A number of car companies have announced price cuts, and the car market will be "price war" or reopened in the second half of the year.

  Our reporter Gong Mengze

  In the first half of 2023, the automobile industry accelerated the "involution" in the reshuffle, and achieved a cumulative sales volume of 13.239 million vehicles in the first six months, a year-on-year increase of 9.8%. However, due to the low achievement rate of domestic automobile enterprises, especially new energy automobile enterprises in the first half of the year, enterprises started the impulse work early in the second half of the year.

  Since August, many car companies have joined the army of price reduction through official reduction, new car concessions and terminal concessions, covering more than 20 models, with prices ranging from 50,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan.

  On August 7th, the reporter of Securities Daily visited the authorized experience store of AITO Wenjie Automobile located in Blue Harbor, Chaoyang District, Beijing. As the first inquiry M5 to follow up Tesla’s price reduction at the beginning of the year, the current car purchase can enjoy the first sale rights of the optional fund of 10,000 yuan, the Beijing brand redemption discount of 5,000 yuan, and the optional equipment donated by subsidies varies according to different models. "In addition to price concessions, the equity category is mainly upgraded around the rim and seat configuration." The store sales staff told reporters.

  In addition, the reporter learned from china automobile dealers association that the inventory index of domestic dealers rebounded to 57.8% in July after three consecutive months of decline. At the same time, 32.7% of dealers have raised their sales targets in the second half of the year in the context of the continuous decline in transaction prices, which means that the sales pressure in the domestic automobile market has intensified, and a new round of "price war" may be reopened.

  A number of car companies announced price cuts.

  The "price war" in the second half of the year may be more intense.

  In August, SAIC-Volkswagen launched the "first shot" of price reduction, announcing the price reduction of nine SUV models of SAIC-Volkswagen from August 1 to August 31. Among them, the highest comprehensive discount for Tourang and Tourang X reached 60,000 yuan, and the highest comprehensive discount for Tiguan L plug-in hybrid was 55,000 yuan.

  On the same day, the zero-running car in the new domestic car-making force simultaneously started the price reduction activity of "double C-door, zero-running and summer price". Zero-run automobile announced the price reduction of some models of its C series, including two C11 models and three C01 models, of which the highest drop of C01 model reached 20,000 yuan.

  In fact, this is the year after the zero-run official announced the price reduction in March this year. "Everyone thinks that the central integrated electronic and electrical architecture is carried by products with more than 300,000 yuan. But zero running can popularize such an architecture to popular products. " Ying Zhou, general manager of the retail car marketing department, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that "technical equality" is one of the greatest significance of retail cars to ordinary consumers.

  Then, Chery New Energy launched an official event. Users can enjoy different cash discounts when purchasing three models of Chery New Energy, namely Little Ant, Unbounded Pro and QQ Ice Cream, up to 10,000 yuan. At the same time, SAIC MG MG also offered limited-time discounts for three hot-selling models: MG5 Scorpio, the third-generation MG6PRO and MGONE, with a maximum discount of 26,000 yuan for bicycles.

  Under the pressure, the Euler brand of Great Wall Motor has also launched a limited-time preferential activity recently, and many of its models have ushered in a sharp price reduction, and can enjoy a cash discount of up to 30,000 yuan. The models involved include Euler Lightning Cat, Euler Good Cat, Euler Good Cat GT Mulan Edition and Euler Ballet Cat; As for Nezha Auto, it has recently announced that its 2022 Nezha S will be released on Tanabata, with a maximum price reduction of 49,000 yuan from August 5, 2023, and at the same time, it will enjoy a financial discount or replacement subsidy of 8,000 yuan.

  "At the beginning of the year, Tesla took the lead in lowering the selling price and triggered other car companies to follow up. By March, the joint subsidy between Hubei government and enterprises triggered a national promotion, and then ‘ The dispute between oil and electricity ’ Competing for the user base, in fact ‘ Price war ’ It has never really stopped. " According to Zhang Xiuyang, Secretary-General of China Passenger Car Industry Alliance, the "price war" in the second half of the year is even fiercer than that in the first half.

  In fact, there has long been a consensus on the speculation that auto companies will continue to reduce prices in the second half of the year. Earlier, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the All-China Federation of Riders, said in an institutional investigation: "It appeared in the second half of the year ‘ Price war ’ The probability is greater. " Cui Dongshu also specifically mentioned that the market competition among brands in plug-in hybrid field will be more intense.

  Policies are favorable frequently.

  Automobile demand continues to recover.

  Previously, every time the domestic auto market experienced a "price war" and a wave of price reduction, it would have a great impact on the overall auto market revenue and profit in that year, disrupting the development rhythm of the auto market in the future, which would bring some negative effects that were not conducive to the development of the industry.

  Based on this, in order to create a good market atmosphere, China Automobile Industry Association initiated the Commitment Letter on Maintaining Fair Market Order in Automobile Industry, which was signed by 16 mainstream automobile companies including Dongfeng, SAIC and Tesla, requiring automobile companies to abide by the rules and regulations and standardize marketing activities, with the aim of maintaining the competitive order in the automobile market and jointly creating a harmonious consumption environment.

  On the policy level, on July 31 this year, the state officially promulgated the "Measures on Restoring and Expanding Consumption", in which automobile consumption was highlighted. On July 21st, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and other thirteen ministries and commissions also issued "Several Measures on Promoting Automobile Consumption".

  In Cui Dongshu’s view, consumer demand is still insufficient, the industry operation is still under great pressure, and there are still many challenges in business operation. It is necessary to maintain the stability and predictability of policies to help the industry run smoothly.

  In 2023, China Automobile Association put forward the development goal that automobile sales are expected to reach 27.6 million units, a year-on-year increase of 3%. It is understood that on the basis of positive growth for two consecutive years, whether the domestic auto market can continue its growth performance has attracted much attention from the market.

  "The good performance of new energy vehicles and automobile exports has effectively boosted market growth." Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of China Automobile Industry Association, said that as the effect of automobile consumption promotion policy continues to appear, the consumption potential of the automobile market will be further released, which will help promote the steady growth of the industry throughout the year. (Securities Daily)

Hua Chenyu appeared at the wax statue unveiling, looking forward to holding a concert this year

Hua Chenyu appeared at the wax statue unveiling, looking forward to holding a concert this year

On July 20th, singer Hua Chenyu appeared in Shanghai to unveil his wax figure at Madame Tussauds Shanghai.

On the day of the event, Hua Chenyu celebrated the 8th anniversary of his debut with fans, listened to the fans’ hearts and thanked the fans for accompanying him all the way. At the same time, Shanghai Dusha also created a month-long "Mars Philharmonic Carnival" pop-up band on the stage of the music district.

The wax figure of Hua Chenyu replicates the shape of Hua Chenyu at the concert through gorgeous performance costumes, domineering expressions, and passionate singing with a microphone in hand.

Hua Chenyu appeared at the wax statue unveiling, looking forward to holding a concert this year

Speaking about the styling of his wax figure this time, Hua Chenyu admitted that the action on his wax figure was selected from his concert. "The concert is a very free stage, and my state is also the most relaxed, comfortable and natural. The shape of the concert is more like myself, more free, and I hope the fans will feel at home when they see it."

At the scene, Hua Chenyu interacted closely with his wax figure, posed in various handsome poses, and held himself intimately. At the press conference, Hua Chenyu, who played musical instruments, was also very cool. Hua Chenyu also said more than once that what he wanted to do most was to hold a concert.

Hua Chenyu appeared at the wax statue unveiling, looking forward to holding a concert this year

When it comes to his wish for the second half of the year, Hua Chenyu said: "Seeing the enthusiastic support of fans, I hope to hold a concert this year." Speaking of his wax figure, Hua Chenyu thinks the wax figure is very realistic, like himself, and also assigns a small task to his fans to ask everyone to name his wax figure.

Hua Chenyu appeared at the wax statue unveiling, looking forward to holding a concert this year

The service of "package enterprises" has been deeply empowered and developed – the public security organs of the whole province have solidly promoted the work of package enterprises

Strengthen the responsibility "bag in the body", refine the measures "grasp in the hands", and optimize the service "link in the heart"… Since the work of the province’s leading cadres package and link enterprises has been carried out, the public security organs of our province have conscientiously implemented the work deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on package and link enterprises. With the actions of "three grasps and three promotions", actively creating stability, and "optimizing the business environment for a breakthrough year" as the breakthrough point, adhering to the concept of "package is responsibility, grasping is responsibility, and connecting is service", innovating mechanisms and actively acting, solidly promoting the work of package and link enterprises, and striving to contribute public security forces to the high-quality economic and social development of the province.

Reinforced responsibility "wrapped around the body"

The security department of the Provincial Public Security Bureau visited the Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau and China National Petroleum Corporation Gansu Sales Company to discuss measures to deepen the protection of enterprises and facilitate enterprises, crack down on tobacco-related and refined oil crimes, and help optimize the business environment; the economic investigation department visited Gansu Qizheng Industrial Group Co., Ltd. to understand the operation status of enterprises, listen to the difficulties and problems encountered by enterprises in production and operation, and solicit opinions and suggestions on public security work…

Since the beginning of this year, the Provincial Public Security Department has adhered to the current important task of leading cadres Baodaolian enterprises and placed them in a prominent position. It has established a special class for Baodaolian enterprises to coordinate and promote the work of Baodaolian enterprises. The special class for Baodaolian work has been deployed and promoted, sorted out and summarized the progress of the work, established a list of service enterprises and acceptance problems, supervised and investigated the progress of police types in various departments on the spot, and reminded the slow progress in a timely manner to form a work pattern of face-to-face deployment, point-to-point contact, and practical

Baiyin Public Security visited the key enterprise Yinguang Chemical group company to understand the enterprise’s safety prevention, internal security and other work, and held discussions and exchanges on optimizing the business environment of the enterprise; Jinchang Public Security took the lead in organizing tobacco monopoly, procuratorial and other departments to hold a symposium on tobacco anti-counterfeiting and anti-smuggling and tobacco-related cases.

According to the unified deployment, the establishment of special classes for public security organs at all levels in the province has been promoted as a whole. Leading cadres of public security at all levels have classified and classified 4,950 accommodation enterprises and 405 security enterprises in the province, and made clear the work goals and tasks step by step, so as to achieve full coverage of leading cadres and enterprises of public security organs at the provincial, municipal and county levels.

Establish a system and clarify responsibilities. The provincial public security organs will include the work of Bao Zaolian enterprises in the annual key work for supervision and management, and clarify that Bao Zaolian leading cadres visit service enterprises no less than twice a year, maintain normal contact, pay close attention to the development of enterprises, improve the ability of in-depth communication and effective communication with enterprises, and win the trust of enterprises with sincere, warm-hearted, high-quality and efficient services.

"Bearing in mind that it is the duty of cadres to serve enterprises, and it is their responsibility to support the development of enterprises, establish a normal package to catch and connect enterprises to promote mechanisms, do a good job in coordination and communication, classify and evaluate legitimate compliance issues, establish a ledger, update it in real time, and manage the cancellation number to ensure that the problem appeals are found and everything has an echo." The relevant person in charge of the provincial public security department said that the provincial public security organs have established a police-enterprise contact mechanism, implemented the "escort police officer" system, and dispatched 1,949 "escort police officers" to 287 provincial major construction projects. They accept enterprises for help 24 hours a day, and carry out regular public security patrols to provide enterprises with "visible security". At the same time, establish a precise assistance mechanism, give full play to the role of key enterprise liaisons, and quickly study and solve problems reported by enterprises, so as to promote the formation of a pro-Qing political and business relationship that is "friendly and moderate, dear and capable".

Refinement measures "grab it in your hands"

The provincial public security organs insist on finding problems as the starting point and solving problems as the end point, and adopt a combination of "going out + please come in", asking for and serving enterprises, understanding the production and operation situation of enterprises in detail, discussing the difficulties, pain points and blockages that restrict the development of enterprises, and constantly helping enterprises solve problems and overcome difficulties.

The public security organs at all levels invite enterprise representatives to hold a police-enterprise symposium to listen to the problems faced by enterprises in production and operation, and collect more than 200 opinions and suggestions from the public security organs to serve the development of enterprises, and strive to improve service quality and help healthy development.

The people have a call, and I have a response.

The public security traffic control department focused on "reducing links, reducing materials, and reducing time limits" to further deepen the convenience service measures for reducing permits; the entry-exit management department unblocked the "green channel" for expediting the application of permits, fully implemented the "National General Office" and "Only Run Once" and other policies and measures for the convenience of the people and enterprises, and strengthened the service work of attracting talents and intellectuals to visit, so as to better serve the overall economic and social development of the province…

The people are worried, and I have something to do.

In response to the administrative examination and approval matters that enterprises need to handle, the provincial public security organs package the joint cadres to connect with the business department in a timely manner, prepare the approval materials, and prevent enterprises from "running in many places" and "running back and forth"; in response to the difficult employment problems of enterprises, timely help docking and actively recommend migrant workers; in response to the parking difficulties reported by accommodation enterprises, take the lead in coordinating relevant functional areas of business to optimize the parking environment and other measures to effectively improve the service rate and problem solving rate.

Every morning at 9 am, in the green chemical park of Lanzhou New District, the "escort police officer" of the Qinchuan police station of the Lanzhou New District Public Security Bureau came to Gansu Kangbass Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to start the day’s work. Understanding the needs of the enterprise, reviewing materials on site, and handling residence permits and household registration for employees of the enterprise are important responsibilities of the "escort police officer".

Tianshui Public Security launched 36 service measures to establish a "do nothing" mechanism for enterprises and standardize supervision behavior; Wuwei Public Security launched 10 service measures to severely crack down on all kinds of crimes that disrupt market economic order and build a "protective net…"

The public security organs of the whole province strictly implement the system of "nothing to disturb, something to come to the door" and "six must visit", give full play to the role of corporate liaisons, collect bottlenecks that affect the development of enterprises in a timely manner, and establish a work account. General problems are "dealt with immediately" and complex problems are "coordinated". Policies are required to support "striving for solutions" that are difficult to solve in the short term, and timely coordinate and solve the "development difficulties" of enterprises. Strictly standardize the law enforcement behavior of enterprises, and constantly improve the enterprise inspection system. Eliminate problems such as random inspections, multi-head inspections, repeated inspections, and selective law enforcement. Resolutely prevent the use of criminal means to intervene in economic disputes. Improve the efficiency of direct contact with enterprises. For police information involving infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, accept and deal with it Advance the reform of government services, optimize the introduction of a number of measures related to enterprise matters, such as acceptance of vacancies, notification of commitments, reservation handling, compression of approval, and extension of services, and strive to create a new model of "data travel" government services, so as to provide maximum convenience for enterprises and the masses.

Optimize service "connected to the heart"

Every Bao Zaolian cadre is a policy "speaker".

The public security organs of the whole province make good policy "announcers", and in accordance with the requirements of "normalization, standardization and long-term effectiveness", focus on publicizing the various beneficial enterprise policies issued by the central and provincial party committees, provincial governments and the Ministry of Public Security, and provide enterprises with fiscal and taxation, financial and other policy consultation and information services through multiple channels. Extensively publicize the ten measures of the Provincial Public Security Department to optimize the business environment and serve the development of enterprises. Guide enterprises to make full use of, make good use of, and make full use of various beneficial enterprise policies, and truly enjoy the policy dividends.

Through on-site interpretation of the law, distribution of promotional materials, posting of propaganda posters, and push of warning educational short videos, etc., we vigorously preached measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of market players, flexible law enforcement for minor violations, quick handling of enterprise-related cases according to law, and cracking down on enterprise-related black and evil crimes. Up to now, more than 900 times of legal popularization have been carried out.

Every Bao Zaolian cadre is a hidden danger "administrator".

The public security organs of the whole province pay close attention to the contradictions and conflicts of interest that may arise in the development of enterprises, and take the initiative to work with relevant departments to guide and resolve the work in advance, and use the whole chain linkage to solve problems for enterprises and promote the development of enterprises. Regularly carry out activities to send law into enterprises, strengthen the rule of law training, safety education, and civilized construction publicity and training of staff, supervise the implementation of various systems for safe production, and effectively ensure that services are not absent and guarded. Normally carry out the investigation of public security and fire safety hazards in enterprises and surrounding areas, guide enterprises to improve the internal security system, improve the public security prevention system, public security organization, and scientifically deploy patrol work. Especially for the outstanding public security problems reflected by enterprises, we will coordinate with relevant functional areas of business to carry out special project rectification, and be a good hidden danger "administrator" to create a good external environment for the development of enterprises.

Each Bao Zaolian cadre is a development "escort".

The leading cadres of Bao Zhaolian, the public security organ of the whole province, have always taken the destruction of the business environment as the focus of cracking down on crimes, comprehensively sorted out clues, concentrated on solving cases, continued to organize and carry out a series of special projects such as "Longjian", "Cloud" and "Net", and took measures such as "upgraded jurisdiction, special operation, and special classes to crack down". Since the beginning of this year, the province’s public security organs have cracked a total of 1813 cases in the economic field, damaging 2.056 billion yuan, including 258 cases in the tax-related field, 421 cases in the financial field, and 1134 cases in the brand field.

Beijing Auto Show: BYD Qin L DM-i was launched and listed in the second quarter.

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Reject "one thousand cars on one side" and establish a new standard for pure electric cars.

"The number of 48-hour bookings exceeded 20,000."


On November 19th, Extreme Krypton Motor released the above data, once again refreshing the pure electric market record with "extreme Krypton speed".


At the Guangzhou International Auto Show in 2023, the first pure electric luxury car, Krypton 007, made its debut, and the pre-sale started at the same time. The pre-sale price started from 229,900 yuan. Before the launch, the user paid 1000 yuan the intention money to deduct 6,000 yuan, and the pre-sale price started from 224,900 yuan.


The whole system comes standard with 800V platform, front double wishbone and rear multi-link suspension, silicon carbide motor and Qualcomm 8295 chip. The total power of front and rear motors is up to 310 kW, and the four-wheel drive model accelerates for 2.84 seconds. ……


A series of luxury configurations beyond the same level, Extreme Krypton 007 entered the pure electric luxury car market by breaking the conventional brand-new luxury standards, providing users with more and more novel category choices.


Establish a new standard for pure electric cars against Tesla Model 3 and Krypton 007.


As the fourth model of Krypton, it is also the first car product to enter the most mainstream market. Based on the insight into the market and users, the appearance of Krypton 007 has chosen a more "advanced" design concept, breaking the status quo of "one thousand cars".


By Stefan Sielaff, the former design director of Bentley who joined Krypton two years ago, Krypton 007 reached the best visual point of a luxury B-class car: the length of the car is 4865mm, the width of the car is 1900mm, the height of the car is 1450mm, and the wheelbase is 2928mm, achieving a perfect 1:2 ratio of the height of the yellow gold wheels.

Caption: Extreme Krypton 007. Figure/Enterprise official website

The world’s first double-zone hidden front face design makes the Krypton 007 have a smoother and more recognizable front face. The exclusive clamshell front hatch cover and clamshell tailgate design of ultra-luxury SUV were first introduced into the B-class sedan by Krypton 007, creating the first real suspended roof in its class.


Extreme Krypton 007 headlight group uses the world’s largest 90-inch giant screen light strip and 1711 LED light beads, and the brightness can reach 10000 nits, bringing a visual interaction effect with a sense of future technology. The most surprising thing is that the light curtain is independently controlled by 75 high-power chips of vehicle specifications, and the pattern can be presented on the smart light curtain just by drawing on the central control panel with your fingers, which makes Kyk 007 the first smart electric vehicle in the world that can be customized by users, and also allows users to have personalized exclusive labels.

Caption: Extreme Krypton 007 interior. Figure/Enterprise official website

Not only comes with a brand-new image, but also with the powerful performance genes, safety genes, intelligent technology and luxury configuration of the brand, Krypton 007 breaks the rules and establishes a new standard for pure electric cars.


In terms of power, Extreme Krypton 007 not only inherits the luxury performance gene of Extreme Krypton 001 FR, but also comes standard with high-performance 800V architecture. The whole system comes standard with front double wishbone and rear multi-link high-performance suspension system, equipped with 800V silicon carbide high-performance rear motor with a maximum power of 310 kW. The fastest acceleration of the rear-wheel drive model is 5.4 seconds, and that of the four-wheel drive model is a record-breaking, with the fastest acceleration of 2.84 seconds (excluding the starting time), which is faster than the 3.4 seconds (excluding the starting time) of the Tesla Model 3 high-performance all-wheel drive version. It has become the fastest accelerating pure electric car of its kind in the world.


In terms of cruising range, the cruising range of CLTC, the entry-level model of Krypton 007, is 688 kilometers, and the long-life version is as high as 870 kilometers.


With 800-volt high-voltage architecture, 800-kilometer battery life and 800-seat exclusive charging stations, with the absolute strength of three "800", Extreme Krypton 007 will completely eliminate users’ travel mileage and recharge anxiety.

Caption: Comparison between Extreme Krypton 007 and Tesla models.

In the luxury pure electric car market, Tesla Model 3 is an unavoidable opponent of cars of the same price. However, with the consumer’s demand for interior space and comfort, the sales volume of Model 3, which has not been greatly upgraded for 8 years, has declined in recent years, and the sales volume in the third quarter of this year is only one-third of that of two years ago. Based on the insight into the market and users, Extreme Krypton 007 is fully configured, and it is more competitive than Tesla Model 3 in key parameters such as body size, wheelbase and battery life.


Create a differentiated competitive advantage and be a "leader" in market segments.


Extreme krypton 007 is a concentrated expression of extreme krypton’s soft and hard strength. As a luxury intelligent pure electric brand under Geely Holding Group, Krypton is also continuing to create "Krypton speed".


Different from other enterprises, Krypton firmly takes the "third track", that is, "combining the power of giants with pure user thinking."


In less than three years since its establishment, Extreme Krypton has successively launched the hunting coupe extreme Krypton 001, MPV extreme Krypton 009, compact SUV extreme Krypton X and super-running extreme Krypton 001 FR, covering the price range of 200,000-800,000 yuan.


In 2022, the annual delivery of Krypton exceeded 70,000 vehicles, making it the only brand of mainstream new energy to achieve the delivery target. By the end of October 2023, the monthly delivery of krypton has increased for nine consecutive months. It took only 24 months to start delivery, and Krypton became a luxury pure electric brand with the fastest delivery of 170,000 vehicles, with a cumulative delivery of more than 170,000 vehicles, the only one in the industry with zero spontaneous combustion, which set a new record in the industry.


Among them, Kykrypton 001 is the champion of pure electric vehicle sales with a price of over 300,000 yuan, Kykrypton 009 is the champion of MPV sales with a price of over 500,000 yuan, and Kykrypton X is the only China brand in the top ten of compact car sales with a price of over 200,000 yuan.


In terms of globalization strategy, in October this year, Krypton signed a pan-European cooperation agreement with BNP Paribas and Arval, which will provide users with financial solutions covering all aspects of travel, all-round leasing business support and insurance services, covering many European countries.


In November, Krypton started selling in Stockholm, Sweden, and will be sold in major developed countries in Western Europe next year. In 2024, the European market is expected to increase to 6 countries, and in 2025, it will enter 8 countries, accelerating its March to the global market.

Caption: An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology. Figure/Enterprise official website

An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Smart Technology, once said, "If there is no benchmark in the early stage, as a follower, it is not enough to be the same as others. Only by surpassing others can everyone think that you are a little competitive."


In creating differentiation, we can’t follow suit. With other car companies, we choose to focus on a large number of similar models in the same field, and seek market differences through the way of "having more children and fighting", and set up benchmark products in different market segments through excellent product strength, which is a very embarrassing product planning concept.


After the pre-sale of Krypton 007 started for 30 minutes, the booking volume exceeded 5,000; After 3 hours, the booking volume exceeded 10,000; After 48 hours, the booking volume exceeded 20,000.


The release of Krypton 007 not only enriches Krypton products, but also enters the pure electric luxury car market with the product experience of innovating the mainstream car market in the electric age, providing users with more and more novel category choices.


Text/Liu Chang

Editor Jiang Fan

Proofread Liu Baoqing

The most successful anchor in history disappeared without warning when his career reached the top. What happened now?

Some time ago, Ti mo Feng, a tens of millions of fans who disappeared in the live broadcast room for nearly half a year, suddenly announced his comeback live broadcast.

▲ Ti mo Feng photos taken by ▲Vogue Me.

When her career was in full swing, she stopped broadcasting for half a year without warning, and the outside world also talked about whether she was going to retire quickly. Now I’m finally back. While a large number of eagerly awaited fans are waving their arms and shouting, a news of "Ti mo Feng’s advanced thyroid cancer" has set off a hot search in Weibo.

Maybe some friends who don’t pay much attention to the live broadcast have no idea who this is. Let’s briefly introduce her first.

This is a super online celebrity who is famous for singing. Have you ever overheard a popular Tik Tok Divine Comedy "You said that you like the Mori school, and I got an extra G, just like removing half of LOVE and changing it into loli… …" It was sung by Ti mo Feng.

▲ "Buddha Girl" sign gesture dance. Her Tik Tok has released several short videos about "The Girl of Buddhism", and one of them has nearly 5 million likes. It is conservatively estimated that the number of views of this song is absolutely hundreds of millions.

Ti mo Feng can be regarded as the highest figure in the industry, and even the most successful anchor in history. Various topics and controversies also make her one of the most popular anchors.

She is different from the e-commerce anchors like Weiya and Li Jiaqi, who sell goods. She mainly engages in live broadcast of show (attracting users’ attention through the anchor’s face value, talent, emotional intelligence and interactive ability, and using these abilities to show and get rewards from fans, which is the main source of income for the anchor). Simply put, it is to attract audiences by performing and interacting. In 2014, I made a fortune from fighting fish. With my lovely appearance and sweet singing voice, I became a fighting fish sister with tens of millions of flows.

▲ Ti mo Feng is the first anchor in the history of Betta TV live broadcast platform to exceed 20 million.

Very ambitious in career, spanning bilibili, Tik Tok, variety show and singer.

▲ In 2019, bilibili was signed at a high price.

▲ In 2019, the number of fans of Tik Tok reached 32 million. At that time, she was the first among a large number of show anchors who settled in Tik Tok from YY, Momo, Betta and Huya platforms.

▲ The first solo concert was held in 2019, and the fare was comparable to that of a first-line singer.

Participate in various popular variety shows.

▲ From top to bottom are Happy Camp, Everyday Up, Masked Singers Guess, and Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year’s Eve party.

There is another picture that can better illustrate her position in the industry.

▲ A picture of "online celebrity anchor income ranking" counted by a magazine once circulated on the Internet, which was later dismissed by the magazine as a fabrication. Although the data is unreliable, this ranking also shows Ti mo Feng’s absolute top position in the live broadcast industry.

The reason for the comeback news was that Ti mo Feng was interviewed by Tik Tok program and told about his illness and recovery in the past six months.

▲ Ti mo Feng was interviewed by Tik Tok program "White show". When the host asked about her illness, Ti mo Feng said that her thyroid cancer was in the advanced stage of malignancy, which was unknown not only to her fans, but also to her parents.

Talking about the situation when he was diagnosed, Ti mo Feng knew that his first reaction to cancer was to ask the doctor if he could still sing.

When told by the doctor that "you can’t sing", Ti mo Feng felt that there was no point in living. This girl really loves singing.

After the operation, my voice was hoarse and I didn’t want to live for a time. Fortunately, my voice has basically recovered after many consultations and persistent training.

After the release of this interview, Ti mo Feng also officially responded in Weibo, saying that his body has recovered. "The operation has been done and the operation was very successful.".

▲ Ti mo Feng reminds girls not to have mental internal friction and not to accumulate negative energy; And comfort the fans who are worried and miss her. "As long as you listen, I will keep singing."

After the news came out, netizens praised her strength and optimism, and some netizens questioned that the word "late stage" was suspected of exaggerating her blog. Some people who knew the relevant fields came out to popularize science. According to Ti mo Feng’s surgery and good recovery, it should belong to "differentiated thyroid cancer". Patients with such cancer under 55 years old only have "stage I and stage II", and there is no such thing as "late stage".

I’m not a professional in medicine, it’s hard to say, but it’s certain that mental stress, irregular work and rest, anxiety and so on will have a direct negative impact on thyroid. Although thyroid cancer is a relatively mild cancer (many people call it "lazy cancer", and the tumor grows slowly and progresses slowly, so it has a high clinical cure rate), it is also a serious illness. In addition, the disease has something to do with the anchor’s long-term high-pressure work, and the top anchor is not short of money to support his family. In my case, I would have to slow down the pace of work, but Ti mo Feng chose to start working non-stop quickly after recovery, which can only be really hard.

▲ Even during the half-year break, Weibo, Ti mo Feng maintained a high update frequency.

In August, she started her comeback.

First of all, it made its first live broadcast in Tik Tok, and after half a year’s suspension, it still achieved excellent premiere results, which shows its appeal.

▲ According to the official data, the number of people who watched the live broadcast of the first show exceeded 45 million, and the number of viewers reached 15.26 million. The highest online number of live broadcasts was 336,000, and the number of fans in the first show was 365,000.

In September, the live broadcast of singing tour began to travel all over the country. There are various passers-by perspectives in Tik Tok.

▲ From top to bottom, it is broadcast live in Chengdu, Wuhan, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The video is from a watermark.

In order to increase exposure, he quickly accumulated popularity in Tik Tok, and also visited the live broadcast room of a brother "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" in Tik Tok at present.

▲ "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" (right) and "Crazy Big Yang Ge" (left) are twins. The short video of "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" is mainly humorous, grounded and reversed. It moved from Aauto Quicker to Tik Tok in 2018 and now has 120 million fans. At 618 this year, Brother Xiao Yang and Simba Lianmai, the generous Simba, immediately gave a gift of 3 million.

‍ ▲ In 2022, with the help of Hefei government, "Crazy Xiao Yang Ge" bought 3,000 square meters of space for 103 million yuan and established the headquarters of Three Sheep Network Company in Hefei. Last year, the company earned 860 million yuan and paid 250 million yuan in taxes, which is comparable to that of local leading enterprises. This year, these figures may double. Viya used to be the first person in Hefei online celebrity’s economy, and now this banner has been given to her Anhui hometown Xiao Yang Ge. The video is from a watermark.

▲ On November 26th, at Hefei Olympic Sports Center, Brother Xiao Yang paid 30 million yuan for a star concert to give back to his fans, and invited Pu Shu, twins, Paul Wong, Silence Wang, Chopsticks Brothers, Faye Chan and other stars. The concert was "No tickets, no goods and no rewards". However, this money is also well spent. This concert made Brother Dayang get 800,000 yuan, and Xiao Yang got 4 million yuan for his selected account. "It’s the star’s turn to work for online celebrity," netizens lamented.

In recent months, Ti mo Feng has achieved remarkable results, and the number of fans who have dropped a lot in the past six months has started to increase.

▲ In less than 4 months, the number of fans in Tik Tok has increased by nearly 4 million.

I have to admire Ti mo Feng’s enthusiasm and perseverance.

There is no way to regain popularity these days, but there is an extremely involuted and distorted ecology in the live broadcast industry. In recent years, the news of online celebrity’s anchor’s sudden death is not unusual.

In March 2021, a million fans in Tik Tok, who were only 29 years old, died suddenly after eating and broadcasting online celebrity’s "Paopaolong".

▲ Tik Tok eats and broadcasts online celebrity’s "Paopaolong" (right). His main content of eating and broadcasting is to visit the cafeteria and show his amazing appetite with friends. It is reported that "Paopaolong" weighed 320 Jin before his death. Long-term overeating and severe obesity have long buried a huge health hazard.

▲ Every video of "Paopaolong" before his death has netizens reminding him to pay attention to his health.

Not only the head online celebrity are under extreme working intensity, but also the newcomers who just entered the business. The glamorous myth of making wealth attracts countless young people to flock in.

In November this year, a Henan college student died suddenly when he returned to his rental house to rest after nearly 9 hours of live broadcast of the company’s all-night game.

Why is he trying so hard to broadcast live?

▲ The reason is the "Cooperation Agreement" signed by the college student and the game live broadcast company. The company offers a basic salary of 3,000 yuan, provided that it meets the company’s requirements of "240 hours of live broadcast per month and 26 days of broadcasting".

Everyone knows that the anchor needs to overdraw his health.

▲ The legal affairs of the company involved said that there are indeed hidden dangers of overwork in the industry, but the relevant responsibilities are attributed to the anchor individual, and the company only wants to pay a pension of 5,000 yuan.

Is there someone pointing a gun at everyone who plunges into the live broadcast industry, so that they can’t stop, including Li Jiaqi, a rich man who has long declared that he wants to retire and "has a headache every day"?

Who in the end forced them to stay on the tide of traffic rather than overdraw their health or even run out of life?

Let’s start with Ti mo Feng. She is a very representative figure in the live broadcast industry. Her eight-year live broadcast struggle history is almost a microcosm of the development of the live broadcast industry. A large number of early online celebrity people she represents created the myth of grassroots fame with the most vigorous vitality. Let’s get a glimpse of the real living conditions in online celebrity.

Become a sister

Want face value, want talent, but also be able to broadcast live.

Now we are used to live broadcast for a long time, and the time goes back to 10 years ago, when webcasting was still a novelty.

Ti mo Feng was born in Wanxian County, Sichuan Province (now Wanzhou District, Chongqing) in 1991. He loved singing and dancing since he was a child. He was an activist in school theatrical performances, majored in broadcasting and performance at university, dreamed of becoming a singer, and liked to show himself on the network platform.

▲ In 2013, she sang a song at that time, which was not very popular, and she was recommended on the homepage. The screen name "Little Boy" should be taken from her real name "Feng Yanan".

In 2014, the betta platform, which focuses on the live broadcast of the game, was officially launched. She was regarded as the first batch of early adopters, which also made her catch up with the heyday of the live broadcast of the show. Before short video platforms such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker were involved in live broadcast, Betta was the largest live broadcast platform in China.

▲ Ti mo Feng’s early pictures in DouYu. In 2014, Ti mo Feng, who graduated from Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, worked as a teacher in a junior college in Chongqing. During the day, she went to work and chatted with netizens while playing League of Legends in the betta live broadcast room at night, and often took her family with her.

Since then, Ti mo Feng has started her live broadcast career, working as a part-time anchor in Betta. At first, fighting fish didn’t have a reward function, and there was no income as an anchor. She just took live broadcast as a hobby and began to implement an almost crazy schedule.

Get up at five or six o’clock in the morning, get home from work at seven o’clock in the evening, eat and make up at eight o’clock, and finish at one o’clock in the morning, remove makeup and wash, and go to bed at two or three o’clock.

▲ Ti mo Feng started singing at the request of netizens because the game was so bad. In the betta anchor, her voice has obvious advantages, and she has gradually accumulated a lot of popularity. She is excited to have a large number of people willing to listen to her singing.

This day I feel that I will fall down in a month. Ti mo Feng has been like this for more than a year, and finally he is tired to lose his hair and his mental state is close to collapse. In 2015, she finally gave up her stable teaching job. At this time, her live broadcast income can be equal to her salary income, but she should not have expected to realize wealth freedom in the near future.

▲ Ti mo Feng, who takes the girl next door route, never basks in luxury houses, luxury cars and luxury bags on social media; Seeing a picture of Weibo who was practicing driving in 2015, the co-pilot’s "Xiaoxiang" bag seems to show that her financial resources have been quite extraordinary just one year after graduating from college.

At that time, there was a saying in the live broadcast world that "the female anchor wanted to be on fire, either selling cute or taking a sexy route".

▲ The early live broadcast was an era of "dancing with demons". YY, 9158 and other live broadcast platforms were full of various glamorous female anchors. At that time, the supervision was not strict, and it was common for live broadcasts to release soft pornography and beat the ball.

Ti mo Feng is a clean stream, and the signature of her studio is singing. She sings whatever songs the fans order, and she sings 40 to 50 songs a night, accompanying the fans conscientiously, and quickly sucking powder in the powerful betta anchor with "beautiful songs". In August, 2015, Ti mo Feng broke through one million fans in one year.

▲ Although I don’t take the sexy route, I occasionally make some little jokes that fans like.

Since 2016, the live broadcast industry has ushered in the golden age of capital. Platforms such as pepper live broadcast, Yingke live broadcast and Yi live broadcast have entered the market one after another, and staged a "Thousand Broadcast Wars". In order to grab the big anchor, each platform has spent a lot of money, and has a head anchor and fighting fish with constant capital blessing. For a time, the scenery is infinite.

▲ Betta fish was popular at that time, and there were four top female anchors of Betta fish, which were called the "four great singers" of Betta fish. First cousin, Ti mo Feng, Chen Yifa and Zhou Erke from left. After the first cousin and Zhou Erke were poached by Panda TV in Wang Sicong, Chen Yifa was banned from fighting fish because of her inappropriate remarks, and Ti mo Feng held the position of "First Sister Fighting Fish".

▲ In 2017, Ti mo Feng can receive more than 2 million rewards every month on the Betting Platform.

▲ In 2019, Betta went public in the United States, and CEO Chen Shaojie led four game anchors to ring the bell on Nasdaq. From the left, "Female Stream" in the console game board, "Xuxu Baby" in the DNF board, CEO Chen Shaojie, PDD in the lol board and YYF in the dota board. It is rumored that Panda TV in Wang Sicong offered a sky-high price of 300 million yuan for five years in order to dig the anchor PDD. Chen Shaojie, CEO of Betta Fish, was also questioned by netizens why he didn’t bring a sister Ti mo Feng. He explained that he didn’t bring an entertainment anchor because of the concept of live broadcast of Betta Fish.

Just this month, Chen Shaojie, CEO of Betta, was arrested on suspicion of opening a casino. As the leader of the game live broadcast industry, it is also embarrassing to end up like this … …

▲ It is rumored that some anchors of Betta opened a lottery in the live broadcast room, and the platform closed one eye for running water.

▲ The traditional live broadcast business has been severely squeezed by Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, and the market value of Betta has dropped from the highest $6.5 billion to less than $300 million at present. In recent years, the head anchor of Betta has left the nest one after another. In 2019, Ti mo Feng left Betta. This year, Baby Xuxu, the absolute brother of Betta, also announced that he would bid farewell to Betta for five years and switch to Tik Tok.

▲ Ti mo Feng and Xu Xu’s baby were connected live, and one elder brother and one elder sister once again gathered in Tik Tok.

The update speed of the Internet industry is so fast. With the rise of pan-entertainment platforms such as short videos, the traditional live broadcast giant Betta has been abandoned by the times.

Back to Ti mo Feng.

She has reached 20 million fans, and her live broadcast time is also quite amazing. "There is no latest, only later." In addition to broadcasting every day, there are four or five live broadcasts a week until three or four in the morning.

Not only did I stay up late for a long time, but I also started to lose weight extremely because of fan comments, so I suffered from stomach problems.

▲ Ti mo Feng was attacked by many people for being fatter than in the live broadcast because she participated in a large-scale performance under the betta line, and some fans told her to eat less, so she made up her mind to lose weight. She was already petite and lost 40 kilograms in more than a year. She often only ate grapefruit and drank water, and finally got stomach trouble and needed long-term medication.

Why does Ti mo Feng care so much about what fans think?

First of all, she is a person with high self-demand and thinks that she needs to manage her body. It is also very important that fans are the lifeblood of the anchor.

There is a "symbiotic" emotional relationship between the anchor and the fans. The anchor creates an online intimacy for the fans, and the fans want to get the most intimate feedback by rewarding.

Local tyrants spend a lot of money just to get strong emotional feedback from the anchor, and even more, they spend a lot of money on PK rewards between local tyrants and big brothers, fighting for their heads, just to compete for who is the most popular "Big Brother Bang" today, and "Big Brother Bang" has the most sacred rights and status in the live broadcast room.

Therefore, brushing gifts is a face-to-face competition, and such an extravagant moment needs to be watched and worshipped.

At that time, Wang Sicong also enjoyed this feeling.

▲ Wang Sicong (ID "Travel Frog Wage") likes to wander around the live broadcast rooms of female anchors, and his hand is quite generous. He once brushed 80 super rockets (unit price is 2,000 yuan) in the live broadcast room in Ti mo Feng, and smashed 160,000 in one minute.

This kind of emotional connection will sometimes continue into real life. The social news of female anchors and big brother Bang Yi emerges one after another, such as love, gray trading, fraud and even murder cases.

Ti mo Feng and "Big Brother Tuhao" also caused a great controversy. It is widely believed that this incident made Ti mo Feng’s popularity fall to the altar.

The other side of traffic is facing controversy.

This local tyrant was ranked second in Ti mo Feng at that time, and his ID was "Fragrant White Lotus Su Huanjen", so rich that netizens were curious about his background.

▲ The unit price of the rocket is 500 yuan, and it costs 30,000 yuan a night.

▲ At that time, Ti mo Feng’s "List One" was a mysterious figure with an ID of "Light a cigarette in the morning" all the year round, and was called the general manager of cigarettes by betta netizens. He used to hold the highest record of 2.69 million in fighting fish contribution list, and he often gave a "rocket" to every song in the live broadcast room in Ti mo Feng.

In 2018, the second eldest brother was on CCTV news, and everyone knew that his background was a company accountant. He did something that made everyone stunned.

In order to save face in the live broadcast room and enjoy the feeling of the stars holding the moon, he used his position to misappropriate 9.3 million yuan of public funds to reward anchors and squander enjoyment, 9.3 million yuan … …

Because the hole was too big, I was afraid that the company’s audit at the end of the year would find out that the accountant Wang tried to commit suicide in the hotel, regretted it and asked for help. Finally, Wang was sentenced to seven years.

▲ According to news reports, Wang, who earns more than 3,000 yuan a month, has recharged more than 7 million yuan on various live broadcast platforms. By constantly saving money, Wang, who is married, and Yu, a female anchor in Shanghai, have developed into a lover relationship, and each time Wang privately squanders tens of thousands of yuan to capture his heart.

▲ Later, he was pulled out, and Wang was in love with Yu Sizhen, the female anchor of Panda TV. After being scolded by Keyboard Man for a year, Yu Sitong responded in Weibo. The general content is that she called 120 to save Wang. She was deceived by Wang and didn’t know that Wang had a family. She was rewarded with more than 1.2 million yuan through the platform, and the platform was deducted by half, and the company was deducted by half. It was not so much in her hand. Influenced by the public opinion of this matter, Yu Sizhen later left the live broadcast world.

The news didn’t mention anything about Ti mo Feng from beginning to end, but the news video quoted a live video of a female anchor. Although the face was coded, the familiar audience recognized the female anchor as Ti mo Feng at a glance.

Plus media reports will bring the most traffic "Ti mo Feng". Many netizens simply don’t bother to read the content, and directly think that the female anchor who mentioned Wang’s private meeting in the news is Ti mo Feng. This is one of the reasons why Ti mo Feng was pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

As soon as the news came out, netizens quickly grasped the specific amount that Wang rewarded each anchor, and Ti mo Feng was 1.6 million.

In the face of public opinion, Ti mo Feng immediately expressed his position in the live broadcast room, and was willing to cooperate with the law enforcement unit to return all the rewards.

Before the reward was over, there were waves of news.

First, it was revealed that Ti mo Feng and Wang had been lovers. Netizens listed a large number of screenshots of chat, transfer, offline party photos and hotel dating photos, but this part of the news was unconfirmed from beginning to end.

▲ A back photo, I really can’t say who this is.

Second, it was revealed that the marriage was hidden. Netizens pointed out that Ti mo Feng married another betta anchor, Cookie Mad, in June 2015 and divorced in July 2017.

▲ photo of the anchor "biscuit maniac". Many information such as their marriage registration, divorce registration, and flights together were all exposed on the Internet. Ti mo Feng never responded to this matter. In view of the fact that she sent a lawyer’s letter to all the relevant reporters and communicators warning rumors and infringement, the pictures of the news were not put down.

Third, it was derailed in the marriage. The netizen posted an intimate photo of her and a man without providing any time and place explanation.

Three waves broke down, and things became more and more serious, interspersed with Ti mo Feng, Chen Yifa and other betta female anchors.

Ti mo Feng finally sat still and was interviewed by the media in public, but she only responded to the reward of public funds.

▲ In an interview, Ti mo Feng admitted that she had met Wang at an offline party once, and there was no relationship between men and women.

She once again expressed her willingness to return the reward amount, but the betta platform told her that because the reward amount involves complex processes such as platform, company drawing and tax deduction, this matter should be handled by the platform.

In the eyes of many people, Ti mo Feng didn’t do what she said, but also "acted and stood again", which became a point that she was criticized by countless people later.

▲ Under the pressure of public opinion, Ti mo Feng shed tears in the interview.

Ti mo Feng’s response can’t calm the public opinion, the image of purity and sweetness is greatly reduced, and the popularity of the road has also fallen to the bottom, and he also sucked a lot of Bosnia and Herzegovina powder. A large number of netizens criticized her for "returning money", "sleeping with her", "hidden marriage" and "plastic surgery".

This incident has also caused great heat in the social level, and many topics have been discussed around this incident, including "whether the reward of public funds is a sale or a gift, whether the anchor should refund the money", "whether the reward of public funds should be recovered", "how much’ dirty money’ there is in the live broadcast platform", "how to improve the system to prevent the reward of public funds" and so on.

At the peak of public opinion, a large number of netizens poured into the live broadcast room in Ti mo Feng, and the barrage was filled with cheers from fans and curses from all directions.

In the face of surging attacks, Ti mo Feng was quite calm. Such a strong psychological quality is also tempered.

"When I first made a live broadcast, I would cry on the spot when I was sprayed randomly. The biggest growth brought by the live broadcast was that I changed from blx to a steel woman warrior."

At that time, Ti mo Feng, who was already the best in the live broadcast industry, was perhaps most helpless because she could not put on a bad face like a star artist, or shut down comments, barrage and fans, because the anchor’s job was to accompany the audience.

▲ Third-party statistics of the 2018 Betta anchor paid income list. Ti mo Feng ranked seventh in the overall list with 24 million yuan, and the entertainment anchor was second. The traffic disk is still quite stable, but the personal topic has exceeded the liquidity.

Ti mo Feng realized that her stamina in fighting fish was weak, and she had always dreamed of being a singer, so she tried to go to the center of the stage, or she wanted to get rid of the label of "online celebrity" which was considered low by the public at that time.

The star and live online celebrity infiltrated each other.

DouYu’s career has enabled Ti mo Feng to accumulate a large number of loyal fans. From obscurity to top-notch online celebrity, their contribution is undoubtedly the first.

▲ Ti mo Feng’s "youthful beauty" with small face, cold white skin, big eyes and pouting lips is deeply loved by otaku.

▲ Ti mo Feng’s photo of Men’s Wear.

▲ In Ti mo Feng’s offline fan support activity, Yishui’s male powder called for her at the top of her lungs.

In 2019, Ti mo Feng gave up his old club to fight fish, refused Huya, and did not choose Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, which had already made a lot of noise, but signed a contract with bilibili. First, she thinks that artists in transition will need a bigger platform for music creation to absorb the flow of breaking circles. Second, it may be that bilibili’s sincerity of 50 million yuan moved her.

▲ The first live show in bilibili, Ti mo Feng. Rui Chen, CEO of Net Chuan bilibili, is also a mushroom (called by Ti mo Feng fans). He once parachuted into the live broadcast room of Ti mo Feng’s first show to give a crazy reward and give a full face.

By the standards of a show head anchor with tens of millions of fans on the whole network, Ti mo Feng’s performance in bilibili is average.

In bilibili, the ranking, income and popularity all showed a cliff-like decline.

▲ The monthly income has shrunk from 1.6 million to 300,000. After four years in bilibili, the number of fans has not broken 3 million. This number of fans is the highest in bilibili.

Bilibili data does not affect Ti mo Feng’s continuous running on the road of breaking circles, and variety shows, performances, singers and endorsements are in full bloom.

In terms of commercial value, Ti mo Feng is undoubtedly quite successful.

However, in the eyes of the public, it is always difficult to lose the identity of "online celebrity" without the blessing of works recognized by the mainstream and traditional authorities, but she has gone the farthest among the female anchors of cross-border artists.

Online celebrity wants to enter the mainstream, and the mainstream stars are rushing off the air. Today, Jerry is the most successful one, and his brilliance in the live broadcast industry may soon overshadow his acting career.

▲ He won the "Outstanding Individual" award at the Tik Tok E-commerce Author Summit for two consecutive years, which should be faster than his acting.

Jerry signed a contract with MCN Yuanwang Technology, which started live broadcast in August, 2021. This year’s Double Eleven single-game delivery exceeded 500 million, which directly set a new record for single-game sales in Tik Tok this year. We have also written about his story before.

▲ The operation team in Jerry has reached 1,000 people.

There were 11 live broadcasts of the whole Double Eleven, and the longest single broadcast was 13 hours, with a total GMV of 1.36 billion yuan, four times higher than last year’s 320 million. Most stars bring goods as "debut is the peak", and Jerry’s performance is getting better and better.

Jerry is now the undisputed number one star with goods. He has his own topic flow, a natural performance personality, and loves to talk. He has long known how to design routines and how to interact with the audience. Personally, he is the chosen son of live broadcast. Of course, it is also very important that he has worked hard and has enough pressure resistance.

▲ Jerry said that the live broadcast was not a ticket game, and he watched 30 live broadcasts of head anchors to do research.

▲ Talking with goods, professional introduction, hysterical selling, Jerry has all the qualities and behaviors that a head anchor should have.

There is a big data screen in the live broadcast room for data monitoring at any time.

When the data is found to fluctuate, we must do everything possible to attract and retain the audience to place an order, which is why every head anchor constantly announces lottery gifts and various tricks to catch horses in the live broadcast room.

▲ The CEO of Yaowang Technology (wearing white clothes and glasses) immediately communicated with the team when he found Jerry’s data problem at the scene, and must immediately prescribe the right medicine.

▲ The team immediately informed Jerry, who was thirsty to sell goods, that "the process should be faster".

▲ Even though we have achieved the goal of looking ahead first, the CEO is still not satisfied with Jerry’s data that day.

We must continue to make innovations in content. Team Jerry is now "making the live broadcast into a variety show, and doing the live broadcast with the configuration of variety show".

Jerry, who has worked hard in this field, was asked, "Are you worried that users will suddenly dislike you?" He replied, "Every day."

Have you noticed that many stars have recently dropped out of the live broadcast to bring goods? According to statistics, from the first year of star live broadcast in 2020, at least 500 artists will start live broadcast with goods.

Up to now, there is not much visible to the naked eye. Live broadcast with goods is the best track to make money. We have written about this scene before. Here, we can recall that the sentence "The star’s end is with goods" is still in my ears, so I will quit?

There must be different reasons, such as cherishing feathers, being unable to bear the pressure, unsustainable traffic, being afraid of rollover, exhaustion of physical strength, and chain loss in the supply chain. In short, it is not so easy to bring goods live, and not everyone who can play with the stars in the entertainment industry can serve this bowl of rice well. No matter how big the interest is, under the limited time and energy of the stars, it is obviously not their cost-effective choice to bring goods live with high investment and strong physical strength.

▲ Two female anchors, Tamia Liu and Li Xiang, who were the most successful in the live broadcast industry, have both retired.

▲ Li Xiang got involved in live broadcasting as early as 2019, and now she is accompanying her in the UK, saying that her elder sister has retired.

By the way, take a look at Wang Shiling, a famous second-generation story that we just wrote.

▲ Benenden School, Wang Shiling’s top boarding school for women in Britain, was established in 1923, located in Kent, southeast England. Princess Anne of the British royal family once attended this school. According to Li Xiang Tik Tok, the school also arranged the room where Princess Anne stayed for Wang Shiling (above).

Real gold needs fire, and the industry also knows that it is not possible to cut "leek" with a star sign now. For example, the MCN organization Yuanwang Technology has set a standard in the selection of star cooperation, and it is necessary to have love and be willing to invest, and it is also clearly mentioned that it is necessary to be resistant to pressure.

Four years is a cycle.

Less than four years have passed from the first year of star live broadcast to the first year of star live broadcast, which represents the real update speed of this industry. The live broadcast industry is an industry with a very high elimination rate and a very short life cycle.

People in the industry have said that the life cycle of most online celebrity is only half a year, or even only two or three months.

The ubiquitous anxiety permeates every one of their lives.

▲ Worry-Free Media’s cargo anchor "Bear Haunted" has gone from zero to over one million fans in one year. Last year, the GMV of Double Eleven reached 70 million. She was so anxious that "I took a break and others were broadcasting live, so I thought I was going to lose".

▲ The eye-catching slogan in the live broadcast room is beating everyone.

For anchors, their income depends entirely on fans, traffic and algorithms. Driven by platform algorithms, anchors can only be "at the mercy of others".

So,Big data is the root cause of the anchor’s increasingly serious mental anxiety. Like a perpetual motion machine, it can only continuously broadcast the live broadcast upside down day and night for a long time until the critical point of collapse. This is the origin of the AI ? ? era. It turns people into machines, but the key is that people, after all, are not machines. People are flesh and blood and cannot live at the critical point of life for a long time.

About this matter, Miss Huang described it in detail in her novel First Class:

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The work intensity of WeChat official account is about five or six times different from that of live broadcast, so live broadcast is a more exhausting job.

▲ Jerry’s agent said that according to Tik Tok’s algorithmic mechanism, only high-quality content will be pushed to more people, otherwise it will not be brushed at all.

▲ The "bear haunt" who started from an amateur said that he could only fight for the live broadcast time to get fans.

▲ CEO of Yaowang Technology said that the company’s head anchor "Yu Dagongzi" can be broadcasted from 10 am to 2 am the next day, which is 14 hours of impassioned, no food or drink.

In addition to long abnormal working hours, the most fatal problem of live broadcast is its own damage to people’s body and mind.Live broadcast is high-intensity emotional labor.(emontion labor, which was first proposed by American emotional sociologist Arlie Hochschild in 1983, is defined as "employees manage their emotions and perform according to the organization’s requirements for facial expressions or body language for reward"),The anchor is actually a worker who sells emotions..

The anchor needs great mental consumption to create consuming content, to catch people’s attention, to make viewers feel happy, relaxed, enjoyable, and even to manipulate others’ satisfaction, which requires great psychological energy and even reaches the psychological endurance limit of this fragile creature as a human being.

▲ There is a documentary "People’s Republic of Desire" which tells the story of online celebrity’s live broadcast on the show. One of the protagonists is Hua Dan Shen Man, the most popular YY live broadcast in that year. When she was exhausted for more than ten hours, she received a phone call from a local fan. She had no choice but to answer the phone. She had no right to refuse, which was the generous privilege enjoyed by local fans.

▲ "The anchor wants the audience in the live broadcast room to get a sense of existence and make him feel that the money he spent is worth it, so he should show him a show, which may have humiliating elements".

When the anchor enters the live broadcast platform, it has entered the cage of power, and the body no longer belongs to itself, but a commodity tempered, shaped and packaged by brokers and platforms.

Female anchors are "atomized" individuals, who are trapped in the ubiquitous network woven by platforms and trade unions. They are produced by internet technology in the form of assembly line, manipulated by the emotional rules of the platform, and become "smile masks" where their self is gradually eroded. Under the "smile masks", there are worn-out hearts.

-Digital Labor: Freedom and Prison

▲ On the first day of training for newcomers, the live broadcast company will constantly emphasize "maintain good fans and consumers, and then you will be like a god".

Whether we talk about labor alienation, exploitation, or the change of the system to people, I feel pain in the "field" most of the time, which is also the reaction brought by the strong emotional stimulation in this industry. I wrote about the influence of the intensity of emotion on people in my doctoral thesis. In the live broadcast of the show, you have to constantly create a plot, sell it badly, or show yourself to be particularly generous. You have to let people experience emotional intensity that they can’t experience in reality.

—— Wang Yilin, a Ph.D. student at the University of Hong Kong, specializes in live show. In 2019, she signed a live broadcast association and began to experience it personally.

The anchor should keep interacting with fans at any time, stay on standby for a long time, and have high emotional energy, which is actually very embarrassing, which is also the main cause of anxiety and stress. "In many cases, it can even lead to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), especially after suffering from language violence, security threats and privacy attacks."

▲ Interview with Dr. Wang Yilin from HKU.

Being wrapped in high-concentration emotions in a live broadcast, some anchors can no longer return to their daily work and life.

▲ "It seems that a big ship has gone out and you can’t pull it back".

▲ In addition to endless anxiety, there is loneliness behind glitz.

For the platform, it must constantly create new people to become popular to ensure the sustainability of platform traffic. Online celebrity, with its iron platform and flowing water, everyone is worried that they will be replaced next.

▲ Anchors under the age of 29 account for 64%, and the age limit for many live broadcast companies to recruit new anchors is 30 years old.

▲95.2% of the anchors earn less than 5,000 yuan a month, and the head anchors we can see are rare.

However, in today’s employment situation, the anchor profession seems to be the only blue ocean workplace that does not need to consider academic qualifications and background. As long as you are willing to work hard, be willing to work hard, and be willing to give yourself up, it seems that there is a chance. This is also the place where countless grassroots people seem to realize their dream of getting rich. Here, what we don’t lack most is people.

Young people grow up one after another, spilling their strength and sweat in the waves of traffic one after another. Ti mo Feng suffers from cancer, which may shock us. A online celebrity may die, which may make us sigh, but we will still be fascinated by the illusion paradise created by the Internet and the myth of flying life and getting rich that online celebrity shows us.

But in those places where the light can’t shine, there are still surging figures. The vast majority of the bottom anchors who want to be online celebrity are like dirt, and they are carried away by the tide. Even if someone pops up, they are swept away by the waves for three to five months, and they have never been seen since.

This is the truth of online celebrity’s career.

The illusory paradise of the digital world enshrined with human flesh and blood is only the beginning of the AI era, and no one knows where it will take us human beings &hellip; &hellip;

Recommended: Miss.L&H|| This winter, the cashmere "protective mirror" in this tweet is badly needed.

Above: Vanity Fair || Zhang Aijia’s only son is married, old money and hipsters gather together, and contacts span the entertainment circle of Taiwan and Hong Kong &hellip; &hellip;

Author: Yang Waiwai

Editor in charge:Miss H

Produced by: Miss Lan and Miss Huang

Original text, with pictures from the network.

"Live+"empowers the real economy, new formats and new scenes, and opens up new fields and "new tracks"

CCTV News:Live e-commerce is a new e-commerce retail model that has developed rapidly in recent years. It has the characteristics of strong interaction, high conversion rate, low access cost, and breakthrough in operating time and space constraints, providing consumers with a richer, more intuitive and vivid instant consumption experience. Relevant experts said that the healthy development of the live broadcast cargo industry, in addition to the industry’s own efforts, is also inseparable from the relevant market supervision.

Relevant data show that by the end of December 2022, there were 751 million webcast users in China. In the first half of 2023, the cumulative live broadcast sales of e-commerce platforms monitored by the Ministry of Commerce reached 1.27 trillion yuan, with about 110 million live broadcasts and over 2.7 million active anchors, which played an important role in promoting consumption, increasing employment and entrepreneurship, and promoting economic growth.

Wu Changhong, chief economist of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce:When the anchor is broadcast, it measures whether the goods are liked and recognized by consumers through consumers’ reaction to the anchor. Therefore, the anchor is actually a "touchstone" to understand consumers’ needs. Let enterprises know what consumers like, and also create some new and good products.

The proportion of live broadcast e-commerce in online shopping continues to rise, while the proportion of live broadcast with goods by anchors in online celebrity is declining, while the proportion of store broadcast with brand promotion is increasing. Diversified development enriches and prospers the ecology of live broadcast e-commerce and contributes to the long-term development of live broadcast e-commerce industry.

Qi Yunlan, Deputy Director of Research Office of Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center:Consumers’ behaviors, concepts and consumer groups are constantly iterative, and consumption behaviors and consumption patterns, behaviors and concepts are also constantly developing. Any kind of innovation or a new model must be produced because it has its own competitiveness or is more in line with the requirements of the new era, the new economic environment and the demands of new consumers, so that it can grow, prosper and develop rapidly.

Relevant experts said that at present, the most important thing is how to further standardize the live broadcast e-commerce market, put an end to false propaganda and exaggerated propaganda, protect consumers’ rights and interests, create an honest market environment, enhance the sustainable development ability of live broadcast e-commerce, and better promote consumption growth and expand employment and entrepreneurship.

Qi Yunlan, Deputy Director of Research Office of Market Economy Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center:The combination of state supervision, industry self-discipline and social supervision, I think, should enable any industry to move towards an increasingly standardized development path.

"Live+"empowers the real economy and stimulates new vitality of consumption

With the rise of live e-commerce in various industries, in recent years, the "talent" who creates content on the short video platform is very popular with consumers. Many industries, scenic spots, villages and other "content talent" have joined the live broadcast, and "live broadcast+traditional industries" have set off a new consumption format.

After graduating from Wu Mengting University, I began to work as a tour guide. At the beginning of this year, she began to try to combine the live broadcast with the tour guide’s explanation and broadcast the explanation in the scenic spot. In two months, the number of fans reached more than 4,000.

Anchor Wu Mengting:For you, it’s more efficient, and it won’t be so blind for the tourists who come. They have already got an understanding of (the destination) through my live broadcast room.

In a scenic spot in Shangrao, Jiangxi, the person in charge told the reporter that after the live broadcast was launched, some "private customization" needs were often received, and the business scope of the scenic spot continued to expand.

Wei Meng, Brand Director of Wangxian Valley Scenic Spot in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province:After a live broadcast, we can show a variety of product content and experience projects to the audience in a down-to-earth manner. The audience perceives trust in online interaction, which can’t be satisfied by other forms of advertising and promotion. Therefore, we see that more and more users are diverting from online live interaction to offline tourism consumption.

The interactive introduction of "live broadcast+tourism" in the live broadcast room can directly understand the demands of tourists, thus providing corresponding tourism services and promoting relevant information, and attracting consumers’ participation more directly.

Tourist Ms. Huang:Sometimes the introduction of the live broadcast room is intuitive and interactive, which saves a lot of time to do raiders. I would rather watch the local live broadcast when I travel.

Not only that, the live video broadcast has also been integrated into the development of rural economy.

The video is being filmed by the Gaoji family in Huanghualing Village, Wushan Street, Wangcheng District, Changsha, Hunan Province. The appearance of short videos has turned this authentic farmer who used to only farm and work into a well-known local live broadcast carrier. The wife is the chef, the mother is the chef, the younger sister is the side dish, and a few special dishes are fried on the spot. The family has a tacit understanding and a happy state, which also allows them to find their own position in the traffic of the Internet. In two years, Gao Jijia’s account released 216 videos and more than 400 live broadcasts, and the appearance of live broadcasts changed their family’s life.

Villagers’ Gaoji in Huanghualing Village, Wushan Street, Wangcheng District, Changsha, Hunan Province;My bigger dream is to drive the agricultural and sideline products (sales) of local small agricultural enterprises and drive these daily incomes of farmers.

With the successful case of Gaoji, the local government also encourages everyone to actively explore new formats and new scenarios under "live broadcast+"and cultivate a number of new accounts. The local government also actively strives for policies for everyone in terms of express logistics, goods with goods, etc., reducing logistics costs and achieving a double harvest of live broadcast and local economy.

Yong Jia, Director of the Network Information Office of Wangcheng District Committee, Changsha City, Hunan Province:Many ordinary people are both producers and sellers. Through the combination of these two businesses, the goal of getting rich for the masses, industrial development and rural revitalization is finally realized.

Nowadays, live broadcast and short video are vivid portrayal of "integration of numbers and reality". With the platform as a link, it pulls both ends of supply and demand and opens up a new "track" for the efficient circulation of industrial products and agricultural products. The data shows that in 2022, the direct or indirect employment opportunities driven by the live broadcast and short video industries exceeded 100 million.

Positioning young Nordic wind LYNK&CO two concept cars released

  [New Car Launch] LYNK&CO, a brand-new brand of Geely Group, officially released the Harmony. The new car is built on the CMA platform jointly developed by Geely and Geely, in which 01 will be officially mass-produced as the first model of LYNK&CO in 2017, and will be listed in China at the end of 2017. Meanwhile, the Lynk & Co brand will gradually enter the European and North American markets.

Home of the car

『LYNC&CO 01 concept car

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

『LYNK concept car

LYNK&CO 01 concept car

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  LYNK&CO 01 concept car is located in a model, which is built by Gothenburg styling center led by Peter Hobury, deputy director of Geely Group, and its overall style is very fashionable. The large mouth air intake grille gives people a very layered feeling. At the same time, the headlight group adopts split design, in which the light band shape is very individual, while the high beam and low beam groups are hidden on both sides of the grille, which makes the front face of the whole vehicle look more integrated.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  On the tail, the 01 concept car adopts L-shaped taillight design and LED light source, and presents a stereoscopic visual effect. The overall design is coordinated, the lines are full, and it doesn’t look stingy.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  In terms of interior, the new car adopts a 10-inch full LCD instrument panel with mechanical instrument combination design, and is equipped with interior atmosphere lights, a 10.1-inch touch screen, an electronic shift lever, etc. to increase the sense of technology. On the whole, the new car focuses on Nordic style, and the design is simple and fashionable.

Home of the car

  LYNK&CO brand official said that this concept car is "the product that best represents intelligent interconnection technology". Based on the open digital platform, it will cooperate with the world’s leading technology companies. Therefore, interconnection is also one of the main aspects of LYNK&CO brand in the future.

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with 1.5T three-cylinder and 2.0T four-cylinder matched with CMA platform in the future, as well as hybrid system and pure electric system. In terms of transmission, it will be matched with a brand-new 7-speed, and the new car will also be equipped with a four-wheel drive system.

LYNK concept car

Home of the car

  Compared with LYNK&CO 01 concept car, this concept car named LYNK has no mass production plan. It is just an attempt by the designer for LYNK&CO brand. The new car adopts a four-door coupe design and looks very dynamic as a whole. The front face of the new car still uses a large mouth grille design, while the headlight group uses a more simplified LED light source. Compared with LYNK&CO 01 concept car, the new car has more muscular lines.

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

  In terms of body, the new car adopts a four-door style that tilts upwards and looks very individual. In the tail shape, we can see the sense of movement of its design, and the taillight group adopts integrated light belt design, which gives people a very fashionable feeling.

LYNK&CO LYNK Concept Car 2017 Basic Model

  In terms of interior, the concept car is even more exaggerated. The steering wheel with more sporty shape is equipped with a full LCD instrument panel and a central control LCD screen, which gives people a more futuristic feeling. At the same time, the 2+2-type four-seat chair looks very design-oriented.

Introduction of CMA platform

Home of the car

  With regard to the platform, the 01 concept car is built on the CMA modular platform of Geely Group. The CMA platform is a brand-new intermediate car basic module structure led by Volvo Cars and jointly developed by Geely Cars and Volvo Cars. The platform has been developed in the European Research and Development Center (CEVT) of Geely Cars for more than three years, and can be adjusted according to the positioning and length of different models, covering small, compact and corresponding product layouts. In the future, a new generation of Volvo 40 series models will be born on this platform.

LYNK&CO brand introduction:

LYNK&CO 01 concept car 2017 basic model

  LYNK&CO brand is a brand-new brand created by Geely Group. Its positioning is between Geely brand and Volvo brand under the group, focusing on Nordic style, and it will become a competitor of overseas mainstream brands including and.

Home of the car

  LYNK&CO is a combination of two English words. LYNK means connection and interconnection, which represents the cooperative nature of the brand and the future development route of intelligent interconnection. It is expected to join the ranks of future mobile travel service providers. CO has no specific meaning, its meaning is to make the brand name more catchy, thus showing that the new brand is young and full of vitality.

  In the future, the brand will build matrix products based on CMA platform. The first production car will be a compact SUV, code-named C11, which will adopt the overall design language of 01 concept car. In the future, LYNK&CO brand will also enter the China market in the future, so as to compete with Volkswagen, Ford and other brands. (Text/car home Wuyuan)

  Read more:

  Promote smart interconnection? LYNK&CO’s latest trailer released

Can the sub-class economy achieve new opportunities from the beginning of the child, and then become a dating software?

Original Wang Yingli Kuaiwan Thinking

Tips: This article is about 3,620 words, and it takes 10 minutes to burn your brain. Wang Yingli, a journalist who plays chopsticks, sent it in Beijing.

Carpooling, maps, group buying, take-away, e-commerce, chatting, learning, games, music, reading, payment … Any new thing, if it can become the living habit of most people, will create a new platform opportunity.

Whether the catering and catering economy can become new platform opportunities depends on the flow, irreplaceable demand, capital operation and liquidity, etc. From the perspective of applet and App, the sub-category application did have corresponding platform construction earlier.

Previously, in the article "",some fans left a message that the economy will probably deteriorate in the end.

In fact, from the perspective of apps such as partners and rice friends, they have indeed become chat and dating software in the name of (rice) partners.

Chopsticks Playing Thinking (www.kwthink.cn) This article analyzes whether the (rice) partner can become a platform opportunity, but also needs to consider the practical problems. Why does the (rice) partner App deteriorate in the end?

Why do young people need partners?

Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, Weibo and other platforms have millions and tens of millions of traffic about the content and topics of the partner, and the highest even reaches tens of billions of broadcasts. Young people’s main demand for partners is diet, and rice partners are the most common combination. However, no matter whether they are qualified partners or normal modern people, anyone’s demand is not limited to eating, except diet, travel, script killing, swimming, fitness, reading, and even fishing at work, it can be said that everything can be built.

Don’t think that it’s just young people who are keen on taking partners. According to the 2023 Social Research Report on Taking Partners, the number one job is civil servants, as well as retired people and students at school. Taking partners is not only for young people, but also for office workers and silver-haired people.

Interestingly, the report data shows that women need partners more than men, and it can even be said that partners are dominated by women’s economy.

The author has previously gone deep into the rice partner group and experienced four facts:

1) Partners are not only single people, but also couples and married people have additional needs, such as attending multi-person dinners and script killings.

2) Partner is not only a hobby to push, but some people look for partners just for curiosity or to pass the time.

3), partners are not to make friends, some partners are to have no human burden when having fun, and in group chat, the habit of not adding is set for most partners. For example, some couples traveled by car together for seven days, and when they came back, they not only didn’t know each other’s names (communicated by their net names), but even didn’t add WeChat (had group chats), focusing on a chance meeting, but the origin was together and the fate was separated.

4) You don’t have to meet each other. It’s also a sub-category game to supervise each other’s fitness and eating in the group.

From a realistic point of view, the partners’ interests are very strange. Some of them ask each other for self-study, walk the dog, stay in a daze, Pinduoduo cut a knife, or a few introverted people go out to walk in the street together. Even many couples have half-price meals and second cups. The partners only talk about companionship and AA system, and don’t talk about feelings at all.

Judging from the Baidu index chart, contemporary people’s demand for activities is stronger than that for parties and socializing, and the index of parties and activities has been rising for a long time (just to play for fun, not to play for socializing). For the behavior of partners, it emphasizes activities, but it is also related to parties and socializing.

Hidden above the activities is the great boredom and loneliness of contemporary people. Interestingly, contemporary people have no time to be sad. They prefer happiness. How can they pursue happiness? It seems that making friends is a broad solution. From this point of view, it is not surprising that some subclassing apps will become dating software.

Judging from the deteriorated sub-category App, if it is put into the social field, it is not cost-effective. Obviously, it is a new demand, but it must be close to a broken Red Sea.

Dating apps can’t solve the needs of partners.

Most dating software is actually feminine logic. In the conventional communication relationship, there is only one payer, which is contrary to the logic of partner AA. In other words, if we return to the traditional logic of making friends, the partner relationship will not exist.

In the previous article about the partner, some fans pointed out that the landing of the partner is actually that the active payer stops playing and returns to please himself from pleasing others. Not only men, but also women don’t like the traditional relationship. The traditional relationship is that whoever initiates pays the bill. If it is a high-quality relationship, rushing to settle the bill at checkout will also make the sponsors feel indebted, while if they are fair-weather friends, it will hurt their wallets too much.

Based on the dissatisfaction with the traditional relationship, this is the friendship between children. Everyone doesn’t need to invest in feelings, just enjoy the activity itself, and AA is enough when checking out. Everyone doesn’t care about each other and doesn’t owe anyone.

In dating software, it becomes: I pursue you, you accompany me, and I pay for your company. Reality has also proved that this kind of communication relationship can’t actually solve the spiritual emptiness and loneliness of contemporary people. Contemporary people have turned from emotional bondage to short and ruthless trading needs, returning to the basics of activities, playing together, and then paying their own bills and returning to their homes for happiness.

The original intention of the partner is not only to solve the financial problem, but also to lift the human bond. In the survey, the partner’s needs include helping Pinduoduo cut a knife, and also collecting orders and doing tasks. However, for such needs, most acquaintances will feel that the other party does not respect themselves. If they are partners, there is no such psychological burden at all. The partners of migrant workers also carry the burden on each other, fish together, skip work together, etc. Acquaintances will only refuse and dissuade them, and only partners will accompany them and do not need to return.

From this point of view, the friendship between children and traditional friends is almost a completely different track. What is needed to build a sub-category App is anti-traditional social gameplay, and all social apps can’t keep the real children.

Why can’t I do a subclass App?

The partner has no feelings and does not rely on his face.

There is such a case. In a boarding group, a boarding friend asked for a photo of the boarding partner before going out for a drink, and was finally kicked out of the group by the group owner, because such people need a group of friends, not a boarding group.

On WeChat, Julang creatively developed the "nearby partner" applet, ranging from rice partner, travel partner, street vendor to movie partner. The applet is also divided into Beijing partner, Inner Mongolia partner and Guangdong partner by region, among which game partner, travel partner and dinner partner are the most common, and the reading of a single message is around 5,000-20,000, but it may be too scattered and other reasons.

Perhaps it is true that the traffic on the sub-platform is insufficient. Some apps that were also serious about making partners earlier have transformed to make friends. At this point, the fact is probably that they have given up the business of building sub-category apps.

Judging from the total annihilation of App applications and the desolation of small programs, the demand for partners may not really support a single platform.

The rise and fall of economic behavior actually depends on the change of economic value, and perhaps the fact is that it is difficult to realize the positive realization of the economy.

1) Demand satisfaction is complicated, and ruthlessness is universal.

The partner’s age span is relatively large. From the post-80s to the post-00s, some people are old and naughty, and some are young and mature, such as reading partners to form a reading club. The sources of such channels include Douban, Little Red Book, Weibo, Tik Tok and acquaintances. The needs of the partners are precise and ruthless. After investigation, many partners will immediately uninstall the Douban App after they find an organization in Douban, including the 50-year-old uncle who is looking for a fishing partner in Xiaohongshu. As long as he enters the fishing group, the uncle will change hands with Xiaohongshu. It is an unloading.

Young people will also find partners from digital apps such as Cool ‘an. It is normal that cool friends can’t find people for ten days after they pay attention. The friendship of the people in the new era is that everyone doesn’t invest their feelings in it, and their interests come online. Bye-bye.

2) The commercial dilemma that cannot be ignored

Tik Tok, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Douban, Kuan, WeChat and other platforms are all faintly visible. It is really difficult to make money from the partner.

Even if it is a group purchase, people used to buy coupons from platforms such as Tik Tok, Word of Mouth, Public Comment, Meituan, etc. In the past, partners found that there were almost no good things in the packages of merchants, which made their consumption tendency basically go to the store, which was beneficial to the entity business but not to the platform.

Some partners have also found that the prices of group purchase packages on many platforms are the same as the actual prices of stores, which also leads customers to get used to paying in stores. I don’t know if this is a cautious move or a helpless move (generally beneficial to businesses).

It seems that the traffic of the partner is just a formality. If the platform wants to make money on the partner, the past business model is almost completely ineffective.

To realize the value of partners, we must reconstruct our thinking.

Can a partner really fail to do a business? Or, can partners really not bring value to capital or brands? That’s not the case.

1), community reconstruction

Partners can be used by businesses, at least to empower the community.

In the past, the community was coupon thinking, and it was the logic of issuing coupons and asking customers to spend. With the passage of time, most of them have become dead groups. In some couples’ dry meals, the chatting energy of strangers is indeed the most abundant. By changing their thinking, bosses can join the partners’ community and spontaneously form a team to win customers for the brand, which requires neither discounts nor group purchases, and does not need to pay new drainage fees.

Bosses can also help partners launch activities and help partners recruit new partners. These are all ways to realize the flow of partners.

In the brand group, there was always the only brand in the past. For example, all the brands in the group talked about the same brand, which is also the reason why the brand group will eventually be silent. In the chopsticks thinking, bosses can initiate a partner alliance, such as multi-restaurants × swimming and fitness × camping brands × parent-child activities, etc., through multi-brand alliances, which is a way to revitalize traffic and can also form a brand consumption cluster.

2), functional reconstruction

It’s difficult to build a single platform, so it’s probably a good idea to embed the old platform to make the platform functional. For example, the four functions of comments are punching in, taking videos, sending photos and writing comments. In fact, a team function can be added to initiate the platform. When several people meet at the store for dinner, they can pay a deposit first and spend it at the store, which can not only bring new passengers to the store, but also facilitate the communication of the platform.

Compared with rebuilding the sub-platform, embedding the old platform and functionalizing it will be more efficient and practical.

In summary, it can be seen that the sub-category economy is not without economic value and flow play, but now most of them use traditional business models to deal with new play, and the failure of running-in naturally fails to see the value.

As for the partner economy, this article does not discuss and judge it too deeply. Partner is like a new business opportunity rising in Ran Ran, which is not only a new social problem, but also a new demand of social people. Only by paying attention to it can we gain benefits from it.

Original title: "Starting from a partner and then becoming a dating software, can the sub-category economy achieve new opportunities?" 》

Read the original text

The disputes are rising year by year. Why are online celebrity amusement projects so troublesome?

  Because of its sports, fun and fashion, in recent years, emerging amusement projects such as rock climbing, trampoline, bridge swinging, equestrian and bungee jumping are popular among young people and even children, but their safety risks cannot be ignored. On August 31st, in order to promote the health of the emerging amusement industry, Beijing Shunyi Court made a summary of the legal risks reflected in the disputes involving emerging amusement projects, and made suggestions to consumers, operators and relevant departments.

  Typical case

  Injury while playing trampoline was not treated in time.

  Be diagnosed with grade 10 disability

  A total of five people from Yan and his friends went to play in a trampoline park run by an ecological farm in Beijing. Before entering, Zou and others signed the "Notice of Exemption for Admission Safety".

  Yan said that it was his first time to play trampoline on the day of the incident. When he entered the venue, no staff told him which areas were advanced and which areas were primary. During the playing process, no staff gave him guidance. He was injured while doing somersault in the white area, and then he did not report his discomfort to the staff. The staff did not give him first aid or take corresponding medical measures. He did not go to the hospital in time because he did not expect to be so seriously injured at that time. Finally, the hospital diagnosed it as a burst fracture of thoracic vertebra 12 and a spinous process fracture of thoracic vertebra 11. After identification, Zou constituted a level 10 disability.

  In the end, the court found that Yan was responsible for 80%, and the operator was responsible for 20%, and compensated Yan for personal injury losses of more than 60,000 yuan.

  Coincidentally, when Ms. Xu, a citizen of Beijing, was playing on the Huangqiao Bridge in online celebrity, a water park in Shunyi, Beijing, many tourists accidentally fell into the water, and the pool was too shallow and lacked protective measures, which caused her calcaneal fracture, which was a grade 10 disability. Ms. Xu sued a company that managed it. On July 21 this year, Beijing Shunyi Court ordered a company to compensate Ms. Xu for medical expenses, nursing expenses, lost time and mental damages totaling 175,385.55 yuan.

  In this regard, Liu Hongyan, president of Niulanshan Court of Shunyi Court, said that most of the emerging amusement projects have evolved from professional sports and there are great security risks. Liu Hong Yan said that due to reasons such as low industry entry threshold, inadequate safety tips, and insufficient personnel and equipment protection, safety incidents caused by emerging amusement projects frequently occur, and such disputes are also on the rise year by year. In 2019 alone, Beijing courts accepted 67 such cases.

  "It is worth noting that the injuries of the injured in such cases are mostly serious, and the rate of identification as disability is large, which has caused heavy trauma to both the injured and the operators."

  Risk warning

  Emerging amusement projects have low barriers to entry.

  Lack of industry standards

  At present, places such as trampoline hall, rock climbing hall, partying hall and water park, which are engaged in new amusement projects, are not professional sports venues, and the state has no specific qualification requirements for their operators, and there are also no unified standards and requirements for their market access conditions, venue specifications, amusement facilities, staffing and management level. Operators only need to obtain industrial and commercial business licenses to operate.

  In addition, the key hardware facilities and safety equipment in the business premises, such as the location requirements, instructions for use, the number of people and the weight of climbing ropes, lack clear specifications and standards, and most of them are purchased or built by operators themselves, and there is no need to go through relevant inspections before they are put into operation.

  The rules of the game are unclear and the industry supervision is absent. Whether trampoline and other emerging sports have relatively uniform rules and action standards is not fully understood by the general public and players, and the relevant industry departments have not formulated and popularized the rules and precautions of this kind of amusement projects, especially for the players’ own physical requirements, the formulation of rules and the maintenance of game order.

  In addition, there is also a lack of corresponding supervision over the operators and business premises that operate the above amusement projects. Whether the first-aid drugs, first-aid personnel and measures in the business premises are fully prepared, and whether there are corresponding penalties for operators who have safety accidents, etc., there is still a lack of industry guidance and supervision for emerging amusement projects.

  Insufficient safety tips in business premises and abuse of exemption clauses. Before tourists enter the business site and prepare to play, most operators do not fulfill their full obligation to inform and prompt, so that players can fully understand the safety risks of the projects they want to play, and then make correct choices and decisions based on their own physical fitness.

  Uneven staffing and lack of safety guidance. Although emerging amusement projects belong to amusement projects, they are professional and dangerous. However, some operators are not equipped with professionals to save costs, so players can’t ask for help in time when they encounter problems.

  Consumers’ lack of risk awareness and violation of safety tips. Some consumers do not know enough about the risks that emerging amusement projects may bring, blindly pursue excitement, and imitate difficult movements without professional training and guidance. In addition, some consumers lack sufficient experience and skills to deal with emergencies, and often panic and mishandle them.

  The judge suggested

  Consumers carefully and rationally choose play items.

  Regulatory authorities improve industry norms

  In view of the above risks, Tu Lin, a judge of Niulanshan Court of Shunyi Court, made corresponding suggestions to the players, operators and relevant departments.

  Players improve their awareness of risk prevention and choose their play items carefully and rationally. Taking into account the existence of normal risk factors in sports activities, Article 1176 of the Civil Code promulgated this year stipulates that "the victim may not ask other participants to bear tort liability if they voluntarily participate in cultural and sports activities with certain risks and are damaged by the actions of other participants; However, unless other participants have intentional or gross negligence in the occurrence of damage. " Based on the risk-taking principle, the following suggestions are put forward for players:

  First, read the risk notice carefully and choose the play items carefully. The second is to follow the rules of the game and never challenge high-risk actions. The third is to seek medical advice in time after the injury and keep the evidence properly.

  The regulatory authorities improve industry norms and strictly supervise and manage.

  First, improve the industry norms and standards of emerging amusement projects, strengthen the qualification review of business entities and employees, formulate production and installation standards for equipment and facilities of high-risk amusement projects, and introduce basic game rules and prohibitions of corresponding amusement projects. The second is to strengthen the law enforcement supervision of industry operators. It is necessary to intensify the investigation and punishment of illegal acts, refine the safety operation standards, strengthen the implementation of standards, increase the administrative management and supervision of the implementation of safety responsibilities of operators, and improve the standard level of workplace safety management. The third is to improve the relief channels. Open telephone complaints, online complaints and other channels for the misconduct of operators, and punish them once they are verified.

  Text/reporter Song Xia