Thank you for your persistence in the New Year holiday!

New year holiday

Bengbu Daily News reporters and editors don’t rest.

Spend the holidays at the post

Media reporters

Record the workers with words and lenses.

Busy figure who sticks to his post during the festival

Construction of affordable rental housing in China Sensing Valley was accelerated.

Expected to be delivered in October 2024.

During the New Year holiday,

China Sensor Valley Security Rental Housing Project

Is under construction in full swing


The main structure of the project has been completely capped.

It is expected to be completed and delivered in October 2024.

The reporter saw at the construction site that the workers were intensively carrying out wall masonry construction and other decoration works inside the building. "At present, the seven monomers of the Sensor Valley Apartment Project have all been capped, and the main structure has been completed. The curtain wall construction of the external wall, indoor wall masonry, indoor plastering and floor construction are underway at the site. The indoor engineering is expected to be fully completed in August 2024, after which we will carry out outdoor supporting engineering construction. " Zhang Xiaoqiang, production manager of the construction unit, said that in order to ensure the construction quality and progress, the construction unit arranged more than 200 workers to carry out on-site operations during the New Year holiday.

China Sensor Valley affordable rental housing project is located on the south side of Donghai Avenue and the west side of Laoshan Road. It is planned to build three 12-storey dormitories, three 22-storey dormitories and a supporting business. The project started construction in October 2022 and is scheduled to be completed in October 2024. After the project is delivered, it can effectively meet the housing needs of employees in the park. Meng Jie, the person in charge of the project construction unit, said, "The EPC project of China Sensor Valley Phase I has 7 units, of which Units 1 to 6 are affordable rental housing projects and Unit 7 is supporting businesses. After completion, it can provide 1944 sets of affordable rental housing for the entire sensing valley to meet the housing needs of industrial workers and senior managers in the sensing valley park. "

It is understood that China Sensor Valley is an intelligent sensor industry cluster supported by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and it is also called the "three valleys" of artificial intelligence industry in Anhui Province together with Hefei "Sound Valley" and Wuhu "Vision Valley". By the end of October 2023, there were 39 enterprises in Bengbu intelligent sensing industry, with an output value of 4.17 billion yuan and a revenue of 5.51 billion yuan.

Welded flowers are tempered and shine with youth.

Welder Han Zhiwei strives for the goal.

The machine roared and the welding sparkled.

The first day of New Year’s Day holiday

Han Zhiwei, who loves to study hard

But he couldn’t let go of his beloved welding torch

Continue to ponder the technology in the post.

Han Zhiwei is a front-line employee of Bengbu Chemical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. He graduated from Anhui Bengbu Technician College less than two years ago, but he has made shining achievements in the post of "special operation welder".

In 2020, Han Zhiwei won the first prize in the welding technology project competition of Bengbu Vocational College (secondary vocational school group) and the second prize in the welding technology competition of Anhui Vocational College Skills Competition. In 2023, Han Zhiwei participated in the selection contest of Bengbu Skills Competition for the first time on behalf of the company, and won the first prize of the welding project group. As an outstanding player in the selection contest of Bengbu Skills Competition, he participated in the provincial competition on behalf of our city and won the first prize of the welding project group of the provincial vocational skills competition.

The harvest in 2023 is full, which stems from the down-to-earth work style of this young man who is just 20 years old and his love for welding.Welder is a bit bitter, a bit tired and a bit dirty, so many impetuous young people "don’t like it", but Han Zhiwei, who is calm and introverted, loves this profession deeply and finds his own happiness from it. "At first, I didn’t have a good grasp of the position of the welding point, but I liked it, so I made up my mind to learn the welding skills well. If others work for an hour, I will work for two hours. In short, I must do it well. " Although he has won several awards at school, Han Zhiwei has higher requirements for himself after entering the job. During the training period of half a year, he practiced for nearly 10 hours every day, and used more than 20,000 covered electrode. Through constant study and hard training, he summarized his study and constantly improved his ability and level. "When I see that the welding patterns are arranged neatly and symmetrically on the welded works, those patterns are like a painting, and my happiest thing is to appreciate it after welding!" Touching the pattern he "painted" on the steel plate with a welding torch, Han Zhiwei said.

The products produced by Bengbu Chemical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are mainly various types of pressure vessels. The welding technology and seam control are not only related to the product quality of the enterprise, but also to the life, health and safety of every user. "It’s not only exquisite skills, but also patience, a strong sense of responsibility, and love to study, and these qualities are possessed by Han Zhiwei." Liu Yiyong, the master of Han Zhiwei, the outstanding craftsman and senior welder of the third Jianghuai, said with joy, "I am 55 years old, and I can cultivate such a good seedling in the younger generation, which will enable our generation’s technology to be passed down, happy and at ease."

In 2024, Han Zhiwei had a new goal.Just 20 years old, he is already a technician, and his technical mastery and award-winning situation have met the conditions. The enterprise is going to declare the municipal "skill master studio" for him. "Enterprises have very high expectations for me. I will continue to temper myself in the new year and work hard towards such a goal." Han Zhiwei said.

The resettlement housing project is busy.

On the morning of December 30th.

At the resettlement site of Huaishang Mingju in Huaishang District.

Construction workers are installing aluminum formwork.

Build walls, tie steel cages,

The tinkling sound is endless.

Huaishang Mingju is the largest resettlement housing project in Huaishang District, with a construction area of 270,000 square meters. It is expected to be completed and accepted in 2025. At present,The construction unit is striving for fine weather and continuous construction, striving to dedicate the best quality and most beautiful buildings to the people of Huaishang District.

Because of you.

Our city is more beautiful.

Zhucheng builders

Thank you for your persistence and dedication in the festival!

(Source: Bengbu Daily Media Reporter: Hao Yulin Zhang Jianping Correspondent: Lu Jiayuan Text/Photo Editor: Zhou Ze)


[Association News] Association leaders and their party went to Yunnan Department of Commerce for docking and exchange.

  Click the "blue word" above to learn more first-hand information about the industry.

  On December 15th, Liang Yuxia, Secretary of the Association, Ma Renhong, Executive President, and Ye Suping, General Manager of Guangdong Jinze Investment Group, Vice President, and others went to Yunnan Department of Commerce for business docking and exchange. Yin Yonglin, the second-level inspector of the Department of Commerce, and leaders of Modern Logistics Industry Department, Exhibition Economy Department, Market System Construction Department, Business Service Department and ASEAN Department attended the meeting.

  The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on the deployment of Yunnan’s docking with Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area next year, the development and construction of a two-way logistics channel between Guangdong market and Yunnan market, the entry of beef cattle from Laos and Myanmar and Yunnan into Guangdong market, and the recommended products from Yunnan during the 2024 Expo.

  At the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on the application of "Air Smart Express" in Yunnan, which was highly recognized by everyone. They agreed that "Air Smart Express" is an effective way to solve the difficulties faced by the last mile logistics in mountainous areas of Yunnan, and will arrange an on-site inspection as soon as possible to study the promotion of the project.

  At the same time, a serious docking and research was carried out around the beef cattle industry and the 2024 Expo.

  Yunnan Province is the source province of "Western Cuisine Moving to the East" and "Yunnan Cuisine Entering Guangdong". At the same time, as the bridgehead area connecting "the belt and road initiative" with "Lan-Mei Region", its advantages in agricultural products and geographical location are particularly prominent. The two sides believe that through the platform of the association, we will speed up the close docking of the two markets and jointly promote the high-quality development of the regional economy in Yunnan and Guangdong provinces.

  Li Wenjie, director of Yunnan Rongwan Professional Committee of the Association, attended the meeting.

Wang Yiming, China International Economic Exchange Center: China’s economy has the conditions to achieve a growth rate of 5% next year.

On December 19th, Wang Yiming, vice chairman of China International Economic Exchange Center, said at the hot meeting of China Macroeconomic Forum (CMF) that, optimistically, China's economy can achieve a 5% growth rate next year. "If our investment can be close to 3% from 2.9%, it can be increased to 4% and 5%; The consumption base was very low last year, and in the case of high base this year, it will be able to maintain the level of 6% to 7% next year; Exports can turn positive; Achieving 5% next year should be expected. "

The prelude to the "pilot era" of used car export or the end of full opening-up sounded

  The French economy grew nearly zero in the first quarter of this year, and unexpectedly increased by 0.6% in the second quarter. However, this was partly due to the strong rebound in exports caused by the delivery of a cruise ship worth over 1 billion euros, with a negative growth of 0.1% in the third quarter. In the fourth quarter, all economic engines stagnated. The Bank of France predicted a growth of 0.1%, the French National Bureau of Statistics predicted a zero growth, and institutions did not rule out the possibility of negative growth. The consensus of all institutions is that the French economy will achieve at most a low growth rate in the first half of next year, regardless of whether it escapes the technical recession at the end of the year.

  The OECD has lowered France’s economic growth forecast for this year and next to 0.9% and 0.8%. In fact, the world economy has experienced shocks again and again, and the euro zone economy as a whole is weak. Since July 2022, the European Central Bank has continuously raised interest rates. Although it has pulled the euro zone out of the inflation quagmire, it has suppressed consumption and investment, and many countries’ economies have been sluggish or even declining. The European Central Bank stopped raising interest rates in October this year, but the impact of monetary tightening on economic activities is lagging behind, and its comprehensive impact will appear next year.

  The more unfavorable factor than other economies in the euro zone is that according to the relevant data of Eurostat, the inflation rate in France was 3.8% in November 2023, while the average level in the euro zone has dropped to 2.4%. In 2022, France performed the best in controlling inflation in the euro zone, mainly because the government "protected purchasing power at all costs", and spent huge public expenditures to freeze natural gas prices and electricity prices, issue energy checks to poor families, and provide inflation subsidies to income earners. Nowadays, international oil prices tend to be stable, natural gas and electricity prices are falling, and energy prices in Europe are falling year-on-year. In France, with the gradual cancellation of measures to protect purchasing power, energy prices are rising year-on-year. The good news is that the French National Bureau of Statistics predicts that food prices in France will drop sharply in the coming months.

  Another unfavorable factor is the reversal of the unemployment rate decline curve. The unemployment rate in France gradually decreased from the high of 9.5% in 2017 to 7.1% in early 2023, and then rose to 7.2% in the second quarter and 7.4% in the third quarter. The French National Bureau of Statistics predicts that the employment slowdown will continue in the next few quarters. Analysts pointed out that this is of course caused by the weak economic prospects, but also because the previous rescue measures of "guaranteeing enterprises and ensuring employment" have been stopped, and the "short-term negative effect" of pension reform has been added: since September 2023, the retirement age in France has been delayed, and the working population base has increased accordingly.

  The budget deficit is too high and the public debt is too heavy, which has endangered France’s sovereign credit rating. Rising interest rates, weak growth and weak employment are likely to put pressure on tax revenue and lead to further deterioration of public finances. The French government has repeatedly promised to reduce the budget deficit to less than 3% of GDP by 2027. Therefore, public expenditure must be cut, which means that in the short term, it is difficult for the government to make a difference in purchasing power, wages, housing, immigration and other issues that people are most concerned about.

  The French National Bureau of Statistics predicts that consumption and investment will continue to be affected by the monetary tightening policy in the first half of next year, especially in the construction industry. However, thanks to the further easing of inflation and the global economic recovery, the French economy may grow slightly, reaching about 0.5% by the middle of next year. Inflation in France will also drop to 2.6% by the end of June next year, and the core inflation rate will drop to 2%. However, the agency stressed that "all forecasts are full of uncertainty", especially the geopolitical factors and the uncertainty of the central bank’s monetary policy decision.

  However, the French government maintains the growth target of 1% this year and 1.4% next year, and reiterates that it will continue to promote reforms under the framework of the "2030 Investment Plan", focusing on improving productivity and competitiveness. On December 10th, President Macron made a special trip to the Airbus headquarters in Toulouse to make a phased summary of the achievements of "France 2030" since its implementation for more than two years in the birthplace of the French industrial success story. He announced that "France 2030" aims to achieve three goals-obtaining industrial and technological autonomy, achieving full employment and fulfilling climate commitments. In 2024, the government will introduce more measures to ensure that French re-industrialization and innovation investment "accelerate, accelerate and accelerate".

"Creation" in China | Simon haworth: The moment when the world welcomes China.

  Embrace new opportunities and start a business in China. There is such a British entrepreneur, who was deeply attracted by the opportunities contained in China. He started his business in China for more than ten years and won the China Government Friendship Award. And his family also has deep roots with China. Today we will listen to his story.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: My name is Simon haworth, and all my friends in China call me Simon. I am an entrepreneur. I have been dealing with China since 2012, mainly engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the fields of biology and agricultural science and technology. The real reason why I came to China to start a business is the opportunity contained in China.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and winner of China Government Friendship Award: At that time, I was looking for a place in the world suitable for developing biotechnology, clean energy and agricultural science and technology. At that time, many friends suggested that I must visit China. So around 2010, I came to China for research, and I was very surprised to find the entrepreneurial soil of China, where the business ecology is the best place for us.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: China attaches great importance to science and technology. Many people will say that we brought technology to China because China needed it. Actually, it’s not like this, not at all. For a long time, we have been looking for application opportunities for these technologies on a global scale. China is one of the most important regions in the world, where our technology can play its due role.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: In 2016, I was chatting with my father one day, and he said, "Do you remember, the story between our family and China is very long?". I only knew that my grandparents had lived in China for a month until my father asked me to visit the attic of my ancestral home. There is an old-fashioned box in the attic, which is full of all kinds of documents. Among them, I found my grandmother’s diary and books written by other ancestors. Only then did I know that I was the fifth generation in my family who had been dealing with China continuously. Looking through this dusty diary, I found my grandmother’s records about Wuhan, and the company I founded in 2012 is also in this city.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: I am now almost where my grandparents stood, 50 years apart.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: Standing on the edge of the Yangtze River and listening to the story of Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, it is an unusual feeling to find that my grandparents once stood in the same place. You think you’ve been exploring alone in the world, and suddenly you find that I’m also continuing the story of my family and China. It was also in that year (2016) that I brought my eldest son George to China, and he became the sixth generation of our family dealing with China.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: What I want to do now is to bring British biotechnology to China. I seek two goals, capital and market, and China is the place where I have both resources. I think this represents an important stage of global development, which I call the China era.

  Simon haworth, British entrepreneur and China Government Friendship Award winner: A few years ago, I drew a picture. On the right side of the painting is the landmark building in Britain in my life. On the other side of the painting is China, which is painted in color. I also specially drew the Yellow Crane Tower and Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. I want to convey the message that the eyes of the whole world are focused on China, and the baton of global leaders is passed from country to country. Now is the era when China shines brilliantly, and it is of great significance for me to participate in it.

  Chief Producer Jiang Qiuyong Mei Yan

  Producer Pan Linhua Xu Qi

  Reporter Sun Lan

  (CCTV news client)

What is life?

What is life? Life is:

Shoulder responsibility, hide pressure,

No matter how tired and bitter you are, you must move forward.

No matter how hard it hurts, smile.

What is life? Life is:

You cried, no one coaxed you,

You’re tired, nobody hurts,

You are poor, others look down upon you,

You are rich, and some people are jealous.

What is life? Life is:

A needle and a thread, you have to do it yourself,

Earn a penny and a dime,

A porridge and a meal, you have to save yourself,

When you cry and laugh, you have to act on your own.

What is life?

Life is half responsibility and half pressure;

Life is half happiness and half worry;

Life is half hard work and half rest;

Life is half tears and half sweat.

Life is: to be born, to live,

Life is: tears come out and swallow,

Life, never mistreats anyone,

It is the strictest teacher,

Teach you how to survive,

And reprimanded you for not making progress.

From the moment you become an adult,

Life brings you responsibility,

You can’t be as carefree as a child,

If there are mistakes, correct them yourself,

If you have difficulties, solve them yourself.

While taking care of yourself,

Also responsible for the expenses of the family,

No matter how much you earn, whether you are rich or poor,

The responsibility on the shoulder can’t be shirked,

Family happiness, to bear!

Life tells us that living is very tiring.

It also teaches us how to be strong,

Life brings us all kinds of problems,

It also allowed us to face it bravely.

Original title: "What is life? 》

The Palestinian-Israeli war officially expanded, the third country suddenly attacked Israel, and the five-star red flag in the Gaza Strip "fluttered"

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been going on for so long, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip. However, it is worrying that the war still shows no signs of stopping. Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip, continue to be cruel to civilians. Israel did not expect that when the Israeli army bombed Gaza, a third country suddenly bombed Israel, which marked the official expansion of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. On the 16th, the Houthi armed forces in Yemen claimed to have launched a "cross-border drone attack" on several targets in the southern Israeli city of Eilat. A spokesman for the Houthi armed forces said that the organization will continue to attack Israel until Israel stops its attack in the Gaza Strip.

On the 16th, Israel continued to launch air strikes against the Gaza Strip. The casualties were unknown, but the communication service in the Gaza Strip was interrupted. Palestinian media pointed out that while Israel carried out air strikes, its ground troops continued to slaughter civilians. On the same day, the Israeli army attacked a hospital in northern Gaza. Israeli soldiers drove armored bulldozers and destroyed tents where patients and displaced people lived, killing at least 20 people.

According to international law, during the war, such non-military targets as hospitals and schools cannot be attacked, and the Israeli army claimed that there were Hamas fighters in these places and carried out inhuman attacks on these places, resulting in the tragic death of a large number of innocent civilians. In fact, the Israeli army attacked the hospital in order to prevent these places from providing timely treatment to Hamas fighters. Hamas fighters who can’t get effective treatment can only die.

It can be seen that the Israeli army is really insane in order to destroy Hamas and annex Gaza. On the 16th, Hamas officials said that since the outbreak of the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel has continued to bomb Gaza, resulting in constant civilian casualties. At present, at least 19,000 Palestinians have died, and more than 8,000 people are missing. Among these 8,000 people, there are no bones left by Israeli bombing, or they may be buried alive. Nine times out of ten, they are unlucky.

The viciousness of the Israeli army has also led to the death of Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip. Recently, the Israeli army "killed" three Israeli hostages in an offensive.this momentIt has caused great controversy at home and abroad, because Israel attacked the Gaza Strip under the guise of rescuing hostages, and as a result, the person you wanted to save was killed by you. What is the significance of launching a war? Why do you have to start a war when you can save the hostages through negotiations? In Israel, the families of Israeli detainees held a press conference, strongly demanding that the Israeli Prime Minister and wartime cabinet negotiate with Hamas to peacefully rescue the hostages held by them. After all, the Palestinians and Israelis have exchanged many hostages through a ceasefire before.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized for the "manslaughter" of Israeli hostages, saying that he was very sad and said that he was under strong pressure from the international community, but Israel would not stop its military operations in Gaza.

It can be seen that the Israeli government still does not want to stop the war. Still thinking about the territory of Gaza, as long as Israel’s ambitions are not stopped, the suffering of the people in Gaza will not stop.

China has given active assistance to the suffering Palestinian people. Recently, China has previously announced that it will assist 40 trucks of materials in Gaza, which have been distributed locally. These materials include emergency relief, medical and health care, daily life and other supplies.

A large number of Palestinian children in Gaza gathered and danced. Knowing that these life-saving materials came from Yiwu, China, they waved a five-star red flag and held high a "poster" that read "Yiwu, China". They shouted "Thank you China" crazily, which made people cry.


"Qiaozhihui" UAV Competition Fuzhou launched to promote the exchange of overseas Chinese talents and industrial projects.

Zhongxin. com, Fuzhou, December 19th (Reporter Long Min) Fast sprint, ingenious obstacle avoidance, and weight-bearing hovering … As one of the series activities of the first China Overseas Chinese Intelligence Development Conference, the "Overseas Chinese Intelligence" drone competition was launched in Fuzhou, Fujian on the 19th, attracting 719 contestants from 375 teams, including more than 100 overseas Chinese, overseas students and compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
The "Qiaozhihui" UAV competition includes a turbojet exhibition competition, two challenge competitions and three challenges, with a total prize of over RMB 2 million. Among them, two challenges test the endurance and lightweight ability of drones, and three challenges test the racing, mute and load-bearing ability of drones.
On December 19th, the "Qiaozhihui" UAV Competition was launched in Fuzhou, Fujian, attracting 719 contestants from 375 teams at home and abroad to sign up. reporter Long Min photo
Cai Yadong, member of the Standing Committee of Fuzhou Municipal Committee and Minister of Organization Department, introduced at the opening ceremony that Fuzhou innovatively launched the "Qiaozhihui" UAV competition platform, and successively held a series of competitions such as UAV Endurance Challenge and Lightweight Challenge, which attracted many UAV enthusiasts at home and abroad to pursue the dream journey of innovation and entrepreneurship, and also expected the global excellent UAV team to settle in the "Rongchuanghui" UAV system incubator, share Fuzhou opportunities, build dreams together and win the future.
In the afternoon, the drone racing, weight-bearing challenge and endurance challenge started in Fuzhou Strait Convention and Exhibition Center. The skilled operation of the contestants brought a brand-new visual feast to the citizens and drone enthusiasts in the stadium. Cai Jiasheng, a 19-year-old college student at Macau University of Science and Technology, scored high with steady movements. He said, "It is a great learning opportunity to compete with global masters and broaden your horizons."
Jia Boqun, a member of the Organizing Committee of the "Qiaozhihui" UAV Competition, said that the competition will promote the exchange of overseas Chinese talents and the landing of industrial projects, and specially create the "Rongchuanghui" UAV (system) incubator to provide the winners with the whole process of entrepreneurial innovation transformation and incubation services; We will issue the "Mindu Talent Card", provide hotel-style talent apartments with "carrying bags and staying", and invite top experts to serve as entrepreneurial mentors to help ideas become products, products become commodities, and enter thousands of households. (End)

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused nearly a thousand deaths, and Israel calls the current situation a "war situation."

On October 8, local time, in Gaza City, after the Israeli air raid, smoke billowed. This article is a picture of vision china.

A number of Israeli media, such as Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation, reported on the 8th that a new round of conflict between Palestine and Israel has killed more than 600 Israelis. The health department of the Gaza Strip in Palestine issued a statement on the same day saying that 370 people were killed and 2,200 injured when Israeli troops attacked the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, people stood outside a mosque destroyed by Israeli air strikes in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Palestine.

Statistics released by the Israeli medical department that afternoon showed that the conflict had injured more than 2,000 Israelis. According to the Jerusalem Post, more than 100 Israeli soldiers and civilians were taken into the Gaza Strip.

On October 8, local time, Gaza City, the second day of the continuous conflict between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas, was devastated by Israeli air strikes.

Daniel Heggli, chief spokesman of the Israel Defense Forces, said on the same day that the Israeli army is recruiting hundreds of thousands of reservists to "prepare for the final ground counterattack in the Gaza Strip", which is the largest recruitment activity in Israel in the past decades.

On October 8, local time, Merkava tanks rolled on the road near the Lebanese border in Kiliatshmna, Israel.

The Information Office of the Israeli Government issued a statement on the afternoon of the 8th, saying that the security cabinet confirmed the current situation as a "war situation" on the evening of the 7th, and took major military measures according to Article 40 of the Basic Law of Israel, that is, Israel was forced to wage war due to rocket attacks from Gaza, and the war started at 6 am local time on the 7th.

On October 8, local time, Israeli troops assembled at a secret location on the border of the Gaza Strip.

A new round of military conflict broke out between Israel and Palestine on the 7th, and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) launched a military operation against Israel during the Jewish holiday that day. The Israeli army launched several rounds of air strikes in the Gaza Strip.

(Source: Wang Zhuolun, Liu Weijian/Xinhua News Agency)

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After six years in Shanghai, Chun Xuanmao continues to lead the new trend of Shanghai-style pension life!

On December 16th, a long-planned "Six Endless Tides of Time in Shanghai Style" was held in Chunxuanmao Hongwan with the theme of Dream Back to Paramount.seniorThe celebration of the sixth anniversary of the community was held in Shanghai as scheduled. Living elders, their families, guests and friends, and Chunxuanmao Hongwan.seniorCommunity workers gathered together to celebrate Chunxuanmao Hongwan with a wonderful performance with unique Shanghai characteristics.seniorOn the sixth birthday of the community, I talked about the charm of the exquisite old-age life in Shanghai.

Deeply cultivate Shanghaisixyear,Be steadfast in one’s original heart

In 2017, Chun Xuanmao started the layout of the old-age life in the Yangtze River Delta region with Shanghai as the origin. Chun Xuan Mao hong wanseniorThe community is the first stop in the development of the Yangtze River Delta. Chunxuanmao, the downtown center of Hongqiao, which has strong Shanghai characteristics, has his own ingenious ideas. Its purpose is to enable Shanghai elders to integrate Chunxuanmao’s concept of healthy old-age care with their living habits while continuing their convenient, prosperous and exquisite urban life.

Here, there is an exquisite life field that belongs to the memory of the elders’ growth. In the early morning, the elders stroll along the picturesque riverside trail and enjoy this pleasant slow time; In the afternoon, under the genial warmth, gentle pingtan, pattern cheongsam, and country.feng shuiInk has become an indispensable part of the elders.

Here, Chun Xuanmao uses professional health management services to help elders stay healthy and prolong their healthy lives. With high-quality life service, help the elders take care of their daily lives and let them enjoy the old-age life easily and happily. Meet the taste bud needs of the elders with rich scientific diet collocation.

After six years of deep cultivation, Chunxuanmao HongwanseniorThe community has become synonymous with Shanghai’s exquisite old-age care, and the initial concept of professional old-age care is consistent, and continuous optimization continues to lead the new trend of old-age care in Shanghai.

Dream back to Bailemen era,Haipai pension modernParty

Combining the unique gene of Bailemen era in Shanghai, Chunxuanmao HongwanseniorThe celebration of the sixth anniversary of the community launched a trip to recall the classic years of old Shanghai around Paramount Gate.

Chun Xuan Mao hong wanseniorLai Yong, the dean of the community, said in his speech at the event that "healthy old-age care and professionalism come first. Chun Xuanmao is engaged in a difficult and loving career. Here, with professional services and systematic pension mode, we will comprehensively care for the healthy life of the elders. In the scientific diet management, we should customize scientific meals according to the eating habits of the elders in Shanghai to help them be healthy.Kang ShengLive. In life, the professional life housekeeper takes care of the daily life of the elders, and the community regularly holds cultural performances, manual classes and other community entertainment activities to make the elders change from passive pension to active enjoyment of the elderly. Professional health management, customized health management files for elders, and irregular health consultation for elders to help elders keep healthy and prolong their healthy life. "

Chun Xuan Mao hong wanseniorLai Yong, dean of the community

Hua Dan Li Xiaoling, a popular elder living in Shanghai, started with a night Shanghai song and dance performance, taking everyone back to the busy and varied old Shanghai. The Shanghai jazz "Ha Cha Cha" brought by teacher Zhang Aili will make the party better and better. Followed by "Shanghai Ballad", "Beauty of Lijiang River in Ink and Wash" and "We All Have a Home", the rich Shanghai style was vividly interpreted and received bursts of applause and praise.

Earnestly fulfill the promise of the family. At the event site, the award of "The Most Beautiful Family" was awarded to the elders who accompanied Chun Xuanmao for six years: Li Guilan, Ding Yanyi, He Jintian, Qi Ligen and Wu Zhengbi, and the employees who grew up with Chun Xuanmao: Chen Julan, Liu Fengying, Shu Chenxiang and Xiang Junfen. "Chunxuanmao is fulfilling his promise with the service with temperature, which is also the core reason why our elders choose Chunxuanmao." Teacher Ding, the elder, said this as the presenter. Chun Xuan Mao hong wanseniorThe monthly birthday party of the community will be performed at the event site. In everyone’s birthday wishes, the birthday stars will cut the cake together and get full blessings. In Chun Xuanmao’s view, the choice of elders and employees is a kind of fate and trust, and the choice of elders is the best affirmation of Chun Xuanmao’s old-age life. I believe that with this warmth in the future, we will go further and longer as family members.

In the laughter, Chunxuanmao HongwanseniorThe celebration of the sixth anniversary of the community ended successfully. The seventh year has officially kicked off, and the future is Chunxuanmao Hongwan.seniorThe community will continue to practice healthy old-age life and continue to lead the new trend of old-age care in Shanghai.

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