What will be the next step of the government’s determination to stabilize housing prices?

  CCTV News:As we all know, the annual "Golden September and Silver 10" has been the traditional sales season of the property market. However, since September 22nd this year, several provincial capital cities such as Xi ‘an, Nanchang, Nanning, Changsha, Guiyang, Shijiazhuang, Wuhan and Chongqing have intensively introduced new policies on property market regulation in two days, and six of them have implemented sales restrictions. Sales restriction has also become the biggest feature of this round of regulation, which is different from the previous regulation cycle.

  Among them, Chongqing City and Nanchang City stipulate that newly-built commercial houses purchased in restricted sales areas can only be transferred after obtaining the title certificate of immovable property for two years; The restricted sales period in Guiyang is three years after signing the house purchase contract; Nanning is a restricted sales upgrade: legal entities purchase two or more houses for two years. Previously, Nanning had stipulated that buyers could not transfer the third or more houses until two years later; The newly purchased housing in Changsha can only be transferred after three years, and the second suite can only be purchased after the first housing is purchased for three years.

  Zhu Daolin, director of the Department of Land Resources Management of China Agricultural University, said, judging from the recent intensive introduction of these cities, firstly, the price increase in these cities was relatively stable in the early stage, but their prices began to rise to a certain extent this year. In addition, the relative supply and demand relationship or population size of these cities is relatively large, so the demand will be relatively strong.

  Experts said that the restriction of sales has also become the biggest feature of this round of regulation, which is different from the previous regulation cycle. From the effect point of view, it belongs to a short-term mechanism, with the aim of curbing speculative demand in the market. The essence of restricted sales is the deleveraging policy of the property market, which requires buyers to allocate assets for their own use. Otherwise, according to the trading cycle of 3-5 years, it is unlikely to attract high-leverage and high-cost funds. This restriction on sales has obviously hit the demand for speculation and investment, which reduces the investment attribute of real estate and affects the possibility of short-term profit. For leveraged investors, the risk is getting bigger and bigger.

  Liu Weimin, a researcher at the the State Council Development Research Center, said that this means that we should carry out this regulation from the perspective of ensuring the basic balance between supply and demand. Then, on the other hand, we actually need to control the speed of entering the market reasonably, so that we can release this demand for housing smoothly.

  The investment cycle is prolonged or the house price is consolidated at a high level.

  For many cities to introduce purchase restriction policies, experts said that the impact on the property market should be viewed from two levels, one is the impact on itself, and the other is the signal sent by policy upgrading to the property market.

  With the introduction of the new property market policy, the investment cycle of housing purchase in these cities will inevitably be extended, the liquidity will be limited, the demand for housing, especially the demand for investment housing, will be suppressed, the transaction volume will also decline, and house prices will be consolidated at a high level or even fall. Take Xiamen, the first city in China to implement the sales restriction policy, for example. In the month when Xiamen introduced the sales restriction policy, its new commercial housing rose by 1.9% month on month, and the price of second-hand housing rose by 4.9%. The month after the introduction of the sales restriction policy, the price increase of all kinds of houses fell rapidly, especially the price of second-hand houses fell month-on-month. In the following months, the price increase of all kinds of houses in Xiamen was within 0.5%, and the second-hand houses kept a slight decline for five consecutive months.

  Liu Weimin, a researcher at the State Council Development Research Center, said that it will play a good role in the smooth operation of local real estate, especially for those real rigid demands.

  Liu Weimin also said that the upgrading of property market regulation policies in many places will send a clear signal to the market, so that all parties in the market can realize the government’s determination to regulate the property market and stabilize housing prices. This will have a certain deterrent effect on property buyers in other cities, especially investment property buyers, and the wait-and-see ratio of potential property buyers in cities will also increase.

  Expert advice: we should speed up the construction of a long-term mechanism in the real estate market.

  The superposition of control policies such as purchase restriction, price restriction, loan restriction and sales restriction has played a significant role in curbing the rise of real estate prices for a period of time. In this regard, Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center, said in an interview with CCTV that the next step is more important for the country to speed up the construction of a long-term mechanism for the real estate market.

  At present, local governments have begun to comprehensively use land, finance, housing security and other policy means to curb investment and strengthen the residential properties of housing, such as increasing land supply in cities with prominent housing supply and demand expectations, strengthening differentiated housing credit policies, implementing different credit policies for different buyers, improving the housing security system, and strengthening the construction of shared property housing.

  Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said that how to better meet the normal living needs of residents, constantly improve living conditions and guard against real estate risks should be a key point in the adjustment of our entire real estate market policy in the future, that is, how to establish the basic system and long-term mechanism of the real estate market.

  In addition, the rental and purchase housing system will be another important aspect of the long-term mechanism of the real estate market. The reform of the housing rental market has advanced rapidly, which has forced the commercial housing market to improve itself. According to statistics, in the next five years, only four first-tier cities in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen will provide more than 2.5 million rental houses. In the long run, the supply structure of real estate will be optimized by providing rental housing, and the demand for self-occupation and investment will be guided to everyone, so as to promote the development of the real estate market in a more rational direction.

  Deng Yusong, deputy director of the Institute of Market Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, said, I think it is still necessary to distinguish between investment demand and normal improvement demand, and guide investment demand reasonably so that they can play an active role in providing housing rental and realizing housing market rental, instead of speculating on houses.

Weather forecast | It’s a little hot "huo"! The highest temperature in the downtown area in the next three days is 19 C.

During the day on the 10th, all parts of Chongqing were cloudy to cloudy, and some areas were foggy in the morning, with a temperature of 0 ~ 15 C..
According to the forecast of Chongqing Meteorological Observatory, most parts of Chongqing will be cloudy to cloudy in the next three days, and it will be foggy in the morning. It is estimated that on the 11th, the air quality in the central city is good-slightly polluted, and the primary pollutant is PM2.5.
Weather forecast for the next three days
From the night of the 10th to the day of the 11th, most areas turned cloudy, with fog in the morning and sporadic light rain in the southeast, with the temperature of 0 ~ 18 C; The downtown area turns cloudy with a temperature of 10 ~ 16 C.
From the night of the 11th to the day of the 12th, it is cloudy to cloudy, with local fog in the morning, and the temperature is 1 ~ 19 C; The central city turned cloudy to cloudy with a temperature of 11 ~ 16 C.
From the night of the 12th to the day of the 13th, it turned cloudy and foggy in the morning, and the temperature was 2 ~ 20 C; The downtown area turns cloudy and cloudy, and the temperature is 11 ~ 19 C.
Upstream journalist He Yan

[Association News] Association leaders and their party went to Yunnan Department of Commerce for docking and exchange.

  Click the "blue word" above to learn more first-hand information about the industry.

  On December 15th, Liang Yuxia, Secretary of the Association, Ma Renhong, Executive President, and Ye Suping, General Manager of Guangdong Jinze Investment Group, Vice President, and others went to Yunnan Department of Commerce for business docking and exchange. Yin Yonglin, the second-level inspector of the Department of Commerce, and leaders of Modern Logistics Industry Department, Exhibition Economy Department, Market System Construction Department, Business Service Department and ASEAN Department attended the meeting.

  The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on the deployment of Yunnan’s docking with Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area next year, the development and construction of a two-way logistics channel between Guangdong market and Yunnan market, the entry of beef cattle from Laos and Myanmar and Yunnan into Guangdong market, and the recommended products from Yunnan during the 2024 Expo.

  At the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on the application of "Air Smart Express" in Yunnan, which was highly recognized by everyone. They agreed that "Air Smart Express" is an effective way to solve the difficulties faced by the last mile logistics in mountainous areas of Yunnan, and will arrange an on-site inspection as soon as possible to study the promotion of the project.

  At the same time, a serious docking and research was carried out around the beef cattle industry and the 2024 Expo.

  Yunnan Province is the source province of "Western Cuisine Moving to the East" and "Yunnan Cuisine Entering Guangdong". At the same time, as the bridgehead area connecting "the belt and road initiative" with "Lan-Mei Region", its advantages in agricultural products and geographical location are particularly prominent. The two sides believe that through the platform of the association, we will speed up the close docking of the two markets and jointly promote the high-quality development of the regional economy in Yunnan and Guangdong provinces.

  Li Wenjie, director of Yunnan Rongwan Professional Committee of the Association, attended the meeting.

"Creation" in China | Simon haworth: The moment when the world welcomes China.

  Embrace new opportunities and start a business in China. There is such a British entrepreneur, who was deeply attracted by the opportunities contained in China. He started his business in China for more than ten years and won the China Government Friendship Award. And his family also has deep roots with China. Today we will listen to his story.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: My name is Simon haworth, and all my friends in China call me Simon. I am an entrepreneur. I have been dealing with China since 2012, mainly engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the fields of biology and agricultural science and technology. The real reason why I came to China to start a business is the opportunity contained in China.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and winner of China Government Friendship Award: At that time, I was looking for a place in the world suitable for developing biotechnology, clean energy and agricultural science and technology. At that time, many friends suggested that I must visit China. So around 2010, I came to China for research, and I was very surprised to find the entrepreneurial soil of China, where the business ecology is the best place for us.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: China attaches great importance to science and technology. Many people will say that we brought technology to China because China needed it. Actually, it’s not like this, not at all. For a long time, we have been looking for application opportunities for these technologies on a global scale. China is one of the most important regions in the world, where our technology can play its due role.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: In 2016, I was chatting with my father one day, and he said, "Do you remember, the story between our family and China is very long?". I only knew that my grandparents had lived in China for a month until my father asked me to visit the attic of my ancestral home. There is an old-fashioned box in the attic, which is full of all kinds of documents. Among them, I found my grandmother’s diary and books written by other ancestors. Only then did I know that I was the fifth generation in my family who had been dealing with China continuously. Looking through this dusty diary, I found my grandmother’s records about Wuhan, and the company I founded in 2012 is also in this city.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: I am now almost where my grandparents stood, 50 years apart.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: Standing on the edge of the Yangtze River and listening to the story of Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, it is an unusual feeling to find that my grandparents once stood in the same place. You think you’ve been exploring alone in the world, and suddenly you find that I’m also continuing the story of my family and China. It was also in that year (2016) that I brought my eldest son George to China, and he became the sixth generation of our family dealing with China.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: What I want to do now is to bring British biotechnology to China. I seek two goals, capital and market, and China is the place where I have both resources. I think this represents an important stage of global development, which I call the China era.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: A few years ago, I drew a picture. On the right side of the painting is the landmark building in Britain in my life. On the other side of the painting is China, which is painted in color. I also specially drew the Yellow Crane Tower and Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. I want to convey the message that the eyes of the whole world are focused on China, and the baton of global leaders is passed from country to country. Now is the era when China shines brilliantly, and it is of great significance for me to participate in it.

  Chief Producer Jiang Qiuyong Mei Yan

  Producer Pan Linhua Xu Qi

  Reporter Sun Lan

  (CCTV news client)

The Palestinian-Israeli war officially expanded, the third country suddenly attacked Israel, and the five-star red flag in the Gaza Strip "fluttered"

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been going on for so long, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip. However, it is worrying that the war still shows no signs of stopping. Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip, continue to be cruel to civilians. Israel did not expect that when the Israeli army bombed Gaza, a third country suddenly bombed Israel, which marked the official expansion of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. On the 16th, the Houthi armed forces in Yemen claimed to have launched a "cross-border drone attack" on several targets in the southern Israeli city of Eilat. A spokesman for the Houthi armed forces said that the organization will continue to attack Israel until Israel stops its attack in the Gaza Strip.

On the 16th, Israel continued to launch air strikes against the Gaza Strip. The casualties were unknown, but the communication service in the Gaza Strip was interrupted. Palestinian media pointed out that while Israel carried out air strikes, its ground troops continued to slaughter civilians. On the same day, the Israeli army attacked a hospital in northern Gaza. Israeli soldiers drove armored bulldozers and destroyed tents where patients and displaced people lived, killing at least 20 people.

According to international law, during the war, such non-military targets as hospitals and schools cannot be attacked, and the Israeli army claimed that there were Hamas fighters in these places and carried out inhuman attacks on these places, resulting in the tragic death of a large number of innocent civilians. In fact, the Israeli army attacked the hospital in order to prevent these places from providing timely treatment to Hamas fighters. Hamas fighters who can’t get effective treatment can only die.

It can be seen that the Israeli army is really insane in order to destroy Hamas and annex Gaza. On the 16th, Hamas officials said that since the outbreak of the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel has continued to bomb Gaza, resulting in constant civilian casualties. At present, at least 19,000 Palestinians have died, and more than 8,000 people are missing. Among these 8,000 people, there are no bones left by Israeli bombing, or they may be buried alive. Nine times out of ten, they are unlucky.

The viciousness of the Israeli army has also led to the death of Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip. Recently, the Israeli army "killed" three Israeli hostages in an offensive.this momentIt has caused great controversy at home and abroad, because Israel attacked the Gaza Strip under the guise of rescuing hostages, and as a result, the person you wanted to save was killed by you. What is the significance of launching a war? Why do you have to start a war when you can save the hostages through negotiations? In Israel, the families of Israeli detainees held a press conference, strongly demanding that the Israeli Prime Minister and wartime cabinet negotiate with Hamas to peacefully rescue the hostages held by them. After all, the Palestinians and Israelis have exchanged many hostages through a ceasefire before.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized for the "manslaughter" of Israeli hostages, saying that he was very sad and said that he was under strong pressure from the international community, but Israel would not stop its military operations in Gaza.

It can be seen that the Israeli government still does not want to stop the war. Still thinking about the territory of Gaza, as long as Israel’s ambitions are not stopped, the suffering of the people in Gaza will not stop.

China has given active assistance to the suffering Palestinian people. Recently, China has previously announced that it will assist 40 trucks of materials in Gaza, which have been distributed locally. These materials include emergency relief, medical and health care, daily life and other supplies.

A large number of Palestinian children in Gaza gathered and danced. Knowing that these life-saving materials came from Yiwu, China, they waved a five-star red flag and held high a "poster" that read "Yiwu, China". They shouted "Thank you China" crazily, which made people cry.


The eight rules video "You don’t have to, you can" tells you to be yourself in such a simple life.

  CCTV News:On December 4th, five years ago, the the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee meeting deliberated and passed the Eight Provisions of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on Improving Work Style and Keeping Close Contact with the Masses. Since then, the Eight Provisions have gradually become household names, such as "improving investigation and study, streamlining meeting activities, streamlining document briefings, standardizing visiting activities, improving security work, improving news reports, strictly publishing manuscripts, and practicing thrift".

  Eight regulations video launch

  CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website recently launched a video called "You don’t have to, you can":You don’t have to be busy socializing after work, go home drunk, and your family is asleep, and no one even says a word; You don’t have to think about who to give gifts to, what to send, and how to send them on holidays; You don’t have to hand over a pack of cigarettes, send a bottle of wine, or treat people to dinner, but you can get things done. You can spend more time reading, running and spending time with your family. You can simply live and be yourself.In addition, the website of the Supervision Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has recently produced and launched a set of theme expression packs, totaling 16, to publicize the spirit of the eight regulations in a way that netizens like. It can be said,The implementation of the eight regulations for five years has changed China, and also changed your life and mine.

  Eight regulations: heavy containment of strong pressure and long shock

  Five years ago, on December 4, the eight central regulations on improving work style and keeping close contact with the masses were promulgated, which broke the problem of comprehensively and strictly administering the party. five年来,各级纪检监察机关以问题为导向,从人民群众反映强烈的违规公款吃喝、公款旅游、大办婚丧喜庆事宜等具体问题抓起,紧盯节点,从月饼粽子、烟花爆竹、贺卡挂历等“小事小节”入手,严肃整治“舌尖上的浪费”“会所中的歪风”“车轮上的铺张”“节日中的腐败”,深入治理潜入培训疗养机构吃喝玩乐、高档小区“一桌餐”、调研考察搭车旅游等隐形变异“四风”问题,着力发现和纠正以会议、文件或口号落实中央重大决策部署、乱作为、不担当等形式主义和官僚主义突出问题。


  清华大学廉政与治理研究中心主任 过勇:“露头就打,严惩不贷,使得党风政风,包括带动社会风气发生了根本性的转变。”


Take stock of funny pictures, who laughs at the whole network with a stomachache, and laughs to death ~ (the first issue)

Thanks for clicking into this hilarious joke collection! Get ready to be funny!

Today, I took stock of the funniest pictures on the whole network, and the opportunity to laugh is just around the corner.

Come and have a good laugh together, but please remember to make your stomach bear it, and don’t laugh until you shed tears ~ Here are the highlights of today’s jokes, to make sure you laugh to death!

Lovers’ game: write one thing that the other party doesn’t know!

How lucky! My wife and mother-in-law are pregnant at the same time!

Challenge: look into her eyes for ten seconds!

These funny pictures networks are like a bright mirror, reflecting countless happy moments in our lives.

They not only make people relax in their busy lives, but also arouse people’s laughter and bring people more happiness.

Therefore, when you browse the Internet, you might as well pay more attention to these funny pictures, which will bring you unexpected joy.

Let’s face life with a smile and spend every day happily!

Poetry Ouyang Bin: Scenery

◎ Scenery: Everest

A height

To be insurmountable.

To be unparalleled in the world

It must be accompanied by cold and loneliness.

For Mount Everest,

The most intimate "cotton-padded jacket" is snow

◎ Scenery: Great Wall

Only China has the patience.

A city

Qin Xiu, Han Xiu

Han Xiu, Tang Xiu, Ming Xiu and Qing Xiu.

It has been repaired for generations.

Only China has this ambition.

A city

From Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west.

It winds for more than two thousand kilometers.

Repair, repair

It became a miracle and a totem.

Built into a dragon

In China, there is another Great Wall.

Its foundation is connected by blood, and masonry is increasing.

Now, it’s 1.4 billion yuan.

Tianzi Mountain in Zhangjiajie.

◎ scenery: Zhangjiajie

From the perspective of beauty

Zhangjiajie is actually unbounded.

Zhangjiajie is unbounded, and Hunan is unbounded.

China is also borderless, even

The world is unbounded.


Is the boundary.

◎ Scenery: Chakou Waterfall

That year, at Yakou Waterfall,

I’m crazy. I say

I want to borrow your card.

Pretend to be heroic and passionate.

Pretend to be self-respecting and self-reliant.

Pretend to be unstoppable.

Surging and dreaming

Take it home and enjoy it slowly all your life.

Chakou Waterfall, that year

You, actually agreed.

◎ Landscape: Yellow River

I compared my skin with yours.

I compared my blood with yours.

I compared my indomitable personality with yours.

I have compared the strength in my bones with yours.

I compared my DNA with yours.

Yes, Yellow River, my mother.

I am your forever child.

◎ Scenery: Yangtze River

If the water is clearer, you can see the distant mountains and the setting sun.

Pay off a little, you can see the shadows and pavilions on the shore.

A little clearer, you can see snow-capped mountains and grasslands.

See the Jinge Iron Horse, the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.

Take a look at a history of China deposited in the water.

See the vastness and vastness of 6300 kilometers.

Until, see myself

See another Yangtze River in my body.

Ouyang Bin, born in July 1965, is from Hengyang, Hunan. He once worked in Maoshi Supply and Marketing Cooperative of Hengnan County, Nanyue District Committee of Hengyang City, Shuangpai County Committee of Yongzhou City, Hunan Provincial Tourism Bureau, Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Zhangjiajie Municipal People’s Government, and now he works in Zhangjiajie CPPCC. He has published a collection of poems, The Finger of Sunshine, The Most Beautiful Hunan, a collection of essays, Feeling Famous Mountains, Asking Questions and other literary works, and tourism planning monographs such as Introduction to China Tourism Planning and Realistic Planning.

Fashion trends: the latest and hottest fashion trends in 2023.

Hi, fashionistas! 2023 has arrived, are you eager to know what the latest and hottest fashion trends are? Don’t worry, we unveiled the 2023 fashion collection for you, making you a trend vane! Follow us to explore the excitement of this fashion world, so that your clothes are no longer ordinary!

1. ** The revival of exaggerated colors * *:

In 2023, bold and exaggerated colors will become the dominant color in the fashion world. Don’t immerse yourself in the world of black, white and gray, try some eye-catching colors, such as bright orange and bright blue like the sky, so that the whole street can become your personal runway!

2. ** Unique material combination * *:

The eclectic fashion trend people will carry out the material combination to the end. The wonderful combination of silk and leather and the dialogue between metal and wool make you feel layered. Challenge tradition and create your own fashion language.

3. ** Retro style rises again * *:

The classic elements of the 1980s and 1990s have returned again. Loose jeans, colorful plaid shirts and exaggerated shoulder designs break the boundaries between time and space, allowing you to show your personality in retro.

4. ** Luxury sports style * *:

The perfect combination of sports style and luxury elements makes you show elegance in lazy leisure. Sweater pants with high heels, sports coat with jewelry, let you easily control the streets and parties.

5. ** Digital Art Printing * *:

Unique printing inspired by digital art has become the new darling of fashion. Abstract geometric patterns and digital oil painting styles make your clothing a moving work of art, leading the trend.

6. ** The trend of customization * *:

Customization becomes the key word of fashion in 2023. Customize your own clothes and accessories, break the homogenization of everyone and show the unique charm of personality.

7. ** The rise of environmental fashion * *:

Environmental protection has become a new trend of fashion. The design concept of sustainable materials and recycling makes you not only walk on the cutting edge of fashion, but also do your part for the earth.

The fashion stage in 2023 is full of infinite possibilities. Stop following, but lead the trend. Fashion trend, let’s define the fashion attitude belonging to 2023 together and become the fashion pioneer of this era! Keep up with the trend, become a new fashion darling, and show your unique charm!

10 books to help you understand the power of women.

Member of the jury of this book list: Han Haoyue Yan Han Zhang Jiahong

Column host: Shen Jiequn

One hundred years, many people, many things

Recommended reason:

Yang Yi’s beauty, to a great extent, stems from her status as a resister. Although she didn’t mention the word "resistance" in the whole book, her dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction made her the first person with female consciousness in modern China. Yang Yi’s courage has been consolidated step by step because of her love of literature. According to the story in the book, it is the communication, reading and writing that runs through her life, which helps her to gradually establish her own "castle". Anyone who has read "One Hundred Years, Many People, Many Things" is all moved by Yang Yi’s self-satisfied and ordinary narrative posture and unpretentious writing style, and will also be infected by her pursuit of beauty and her courage to pay for it.

Salt town

Recommended reason:

Salt Town is a book about women, first a record of women’s life, and then a record of women’s survival. Compared with life, survival needs a high degree of generalization and precise refinement. Compared with the random recording, the record reflects the author’s concentration and the value of the first-hand information obtained from the interview. Their life is tired, bitter, and even tormented. There is physical suffering, but also spiritual suffering. Non-tenacious hidden ninjas can’t wade through the tortuous and dim river of years, and they bear the burden of humiliation. Some women suffer all their lives, and some women are "forced" to become strong in life. The author writes them all in the book, not to compare who is tall and who is low, who is good and who is bad, but to make the original ecological presentation as much as possible. Recording their joys, sorrows, loves, hates and enmities actually has the significance of engraving history.

They and them

Recommended reason:

This collection of women’s reports in People magazine tells the fate and soul of women in this era through 12 real women’s stories, from the countryside to the city, from the confusion to the old age. They encounter difficulties, they struggle hard, and remain naive after suffering. Their stories are eternal stories and also stories of human nature, from silence to sound, from strangeness to meeting, and from one person to another.

Opening: An Interview with Female Scholars

Recommended reason:

The Opening: An Interview with Female Scholars tries to break the gender stereotype and the gender barrier in academic circles. In the form of questions and answers, the book has conducted in-depth interviews with 11 scholars, retracing their respective ideological threads and taking stock of their dissatisfaction, confusion, ambitions and dreams around their learning process, gender identity and academic research keywords; Similarly, these life experiences are the pain and happiness shared by most modern women.

Golden branch (full version)

Recommended reason:

There is an ancient village on the bank of Yinghe River-Last Week Village. The dream and reality, roots and branches, origin and present of a family of five generations are vividly presented in this novel. The escape, stabbing pain, separation and integration between relatives of the Zhou family are moving. In the historical cycle of family elites gathering from the countryside to the city and returning from the city to the countryside, it truly shows the great differences and changes between the city and the countryside, and writes the joys and sorrows of life from estrangement to blending.

The writer tells the family story supported by several generations of "golden branches" with the eyes of women. Through the rebellion and contest between the two daughters in the city and the country, the work shows the persistence and struggle, struggle and struggle of family women under the traditional culture. Their unique resilience and strength have propped up the soul and rebirth of the homeland of the Central Plains.

A woman’s story

Recommended reason:

A Woman’s Story is a touching account of mother and daughter, youth and aging, dreams and reality by Nobel Prize winner Anne Elnor. After her mother died of Alzheimer’s disease, the author began a daunting journey back in time, trying to capture the real woman, the woman who existed independently of her daughter. She discusses the fragile and unshakable bond between mother and daughter, the alienated world that separates them, and the inescapable fact that we must lose the people we love. In this calm and powerful tribute, Elnor wants to strive for the greatest fairness for her mother: to portray her as herself.

Dear daughter

Recommended reason:

Gong Jiyeong, the author of The Melting Pot, told his daughter 27 life stories, each of which was based on a simple home-cooked dish. She exposed the scars of the past to her daughter without reservation, and was not afraid to face her sincere self. She told her daughter with personal experience that you can complain about your family and life, but it didn’t help. The important thing in life is to love yourself and strive to grow. This is not only a mother’s encouragement to her daughter, but also a growth gift for everyone. When I feel that my dream is far away and I have been frustrated repeatedly, I might as well open this book and gain the warm power to move on.

The light we carry

Recommended reason:

There may be no perfect solution to the challenges in life, but Michelle Obama believes that we can find some ways to help us point out the course of change and move forward steadily in the torrent. In the book, she talks about the problem that bothers many people: how to establish lasting and sincere interpersonal relationships? How can we draw strength from differences and seek common ground while reserving differences? When you feel self-doubt or helpless, what tools can you use to solve it? By telling her experiences as a mother, a daughter, a partner, a friend and the first lady of the United States, she shared her habits and principles formed when she successfully adapted to change and surmounted many obstacles, and was full of life wisdom.

"Nine Chapters of the Goddess of Luo"

Recommended reason:

This book is the research achievement of Professor Dai Yan for more than ten years. From the aspects of literature, art and history, it reconstructs the literary background and communication process of Cao Zhi’s writing "Ode to Luoshen", so as to break through the old-fashioned interpretation of the theory of "feeling Zhen" and "thinking of Jun", analyze the original meaning of Cao Zhi’s writing "Ode to Luoshen" and explore the literary vitality of "Ode to Luoshen" spanning thousands of years.

Ladies’ relay

Recommended reason:

The Lady Relay is a biography of women’s groups, with nine public female figures who have deeply influenced the feminist movement in the United States as the main body, and outlines the development process of feminist movement in the United States. These women have stories, thoughts and personalities, and have had a wide and in-depth impact on society and history. They founded schools, established organizations, made public speeches, wrote, promoted legislation, explored art, and rebelled against authority … Against the inherent shackles of women in their time, they made hit the floor voices in all fields, which was a model for women to pursue themselves and transform society, and changed the process of American history and civilization with their own actions.

Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily