What kind of romantic collision will there be when the nickname of winter meets the winter scenery of Linxia?

these two days

Do you have a cold wind and snowflakes rustling there?

Winter has arrived, and everything is hidden.

Flip through ancient books

Once again intoxicated with the beauty of ancient Chinese!

Everything in the world, vegetation falling, spring, summer, autumn and winter

All have unique and elegant names endowed by the ancients.

12 nicknames about winter

Meet twelve winter scenes in Linxia.

What kind of romantic collision will there be?

Let’s have a look!

The ancients took October of the lunar calendar as Meng Dong, November as Midwinter, and December as Ji Dong, and collectively referred to the three months as "three winters" to refer to winter.

There are 90 days in three months in winter, so winter is also called "Nine winters".

"Strict" has the meaning of "deep degree", so "severe winter" has become another generation of extremely cold winter.

Everything is depressed in winter, and it is cold between heaven and earth, so winter is also called "clear winter".

"Xuan" is black. In ancient times, the four directions were the four seasons, and the northern winter was black, so winter was also called "Xuandong".

"Poor" means nothing. Winter is the last season of the year, so it is called "poor winter".

In ancient times, spring and summer were sunny, autumn and winter were cloudy, and winter was the last season of the year, so it was called this.

"Sui Shu Records Fifteenth Astronomical Seven Obsidian" contains: "The sun travels eastward along the ecliptic, once a day and once a night, 365 days are strange and Sunday. Traveling to the east is called spring … Traveling to the north is called winter ".

Er Ya Shi Tian says, "Winter is Xuan Ying". Therefore, it is called winter by later generations.

Note: Xuan, color of winter, sequence, season. Use "Xuan Xu" to call winter people.

Source: The Book of Beginners, Volume III, quoted the Compilation of Emperor Liang Yuan of the Southern Dynasties: "Winter is called Xuan Ying … Festival is called Yan Festival."

The ancients had the so-called "three redundancies" in reading. The rest: in winter, after the year, in the night, after the day, and in rainy days. The winter reading in "spare time" is the best.

Source: Linxia Zhourong Media Center

Editor: Ren Li

Check: Zhang Haipeng.

Original title: "What kind of romantic collision will there be when the elegant name of winter meets the winter scenery of Linxia? 》

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"Olive" is the first "flag" to win the youth flag football match held in Zheng

On November 20th, the reporter learned from the Henan Student Sports Association that the 2023 Youth Waist Flag Rugby Competition, the first inter-school rugby league in Zhengzhou Economic Development Zone, recently started in Chaofeng Road Primary School (North Campus). A total of 118 small players from the school teams of seven primary schools in the Economic Development Zone will compete in the five-day competition to show off the style of waist flag football, a new wave sport that has just entered the Olympics.

This youth flag football match is guided by Henan Student Sports Association and Zhengzhou Education Bureau, sponsored by Education, Culture and Sports Bureau of Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, and undertaken by Chaofenglu Primary School and Dongzhimai Sports and Culture Development Co., Ltd. in Economic Development Zone. This is also the first time that the Economic Development Zone has held an inter-school rugby league. It is understood that Flag Football is a variant of American football. Unlike the traditional American football, the defender does not throw the ball holder down, but pulls the flag from the ball holder to end an attack. As a non-contact, zero-equipment, small-scale football game, flag football has no requirements for the number, age and physical fitness of participants. Even with zero sports foundation, it can quickly integrate into the team, and it can achieve mixed teams of men and women and compete in the same field. Flag rugby has now become an official event of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

During the game, the attacking player hangs a colorful waist flag around his waist, and the defending player pulls out the opponent’s waist flag instead of the traditional American football collision confrontation to stop the attack. You come and go between teams, holding each other back, constantly running, attacking, and pitching … The little players are just like each other, competing tactics and physical strength on the court. "This competition is somewhat similar to tearing brand-name games. It is fun and exciting, and the threshold is low. It tests the team spirit and helps to enhance the tacit understanding and friendship of the team." A small contestant said happily.

As a new sports event that has just entered the Olympic Games, waist flag rugby has entered the campus under the background of deepening the integration of sports and education and promoting the healthy development of teenagers, and gradually formed a good campus sports culture and fierce competitive exchanges between schools and teams, which has become a unique landscape in the primary school campus of Economic Development Zone. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Education, Culture and Sports Bureau of the Economic Development Zone said, "In recent years, the Economic Development Zone has constructed the sunshine sports opening mode of’ one activity class every day to ensure one hour of exercise’ and promoted it in the whole province. This flag football game is another potential but challenging event added to the competition system of the Economic Development Zone."

"The purpose of holding this inter-school league is to let children feel the charm of emerging sports in flag football, make good use of after-school time, like sports, fall in love with sports and enjoy sports." A person in charge of the competition organizer said, "In the future, the competition system will be further enriched, and the middle school league is being planned to let more primary and secondary school students participate in this emerging sport. Teams that have achieved outstanding results in the league will also participate in the national finals to enhance their experience and show their style on a higher stage. "

(Zhengguan journalist Chen Kaiwen Image source: Yaoqi Rugby Inter-school League Organizing Committee)


LAY plays! "Changsha Nightlife" made the opening song "Xiangjiang River Water"

1905 movie network news On April 4th,, producer, screenwriter and director, starring,,,,, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, specially starring, and friendship starring, released the title song "Xiangjiang River Water" sung by LAY and Kung Fu Pang, which was composed and arranged by Kung Fu Pang and LAY. The two musicians who grew up in Changsha integrated the domineering and hotness of Huxiang culture into the song, and also expressed their infinite love for their hometown through this passionate "Xiangjiang River Water".

In the opening song, LAY vividly expressed the attitude of Changsha nightlife with Changsha dialect RAP. "Changsha people, Changsha soul, the Party ends in the morning" vividly explained the lively fireworks in Changsha night. The MV also launched the story line of LAY’s role. He played the role of He An, a talk show actor, who insisted on polishing jokes and performing on stage with the enthusiasm of "leading Changsha dialect to the world". Whether in songs or movies, LAY used Changsha dialect to make the audience feel the charm of Changsha nightlife.


LAY shows Changsha night attitude with dialect RAP, and "Xiangjiang River Water" sings the whole city life.

"Xiangjiang River Water" was written by LAY, a native of Changsha, and Kung Fu Pang, and their fate continued with this song. LAY also has different feelings about this song about his hometown. The title of the song is called Xiangjiang River Water because the sound of the flute flowing in the song is like the Xiangjiang River water flowing, and the sound of the flute contains the yearning for my hometown. He used Chinese-style instruments with Beatbox arrangement to make the song more ethnic. LAY also used Changsha dialect to sing this song telling the story of Changsha, hoping to make friends all over the country feel the enthusiasm and hotness of Changsha through this song, which is also the attitude of Changsha that the film "Changsha Nightlife" wants to convey.

LAY’s authentic Changsha dialect RAP injects soul into the colorful Changsha night. "This is the people of Changsha, the soul of Changsha, and the story of Changsha lives in the city of Changsha", and every word of the lyrics reflects the tyrant of Changsha. "Changsha people, the soul of Changsha, the party ends in the morning", "Take a tour in the Martyrs Park, and listen to close lovers by the boat" are combined with the pictures in the film, showing the beauty and excitement of Changsha’s streets. Xiangjiang River passes through the city, and there are fireworks in daily life. During the day, history and culture blend with each other, and at night, there is a collision between soul and food.

Since the official announcement of Nightlife in Changsha, the hot topic has continued. LAY’s opening song "Xiangjiang River Water" is full of singing, and "Watching Nightlife in Changsha during the May Day holiday" has earned the audience’s expectations.


"Cold talk show" witnessed the constant contradiction between father and son.

Changsha dialect must be an essential element in a film full of "Xiang". He An, a talk show actor played by LAY, insisted on talking in Changsha dialect and vowed to "lead Changsha dialect to the world". LAY and Luo Gang are both from Changsha, and they play a father and son. The father is puzzled by his son’s career choice, and the son is unwilling to follow his father’s ideas, which reflects the family relationship and generation gap between Chinese father and son. As soon as the authentic dialect lines come out, the life breath of Changsha will come to me.

Previously, once the video of LAY talking about talk show in the film was released, it was well received by many viewers. He An, who was pursuing her dream, met with a cold reception when she talked about the talk show in front of her father for the first time. He An’s performance was cold and her eyes were lonely. Her father sat in the audience with tears in his eyes, which even hurt many netizens. "Comedians provide joy on the stage, but they are not happy inside. The role of He An makes people feel very empathetic.". In Changsha, a city full of emotions and stories, can a father and son who care about each other but don’t know how to express themselves resolve their feelings in this ordinary Changsha night? Many viewers are curious about the subsequent development of this plot line.

Thank you for your persistence in the New Year holiday!

New year holiday

Bengbu Daily News reporters and editors don’t rest.

Spend the holidays at the post

Media reporters

Record the workers with words and lenses.

Busy figure who sticks to his post during the festival

Construction of affordable rental housing in China Sensing Valley was accelerated.

Expected to be delivered in October 2024.

During the New Year holiday,

China Sensor Valley Security Rental Housing Project

Is under construction in full swing


The main structure of the project has been completely capped.

It is expected to be completed and delivered in October 2024.

The reporter saw at the construction site that the workers were intensively carrying out wall masonry construction and other decoration works inside the building. "At present, the seven monomers of the Sensor Valley Apartment Project have all been capped, and the main structure has been completed. The curtain wall construction of the external wall, indoor wall masonry, indoor plastering and floor construction are underway at the site. The indoor engineering is expected to be fully completed in August 2024, after which we will carry out outdoor supporting engineering construction. " Zhang Xiaoqiang, production manager of the construction unit, said that in order to ensure the construction quality and progress, the construction unit arranged more than 200 workers to carry out on-site operations during the New Year holiday.

China Sensor Valley affordable rental housing project is located on the south side of Donghai Avenue and the west side of Laoshan Road. It is planned to build three 12-storey dormitories, three 22-storey dormitories and a supporting business. The project started construction in October 2022 and is scheduled to be completed in October 2024. After the project is delivered, it can effectively meet the housing needs of employees in the park. Meng Jie, the person in charge of the project construction unit, said, "The EPC project of China Sensor Valley Phase I has 7 units, of which Units 1 to 6 are affordable rental housing projects and Unit 7 is supporting businesses. After completion, it can provide 1944 sets of affordable rental housing for the entire sensing valley to meet the housing needs of industrial workers and senior managers in the sensing valley park. "

It is understood that China Sensor Valley is an intelligent sensor industry cluster supported by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and it is also called the "three valleys" of artificial intelligence industry in Anhui Province together with Hefei "Sound Valley" and Wuhu "Vision Valley". By the end of October 2023, there were 39 enterprises in Bengbu intelligent sensing industry, with an output value of 4.17 billion yuan and a revenue of 5.51 billion yuan.

Welded flowers are tempered and shine with youth.

Welder Han Zhiwei strives for the goal.

The machine roared and the welding sparkled.

The first day of New Year’s Day holiday

Han Zhiwei, who loves to study hard

But he couldn’t let go of his beloved welding torch

Continue to ponder the technology in the post.

Han Zhiwei is a front-line employee of Bengbu Chemical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. He graduated from Anhui Bengbu Technician College less than two years ago, but he has made shining achievements in the post of "special operation welder".

In 2020, Han Zhiwei won the first prize in the welding technology project competition of Bengbu Vocational College (secondary vocational school group) and the second prize in the welding technology competition of Anhui Vocational College Skills Competition. In 2023, Han Zhiwei participated in the selection contest of Bengbu Skills Competition for the first time on behalf of the company, and won the first prize of the welding project group. As an outstanding player in the selection contest of Bengbu Skills Competition, he participated in the provincial competition on behalf of our city and won the first prize of the welding project group of the provincial vocational skills competition.

The harvest in 2023 is full, which stems from the down-to-earth work style of this young man who is just 20 years old and his love for welding.Welder is a bit bitter, a bit tired and a bit dirty, so many impetuous young people "don’t like it", but Han Zhiwei, who is calm and introverted, loves this profession deeply and finds his own happiness from it. "At first, I didn’t have a good grasp of the position of the welding point, but I liked it, so I made up my mind to learn the welding skills well. If others work for an hour, I will work for two hours. In short, I must do it well. " Although he has won several awards at school, Han Zhiwei has higher requirements for himself after entering the job. During the training period of half a year, he practiced for nearly 10 hours every day, and used more than 20,000 covered electrode. Through constant study and hard training, he summarized his study and constantly improved his ability and level. "When I see that the welding patterns are arranged neatly and symmetrically on the welded works, those patterns are like a painting, and my happiest thing is to appreciate it after welding!" Touching the pattern he "painted" on the steel plate with a welding torch, Han Zhiwei said.

The products produced by Bengbu Chemical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are mainly various types of pressure vessels. The welding technology and seam control are not only related to the product quality of the enterprise, but also to the life, health and safety of every user. "It’s not only exquisite skills, but also patience, a strong sense of responsibility, and love to study, and these qualities are possessed by Han Zhiwei." Liu Yiyong, the master of Han Zhiwei, the outstanding craftsman and senior welder of the third Jianghuai, said with joy, "I am 55 years old, and I can cultivate such a good seedling in the younger generation, which will enable our generation’s technology to be passed down, happy and at ease."

In 2024, Han Zhiwei had a new goal.Just 20 years old, he is already a technician, and his technical mastery and award-winning situation have met the conditions. The enterprise is going to declare the municipal "skill master studio" for him. "Enterprises have very high expectations for me. I will continue to temper myself in the new year and work hard towards such a goal." Han Zhiwei said.

The resettlement housing project is busy.

On the morning of December 30th.

At the resettlement site of Huaishang Mingju in Huaishang District.

Construction workers are installing aluminum formwork.

Build walls, tie steel cages,

The tinkling sound is endless.

Huaishang Mingju is the largest resettlement housing project in Huaishang District, with a construction area of 270,000 square meters. It is expected to be completed and accepted in 2025. At present,The construction unit is striving for fine weather and continuous construction, striving to dedicate the best quality and most beautiful buildings to the people of Huaishang District.

Because of you.

Our city is more beautiful.

Zhucheng builders

Thank you for your persistence and dedication in the festival!

(Source: Bengbu Daily Media Reporter: Hao Yulin Zhang Jianping Correspondent: Lu Jiayuan Text/Photo Editor: Zhou Ze)


Wang Yiming, China International Economic Exchange Center: China’s economy has the conditions to achieve a growth rate of 5% next year.

On December 19th, Wang Yiming, vice chairman of China International Economic Exchange Center, said at the hot meeting of China Macroeconomic Forum (CMF) that, optimistically, China's economy can achieve a 5% growth rate next year. "If our investment can be close to 3% from 2.9%, it can be increased to 4% and 5%; The consumption base was very low last year, and in the case of high base this year, it will be able to maintain the level of 6% to 7% next year; Exports can turn positive; Achieving 5% next year should be expected. "

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused nearly a thousand deaths, and Israel calls the current situation a "war situation."

On October 8, local time, in Gaza City, after the Israeli air raid, smoke billowed. This article is a picture of vision china.

A number of Israeli media, such as Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation, reported on the 8th that a new round of conflict between Palestine and Israel has killed more than 600 Israelis. The health department of the Gaza Strip in Palestine issued a statement on the same day saying that 370 people were killed and 2,200 injured when Israeli troops attacked the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, people stood outside a mosque destroyed by Israeli air strikes in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Palestine.

Statistics released by the Israeli medical department that afternoon showed that the conflict had injured more than 2,000 Israelis. According to the Jerusalem Post, more than 100 Israeli soldiers and civilians were taken into the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, Gaza City, the second day of the continuous conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas, was devastated by Israeli air strikes.

Daniel Heggli, chief spokesman of the Israel Defense Forces, said on the same day that the Israeli army is recruiting hundreds of thousands of reservists to "prepare for the final ground counterattack in the Gaza Strip", which is the largest recruitment activity in Israel in the past decades.

On October 8, local time, Merkava tanks rolled on the road near the Lebanese border in Kiliatshmna, Israel.

The Information Office of the Israeli Government issued a statement on the afternoon of the 8th, saying that the security cabinet confirmed the current situation as a "war situation" on the evening of the 7th, and took major military measures according to Article 40 of the Basic Law of Israel, that is, Israel was forced to wage war due to rocket attacks from Gaza, and the war started at 6 am local time on the 7th.

On October 8, local time, Israeli troops assembled at a secret location on the border of the Gaza Strip.

A new round of military conflict broke out between Israel and Palestine on the 7th, and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) launched a military operation against Israel during the Jewish holiday that day. The Israeli army launched several rounds of air strikes in the Gaza Strip.

(Source: Wang Zhuolun, Liu Weijian/Xinhua News Agency)

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Do you know the eight differences between Korean women and China women?

Eight differences between Korean women and China women;

1. Beauty concept: Korean women attach great importance to appearance and beauty, and usually spend a lot of time and money to maintain their appearance. Although women in China also pay attention to appearance, they usually pay more attention to the beauty of nature and self-confidence.

2. Clothing matching: Korean women usually pursue fashion trends and differentiation, and like to match different types of clothing together. China women, on the other hand, pay more attention to the elegance and elegance of clothes, and like traditional and beautiful clothes.

3. Personality characteristics: Korean women are usually more enthusiastic and open, expressing their feelings and opinions. However, women in China are usually reserved and reserved, and pay more attention to thinking and exploring their hearts.

4. Socialization: Korean women usually choose to go to cafes, bars or some emerging social places with friends to enjoy the fun of socializing. Women in China usually choose to go to parks, teahouses or chat at home with friends, and pay more attention to intimate interpersonal relationships.

5. Family responsibilities: Korean women usually need to take care of and educate their families and children, and usually put family life first. Women in China also take on family responsibilities, but usually pay more attention to the balance between family and work.

6. Education background: Korean women generally receive high-quality education and training, and usually have high academic qualifications and professional status. Women in China are now paying more and more attention to education, but due to historical and cultural reasons, there is still a certain gap between educational opportunities and career development.

7. Marriage concept: Korean women usually get married and have children in their twenties. Traditional family concept is very important. Women in China are relatively more flexible in this respect, and their marriage concepts and family planning are more diversified.

8. Concept of health care: Korean women generally like to eat Undaria pinnatifida for health care, which is a common understanding in Korea. Moreover, there are many ways for women in China to keep healthy, and some ways affect their health.

Korean women like to use Undaria pinnatifida for health preservation mainly for the following three reasons:

1. Undaria pinnatifida is rich in dietary fiber and low in calories, which can effectively suppress appetite, promote gastrointestinal digestion and excrete waste, thus achieving the effect of keeping fit. In addition, Undaria pinnatifida is also rich in vitamins and minerals, which helps to improve skin quality and maintain a healthy and beautiful figure.

2. In Korea, Undaria pinnatifida is a very popular food, which can be made into various delicious dishes, such as Undaria pinnatifida soup and Undaria pinnatifida salad, and is widely used in Korean food culture. Therefore, Undaria pinnatifida has become one of the first choice ingredients for many Korean women to lose weight.

Undaria pinnatifida is a kind of food growing in the sea, which has strong reproductive ability, so it is very economical and affordable, and most people can afford it.

There are many kinds of Undaria pinnatifida in the market, and the price is not high. If it is an e-commerce platform, it will be cheaper. A bag of Undaria pinnatifida in the headline shop is 19.9 yuan, which is very popular and has sold more than 2 million copies. Interested friends can click on the link below to buy it.

# Travel

If you dare to go to Thailand.

Chapter one: Uninvited guests and ancient temples. In a remote mountain area in northern Thailand, a young traveler, Allen, is sheltering from the rain in an ancient temple. There is a mysterious legend in this temple. It is said that there is a magical witchcraft here that can attract people’s souls to mysterious forces. On a rainy night, Allen became interested in this legend, and he decided to find out.

The abbot of the temple knew the mystery of this technique well, and he showed a strange and complicated ceremony, which surprised Allen deeply. Allen decided to spend the night in this temple, although his back was cold.

Explore more secrets chapter 2: the attraction of the soul. The abbot explained to Allen that this magical witchcraft needs a special plant called "Soul Grass" to be implemented. This plant has mysterious power, which can make people’s souls leave the body temporarily. Then the abbot took out a portrait of a human figure with Allen’s face on it. He told Allen that the portrait would be their "medium". The abbot began to recite ancient incantations in a low voice, holding a portrait and putting soul grass on it. Suddenly, the image of Allen in the portrait began to distort, as if attracted by a powerful force, and Allen’s soul seemed to come out of the painting.

Chapter Three: The Trap of Curse. The abbot put the portrait in a wooden box and told Allen that his soul was trapped in the portrait and could not escape. The way to lift this curse is to find someone who is willing to sacrifice himself instead of Allen.

Allen was terrified, and his body gradually became weak, as if a cold force was eroding his vitality. He didn’t know how to save himself, but realized blankly that he must find the person who can suffer for him as soon as possible, otherwise his soul will be trapped in this painting forever.

Chapter Four: Breaking the Curse. Allen’s heart is full of horror. He just wants to escape from this place. He can’t stand this kind of suffering any longer. He is helpless and needs to find a way out. He asked the abbot how to lift the head drop. The abbot gave him a glimmer of hope and told him that only by finding someone willing to suffer for him can the curse be lifted.

However, Allen knew nothing about this proposal, and he felt confused and desperate. At this time, he met a kind-hearted local villager. The villager told him an old legend: every year on Ghost Festival, there will be a mysterious ceremony, which can relieve the head drop. The key to this ceremony is to use a "body double" to attract the power of head-dropping, and then a monk recites the scriptures, permanently sealing this power in Chapter 5: the initiation of the ceremony.

Allen decided to try this legendary mysterious ceremony. Under the guidance of the villagers, he found the monk and started the ceremony with him with uneasy feelings. On the altar, the monks took out a portrait, in which the abbot was lifelike. They put the portrait on the altar and began to recite the scriptures. With the sound of scripture, the image of the abbot on the portrait began to distort, as if being attracted out of the frame. Then the monk put a burning brazier in front of the altar and instructed Allen to throw his hair and nails into the fire.

Chapter Six: The End of the Curse. When the last scripture was finished, the flame in the brazier suddenly went out, as if swallowed up by darkness. Allen, a monk, conveyed an important message. He pointed to Allen and said, "The head drop technique in your body has been completely resolved, and your strength has been restored." Hearing the good news, Allen was ecstatic, his body was full of new vitality, and his eyes filled with tears, thanking the monk. Then, he set foot on the road to leave this place that once scared him.

However, as Allen went further and further, the monk recited a mysterious scripture in a low voice, which was deep and shocking, as if to awaken an ancient and powerful force. He sincerely called: "this cursed soul, you have experienced countless hardships, and now your suffering is finally over." Mother-in-law is actually a princess in Quanzhou, China. Click to follow

Academician Zhong Nanshan suggested: Keep exercising, you will be younger than your peers, and there are two things to do.

Everyone is familiar with Zhong Nanshan. This is an 85-year-old academician of China Academy of Engineering who fought in the front line of fighting against the epidemic twice. Although we didn’t see him personally, we can see through the lens that he is 85 years old, with a tall and straight figure and strong posture, which is not inferior to the young people next to him. Why?

In April this year, when Zhong Nanshan was giving online lectures to students in Nankai, Tianjin, there was a remark that surprised all the students, that is, now some of his students are lying in bed, and some have already used crutches, and the reason why he is still in good health is that he has never stopped exercising. At the time of teachingZhong Nanshan has always said that exercise plays a very important role in his health.

One: we must persist in sports.

When Zhong Nanshan was young, his physical quality could reach the level of a professional athlete. He believed that exercise should be an indispensable part of every day like sleeping. According to the Guangzhou Daily, Zhong Nanshan was compared when he was a child.Like competitive sports, for exampleBasketball or runningWait, he once created several sports records in school that no one has ever broken. For example, at a National Games a few decades ago, he once broke the national record of 400-meter hurdles.

It is because Zhong Nanshan, no matter how busy his life is, willTake time out to exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week.every timeThe time is about forty or fifty minutes.He said that a person who has been exercising for 30 to 40 years old may not see any effect for the time being, but when you reach middle age, that is, after 50 years old, you will try again, and the effect will be there. You will look younger than your peers, and if you wait until you are 70 to 80 years old, the effect will be even more obvious.

How to exercise?

He doesn’t have any special exercise mode, just simple and ordinary exercise, such asRun on the treadmill, support on the bar and do sit-ups.Exercise from the inside out, and take the whole family out when you have time.Swim. Nowadays, young people should exercise more, so they can give it a try.Basketball, badminton or running fast,Old people are a little relieved,Taiji, brisk walking or swimming.Everything is ok. It can be seen that Academician Zhong Nanshan did not pursue high-intensity sports.Just what suits you, especially the elderly.

Two: Have a good attitude.

Zhong Nanshan said that whether a person is really healthy,It depends not only on the body but also on the mind.. That is to say, bad emotions are harmful to people’s health. Scientists have found that each of us has about 3,000 cancer cells every day. Don’t panic. The immune system in our body will repair or eliminate cancer cells. Of course, their work cannot be separated from a good mood. If a person often has a dark cloud on his head,Have a bad mood.Then it will affect the work of the body’s immune system, and the ability of good cells in the body to restrict cancer cells will be restricted. Over time, there are more and more cancer cells in the body, and then, plus cancer cells are more cunning, they will be in the early stage.Lurking in the human body.If you don’t do the corresponding physical examination, it will be difficult to find out, so that’s why many people find that cancer is basically advanced, and then there is no cure, because it has beenMiss the best timeYes.

How to have a good attitude?

Zhong Nanshan said that the most important thing is to have a good attitude.Have a good pursuit.Many things can beLaugh it off, don’t worry about it.

If a person has no pursuit, he will pay attention to any irrelevant trivial things around him, and then any small things will affect your mood, causing your heart to become impetuous and anxious, especially the young people now, and the middle-aged and elderly people who have worked and retired and have nothing to do. If you have a goal, you will work hard to achieve it.The mentality is naturally good.

Three: Don’t eat too much.

Three years ago, at a food festival in Guangzhou, Zhong Nanshan generously exposed his breakfast recipe, the breakfast of Academician Zhong Nanshan.Not only many but also rich.. He believes that breakfast must be eaten and eaten seriously. There are staple foods, two kinds of protein and one or two kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. Yes.Enhance satiety, but also conducive to digestion.achieveGood breakfast, full lunch and little dinner.The principle of eating, breakfast is mainly based onFruits and vegetables and dairy products and beans.Mainly, mainly at noonFish, poultry and beansGive priority to, dinner is.Whole grains.

Not only Zhong Nanshan, but also Ge Junbo, an academician of China Academy of Sciences, said that eating breakfast well is good for the heart and can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If you don’t eat breakfast, it will lead to overweight, hyperlipidemia and other diseases.

To sum up, Zhong Nanshan, like us, is a mortal body. Why can people be the same as young people at the age of 85? Just look at these three things.Exercise more, have a good attitude and don’t eat too much.Don’t hurry up and do it?


1. "85-year-old Academician Zhong Nanshan advises you to keep exercising: my classmates are either on crutches or lying in bed now"-Beiqing.com 2022-04-11.

2. The 84-year-old young people in Zhong Nanshan who are in poor health benefit from decades of daily exercise-Guangming. com 2020-08-09.

3. Zhong Nanshan: That’s the Way to Eat Breakfast-Guangming. com 2021-07-16.

Most doctors won’t tell you some "cold knowledge" about female physiology, so you should pay attention to it yourself.

Nowadays, most women really know very little about their own physiological knowledge, and most women also take an evasive and obscure attitude towards some topics of women’s physiological knowledge, and are unwilling to say or mention them. In fact, this is not correct. For their own physiological knowledge, it is the best way to deal with them correctly and actively.

You should know these cold knowledge about female physiology, even if the doctor doesn’t say it.

The first cold knowledge is that, for women, not everyone’s menstrual cycle is 30 days. In fact, women’s menstrual cycle is normal within 21~35 days. Many women will think that their menstrual cycle is not 30 days, so they have irregular menstruation. This idea is actually wrong. Whether women have irregular menstruation requires asking a professional doctor, and then making a comprehensive diagnosis according to their medical history, other physical examinations and even their hormone levels. Therefore, for every woman, never dare to feel that her menstrual cycle is not thirty days, and she is the abnormal one.

The second cold knowledge is actually that for women, their private parts should never be washed casually with some lotion, and it is unnecessary to wash private parts, because women’s vagina has the function of self-cleaning, and the vulva can be washed properly, but the vulva should never be washed. Excessive cleaning will cause more bacteria in the vagina, leading to vaginal dysfunction and counterproductive effects. And even if you use some professional cleaning agents, you can’t use them indiscriminately. You must ask a professional before you can use them properly.

The third cold knowledge about women’s physiology is that for women, urinary tract infection must be treated as early as possible, otherwise it will easily endanger the uterus! For many years, women may think that diseases such as urinary tract infection are definitely easier for men. In fact, compared with men, women are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infection. Because women’s urinary tract is shorter than men’s urinary tract, it is easier to get caught, and the way to avoid it is to keep the vulva clean, of course, to clean it in moderation, not to hold back urine, and to drink more water in daily life, and to do a good job of cleaning before and after sex.

The fourth cold knowledge about women’s physiology is that every woman needs to start cervical screening at the age of 21. Why? According to experts’ research, the age of 21 is the age when women have sexual intercourse for the first time. When screening begins at this period, you can find the problem early, or you can find the problem early and treat it early. Another reason is that in the past screening data, it is very rare for women to get cervical cancer before the age of 21, so to sum up, doctors’ research shows that it is the most appropriate time for women to start cervical screening at the age of 21.

The fifth cold knowledge about women’s physiology is aimed at the disease of pelvic effusion that women are prone to, and it is best not to treat it indiscriminately. Because about pelvic effusion, it is divided into two types, one is physiological and the other is pathological. If it is physiological pelvic effusion, it will gradually disappear after ovulation or early pregnancy, but if it is pathological, it will not be easily eliminated by some drugs at this time, so it is necessary to go to a special doctor for diagnosis and consultation. Therefore, for this disease, every woman should have a snack, and never treat and take medicine by herself.

About these physiological cold knowledge, women must know fairly well, after all, their health is the most important thing for themselves! # Breeze Plan #