without steps for easy entry and exit; the second row has a larger adjustable range at the front and rear, and the seats of the whole car are provided with electric slides, which can be flexibly adjusted for occupants and luggage, making the ride more spacious and comfortable. The seats of the whole car support electric adjustment, so that every seat is first class, and will also provide a variety of seat modes with 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 seats.

  The new D-class luxury SUV platform, the driving experience of a million luxury cars

  The M9 is based on the new D-class luxury SUV platform, featuring an all-aluminum alloy chassis, an integrated die-cast body, and an aluminum alloy volume accounting for more than 80% of the body. It comes standard with air springs and a CDC shock absorption system, providing a driving experience that exceeds one million luxury cars.

  The M9 is equipped with the world’s largest integrated die-casting rear car body, using the leading 9,000-ton die-casting equipment in China, which greatly enhances the integration of parts and components. The overall body is better, and it has better ride comfort and safety.

  Huawei full-stack technology empowers cars to be smarter

  Huawei’s deeply empowered Q & A M9 is the culmination of innovation, bringing Huawei’s smart car full-stack technology solutions to the car, including Hongmeng Smart Cockpit, Huawei Intelligent Driving, HUAWEI xPixel, HUAWEI AR-HUD, AI Big Model, Sensor Federation, HUAWEI SOUND and other latest black technologies.

  Once the model of the Q & J series was launched, it was called "smart cockpit ceiling" by many users. With the launch of Huawei’s high-end intelligent driving system ADS2.0, the Q & J M5 smart driving version will also become the "smart driving ceiling". The gene of the double intelligent ceiling is further upgraded in the Q & J M9, equipped with the latest HarmonyOS and Huawei ADS, bringing a commonly used intelligent experience.

  HUAWEI xPixel smart lights are on the bus for the first time. With the high definition field of view of megapixels and leading intelligent light control, the lights are not only easy to use, but also safer to illuminate. With the star digital matrix interaction system, the lights are more fun. The original dual-reflection lens digital projection headlights realize ultra-near-field projection, and the Q M9 can create personalized welcome animation and activity space through projection to meet the outdoor entertainment needs of family and friends.

  HUAWEI AR-HUD also landed on the Q-M9 for the first time, with the industry’s highest 2K high definition resolution, can present a 75-inch large frame size display area, and the head is a large visual field. HUAWEI AR-HUD can provide AR safe navigation information that fits the road surface and covers multiple lanes. It also realizes the industry’s first AR-HUD that deeply integrates real scenes and smart driving. Through the intuitive information display that fits the real environment, consumers can see, understand, and trust, making people and cars more secure.

  The M9 is equipped with a multi-screen full scene for the first time, fully equipped with 10 screens, with screen sizes from 16 inches to 100 inches, ready to meet any needs of driving, entertainment, and work, redefining the human-machine interaction of the large screen in the car and creating a revolutionary cockpit experience.

  Located in the center console of the M9, the AI smart crystal integrates light and shadow aesthetics, acoustic technology and AI wisdom. The crystal process is tempered, and Xiaoyi smart assistant is carried in the crystal for the first time. It is more ground-breaking to connect to the AI large model to create the industry’s strongest in-vehicle artificial intelligence experience. At the same time, the crystal is also the treble unit of HUAWEI SOUND. For the first time in the world, the Schroeder scattering acoustic technology commonly used in the opera house is applied in the car to make the sound distribution more uniform and bring a real in-vehicle opera house experience.

  It was also announced at the press conference.The estimated price range of the M9 series is 50-600,000 yuanThe extended range version and pure electric version will be available for pre-order on April 17, 2023. Consumers can book through Huawei Mall to enjoy the corresponding rights and benefits of the reservation, and will be officially released in the fourth quarter of 2023.

  In the era of smart travel, intelligence is the second half of the competition in the smart electric vehicle industry, and it is also the key to winning. The Q-M9 will start the game with its leading product quality, excellent driving experience, and ultimate intelligent experience.

After payment, "Lin Junjie" becomes "Pan Weibai", and a 50% handling fee will be charged for returning concert tickets? Lawyer interpretation

CCTV News(Reporter/Yao Shuting): A few days ago, some consumers complained on social platforms that they were suspected of encountering "bounced tickets" when purchasing Lin Junjie Nanchang concert tickets on a ticketing platform. After payment, they actually changed from Lin Junjie concert tickets to Pan Weibai concert tickets. Consumers immediately applied for a refund, and the refund page showed that 50% of the handling fee was charged.

Xiaojie snapped up tickets for Lin Junjie’s concert on June 2 on the evening of May 6, and entered the ticket purchase interface of Lin Junjie’s concert through the homepage of the platform. After swiping the ticket, she immediately paid without secret. Xiaojie introduced to CCTV News + reporter: "I bought a ticket of 1380 yuan, and Lin Junjie also has this ticket file, so I didn’t find anything abnormal until the payment was completed. But what I didn’t expect was that the message" Successful purchase of Pan Weibai’s concert tickets "popped up after the payment was completed. After finding out that she bought the wrong ticket, Xiaojie immediately applied for a refund. The page showed that the day was already on the 16th day after Pan Weibai’s concert was issued, and the refund fee was 50% of the ticket price. 

Consumer Tang bought Pan Weibai’s concert tickets for 1,180 yuan. She introduced to the "News +" reporter that all personal information had been pre-filled before invoicing. After Lin Junjie’s concert tickets were opened, the hot window on the platform was only Lin Junjie’s ticket purchase interface. Click to enter the ticket purchase interface, and there is no need to fill in other information again. When Ms. Tang received the ticket purchase text message, she found that she had purchased Pan Weibai’s Nanchang concert tickets.

"It’s obviously the first picture of Lin Junjie’s character, but the jump is Pan Weibai’s concert, and the system automatically jumps around. Isn’t this misleading and deceiving consumers?" Consumer Ms. Chen recalled that the evening of May 6 was during the time period for Lin Junjie’s concert to issue tickets, and the ticket purchase interface of Pan Weibai’s concert was in the state of "reservation and purchase", and tickets could not be purchased. Ms. Chen told reporters that many Pan Weibai fans under the relevant Weibo also raised questions: "I can’t get Pan Weibai’s tickets if I want to. How can so many people buy tickets?"

According to media reports, in early 2024, multiple consumers bought tickets for the "Lin Junjie JJ20 World Tour Concert Chengdu Station" concert on the same platform, but after payment, they found that the ticket information was "2024 Lin Zixiang 50 Jian Concert". Due to the approaching performance time, the platform refused to apply for a refund. The ticket buyers questioned the platform’s deliberate "bounce", and the platform denied the system problem, believing that the ticket buyer accidentally "clicked wrong", but agreed to a full refund.

In April 2024, after consumer Xiaoyu purchased tickets for Xu Song’s concert on the platform, he found that the order showed Su Youpeng’s concert tickets. He called customer service to complain unsuccessfully, but still received tickets for Su Youpeng’s concert the next day.

Ms. Chen told reporters that there are currently nearly 70 consumers with the same experience, and some consumers have received text messages from the Nanjing Jianye District Culture and Tourism Bureau after complaining: "Jianye District Culture and Tourism Bureau has contacted the organizer for communication and coordination, and the organizer has agreed to refund the ticket, but the publicity of the handling fee has been reviewed and filed by the Nanchang Public Security Department and cannot be changed without authorization. Moreover, the ticket purchase error was caused by the ticketing platform, and the organizer was not at fault and could not reach a full refund. In view of the failure of mediation, it is recommended that consumers protect their rights through legal channels."

On May 9, some consumers received a text message reply from the platform: Feedback has been confirmed, and full refunds are not supported.

Beijing Yuecheng Law Firm senior partner Yue Yushan said that the main point of the incident is whether the platform has breached the contract or infringed the situation. According to the "Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China", consumers have the right to choose goods or services independently, and consumers also have the right to know the specific situation of the relevant goods or services. If the platform deliberately sets up a jump link, causing consumers to fail to buy the tickets they want to buy, which has damaged consumers’ right to choose and know, it is an infringement of consumer rights and interests. The platform needs to bear the corresponding responsibility. Once it constitutes fraud, it may have to bear the responsibility of refunding one to three.

According to the September 2023 "Notice of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Public Security on Further Strengthening the Standardized Management of Large-scale Commercial Performance Activities and Promoting the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Performance Market", performance organizers should establish a ticket refund mechanism for large-scale performance activities, set a reasonable level of ticket refund fees, and protect the legitimate right of ticket buyers to refund tickets. Yue Yushan mentioned that even if the platform does not deliberately set up "bounce tickets," when consumers buy the wrong ticket or need to refund the ticket, they will directly charge a 50% handling fee, which may not be a reasonable and legal behavior.

Under normal circumstances, consumers rarely take photos and collect evidence in advance when purchasing goods and services, so they face the problem of "providing evidence" when protecting their rights. In this regard, Yue Jiushan introduced that consumers can prove the products and services they plan to buy through the background search records, as well as the final payment records, so as to prove that the final purchase results do not match expectations. At the same time, they should also keep relevant ticket purchase records and payment information. After finding problems, they can first negotiate and communicate with the platform. If the negotiation fails, they can call 12315 to complain, or report and report to the market supervision department, or they can directly file a lawsuit with the people’s court to solve the problem through litigation.

Yue Yushan suggested that when consumers conduct transactions on the Internet, they must determine whether the purchased goods and services are correct. In addition, merchants should operate in good faith during the business process and do not seek improper benefits through other means.

(At the request of the interviewee, all names are pseudonyms.)

Yang Mi, Li Xirui, Xu Dongdong, Guan Xiaotong, they are the beautiful legs of the entertainment industry Muse

Yang Mi, Li Xirui, Xu Dongdong, Guan Xiaotong

1905 movie network news The lack of an actress’s aura depends on whether her legs are beautiful or not. As an entertainment industry that never lacks beautiful women, there are not many actresses known as beautiful legs, and recently, Yang Mi, Li Xirui, Xu Dongdong, and Guan Xiaotong have been praised by netizens as the beautiful legs of the entertainment industry. Muse.


Yang Mi is not afraid of the cold and shows super long legs

Yang Mi beautiful legs

Every time Yang Mi attended an event, it caused a frenzy. Recently, Yang Mi wore a starlight dress to attend a grand event. At that time, the weather was cold and the temperature had reached below zero. However, Da Mimi still wore a metallic slanted shoulder dress despite the cold, showing off snow-white shoulders and slender and slender legs, revealing his good figure.


Li Xirui’s legs are frequently on the hot search and crush the stars

Li Xiqian beautiful legs

As a member of Yang Mi’s general, Li Xirui’s beautiful legs are no more than or even more than the boss Da Mimi. Earlier, with the corner of Xia Qiao in "Beautiful Li Huizhen", Li Xirui’s long legs successfully captured netizens. "Li Xirui’s legs" also once hit the hot search, as long as they were on the same field with her, they were all crushed by her beautiful legs.


Xu Dongdong’s Weibo show of beautiful legs attracts netizens to watch

Xu Dongdong’s beautiful legs

Recently, Xu Dongdong, the national sister-in-law, showed off her beautiful legs on Weibo and wrote: Since I was a child, I was told that my legs are not good-looking, who knows… now I am basking in the sun… I am a lot more confident in my legs… So, I have learned a truth. When others say you are bad, you can bask in whatever you are. Maybe that is what makes you different… Just like when I was growing up, I was always told to be hunched… Now they can only envy me. This article attracted countless netizens to watch, and her beautiful legs have also become a hot topic of discussion among netizens.


Guan Xiaotong’s slender legs are one meter long

Guan Xiaotong beautiful legs

Recently, Guan Xiaotong participated in an event, singing and dancing on the spot, a pair of long legs against the sky amazed the audience, and the beautiful legs were full of talent. It is no wonder that she successfully "captured" Luhan, and the news of Guan Xiaotong’s hot dance has also attracted the attention of many netizens. The child star Guan Xiaotong grew up in the spotlight, and at 1.73 meters, she has a perfect figure. Her fair and slender legs are one meter long.

A number of car companies have announced price cuts, and the car market will be "price war" or reopened in the second half of the year.

  Our reporter Gong Mengze

  In the first half of 2023, the automobile industry accelerated the "involution" in the reshuffle, and achieved a cumulative sales volume of 13.239 million vehicles in the first six months, a year-on-year increase of 9.8%. However, due to the low achievement rate of domestic automobile enterprises, especially new energy automobile enterprises in the first half of the year, enterprises started the impulse work early in the second half of the year.

  Since August, many car companies have joined the army of price reduction through official reduction, new car concessions and terminal concessions, covering more than 20 models, with prices ranging from 50,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan.

  On August 7th, the reporter of Securities Daily visited the authorized experience store of AITO Wenjie Automobile located in Blue Harbor, Chaoyang District, Beijing. As the first inquiry M5 to follow up Tesla’s price reduction at the beginning of the year, the current car purchase can enjoy the first sale rights of the optional fund of 10,000 yuan, the Beijing brand redemption discount of 5,000 yuan, and the optional equipment donated by subsidies varies according to different models. "In addition to price concessions, the equity category is mainly upgraded around the rim and seat configuration." The store sales staff told reporters.

  In addition, the reporter learned from china automobile dealers association that the inventory index of domestic dealers rebounded to 57.8% in July after three consecutive months of decline. At the same time, 32.7% of dealers have raised their sales targets in the second half of the year in the context of the continuous decline in transaction prices, which means that the sales pressure in the domestic automobile market has intensified, and a new round of "price war" may be reopened.

  A number of car companies announced price cuts.

  The "price war" in the second half of the year may be more intense.

  In August, SAIC-Volkswagen launched the "first shot" of price reduction, announcing the price reduction of nine SUV models of SAIC-Volkswagen from August 1 to August 31. Among them, the highest comprehensive discount for Tourang and Tourang X reached 60,000 yuan, and the highest comprehensive discount for Tiguan L plug-in hybrid was 55,000 yuan.

  On the same day, the zero-running car in the new domestic car-making force simultaneously started the price reduction activity of "double C-door, zero-running and summer price". Zero-run automobile announced the price reduction of some models of its C series, including two C11 models and three C01 models, of which the highest drop of C01 model reached 20,000 yuan.

  In fact, this is the year after the zero-run official announced the price reduction in March this year. "Everyone thinks that the central integrated electronic and electrical architecture is carried by products with more than 300,000 yuan. But zero running can popularize such an architecture to popular products. " Ying Zhou, general manager of the retail car marketing department, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that "technical equality" is one of the greatest significance of retail cars to ordinary consumers.

  Then, Chery New Energy launched an official event. Users can enjoy different cash discounts when purchasing three models of Chery New Energy, namely Little Ant, Unbounded Pro and QQ Ice Cream, up to 10,000 yuan. At the same time, SAIC MG MG also offered limited-time discounts for three hot-selling models: MG5 Scorpio, the third-generation MG6PRO and MGONE, with a maximum discount of 26,000 yuan for bicycles.

  Under the pressure, the Euler brand of Great Wall Motor has also launched a limited-time preferential activity recently, and many of its models have ushered in a sharp price reduction, and can enjoy a cash discount of up to 30,000 yuan. The models involved include Euler Lightning Cat, Euler Good Cat, Euler Good Cat GT Mulan Edition and Euler Ballet Cat; As for Nezha Auto, it has recently announced that its 2022 Nezha S will be released on Tanabata, with a maximum price reduction of 49,000 yuan from August 5, 2023, and at the same time, it will enjoy a financial discount or replacement subsidy of 8,000 yuan.

  "At the beginning of the year, Tesla took the lead in lowering the selling price and triggered other car companies to follow up. By March, the joint subsidy between Hubei government and enterprises triggered a national promotion, and then ‘ The dispute between oil and electricity ’ Competing for the user base, in fact ‘ Price war ’ It has never really stopped. " According to Zhang Xiuyang, Secretary-General of China Passenger Car Industry Alliance, the "price war" in the second half of the year is even fiercer than that in the first half.

  In fact, there has long been a consensus on the speculation that auto companies will continue to reduce prices in the second half of the year. Earlier, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the All-China Federation of Riders, said in an institutional investigation: "It appeared in the second half of the year ‘ Price war ’ The probability is greater. " Cui Dongshu also specifically mentioned that the market competition among brands in plug-in hybrid field will be more intense.

  Policies are favorable frequently.

  Automobile demand continues to recover.

  Previously, every time the domestic auto market experienced a "price war" and a wave of price reduction, it would have a great impact on the overall auto market revenue and profit in that year, disrupting the development rhythm of the auto market in the future, which would bring some negative effects that were not conducive to the development of the industry.

  Based on this, in order to create a good market atmosphere, China Automobile Industry Association initiated the Commitment Letter on Maintaining Fair Market Order in Automobile Industry, which was signed by 16 mainstream automobile companies including Dongfeng, SAIC and Tesla, requiring automobile companies to abide by the rules and regulations and standardize marketing activities, with the aim of maintaining the competitive order in the automobile market and jointly creating a harmonious consumption environment.

  On the policy level, on July 31 this year, the state officially promulgated the "Measures on Restoring and Expanding Consumption", in which automobile consumption was highlighted. On July 21st, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and other thirteen ministries and commissions also issued "Several Measures on Promoting Automobile Consumption".

  In Cui Dongshu’s view, consumer demand is still insufficient, the industry operation is still under great pressure, and there are still many challenges in business operation. It is necessary to maintain the stability and predictability of policies to help the industry run smoothly.

  In 2023, China Automobile Association put forward the development goal that automobile sales are expected to reach 27.6 million units, a year-on-year increase of 3%. It is understood that on the basis of positive growth for two consecutive years, whether the domestic auto market can continue its growth performance has attracted much attention from the market.

  "The good performance of new energy vehicles and automobile exports has effectively boosted market growth." Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of China Automobile Industry Association, said that as the effect of automobile consumption promotion policy continues to appear, the consumption potential of the automobile market will be further released, which will help promote the steady growth of the industry throughout the year. (Securities Daily)

How about Xiaomi Smart TV, Xiaomi Smart TV Features Introduction [Detailed Explanation]

  Nowadays, televisions are an indispensable type of entertainment appliances in people’s normal lives, and it can be said that they can be seen in every household. With the continuous improvement of modern technology, televisions have also been upgraded, and smart TVs have gradually appeared in our lives. At present, there are many TV brands on the market, and I believe everyone is familiar with the brand of Xiaomi. So how about Xiaomi, smart TV? The following editor will take you to have a look!

  First, the screen

  Xiaomi’s smart TV has a 47-inch narrow side, using LG’s IPS screen and Samsung’s SVA screen. The screen quality of these two major companies is truly world-class. While mainstream TVs at the same price are generally 46 inches with domestic screens, it can be seen that Xiaomi still has an advantage in this regard.

  Operating system

  Xiaomi’s operating system is MIUI TV, which is easy to operate and rich in functions. * The main thing is that you can install Android applications and games, which is much better than other ordinary TV operating systems.

  III. Processor

  The CPU of Xiaomi Smart TV is a Qualcomm quad-core 1.7GHz processor, which has a rather high configuration even compared with mobile phones. Other mainstream TVs are generally core solo processors.

  IV. 3D function

  Xiaomi Smart TV supports 3D function, and giving two pairs of 3D glasses is a great value. Generally, some mainstream TVs of the same price support 3D, while others do not.

  4K ultra high definition

  4K refers to the physical resolution of 3840 × 2160, so that the total number of pixels of the display device exceeds 8 million or more. From the perspective of resolution indicators, 720P is the high definition standard, 1080P is the full high definition standard, 4K ultra high definition is 4 times the full high definition and 8 times the high definition, making the TV picture finer and more delicate.

  The above is the relevant content about whether Xiaomi smart TV is good or not, I hope it can be helpful to everyone!

The service of "package enterprises" has been deeply empowered and developed – the public security organs of the whole province have solidly promoted the work of package enterprises

Strengthen the responsibility "bag in the body", refine the measures "grasp in the hands", and optimize the service "link in the heart"… Since the work of the province’s leading cadres package and link enterprises has been carried out, the public security organs of our province have conscientiously implemented the work deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on package and link enterprises. With the actions of "three grasps and three promotions", actively creating stability, and "optimizing the business environment for a breakthrough year" as the breakthrough point, adhering to the concept of "package is responsibility, grasping is responsibility, and connecting is service", innovating mechanisms and actively acting, solidly promoting the work of package and link enterprises, and striving to contribute public security forces to the high-quality economic and social development of the province.

Reinforced responsibility "wrapped around the body"

The security department of the Provincial Public Security Bureau visited the Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau and China National Petroleum Corporation Gansu Sales Company to discuss measures to deepen the protection of enterprises and facilitate enterprises, crack down on tobacco-related and refined oil crimes, and help optimize the business environment; the economic investigation department visited Gansu Qizheng Industrial Group Co., Ltd. to understand the operation status of enterprises, listen to the difficulties and problems encountered by enterprises in production and operation, and solicit opinions and suggestions on public security work…

Since the beginning of this year, the Provincial Public Security Department has adhered to the current important task of leading cadres Baodaolian enterprises and placed them in a prominent position. It has established a special class for Baodaolian enterprises to coordinate and promote the work of Baodaolian enterprises. The special class for Baodaolian work has been deployed and promoted, sorted out and summarized the progress of the work, established a list of service enterprises and acceptance problems, supervised and investigated the progress of police types in various departments on the spot, and reminded the slow progress in a timely manner to form a work pattern of face-to-face deployment, point-to-point contact, and practical

Baiyin Public Security visited the key enterprise Yinguang Chemical group company to understand the enterprise’s safety prevention, internal security and other work, and held discussions and exchanges on optimizing the business environment of the enterprise; Jinchang Public Security took the lead in organizing tobacco monopoly, procuratorial and other departments to hold a symposium on tobacco anti-counterfeiting and anti-smuggling and tobacco-related cases.

According to the unified deployment, the establishment of special classes for public security organs at all levels in the province has been promoted as a whole. Leading cadres of public security at all levels have classified and classified 4,950 accommodation enterprises and 405 security enterprises in the province, and made clear the work goals and tasks step by step, so as to achieve full coverage of leading cadres and enterprises of public security organs at the provincial, municipal and county levels.

Establish a system and clarify responsibilities. The provincial public security organs will include the work of Bao Zaolian enterprises in the annual key work for supervision and management, and clarify that Bao Zaolian leading cadres visit service enterprises no less than twice a year, maintain normal contact, pay close attention to the development of enterprises, improve the ability of in-depth communication and effective communication with enterprises, and win the trust of enterprises with sincere, warm-hearted, high-quality and efficient services.

"Bearing in mind that it is the duty of cadres to serve enterprises, and it is their responsibility to support the development of enterprises, establish a normal package to catch and connect enterprises to promote mechanisms, do a good job in coordination and communication, classify and evaluate legitimate compliance issues, establish a ledger, update it in real time, and manage the cancellation number to ensure that the problem appeals are found and everything has an echo." The relevant person in charge of the provincial public security department said that the provincial public security organs have established a police-enterprise contact mechanism, implemented the "escort police officer" system, and dispatched 1,949 "escort police officers" to 287 provincial major construction projects. They accept enterprises for help 24 hours a day, and carry out regular public security patrols to provide enterprises with "visible security". At the same time, establish a precise assistance mechanism, give full play to the role of key enterprise liaisons, and quickly study and solve problems reported by enterprises, so as to promote the formation of a pro-Qing political and business relationship that is "friendly and moderate, dear and capable".

Refinement measures "grab it in your hands"

The provincial public security organs insist on finding problems as the starting point and solving problems as the end point, and adopt a combination of "going out + please come in", asking for and serving enterprises, understanding the production and operation situation of enterprises in detail, discussing the difficulties, pain points and blockages that restrict the development of enterprises, and constantly helping enterprises solve problems and overcome difficulties.

The public security organs at all levels invite enterprise representatives to hold a police-enterprise symposium to listen to the problems faced by enterprises in production and operation, and collect more than 200 opinions and suggestions from the public security organs to serve the development of enterprises, and strive to improve service quality and help healthy development.

The people have a call, and I have a response.

The public security traffic control department focused on "reducing links, reducing materials, and reducing time limits" to further deepen the convenience service measures for reducing permits; the entry-exit management department unblocked the "green channel" for expediting the application of permits, fully implemented the "National General Office" and "Only Run Once" and other policies and measures for the convenience of the people and enterprises, and strengthened the service work of attracting talents and intellectuals to visit, so as to better serve the overall economic and social development of the province…

The people are worried, and I have something to do.

In response to the administrative examination and approval matters that enterprises need to handle, the provincial public security organs package the joint cadres to connect with the business department in a timely manner, prepare the approval materials, and prevent enterprises from "running in many places" and "running back and forth"; in response to the difficult employment problems of enterprises, timely help docking and actively recommend migrant workers; in response to the parking difficulties reported by accommodation enterprises, take the lead in coordinating relevant functional areas of business to optimize the parking environment and other measures to effectively improve the service rate and problem solving rate.

Every morning at 9 am, in the green chemical park of Lanzhou New District, the "escort police officer" of the Qinchuan police station of the Lanzhou New District Public Security Bureau came to Gansu Kangbass Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to start the day’s work. Understanding the needs of the enterprise, reviewing materials on site, and handling residence permits and household registration for employees of the enterprise are important responsibilities of the "escort police officer".

Tianshui Public Security launched 36 service measures to establish a "do nothing" mechanism for enterprises and standardize supervision behavior; Wuwei Public Security launched 10 service measures to severely crack down on all kinds of crimes that disrupt market economic order and build a "protective net…"

The public security organs of the whole province strictly implement the system of "nothing to disturb, something to come to the door" and "six must visit", give full play to the role of corporate liaisons, collect bottlenecks that affect the development of enterprises in a timely manner, and establish a work account. General problems are "dealt with immediately" and complex problems are "coordinated". Policies are required to support "striving for solutions" that are difficult to solve in the short term, and timely coordinate and solve the "development difficulties" of enterprises. Strictly standardize the law enforcement behavior of enterprises, and constantly improve the enterprise inspection system. Eliminate problems such as random inspections, multi-head inspections, repeated inspections, and selective law enforcement. Resolutely prevent the use of criminal means to intervene in economic disputes. Improve the efficiency of direct contact with enterprises. For police information involving infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, accept and deal with it Advance the reform of government services, optimize the introduction of a number of measures related to enterprise matters, such as acceptance of vacancies, notification of commitments, reservation handling, compression of approval, and extension of services, and strive to create a new model of "data travel" government services, so as to provide maximum convenience for enterprises and the masses.

Optimize service "connected to the heart"

Every Bao Zaolian cadre is a policy "speaker".

The public security organs of the whole province make good policy "announcers", and in accordance with the requirements of "normalization, standardization and long-term effectiveness", focus on publicizing the various beneficial enterprise policies issued by the central and provincial party committees, provincial governments and the Ministry of Public Security, and provide enterprises with fiscal and taxation, financial and other policy consultation and information services through multiple channels. Extensively publicize the ten measures of the Provincial Public Security Department to optimize the business environment and serve the development of enterprises. Guide enterprises to make full use of, make good use of, and make full use of various beneficial enterprise policies, and truly enjoy the policy dividends.

Through on-site interpretation of the law, distribution of promotional materials, posting of propaganda posters, and push of warning educational short videos, etc., we vigorously preached measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of market players, flexible law enforcement for minor violations, quick handling of enterprise-related cases according to law, and cracking down on enterprise-related black and evil crimes. Up to now, more than 900 times of legal popularization have been carried out.

Every Bao Zaolian cadre is a hidden danger "administrator".

The public security organs of the whole province pay close attention to the contradictions and conflicts of interest that may arise in the development of enterprises, and take the initiative to work with relevant departments to guide and resolve the work in advance, and use the whole chain linkage to solve problems for enterprises and promote the development of enterprises. Regularly carry out activities to send law into enterprises, strengthen the rule of law training, safety education, and civilized construction publicity and training of staff, supervise the implementation of various systems for safe production, and effectively ensure that services are not absent and guarded. Normally carry out the investigation of public security and fire safety hazards in enterprises and surrounding areas, guide enterprises to improve the internal security system, improve the public security prevention system, public security organization, and scientifically deploy patrol work. Especially for the outstanding public security problems reflected by enterprises, we will coordinate with relevant functional areas of business to carry out special project rectification, and be a good hidden danger "administrator" to create a good external environment for the development of enterprises.

Each Bao Zaolian cadre is a development "escort".

The leading cadres of Bao Zhaolian, the public security organ of the whole province, have always taken the destruction of the business environment as the focus of cracking down on crimes, comprehensively sorted out clues, concentrated on solving cases, continued to organize and carry out a series of special projects such as "Longjian", "Cloud" and "Net", and took measures such as "upgraded jurisdiction, special operation, and special classes to crack down". Since the beginning of this year, the province’s public security organs have cracked a total of 1813 cases in the economic field, damaging 2.056 billion yuan, including 258 cases in the tax-related field, 421 cases in the financial field, and 1134 cases in the brand field.