Strengthening ideals and beliefs is the primary task of developing political life within the party (studying and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee)




  (1) Ideals and beliefs are the spiritual pillar of communist party people. People always have a little spirit. The spirit of communist party people is "revolutionary ideals are higher than the sky". It is with the support of this spirit that our party has withstood the bloody revolutionary test of bullets, life and death, the arduous pioneering test of hurricane and rain, the test of reform and opening up, and has continuously moved from victory to new victory and developed into the world’s largest ruling party. Just as Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: "Why did we struggle out under very difficult circumstances in the past, and overcome numerous difficulties and dangers to win the revolution?"? It is because we have ideals, Marxist beliefs and communist beliefs. " Over the past 95 years, generations of communist party people have stood the test of blood and fire, life and death in their heroic struggle for national independence and people’s liberation, national prosperity and national rejuvenation. The key lies in their unswerving ideals and beliefs and their confidence in the bright future of a better society. "It doesn’t matter to behead, as long as the doctrine is true" and "The enemy can only chop off our heads and never shake our faith", all of which vividly show the steadfast and persistent spiritual pursuit of communist party people. Facts fully show that ideals and beliefs are the spiritual foundation and source of strength of communist party people. As long as you build a spiritual pillar with ideals and beliefs, you will not be afraid of any difficulties and challenges, and you will be able to overcome any difficulties and challenges.

  (二)理想信念是共产党人的政治灵魂。理想信念是政治觉悟、思想境界、道德情操的集中体现。有了坚定的理想信念,就能坚持正确政治方向,在胜利时和顺境中不骄傲不自满,在困难时和逆境中不消沉不动摇,经受住各种赞誉和诱惑考验,经受住各种风险和挑战考验,永葆共产党人政治本色。习近平总书记反复强调,共产党人如果没有理想信念,或者理想信念不坚定,精神上就会“缺钙”,就会得“软骨病”,就必然导致政治上变质、经济上贪婪、道德上堕落、生活上腐化。当前,绝大多数党员干部理想信念是坚定的、政治上是可靠的,但也有一些人理想信念模糊甚至动摇。有的认为“理想很丰满,现实很骨感”,谈理想太远、谈信念太虚;有的不信马列信鬼神,热衷于算命看相、烧香拜佛;有的对中国道路和制度缺乏自信,总觉得西方的月亮比较圆;等等。这些现象和问题,应当引起高度注意。从一些领导干部违纪违法案件可以看出,他们之所以步入歧途、走上不归路,最根本的是思想政治出了问题,是理想信念出了问题。事实警示我们,理想信念动摇是最危险的动摇,理想信念滑坡是最危险的滑坡。只有坚定理想信念,Only in this way can we solve the "master switch" problem of world outlook, outlook on life and values, constantly strengthen our political determination and protect the political soul of communist party people.

  (3) Ideals and beliefs are the ideological basis for maintaining the unity and unity of the Party. Ideals and beliefs are the spiritual banner of a political party’s unity and forge ahead, which determines the cohesion and centripetal force of a political party. Over the past 95 years, despite all kinds of setbacks and hardships, our party has always been United as one, unswerving and rock-solid, leading the people of all ethnic groups in the country to March forward bravely together, relying on the cohesion and inspiration of ideals and beliefs. At present, our party has more than 88 million party member and more than 4.4 million party organizations. Great changes have taken place in the party, and the situation and tasks it faces have changed greatly. How to unite and unite such a large party organization, form a common will, and maintain unity of action and keep pace? The most fundamental thing is to build up ideals and beliefs. The tortuous course of world socialist practice shows that once Marxist political parties give up their Marxist beliefs, socialist beliefs and communist beliefs, they will fall apart. The disintegration of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the CPSU are very important because the ideals and beliefs have been shaken, the ideological defense line has fallen, and the lessons have been extremely profound. Facts tell us that the decline of a political party often begins with the loss or absence of ideals and beliefs. Only by always holding high the banner of ideals and beliefs can we consolidate the ideological foundation of unity and ensure that the party is stronger and more prosperous.

  Second, firm ideals and beliefs must be based on a profound grasp of Marxism.

  Ideological and theoretical firmness is the premise of political firmness. Our party is a Marxist political party that is nurtured and nurtured with advanced ideas and armed with scientific theories. Party member and cadres, especially senior cadres, must take Marxist theory as a compulsory course, constantly improve their ideological awareness and theoretical level of Marxism, build a solid foundation of faith, supplement the calcium of spirit, and keep the rudder of thought steady.

  (1) Unswervingly adhere to the guiding ideology of Marxism. Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for building the Party and the country, and it is also the core and soul of communist party people’s ideals and beliefs. When we say that we are firm in faith and loyal to the Party, we should first look at whether we unswervingly adhere to the guiding ideology of Marxism. If you deviate from or give up Marxism, you will lose your soul and lose your direction, and you will be alienated from the party, which is actually a betrayal of the party’s thoughts. On the fundamental issue of adhering to the unification of Marxist guiding ideology, we must be firm, and we must not engage in diversification of guiding ideology at any time and under any circumstances. To adhere to Marxism, the key is to make sure that our ancestors can’t lose sight of it, but also speak new words, so as to continuously develop Marxism in combination with the reality in China. Persistence is the foundation of development, and development is the best persistence. It is very harmful to treat Marxism with a skeptical and negative attitude, or with a pragmatic and dogmatic attitude. Over the past 95 years, the reason why our Party has been able to accomplish the arduous tasks that all kinds of political forces can’t accomplish in modern times, and to lead and promote China’s revolution, construction and reform to win great victories continuously lies in always taking Marxism as its own action guide, and persisting in constantly enriching and developing Marxism in practice. In the future journey, no matter what kind of setbacks and interference we encounter, we must firmly adhere to Marxism as the backbone.



  (4) Seriously study the party rules of party constitution. Party constitution is the general charter of governing the party, which embodies the basic theory and political proposition of the party, the collective will and the principle requirements of the party, and is the fundamental code of conduct that the whole party must abide by. Party rules are the extension and concretization of party constitution, and the concrete follow-up to regulate party member’s behavior. Ideals and beliefs are not abstract, but concrete, which is embodied in the specific provisions of party constitution’s party rules. To strengthen the cultivation of party spirit and strengthen ideals and beliefs, the most basic requirement is to learn the party rules and regulations of party constitution. At present, some cadres in party member have such problems as cheating, escaping and leaking. One of the important reasons is that they don’t learn party constitution’s party rules, forget party constitution’s party rules and don’t take party constitution’s party rules as a discipline. It can be said that whether we can seriously study and strictly abide by party constitution’s party rules is an important test of party member cadres’ party spirit and party loyalty, and also an important test of party member cadres’ ideals and beliefs. We should firmly establish party constitution’s awareness of party rules, regard party constitution’s party rules as the basic standard for strengthening party spirit cultivation and strengthening ideals and beliefs, consciously study party constitution’s party rules, strictly implement party constitution’s party rules, resolutely safeguard party constitution’s party rules, and truly internalize them in the heart and externalize them in the line.

  Third, strive for the realization of ideals on the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  To achieve lofty ideals and goals, we must have a firm and pragmatic trip. We should always maintain the spirit of struggle of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people when the Party was founded, hold lofty ideals, grasp realistic goals, unswervingly adhere to and develop Socialism with Chinese characteristics, and constantly push forward the great practice of fighting for lofty ideals.

  (a) adhere to the practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s common ideal and firm communist lofty ideal. Realizing communism is the highest ideal of communist party people. Communism can only be realized on the basis of fully developed and highly developed socialist society, which will be a very long historical process. Building Socialism with Chinese characteristics is an inevitable stage to realize communism, and Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s common ideal is the concrete embodiment of the highest ideal of communism at this stage. Therefore, Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the unity of the Party’s highest program and basic program, and the realization of the common ideal is essentially the same as the realization of the highest ideal. If you forget the highest ideal and only care about the present, you will lose your way and become utilitarian and pragmatic; Leaving the realistic goal and talking about the highest ideal will be divorced from reality and become utopianism. For communist party people, we can’t shout the slogan of communism every day and do things like "running into communism", and we can’t live without the beacon of communism. We should correctly understand the relationship between Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s common ideal and the lofty ideal of communism, base ourselves on the basic national condition that China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will be in it for a long time, and make unremitting efforts to realize the Party’s basic program at this stage.

  (二)坚定中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信。理想因其远大而为理想,信念因其执着而为信念。习近平总书记强调,“当今世界,要说哪个政党、哪个国家、哪个民族能够自信的话,那中国共产党、中华人民共和国、中华民族是最有理由自信的。”为什么这样说?就是因为我们成功开创和发展了中国特色社会主义道路、理论和制度,继承和发展了灿烂辉煌的中华文化,使中国人民富起来了、中华民族强起来了,为人类对更好社会制度的探索贡献了中国智慧。当代中国的伟大社会变革,不是简单延续我国历史文化的母版,不是简单套用马克思主义经典作家设想的模版,不是其他国家社会主义实践的再版,也不是国外现代化发展的翻版,而是自己历经千辛万苦探索出来的正确道路,具有鲜明的独创性。坚定道路自信、理论自信、制度自信,说到底是要坚定文化自信。文化自信是更基础、更广泛、更深厚的自信。这种文化自信,来自于博大精深的中华优秀传统文化,来自于党领导人民创造的激昂向上的革命文化和生机勃勃的社会主义先进文化,来自于以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神。我们要坚定中国特色社会主义必胜信念,Not afraid of any risks, not confused by any interference, we will create a more extraordinary "China miracle" and write a more wonderful "China story" on the journey of pursuing lofty ideals.

  (3) Consciously work hard to advance the cause of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. Any great cause begins with ideals and ends with hard work. Without the spirit of hard work and hard work, no matter how great the goal is, no matter how beautiful the blueprint is, it can only be a castle in the air. Our Party has always emphasized hard work and hard work. From "arousing millions of workers and peasants to work with one heart" to "not doing anything, there is no Marxism at all", and then to "talking about making mistakes in the country and rejuvenating the country with hard work", the word "doing" has always been the loudest motto of the Communist Party of China (CPC) people. The red mountains and rivers of new China were shot down by countless revolutionary ancestors, one city and one pool; The magnificent building of socialism was built by countless laborers, brick by brick. Among them, thousands of outstanding party member cadres have devoted all their energy and even their lives. Without lofty ideals, he is not a qualified Communist party member; Leaving real work and talking about lofty ideals is not a qualified Communist party member. Today, it is even more necessary to work hard to promote the great cause of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, realize the goal of "two hundred years" and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We should aim high and be down-to-earth, embody the firmness of ideals and beliefs in the process of doing our job well, do every job well in a down-to-earth manner, and strive to achieve our excellent results in the "relay race".Leading cadres, especially senior cadres, should play an exemplary role and let party member and the masses feel the power of ideals and beliefs with practical actions.




  (two) efforts to guide party member cadres to distinguish between right and wrong, and resolutely resist the erosion of wrong ideas. At present, the mainstream in the field of ideological theory is good, with a loud theme and strong positive energy, but there are also some wrong thoughts and wrong views, some of which are still influential and confusing. If we don’t strengthen correct guidance and in-depth guidance, it will be difficult to unify the ideological understanding of party member cadres, and even shake our ideals and beliefs. It is necessary to improve the system of analyzing and reporting major ideological and theoretical issues within the Party, regularly judge and report important trends in the field of ideological and theoretical issues, objectively and comprehensively explain the deep-seated ideological and theoretical issues to party member cadres, and set the direction, say hello, draw the bottom line, defend the position and prevent erosion. We should focus on the erroneous ideological trends such as western constitutional democracy, "universal values", neo-liberalism and historical nihilism, and make a clear-cut analysis and criticism to guide party member cadres to recognize their essence and harm. The broad masses of party member cadres should stand firm in their political stance, stick to the political bottom line, dare to show their swords and confront each other in the face of erroneous ideological trends, and never let it go and stay out of it.

  (3) Focus on improving innovative education methods. At present, great changes have taken place in the situation of the times and the ranks of party member, and the ways and means of ideal and belief education need to be improved and innovated accordingly. It is necessary to thoroughly study the characteristics and laws of ideal and belief education under the new situation, inherit good experience and practices, explore new ways and means, and constantly enhance the times and attractiveness. We should persist in carrying out centralized study and education within the Party, sum up and make good use of long-term practical experience, especially the fresh experience of the Party’s mass line education practice activities, "three strictness and three realities" special education and "two studies and one doing" study and education since the 18th CPC National Congress, so as to continuously educate and improve party member cadres. We should pay more attention to the ideological reality of cadres in party member, adhere to the combination of advanced requirements and extensive requirements, solve ideological problems with practical problems, and educate people with understanding and caring for people. It is necessary to make full use of all-media diversified forms of communication and use differentiated and interactive methods to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of education.

  (four) efforts to expand and expand the coverage of education. The education of ideals and beliefs should be carried out not only among cadres in party member, but also for the whole society. We should continue to deepen publicity and education in Socialism with Chinese characteristics, make clear the historical inevitability and great superiority of Socialism with Chinese characteristics, and maximize social consensus. It is necessary to carry out in-depth publicity and education on the Chinese dream, pay attention to spreading the Chinese dream with literary and artistic works, show the Chinese dream with patriotic education bases, cultivate the Chinese dream with mass theme activities, and guide the broad masses of the people to pursue their dreams together. It is necessary to further promote the construction of socialist core values, do a solid job of integration and implementation, and strive to promote compliance with the law and integration into social life, making it the common pursuit of all people. Ideal and belief education should pay special attention to young people, guide them to firmly listen to the party’s words and follow the party’s beliefs, and establish lofty life aspirations and lofty ideals.

How long can it be "fragrant" from barbaric growth to rational live broadcast?

  As the "explosion" of the new format of the digital economy, in the past year or so, live broadcast has been in the limelight. Both professional anchors, stars, bloggers and amateurs have entered the live broadcast room one after another. From selling lipstick to selling houses, the anchors are all eloquent: "delicious", "beautiful" and "buy it" … … More and more consumers have also adapted to live shopping. According to the data released by China Internet Network Information Center, as of December 2020, the number of live e-commerce users in China has reached 388 million, ranking first among all live webcasts, and 66.2% of live e-commerce users have purchased live products.

  While the live broadcast of goods is booming, some live broadcast rooms also gather many consumption traps such as counterfeiting, exaggeration, improper goods and poor after-sales service. How long can the live broadcast be "fragrant"? Can we return to rationality from barbaric growth in 2021?

  It’s annoying to watch the excitement

  Today, watching live shopping is a common thing. Open Taobao, JD.COM, Suning, Mushroom Street and other online shopping platforms at any time, and you can hear the call of "friends" and "babies" from the anchors. Every few minutes, there are airborne red envelope gift certificates. Often, consumers have not had time to understand whether they really need it, and they are already hot-headed. "Order, buy!" However, when the courier arrives, the products that many people buy are far from what the anchor said.

  Liu Jing, who works for a media company in Daxing District, Beijing, recently stepped on a live broadcast pit with goods. She listened to the neck pillow recommended by a platform anchor to relieve neck and shoulder pain, so she took the idea of giving it a try and spent more than 500 yuan to place an order. Unfortunately, after she got it, she found that this pillow was shoddy and completely different from what the anchor said. I wanted to return it, but I found that I couldn’t even find the live broadcast platform. Liujing said: "I thought it was worth more, but it was cut ‘ Leek ’ I think that the complaints from relevant departments can’t produce evidence. "

  Zhu Jianqiao, secretary-general of China Consumers Association, analyzed the main reasons why it is difficult to protect rights with live broadcast. He said that the main body of live broadcast with goods involved in sales is diverse, and the responsibility is unclear, which makes consumers not know who to look for when defending their rights. Consumers bought it by watching the live broadcast. As a result, the anchor may say that you are trading with Taobao and JD.COM, and it has nothing to do with me; Looking for the seller of the flagship store, he may say, you are drained through the live broadcast room; Looking for a platform, he may say, I just provide the venue, and you have to find the anchor.

  The problems of live broadcast with goods include old problems such as poor quality, false propaganda, and inadequate after-sales, as well as new problems such as fraud by public figures with goods, traffic fraud, and false reports. Brushing the bill and brushing the flow is one of the worse behaviors. Industry insiders told reporters that although the shopping platforms such as Tmall and JD.COM are increasingly cracking down on swiping bills, it is not difficult to find traffic dealers on the Internet, and even you can find sellers by directly entering keywords such as "pink" and "live traffic" on some websites. On the quotation sheet of an online shop, the annual price of machine brushing package ranges from 1000 yuan to 5,000 yuan, while the manual account is more expensive, and it also corresponds to the number of different viewers, likes and shares, sales volume with goods and the number of real people’s comments. Even for the sake of good-looking data, the data of different commodities in the same store, such as apples, are grafted onto bananas. These false data seem to maintain the "worth" of artists or online celebrity, but they seriously mislead consumers, and at the same time, they are just fleeting losses for businesses.

  Innovating supervision and standardizing management

  The current situation of concentrated consumer demands makes live broadcast with goods one of the 11 hot spots of consumer complaints in the Analysis of Complaints Accepted by National Consumers Association in 2020 issued by China Consumers Association. On March 15th this year’s International Consumer Rights Day, local consumer associations have also drawn their priorities according to local conditions. For example, the Consumer Protection Committee of Anhui Province specially reminded consumers in the No.1 consumption reminder in 2021 to try to buy goods in the official flagship store or the live broadcast room of well-known anchors. Don’t trust the propaganda made by merchants such as "special price", "clearance price" and "lowest price in the whole network", and keep relevant vouchers, and actively defend their rights when their rights are damaged.

  Since the second half of 2020, from industry associations to regulatory authorities, a series of rules and regulations have been issued for live webcasting, especially for live webcasting. The intensity of policy release is rare over the years, precisely to promote the healthy development of live webcasting as soon as possible.

  First of all, from the perspective of activating the consumer market, relevant functional departments give more confidence to webcasting with positive support and expectation. In July, 2020, 13 departments, including the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, issued the Opinions on Supporting the Healthy Development of New Business Forms and Models, Activating the Consumer Market, and Promoting Employment Expansion, which clearly stated that it is necessary to cultivate new individuals, support independent employment, and support diversified independent employment and time-sharing employment such as webcasting. In the same month, among the new occupations jointly released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the General Administration of Market Supervision and the National Bureau of Statistics, "Live Salesman" ranked among them, which means that "e-commerce anchor" and "online celebrity with goods" have obtained official certification as a new occupation.

  In regulating the rules of online shopping behavior, the supervision mode of "internet plus" is constantly innovating. There are three main bodies of live delivery, namely, platform, anchor and merchant. Who should I look for in case of consumer disputes? In the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of Webcast Marketing Activities" issued by the General Administration of Market Supervision in November 2020, the responsibilities and obligations of all parties involved in the process of live delivery were clarified, and at the same time, eight common illegal acts in live delivery, such as illegal product quality, illegal advertising and infringement of consumers’ legitimate rights and interests, were required to be investigated and dealt with according to law.

  The fraud of live broadcast data was mainly rectified. In the "Regulations on the Management of Internet Live Marketing Information Content Service (Draft for Comment)" issued by the Network Information Office in November 2020, it is clearly required that operators and live marketers engaged in Internet live marketing information content services should publish goods or service information truthfully, accurately and comprehensively, and must not "fabricate or tamper with data traffic such as attention, page views, likes and transaction volume". For those who violate the above provisions and cause damage to others, clear penalties have been made for the corresponding degree of behavior.

  Innovative regulatory measures are also adopted for the management of the network platform. The consultation draft of the Internet Office has increased the management responsibility of the e-commerce live broadcast platform. In the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Online Show Live Broadcasting and E-commerce Live Broadcasting issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, specific management rules are put forward on the registration, content, audit, anchor and reward of online live broadcasting and e-commerce live broadcasting. It is clearly required that the overall ratio of the number of first-line auditors of relevant platforms to the number of online live broadcast rooms shall not be less than 1: 50.

  In 2021, whether the new format of live broadcast with goods can continue the prosperity depends on whether it can move from barbaric growth and quick money to legal and standardized operation. After all, only by legal compliance can we go far.

Tik Tok e-commerce online celebrity large-scale inventory Tik Tok with goods online celebrity ranking

Everyone knows that Tik Tok is very popular, and live broadcast with goods can make money. Do you know about online celebrity, an e-commerce company in Tik Tok? Let’s take a look at Tik Tok’s ranking of online celebrity with goods together with Xiaobian.

In 2019, Tik Tok is still actively promoting the realization of e-commerce in Tik Tok. Following the list of good things in Tik Tok, Tik Tok officially launched the list of sales of talents recently, which has become the focus of Tik Tok operators. At present, the most popular people who carry goods in Tik Tok are: pomelo cici sauce, Li Jiaqi, Natiguli, Hao Fan, Ye Gongzi, Spicy Lai, good geophysicist and so on.

Even during the epidemic, many cities and roads were closed; However, the live broadcast of Devil Li Jiaqi was repeated after the festival. The live broadcast lasted for 3 hours, watched by 1,600 w+people, with 26,000 boxes of snail powder, 300,000 packs of washcloths and 150,000 bottles of Red Earth liquid foundation, all in seconds. Li Jiaqi, a lipstick brother, revealed in an interview that since January 2019, he has already entered 7 figures in a month by bringing goods through live broadcast;

Undoubtedly, live broadcast with goods has become a popular fried chicken for "selling goods". Live broadcast’s unique timely interaction, hunger marketing, transparent consumption scenes and all-round sensory impact make live broadcast with goods effectively promote the conversion rate and turnover of e-commerce and improve the efficiency of traffic realization.

Interesting content+real-time two-way interaction+the lowest price of the whole network+trust guarantee, and the consumer demand of users is stimulated.

Live broadcast helps e-commerce to change from "goods and people" to "people", and the relationship between anchors, goods and consumers is getting closer and closer.

The anchor sells people and explains to users, and users pay attention to and understand the products because they like an anchor, which enhances the exposure of products and then stimulates the purchase behavior.

The above is the 18183 Xiaobian’s ranking of Tik Tok e-commerce in online celebrity and Tik Tok in online celebrity. I hope it will help you.

Long-term recruitment of anchors: male or female, cheerful personality, talent and expertise are preferred, and network hosting experience is preferred. Novice Xiaobai can also do it. The company provides free training and arranges the live broadcast time and content according to personal ability. The strength of the company supports the application for anchor popularity and ensures the traffic in the live broadcast room.


Tik Tok dry goods

Why should the guild be added to the live broadcast?

Want to realize short video? Add MCN!

Gaohe Automobile unveiled four new HIHIX models at the Shanghai Auto Show at a price of 570,000 to 800,000 yuan.

(Gaohe HiPhi X brings all models to the Shanghai Auto Show)

(Gaohe HiPhi X brings an immersive TECHLUXE? technology luxury experience to the auto show audience with the new "car dance" show)

New models, technology, luxury, new options

On March 30th, Gaohe Automobile officially released four new models with six seats in performance version, six seats in luxury version, six seats in flagship version and four seats in flagship version, all of which are equipped with four-wheel drive, four-wheel steering and six-door electric NT wing door as standard, bringing users more diversified new luxury options of TECHLUXE? technology.

(The lineup of all models of Gaohe HiPhi X was unveiled at the Shanghai Auto Show)

Through the industry-first "Gaohe Energy Upgrading Service", Gaohe Automobile will also provide "trade-in" battery upgrading service for the first owner of HiPhi X in 2023, which can upgrade the existing battery pack to the industry-leading 160kW·h or 120kW·h battery pack and enjoy the longest battery life of up to 1000 kilometers.

(Ding Lei, founder of Chinese Express and Gaohe Automobile, released the "Gaohe Energy Promotion Plan")

Brand-new service directly reaches the user’s life radius

With the delivery just around the corner, Gaohe Automobile accelerates the construction of luxury service system and charging. The first batch of Gaohe experience stores located in more than ten cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Ningbo, Xi ‘an, Chongqing and Yancheng have taken the lead in opening, and the number of experience stores and service outlets will increase to 85 by the end of May, reaching 120 during the year.

(The first batch of Gaohe experience stores in China has been opened first)

In terms of charging, the first owner of Gaohe Automobile will be given an intelligent interactive Gaohe household charging pile. The evolvable intelligent interconnected charging pile can realize voice interaction, give intimate reminders when charging, send blessings during festivals, and users can customize voices and scenes to feel novel fun.

The first car owner can also enjoy fast charging service at Gaohe brand charging station; At the same time, Gaohe Automobile has achieved in-depth cooperation with charging partners such as State Grid, China Southern Power Grid and TELD on national public charging piles, covering 150,000 charging piles in more than 300 cities and major highway networks, covering the core charging scenes in users’ travel.

At the same time, for the first owner of four new HiPhi X models, Gaohe Automobile launched "Qixin Courtesy" to provide car owners with a life-cycle worry-free car experience with the guarantee of "2 extra long +2 free +1 peace of mind". Its rights and interests include:

Extra-long vehicle warranty (5 years/150,000 km)

Super-long Three Electricity Warranty (8 years/240,000 km)

Lifelong free road rescue

Lifelong free 5G network car networking traffic (10G per month)

14-day peace of mind car purchase guarantee

(The first owner of the new model of Gaohe HiPhi X can enjoy the "new courtesy")

Brand-new factory guarantees high quality and timely delivery.

HiPhi Plaza strives to build the latest benchmark of intelligent manufacturing in the digital Internet era with the four dimensions of "intelligence, digital, interconnection and environmental protection". It is also a brand experience center jointly created by Gaohe Automobile and users, and fully guarantees the high-quality delivery of Hip Hi X.

(Gaohe City Boutique Factory Deduces the Perfect Integration Model of Post-modern Industry and City)

As a new benchmark for intelligent manufacturing, the factory introduced world-class advanced manufacturing equipment such as Kuka’s latest C4 interconnected robot, which was enabled by edge computing. Based on the production environment with full coverage of 5G, it was fully intelligent and interconnected. From the first part to the last unattended automatic driving production line, it realized a high degree of automation. It is an industrial 4.0 model factory that comprehensively benchmarked the most advanced intelligent manufacturing level in the world today and took the lead in entering the era of "intelligent manufacturing".

Gaohe Factory has built a strict quality management system with world-class standards, combined 100% on-line and off-line measurement with advanced equipment and means such as GOM Blu-ray measurement and CMM, and realized quality management based on big data trend analysis with 5G communication technology to ensure the quality of millions of luxury cars for users. The painting workshop adopts the latest generation of spraying robots from Durdurr, Germany, with an atomization efficiency of 62,000 revolutions per minute, high-pressure adsorption of 30,000 volts and 8 coats, achieving the extremely uniform appearance quality comparable to Porsche, and having excellent corrosion resistance and weather resistance.

(The paint workshop of Gaohe City Boutique Factory is equipped with the latest generation painting robot of DURR)

As a user experience center, Gaohe Factory building is full of futuristic feeling, and it has become a model of post-modern industrial manufacturing and urban integration through scientific planning and landscape design. Green materials, processes and equipment are widely used to create a "zero-load" green environmental protection model project for the environment, and users will soon be open to make an appointment to visit. Users can also test drive the latest HIX vehicles here, and they can also choose to complete the delivery of their cars in the factory.

It is reported that from May 8, Gaohe HiPhi X will be officially delivered to users in high quality.

Monkey smoking and lipstick live broadcast "with goods" Animal protection department: will stop.

  In the middle of the night, the well-dressed female anchor sat in the live broadcast room, shouting for everyone to click on the little yellow car and place an order to buy products such as plum fruit. In front of the spotlight, there are two monkeys wearing diapers and skirts. They climb on the female anchor and sometimes make a cry, becoming a "powder-sucking weapon" in the live broadcast room.

  These female anchors have another identity. They are zookeepers. In the evening, they will dress up their monkeys and start live broadcast with goods. Some anchors even broadcast live until midnight. The extreme news reporter also found that there were also anchors who painted lipstick on monkeys during the live broadcast.

  These anchors have attracted many fans by dressing up cute monkeys, but many netizens are worried that these monkeys will be "forced to open business" in the spotlight every day, and will they be hurt?

  On May 27, the wildlife protection department of the city where the relevant zoo is located responded to the journalist, and the zoo was not allowed to use monkeys to bring goods live. After investigation and verification, this behavior would be stopped.

  "Monkey Anchor" was forced to open late at night

  "Special offer once a month, let’s hurry up and shoot, and count down for 10 seconds … …” Late at night on May 25th, a blogger named "Xiaoxinxin" sat in the live broadcast room and recommended a plum fruit product, claiming that the plum fruit has the function of losing weight.

  Unlike other anchors with goods, this anchor is crawling with two monkeys. One of them was wearing a diaper, and the other older one was wearing a flowered skirt. On the table in front of the anchor, in addition to the products she promoted, there is also a sign printed with "Xinmaqi Fantasy Animal Theme Park Work Permit". A netizen who just entered the live broadcast room asked: "Why can I bring a monkey live?" The anchor replied: "Because I am their keeper."

  The breeder of Hebei Hengshui Xinmaqi Fantasy Animal Theme Park is broadcasting live (Source: video screenshot)

  During the live broadcast, two monkeys clung to the anchor’s clothes and snuggled up to her, sometimes squinting. The anchor put them on the table and wanted to stand up and show the slimming effect after eating plum fruit. When a monkey saw that the anchor was ready to get up, he swooped back into her arms, tugged at her clothes firmly and squeaked until the anchor held it in his arms and stroked it like a baby, and the monkey’s mood stabilized.

  Many netizens said that the monkey may be too sleepy and need to sleep, so his mood is uneasy. The anchor said that the monkey thought she was leaving, so she climbed on top of her.

  The live broadcast lasted until after 0 o’clock the next day.

  Also broadcast live late at night, there is an anchor in Tieling, Liaoning. The anchor’s live broadcast room has a work permit hanging on his chest, and the background of the live broadcast room has the words "Tieling Longshoushan Zoo". In the live broadcast room, there is a monkey named "Little Apple", wearing a red skirt, and sucking the "Shumian Fuling Ziziphus jujuba seed paste" in the anchor’s hand. The anchor is also promoting a plum fruit and a probiotic freeze-dried powder that is said to have weight loss effect.

  A zoo keeper in Tieling, Liaoning Province asked monkeys to bow to netizens (Source: video screenshot)

  The live broadcast record of the anchor shows that on May 24, several of her live broadcasts began at 6: 50 pm and ended at 0: 30 on the 25th. At 8: 27 pm on the 25th, she started the live broadcast again until 0: 21 the next day.

  In addition to the anchors that broadcast live at night, there are also some anchors that broadcast live during the day. In Hengshui Wildlife Park in Hengshui City, Hebei Province, a keeper opened two accounts, and the live broadcast record of one account showed that on May 26th, she started at 1 pm and ended at around 10: 30 pm, during which several live broadcasts were conducted.

  On the afternoon of 27th, Jimu journalists entered the anchor’s live broadcast room and saw a monkey in diapers and a monkey in clothes playing in a corner, eating melon seeds, etc. The anchor only spoke beside him and didn’t appear. The anchor said that there are many monkeys in the zoo and they will appear one by one.

  In the live broadcast room of a zoo keeper in Siyang, Jiangsu, the reporter saw that the anchor was selling a cosmetic at a loud voice, and the little monkey in front of her squinted from time to time and looked very tired. Some netizens expressed their distress.

  Someone once made monkeys smoke and wear lipstick.

  After consulting the accounts of these breeders’ anchors, Jimu journalists found that they not only let the monkeys appear in the live broadcast, but also update short videos about monkeys every day to attract fans’ attention.

  The video released by the keeper of Hengshui Wildlife Park shows that she often interacts with monkeys and baboons in clothes, sometimes giving them a bath and sometimes feeding them lollipops and lactic acid bacteria drinks. A video updated by the anchor in March this year shows that a monkey has three lollipops in his mouth, his cheeks are bulging and he still holds a lollipop in his hand.

  In the video released by Xiao Xinxin, the monkey will sit on a stool like a human being, cross his legs and hold a bottle of drink. There is also a plate of fruit on the stool next to it and a tablet computer in front. The scene is obviously designed by the breeder, and the video has 178,000 likes.

  In the video released by the male breeder of a zoo in Jilin, he sometimes takes the monkey to eat fried dough sticks in the ice and snow, sometimes takes the monkey to eat French fries, and sometimes eats instant noodles and ice cream. This monkey has become a food broadcaster.

  The extreme journalist also noticed that in the video released by the breeder, a monkey was holding an unlit cigarette and biting it, with the caption "The little guy shredded all the cigarettes to help her uncle quit smoking". Some netizens commented: Don’t play with cigarettes for monkeys.

  The behavior of these breeders taking monkeys live and shooting short videos has also caused many netizens to worry that these behaviors will hurt monkeys, and some videos are even suspected of abusing monkeys.

  In November last year, some netizens reported that Hengshui Wildlife Park had forced a young monkey to smoke and filmed a short video and sent it online. This behavior was suspected of cruelty to animals, or attracted attention and promoted the park by hype. The video shows that a monkey is sitting on a small bench with a lit cigarette in his mouth. Because of the smoke stimulation, the little monkey keeps blinking. After someone took the cigarette, the little monkey rubbed his eyes, then lay on the ground and was covered with white cloth, suggesting "death". The words "smoking is harmful to health" also appeared in the video.

  Hebei Hengshui Wildlife Park once took a short video of monkeys smoking (Source: Red Star News)

  At that time, the zoo had explained to the media that the monkey just posed with cigarettes and didn’t really smoke. The short video was just to promote "smoking is harmful to health". The video was deleted after it caused controversy.

  Another video obtained by Jimu journalist shows that the keeper of Hengshui Wildlife Park once put lipstick on it with a monkey in his arms. Some netizens also questioned that this move is animal cruelty. At present, the video has been deleted from the accounts of the zoo and the breeder, but some people are still forwarding it.

  The breeder of Hengshui Wildlife Park in Hebei once painted lipstick on monkeys (Source: video screenshot)

  The reporter also noticed that on May 1 last year, the female breeder of Qinhu Zoo in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province painted eye makeup for monkeys in the live broadcast and promoted beauty products. In February of this year, another netizen reported that the breeder gave the monkey milk and drinks, ate strawberries, durian, longan, lychee, etc., and made a short video live. The Network Information Office of Jiangyan District Committee of Taizhou City replied that the office, together with relevant departments, had an interview with the anchor and the person in charge of Qinhu Zoo, reiterated the relevant laws and regulations, urged him to remove the products containing bad content before, and asked him not to make up monkeys, not to use live monkeys to bring goods, and not to use live monkeys for a long time.

  The wildlife protection department said that it would stop the live broadcast.

  The journalist noticed that the keeper of Qinhu Zoo temporarily stopped updating short videos from May 16th. She replied to netizens in the comment area that she has arrived in Binzhou, Shandong Province and will resume live broadcast in the near future.

  On May 27th, Jimu journalists called Qinhu Zoo many times, but no one answered. The reporter also called Hengshui Wildlife Park and Xinmaqi Fantasy Animal Theme Park respectively, suggesting that some netizens thought it was inappropriate to use monkeys to bring goods live, and the relevant staff responded and would report the matter to the leaders. That night, Simaqi Fantasy Animal Theme Park replied to the reporter that the live broadcast time would be adjusted in the future, and monkeys would not be allowed to live in the middle of the night.

  The reporter also contacted the Nature Reserve and Wildlife Protection Management Section of Hengshui Natural Resources and Planning Bureau. The staff said that the zoo was not allowed to use monkeys to carry goods live. After investigation and verification, they would stop this behavior.

  At 9: 00 p.m. on May 27th, a journalist noticed that the keepers of the above two zoos in Hengshui City had not carried out live broadcast with goods.

  A zoo keeper in Jiangsu is broadcasting live (Source: video screenshot)

  Hu Huijian, a researcher and doctoral supervisor at the Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, said that primates such as monkeys are protected animals at or above the national level, and artificial breeding of monkeys should go through legal procedures such as the Wild Animal Domestication and Breeding License. If individuals or units do not have relevant certificates of legally owning monkeys, it is illegal. From the perspective of wildlife protection, using monkeys to carry goods live will definitely have an impact on wildlife. Because whether it is a zoo or an individual raising monkeys, we must consider "abundance", that is, the needs of wild animals for the environment and psychological needs.

  Animals need a good natural environment, and live broadcast with goods is in a very artificial environment, and monkeys certainly have no will to live broadcast with goods, so forcing them to live broadcast with goods is a serious violation of animal welfare. If the breeder puts makeup on the monkey, forces the monkey to take a photo, or forces it to do some body movements, it is not only against animal welfare, but even suspected of cruelty to animals.

  In addition, among all primates, humans need the shortest sleep time, while monkeys need 10 to 15 hours of sleep time, while monkeys generally move during the day, so live broadcast at night will also affect the rest of monkeys.

Artificial intelligence, technology is ready, what about us?

In recent years, artificial intelligence technology represented by deep learning and reinforcement learning has expanded from engineering fields such as language translation, image recognition and industrial automation to economic and financial fields such as intelligent production, intelligent agriculture, intelligent logistics, macro-economic monitoring of big data, and quantitative investment and research, which can be said to be widely used.

Artificial intelligence technology has the inherent advantage of dealing with high-dimensional data, and can avoid many limitations of traditional analysis methods by means of representation learning, value function approximation and feature selection, and obtain better prediction and decision-making effects. In order to make artificial intelligence technology achieve satisfactory prediction and decision-making results, researchers often need to invest a lot of data resources. This technical feature makes data resources a key factor of production. With the popularization of big data, intelligence, mobile Internet and cloud computing, artificial intelligence technology, as the underlying technology to provide information products and services, is also the key to the gradual transformation of industrial economy to digital economy.

  What is the artificial intelligence algorithm?

  Artificial intelligence algorithms can be roughly divided into supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning. Among them, supervised learning learns laws from human experience through continuous training programs (models). In this kind of machine learning, researchers will constantly adjust model parameters by marking data to achieve learning purposes. Similar to parents will show their children different colors, sizes and even kinds of apples, and teach children to know "never seen" apples. This is the purpose of supervised learning: out-of-sample prediction.

  Unsupervised learning enables the machine to extract features directly from the existing data and compress the information for other tasks through training programs. Like traditional principal component analysis, high-dimensional features can be approximated by low-dimensional vectors. For example, we can use principal component analysis technology to compress pictures to save storage space. Therefore, this kind of machine learning algorithm does not need previous experience, and is also called unsupervised learning.

  Of course, the relationship between unsupervised learning and supervised learning is not contradictory to each other, and we can also use semi-supervised learning algorithm for data with partial labels. For example, the recently popular antagonistic neural network — — We can use this algorithm to learn a series of Oracle Bone Inscriptions, so that it can generate a number of "Oracle Bone Inscriptions" which is enough to confuse the false with the true, but never represents any meaning, which is equivalent to a calculation program that "paints a tiger as a tiger" but doesn’t know it is a tiger.

   In addition, reinforcement learning is different from the above (none, half) supervised learning algorithm. Reinforcement learning is an extension of dynamic optimization, while (none, half) supervised learning is closer to statistics. Reinforcement learning can maximize the cumulative benefits of intelligent programs by making them constantly interact with the environment and adjusting the decision parameters (processes) of intelligent programs. Reinforcement learning is the machine learning algorithm closest to human decision-making process, which is similar to letting an agent perceive the world infinitely and quickly, and optimizing its decision-making process through its own failure or success experience. In this process, computer programs do not need teachers so much. Of course, intensive learning cannot be completely separated from supervised learning. For example, AlphaGo is a computing program trained by means of intensive learning, but in the first stage of AlphaGo training, researchers used a large number of human players’ chess manuals for AlphaGo to imitate learning, where human experience is similar to that of teachers; However, in ZeroGo, an upgraded version of AlphaGo, imitation learning has been completely abandoned.

   In order to make artificial intelligence algorithms universally applicable, we often need a lot of data, computing power and effective computing algorithms. A large amount of data is equivalent to hiring a knowledgeable teacher to guide the computer program, and high computing power will give the computer program the ability to learn knowledge faster. An important direction in the field of artificial intelligence research is to continuously develop computing algorithms that can make more effective use of existing data and computing power, which is equivalent to providing better learning methods and paths for computer programs. Therefore, data annotation, cloud computing, chip design and algorithm development are the core parts of the artificial intelligence industry.

  What impact does artificial intelligence technology have on social economy?

   In fact, artificial intelligence technology originated as a discipline in 1950s, for example, McCarthy and others, the "father of artificial intelligence", proposed artificial intelligence in 1950s; The decision tree model originated from 1950s to 1960s, while the neural network model and Q-learning reinforcement learning algorithm, which are widely used at present, originated from 1980s. However, if artificial intelligence technology wants to reach the accuracy of human decision-making, it needs a lot of training (experience) data and high computing power, so it was not until 2000 that artificial intelligence technology was able to achieve leap-forward development.

  With the blessing of a large amount of data and high computing power, some artificial intelligence technologies can replace humans to make large-scale accurate decisions, and also replace more and more manual jobs. Judging from the current impact, on the one hand, the application of machine learning has indeed replaced some traditional labors, resulting in the labor crowding-out effect: automated robots tend to make the production process unmanned, natural language processing technology can better complete most of the translation and even information extraction, and machine learning algorithms can even more accurately characterize the properties of small molecular compounds, thus reducing the labor and time consumption required for large-scale repetitive work to some extent.

   On the other hand, like previous technological revolutions, the rise of machine learning has not only improved social production efficiency, but also created new jobs for society. Since the birth of the industrial revolution, steam turbines have replaced grooms and coachmen, spinning machines have replaced textile workers, wired telephones and wireless telegrams have replaced postmen, and electronic computers have replaced hand-operated computers, saving a lot of manual calculations. However, it should be noted that every scientific and technological progress has not caused a large number of social unemployment, but will change the original social production organization structure and produce new formats by improving the production efficiency and technological innovation of traditional industries. Scientific and technological progress not only changes the production technology of industrial enterprises, but also changes the work content of traditional industries, resulting in new job demands.

  Like any other technological innovation, machine learning technology has different degrees of influence on different industries and different positions. For those who are engaged in production processes, the impact of machine learning is undoubtedly subversive. However, for those positions that need overall planning, innovation and interaction, machine learning can not make a significant impact at the current stage.

  In addition, we also need to realize that artificial intelligence algorithms still cannot reach the level of "intelligence". Any technology is accompanied by security risks, and so are artificial intelligence algorithms. For example, most supervised learning algorithms do not have a clear logic generation process, which not only prevents researchers from effectively interfering with the algorithms, but also makes artificial intelligence algorithms less robust in the training and prediction stages. To give a simple example, in a classification algorithm, if we change a pixel on a three-inch cat photo, it may make the computer algorithm identify the cat as other items. This kind of practice is called reverse attack and involves artificial intelligence technology risks.

       Just like other emerging industries in the early stage of development, due to the lack of early supervision, some enterprises will make improper use of their early advantages in data, computing power and algorithms, leading to the abuse of artificial intelligence technology, monopoly operation of some head enterprises, disclosure of private data and even enterprise operation risks caused by over-reliance on algorithm decision-making, which are the application risks and derivative risks of artificial intelligence technology.

  Therefore, how to develop and lead this strategic industry has become the top priority at present — — We need to think about how to give full play to the social bottom function of the government during the period of intelligent economic transformation, and how to standardize the operation of the private sector when its computing power and scientific and technological level exceed those of the regulatory agencies.

  What are the advantages of the revolution with intelligent technology?

  Strengthen investment in research and development, coordinate industry development, achieve core industry leadership, and grasp the dominance of artificial intelligence technology.Artificial intelligence has become a basic core field related to national security and overall development. At present, although the development of artificial intelligence in China is generally upward, there are still many problems in basic research, technical system, application ecology, innovation and development. Therefore, taking interdisciplinary and application transformation as the starting point to drive basic research in the field of artificial intelligence, increasing financial investment in related research, optimizing expenditure structure, and implementing tax incentives for enterprises investing in basic research will all help to coordinate the development of the industry. Focusing on strengthening the originality and leading research in the core areas of artificial intelligence (such as algorithms and chips) can better grasp the dominant position of artificial intelligence technology.

  Pre-oriented, professional and flexible industry and technology supervision can better regulate the development of the industry and create a good digital environment.On the one hand, the artificial intelligence industry will have negative effects on monopoly, diversification, privacy and ethics. Therefore, the implementation of the underlying algorithm supervision can effectively prevent artificial intelligence-related and derivative risks such as opaque automated decision-making and privacy violations. On the other hand, the current development of artificial intelligence industry is in the explosive period of technological innovation and industrial growth. While bringing development dividends to the social economy, the flexibility of its application forms and associated formats also means that the regulatory framework and ideas should be adjusted accordingly, so as to further play the dividends brought by technological progress. In addition, we need to equip a more professional industry supervision team, empower artificial intelligence supervision with artificial intelligence technology, standardize the artificial intelligence industry in a pre-position, specialization and flexibility, and flexibly formulate the supervision framework and implementation norms according to the actual development conditions of different artificial intelligence industries, so as to reduce unnecessary obstacles faced by the development and application of artificial intelligence technology, create a good digital environment, and further build the core competitiveness of China’s artificial intelligence industry.

  Deeply integrate the real economy, develop the digital economy and explore new formats.As the core technology in the development of digital economy, artificial intelligence technology can effectively transform data production factors into actual productivity. The improvement of production efficiency and the change of production paradigm brought about by the deep integration of intelligent technology and real economy are important driving forces for China’s macroeconomic transformation and upgrading. Therefore, deep integration of the real economy should be a major goal of the development of the artificial intelligence industry. Exploring new formats and developing new models based on artificial intelligence technology, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerating the cross-regional flow of production factors, integrating market players, and smoothing the economic cycle at home and abroad are also the inevitable needs of fully basing on and giving full play to the advantages of China’s entire industrial chain and laying out industries with digital economy advantages.

  Give full play to the market initiative and realize the simultaneous production, learning and research of artificial intelligence industry.The long-term healthy development of artificial intelligence technology is inseparable from a good market environment and industrial support. Micro-subjects can effectively smell business opportunities, and market economy has comparative advantages in exploring new formats and exploring new models. However, as a typical knowledge-intensive industry, the artificial intelligence industry needs a lot of research and development work and trains a large number of professional and technical personnel in the early stage. Universities and research institutes have comparative advantages in personnel training and technological innovation, and are important core forces in the artificial intelligence industry chain. Therefore, taking market demand as the leading factor, organically combining enterprises, universities and scientific research institutions, we will form complementary synergy in functions and resource advantages, and provide basic support for the development of the intelligent industry. Taking economic benefits as the starting point, we should mobilize the enthusiasm of scientific and technological personnel in colleges and universities, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces, and create a healthy and sustainable development ecology of artificial intelligence industry.

  Improve the social security system and promote the system of individual development and skills training and re-employment.With the application of large-scale machine learning technology, the subjective initiative, individual innovation and overall thinking ability of the labor force are extremely important to social and economic development and personal development. However, there is still a technical gap between the traditional labor supply and the emerging labor demand — — The traditional labor force is not qualified for the job demand of emerging industries. Under this background, how to effectively promote the re-employment system of individual development and skills training, effectively bridge the technical gap, and how to adjust the social security system to make it more applicable to cross-departmental retraining and re-employment, to ensure people’s livelihood and to effectively improve social welfare, etc., are worthy of our further thinking and exploration.

    (Author: Wang Xi, a researcher at Peking University Institute of Economics)


On November 1st, in the final round of the second stage (Group B) of the Asian Women’s Football Qualifier for the Paris Olympic Games, China drew 1-1 with South Korea, and failed to advance to the Paris Olympic Games.

On November 1st, China coach Shui Qingxia (former) led the players to greet the audience after the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Kehong photo

On November 1st, China team player Wang Shanshan (right) struggled in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Peiquan photo

On November 1st, China team player Zhang Linyan (second from left) broke through with the ball in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Kehong photo

On November 1st, China team player Yang Lina cried after the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Peiquan photo

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Avatar: The Way of Water: Do you want special effects and special effects in the plot?

Wen | No.7 (Luosi Film and Television Research Group)

"I’m counting on it in December." When the official announcement of James Cameron’s Avatar: The Way of Water (hereinafter referred to as Avatar 2) was finalized, cinemas all over the country were waiting for it to save the market.

On December 16th, Avatar 2 was released in the mainland. After a week of release, the box office broke the 500 million mark, breaking the cumulative box office record of New Year’s adventure films in the past three years. However, compared with 13 years ago, the film did not reproduce the grand occasion of "one ticket is hard to find", and its reputation was not as good as that of the previous film. The comments of "full score for special effects and zero score for plot" were endless.

See the special effects or the plot? Box office failure or long tail effect? Can the movie market be saved by Avatar 2? These are all hot topics in the recent film market.

"Avatar 2" special effects 100 points!

It’s not true, it’s true"

Avatar 2 supports many formats, such as 3D, CINITY, IMAX 3D, Dolby Cinema, China Giant Screen and so on. After comprehensive comparison, the laser IMAX version with "all-round" frame, frame rate, clarity and sound effect is selected.

Put on 3D glasses, the familiar Pandora planet is back, and the rainforest is still the same. After nearly an hour of plot preparation, Jack and Neytiri left the tribe with their children and sought refuge in the island reef family, thus unlocking the "ocean" map of Pandora.

Movies and the ocean are the love of Cameron’s life. How beautiful is his love letter to the ocean? The author is in a movie theater, but he seems to be in the sea. The magnificent and colorful "water world" is within reach, the light and shadow flicker and flow, the spray is delicate and soft, the marine life is lifelike, and the visual effect is realistic, which can be called a beautiful marine documentary.

The most eye-catching new species is the underwater overlord "Tukun". The scene of Tukun’s migration in the sea, accompanied by magnificent music, is an unprecedented visual spectacle, which can’t help but remind people of "Happy Travel": "There are fish in the north, and their name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don’t know its thousands of miles; Into a bird, its name is Peng. Peng’s back is thousands of miles away. "

On special effects, Avatar 2 can definitely get 100 points. The film critic "Electronic Knight" believes that the picture presentation of the film is top-notch at present. "Almost all the special effects of commercial blockbusters will be somewhat problematic, butAlmost every frame of Avatar 2 is very clear, true and stable.Whether it is CGI objects, physical special effects equipment, vehicles, or remote digital scenery, there is no flaw. "

A Douban netizen who painted Avatar 2 twice also said that there were no flaws in even the smallest side details. "For example, when Luoak was abandoned in Sanxiong Rock and was attacked by sea animals, the audience’s attention was focused on the character. As a result, I found a small coral on the left edge of the rock in a shot, which shrank and crawled slightly along the water flow in the picture … This is no longer a fake, but it is true."

For the audience who advocate "technology flow", only by choosing the special effects hall in the cinema can they feel what is the "ceiling" of the film industry.This is the irreplaceable charm of 3D movies and the unique technical aesthetics..

The script is automatically generated like AI?

"To have special effects, to have special effects on the plot"

After talking about special effects, let’s talk about the plot. "Avatar 2" Douban scored 8.4, and now it has fallen to 8.1, and its reputation is not as good as that of the previous work."Special effects are required, and special effects are required for the plot"-It is not difficult to see from the online hot reviews that the plot is the biggest flaw in the film..

Avatar 2 is set more than 10 years after the end of the first plot, and tells the story of Jack and his family Qi Xin working together to defeat the villain Colonel Kuric.Affection is the main thread that runs through the whole film, but it is evaluated by polarization.: the favorite audience thinks that the family element is sincere enough and moving enough; Disliked audiences spit, the contradiction between father and son, ethnic conflicts and other bridges are too old-fashioned, and the script is like AI automatically generated.

Indeed, if the 193-minute film is completely supported by visual effects, it will inevitably be exhausting. Investigate its reason,Perhaps it is related to the positioning of the second part in the "Avatar Universe". The characters are complex and the story has transitional properties..

Colonel Kuric was saved by his son "Spider", and the characters may be "blackened" or related to Avatar 3: The Seed Bearer; The growth of the youngest son and his acquaintance with Payakan are paving the way for Avatar 4: Tukun Knight. The mystery of the adopted daughter Qili’s life experience and the connection with the spiritual core of Pandora seem to be solved in Avatar 5: Pursuing Eva.

In the view of catching entertainment,Although Avatar 2 is not as urine point-free as the first film, it also has some merits.. The film’s humanistic concern for the environment and biology transcends family ties. Among them, the story about Tukun is the climax of the whole film, full of emotion.

In Cameron’s design, Tukun is a more intelligent creature than human beings. They have their own language, art, mathematics and music, but they never take the initiative to attack foreigners and treat external attacks and plunder with a defensive attitude. However, because there is a substance in its body that can delay aging, it is hunted by the Kun team.

In the film, the plot around Tukun contracted tears. First, Tukun Payakan was killed by humans and became a broken fin Tukun. In order to prevent humans from killing the same kind and protect their loved ones, it was misunderstood by ethnic groups and "left alone"; Second, Tu Kun’s mother was captured by Kun hunters in order to protect her children. Third, Tukun Payakan became friends with Jack’s youngest son. He took revenge in the decisive battle at sea and was called a "hero".

"I want to be friends with Tukun", "Man and nature have always touched me the most, and I also want to have a Tukun", "I cried at the moment when Tukun turned over and boarded the boat …" Weibo casually searched for the review of Avatar 2, and Tukun was the focus of hot discussion, which aroused strong resonance from the audience.The film appeals to people to protect the ocean and respect everything in the universe. As the film says, "water connects everything in the world", and the way of water is endless, with no beginning and no end..

"Retaliatory viewing" did not come.

New films are fixed and withdrawn.

Before Avatar 2 was released, the whole movie market was waiting for it to "save the market". So, how did the film perform at the mainland box office?

According to the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, up to now, the box office of the film has accumulated 540 million yuan, 126 million yuan on the first day and 398 million yuan in the first week.The "retaliatory viewing" expected by the cinema did not come in the first week of release.Since its release on December 16th, Avatar 2 has broken through 200 million box office in 18 hours, 300 million at 13: 00 a day and 400 million at 18: 00 two days. Subsequently, the growth rate of box office slowed down. At 10: 31 on December 22, the box office of the film broke through the 500 million yuan mark, from 400 million to 500 million, which took more than three days.

Previously, the industry predicted that Avatar 2 could reach the highest box office of 3-4 billion in the mainland, but the entertainment record was seen on the two platforms of Lighthouse Professional Edition and Cat’s Eye Professional Edition, and the box office trend forecast chart dropped significantly. Among them, the cat’s eye professional version is predicted to be 1 billion yuan, which is significantly smaller than before.

The global box office of Avatar 2 exceeded 600 million dollars today, and its performance was not as good as expected. The previous movie earned $2.923 billion at the global box office, which is still the first movie in the global film history, and this record has been maintained for more than 10 years.

Why is Avatar 2′ s box office appeal not good? There are many reasons.

First, affected by the epidemic, the willingness to watch movies is generally low.Some netizens teased and said, "Those who are yang can’t go out, and those who are not yang dare not go out." There are also "Yangkangs" who go to the movies, saying that "the cinemas are coughing one after another", which obviously hinders some potential viewers.

Second, affected by the fare, some viewers were dissuaded.There are many versions of Avatar 2, and the ordinary 3D version can’t get the best experience, but the tickets for special effects halls such as laser IMAX and CINITY are too expensive. According to media reports, the price of CINITY Hall in Beijing is around 200-300 yuan, while the price of CINITY Hall in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities is as high as that in 400 yuan. Although the fare has decreased, the CINITY Hall in China is generally about 100 yuan.

Third, influenced by ideas, fans no longer pay for special effects.Twelve years ago, "Avatar" brought fire to 3D viewing, which promoted the rapid expansion of IMAX screens in China. Now, the shooting technology of the second film has been completely advanced, but the audience no longer pursues "special effects are king", but pays more attention to good stories. Earlier, when Yu Dong, the chairman of Bona Film, attended a forum to talk about Avatar 2, he also said that foreign films began to slowly adapt to the viewing habits of China audiences.

However, it is not yet possible to conclude that Avatar 2 failed at the box office. At present, the film has no competitors in genre. As Christmas and New Year’s Day approach, the film is expected to usher in a wave of growth in North America and China. It’s just that the box office performance of Avatar 2 is not as good as expected, which also makes the movie market waver.

In the coming Christmas and New Year’s Eve, there are currently eight new films to be shown from December 23rd to 31st, namely, the Hollywood action comedy Agent Scared, and the cartoon Cat in Boots 2, Dragon Horse! Newborn tennis prince; The romantic film "I want to see you" and "Transformation Raiders" released on the 24th; The cartoon Journey to the West, which was released on 30th, and the comedy Desperate Husband and the cartoon Oak Restaurant, which were released on 31st. Among the eight new films, cartoons account for half.

However, the most anticipated comedy movie "Keep You Safe" chose to withdraw the file. On the evening of December 21st, Weibo, the official of "Keep You Safe", issued a document saying that after comprehensive consideration, it was decided to postpone the release, and the film was previously scheduled for New Year’s Eve.

After the adjustment of epidemic prevention and control policies, cinemas have gradually resumed work, and the operating rate of the national film market has recovered to 72.2% (the latest data of Lighthouse Professional Edition). After three years of silence, the recovery of the film industry can not rely on a film to "save the market", and the recovery will also be a long-term process.

Chun’ an: Deep affection for Lantern Festival continues the taste of the year

Making lanterns, solve riddles on the lanterns, playing games and eating Lantern Festival is another year of Lantern Festival. The villages and towns in Chun ‘an County are very lively, and everyone gathered together to carry out various Lantern Festival theme activities.
"The waist drum team is coming!" In the outdoor Little Square of Wanghu Community in Qiandao Lake Town, a community dance team with waist drums and bright red dresses started a lively opening ceremony, and the "Lantern Festival Happy Home" garden party and the pro-theme activities of Pearl and Wanghu officially began. Accompanied by laughter, the dragon surrounded by ribbons "swam" into the community and flew up and down to stage the "Dragon in Prosperity".
On the other side of the Nanyuan community, at the scene of the activity of "Concentrating on the Neighborhood and Celebrating the Lantern Festival", the neighbors had a heated discussion in the "lantern riddle array". This year’s lantern riddles cover the creation of civilization, Hangzhou Asian Games, Song Yun culture and other aspects, with higher concern for residents and stronger educational attributes.
The Sunshine Community held the Lantern Festival theme activity of "Happy Lantern Festival, Welcome the Asian Games with One Heart". Festive music attracted a large number of residents. They went out in groups of three or five, or the whole family. First, they received a delicious and steaming dumpling, and then quietly selected their favorite puzzles to answer. If they guessed the riddles, they could also receive a beautiful small gift. At the same time, in the other corner of the activity site, the publicity activities of garbage classification and anti-fraud are also in full swing. Through polite competition, the knowledge of garbage classification and anti-fraud is popularized to the residents on the site, and publicity materials are distributed to enhance the residents’ awareness of anti-fraud and garbage classification to welcome the arrival of the Asian Games.
To ask where the flavor of "Old Pailing" is strongest, Chun ‘an people will definitely recommend you to stroll along Qilong Lane and Hushan Park to the tip of the stove. Non-legacy bamboo horses, colorful dragon lanterns and big-headed dolls started from the community practice station (citizen post station) under the interpretation of community party member volunteers, literary backbones and teachers and students of Huoshanjian Kindergarten, beating gongs and drums while performing, with colorful dances interspersed among them, winning the applause of pedestrians along the way.
Left-behind children are the biggest concern for out-of-town entrepreneurs to return to work after the holiday. Qiandaohu Town Xincheng Community Civilization Practice Station specially invited children from its jurisdiction to come to Children’s Home for the holidays. Everyone sang children’s songs and listened to stories. Sister social worker also taught the children to make Lantern Festival lanterns with red envelopes and snack boxes during the Chinese New Year, and wrote their thoughts and wishes for their families into the lanterns.
The "Welcome to the Asian Games and Happy Lantern Festival" in Weiping Town was held in Yejiacun Cultural Auditorium. More than 300 people gathered together, throwing pots, eating glutinous rice balls and solve riddles on the lanterns … The scene was full of laughter. Finally, the Ye Jialong Lantern Show was held. The huge dragon body danced and soared into the sky in the explosion of fireworks, which was very spectacular. It is reported that this activity combines Song Yun, Asian Games and other elements, including traditional solve riddles on the lanterns, glutinous rice balls, dragon lanterns and gongs and drums performances, as well as Song Yun folk games such as throwing pots and hoops, so that the broad masses of cadres and people can further inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation and feel the unique charm of traditional folk customs.
Dashu Town organized many volunteers such as party member, women, young people and non-party people to carry out various activities for the residents of the market town, such as sending glutinous rice balls and solve riddles on the lanterns, to celebrate the Lantern Festival together. During the activity, some volunteers presented dumplings to the past residents to convey warm wishes. The rest of the volunteers distributed handmade materials to guide the children to make Lantern Festival lanterns and New Year wish cards. The collected wish cards will be bought by volunteers and sent to children after the festival.
The "Hongling Party-mass Service Station" in Langchuan Township held the "Cut Tangyuan" and the solve riddles on the lanterns to celebrate the Lantern Festival. Lights were decorated everywhere and lanterns were hung high. Eating glutinous rice balls, solve riddles on the lanterns and watching lanterns are traditional customs of the Lantern Festival, but this year’s "glutinous rice balls" are very special. The raw materials are neither glutinous rice nor black sesame seeds. The cute dolls only use a piece of colored paper and a pair of scissors to make bowls of chubby "glutinous rice balls". With the help of this activity, children and villagers can further feel the charm of paper-cutting art, and take traditional festivals as an opportunity to promote traditional art, which can bring a unique meaning to traditional festivals.
The Lantern Festival in Zuokou Township was held in the Cultural Auditorium of Yaocun Village, Zuokou Township. Customs clearance games such as throwing pots, hooping, guessing and blowing out candles were set up on the spot, which attracted many villagers and children to have Lantern Festival. Although it was near the end of the month, the scene was still full of strong flavor of the year. In addition, Zuokou Township Cultural Station also set up a "anti-pornography and illegal publications" publicity exhibition board at the scene, taking advantage of the lively opportunity to carry out "anti-pornography and illegal publications" publicity for everyone.
The Jiukeng Township Women’s Federation, together with the Youth League Committee and the Cultural Station, held a parent-child activity of "Welcome Lantern Festival, Creative Production of DIY Stickers for Parents and Children" at the Children’s Palace of Rural Renaissance in Zhonglian Village. The volunteer teachers explained the relevant knowledge of stickers to the children, and then the children cooperated with their parents to cut and paste simple and beautiful paintings. Finally, the children took their own stickers to show on the stage and shared their creative achievements with everyone.
In the cultural auditorium of Guanjia Village, Fu Wang Township, a lantern riddle activity with the theme of "learning to strengthen the country" opened the eyes of the villagers. At the activity site, the hot field of hitting the water drum quickly heated up the strong festive atmosphere on the scene. Then the various riddles at the lantern riddle meeting also made the villagers who came to guess the riddle "brainstorm". The old people who originally planned to bring their children to play at the scene even played more actively than their grandchildren. Later, kicking shuttlecock, skipping rope, tug-of-war competition and knowledge quiz on garbage sorting also kept the fiery atmosphere on the scene.

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1, strong body

Running can improve our physical fitness. Compared with people who don’t exercise, runners are more robust, giving us more muscles, full of spiritual vitality, and improving all aspects of our body.

2. Keep your body young

Running is a good aerobic exercise. When we run, our body’s oxygen delivery and blood quantity are ten times more than usual, which will deliver more oxygen and nutrition to cells, make our cells more energetic and make our bodies younger!

3. Keep in good shape

Eating without exercise is the easiest way to get fat. Obese bodies are unsightly and, more importantly, unhealthy, while running can maintain our good bodies. Running every day can control the fat content in the body, and make our body more upright and will not go out of shape! So if you want to keep fit, running is a good way to exercise.

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