Fashion trends: the latest and hottest fashion trends in 2023.

Hi, fashionistas! 2023 has arrived, are you eager to know what the latest and hottest fashion trends are? Don’t worry, we unveiled the 2023 fashion collection for you, making you a trend vane! Follow us to explore the excitement of this fashion world, so that your clothes are no longer ordinary!

1. ** The revival of exaggerated colors * *:

In 2023, bold and exaggerated colors will become the dominant color in the fashion world. Don’t immerse yourself in the world of black, white and gray, try some eye-catching colors, such as bright orange and bright blue like the sky, so that the whole street can become your personal runway!

2. ** Unique material combination * *:

The eclectic fashion trend people will carry out the material combination to the end. The wonderful combination of silk and leather and the dialogue between metal and wool make you feel layered. Challenge tradition and create your own fashion language.

3. ** Retro style rises again * *:

The classic elements of the 1980s and 1990s have returned again. Loose jeans, colorful plaid shirts and exaggerated shoulder designs break the boundaries between time and space, allowing you to show your personality in retro.

4. ** Luxury sports style * *:

The perfect combination of sports style and luxury elements makes you show elegance in lazy leisure. Sweater pants with high heels, sports coat with jewelry, let you easily control the streets and parties.

5. ** Digital Art Printing * *:

Unique printing inspired by digital art has become the new darling of fashion. Abstract geometric patterns and digital oil painting styles make your clothing a moving work of art, leading the trend.

6. ** The trend of customization * *:

Customization becomes the key word of fashion in 2023. Customize your own clothes and accessories, break the homogenization of everyone and show the unique charm of personality.

7. ** The rise of environmental fashion * *:

Environmental protection has become a new trend of fashion. The design concept of sustainable materials and recycling makes you not only walk on the cutting edge of fashion, but also do your part for the earth.

The fashion stage in 2023 is full of infinite possibilities. Stop following, but lead the trend. Fashion trend, let’s define the fashion attitude belonging to 2023 together and become the fashion pioneer of this era! Keep up with the trend, become a new fashion darling, and show your unique charm!

# Travel

If you dare to go to Thailand.

Chapter one: Uninvited guests and ancient temples. In a remote mountain area in northern Thailand, a young traveler, Allen, is sheltering from the rain in an ancient temple. There is a mysterious legend in this temple. It is said that there is a magical witchcraft here that can attract people’s souls to mysterious forces. On a rainy night, Allen became interested in this legend, and he decided to find out.

The abbot of the temple knew the mystery of this technique well, and he showed a strange and complicated ceremony, which surprised Allen deeply. Allen decided to spend the night in this temple, although his back was cold.

Explore more secrets chapter 2: the attraction of the soul. The abbot explained to Allen that this magical witchcraft needs a special plant called "Soul Grass" to be implemented. This plant has mysterious power, which can make people’s souls leave the body temporarily. Then the abbot took out a portrait of a human figure with Allen’s face on it. He told Allen that the portrait would be their "medium". The abbot began to recite ancient incantations in a low voice, holding a portrait and putting soul grass on it. Suddenly, the image of Allen in the portrait began to distort, as if attracted by a powerful force, and Allen’s soul seemed to come out of the painting.

Chapter Three: The Trap of Curse. The abbot put the portrait in a wooden box and told Allen that his soul was trapped in the portrait and could not escape. The way to lift this curse is to find someone who is willing to sacrifice himself instead of Allen.

Allen was terrified, and his body gradually became weak, as if a cold force was eroding his vitality. He didn’t know how to save himself, but realized blankly that he must find the person who can suffer for him as soon as possible, otherwise his soul will be trapped in this painting forever.

Chapter Four: Breaking the Curse. Allen’s heart is full of horror. He just wants to escape from this place. He can’t stand this kind of suffering any longer. He is helpless and needs to find a way out. He asked the abbot how to lift the head drop. The abbot gave him a glimmer of hope and told him that only by finding someone willing to suffer for him can the curse be lifted.

However, Allen knew nothing about this proposal, and he felt confused and desperate. At this time, he met a kind-hearted local villager. The villager told him an old legend: every year on Ghost Festival, there will be a mysterious ceremony, which can relieve the head drop. The key to this ceremony is to use a "body double" to attract the power of head-dropping, and then a monk recites the scriptures, permanently sealing this power in Chapter 5: the initiation of the ceremony.

Allen decided to try this legendary mysterious ceremony. Under the guidance of the villagers, he found the monk and started the ceremony with him with uneasy feelings. On the altar, the monks took out a portrait, in which the abbot was lifelike. They put the portrait on the altar and began to recite the scriptures. With the sound of scripture, the image of the abbot on the portrait began to distort, as if being attracted out of the frame. Then the monk put a burning brazier in front of the altar and instructed Allen to throw his hair and nails into the fire.

Chapter Six: The End of the Curse. When the last scripture was finished, the flame in the brazier suddenly went out, as if swallowed up by darkness. Allen, a monk, conveyed an important message. He pointed to Allen and said, "The head drop technique in your body has been completely resolved, and your strength has been restored." Hearing the good news, Allen was ecstatic, his body was full of new vitality, and his eyes filled with tears, thanking the monk. Then, he set foot on the road to leave this place that once scared him.

However, as Allen went further and further, the monk recited a mysterious scripture in a low voice, which was deep and shocking, as if to awaken an ancient and powerful force. He sincerely called: "this cursed soul, you have experienced countless hardships, and now your suffering is finally over." Mother-in-law is actually a princess in Quanzhou, China. Click to follow

How can China football rush out of Asia? These strategies are worth collecting.

# How can China Football Rush Out of Asia # China Football Rush Out of Asia, first of all, we need to examine our strengths and weaknesses, find out the fundamental problems that hinder development, and then formulate comprehensive and reasonable strategies.

Our advantages are: huge football population, strong football atmosphere and increasingly perfect football infrastructure. However, our disadvantages are equally obvious: low technical level, poor management and insufficient experience in international competitions.

To solve these problems, we put forward the following strategies:

Improve the technical level: improve the technical level of players through a large-scale youth training program. Learn from the experience of foreign excellent football schools, establish a number of high-level football schools and provide professional training and guidance.

Strengthen management: improve the management mechanism of clubs and national teams, introduce professional sports management talents, learn international advanced management experience, and make management more scientific and efficient.

Increase international competition experience: By participating in various international competitions, increase players’ competition experience and improve their psychological quality and coping ability. At the same time, it can also let the world know more about China football and increase our international influence.

Cultivate football culture: promote football culture in the whole society, so that more people can understand, love and participate in football. Through holding football matches, carrying out football training camps and other activities, we will cultivate more teenagers’ interest in football.

Do a good job in training young people: attach importance to the training of young people, provide professional coaches and facilities, and provide a good growth environment for young players. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the moral education of teenagers and cultivate players with excellent quality.

Attracting excellent foreign aid: On the premise of meeting the requirements, attract some excellent foreign aid to play in China, bring their experience and skills to China players, and promote the development of football in China.

Strengthen the contact with FIFA: By strengthening the contact and communication with FIFA, we can understand the development trend and dynamics of international football and learn the advanced international management experience and technology. At the same time, we can also use the platform of FIFA to promote China football and increase the international influence of China football.

Establish a scientific selection mechanism: establish a scientific selection mechanism to select young players with potential from all over the country and provide professional training and guidance. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversified development of players, attract players from different backgrounds to play in China, and enrich the cultural connotation of China football.

Establish a perfect professional league system: establish a perfect professional league system to improve the competitive level and appreciation of the league. Increase the publicity and marketing ability of the league, attract more audiences to pay attention to the league, play a "star effect" and let more people love football and participate in the sport, thus increasing the income and attention of the league and providing financial guarantee for the long-term development of the club and the national team.

Strengthen cooperation with the media: Promote football matches and related activities through the media, so that more people can understand and pay attention to China football, improve the popularity and influence of China football, and at the same time, use the power of the media to promote the importance of football culture and youth training, so that more people can understand and support the development of China football.

In short, China football needs the joint efforts and support of the whole society, from the government to the clubs, from coaches to players, from teenagers to professional leagues, in order to achieve this goal, we believe that as long as we make concerted efforts in Qi Xin, China football will certainly be able to rush out of Asia and go global!

The difference between "reading at night" exercise and not exercising is a whole life.


There is a question on the Internet:What are the benefits of sticking to exercise?Praise replied:Sleep well and seldom suffer from insomnia;In a good mood, feel great;Quick body and quick response;More importantly, when the whole company catches a cold, I don’t catch a cold …

In this life, the most important thing is to have a good body, a good mood and a good attitude.And these, sports can just give you.Exercise and no exercise, life is really different.

Seeing an old man on the news,Spend a lot of time exercising after retirement. In winter in the northeast, it can reach MINUS 20 degrees Celsius, and he never stops exercising.Persistence in one day and two days will bring little change;And more than 20 years of persistence, let him practice a strong figure, but also let his body be healthier than his peers..
The most intuitive change that exercise can bring to a person is getting healthier and healthier.Long-term lack of exercise, the function of tissues and organs decline, and various diseases are easy to follow. A person’s decadent life consumes not only his own time, but also his health.
It is said that a person’s body hides his life direction.People who can manage their physical condition and plan their lives can often manage their lives better. The world is secretly rewarding those who love sports.
In the adjustment of emotions, the role of exercise is beyond many people’s imagination.
A neuroscientist once told a personal experience.As a scientist, she spends a lot of time in the laboratory every day. The pressure of work made her ignore her physical demands. Over time, her weight soared and she was unhappy. Once she walked out of the laboratory, she even began to doubt herself and felt that she had accomplished nothing.
In order to change this situation as soon as possible, she began to participate in various sports courses in the gym.She tried free fighting, dancing, yoga and so on. I felt very hard at first, but after every exercise, her mood will get better and her body will be very comfortable.After a year of persistent exercise, her weight tends to be normal.She was also surprised to find that her memory and concentration were better than before when doing scientific research.
It is said that it is difficult to control emotions, and exercise gives us a way to release bad emotions.Imagine, let the sweat take away the gloomy mood, will the whole person’s state be more positive?
Exercise, alsoIt will enhance our confidence in facing the life around us and enable us to face difficulties with a more positive and optimistic attitude.
I have such a friend around me,When we met last year, he was depressed, complaining that life was boring and there was endless work at hand. Because of his bad mentality, it is a great pressure to put small things on him. He often can’t sleep well all night, and his spirit is low.
Seeing him again this year, he seems to be a different person, a lot more sunny than before.It was only after asking that he learned that during this more than a year, he followed the advice of people around him and began to exercise.Whenever he has time, he will go for a few laps in the park.At first, he was panting after running a few hundred meters, but with the increase of running times, he gradually realized the "pleasure of running" from the need to force himself to concentrate on sports. He said that when you devote yourself to sports, your worries are forgotten, and your whole state is getting better and better.
I have heard the saying that exercise can keep a person young. I think so. What kind of mentality a person treats life with, what kind of state life will give him back.It is said that exercise and non-exercise lead different lives.Every minute you invest in sports will affect your state and mentality, and will affect your quality of life and happiness index.
So, while the sun is shining, let’s move!Life never starts too late,Even the smallest change, multiplied by 365 days, will become the strength that others can’t envy.

Source:Reading at ten o’clock (ID: duhaoshu) | Author: Zhou Meihao | Anchor: Zhao Wenlong

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Mao Bu, Tao Zhe, Vae and other top musicians gathered! 2023 National Tide Music Carnival is deep …

As the end of 2023 approaches, the National Tide Music Carnival (Shenzhen Station) created by Shenzhen Chaoyin Entertainment, a local company in Longgang, Shenzhen, will be held grandly in Longgang Universiade Center on December 24, 2023 and January 1, 2024. The Music Carnival will invite musicians with peak strength such as Mao Bu, Tao Zhe and Vae to gather on the Chaoyin stage.

Music carnival

Performance lineup

Create a new warm winter moment in Tibet, and the two performances will shine simultaneously! Shenzhen Universiade Center Stadium, crossing the winter with two feet off the ground, dispels the cold with the joy of accelerated heartbeat. This time, at the national tide scene, a snowflake is played for the audience.

Activity Poster

It is reported that Chaoyin Entertainment has the first-line resources in the industry and a first-class production and operation team. The operation contents include various music scenes, star brokers, artist incubation, independent IP development, etc. It has been selected in Longgang District as a normal performance venue for indoor livehouse, and plans to hold nearly 100 events every year. In addition, it will be selected as a fixed venue for outdoor music festivals, which will bring a tidal feast to music lovers everywhere through indoor and outdoor linkage.

Since the beginning of this year, Longgang Cultural and Creative Investment Promotion Headquarters has successively introduced high-quality cultural enterprises such as the headquarters of Dafeng Bay District in Zhejiang Province, which has been deeply involved in large-scale performing arts activities, the construction and operation of cultural and sports tourism projects, and Chaoyin Entertainment, which is operated by the pan-entertainment industry chain, which will significantly enhance the business of business performances, cultural and artistic activities planning and other sectors in the region, and drive the upstream and downstream related enterprises in the industry chain to settle in Longgang. In the next step, we will continue to focus on digital creativity and modern fashion industry clusters, focus on creative design, film and television production, animation games, clothing, gold jewelry and other cultural industries, aim at the top 30 national cultural enterprises and leading enterprises, carry out in-depth investment promotion, targeted investment promotion and business investment promotion, speed up the signing of key reserve projects, promote the development of local culture, sports and entertainment industries, empower industrial development with music culture, stimulate new vitality and explore new formats.

Text, map | Cai Pengfei

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng School

Editor | Feng Xiaojing

Proofreading | Zhao Dandan

Academician Zhong Nanshan suggested: Keep exercising, you will be younger than your peers, and there are two things to do.

Everyone is familiar with Zhong Nanshan. This is an 85-year-old academician of China Academy of Engineering who fought in the front line of fighting against the epidemic twice. Although we didn’t see him personally, we can see through the lens that he is 85 years old, with a tall and straight figure and strong posture, which is not inferior to the young people next to him. Why?

In April this year, when Zhong Nanshan was giving online lectures to students in Nankai, Tianjin, there was a remark that surprised all the students, that is, now some of his students are lying in bed, and some have already used crutches, and the reason why he is still in good health is that he has never stopped exercising. At the time of teachingZhong Nanshan has always said that exercise plays a very important role in his health.

One: we must persist in sports.

When Zhong Nanshan was young, his physical quality could reach the level of a professional athlete. He believed that exercise should be an indispensable part of every day like sleeping. According to the Guangzhou Daily, Zhong Nanshan was compared when he was a child.Like competitive sports, for exampleBasketball or runningWait, he once created several sports records in school that no one has ever broken. For example, at a National Games a few decades ago, he once broke the national record of 400-meter hurdles.

It is because Zhong Nanshan, no matter how busy his life is, willTake time out to exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week.every timeThe time is about forty or fifty minutes.He said that a person who has been exercising for 30 to 40 years old may not see any effect for the time being, but when you reach middle age, that is, after 50 years old, you will try again, and the effect will be there. You will look younger than your peers, and if you wait until you are 70 to 80 years old, the effect will be even more obvious.

How to exercise?

He doesn’t have any special exercise mode, just simple and ordinary exercise, such asRun on the treadmill, support on the bar and do sit-ups.Exercise from the inside out, and take the whole family out when you have time.Swim. Nowadays, young people should exercise more, so they can give it a try.Basketball, badminton or running fast,Old people are a little relieved,Taiji, brisk walking or swimming.Everything is ok. It can be seen that Academician Zhong Nanshan did not pursue high-intensity sports.Just what suits you, especially the elderly.

Two: Have a good attitude.

Zhong Nanshan said that whether a person is really healthy,It depends not only on the body but also on the mind.. That is to say, bad emotions are harmful to people’s health. Scientists have found that each of us has about 3,000 cancer cells every day. Don’t panic. The immune system in our body will repair or eliminate cancer cells. Of course, their work cannot be separated from a good mood. If a person often has a dark cloud on his head,Have a bad mood.Then it will affect the work of the body’s immune system, and the ability of good cells in the body to restrict cancer cells will be restricted. Over time, there are more and more cancer cells in the body, and then, plus cancer cells are more cunning, they will be in the early stage.Lurking in the human body.If you don’t do the corresponding physical examination, it will be difficult to find out, so that’s why many people find that cancer is basically advanced, and then there is no cure, because it has beenMiss the best timeYes.

How to have a good attitude?

Zhong Nanshan said that the most important thing is to have a good attitude.Have a good pursuit.Many things can beLaugh it off, don’t worry about it.

If a person has no pursuit, he will pay attention to any irrelevant trivial things around him, and then any small things will affect your mood, causing your heart to become impetuous and anxious, especially the young people now, and the middle-aged and elderly people who have worked and retired and have nothing to do. If you have a goal, you will work hard to achieve it.The mentality is naturally good.

Three: Don’t eat too much.

Three years ago, at a food festival in Guangzhou, Zhong Nanshan generously exposed his breakfast recipe, the breakfast of Academician Zhong Nanshan.Not only many but also rich.. He believes that breakfast must be eaten and eaten seriously. There are staple foods, two kinds of protein and one or two kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. Yes.Enhance satiety, but also conducive to digestion.achieveGood breakfast, full lunch and little dinner.The principle of eating, breakfast is mainly based onFruits and vegetables and dairy products and beans.Mainly, mainly at noonFish, poultry and beansGive priority to, dinner is.Whole grains.

Not only Zhong Nanshan, but also Ge Junbo, an academician of China Academy of Sciences, said that eating breakfast well is good for the heart and can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If you don’t eat breakfast, it will lead to overweight, hyperlipidemia and other diseases.

To sum up, Zhong Nanshan, like us, is a mortal body. Why can people be the same as young people at the age of 85? Just look at these three things.Exercise more, have a good attitude and don’t eat too much.Don’t hurry up and do it?


1. "85-year-old Academician Zhong Nanshan advises you to keep exercising: my classmates are either on crutches or lying in bed now" 2022-04-11.

2. The 84-year-old young people in Zhong Nanshan who are in poor health benefit from decades of daily exercise-Guangming. com 2020-08-09.

3. Zhong Nanshan: That’s the Way to Eat Breakfast-Guangming. com 2021-07-16.

10 books to help you understand the power of women.

Member of the jury of this book list: Han Haoyue Yan Han Zhang Jiahong

Column host: Shen Jiequn

One hundred years, many people, many things

Recommended reason:

Yang Yi’s beauty, to a great extent, stems from her status as a resister. Although she didn’t mention the word "resistance" in the whole book, her dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction made her the first person with female consciousness in modern China. Yang Yi’s courage has been consolidated step by step because of her love of literature. According to the story in the book, it is the communication, reading and writing that runs through her life, which helps her to gradually establish her own "castle". Anyone who has read "One Hundred Years, Many People, Many Things" is all moved by Yang Yi’s self-satisfied and ordinary narrative posture and unpretentious writing style, and will also be infected by her pursuit of beauty and her courage to pay for it.

Salt town

Recommended reason:

Salt Town is a book about women, first a record of women’s life, and then a record of women’s survival. Compared with life, survival needs a high degree of generalization and precise refinement. Compared with the random recording, the record reflects the author’s concentration and the value of the first-hand information obtained from the interview. Their life is tired, bitter, and even tormented. There is physical suffering, but also spiritual suffering. Non-tenacious hidden ninjas can’t wade through the tortuous and dim river of years, and they bear the burden of humiliation. Some women suffer all their lives, and some women are "forced" to become strong in life. The author writes them all in the book, not to compare who is tall and who is low, who is good and who is bad, but to make the original ecological presentation as much as possible. Recording their joys, sorrows, loves, hates and enmities actually has the significance of engraving history.

They and them

Recommended reason:

This collection of women’s reports in People magazine tells the fate and soul of women in this era through 12 real women’s stories, from the countryside to the city, from the confusion to the old age. They encounter difficulties, they struggle hard, and remain naive after suffering. Their stories are eternal stories and also stories of human nature, from silence to sound, from strangeness to meeting, and from one person to another.

Opening: An Interview with Female Scholars

Recommended reason:

The Opening: An Interview with Female Scholars tries to break the gender stereotype and the gender barrier in academic circles. In the form of questions and answers, the book has conducted in-depth interviews with 11 scholars, retracing their respective ideological threads and taking stock of their dissatisfaction, confusion, ambitions and dreams around their learning process, gender identity and academic research keywords; Similarly, these life experiences are the pain and happiness shared by most modern women.

Golden branch (full version)

Recommended reason:

There is an ancient village on the bank of Yinghe River-Last Week Village. The dream and reality, roots and branches, origin and present of a family of five generations are vividly presented in this novel. The escape, stabbing pain, separation and integration between relatives of the Zhou family are moving. In the historical cycle of family elites gathering from the countryside to the city and returning from the city to the countryside, it truly shows the great differences and changes between the city and the countryside, and writes the joys and sorrows of life from estrangement to blending.

The writer tells the family story supported by several generations of "golden branches" with the eyes of women. Through the rebellion and contest between the two daughters in the city and the country, the work shows the persistence and struggle, struggle and struggle of family women under the traditional culture. Their unique resilience and strength have propped up the soul and rebirth of the homeland of the Central Plains.

A woman’s story

Recommended reason:

A Woman’s Story is a touching account of mother and daughter, youth and aging, dreams and reality by Nobel Prize winner Anne Elnor. After her mother died of Alzheimer’s disease, the author began a daunting journey back in time, trying to capture the real woman, the woman who existed independently of her daughter. She discusses the fragile and unshakable bond between mother and daughter, the alienated world that separates them, and the inescapable fact that we must lose the people we love. In this calm and powerful tribute, Elnor wants to strive for the greatest fairness for her mother: to portray her as herself.

Dear daughter

Recommended reason:

Gong Jiyeong, the author of The Melting Pot, told his daughter 27 life stories, each of which was based on a simple home-cooked dish. She exposed the scars of the past to her daughter without reservation, and was not afraid to face her sincere self. She told her daughter with personal experience that you can complain about your family and life, but it didn’t help. The important thing in life is to love yourself and strive to grow. This is not only a mother’s encouragement to her daughter, but also a growth gift for everyone. When I feel that my dream is far away and I have been frustrated repeatedly, I might as well open this book and gain the warm power to move on.

The light we carry

Recommended reason:

There may be no perfect solution to the challenges in life, but Michelle Obama believes that we can find some ways to help us point out the course of change and move forward steadily in the torrent. In the book, she talks about the problem that bothers many people: how to establish lasting and sincere interpersonal relationships? How can we draw strength from differences and seek common ground while reserving differences? When you feel self-doubt or helpless, what tools can you use to solve it? By telling her experiences as a mother, a daughter, a partner, a friend and the first lady of the United States, she shared her habits and principles formed when she successfully adapted to change and surmounted many obstacles, and was full of life wisdom.

"Nine Chapters of the Goddess of Luo"

Recommended reason:

This book is the research achievement of Professor Dai Yan for more than ten years. From the aspects of literature, art and history, it reconstructs the literary background and communication process of Cao Zhi’s writing "Ode to Luoshen", so as to break through the old-fashioned interpretation of the theory of "feeling Zhen" and "thinking of Jun", analyze the original meaning of Cao Zhi’s writing "Ode to Luoshen" and explore the literary vitality of "Ode to Luoshen" spanning thousands of years.

Ladies’ relay

Recommended reason:

The Lady Relay is a biography of women’s groups, with nine public female figures who have deeply influenced the feminist movement in the United States as the main body, and outlines the development process of feminist movement in the United States. These women have stories, thoughts and personalities, and have had a wide and in-depth impact on society and history. They founded schools, established organizations, made public speeches, wrote, promoted legislation, explored art, and rebelled against authority … Against the inherent shackles of women in their time, they made hit the floor voices in all fields, which was a model for women to pursue themselves and transform society, and changed the process of American history and civilization with their own actions.

Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

In the first three quarters, domestic tourism reached 3.67 billion person-times and realized income of 3.7 trillion yuan.

Wen Ziyu, website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

"In the first three quarters of this year, there were 342,000 commercial performances nationwide, with a box office income of 31.54 billion yuan and 111 million audience, up by 121.0%, 84.2% and 188.5% compared with the same period in 2019." "Actively promote the application for the Beijing Central Axis and the Spring Festival, and promote the inclusion of’ Pu ‘er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape’ in the World Heritage List, and the number of world heritage sites in China has increased to 57. Lu Yingchuan, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, introduced the situation of building a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism at a series of news conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities" held by the State Council.

The press conference introduced that since the beginning of this year, China’s tourism industry has accelerated its recovery. In the first three quarters, domestic tourism reached 3.67 billion person-times, and tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. In order to further release the potential of tourism consumption and promote the high-quality development of tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, on the one hand, optimizes the policy environment, combines the new situation of tourism development, and exerts efforts from both supply and demand to boost tourism investment confidence and consumption confidence. On the other hand, we should cultivate new consumption formats and modes, innovate and upgrade music festivals, concerts and other products, promote the healthy development of new formats such as script entertainment and tourism performing arts, and promote the integration of food, performances, sports, health care, Chinese medicine and other fields with tourism. In addition, we will promote the brand building of a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, national night cultural and tourism consumption gathering areas, build a good platform carrier, and increase the intensity of benefiting the people.

"Culture and tourism business environment and market order are related to the vital interests of the majority of business entities and consumers." According to the press conference, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism started with relaxing market access and actively innovating supervision methods to stimulate the vitality of the cultural and tourism markets and help the industry develop with high quality. We will fully implement the negative list system for market access and the review system for fair competition, delegate a number of administrative examination and approval items, and reasonably reduce the time limit for examination and approval. At the same time, explore the formulation of inclusive and prudent policies for new formats to boost market development confidence. For example, new formats such as scripted entertainment and e-sports hotels have been introduced with inclusive and prudent supervision policies, and regulatory methods suitable for the characteristics of the industry have been formulated, and a policy transition period has been set up to create an inclusive, stable and predictable policy environment, leaving enough room for the development of new formats. Adhere to administration according to law, formulate and revise a number of policies and regulations on commercial performances, cultural entertainment, online travel management, introduce regulations on credit management in the cultural and tourism markets, and constantly improve policies and regulations.

In the implementation of the national cultural digitalization strategy, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has continuously promoted the digital development and transformation of cultural relics, classics and various artistic works resources. For example, the Palace Museum keeps about 1.86 million pieces of cultural relics. It is understood that 900,000 pieces have been digitally collected, accounting for about 48%. At the same time, vigorously promote the application of digital technology and foster the development of new formats. For example, in the field of stage art, we should vigorously promote online and offline integration, performance and broadcasting at the same time, actively promote offline performances, vigorously promote the development of stage art in the direction of networking and digitalization, and create a "second theater." In addition, improving the digital service capability of cultural services includes promoting the construction of smart library system and public cultural cloud. Up to now, in addition to the national public cultural cloud, there are public cultural clouds in more than 200 places in China, with a total resource of more than 1530TB, which is conducive to reading and popularizing art for all.

Systematic protection of intangible cultural heritage is an important aspect of building a strong cultural country. Up to now, there are more than 100,000 non-legacy representative projects at all levels in China, including 1,557 national non-legacy representative projects, and more than 90,000 representative inheritors at all levels, including 3,062 national non-legacy representative inheritors. At the same time, a total of 43 projects are included in UNESCO’s non-legacy list and roster. Lu Yingchuan introduced that in order to protect and inherit the intangible heritage, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will continue to exert efforts in policies and regulations system, directory system, theoretical research system, talent team system, communication and promotion system, heritage experience facilities construction and digital protection in accordance with the requirements of systematic protection, so as to protect and inherit the intangible heritage in a down-to-earth manner.

Source: Website of State Supervision Commission of Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

The prediction of the fashion industry for the future turns out that the end of fashion is actually "scavenging", and beggars are on fire.

The fashion circle can always give people some unexpected surprises, especially in the show, all kinds of wonderful shapes are always emerging one after another, either clothes are worn upside down or garbage bags are worn on the body. The recent beggar fashion show has already caught fire in the fashion circle.

In the impression of many people, beggar style is a particularly casual, uninhibited and personalized dressing style, but this time the show is like a real "beggar" walking on the runway. I really don’t feel beautiful about such strange clothes. Maybe I have no aesthetic cells.

This reminds me of Brother Sharp 10 years ago. It turns out that he is the originator.

Most doctors won’t tell you some "cold knowledge" about female physiology, so you should pay attention to it yourself.

Nowadays, most women really know very little about their own physiological knowledge, and most women also take an evasive and obscure attitude towards some topics of women’s physiological knowledge, and are unwilling to say or mention them. In fact, this is not correct. For their own physiological knowledge, it is the best way to deal with them correctly and actively.

You should know these cold knowledge about female physiology, even if the doctor doesn’t say it.

The first cold knowledge is that, for women, not everyone’s menstrual cycle is 30 days. In fact, women’s menstrual cycle is normal within 21~35 days. Many women will think that their menstrual cycle is not 30 days, so they have irregular menstruation. This idea is actually wrong. Whether women have irregular menstruation requires asking a professional doctor, and then making a comprehensive diagnosis according to their medical history, other physical examinations and even their hormone levels. Therefore, for every woman, never dare to feel that her menstrual cycle is not thirty days, and she is the abnormal one.

The second cold knowledge is actually that for women, their private parts should never be washed casually with some lotion, and it is unnecessary to wash private parts, because women’s vagina has the function of self-cleaning, and the vulva can be washed properly, but the vulva should never be washed. Excessive cleaning will cause more bacteria in the vagina, leading to vaginal dysfunction and counterproductive effects. And even if you use some professional cleaning agents, you can’t use them indiscriminately. You must ask a professional before you can use them properly.

The third cold knowledge about women’s physiology is that for women, urinary tract infection must be treated as early as possible, otherwise it will easily endanger the uterus! For many years, women may think that diseases such as urinary tract infection are definitely easier for men. In fact, compared with men, women are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infection. Because women’s urinary tract is shorter than men’s urinary tract, it is easier to get caught, and the way to avoid it is to keep the vulva clean, of course, to clean it in moderation, not to hold back urine, and to drink more water in daily life, and to do a good job of cleaning before and after sex.

The fourth cold knowledge about women’s physiology is that every woman needs to start cervical screening at the age of 21. Why? According to experts’ research, the age of 21 is the age when women have sexual intercourse for the first time. When screening begins at this period, you can find the problem early, or you can find the problem early and treat it early. Another reason is that in the past screening data, it is very rare for women to get cervical cancer before the age of 21, so to sum up, doctors’ research shows that it is the most appropriate time for women to start cervical screening at the age of 21.

The fifth cold knowledge about women’s physiology is aimed at the disease of pelvic effusion that women are prone to, and it is best not to treat it indiscriminately. Because about pelvic effusion, it is divided into two types, one is physiological and the other is pathological. If it is physiological pelvic effusion, it will gradually disappear after ovulation or early pregnancy, but if it is pathological, it will not be easily eliminated by some drugs at this time, so it is necessary to go to a special doctor for diagnosis and consultation. Therefore, for this disease, every woman should have a snack, and never treat and take medicine by herself.

About these physiological cold knowledge, women must know fairly well, after all, their health is the most important thing for themselves! # Breeze Plan #