In the first half of the year, tax reduction and fee reduction increased by 1,504.5 billion yuan-"releasing water to raise fish" helped enterprises feel at home.

  On June 19th, in Lianyungang Port, Jiangsu Province, a ro-ro ship was loading a batch of goods exported overseas. With the support of many policies such as tax reduction and fee reduction, China’s foreign trade enterprises seized the opportunity to resume work and production, and accelerated the pace of "going out". Photo by Geng Yuhe (Zhongjing Vision)

  Since the beginning of this year, in the face of the severe and complicated situation, the CPC Central Committee has timely deployed and issued a series of tax reduction and fee reduction policies to release water to raise fish and help market players to bail out development. Finance, taxation and other relevant departments at all levels implement relevant policies and measures to reduce the tax and reduce the fees. From January to June this year, 1,504.5 billion yuan was added to reduce taxes and fees, effectively reducing the burden on market players.

  Recently, Liu Kun, Minister of Finance, said in his "Report of the State Council on Budget Implementation since this year" to the NPC Standing Committee that from January to June this year, 1,504.5 billion yuan of new taxes and fees were reduced, effectively reducing the burden on market players.

  In the face of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, how can relevant departments and localities implement policies and measures to increase tax reduction and fee reduction? How do enterprises feel about reducing taxes and fees?

  Help ensure supply and benefit people’s livelihood

  Since the beginning of this year, in the face of the severe and complicated situation, the CPC Central Committee has timely deployed and issued a series of tax reduction and fee reduction policies to release water to raise fish and help market players to bail out development.

  1.073 billion masks, 4.39 million protective clothing and 4.7 million in isolation gown … … After the outbreak, Steady Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. made every effort to ensure the supply of epidemic prevention and treatment materials. "Tax cuts and fee reductions have given us strong support. According to the relevant equipment newly purchased by the key materials production enterprises for epidemic prevention and control to expand production capacity, a one-time pre-tax deduction policy for enterprise income tax is allowed. The company invested about 80 million yuan in various production equipment in Shenzhen, which can be deducted once before tax. " Wu Kezhen, financial director of Steady Medical Care, said.

  In addition to sound medical care, Shenzhen Mindray Bio, Yi Yatong and other enterprises also fully enjoy the tax reduction and fee reduction bonus in the anti-epidemic insurance supply. "The tax reduction and fee reduction policy is highly targeted, which effectively guarantees the prevention and control of the epidemic and the supply of materials." Tang Shukui, director of Shenzhen Finance Bureau, said.

  Among the key support materials for epidemic prevention and control, in addition to medical emergency materials, the supply of daily necessities such as grain and oil is also very important. "After our company filed an application for 1.6 million yuan of incremental value-added tax allowance, it arrived in 2 days." Ms. Tong, a financial officer of Red Dragonfly (Chongqing) Vegetable Oil Co., Ltd., said that at the critical stage of capacity expansion, the receipt of this tax refund fund effectively eased the cash pressure of enterprises.

  It is noteworthy that the policy of tax reduction and fee reduction covers a wide range, which effectively guarantees the basic people’s livelihood. Chongqing has introduced a series of measures to reduce fees within the scope of local power, and provided sufficient supply for people’s basic living needs by ensuring market players and ensuring the stability of the supply chain of the industrial chain. For example, in view of the urgent problems faced by enterprises in returning to work and expanding financing, the use rate of emergency working capital for re-lending will be reduced by half to provide bridge support for enterprises to renew loans. It is estimated that the annual re-lending will be 21 billion yuan, indirectly saving financing costs by 600 million yuan.

  In Shenzhen, only the policy of exempting the income obtained from providing public transportation services, living services and providing residents with express delivery services of essential living materials will reduce the burden on enterprises by 700 million yuan. Take Shenzhen Boxma Xiansheng as an example. From January to April alone, the value-added tax was reduced by more than 3.5 million yuan.

  Enterprises increase vitality and add stamina

  The epidemic situation has brought difficulties to the operation of enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises and private enterprises, which have weak ability to resist risks and are more vulnerable to shocks. On the basis of previous years, this year, we further implemented measures such as tax relief and mitigation, and increased the tax reduction and fee reduction of small and micro enterprises.

  On August 3rd, customers lined up in Modern China Tea Shop Window of the World store to buy milk tea. More than 260 shops in Modern China Tea Shop once pressed the "pause button" after the outbreak, and now they are full of vitality. "Our stores are all small and micro enterprises, and a series of preferential policies are applicable. In the first half of the year, direct stores reduced the value-added tax by 10.81 million yuan, social security by 3.11 million yuan, and deferred corporate income tax by 1.1 million yuan, greatly reducing operating costs." Cheng Xiaofeng, financial director of Hunan Chayue Catering Company, said that in July, the average revenue of this enterprise store was about 280,000 yuan, setting a record high.

  "Tax reduction and fee reduction effectively eased the financial pressure of the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises during the epidemic, played a role in promoting the resumption of work, stabilizing and expanding employment, promoting enterprises to expand production capacity and increase investment, and improving market activity." He Weiwen, deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Finance, said that in the first half of this year, the province’s accumulated tax reduction and fee reduction exceeded 31 billion yuan.

  The epidemic has an obvious impact on import and export, and foreign trade enterprises are facing severe challenges. In order to support the steady foreign trade, the fiscal and taxation departments have issued clear policies. Since March 20th this year, the export tax rebate rate of 1,084 products such as porcelain sanitary wares has increased to 13%, and that of 380 products such as plant growth regulators has increased to 9%.

  Chongqing International Composite Materials Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production and sales of glass fiber series products and reinforced plastic products, and its export business accounts for 40% of the total business volume. "The main products of the enterprise are within the scope of benefit, and it is estimated that the tax rebate for the enterprise will increase by 11.4 million yuan throughout the year." Li Kangzhi, a financial officer of the company, introduced.

  According to the latest statistics, by the end of June, 25,000 export enterprises nationwide had enjoyed the bonus of this export tax rebate policy.

  At the same time, the tax authorities have launched a series of measures to facilitate and speed up the export tax rebate, so as to promote the export tax rebate to speed up and increase efficiency. In Chongqing, the single tax refund of "Full Electronic Refund" arrived on the same day as soon as possible, and the average processing time of tax refund business was reduced to 3 working days, which was more than 50% lower than before.

  Weisheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a communication terminal equipment manufacturing enterprise, and handled export tax rebate of 4.2 million yuan in the first half of this year. "Thanks to Hunan’s export tax rebate ‘ Immediately report and do it ’ System, tax refund funds can be received within 1 working day. " Zhong Xiyu, secretary of the board of directors and chief financial officer of VIA Company, told the reporter.

  "Tax refund funds ‘ Living water ’ Rapid return plays a role in stabilizing foreign trade ‘ Support ’ Function. " Ming An Bin, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Shenzhen Taxation Bureau, said that as of July 29th this year, the bureau had handled a total of 67.085 billion yuan of export tax refund (exemption).

  Work together to implement the reduction.

  One point for deployment and nine points for implementation. Finance, taxation and other relevant departments at all levels have implemented relevant policies and measures to reduce taxes and fees in place, which has promoted steady economic and social development.

  Tang Shukui introduced that Shenzhen has established a linkage and information sharing mechanism between finance, taxation, social security, medical insurance and other departments to smooth the policy to the "last mile".

  Shenzhen tax department vigorously promotes "non-contact" taxation, forming a taxation pattern with online taxation as the main channel and comprehensive speed-up and flow control in the lobby. "We conscientiously do a good job in the implementation of preferential policies, non-contact taxation, data services and epidemic prevention and control, and help market players to move forward lightly." Zhang Guojun, Party Secretary and Director of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Shenzhen Taxation Bureau, said.

  With the in-depth implementation of various policies and measures to benefit enterprises, the vitality of Shenzhen market players has recovered rapidly. The value-added tax invoice data of 3.5 million taxpayers in the city show that the overall sales revenue of Shenzhen in the first half of the year has fully recovered to the same level of the previous year, and the overall recovery rate is nearly 100%.

  Since the beginning of this year, the Hunan Provincial Department of Finance has established and improved the working mechanism of tax reduction and fee reduction for the first time, set up the coordination mechanism of finance, development and reform, taxation and human society departments, planned tax and fee policies and measures in advance, made a good analysis and calculation of tax reduction and fee reduction, and took the lead in introducing preferential tax and fee policies to support small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households to resume work. In Yueyang City, the work of tax reduction and fee reduction is included in the assessment of promoting the high-quality development of the private economy and key fiscal and taxation work in the city.

  "In order to ensure that the national tax reduction and fee reduction policies and measures go directly to enterprises and become the main body of the market ‘ Empower ’ We implement grid services and strengthen the follow-up of policy implementation. " Wang Jianping, deputy director of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Hunan Provincial Taxation Bureau, said. It is reported that Hunan Province has established a system for cadres of tax authorities at all levels to go to enterprises for research and counseling, to solve tax-related problems such as policy application and qualification identification for enterprises such as Lansi Technology, and to form a policy implementation guide, which is applied in the province.

  In Chongqing, the municipal departments of discipline inspection and supervision, finance, taxation and auditing, the Chongqing Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Finance and the Chongqing Special Office of the National Audit Office have jointly strengthened the supervision of tax reduction and fee reduction. At the same time, we will implement "interaction between banks and taxes", improve tax-related data value-added services, and link tax credit with financial credit to provide financial support for enterprises that operate in good faith and pay taxes according to law. "Chongqing will be more active in implementing a proactive fiscal policy and fully stabilizing enterprises to protect market players." Chen Junwu, director of the Tax Administration Department of Chongqing Finance Bureau, said. (Economic Daily China Economic Net reporter Zeng Jinhua)

Q&A | Is the dining table of Shanghainese healthy enough? How to eat scientifically?

Q:What are the nutrition and health problems of Shanghai residents?

A:It is not eating too much, but the dietary structure is unreasonable, mainly because there are less plant foods (cereals/vegetables/fruits) and more animal foods (livestock and poultry meat); The proportion of fat in diet is high, and the energy provided by fat is 38.0%, which exceeds the recommended upper limit of 30%.

First, the problem of overweight and obesity is prominent. As far as diet is concerned, the problem is unreasonable dietary structure (more animal food/less plant food, high fat ratio).

The overweight and obesity rate of Shanghai residents is 44.1%, which is close to the average level of cities in the national nutrition monitoring results from 2010 to 2013 (the overweight and obesity rate of big cities in China is 47.8%). Shanghai residents don’t eat too much. The energy intake of Shanghai residents is lower than that of 10 years ago, which may be related to the change of lifestyle, people no longer engaged in manual labor, and the decrease of energy demand, as well as the trend of energy intake of people found in international and our country’s nutrition monitoring.

There are many factors that cause obesity. As far as dietary factors are concerned, the main problem of Shanghai residents is the unreasonable dietary structure. The traditional Chinese diet mainly takes plant food (cereal is the staple food), which is rich in dietary fiber, which is beneficial to prevent chronic diseases. However, current monitoring shows that the intake of animal food in residents’ diet greatly exceeds the recommended level, while the intake of cereal has dropped significantly in the past 10 years, and the intake of vegetables and fruits is insufficient. Such a dietary structure contains less dietary fiber, which is not conducive to the prevention of chronic diseases. At the same time, the absorption rate of different foods in the human body is different. The current dietary structure may increase the absorption rate of food, which may lead to the increase in the overweight and obesity rate of residents.

On the other hand, the monitoring also found that the percentage of energy provided by residents’ fat was 38.0%, which was close to the average level of big cities (37.2%) in the national nutrition monitoring results from 2010 to 2013. In the recommendation of Dietary Guidelines for China Residents, the percentage of energy provided by dietary fat does not exceed 30%, which has now exceeded the upper limit by a lot. Animal foods, especially livestock and poultry meat, contain more saturated fat. The monitoring results show that the intake of livestock and poultry meat in Shanghai residents’ animal foods exceeds the recommended 61%.

Second, suggestions on unreasonable dietary structure: increase plant food, reduce animal food, and replace some livestock and poultry meat with aquatic products.

1. Increase the intake of plant foods such as cereals, vegetables and fruits.

In view of the dietary nutrition problems found by monitoring, it is suggested that residents gradually improve their dietary structure and increase the intake of plant foods such as coarse grains, vegetables and fruits. Usually, people’s food intake in a day is relatively stable. If the intake of plant food increases, the intake of animal food will decrease accordingly.

It is worth noting that in the past 10 years, the grain intake has dropped significantly. At present, the grain intake of residents is 189.6g, which only reaches 69% of the recommended intake (the recommended intake is 200-300g, compared with 275g/2200kcal). It is suggested that residents should increase the intake of cereals, and at the same time, they should match the thickness, and pay attention to increasing whole grains and miscellaneous beans, because cereals with high processing precision will cause high blood sugar response. Rice can be eaten with whole grains (brown rice), miscellaneous grains (oats, millet, buckwheat, corn, etc.) and miscellaneous beans (red beans, mung beans, kidney beans, flower beans, etc.).

2. Reduce animal food, you can choose aquatic products to replace some livestock and poultry meat.

At the same time, it advocates food diversification. In view of the problem of excessive intake of livestock and poultry meat by Shanghai residents, it is recommended that residents can choose aquatic products to replace some livestock and poultry meat. Livestock and poultry meat contains saturated fat, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and tumors. Aquatic products contain unsaturated fat, which is beneficial to health.

Finally, it is recommended to choose at least 12 different foods every day to prevent the risk of chronic diseases caused by possible nutritional deficiency or excess.

Third, the rising trend of overweight and obesity among students has not been curbed, and sugary drinks are widely consumed. Excessive drinking of sugary drinks is one of the risk factors of overweight and obesity, so it is suggested that students should be controlled to drink sugary drinks.

There are many factors that cause overweight and obesity, except the unreasonable dietary structure mentioned just now. In addition, there are differences between primary and secondary school students and adults. This monitoring found that it is common for primary and secondary school students to drink sugary drinks. 74.6% primary and middle school students drink sugary drinks more than once a week, and 36.5% primary and middle school students often drink them. It is more common for high school students to drink sugary drinks, and 62.5% of them often drink them. There are also a few students who drink sugary drinks every day. 20.9% of primary and secondary school students drink sugary drinks more than once a day, and the proportion of high school students is even higher. There are 41.5% of high school students who drink sugary drinks more than once a day.

The Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2016 Edition) recommends that children and adolescents prefer boiled water to sugary drinks every day. Drinking sugary drinks does not produce satiety, resulting in excessive intake of sugar and energy. According to literature reports, excessive intake of sugary drinks can easily lead to various diseases such as obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and blood lipid problems.

It is suggested that primary and secondary school students should be restricted from drinking sugary drinks, students should be encouraged not to drink sugary drinks, and extra sugar and energy intake should be reduced. Parents and school teachers should be aware of the influence of sugary drinks on children’s overweight and obesity. It is suggested that schools should encourage students not to bring sugary drinks into school, schools should not provide sugary drinks for sale, and widely carry out health knowledge propaganda on restricting sugary drinks in schools.

4. The intake of oil and salt in Shanghai has obviously decreased in recent 10 years, thanks to the measures to control oil and salt in Shanghai, but the current intake of oil and salt is still higher than the recommended level, and it is necessary to continue to strengthen intervention.

Our diet is mainly salty, and frying, frying and frying are common cooking methods. Excessive intake of cooking oil and salt in the diet is one of the important factors causing hyperlipidemia and hypertension. According to the monitoring results, the daily per capita intake of cooking oil and salt is 36.4g and 7.5g, respectively, which are 21% and 24% lower than the survey data 10 years ago, and 11% and 16% lower than the national average of big cities.

We compared the trend of oil and salt intake in Shanghai in recent 10 years, and found that it was obviously decreasing. At the same time, we also looked at the trend of oil and salt intake in urban areas of China in recent 10 years, but there was no obvious downward or upward trend, and it remained basically stable. This difference in trend should be attributed to the health education and intervention on oil and salt control led by the Shanghai Municipal Government in the past 10 years, such as the distribution of "salt control spoons" and "oil control pots" throughout the city in 2008 and 2009, so that the vast number of Shanghai residents can truly experience the quantitative concept of "eating less salt and putting less oil" and turn the traditional propaganda slogan into a reality for residents.

Residents’ intake of cooking oil and salt decreased obviously, thanks to various health education and intervention led by the Shanghai municipal government in the past 10 years, which is a good aspect. On the other hand, we should also see that the intake of oil and salt for eating at home is still higher than the recommended standard. The recommended daily intake of oil and salt is no more than 25 grams per day, and the current intake of cooking oil and salt for residents is still far from the recommended level. Measures to control oil and salt should continue to be strengthened.

5. At present, it is common for residents to eat out (61% residents eat out). In addition to traditional intervention in family cooking, institutions such as restaurants and canteens should be intervened in the future.

From the monitoring data, we also found that the current rate of residents eating out is 61%, which is much higher than the national rate of urban residents eating out of 42%. The people who eat out in Shanghai are mainly young people aged 15-44. People used to eat at home, but now they eat out more and more. We can also see from ourselves that prepackaged foods (that is, packaged food, such as cakes, bread, sausages, etc.) has become a new choice. The development of science and technology has made life more convenient, and the rise of new consumption methods such as take-away and online shopping has affected the traditional family cooking habits. These changes pose new challenges to traditional nutrition intervention strategies.

The monitoring also found that the sodium intake of Shanghai residents was 4927.2mg, which was nearly 1.5 times higher than the recommended level. Excessive intake of sodium is closely related to the increase of blood pressure and the occurrence of hypertension. At present, the sodium intake of residents through salt accounts for 3/5 of the total sodium intake. Besides salt, sodium comes from salty condiments (such as soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, etc.), semi-finished dishes, pickled products, snacks, etc. (common sweet preserves also contain a lot of sodium), and vegetables also contain a certain amount of sodium. In the past, we actively advocated reducing salt intake, which can reduce sodium intake. As mentioned just now, residents’ eating style has changed. More and more people eat out, and they choose more packaged foods. In order to control the intake of sodium, besides controlling the intake of salt, they also reasonably choose condiments, packaged foods and snacks containing sodium.

In the past, our intervention measures to control oil and salt covering the whole city have made great achievements, but the intake of oil and salt for residents to eat at home is still higher than the recommended level. For future intervention and publicity, we will continue to strengthen the implementation of intervention measures to control oil and salt. On the other hand, we will also keep pace with the times, not only to continue to publicize the knowledge of reasonable nutrition for residents, but also with the popularity of residents eating out. Centralized dining halls, restaurants, take-away service providers, and prepackaged foods enterprises will also be the key targets for nutrition promotion in the future, advocating the supply of catering and food with "reducing salt, limiting oil and reducing blood sugar", encouraging dining places to carry out nutrition propaganda, formulating easy-to-understand nutrition labels in prepackaged foods, and guiding residents to choose food reasonably.

In addition, it is recommended that everyone eat at home, adhere to the habit of cooking at home with less oil and salt, and at the same time, eating at home also promotes the emotional exchange and promotion of family members.

6. Insufficient calcium intake is common, and residents drink less milk every day. It is suggested that residents increase the frequency of drinking milk and increase the intake of soybeans and bean products.

Our traditional Chinese diet is mainly based on plant food, which is conducive to the prevention of chronic diseases, but it also has an obvious defect, lacking a good source of calcium. Milk is a good source of calcium, and Chinese diet does not contain milk. A good phenomenon found in this monitoring is that residents have the habit of drinking milk, 41.6% residents consume milk every day, and 71.4% students consume milk every day. However, 86.8% residents still have insufficient calcium intake. Milk supplements the calcium that is insufficient in daily diet. Calcium is an integral part of bones and teeth, and it is an important nutrient for physical growth and bone development. Calcium deficiency will affect normal growth and development and cause osteoporosis. The Dietary Guidelines for China Residents (2016 Edition) recommends that each person should take 800mg of calcium daily, and students in the growth stage need 1000-1200mg. Every 100ml of milk contains about 104mg of calcium. In addition to the calcium in daily diet, 300ml of milk is needed every day. At present, the monitoring results show that the daily milk intake is insufficient. The average daily milk intake of residents is 97ml, and that of primary and secondary school students is 150ml.

Encourage residents to increase the amount of milk they drink. If the single intake is small, they can increase the number of times they drink milk, improve the calcium intake level and ensure the normal demand of the body. People who are lactose intolerant can choose low lactose milk or yogurt. At the same time, soybeans or bean products are also a good source of calcium. The Dietary Guide for Residents in China recommends that they consume 25g soybeans or a considerable amount of bean products every day. At present, residents’ intake of soybeans and bean products is less than half of the recommended amount. It is suggested that residents increase their intake of soybeans or bean products.

The "experience value" 70,000-hour crew completed the test flight of Beijing Daxing International Airport.

  China Southern Airlines: As the first flight company, China Southern Airlines dispatched the Airbus A380, which is known as the "Big Mac in the Air". It is the largest civil airliner in the world, with a length of 73 meters and a wingspan of 79 meters. The flight test of A380 can comprehensively test whether Daxing International Airport meets the guarantee requirements of 4F-class airport.

  Xiamen Airlines: The United Nations painted Boeing 787-9 aircraft. Xiamen Airlines chose the only officially confirmed United Nations painted Boeing 787-9 aircraft in the world. As the "air image ambassador" of Xiamen Airlines to promote the sustainable development of the United Nations, the aircraft has successively launched themed flights such as "climate change" and "underwater creatures and terrestrial creatures", which is in line with the green construction characteristics of Daxing Airport. Photo courtesy/Xinhua News Agency

  Air China: 747-8 Long-range Wide-body Airliner Air China has launched the Boeing 747-8 Long-range Wide-body Airliner, the main type of wide-body airliner. This model has carried out the verification test flight of the new runway of Chongqing Airport. The fuselage is 78.3 meters long and can carry 365 passengers.

  At 9: 29 on May 13th, an Airbus A380 of China Southern Airlines landed smoothly on the west runway of Beijing Daxing International Airport. Subsequently, Airbus A350-900 of China Eastern Airlines, Boeing B747-8 of international airlines and Boeing B787-9 of Xiamen Airlines also landed on the runways of Beijing Daxing International Airport in the second, first and first runways. For this test flight, the four airlines involved did not dare to "neglect" and all took out their own housekeeping models.

  Beijing Daxing International Airport began to verify the real aircraft, and the flight test of flight procedures officially kicked off, which marked that the focus of Beijing Daxing International Airport shifted from infrastructure construction to preparation for operation and navigation. The Beijing Youth Daily reporter was informed that China Southern Airlines will build a "dual hub" in Beijing and Guangzhou in the future, Air China will get a 10% share of Daxing Airport, Xiamen Airlines will transfer to Daxing Airport in March next year, and China Eastern Airlines will build a "four-in and four-out" flight wave & HELIP; … After the opening of Beijing Daxing International Airport, passengers will have a better flight experience.


  The plane and crew passed the "test"

  For Daxing Airport, the test flight is similar to "rushing for the exam", and the plane and crew are "examiners". The test of flight test content is a comprehensive test of airport air flight procedures and ground operation procedures. The "Regulations on the Management of Transport Airport Construction" clearly stipulates that flight test is one of the necessary conditions for issuing airport use permits.

  On May 13th, four airlines, including China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines, Air China and Xiamen Airlines, carried out verification flight tests on some flight procedures of Beijing Daxing International Airport.

  At 9: 03, the A380 passenger plane of China Southern Airlines took off from the Capital Airport from south to north. Subsequently, the verified flights of China Eastern Airlines, Air China and Xiamen Airlines took off from the middle runway of the Capital Airport in turn and flew to Daxing Airport under the command of the terminal controller of North China Air Traffic Control Bureau.

  "South 7777, Super, Daxing Tower welcomes you. Corrected sea pressure 1014, CAVOK, ground wind 200, 4 meters seconds, runway 35R, can land. " At 9: 29, China Southern Airlines A380 landed smoothly as instructed by the controller of Daxing Tower. Subsequently, the tower controller instructed him to slide to the designated place according to the predetermined route.

  After that, the flights of China Eastern Airlines, Air China and Xiamen Airlines landed on the corresponding runways in turn to carry out ground support verification.

  At 10: 57, four planes took off from Daxing Airport in turn. With the cooperation of the tower, approach, area controller and Tianjin Air Traffic Control Branch, the flight test verified the departure and arrival flight procedures of Daxing Airport. At 12: 36, the plane returned to the Capital Airport and landed. This verification flight test was successfully completed.

  Daxing International Airport is the highest 4F-class airport in the classification of airport support level, and its runway length, wingspan and wheel track that can support take-off and landing aircraft rank first among all airports at present. Therefore, the test flight selected four representative large-scale dual-channel aircraft from four different airlines and covered four runways to carry out "stress test" in order to fully verify the operational support capability of Daxing Airport. Ensuring the safe operation of these aircraft means that Daxing International Airport can also successfully ensure the safe operation of all aircraft in the world today.


  Unit with "experience value" of 70,000 hours

  In view of this verification flight, China Eastern Airlines made a comprehensive evaluation of all aircraft types, and selected the newly introduced flagship A350-900 aircraft to participate in the verification test flight. In addition to the advanced flight control system, the cockpit of this aircraft is also equipped with dual HUD (Head-up Display), which can display the flight track information, navigation information and external flight scenes on the display screen, which improves the pilot’s perception of the environment and helps to complete multiple verification flight test subjects.

  China Eastern Airlines selected a four-person test flight crew led by Airbus A350 pilot Wu Kun and A350 captain Hou Dandong. The four captains are all senior captains, with a total flight time of nearly 70,000 hours.

  At the same time, China Southern Airlines also sent four senior captains and a co-pilot to form the main test flight crew, which was led by Wang Renjie, the operation director of China Southern Airlines. All four captains have rich flight experience, and have served as captains for more than 15 years, with an average flight time of more than 17,000 hours. The crew with such a "luxury" configuration can be called a "flying dream combination".

  Air China has selected a senior captain with excellent technology and rich flight experience, who has participated in important flight support tasks many times, and has many experience in delivery test flight and "D inspection" test flight as the test flight crew. The test flight crew consists of three B747 pilots: Zhang Hengwen, Zhou Zaiming and Lian Xin. At the same time, Air China also arranged a backup unit for this test flight.

  In this test flight, Xiamen Airlines sent four excellent pilot teams. Mao Jun, general manager of Xiamen Airlines Flight Corps, was the leader, and two senior 787 captain instructors, Xu Yuanzhi and Cheng Mengjiao, and an excellent co-pilot Yang Bo were in charge of the flight.


  Some flights can save 20 minutes.

  Zhang Mao, the captain in charge of the flight test crew of China Southern Airlines, told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter after the flight test: "The overall flight test process is stable and smooth, the route design is optimized and reasonable, and all navigation and support facilities are running smoothly, which fully meets the navigation conditions."

  Zhang Mao said that Daxing Airport is located at the junction of Daxing in Beijing and Langfang in Hebei, and its geographical location and airspace structure determine its unique advantages: the flight time from Daxing Airport to the south-central and southwest directions is 10 to 20 minutes shorter than that of the Capital Airport. Similarly, the flight time for flights from Central South and Southwest China to Daxing Airport is also 10 to 20 minutes shorter than that of Capital Airport.


  North China air traffic control bureau makes a test flight report

  The flight procedures are mainly designed by the air traffic control department, and the test flight is to verify the reliability and rationality of these new "sky roads". Daxing Airport has added 94 flight procedures, and North China Air Traffic Control Bureau is the "designer" of the flight procedures of Daxing Airport.

  Yan Xiaodong, deputy director of the North China Air Traffic Control Bureau, said in an interview that the flight program design is not isolated, and a slight change may trigger a "butterfly effect". On the surface, Daxing Airport is only newly built, but there are 24 airports involved in adjusting flight programs in North China and 9 in East China, Central South, Northwest China and Northeast China. The Air Traffic Control Bureau of the Civil Aviation Administration is the "chief designer" of the whole flight program adjustment. Flight test is an important prerequisite for the approval of flight procedures and the acceptance of related industries, which is of great significance to the airport sailing.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned from the North China Air Traffic Control Bureau that the bureau will adjust the flight procedures and form a final flight procedure report according to the results of this verification flight. Only after the flight procedures are officially approved can Daxing Airport be successfully navigable.


  A full-scale test flight will be conducted from August to September.

  This test flight is the most important node task before the acceptance of Daxing International Airport. According to the plan, the test flight of Daxing International Airport will be divided into three stages: the basic test flight will be carried out on May 13th, mainly to test the general security of the airport; In August, a special flight test of low visibility will be carried out at the airport, aiming to make the low visibility operation capacity of Daxing International Airport reach the highest level in the world. A comprehensive test flight will be carried out from August to September to ensure that the air-ground coordination is smooth and efficient after the airport is put into operation.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned from the Civil Aviation Administration that the next low-visibility special test flight will also become the highlight of the test flight of Daxing International Airport. The test flight of Daxing International Airport in August will test the HURVR 75-meter technology, which represents the most advanced level of low-visibility take-off of aircraft in the world. At present, there is no airport in China that uses this technology.

  At present, the three-character code and four-character code of Daxing International Airport have been approved by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Air Traffic Control Bureau of the Civil Aviation Administration respectively. The Airport Operation Manual and its annexes have passed the preliminary examination of compliance. So far, more than 50 domestic and foreign airlines have expressed their willingness to enter Beijing Daxing International Airport, including more than 30 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan airlines and foreign airlines.

  In addition, in order to better match the operation of China Southern Airlines A380, Daxing International Airport Terminal has set up six parking stands that match the huge size of A380, and each parking stand has specially designed docking covered bridges with different heights for A380′ s three doors, which can connect A380′ s lower left door, left second door and upper left door, so that passengers can board and leave the plane quickly in layers.

  It can be said that the air route to Beijing is shortened, the ground taxiing time is reduced, and the passenger flight experience is improved. After China Southern Airlines enters Daxing International Airport, it will bring better flight experience to the passengers.

  Prospect of stationing in

  China Southern Airlines builds a "double hub" of Beiguang.

  China Southern Airlines owns 40% of the time resources at Beijing Daxing International Airport, and will undertake 40% of the air passenger business of Beijing Daxing International Airport in the future. It is the main base airline with the largest share of time resources, the widest flight network coverage and the largest number of passengers carried by Beijing Daxing International Airport. According to the development plan, by 2025, China Southern Airlines is expected to put more than 200 aircraft into Beijing Daxing International Airport, with more than 900 daily take-off and landing flights.

  At present, the preparatory work for the construction of China Southern Airlines project and the transition operation has entered the sprint stage, ensuring that it is completed and put into operation simultaneously with Daxing Airport.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily learned that the construction of China Southern Airlines in Daxing International Airport Base in Beijing includes five functional areas: maintenance facilities, single shift dormitory, aviation food facilities, operation and security housing and freight facilities, with a total of 6 plots and 36 single buildings. It has the largest hangar in Asia, the largest operation control center in Asia and the largest aviation food production base in Asia.

  Among them, the No.1 hangar of the maintenance facility project has a span of 405 meters and a maintenance hall of 40 meters high, which can accommodate 2 Airbus 380, 3 Boeing 777s and 3 narrow-body aircraft at the same time, or 12 320 series narrow-body passenger aircraft at the same time. It is the largest hangar with the largest span and single construction scale in Asia. The construction scale of aviation food facilities is 92,200 square meters, with a daily production capacity of 100,000 copies and a peak daily production capacity of 180,000 copies, which can meet all the aviation food demand of Daxing International Airport in the initial operation. The construction scale of the Operation and Support Project is about 500,000 square meters. It integrates functional modules such as operation control, hub ground control and maintenance control to realize centralized and unified control of flight scheduling, field operation and maintenance operation, and will build the largest aviation operation control center in Asia.

  Xiamen Airlines will make a one-time transition next year.

  Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is the key node of Xiamen Airlines’ "one axis and two wings" strategic layout. As early as 2014, Xiamen Airlines established its Beijing branch and acquired Hebei Airlines, becoming the only airline in the civil aviation industry to realize the comprehensive layout of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. At present, Xiamen Airlines’ market share in Beijing is constantly expanding, with 15 related routes in Beijing, with an annual passenger traffic of nearly 3 million passengers.

  According to the plan, Hebei Airlines, a subsidiary of Xiamen Airlines, will become the airline company of Daxing Airport in 2019. Xiamen Airlines is scheduled to transfer to Daxing Airport in March 2020. In terms of capacity, Xiamen Airlines will invest 17 capacity in Daxing Airport in 2020; In 2025, it is planned to invest 30 aircraft, including Hebei Airlines and Jiangxi Airlines, with a total capacity of about 50 aircraft.

  China Eastern Airlines "four in and four out" flight waves

  China Eastern Airlines’ initial infrastructure investment is estimated to be 13.2 billion yuan, and the overall investment scale in the future will exceed 120 billion yuan, of which the capital construction investment scale will exceed 20 billion yuan, and the operating fleet investment scale will be nearly 100 billion yuan.

  On June 29, 2017, the construction of China Eastern Airlines Beijing New Airport Base project officially started. Up to now, the total construction area of the first phase project is 470,000 square meters, and nearly 90% of the engineering quantity has been completed. The second phase project of 700,000 square meters has also been fully started on March 16, 2019.

  China Eastern Airlines’ Independent Popular Economy Airline Brand — — China United Airlines Co., Ltd. will realize the "overnight transition" and become the first airline to be stationed and operated in Beijing Daxing International Airport. China Eastern Airlines’ routes in Beijing (except the Beijing-Shanghai Express) quickly shifted and completed the transition, and it is expected that all the transitions will be in Daxing in the summer and autumn season of 2020; China Eastern’s international partner airlines will also gradually move to Beijing Daxing International Airport.

  China Eastern Airlines will build a "four-in and four-out" flight wave at Beijing Daxing International Airport, and include the flights from SkyTeam member airlines and domestic and foreign partner airlines to Daxing into the flight connection plan. In terms of domestic routes, China Eastern Airlines, Shanghai Airlines and China United Airlines, which belong to China Eastern Airlines, focus on building business routes from Beijing Daxing to Shanghai, Kunming, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and gradually reach the scale of starting more than 5 flights a day in the first two years after sailing; Domestic provincial capital cities and airports above 10 million have achieved full coverage. In terms of international routes, major routes such as Paris, London, Sydney and Tokyo were opened in the early stage. By 2025, China Eastern Airlines will put 180 to 200 aircraft into Beijing Daxing International Airport, and together with the capacity of global partners, it is estimated that the daily average number of flights will exceed 650, and the route network will cover major domestic markets in China, as well as important global aviation hubs such as Paris, Amsterdam, Detroit, Seattle and Seoul. Taking off from Daxing, China Eastern Airlines will build a higher-level global network, build a higher-quality "Silk Road in the Air" and make Beijing the best and most convenient aviation gateway in the world.

  This edition/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Lin Lishuang coordinator/Yu Meiying

  Photography (except signature)/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Wei Tong

English Analysis: Debate on Medical-assisted Suicide

  The Supreme Court’s decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering.

  Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of "double effect", a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects— a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen— is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.

  Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients’ pain, even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient.

  Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who "until now have very, very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death."

  George Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains that, as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death. "It’s like surgery, "he says. "We don’t call those deaths homicides because the doctors didn’t intend to kill their patients, although they risked their death. If you’re a physician, you can risk your patient’s suicide as long as you don’t intend their suicide."

  On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modem medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.

  Just three weeks before the Court’s ruling on physician-assisted suicide, the National Academy of Science (NAS) released a two-volume report, Approaching Death: Improving Care at the End of Life. It identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of "ineffectual and forced medic al procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as the twin problems of end-of-life care.

  The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices, to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies, to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care, and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life.

  Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care. “Large numbers of physician s seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering, ”to the extent that it constitutes “systematic patient abuse.” He says medical licensing boards “must make it clear … that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension.”

  36. From the first three paragraphs, we learn that

  [A]doctors used to increase drug dosages to control their patients’ pain.

  [B]it is still illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives.

  [C]the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide.

  [D]patients have no constitutional right to commit suicide.

  37. Which of the following statements its true according to the text?

  [A]Doctors will be held guilty if they risk their patients’ death.

  [B]Modern medicine has assisted terminally ill patients in painless recovery.

  [C]The Court ruled that high-dosage pain-relieving medication can be prescribed.

  [D]A doctor’s medication is no longer justified by his intentions.

  38. According to the NAS’s report, one of the problems in end-of-life care is

  [A]prolonged medical procedures.

  [B]inadequate treatment of pain.

  [C]systematic drug abuse.

  [D]insufficient hospital care.

  39. Which of the following best defines the word “aggressive" (line 3, paragraph 7)?

  [A]Bold. [B]Harmful. [C]Careless. [D]Desperate.

  40. George Annas would probably agree that doctors should be punished if they

  [A]manage their patients incompetently.

  [B]give patients more medicine than needed.

  [C]reduce drug dosages for their patients.

  [D]prolong the needless suffering of the patients.


  36. From the first three paragraphs, we learn that we know from the first three paragraphs.

  [A] doctors used to increase drug dosages to control their patients’ pain.

  Doctors used to increase the dosage of drugs to control patients’ pain.

  [B] it is still illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives.

  It is still illegal for a doctor to help a critically ill person end his life.

  [C] the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide.

  The Supreme Court strongly opposes medical-assisted suicide.

  [D] patients have no constitutional right to commit suicide.

  The patient has no constitutional right to commit suicide.

  [answer] b

  [test site] factual details.

  [Analysis] This question tests all the contents of the first to third paragraphs, and the relevant information of option [A] can be located in the third paragraph, but the article says that "doctors have only used this principle to defend their actions in recent years." There is no way to say "used to be" in the article. Option [B] can be located in the second paragraph, which mentions that "the Constitution does not give such rights". So it can be said that this answer is correct. Option [C] can be located in the second paragraph, but the court supports this approach. As for [D], it is obviously wrong.

  37. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

  According to the passage, which of the following statements is correct?

  [A] Doctors will be held guilty if they risk their patients’ death.

  If doctors risk patients’ lives, they will be found guilty.

  [B] Modern medicine has assisted terminally ill patients in painless recovery.

  Modern medicine has helped terminal patients to recover painlessly.

Branching can promote the formation of flower buds in cherry trees.

Title: Branching can promote the formation of flower buds in cherry trees.

The purpose of cherry tree branch pulling in spring is to improve the overall illumination, ease the branch potential of the tree, increase the amount of short branches, promote the formation of flower buds, and prevent the fruiting parts from moving out. The time to pull branches is best completed after the sap flows and before germination. Pay attention when pulling branches, pull straight, and don’t bend into a bow.

Young trees must pay attention to the strength of pulling the main branches, which must be kept above 60 degrees, and the side branches should be pulled to 90 degrees, so that they are easy to branch out and become flowers after budding. The rope for pulling branches should be tied with soft plastic rope or cloth strips, and the binding parts should be adjusted frequently to avoid overflowing the trunk and causing glue to die the tree.

My son wanted to go to the zoo, but his father took him to the pigsty. The truth behind it made my nose sour.

  Are you willing to remain anonymous all your life?

  For the first atomic bomb of new China, tens of thousands of scientists and soldiers gave a positive answer to this question more than 60 years ago. They left home and entered Lop Nur, which is known as the "sea of death", and began the years of hard struggle. A few years later, People’s Republic of China (PRC) appeared in front of the world with a brand-new attitude.

Zhang Yunyu son of the general, the first commander of China's nuclear test base, tells the origin of the name of Malan base.

Zhang Yunyu son of the general, the first commander of China’s nuclear test base, tells the origin of the name of Malan base.

  "Husband and wife tree" on Gobi Desert 

  In 1963, Wang Ruzhi, deputy director of the Third Institute of Engineering Research, received a notice from the organization and secretly went to Lop Nur to participate in the nuclear test. She was so excited that she didn’t sleep all night.

  But the next day, she put up with all her emotions and said simply to her husband Zhang Xianglin, "I’m going on a business trip abroad." Zhang Xianglin replied: "Good."

  Two people so calm tunnel don’t.

  Wang Ruzhi entered the base for a few months. One day, she was waiting for the bus under an old elm tree, and she saw a soldier coming with a box in the distance, looking like her husband. When the man approached, her eyes widened in surprise, and it was him!

  On the day of the original farewell, Zhang Xianglin also received the same notice, but both of them kept it a secret and didn’t ask each other much.

  In those months, they have been close at hand, doing the same job, but they don’t know that their beloved is beside them, fighting side by side with themselves.

  General Zhang Aiping, who organized and directed the nuclear test, was deeply moved by this incident and gave the old elm a name — — Couple tree.

  Time flies to 1984. Deng Jiaxian returned to Beijing after completing the 32nd nuclear test in his life. He looked very happy. His wife asked him, "What happened today?"

  Deng Jiaxian could not say, but read a poem: "After twenty years of brave climbing, the second generation canoe has crossed the bridge."

  The lady asked again, "What is the second-generation canoe?" Deng Jiaxian replied: "This is a secret."

  At this time, Deng Jiaxian was suffering from cancer, which was the last nuclear test in his life.

  Before leaving, Deng Jiaxian held his wife’s hand and said, "If there is an afterlife, I will choose China, the nuclear weapons industry and you."

  Many years later, Hu Renyu, an 88-year-old nuclear physics scientist, recalled those years with great emotion. He said, "I think this is an era when revolutionary passion is burning. None of the people who participated in manufacturing wanted to do this for their own future, just for the country."

  Although they were engaged in the most advanced scientific undertakings of the country, at that time, their living environment was desolate and backward.

  "Why is dad here? What is Dad doing here? "

  In 1999, the film "Out of the Sky" first presented the tortuous process of developing the first atomic bomb in China to the public.

  Screenwriter Peng Jichao also won the first prize of the second Xia Yan Film Literature Award for his play Malanchao. At this time, Peng Jichao had lived in Malan base for more than 30 years. During this period, he heard too many touching stories and accumulated too many vivid materials.

  But what Peng Jichao remembered most there was a funeral.

  The protagonist of this funeral is not a scientist or a soldier, but a 12-year-old child.

  Peng Jichao told this story in the program "China in the Story".

  The children in Malan base "play with stones from birth, come home every day, take out a handful of stones from their pockets". They have never seen a swimming pool, and they don’t know what swimming is.

  In the 1980s, with the TV in Malan base, children learned from TV that people could swim.

  One summer, the base began to build a fish pond. A heavy rain made the fish pond store more than one meter of water, and the children were in high spirits and went swimming together. Several children swam home after a while, but one of them, Xiao Ming, stayed there before he had enough fun.

  At dinner, Xiao Ming still didn’t go home, and the adults finally found him in the fish pond who had stopped breathing and heartbeat.

  Peng Jichao recalled that this funeral held in the Gobi Desert gathered hundreds of people.

  Xiaoming’s mother has been crying without tears, so she can only whisper over and over again in a hoarse voice: "Xiaoming, you want to eat cookies, but I didn’t buy them for you;" You want to go to the zoo to see animals, but you haven’t been able to do it yet; We don’t have the toys you want in Malan. "

  On that day, the biscuits in the base were sold out, and all the things that children could play with were sold out.

  After that, the first swimming pool was built in Malan base.

  "Malan’s children grew up with their parents in the Gobi Desert, and they sacrificed the most common and common things in life." Peng Jichao sighed, "From small to large, it is just a few Malan trees and a piece of Malan. They think this is their most beautiful place."

  Zhang Lvtian is the son of General Zhang Yunyu, the first commander of China’s nuclear test base. According to his memory, in the early days of the construction of Malan base, the conditions were difficult. Some children told their fathers that they wanted to go to the zoo, but the fathers had no choice but to take their children to the company’s pigsty to play.

  At that time, a classmate of Zhang Lvtian also followed his parents to Malan base. Just after getting off the bus, he saw the Gobi Desert was black and yellow — — The sandstorm is coming.

  The wind roared by and the child was blown away.

  Zhang Lvtian said: "The soldiers chased out two miles before they were recovered, and both of them became natives."

  The mother hugged the child tightly and wouldn’t let go. She asked her husband, "How did you bring us to this terrible place?"

  The child also cried and asked his mother, "Why do we come to this windy place?"

  While dusting the child with dirt, the mother wiped her tears and said, "Because dad is here."

  This sentence has puzzled the child for many years: why is dad here? What’s Dad doing here?

  It was not until 1964 that the puzzle he thought finally got the answer — — Dad’s career is here. Dad’s career is a national career.

  On October 16th, 1964, at 3pm, a bright light appeared in generate, northwest China, and mushroom clouds soared, and China’s first atomic bomb exploded successfully. Since then, People’s Republic of China (PRC) has its own nuclear shield.

  "Forgive my son for being heartless and unfilial, and do my duty for the motherland." This pair of couplets posted on Malan base is the best portrayal of Malan spirit that "everything can be sacrificed, but national interests cannot be sacrificed".

  Today, a monument symbolizing nuclear test and peace stands in Malan Martyrs Cemetery, where more than 400 revolutionary martyrs are buried. Among them, there are military generals, ordinary officers and men who died in the line of duty, and scientists who died from overwork. At the end of their lives, they still chose to go back there to witness the immortal inheritance of Malan spirit. (Text/Kan Chunyu)

Beauty-loving girls treat fruits as dinner experts: Some fruits have higher calories than pork!

  The summer has arrived, and the summer in Chongqing has not passed yet. For many girls who love beauty, midsummer means the crucial stage of losing weight in a year. In order to make themselves wear skirts without a trace of fat, many girls choose to go on a diet to lose weight. If you don’t eat, you can’t stand it. If you eat, you are afraid of getting fat. All kinds of fruits have become the most common meal replacement food for them to lose weight. But you may not think that some fruits may make you lose weight and gain weight.

  Community fruits shop

  Every day, there are customers who put fruit into contemporary meals.

  Liu Hemiao, 23, lives in Dapingzheng Street, Yuzhong District. On the afternoon of August 21, she called the fruit shop downstairs, "Help me cut half a watermelon, and I’ll get it later." Every two days, Xiao Liu will let the fruit shop leave half a watermelon for himself.

  The clerk of the fruit shop will cut the pulp of the watermelon bought for Xiao Liu and put it in two plastic boxes, which is her dinner for the next two days. "Generally, half a watermelon weighs about 7 pounds, which sounds a lot, but it’s all water, and you can still eat it, which is just right for losing weight." Watermelon for dinner to lose weight, Xiao Liu has insisted on it for more than a month, but the effect is not obvious. "I lost 3 pounds, I think it’s not bad. Anyway, I don’t exercise."

  In fact, there are not a few people who lose weight with fruit instead of dinner. In this fruit shop under Xiaoliujialou, there are several old customers who, like Xiaoliu, choose different fruits for dinner to lose weight. "Some customers come to buy fresh fruits every day, buy several kinds at a time, and buy a little of each." Ms. He, the clerk, said.

  Although they are all fruits to lose weight, everyone’s methods are different. Maggie Zhou, who lives in the same community as Liu Hemiao, eats some meat and pasta accidents every morning, and uses fruits for lunch and dinner. "One catty a day, at least three kinds of fruits."

  On August 21st, Maggie Zhou set himself the fruits of pitaya, Cui Tao and bananas. Ms. Qian, who goes to the fruit shop every day to buy fresh fruit contemporary meals, will choose fruits that are not so sweet, such as white-hearted pitaya and small tomatoes. "I will not choose watermelons, grapes and bananas. The sugar is high and the calories are high. The more I eat, the fatter I get."

  Hospital nursing specialist

  Some fruits have higher calories than meat, and fruits lose weight before meals.

  Is it really useful to eat fruit for dinner to lose weight? "Fructose contained in fruits can also cause the accumulation of fat in the body. Replacing dinner with fruit may not be able to reduce weight and body fat. Moreover, the nutritional components of fruits are single, mostly water and sugar, and a small amount of vitamins and protein fiber, but the trace elements such as calcium, iron and zinc required by normal metabolism of the human body cannot be satisfied. " Experts from the Nutrition Department of Daping Hospital said.

  According to experts, eating fruit is really beneficial to lose weight, but it can’t completely replace dinner. "Actually, eating fruit before meals is more conducive to losing weight. Many of the nutrients in most fruits are water-soluble. Eating before meals is easier to be digested and absorbed by the stomach, and it is easy to feel full, which can help suppress appetite for people who want to lose weight. "

  "On the other hand, the choice of fruits is also very important. Some fruits have higher fat content than meat. If you choose these foods for contemporary meals, it may be counterproductive. Avocado, which is regarded as a holy product to lose weight, has a higher calorie index than pork, with 143 calories for 100 grams of lean pork and 160 calories for 100 grams of avocado. At the same time, the fat content of avocado is as high as 15%-30%. "

  For people who lose weight, fruit can’t replace vegetables. Experts suggest that no matter whether the fruit is sweet or not, the daily consumption should be controlled at 200 -350 grams, and the intake of vegetables should reach 500 grams, and different types should be changed.

  Chongqing morning post upstream journalist Shi Heng

Chun’ an: Deep affection for Lantern Festival continues the taste of the year

Making lanterns, solve riddles on the lanterns, playing games and eating Lantern Festival is another year of Lantern Festival. The villages and towns in Chun ‘an County are very lively, and everyone gathered together to carry out various Lantern Festival theme activities.
"The waist drum team is coming!" In the outdoor Little Square of Wanghu Community in Qiandao Lake Town, a community dance team with waist drums and bright red dresses started a lively opening ceremony, and the "Lantern Festival Happy Home" garden party and the pro-theme activities of Pearl and Wanghu officially began. Accompanied by laughter, the dragon surrounded by ribbons "swam" into the community and flew up and down to stage the "Dragon in Prosperity".
On the other side of the Nanyuan community, at the scene of the activity of "Concentrating on the Neighborhood and Celebrating the Lantern Festival", the neighbors had a heated discussion in the "lantern riddle array". This year’s lantern riddles cover the creation of civilization, Hangzhou Asian Games, Song Yun culture and other aspects, with higher concern for residents and stronger educational attributes.
The Sunshine Community held the Lantern Festival theme activity of "Happy Lantern Festival, Welcome the Asian Games with One Heart". Festive music attracted a large number of residents. They went out in groups of three or five, or the whole family. First, they received a delicious and steaming dumpling, and then quietly selected their favorite puzzles to answer. If they guessed the riddles, they could also receive a beautiful small gift. At the same time, in the other corner of the activity site, the publicity activities of garbage classification and anti-fraud are also in full swing. Through polite competition, the knowledge of garbage classification and anti-fraud is popularized to the residents on the site, and publicity materials are distributed to enhance the residents’ awareness of anti-fraud and garbage classification to welcome the arrival of the Asian Games.
To ask where the flavor of "Old Pailing" is strongest, Chun ‘an people will definitely recommend you to stroll along Qilong Lane and Hushan Park to the tip of the stove. Non-legacy bamboo horses, colorful dragon lanterns and big-headed dolls started from the community practice station (citizen post station) under the interpretation of community party member volunteers, literary backbones and teachers and students of Huoshanjian Kindergarten, beating gongs and drums while performing, with colorful dances interspersed among them, winning the applause of pedestrians along the way.
Left-behind children are the biggest concern for out-of-town entrepreneurs to return to work after the holiday. Qiandaohu Town Xincheng Community Civilization Practice Station specially invited children from its jurisdiction to come to Children’s Home for the holidays. Everyone sang children’s songs and listened to stories. Sister social worker also taught the children to make Lantern Festival lanterns with red envelopes and snack boxes during the Chinese New Year, and wrote their thoughts and wishes for their families into the lanterns.
The "Welcome to the Asian Games and Happy Lantern Festival" in Weiping Town was held in Yejiacun Cultural Auditorium. More than 300 people gathered together, throwing pots, eating glutinous rice balls and solve riddles on the lanterns … The scene was full of laughter. Finally, the Ye Jialong Lantern Show was held. The huge dragon body danced and soared into the sky in the explosion of fireworks, which was very spectacular. It is reported that this activity combines Song Yun, Asian Games and other elements, including traditional solve riddles on the lanterns, glutinous rice balls, dragon lanterns and gongs and drums performances, as well as Song Yun folk games such as throwing pots and hoops, so that the broad masses of cadres and people can further inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation and feel the unique charm of traditional folk customs.
Dashu Town organized many volunteers such as party member, women, young people and non-party people to carry out various activities for the residents of the market town, such as sending glutinous rice balls and solve riddles on the lanterns, to celebrate the Lantern Festival together. During the activity, some volunteers presented dumplings to the past residents to convey warm wishes. The rest of the volunteers distributed handmade materials to guide the children to make Lantern Festival lanterns and New Year wish cards. The collected wish cards will be bought by volunteers and sent to children after the festival.
The "Hongling Party-mass Service Station" in Langchuan Township held the "Cut Tangyuan" and the solve riddles on the lanterns to celebrate the Lantern Festival. Lights were decorated everywhere and lanterns were hung high. Eating glutinous rice balls, solve riddles on the lanterns and watching lanterns are traditional customs of the Lantern Festival, but this year’s "glutinous rice balls" are very special. The raw materials are neither glutinous rice nor black sesame seeds. The cute dolls only use a piece of colored paper and a pair of scissors to make bowls of chubby "glutinous rice balls". With the help of this activity, children and villagers can further feel the charm of paper-cutting art, and take traditional festivals as an opportunity to promote traditional art, which can bring a unique meaning to traditional festivals.
The Lantern Festival in Zuokou Township was held in the Cultural Auditorium of Yaocun Village, Zuokou Township. Customs clearance games such as throwing pots, hooping, guessing and blowing out candles were set up on the spot, which attracted many villagers and children to have Lantern Festival. Although it was near the end of the month, the scene was still full of strong flavor of the year. In addition, Zuokou Township Cultural Station also set up a "anti-pornography and illegal publications" publicity exhibition board at the scene, taking advantage of the lively opportunity to carry out "anti-pornography and illegal publications" publicity for everyone.
The Jiukeng Township Women’s Federation, together with the Youth League Committee and the Cultural Station, held a parent-child activity of "Welcome Lantern Festival, Creative Production of DIY Stickers for Parents and Children" at the Children’s Palace of Rural Renaissance in Zhonglian Village. The volunteer teachers explained the relevant knowledge of stickers to the children, and then the children cooperated with their parents to cut and paste simple and beautiful paintings. Finally, the children took their own stickers to show on the stage and shared their creative achievements with everyone.
In the cultural auditorium of Guanjia Village, Fu Wang Township, a lantern riddle activity with the theme of "learning to strengthen the country" opened the eyes of the villagers. At the activity site, the hot field of hitting the water drum quickly heated up the strong festive atmosphere on the scene. Then the various riddles at the lantern riddle meeting also made the villagers who came to guess the riddle "brainstorm". The old people who originally planned to bring their children to play at the scene even played more actively than their grandchildren. Later, kicking shuttlecock, skipping rope, tug-of-war competition and knowledge quiz on garbage sorting also kept the fiery atmosphere on the scene.

Straight down 12.4℃! Spring flashes back in Hangzhou!

According to the Central Meteorological Observatory:
20-22 February
The cold wave will continue to affect the central and eastern parts of China.
In some areas, there is a high risk of snowstorm and low temperature rain, snow and freezing disaster.
Today (February 20th) at 6 o’clock.
Six early warnings are issued!
Issued by the Central Meteorological Observatory
Cold wave orange warning, frozen yellow warning
Fog yellow warning, blizzard blue warning
Strong wind blue warning and strong convective weather blue warning
Please pay attention to safety when you return to Spring Festival travel rush!
Photo/Jiang Zhiqing
In Hangzhou
The prelude of continuous low temperature and rainy weather has also been opened.
Cool down by 12.4℃! But this is just an appetizer.
Yesterday, the highest temperature in Hangzhou Station reached 25.5℃, but in the evening, due to the influence of cold air front, the weather pattern reversed, and Hang Cheng cooled down, with rain and wind.
At 10 o’clock today, the hourly temperature at Hangzhou Station was only 9.6℃, which was 12.4℃ lower than that at the same time yesterday.
Photo/Jiang Zhiqing
Some people say that after years of cold wave, rain, snow and freezing, this coldness is nothing. Don’t be too proud, it’s just an appetizer for cold air.The real cold air body will go south from tomorrow afternoon to the day after tomorrow (21-22).
Go home early from work tomorrow!
Moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain are coming.
Tomorrow morning, the front area will be strengthened, and the shear line and the front area will be pressed southward after noon. Coupled with the warm and humid air flow, the rain will be obviously strengthened tomorrow, with moderate to heavy rain, and there will even be heavy rain in the southwest!
Not only the rain, but also the temperature will continue to drop.The lowest temperature on 22-26 days is 0 ~ 4℃ in plain area and 0 ~-3℃ in mountainous area.There is freezing. Tomorrow, the largest northerly wind will be 5-7 in the plain area, 8 in some areas, and 7-9 in the rivers and lakes and high mountains.
Next, the cold and rainy weather will last for many days, and the wet and cold sensation will linger, especially in the early stage when the temperature is high and the warm and cold turn sharply. Everyone must pay special attention to the impact of drastic temperature changes and continuous wet and cold on human health.
In addition, Spring Festival travel rush is still going on. Friends who have travel plans must pay attention to the weather conditions along the way and pay attention to traffic safety.
(Source: Hangzhou Release)

What are the benefits of running?

1, strong body

Running can improve our physical fitness. Compared with people who don’t exercise, runners are more robust, giving us more muscles, full of spiritual vitality, and improving all aspects of our body.

2. Keep your body young

Running is a good aerobic exercise. When we run, our body’s oxygen delivery and blood quantity are ten times more than usual, which will deliver more oxygen and nutrition to cells, make our cells more energetic and make our bodies younger!

3. Keep in good shape

Eating without exercise is the easiest way to get fat. Obese bodies are unsightly and, more importantly, unhealthy, while running can maintain our good bodies. Running every day can control the fat content in the body, and make our body more upright and will not go out of shape! So if you want to keep fit, running is a good way to exercise.

4. Improve sleep quality

Running at night can improve our sleep quality, because running can release the pressure of work and study during the day and produce physical fatigue, which makes it easier to fall asleep. If your sleep quality is poor, try fun run.