8 secrets of running without fatigue

8 tips for running no matter how far you are! Learn in 3 minutes, easily run for 10 kilometers, and the fat reduction effect is particularly good!
It’s not easy to make content, thank you for moving your hands, like+collection support! Let’s talk about it next!
Pre-run skills:
17 minutes full, and exercise 30 minutes after meals.
Don’t eat greasy and indigestible things before running! To avoid hypoglycemia, a cup of black coffee and two slices of whole wheat bread are good choices!
2 Warm-up skills before running
Remember to collect the 6 moves you must do before running, and the national team is also using them!
A. Walking around the thigh
B. Hold your legs while walking
C. Hip abduction during marching
D. Hold your head and touch your knees while moving.
E. Raise your legs during the journey
F. Kicking after moving.
3 Running shoes selection skills
Remember this formula! The choice of BMI<24 is lightweight cushioning running shoes; 24<=BMI<=28 Choose heavy running shoes; If BMI>28, don’t run, you need to lose weight before running!
I wore Anta Hydrogen Run 4.0 today and just finished 10 kilometers! Run very lightly! I want to recommend it to boys and girls with normal weight!
Running skills:
4 jogging for the first 2 kilometers (a better way to lose weight: Tolek running+maximum aerobic heart rate running)
Recommend two professional running methods, you can run more effectively and reduce fat better!
A. Tolek runs for 1 minute, runs fast, and jogs for 1 minute.
B. Maximum aerobic heart rate Keep your heart rate below 180- your age when running.
5 Breathing skills
Keep breathing in two steps and breathing in two steps when running, and you will find it easier and more carefree!
6-step frequency technique
Keep the pace frequency of the first runner between 170 and 180, and you will save more effort! A pair of lightweight running shoes will also help you improve your pace!
Post-run skills:
7 run and then walk for 2 minutes.
Don’t stop at once after running! Walking for 2 minutes is good for heart health and slow down the heart rate!
8 stretching skills after running
If you don’t stretch after running, your muscles will be stiff, your legs will be thick and your pain will come! These six must do stretching, remember to put them away!
A. Stretching the front thigh (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
B. Stretching the back of thigh (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
C. Stretching the front side of the calf (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
D. Stretching the back of calf (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
E. Hip stretching (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
F stretching iliopsoas muscle (20 seconds left and 20 seconds right)
Finally, three suggestions for beginners:
1 Don’t run every day! Otherwise, almost 100% will encounter pain.
Step by step: increase the running volume by 10% every week! Not 5 kilometers today, 10 kilometers tomorrow.
3 wear professional running shoes! Can better protect your ankles and knees.


Do you like running? What is the significance of our running?

Do you like running?


Last year, I loved running.

This year, before the Spring Festival, I saw a netizen edit it online.Strong wind blowingShort film, moved to tears.

I found the treasure., finished watching this cartoon.

it isWhere many people dream of starting.How many people fell in love with running because of this cartoon.

People who like running first will be as excited as fighting chicken blood when they come into contact with this cartoon, and all their blood will be ignited for the second time, and they really want to change their equipment and go out for running at once.

As long as there is love in our hearts, maybe we can feel the same feelings when we are moved like this.

At the beginning of the film, Keiseki rides a bike to catch up with Zangyuan and asks him with glowing eyes:Do you like running?

This is the beginning of moving this animation;

Also, the beginning of running romance;

What’s more, the place where dreams begin.

Every time I see the second time that Grey Er asks questions, the light from his eyes gives me goose bumps, which shocks my soul.


Those classic quotations that I was moved by "Strong Wind Blowing":

1. Do you like running?-Keiji Kiyoseki

2. Can only the selected people participate? Is running such a sport?-Keiji Kiyoseki

I have never really liked running before, just do what adults say …It was not until I couldn’t continue running that I really wanted to run for the first time.-Keiji Kiyoseki

4. This time, you must chase your dreams with your partners who really like running. -Keiji Kiyoseki

When I’m running, it’s the only time that I feel purified. Become pure and flawless, as if all those burdens on your shoulders can be forgotten. As long as there is a moment of happiness, then I am willing. —— Senior Nico

6. Stretch out your right foot, stretch out your left foot, and speed up a little bit. People who could only walk originally ran unconsciously. You can experience the touch of running again. -Keiji Kiyoseki

7. The biggest compliment to long-distance runners is "strong". -Keiji Kiyoseki

8. Being strong, not moving like a mountain, will not lose to your true strength. -Keiji Kiyoseki

9. Take turns to take the left and right feet, so that you can reach the finish line sooner or later. -Mr. Tanaka

10. As long as there is a road, I will run with all my strength. -Zangyuan left.

11. You should know best that you want to run, but you can’t beat the mood of a player. -Keiji Kiyoseki

12. Players don’t need to be treated gently, because they have a longing for victory. -the prince

13. I like running, I love this project deeply, and I want to throw all my attachment on this track. —— Senior Nico

14. Where should we go? Is there really an end in front of us? -Fujioka Yizhen

However, we still cannot stop. -Keiji Kiyoseki

15. The ideal appearance that I can never reach is you. I can see a straight path of light under your running feet, like a shooting star. -Keiji Kiyoseki

16. Where you are, it will always be your runway. -Mr. Tanaka

17. Strong winds are blowing head-on, running against the wind, firmly believing that the answer lies ahead.

Hope is in our hearts. Look, the road is under our feet, so we should run today and all the way to eternity. -Keiji Kiyoseki

18. Can you find a job after running? -brother ——King

I don’t know, but I feel uneasy when I stop. -Keiji Kiyoseki

19. For long-distance runners, what is most needed is "strength". -Keiji Kiyoseki

20. It is clear that there is no wind at this time, because it has caught up with your heart. -Keiji Kiyoseki

"Only the selected people can attend? Is running such a sport?……It was not until I couldn’t continue running that I really wanted to run for the first time. "

These two words of Kiyoseki give me a lot of thoughts, both dreamy and realistic. Some are fragmented, and perhaps some are flawless.

No matter how many times I watch it, I will still break the defense every time I watch it. I really can’t stand it. It’s because my tears are naturally too low ~

What is the significance of our running?

Since I started running in 2021, I actually can’t explain clearly why I like running and what it means to me.

I only know that running will always accompany me in the future, and it is the only sport that I can’t give up.

I like a lot of sports and fitness, but they are all add-ons, and running is the only one.

So why on earth is running so important to me?

In the past, among all the sports, running was the most boring sport I would choose.

During the running time, it is simply torture for me to mechanically repeat the same action with both legs.

But the most unexpected thing is that after the second run,I love running.

It seems that I have spied some meaning of running:Running seems to be my confrontation with myself and my destiny.

Running is just two legs repeatedly alternating, but it means a lot to me.


Running for the first timeIt’s really hard. I’m very discouraged that I can’t run down the standard runway for 400 meters in one lap.

It is difficult to continue running rhythmically as long as you stop once in the process, because the brain remembers the feeling of rest, and both the spirit and the body are resisting shouting and longing for the next rest.

This is my first running plan after I insisted on 50 bobby jumps every day for a week.

According to the novice running plan, my second run was two days later.

At this time, I began to look for resources online and learn how to run more scientifically, in order to adjust and encourage myself.


Second runAt that time, I said to myself: There must be no pause and rest in the middle. We must run down 800 meters in one breath, and we must finish it!

But when I ran on the plastic track, I realized again: running is really difficult.

I didn’t like running before. I thought running was an ascetic sport.

Now, it’s really hard to run 800 meters in one breath when I first came into contact with running.

How hard is it?

Every step you take is to give up.

Every step of the way is: let’s do it this time, and there will be another time:

It has improved a lot compared with last time;

Know how to be content;

You’re getting into a dead end again;

Want to eat a fat man again?

These lines, which were used by my family and me in the past, filled my ears. If I didn’t bite my teeth, I would give up every second.

"Come on next time." There is a voice in my heart telling myself that I am not firm, how can I stick to it?

Thinking of the agreement with myself before running, all the unwilling emotions have poured in over the years, and I almost broke the defense on the runway.


I have the best idol in the world.

At the moment when I wanted to give up most, I thought of my idol.

Why do you like him?

He is not a star idol, he is an athlete.

It was his strong spirit that touched me, so every time I think of him, my heart is very touched.

Later, I realized that the pursuit of idols is actually what I look forward to, and the powerful spiritual power I see in him is actually the projection of my heart.

He made me feel that as long as I worked as hard as he did, I might be able to achieve the life I wanted.

So when I think of him, my heart will be full of strength, which is a kind of unyielding and unyielding force!

Then I silently recited the name of my idol in my mind every step.

In this way, I finished running 800 meters in one breath.

Later, I found that I really fell in love with running from that time on.


The future can be firmly held in your own hands.

Running has become my irreplaceable and unique.

I remember all the mental journey of that run very clearly.

May be in the process of running, I had an emotional interaction and collision with the sport itself.

Therefore, I attached my spiritual strength to this sport, which made it so unique and unparalleled.

When I ran for the second time, the shock brought to me by running 800 meters in one breath has been deeply imprinted on my mind.

Unconsciously, I am no longer confused.

I became more confident and determined.

When I realize this, I can clearly foresee that this will bring great help to my future life.

Since then, every step taken by running for me is no longer a cyclic mechanical movement.

They are my uncompromising fate and my inner pride and dignity.

Running is no longer boring, lonely and meaningless, but sticking to yourself.

Running has no end for me, just like life has no end.

Running makes me think better and examine myself more clearly.

Running also makes me think.Some of your future can be firmly held in your own hands.

When running, lower your head and concentrate on the plastic track under your feet. It has no end, just like the road of life.

What you have to do in running is to take every step with all your strength and persist in taking the next step with all your life. From that moment on, the link at the other end of the runway is faith, and every step with all your strength is moving towards that faith.

Haruki Murakami said: I ran because I didn’t want to run.

More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said that sunshine, air, water and exercise are the sources of life and health.

There must be a place where I can run near where I live, and I will choose my address according to this.

Generally, I choose near the stadium, because the stadium has a standard plastic track.

I especially like running on the plastic track, especially the professional sports ground.

But I don’t agree with my preference in my heart. Running should be natural, and you should run whenever you want, without so many additional items.

Now, I’m sure I haven’t found the true meaning of running, but I’ve already fallen in love with running, so is that still important?

The only thing I can be sure of is that running and reading are very important to me in my life.

Where are the reserve talents of volleyball in China?

  Because of the existence of China Women’s Volleyball Team, China people have always maintained deep feelings for volleyball, and the talent training and sustainable development of China volleyball have also been highly concerned.

  However, in terms of the professional development of the project, China volleyball and the other two big ball projects &mdash; &mdash; There is still a big gap between football and basketball.

  Insiders pointed out that the sustainable development of volleyball in China can not be separated from the growth of campus volleyball, considering the characteristics of volleyball and the development experience of some developed countries. At present, more system construction and policy support are needed in this field.

  Shi Yongming, the former head coach of Beijing Women’s Volleyball Team, who has been engaged in school volleyball for a long time, brought out the men’s volleyball team of the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology, which was once famous in the domestic volleyball field.

  After 2018, Shi Yongming left the front line of the school volleyball team due to injury, but before that, Shi Yongming had been a middle school volleyball coach for more than 10 years.

  What makes Shi Yongming proud is that over the years, many professional volleyball players have come out from the men’s volleyball team of the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology, and almost all the players have passed the university as they wish, among which there are not a few students who have entered famous universities such as Tsinghua University and China Renmin University.

  Shi Yongming told reporters that children who play volleyball have a way out, which is the key factor to attract children to participate in volleyball and the school to support volleyball.

  "Volleyball itself is also a sport that tests the IQ of athletes," Shi Yongming said. Although the physical condition of volleyball players is very important, the IQ and education level of athletes can not be ignored.

  Shi Yongming recalled to reporters his experience of leading the men’s volleyball team of the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology to participate in a national competition &mdash; &mdash; At that time, the physical conditions of many teams participating in the competition were superior to those of the men’s volleyball team in the middle school attached to Beijing Institute of Technology, which made the children of the men’s volleyball team in the middle school attached to Beijing Institute of Technology afraid.

  Shi Yongming told them that volleyball can’t be played well just by the height of the players, and athletes with good physical conditions may not know volleyball better. In that competition, the men’s volleyball team attached to the Middle School of Beijing Institute of Technology finally broke into the top five. This unexpected achievement not only greatly enhanced the confidence of the players, but also made them understand volleyball better.

  Shi Yongming said that the achievements of some foreign teams have shown that volleyball is not only about athletes’ bodies, but the rise of Thai women’s volleyball team is a good example.

  Shi Yongming believes that whether volleyball players can use their brains to play ball is closely related to their education level, which makes him firmly believe that the future of volleyball in China lies in the campus.

  In fact, from the current training of volleyball reserve talents in China, it is also the wish of many young volleyball players to go to college with their volleyball expertise.

  Chen Wang, head coach of Beijing Youth Women’s Volleyball Team, recently told reporters that young women’s volleyball players are between the ages of 15 and 18, which is the age when they are ready to take the university entrance exam. Most parents of the players at this age have the hope that their children will take the university entrance exam.

  If parents think that continuing to take the volleyball road is not conducive to their children’s college entrance examination, then they will often let their children give up volleyball.

  Chen Wang said that the players of Beijing Young Women’s Volleyball Team mainly come from sports schools in various districts of Beijing, traditional volleyball schools in middle schools and selected from other places, but no matter which channel the players are transported from, their families will basically consider their children’s going to college.

  "So, on the one hand, from our Beijing Youth Team, the players are both training and learning, ensuring that the players are trained and studied for half a day; On the other hand, we are constantly conveying a message to the parents of the players: it is not contradictory for children to take the volleyball professional road and go to college. "

  "We have a lot of volleyball players who are college students, and the state has preferential policies for excellent athletes to attend universities without examination. It is completely a misunderstanding of parents that children can only choose between becoming professional volleyball players and going to college. "

  In addition, Chen Wang also hopes that parents can notice that sports also bring children the shaping of will quality, sense of honor, values and other aspects, which can provide hidden bonus points for children to better go to society in the future.

  Another place worthy of parents’ attention is that the sports industry is a sunrise industry in China. Keeping children’s sports expertise will help them to have wider career choices in the future.

  Students from Zhangye Middle School in Gansu Province are having a volleyball friendly match on the playground.

  In 1990s, the professionalization reform of volleyball in China started immediately after football and basketball, but today, there is still a significant gap between the professionalization development of volleyball in China and football and basketball. The relatively weak professionalism makes the future development of volleyball in China more prominent in the construction of school volleyball system.

  According to Li Shiguang, a physical education teacher and volleyball coach in high school affiliated to renmin university of china, the promotion of volleyball in primary and secondary schools is accelerating. For example, there was no volleyball in physical education class, but in the new curriculum standard, small volleyball will be taught in physical education class from the third grade, which can be said to be a "zero" breakthrough in the school teaching system.

  Li Shiguang said that small volleyball is not only different from adult volleyball in name, but also has corresponding standards in terms of venue, equipment, teaching and competition according to children’s age and physical and mental characteristics.

  It is expected that small volleyball will be launched in qualified schools in China as soon as the spring semester starts in 2023.

  Li Shiguang has been a school volleyball coach for more than 20 years. He believes that children are a blank sheet of paper, and they can be interested in any sport. As far as volleyball is concerned, what children need is the opportunity to contact, understand and learn volleyball.

  The most important thing for the development of volleyball is the increase of volleyball population. Only when the volleyball population is large can more volleyball athletes be selected.

  On the other hand, only with a large volleyball population can we better cultivate volleyball culture and let more people understand volleyball, not just watch it.

  According to the statistics of China Volleyball Association, in recent years, the scale of volleyball reserve talents in China is on the rise.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Youth Training Department of China Volleyball Association, China Volleyball Association has promoted the further development of youth volleyball in China by increasing the number of teams of young age groups in the National Games, canceling the entry barriers of national U-series volleyball events, transferring coaches from the top teams of national middle school students to the national team, and launching national small volleyball summer camps and championship activities.

  However, affected by the change of enrollment policy for sports specialty students, there are still many difficulties in establishing a one-stop training system for volleyball talents from primary school to middle school to university.

  Shi Yongming believes that the most important position for the long-term development of volleyball in China is on campus. The cultivation of volleyball competitive talents needs to pay equal attention to sports training and cultural education. At the same time, the most potential group to increase the volleyball population is students.

The women’s beach volleyball team meets strong enemies again and expects to hit a record high.

China team Wang Jie (right)/Tian Jia celebrates the victory Xinhua News Agency reporter Shadati photo.

  On August 21st, Beijing time, the bronze medal battle for the women’s beach volleyball in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will start first. China’s Xue Chen/Zhang Xi will meet Brazil’s renate and Tarita. Although they lost to China veteran Tian Jia/Wang Jie in the semi-final, they have already made history. Can they help China win the first Olympic sand volleyball medal? The Renata/Tarita combination is not without strength. Although Walsh/May, the former Olympic champion of the American combination, easily defeated them, after Julianne retired due to injury, they were already the top players in Brazil.

  Xue Chen/Zhang Xi ranked fourth in the world in 2008, which is also the highest ranking in these years. It can be said that this year is the best year for China women. Two China teenagers are typical high-profile teams. Zhang Xihe, who is 23 years old and 1.83 meters tall, and Xue Chen, who is 19 years old and 1.89 meters tall, have been fighting very hard in previous competitions. After winning the group competition without bloodshed, they met Blana/Youngs, the strongest rival from the United States, in the knockout stage. Xue and Zhang didn’t play well in the competition, but their opponents were high-scoring players with high mistakes at the same time. In the semi-final, they faced Tian Jia and Wang Jie, a senior teacher and sister. Xue Zhang and Zhang have played the spirit of daring to fight and dare to fight, and they can afford to let go. They are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, especially Zhang Xi. They are not soft in the face of the aggressive momentum of the teacher elder sister Wang Jie, and their offensive efficiency is super high. At the same time, they also scored many defensive points. And Xue Chen showed the rare composure of young players, and used his height advantage to tackle Wang Jie’s smash many times. If Tian Jia, a veteran of the three-time Olympic Games, didn’t finally play the role of anchoring the sea, it would be Xue Chen Zhang Xi who stood in the final tomorrow.

  Renate and Tarita from different backgrounds had a brief cooperation as early as 2002. At the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, Tarita and Jackie? Silva partnered and won their first Olympic gold medal in women’s beach volleyball. Coincidentally, with Jackie? Together with Silva, renate won the South American Beach Volleyball Championship. After a brief dissolution in 2003, the two reunited in 2005, when Tarita won the Best Newcomer Award in the FIVB World Volleyball Tour. When they reached the final in St. Petersburg, Russia on the sand volleyball tour, they broke the youngest record in the history of beach volleyball competition to participate in the final. And it was Xue Chen Zhang Xi who broke their record again. At the end of the 2005 season, they ranked sixth, and in 2006 and 2007, they ranked fifth. In 2008, Tarita won the title of Queen of Beach Volleyball in Brazil. She also partnered with renate to beat Olympic champion Walsh/May in the Queen Challenge of Beach Volleyball, and this year they ranked second in the world. In the group stage, the Brazilian team also won three big victories. When facing the Norwegian opponent of Tian Jia and Wang Jie’s team, the two talents participated in the deciding game for the first time. Of course, when facing the American team Walsh/Mei again, they lost their direction. In the face of the American team’s storm blocking, they lost their rhythm and could only accept the fate of losing 0-2.

  Although Brazil ranked second and Xue Chen/Zhang Xi ranked fourth, Zhang Xi once said, "In fact, our fourth place does not mean that only three teams can beat us, and our performance will fluctuate when we meet different types of players." Compared with Xue Zhang, the Brazilian team belongs to the double-short team, so in tomorrow’s game, storming and blocking are bound to be the scoring means we need to seize, while for the opponent’s light adjustment and saving, what China team needs to do is to make a good backcourt and stick to the position.

  The match between Xue Chen and Zhang Xi will start at 9:00 am on 21st, and the championship battle between Tian Jia and Wang Jie will start at 11: 00. Let’s wish them success and win glory for their motherland.

Editor: Zhang Toya

Collect it! Qilian’s five go on road trip routes contain beautiful scenery.

There is no place like Qilian Mountain in the world. It is unique and cannot be copied. 570 million years ago, the earth was magnificent and the mountains were full of tsunamis. I don’t know how long it lasted, but the sea gradually receded and the land rose. Gradually, on the land in the northwest of China, the boundless Qilian Mountain grassland was formed.
It has been rated as one of the six most beautiful grasslands in China by National Geographic Magazine, and it has been rated as "Qilian Mountain in Heaven" by the world. Here, Yuan Ye is green with "the sky is grey and wild, and the wind blows grass and cattle and sheep are low", and here, "the sky is like a vault and four fields are covered".
For many go on road trip lovers, the scenery is on the road, and the unknown is beauty, not to mention beautiful qinghai, calling at the far end of the road. Go on road trip lovers from all over the country will take advantage of vacations and holidays to go to Qilian to feel the "beautiful scenery hanging on the horizon", regardless of long distance or short distance, even if they rent a car or carpool. Today, Xiaobian will recommend five go on road trip routes for everyone to experience the beautiful scenery together.
Corridor 1: Grassland Ethnic Customs Corridor
Ebao Town-Arou Township-Babao Town
[theme]Tibetan culture is combined with grassland customs.
LineEntering from Jingyang Mountain, along the G227 and 5302 sections, it is the most beautiful Qilian grassland scenery section, which organically combines the humanistic landscape such as national culture and religious culture with the prairie scenery, fully displays Qilian culture and national characteristics, and forms the Qilian grassland national customs landscape.
[Route tourist attractions]Jingyang Lingyakou, Ebao Ancient Slope, Yuanyang Flower Sea, Song Dynasty Triangle City Site, Arou Folk Culture Tourism Resort, Arou Temple.
[Distance span]About 90 kilometers.
Corridor 2: Heihe Grand Canyon Scenic Corridor
Yeniugou Township, Second Section of the Northern Section of Heihe Grand Canyon
[theme]The scenery of Heihe Gorge and Danxia style.
LineAlong the core landscape section of E204 Heihe Grand Canyon, combined with the landscape resources such as vegetation landscape, Danxia style and village style along the Heihe River.
[Passing through tourist spots]Heihe Grand Canyon, Huangzangsi Reservoir, Kayo Cultural Sites in Zhamashi Township, Qilian Deer Farm, and Oil Gourd Nature Reserve.
[Distance]About 70 kilometers.
Corridor 3: Ecological Impression Corridor of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Yeniugou Township-Heiheyuan National Wetland Park
Natural ecological scenery.
Starting from Yeniugou Township, along the two sides of S204 are the most intuitive sections of plateau ecological landscape in Qilian County, including wildlife landscape, alpine meadow landscape, mountains and rivers landscape, snow mountain glacier landscape and so on. On the premise of ecological protection, combine natural ecological landscape with human landscape to create a characteristic ecological sightseeing corridor.
[Passing through tourist attractions]
Qilian Prairie, Heiheyuan Wetland Park and Sanheyuan Nature Reserve.
[Distance span]About 80 kilometers.
Corridor 4: Ami Dongsuo Snow Mountain Scenic Corridor
Ami Dongsuo Scenic Spot-Dadongshu Pass
[theme]Cultural and natural themes of sacred mountains in snowy areas.
LineAmidongsuo is the symbol of Qilian Mountain, with four seasons in one mountain, among which the snow scene is the most sacred. Relying on the majestic Amidongsuo and the lush ice ditch and forest landscape, a unique snow-capped mountain scenic corridor is formed.
[Passing through tourist attractions]Amidongsuo, Binggou Linhai, Dadongshu Pass.
[Distance span]About 37 kilometers.
Corridor 5: Moeller Grassland Nomadic Style Corridor
End point of Dadongshuyakou-—S302 Mole section
[theme]Nomadic customs theme.
LineMoeller Town is the only place on the great tour line around Qinghai Lake, and Moeller Town is the largest animal husbandry town in the county. The town has a large Mongolian population and a strong nomadic style. Form the most distinctive grassland nomadic customs corridor in southern Qilian, which is dominated by Mongolian national culture and grassland nomadic scenery.
[Passing through tourist attractions]Tianjing Holy Lake Scenic Area, Moeller Grassland Station, Datong River, etc.
[Distance span]About 80 kilometers.

Thinking about One Royal Court: Practical Significance after 30 years

Editor’s note: This is a nostalgic theater.

In 1992, the legal drama File of Justice, produced by Gary Tang and starring Bobby Au—Yeung, Chen Xiuwen, Tao Dayu, Su Yongkang, Liu Meijuan and Luo Yingjun, premiered on TVB.

Poster of No.1 Imperial Court

This classic Hong Kong drama of 30 years ago was only a unit drama at first, with a short length of 13 episodes of 45 minutes each. Through 13 cases, it tells the story of several Hong Kong lawyers arguing in court and making love songs outside the court.

When casting the first part of "No.1 Imperial Court", the current first-line actors were not used, and almost all the leading characters were second-line and third-line. The first part was chosen to be broadcast on Sunday, and after going out of the street, it got the best ratings ever at the same time, so the second part was shot at an extra price, and it was still broadcast on Sunday. When the response was good, it was changed to prime time.

Because of the good ratings, from 1992 to 1997, "No.1 Imperial Court" was filmed as many as five films. From the first 13 episodes to the last 45 episodes in the fifth film, Bobby Au—Yeung, Tao Dayu, and Lin Baoyi, Wu Qihua and other actors who joined in one after another have also become Hong Kong’s teacher-milk killers. Going out to buy clothes can cause Filipino maids with a whole glass window to watch and take pictures, and the limelight is the same.

What kind of charm does "No.1 Imperial Court" have and can it become a classic in the eyes of the audience?

In 2017, the series of "No.1 Imperial Court" was replayed, and a group of actors reunited.

"Cheap Four", a laundry list of jokes.

On the video website, the author saw that some netizens posted a barrage, which was called "the humble quartet", that is, the four male characters who have been appearing as the main characters in this series-Yu Zaichun (Bobby Au—Yeung), Jiang Chengyu (Tao Dayu), lawyer Zhou Zhihui (Su Yongkang) and Zhou Wenbin (Luo Yingjun).

The four old friends and ghosts can be regarded as the "barrage" of this drama. They can make people laugh all night with a gag about blowing water, and they have nothing to do with stepping on their brothers and standing up for something, especially the spiteful Aben Yu Zaichun and the naughty Michael Jiang Chengyu.

It is a man’s nature to like Ye Pu. Most of the scenes in the play are concentrated in courts, bars and living room sofas at home, and the scale of conversation is also large. We talk about cases, each other and women, and we step on every sentence. Therefore, the "humble quartet" is named.

Bobby Au—Yeung plays Yu Zaichun.

In the 1990s, as a fashion drama showing the life of the middle class, No.1 Imperial Court can be said to be the originator of legal themes in Hong Kong. Although the female role changes like a lantern, the male role on the main line is always these four people.

The night talk of the four people in the bar shows the middle-class thinking and lifestyle at that time. They are sometimes chic, sometimes in trouble, sometimes male chauvinism, and sometimes they go around pick up hot chicks. They like to label people and hang around, and they always believe that they are good men. In the current language, they are four older "ordinary men".

Miraculously, once they switch back to the court mode, they will be as serious as the Yellow River, for money, for justice and for women.

For example, Ben, who clearly discriminates against people who are different from his sexual orientation in private, once he goes to court, he speaks for his clients with a pair of righteous words, in exchange for Michael’s grunting and supercilious eyes.

One minute it’s annoying, and the other minute it’s exciting. If it weren’t for Bobby Au—Yeung, someone else might not be able to perform such a joke, and he would have been scolded for ten blocks.

Jiang Chengyu’s classic lines: It’s not evidence, it’s doubt.

Michael is a young gentleman in the eyes of everyone. It is a daily thing to assemble bows in the west. He is a flower in the mouth. His speech is humorous and affectionate, and he is eloquent among the flowers, but he wants to stay naked.

Unfortunately, Michael’s destiny is a woman, a good-looking and bad karma woman. For two consecutive films, Liang Wanjing played the twin sisters, causing a rash, and each ending was either the defendant or the victim. Without these ill-fated sisters, Michael’s happiness index would be at least five stars.

However, the love of challenging is also the most attractive thing about Michael. Unlike Ben, he is not eager to label people. When something big happens, he can analyze the pros and cons without prejudice. In the quartet, Ben seems to be in control, but the real core is Michael, who is the person in the relationship. His sister and mother are also the main characters in the first three films, and most of the stories revolve around the Jiang family.

Uncle Raymond is a typical gentleman’s style, and it is also a standard object that meets the requirements of most girls in real life. However, in his personality, there is always an awkward energy that needs to be released, which makes him often hesitate when he meets feelings and often falls into a love triangle.

Old cousin Sir is an outsider’s perspective. Although he has a good relationship with the other three people, his talk and thinking are too grounded, his personality is careless, he is honest and honest, and he has a passion for handling cases, but he acts impulsively and his love is also hot.

Individualized female roles are frequent.

If the "humble quartet" is regarded as the pistachio of this play and the motivation for the author to open the play at first, then the independent and personalized female hosts are the key to attracting the author to keep watching it.

Helen in court

Michael’s sister Helen is the author’s favorite female character in this play. She is cheerful, confident, joking and approachable; In court, you can also be calm, neither humble nor supercilious, and speak for the parties. Liu Meijuan brought Jiang Chengzhou, a barrister, to life.

Especially when my boyfriend Zhou Shaocong (Jiang Zhiguang) cheated on me and pulled out the bad reason of "You are strong and you deserve to be dumped", Helen’s response won my heart-

"Just because I can bear the blow doesn’t mean I have to face this kind of pain."

Helen’s breakup declaration

Compared with many women in early TVB career dramas, Helen’s treatment is more pleasing. Unfortunately, I don’t know whether it’s the plot setting or the big change of blood in Casper, so this role will go to America in the fourth film.

Also leaving the drama in the later period, there is the only prosecutor who can control Ben, Ding Rou (Chen Xiuwen). Michelle, like Helen, is a female character who can best represent middle-class intellectuals in No.1 Imperial Court. She is decisive in her work, has emotional problems in private, and will not drag her feet.

The relationship between Michelle and Ben is also a highlight of the play. Although it seems that Ben loves more, without his knowledge, Michelle went overseas for medical treatment in order to give each other a chance to have children. Unfortunately, Ben didn’t cherish it. The derailed forensic doctor Yin Zhijie (Deng Cuiwen) eventually led to the end of their marriage.

Ben and Michelle have been in love for several years, and once entered the marriage, but their feelings were finally defeated by a third party.

In addition to Helen and Michelle in the first three films, there are also many impressive female characters in the fourth and fifth films: barrister Cheng Ruohui and sister Cheng Ruoxi played by Jessica Hester Hsuan and Chen Zhijing, barrister Ou Ziqiang played by Chen Huishan, forensic doctor Yin Zhijie played by Deng Cuiwen and so on. It is a pity that "No.1 Imperial Court" paid less attention to the law itself in the later period, and their play mainly focused on emotional entanglements. Instead, they lost their first appearance and became auxiliary.

"How many people have seen adore you’s face when he was young?"

In these five series of dramas, in addition to the original cast mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are many familiar faces you didn’t expect, and some of them became top singers in the future, such as Sammi Cheng and Faye Wong. Some Xipi are sentimental because of drama, such as Chen Zhijing and Tan Yaowen; Others work silently and finally get the respect, like Li Yaoxiang, who has a guest appearance in almost every movie …

In my opinion, one of the greatest values of "No.1 Imperial Court" is to preserve the beautiful face of a group of Hong Kong stars when they were young. Those actors who became famous later, when they were a walk-on, were cute, which can be said to be a must for all fans in archaeology.

Part I: Sammi Cheng, Li Yaoxiang, Ku Kui Kei, Chen Jieyi;

Part II: Faye Wong, Lin Jiadong, Li Yaoxiang, Jiang Zhiguang and Liang Wanjing;

Part III: Lin Baoyi, Lin Jiadong, Li Yaoxiang, Zhangyan, Yuan Fengying and Tan Yaowen;

Part IV: Lin Baoyi, Jessica Hester Hsuan, Deng Cuiwen, Chen Zhijing, Li Yaoxiang, Ma Junwei and Ruco Chan;

Part V: Lin Baoyi, Jessica Hester Hsuan, Ada Choi, Wu Qihua, Chen Huishan and Gai Minghui.

Many people don’t know that Sammi Cheng, the diva of music, once appeared in "No.1 Imperial Court 1", playing Fang Jiaqi, a fledgling intern lawyer, and had emotional entanglements with the three male actors in the play. First, she secretly fell in love with Ben, and then she was caught between Michael and Raymond. Sammi Cheng also sang "Love Me", the ending song of "No.1 Imperial Court 1".

Fang Jiaqi, played by Sammi Cheng, appeared in the first film. Although the fourth part of this role also returned, it was replaced by another actor.

Faye Wong, who is also the diva of the music world, also played Tang Yuwen, a competent prosecutor and appreciated by her boss, in No.1 Imperial Court 2, and she and Kianna were regarded as Raymond’s predecessors. This is one of the few TV dramas in Faye Wong. Chen Shaoqi wrote lyrics, Yuan Weiren composed music and Faye Wong sang "Perseverance", which also became the ending song of the play.

Faye Wong also appeared in the second film.

In "No.1 Imperial Court 3", Zhangyan, a man and woman familiar to mainland audiences, appeared. In fact, many viewers don’t know that her road to entertainment began with TVB. At first, Zhangyan joined TVB through a beauty contest in Guangdong. From 1993 to 1995, she participated in many Hong Kong dramas, and she was the innocent little nurse who chased after Tao Dayu and Bobby Au—Yeung successively in No.1 Imperial Court 3.

Bobby Au—Yeung, Zhangyan.

Among them, Li Yaoxiang, who has appeared most frequently, is the one who relies on the rosy business series. He plays different roles in different parts of the series "No.1 Imperial Court": some fall in love with female stars, but dare not let her testify in court as a time witness, and finally can only secretly watch her marry another woman’s underground lover; There are helpless people who dare not openly admit their ex-boyfriends in Hong Kong, where the folk customs were conservative at that time; There are also autistic otaku who are introverted at first, but have the courage to break through themselves and return to school, and finally return to school, and still have a beautiful woman.

Wayne Lai

In 2017, when the series of "No.1 Imperial Court" was replayed, many original guest actors also took screenshots to punch in and missed the lush years.

Ku Kui Kei guest karaoke singer.

Ruco Chan plays the little fresh meat.

The previous case was short and pithy, and the later case was filled with blood and love.

No matter from the content, plot setting or lineup, No.1 Imperial Court 4 is a watershed.

In the first three films, how short and pithy the case is, after the opening song of each episode, a subtitle will appear as the introduction of the episode. In terms of the case, it can be solved within half an hour, and the thinking is clear and concise. Even if the emotional drama is put aside, it is very enjoyable to watch the court drama cut. Because of one case and one episode, the handling of the case itself is also simple, and it is not slow. Even if there is a aftertaste, it will be explained quickly at the end.

Title subtitle

In terms of subject matter, there are many cases about female victims, and examples of domestic violence and rape are not uncommon. From a husband raping his wife to a father raping his daughter and a brother raping his sister, even Madam Lin Xueyi, played by Lin Yiqi, can’t escape the script of being humiliated, and shows her story to persuade female victims to testify in court.

Lin Xueyi (Lin Yiqi) tells the victim Wang Xueyi (Yuan Fengying) the story that she was raped.

In addition to paying attention to individual female cases, No.1 Imperial Court also pays attention to the big environmental problems that rural women groups encounter gender discrimination.

In the countryside, women have no status. In the village, they are discriminated against by men, treated unfairly, unable to inherit property, and beaten by their husbands when they can’t give birth to sons … Without legal protection, most women can only submit to it, submit to humiliation or go astray.

The female victim told her story with her mother in court.

Who knows, I was interrupted before I finished. As soon as the camera zoomed out, the male villager sitting behind protested, "Women are like this."

The women’s strength shown in it and encouraging women to speak out about the difficulties they face, whether it is the setting of the plot or the expression of lines, are also of practical significance even after 30 years.

As the second part of the drama was broadcast in 1993, when the death penalty was officially abolished in Hong Kong, with the promotion of the drama series, the No.1 Imperial Court also showed sentencing in different periods and regions.

Lines about "the death penalty"

In 1995, "No.1 Imperial Court 4" changed from a unit drama to a series for the first time, and the cases faced by the protagonist were more complicated. Therefore, in the role setting of the play, in addition to the established lawyers and policemen, the forensic doctor played by Deng Cuiwen was added as the main character for the first time.

In "No.1 Imperial Court 5", the drama series was expanded to 45 episodes at once, and Sir Bin was transferred to the Major Crimes Unit and became the subordinate of Xu Weijie (Wu Qihua), a senior inspector. The cases involved in the drama were even bloodier, and the rape case was suddenly upgraded to a serial murder case and a field dismemberment case, and the shooting scale of the modus operandi was also larger.

In Part Four and Part Five, No.1 Imperial Court has a controversial villain: Fang Weihao played by Lin Baoyi. From the point of view of right and wrong, Kelvin should be hated, but no matter how many mistakes he has made, he always has a sincerity that does not match his IQ with the woman he loves. He treats Zhijie like this, and so does Yingying. Abuse to the extreme, the love of moths to the fire, really makes people hate it.

Ben, Michael and Kelvin.

Whether it is Ben, Michael or Kelvin, in the "Gary Tang Universe", most of the male characters they created have a lot of problems, but they always maintain a childlike heart. "I smoke and drink, but I am a good man." Even if it is bad, it will not be bad to the end.

And Xu Weijie, is a special case.

The role of Mr. Xu is the biggest reason why the author insists on finishing the fifth part. He worked as an undercover in the underworld for many years, and returned to the police force as a senior inspector after catching the prisoner. But his body, but not the kind of temperament that the public thought, but was performed by Wu Qihua as a kind of bookish, gentle and gentle, as if he could be calm in the face of anything except family.

He was abandoned by his biological mother since he was a child. Many years later, his biological mother came to see him. He was also kind and accepted his mother without any resentment. Especially when the two met again, his crying scene was delicate and slightly sad and regrettable, which made people feel distressed.

The crying scene of Wu Qihua’s reunion with his biological mother

Sir Xu’s kindness and righteousness to the young and dangerous brothers who saved themselves and killed others, though worth a thousand dollars, cannot be shaken by it. Black is black, white is white, and he has long recognized it.

One thing said, this brotherhood of Xu Sir is quite good.

Xu Weijie, arguably the most perfect of Wu Qihua’s many roles, can hardly find anything wrong. Unfortunately, such perfection will eventually be broken and make way for the protagonist. In the end, Sir Xu died tragically, and thomas lee, Ada Choi’s girlfriend, went far away, went for a walk and followed Ben again. Perhaps, some roles just hurt the audience.

Although the case has escalated, the emotional drama of the last two "No.1 Imperial Court" is also more obvious. I am afraid that two-thirds of the 45-episode drama is about love, and only one-third is still talking about the case, which really falls into the court drama and has less weight. If the romance is good, it’s just that. Unfortunately, the rhythm of the emotional drama is not good, especially at the end, several pairs of Xipi broke up inexplicably and got back together without warning. The degree of dog blood is really confusing.

Although the plot structure is not perfect, it is because of dog blood that the ratings of "No.1 Imperial Court" are still good after five films. In 1998, the second year after Hong Kong’s return to China, producer Gary Tang used several leading characters of No.1 Imperial Court 5 in medical drama’s A Wonderful Hand and a Kind Heart, such as Wu Qihua, Lin Baoyi, Ada Choi, Chen Huishan, Su Yongkang, Ma Junwei, Chen Zhijing, etc., and was able to make new achievements in the play. TVB also set sail in the era of big drama in workplace drama.

Poster of "Wonderful Hands and Kindness"

Bobby Au—Yeung and Lin Baoyi were also rare together as the awarding guests at the award ceremony of Wan Qian Xing Hui held in January this year. They mentioned the time when they filmed "No.1 Imperial Court" together, and cued Tao Dayu, who was not present, but became popular because of "Inverted Earth".

Lin Baoyi and Bobby Au—Yeung were honored guests.

After 30 years, many criminal investigation methods and interrogation techniques in No.1 Imperial Court seem too simple. If we use today’s forensic technology and big data information to reorganize those cases, it will probably save a lot of detours.

Just like today’s us, it is hard to believe that a person can not change his phone number for decades. The contact information of the people in the play, such as call machine, landline, telephone booth and mobile phone without caller ID, makes people miss many opportunities, which are emotional and emotional.

However, in that environment of that year, the details of the chain of evidence, which were run, checked and dug out a little bit, were simple but sincere. Reminiscent sincerity. Many cases in the play, whether it is criminal investigation itself or court drama, have left many classic models for later similar themes.

Love, too, the protagonists are on and off, going around, sad and hurting. What you get as easy as blowing off dust may not be cherished.

If one day, you overhear Dim Lights, What Will I Do, or That’s Why You Go Away, you might as well look back at the play and relive those people and things.

[Specially published by Shanghai Literature and Art Review Special Fund]

Xu Shaogang, the dean of the Central Academy of Social Sciences, once handled the petition problem of "making the secretary of the municipal party Committee climb the window to work"

According to the information of official website of the Central Institute of Socialism, Xu Shaogang, who was the director of the office of the Central Institute of Socialism before, has become a member of the party group and dean of the institute, ranking among the leaders of the institute.

Xu Shaogang, male, Han nationality, born in September 1971, Luoyang, Henan Province, joined the Party in April 1991, and joined the work in July 1991. He is a doctoral student majoring in Marxist philosophy at the Graduate School of the Central Party School.

He has served as the deputy director of the editorial department of Political Science Research in the Institute of Political Science of China Academy of Social Sciences, the deputy researcher of the comprehensive group of the research office of the Central Office, the deputy director-level cadre of the comprehensive group of the research office of the Central Office, the deputy inspector of the research office of the Central Office, and the deputy inspector of the supervision and inspection office of the Secretariat of the Central Office. In 2016, he was appointed as the standing Committee member and deputy mayor of Siping Municipal Committee of Jilin Province, and later served as the director of the office of the Central Institute of Socialism.

The Central Institute of Socialism is a United front political college led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), a joint party school of democratic parties and personages without party affiliation, the main front for United front personnel education and training, an important department to carry out the party’s United front work, and an important part of the party and state cadre education and training system.

It is worth mentioning that during his tenure in Siping, Xu Shaogang was reported by People’s Daily for dealing with the problem of "making the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor climb the window to go to work".

In 1980s and 1990s, Siping Scientific Research Institute was once the most productive institution and large taxpayer in the city, and it was "a good unit that many people tried to get in". Before the wage reform in 2001, the average monthly salary of scientific research institutes had reached more than 2,000 yuan, more than double that of government agencies. However, it is such a "fat as oil" scientific research unit. Due to the former "corrupt" successors of two presidents and a group of cadres, the solid financial resources were squandered in just 10 years, and the former "star enterprise" became a "rat nest" where corrupt elements swaggered through the city and bad style became popular.

Leadership corruption, family ruin, rampant unhealthy practices, and distracted people, the research institute finally fell into a situation of long-term suspension of production and shutdown, with a debt of more than 80 million yuan. By March 2016, the enterprise owed employees nearly 14 million yuan in social security fees and 700,000 yuan in medical insurance fees. The employees had not been paid for nine consecutive months, and even the funeral expenses could not be paid. Some employees can’t retire at retirement age because of social security debts …

The report mentioned that in order to "seek a way out", some employees began to petition. Ma Li, vice president of the Academy, told reporters that since 2010, petitions have been sporadic, and in 2012, large-scale group visits have appeared. On several occasions, even the municipal party committee and the municipal government were blocked for a long time. At that time, the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor could only jump in and out of the office on the first floor when going to work, and lunch was served with hanging baskets. By the beginning of 2016, petitioners had visited the city, the province and Beijing for nearly 400 times.

"We ran all over the relevant departments, but we were kicked around like a ball." Yu Fei, the head of the trade union of the Research Institute and the petition leader of that year, said, "In those days, we found the deputy mayor in charge, but said that another deputy mayor was in charge. When we found another deputy mayor, we said that we still had to find the deputy mayor in charge."

"This’ mess’ of the research institute must be solved!" At the beginning of 2016, the Siping Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government decided to hand over the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau to Xu Shaogang, who has just been appointed as the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor. Zhao Xiaojun, secretary of the municipal party Committee, said, "We consider that Comrade Shao Gang is a cadre on the job and has no intersection with Siping, so it is convenient to let go."

According to the report, Xu Shaogang plunged into the staff of the research institute. There are 132 employees in the research institute, except for more than 30 retired and temporary workers, more than 80 people have participated in petitions. In more than two months, Xu Shaogang interviewed 66 people face to face. He called all the petitioners’ phones, and then made appointments to talk in the office one after another. When there was not enough time during the day, he used holidays, and at the latest, he talked about it after 3 am. He said: "communist party cadres can’t be afraid to meet the masses!"

For many years, the visiting leaders in Siping City have always thought that people’s petition is to be fully staffed by public institutions, which is unreasonable at all, and there is no solution no matter how fierce it is. Through discussions and visits, Xu Shaogang found that the deep-seated reason is that corruption has wiped out the family of the enterprise, and the employees are angry in their hearts and can’t live any longer, so they stubbornly cling to the iron rice bowl. To solve the problems of scientific research institutes, we must first strictly manage the party in an all-round way, uncover the cover of corporate corruption cases and regain the trust of the masses!

The Siping Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection recorded a heavy blow against corruption, and immediately slammed into the corruption shady of the research institute: In May 2016, Dong Weidong, the former president who had been transferred for two years, was "double-regulated"; In August, Cheng Xiaomin, the former president, was placed on probation and dismissed from his post. All but one of the original teams of the Academy of Scientific Research were dismissed, and all middle-level cadres were dismissed. In September, the former director of the Science and Technology Bureau was transferred, and the head of the discipline inspection team stationed in the bureau was ordered to resign … "Double regulations" and transferred to the judiciary, four people were formally arrested, more than 10 people were dealt with by party discipline and discipline, and more than 10 million yuan of corruption and misappropriation funds were recovered.

Xu Shaogang said, "Strictly administering the Party in an all-round way is a systematic project. Combating corruption is only a’ stop loss’ and a’ break’. The key is to’ stand up’ and save the enterprise and let the employees live a better life again."

"It’s not easy to let a dead enterprise regain its vitality!" Cong Tienan, the head of the discipline inspection team of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the head of the working group stationed in the research institute, recalled awkwardly, "In September 2016, Wang Zhidong, the new director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and I went to the research institute for a meeting on the first day, and we were ousted by the masses without saying a few words. At that time, the relationship between the cadres and the masses in the research institute had broken down, and no matter what the cadres said, the employees did not believe it. "

"The first time I met Mayor Xu, we didn’t trust him either." Yu Fei, Zhang Shouzhong, Chang Wen, Bai Minghui, Hao Qingfeng and Gao Hongjie, the petitioners of the Academy of Sciences in those days, all mentioned Xu Shaogang when they talked about the change of mentality: "Other leaders saw the petition and tried their best to hide and push it. Mayor Xu was not afraid. He took the initiative to talk to us, and it lasted for hours. Later, the city arrested and exempted the corrupt elements, and we really believed in him and the municipal party Committee. This is the cadre of communist party! "

According to the report, in order to help the research institute plug the growing debt hole and solve the problem of shortage of development funds, Xu Shaogang tried every means to coordinate all aspects, adjust the original obviously unreasonable seizure and deduction according to the law, and re-apply for mortgage loans. In order to lift the seizure of enterprise assets, Xu Shaogang offered to take his private car as collateral for creditors.

"Don’t say it’s a temporary cadre, it’s a working cadre. Who is not afraid of falling into the trap of the Academy and jumping out? However, the mayor of Shaogang dared to take responsibility and was not afraid of hitting hard. In order to plan the way out for the enterprise, he worked overtime day and night. Once on Sunday, he removed gastrointestinal polyps in the morning and went to the office to work overtime in the afternoon. With such a leader, we still have something to say. " On the evening of the announcement of his appointment, Cong Tienan checked into the office of the Academy with his bedclothes on his back and vowed: "I will never leave until the problem is solved."

Editor-in-Chief: Qin Hong

Author: The Paper

Text Editor: Yang Rong

Source of the title map: the creativity of the worm

Photo editor: Xiang Jianying

The 2018 national examination was held today: more than 28,000 people were recruited and nearly 1.66 million people applied for it.

  BEIJING, Dec. 10 (Shang Qi) Today, the 2018 written examination for civil servants of central organs and their directly affiliated institutions will be held. More than 120 central authorities, their directly affiliated institutions and units managed with reference to the Civil Service Law participated in this national examination, and it is planned to recruit more than 28,000 people. In the end, 1,659,700 people passed the registration qualification examination, an increase of 173,400 compared with last year, and the ratio of the number of people who passed the qualification examination to the number of employment plans was 58: 1.

  It is planned to recruit more than 28,000 people and nearly 1.66 million people passed the registration review.

  At 9: 00 this morning, the 2018 written national examination will be held simultaneously in provincial capitals and individual large cities. More than 120 central authorities, their directly affiliated institutions and units managed according to the Civil Service Law participated in this national examination, and it is planned to recruit more than 28,000 people.

  According to the statistics of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, a total of 1,659,700 people finally passed the qualification examination of employers in the registration process, an increase of 173,400 compared with 1,486,300 last year, and the ratio of the number of qualified people to the number of employment plans was 58: 1.

  However, the number of people who pass the registration is not the number of people who finally take the exam, because in recent years, there has been a phenomenon of "abandoning the exam" in the national examination.

  Taking the 2017 national examination as an example, official data show that 1,486,300 people passed the qualification examination of the recruitment agency, 1,137,000 people paid for the written examination, and 984,000 people actually took the examination, with a reference rate of about 86.58%, which means that more than 500,000 candidates "abandoned the examination" last year.

  China News Agency issued Meng Delong photo

  What subjects should be tested in the written national examination?

  According to the previously published recruitment announcement, this morning at 9:00&mdash; At 11:00, there will be an administrative professional ability test, and at 14:00&mdash; At 17:00, the application exam will be held.

  In addition, in some positions, in addition to the public subject examination, the "2+X" examination mode is also implemented, that is, in addition to the administrative professional ability test and the application examination, candidates also need to take the professional subject examination or the foreign language proficiency test.

  According to the recruitment announcement, those who apply for eight non-common language positions such as Japanese and French in the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee and the Central Compilation Bureau will first take the foreign language proficiency test on the afternoon of December 9.

  In addition, those who apply for special professional positions in China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission and its dispatched institutions and people’s police positions in public security organs will take the professional subject examination on the afternoon of December 9, and their professional subject examination results will be announced together with the public subject examination results, and the comprehensive written test results will be synthesized according to the proportion of each.

  Strict examination discipline, multi-sectoral crackdown on cheating

  Every year, the national examination and examination discipline have been repeatedly emphasized by the government. On the eve of this national examination, the website of the National Civil Service Bureau issued a special reminder, expecting the majority of candidates who are interested in becoming civil servants to start from themselves and apply in good faith.

  Before the exam, the National Civil Service Bureau suggested that candidates should strictly abide by the exam discipline, take no prohibited items, do nothing against discipline, take no chances, engage in fraud, properly protect their exam papers and answer information, and resolutely resist any ugly illegal acts such as cheating by any group and using various means. Don’t spread or disseminate test questions after the exam, and don’t participate in irresponsible comments on the Internet.

  The National Civil Service Bureau also reminded candidates that on the day of the examination, the competent civil service department will closely monitor the examination room and the surrounding environment in conjunction with the public security organs and radio management departments to crack down on cheating in the examination.

  In addition, the National Civil Service Bureau hopes that the majority of candidates, especially those who enter the post-interview stage, will not give up their interview qualifications and admission qualifications at will, so as not to miss the opportunity to realize their career ideals and affect the rights and interests of other candidates and the normal recruitment needs of recruitment agencies.

  Check the results in the middle and late January next year

  According to the recruitment announcement issued before, the Central Organization Department, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Civil Service Bureau will study and determine the minimum qualified score line after the written examination of public subjects in the national examination today. There will be differences between the qualified scores of posts above the provincial level and those below the prefecture level.

  In addition, positions in the western region and hard and remote areas, grass-roots positions and special professional positions, etc., will be given policy inclination when drawing the minimum qualified score line.

  In the middle and late January of 2018, candidates can log on to the special website with their ID number and admission ticket number to inquire about the written test scores of public subjects, the minimum qualified scores and the list of interviewers.

  After the written test results are announced, the central civil servant department will determine the proportion of interviewers according to the Recruitment Guide, and the specific interview time will be determined by the recruitment agency, generally before the end of March 2018. (End)

The first snow in 2024 is coming, and these areas need to pay attention to prevention →

Today (13th) morning, fog with visibility less than 1km appeared in many parts of the country.The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue yellow fog warning.
From today to the 15th, a cold air will bring strong winds and cool weather to most parts of the north.. Affected by cold air, the haze weather in North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other places will gradually weaken and dissipate from the daytime on the 14th.

Affected by cold air

Since the 14th, haze in North China and other places has gradually dissipated.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be foggy weather in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places from the night of the 13th to the morning of the 14th, including parts of southern Hebei, northern and southwestern Shandong and eastern Henan.Strong fog with visibility less than 200 meters,There is a very strong fog with visibility less than 50 meters in the local area.
In addition, the coastal waters in the south of Shandong Peninsula, the coastal waters in the southeast of Jiangsu, the coastal waters in the east of Zhejiang and the waters near the Yangtze River estuary will haveFog with visibility less than 1 km.
From 13th to 15th, a cold air will affect most parts of northern China.There will be a temperature drop of 4 ~ 8℃ in the eastern part of northwest China and most areas north of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The temperature drop in some areas such as central Inner Mongolia and Huanghuai can reach 10 ~ 14℃, and in some areas it can exceed 14℃, accompanied by northerly winds of 4 ~ 6.
Affected by cold air, from the day of the 14 th, North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other placesHaze weather will gradually weaken and dissipate from north to south.
Meteorological department remindsThe public should pay attention to temperature changes, add clothes in time, and take measures to prevent wind and cold. At the same time, pay attention to the adverse effects of low visibility on traffic travel and pay attention to travel safety.The public in North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other places need to do a good job in respiratory protection and minimize outdoor sports.

From the 15th

China will usher in a large-scale rain and snow weather process.

In terms of precipitation, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that,From 15th, affected by cold and warm air, China will have a large-scale rain and snow weather process.
It is predicted that a large-scale rain and snow weather process will occur in the central and eastern regions of China from 15th to 18th, with the joint efforts of cold and warm air currents.Most of northwest China, western and southern North China are dominated by small to medium snow; There is rain in eastern Gansu, south-central Shaanxi, most of Henan, Shandong and other places, or the rain turns to medium snow, and there is heavy snow or blizzard in the local area.
The accumulated precipitation in the above areas is 1 ~ 5 mm, and the local area is 8 ~ 15 mm; The newly added snow depth is 1 ~ 3 cm, and the local area is more than 5 cm.
The snowfall from 15th to 16th was mainly located in Shaanxi, Shanxi, northern Henan and other places. On 17th, the snowfall was reduced.On the 18th, the snowfall expanded again., mainly located in the eastern part of northwest China to the northern part of Huanghuai.
From the day of 15th to the morning of 16th, in southwestern Shaanxi, western Henan, northwestern Hubei and other places.There may be freezing rain in the local area..
Meteorological department remindsSome areas in Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Hubei and other places are at risk of snowstorm, freezing rain and snow at low temperature.The public should pay attention to the adverse effects of low visibility, snow and ice on traffic caused by rain and snow, and pay attention to travel safety.
Source: China Weather Network of Central Meteorological Observatory.
Producer: Liang Bingqing Editor: Liu Wanru

Thai girls in China: Traditional culture and beautiful scenery are fascinating.

  Changchun, Nov. 26 (Reporter Lu Shengnan) "China is rich in cultural landscape and magnificent natural scenery, which should be shared more." Li Jiameng, a Thai girl majoring in tourism management at Jilin International Studies University, said that after coming to China, she fell in love with the culture and beautiful scenery here. In the future, she would like to see more of this country and introduce what she saw, heard and learned to her friends.

  “&lsquo; What are you doing &rsquo; It is the first China northeast dialect I learned, which I think is very fun. " Li Jiameng has a talent for languages. She passed the Chinese proficiency test in three years and successfully applied for a scholarship to study in China. At school, Li Jiameng registered a short video account to share her study and life experience in China. Beijing, Guangdong, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Yunnan &hellip; &hellip; Since 2023, Li Jiameng has been traveling all over China. She told reporters excitedly, "It’s the most unforgettable thing to take pictures in Hanfu in the Palace Museum."

  Photo courtesy of respondents

  Li Jiameng said that she is looking forward to tasting delicious food all over China. "Traveling not only enjoys the beautiful scenery of China, but also tastes the delicious food from all over the world." To this end, every time when designing a travel route, Li Jiameng is used to collecting more food information in advance, in addition to looking for a tour guide for local tourist attractions.

  The profound traditional culture of China fascinated Li Jiameng. She experienced the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival at school, making dumplings, eating moon cakes and making rabbit lanterns &hellip; &hellip; All this is novel to this Thai girl. "China’s traditional culture is thick, elegant and so charming. I hope to know more."

  In her spare time, Li Jiameng likes to walk out of school and take the subway or light rail to shuttle between cities. She admits that China’s public transportation is very developed, which is convenient and environmentally friendly. "During my travels in many cities, I was deeply impressed by the developed public transportation. The development of tourism is closely related to transportation. "

  Li Jiameng is taking the subway. Photo by Lu Shengnan

  Li Jiameng sings very well. Every time the school holds an activity, her singing is indispensable. She can almost sing melodious Chinese songs such as "You at the same table" and "Confession Balloon". Li Jiameng believes that singing Chinese songs is a way to learn Chinese better.

  Changchun, Jilin has four distinct seasons. In a blink of an eye, autumn passed, and the fluttering snowflakes announced the arrival of winter. This winter is Li Jiameng’s first "freezing" winter, so she prepared a lot of winter clothes in advance, many of which were bought by teachers and classmates.

  Li Jiameng said that she will not go back to Thailand this winter vacation, but will continue to stay in China to enjoy the winter fun. The snow season is coming soon, and Li Jiameng is very much looking forward to experiencing skiing. Li Jiameng said that she made a lot of strategies in advance, knowing that Jilin Province is located in the "golden latitude zone of ice and snow" and is rich in ice and snow resources. "I look forward to skiing and ice appreciation in this winter."

  This year, Thailand has launched a series of promotional activities to attract more China tourists to Thailand. Li Jiameng believes that Thailand and China are both countries with very developed tourism, and frequent tourist exchanges between the two countries are mutually beneficial and win-win.

  Li Jiameng is making rabbit lanterns. Photo by Lu Shengnan

  "After the opening of the Sino-Thai Railway, the communication will be smoother." Li Jiameng said that his goal is to become a tour guide, taking tourists from Thailand and China to fully experience different natural landscapes and historical cultures. (End)