Interview with Ruan Jingtian: Accelerating accumulation offers more possibilities


  Ethan Ruan

  "Come, turn your chin slightly to the right."

  Ruan Jingtian was wrapped in a black turtleneck sweater and turned his face to the right. The peaks of his eyebrows were obvious, and the lines of his chin were almost sharp.

  This is Ethan Ruan under the camera, accurate and sharp.

  And in the conversation that the camera can’t capture, he has the softest and most relaxed lines. Although his eyebrows are still as flamboyant as the "monk" in "Mengka", the eyes below are not at all incompatible with the warmth of Xiao Kuan in "LOVE". Occasionally, a few strands of ancient spirits belonging to "Fan Ruyi" in "Detective Runaway" sneak out and shine very brightly.


  Ethan Ruan

  "Many things in life are full of surprises and surprises, and this job is an accident for me." The plain ring ring on his left ring finger is not conspicuous, and the smile on the corner of his mouth is slow. "But I gradually discovered that this job is related to people. And people are the most complex and fun things in the world. I like people, whether friends, real-world friends or strangers. I like to study people more and more, not to talk to anyone deliberately, but to carefully observe how he will behave in what situation." Apparently, the older boy who had "never thought of entering this industry" enjoyed the accident.

  Indeed, it was a beautiful accident that brought a new king to Taiwanese cinema.


  Ethan Ruan

  It’s not all real.

  But emotion must come from the heart

  As early as when reading Cai Jun’s novel "Murder Like Water," Ruan Jingtian liked this story very much. When Ruan Jingtian learned that director Chen Guo would adapt the novel, Ruan Jingtian had a face-to-face communication with the director. 10 minutes, from conversation to setting the angle, the matter was settled.

  Ethan loves this kind of face-to-face communication, which is also his exclusive way to win the role of his favorite director.

  "When communicating with people, I like to communicate face-to-face, eye-to-eye, and communicate the feelings of the heart. These are the most direct feelings I express. In many cases, instead of competing for roles through agents and companies, I prefer to connect through them, and then talk to the director face-to-face, so that I can find out if there is a common idea about the role and the possibility of cooperation."

  Of course, there were exceptions.

  When taking over "Mengka", don’t talk about communicating with the director. Ruan Jingtian readily agreed without even reading the script. Director Doudou (director Niu Chengze) directly said that he was "with seeds". "Sometimes this is done because of trust in certain directors and teams. Some people will never harm you, just like your own family, you will have complete trust in him." "Not afraid of not being able to play this role well?" "Of course I will be afraid, but with such a director in front to check, he will not let you go if you can’t play well, and he will never let his play go badly!" He laughed playfully, as if he had succeeded in "plotting" Director Doudou.

  "Paradise in the Army" is Mr. Ruan’s most recent collaboration with Mr. Dou, and his first film since leaving the army, because Mr. Dou is Mr. Ruan’s "most important person" in the film.

  The filming process was not easy, and Ruan Jingtian often struggled on the verge of breaking the dam emotionally. Watching "Lao Zhang" Chen Jianbin being captured but helpless, he could not promise a visible tomorrow to his lover. Xiao Bao, one of the thousands of recruits he plays, is wrapped up in the times and fate and has no way to fight back. In several scenes, Ruan Jingtian had to rely on the director’s help to hold back the tears that were about to flow. "Paradise in the Army is a painful and happy process for me. Sometimes it’s very torn, and sometimes I enjoy the feeling of being trapped in the character."

  For Mr. Ruan, the emotions he wants in every play to be real. Whether it’s the sibling relationship between Chen Yihan and Chen in "LOVE" or the brotherhood of the Prince Gang in "Monga", he has carried these emotions into his life without reservation. "The performance is not all real, but the emotions must come from the most authentic place."


  Ethan Ruan

  Learn to wait

  Waiting for the next big wave

  In the early hours of 2006, a slender shadow was speeding skating across the viaduct. Lin Yuxian, the filmmaker, and the cameraman kept their eyes on the camera, while the rest of the crew watched and listened. Their filming was not allowed, and they had to quickly evacuate once the police showed up.

  For the first-time filmmaker, it was probably the most memorable early morning of his life. "After that time, I thought making movies was a very fun thing for me." In the film’s debut film, "Exit 6," the film’s infinite creative and imaginative space helped him achieve childhood pranks such as hiding in tires and rolling downstairs, riding a trolley to shake his tail, and setting off firecrackers with his butt. Not only that, but the film also opened the door for Ethan to go to the big screen.

  In 2009, he met with Monga.

  Ruan Jingtian plays a super-intelligent, reserved and calm gangster He Tianyou ("monk") in the film. His extremely textured performance makes Chen Kexin praise "a superstar is born" and Woo Yusen sees "Chow Yun-fat in a young era". With this film, Ruan Jingtian runs like a dark horse into the competition for the best actor of the 47th Golden Horse Awards.

  His eyes widened, his sexy mouth held up a full "O", and his muscles stiffened for a moment. On November 20, 2010, when the camera gave a close-up of Ruan Jingtian at the 47th Golden Horse Awards ceremony, he used this expression to explain all his surprise. Although he said with a smile that "he had prepared his acceptance speech ten years ago", he was still stunned by this "happy lightning" in the face of the results of beating Wang Xueqi, Ni Dahong and Qin Hao by a large number of votes.

  Now talking about the little golden horse, Ruan Jingtian said jokingly: "That’s a trophy!" After a string of boy-like mischievous laughter, he turned indifferent ": In fact, at that age, getting that award was very stressful. I was lost for a while because I didn’t know what to do to qualify for it. Looking back, I found that you don’t have to do anything to qualify for it, because when you gave it back then, it means you have been there before, and you don’t have to copy it every time. As long as you do your best to do every performance after that, you can slowly learn to live peacefully with pressure and emotions."

  Ruan Jingtian, who came out of the misty forest brought by the "Best Actor", saw more possibilities in himself in "Detective Runaway". "During filming, Director Luo Zhuoyao showed us German silent films. At first I was confused, but after seeing the editing of the movie, I could probably understand it." However, he did not shy away from admitting that "these are still difficult for me to understand, but it is a good experience, which makes me feel that I can slowly play in black humor."

  Ruan Jingtian, who found himself with countless possibilities in the role, never said "I don’t really like this job, I plan when to retire every day and live a so-called free life". As he grew older and experienced, he began to think more and have more confidence in this job, and at the same time, he asked himself to be "a good actor".

  "Every director, whether commercial or artistic, as long as you are soft, as long as you are willing to listen, he will always bring you something. For actors, this will make you more able to adapt to every director." Time has taught Ethan Ruan to accumulate thick hair. He can shoot a shot 20 times in the new film "New York New York" to try to be closer to the psychological changes of the characters; he can also seize the three or four precious opportunities given by director Liu Weiqiang in "Blood Drops" to show what the director wants to see the most in the fastest but most accurate state.

  Before the accumulation had reached a qualitative change, Ethan Ruan also had a long and difficult time. However, his favorite surfing taught him to persevere and wait.

  "The spirit of surfing is to wait. The experience of life is a lot like surfing. No one is always on the high and no one is always on the low. Learn to live with the low tide and wait for the point to come up. Learn to wait instead of picking up the board and going home. When you get home you don’t have the next wave. Wait, maybe five minutes, maybe an hour, but you have to wait."


  Ethan Ruan

  Taiwan movie story

  From Niu Chengze to Hou Hsiao-hsien, Ruan Jingtian has worked with these two standard-bearers in the Taiwanese film industry.

  Doudao Niu Chengze has accompanied Ruan Jingtian all the way from counting steel coins to buying bento to today. In Ruan Jingtian’s eyes, he is not only a "guide", "life mentor", "friend who can scold him as a dog", but also like a "father".

  At the 50th anniversary ceremony of the 2013 Golden Horse Awards, Ethan said that he was sick and left the table early. Niu Chengze, who was watching the live broadcast, was trembling with anger and smashed the remote control in his hand against the TV. At the time, the crew was rushing to shoot "Paradise in the Army", but Niu Chengze turned a blind eye to Ethan for two weeks. During this time, even if he gave a play to the actors, he only passed the message to Ethan through the assistant director. This "strict father" punishment made Ethan realize the seriousness of his mistake.

  Director Hou Hsiao-hsien feels completely different from Director Dou. "One is like grandpa and the other is like dad. Director Dou is very demanding, but for me he is the most important person. Because many times his requirements for acting will allow me to go to a state I did not expect and unknown, rather than staying in a place I know. Of course, it is not just the pressure of working with Director Dou. In the face of some directors who have high requirements for acting, it is impossible for me to bring ordinary things to satisfy them. They are like the most tricky guests, and sometimes even the color and fragrance of reason cannot satisfy them. You have to do your best and spend a little ingenuity to meet their requirements."

  "Chef" Ruan Jingtian arrived in front of the director Hou Hsiao-hsien, obviously with more freedom to play. "It’s a very comfortable state. Because he has no restrictions on what the actor should do, it gives you a huge imagination. For me, this experience is very special. In fact, it was not suitable at first, and in the end, I miss every shot directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien. You will really want to work with him again and bring him something different. Working with him is a great experience!"

  Nine years, 13 films, 10 films directed by Taiwanese directors, Ethan has an almost persistent love for Taiwanese films. Commemorative growth and local stories are the eternal melodies of Taiwanese films in his heart. "Monga" is a typical Taiwanese film about growth in Ethan’s eyes. Brothers, fate, youth and injuries in growth make Taiwanese films that inspire youth have a sadness that shines through tomorrow. And Taiwan’s story is not just a story of growth but also a story of life. "Shanghai, Beijing, New York, Taipei, these big cities are very similar. People from all over the world take root in the local leaves and develop their own unique way of life."


  Ethan Ruan

  It takes fear to be brave

  Ruan Jingtian’s own Weibo profile is: a timid and brave ordinary person.

  He was timid. "When you ask me to jump from five or six floors on a wire, it’s a fool to say that I’m not afraid. Of course I’m afraid, but I have a reason to do it, so I have to be brave. Because being afraid is the only way to be brave."

  More often, he is willing to stay at home and spend time with his two cats in the safest place. One of them rubbed Ethan’s trousers at the Taichung night market, and finally impressed Ethan, who raised a dog, before being driven away for the third time.

  Now that the 12-year-old cat was old and frail, Ruan Jingtian smiled and said that he had become a veterinarian who gave injections to cats every day. But on second thought, thinking of the cat who had been with him for many years, "If something happens, it will die", a trace of gentle concern and sadness showed in his eyes.

  He loves silence and also enjoys limits.

  "What’s your biggest impression of surfing?" he asked excitedly of his hobby. "Summer, the beach, a bikini?" The question caught him off guard.

  "Haha, but, did you know, Taiwan only has waves in winter!" The slyness in his eyes poured out, as if announcing a shocking secret. "The waves usually appear before 9 o’clock in the morning, mostly between 4 and 6 o’clock. So get up early and go into the water when it’s very cold. It’s hot at noon, and there are no waves, so you can only sleep. So when you actually do something, you will find that it is different from everyone’s stereotypes."

  Racing is another passion of Ethan Ethan’s. Like many young boys, he has loved racing since he was a child and has been playing with it for seven or eight years since he grew up. In the last two years, he has participated in car racing and won two annual championships. "Racing and acting can put people in a tight environment. You can’t go wrong a lot of the time, because many good shots can only be shot once. In such a tense and precise moment, you have to be very subtle and careful to control every movement of your body, every expression, and cooperate with everyone. The same is true of racing. It’s not about who is faster, but who makes fewer mistakes." He was personally involved in every aspect of car repair, setting up, and practicing, because in his opinion: "You have to be serious about playing! Because if you are not serious, you will not be happy."

  Recently, the topic of Ruan Jingtian’s relationship has attracted people’s attention. He interacted calmly with netizens on Weibo, and the comments were polarized. Some people praised him Man, while others laughed and scolded him. He said that "this matter is unique and will not appear again in the future." Even if the problem was not originally planned, Ruan Jingtian did not shy away from his most natural emotions at this moment, as he said: "At first you were not wary, the reporter editor asked your girlfriend, and you would say it. But later found that what you said would follow you like a shadow, which is a very annoying thing. Emotions are private, like closing the door when going to the toilet." And his ideal love and family life is like his grandparents, not the passion and ups and downs of the two, but the peace of the years.

  At the end of the shooting, he signed for the studio. Ruan – Jing – Tian, the rounded corners, the word "Tian" one stroke and one stroke, the willful length of "two legs", Xiao Tian left the last stroke with boyish wanton and innocence. The sun, the moon, the rivers, the river of time flows, initializing the once rampage, Ruan Jingtian’s charm as a man has just revealed a corner.

Guo Fucheng joined the film "Taoist down the mountain" and Sony won the North American distribution rights

Guo Fucheng joins "Taoist down the mountain"
  A few days ago, the new film directed by Chen Kaige officially announced that Guo Fucheng will join the starring role. He will play a top martial arts master in the film, and the role is extremely heavy. So far, the "Taoist Downhill" lineup has joined Wang Baoqiang, Fan Wei, Lin Zhiling, Wang Xueqi, Li Xuejian, Jaycee, Wu Jianhao, Yuan Hua, Lin Xue, Chen Guokun and many other stars. After joining, this "Water Margin Group Statue Legend" style kung fu giant has added another strong general.
Guo Fucheng modeling photo
Guo Fucheng appeared in the shape of "righteous" Chen Kaige praised it as "grandmaster style"
  Since he won the Golden Malianzhuang Best Actor, Guo Fucheng has long been transformed into a powerful movie star, and his acting skills are obvious to all, and his good dance skills and years of fighting experience have also become an important reason for director Chen Kaige to invite him to join the role of a martial arts master. When Guo Fucheng entered the group to try on makeup, he was eye-catching. His capable bunting style, coupled with neat short hair and sharp eyes, was full of "family training" style. Director Chen Kaige said that Guo Fucheng’s style gives people a "righteous and awe-inspiring" feeling, which fits the characteristics of the character very well, and praised him for having a "grandmaster style".  
  The first scene of Guo Fucheng’s shooting on the day of entering the group was a "one enemy ten" snow battle. After the martial arts instructor Gu Xuanzhao and a group of martial arts repeated drills, Guo Fucheng personally went into battle and filmed for a whole day; between filming, Guo Fucheng said that although he had old injuries on his legs, it just so happened that the role’s play emphasized "calmness", and the action did not need to be too intense and rapid, which was a coincidence. Therefore, he also did his best in every game and strived to do his best. Not only was the martial arts excellent, but the literary and opera part was even less of a problem. After reading a dialogue, the staff bluntly said that Guo Fucheng was deeply involved in the play and was in a state of "madness", which made people even dare not look him in the eyes. Chen Kaige, the director in front of the monitor, praised him for "his eyes are full of drama, worthy of the level of the actor And after the filming that day, the on-site staff spontaneously gave him a warm applause for his dedication. " 

Guo Fucheng modeling photo
Sony is responsible for North American distribution, with top-level configuration behind the scenes 
  Recently, the Hollywood Reporter, Variety and other US authoritative media have reported that Sony Columbia, one of the six major Hollywood film companies, has reached a strategic cooperation with Xinli Media, the Chinese producer of "Taoist Down the Mountain", to jointly invest in the film and be responsible for North American distribution. As a Sino-US co-production, "Taoist Down the Mountain" will be released globally simultaneously. Dede, general manager of Columbia Pictures China, said: "We are very happy to be working with a world-class filmmaker like Director Chen Kaige, who is famous for his epic storytelling and dazzling visual description. In’Taoist Down the Mountain ‘, he has brought together the first-class team in front of the stage and behind the scenes, and we are very confident that the film will be very shocking." 
  The behind-the-scenes team of "Taoist Down the Mountain" can also be described as top-notch, and it is completely international. The Oscar-nominated Australian photographer Geoffrey Simpson served as the director of photography; the Animal Logic studio was responsible for special effects production; and the German composer Kluse Badelt’s work experience in Hollywood is even more dazzling. His creations, "Time Machine",,, and so on have all been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Music. The bizarre and colorful world, the rich and prosperous world, the intriguing human grievances, and the colorful legends of the rivers and lakes experienced by the little Taoist He Anxia in "Fantasy Drifting" will be presented under the light and shadow audio-visual of this top behind-the-scenes team.

Fan Bingbing Practicing Foreign Languages "Shinjuku Incident" and Jackie Chan’s Love War in Japan

Movie poster

Jackie Chan, Fan Bingbing Street Love Fight

Shinjuku Incident, due to be released in April, has attracted wide attention because it is directed by the famous director Er Dongsheng and brings together many popular stars such as Jackie Chan, Wu Yanzu, Fan Bingbing, Xu Jinglei and so on. However, this release is limited to South East Asia and Hong Kong, and mainland audiences have not been able to enjoy the film.

  In "Shinjuku Incident," Fan Bingbing will play Jackie Chan’s girlfriend, a man who is very assertive, enthusiastic on the outside but lonely on the inside. This is also Jackie Chan and Fan Bingbing’s first collaboration on the big screen. Fan Bingbing and Jackie Chan, who are on the run, meet in Kabukicho, Japan, and stage a poignant and romantic love story. In the film, Fan Bingbing brings a group of young girls to make a living under the power struggle of Japanese gangsters, which is a far cry from the bright and beautiful image he has played in the past.

  In this play, Japanese lines are a new challenge for Fan Bingbing. Fan Bingbing learns things very quickly and has a strong ability to imitate, so the large Japanese lines he just gave her the day before have been memorized the next day, and can be spoken fluently during filming. But Fan Bingbing still admits that learning Japanese is still a bit difficult. Recently, Fan Bingbing has been teaching English, makeup, and changing scenes. In short, all the time she can use during work breaks is practiced hard with foreign teachers. She said that she actually wasted a lot of time while waiting for the play, so she hopes to use her time to enrich herself through learning.

  "Shinjuku Incident," a film called Jackie Chan’s transformation, also gathers Naoto Takenaka, Gao Jie, Kato Yaya, Qian Jiale, Lu Huiguang, Qin Pei, Lin Xue, Kurata Baozhao and other Chinese and Japanese movie stars. It can be said that the lineup is prosperous.

Di Lizheba is pregnant again? The paparazzi claims to have evidence in hand, who did she provoke with the black material?

However, how could the online melon eaters let it go so easily? Soon after, many details gradually became apparent to people.

Famous paparazzi unknown

First of all, let’s take a look at this well-known paparazzi. His name on social media is "Yu Xiaodong", and he claims to be the "first insider in the entertainment industry". He often reveals many insider and revelations about the entertainment industry on social media.

However, the authenticity of the content of his revelations was very random. In the words of netizens, Yu Xiaodong’s revelations were an opening picture. The content depended entirely on guessing.

For example, when he broke the news about Xiao Zhan and Di Lizheba’s relationship, he had just released an intimate photo of the two people on his front foot, but he was falsified and said that the photo was a composite. Therefore, in general, this Yuxiaodong was not reliable, not even famous.

However, this time was different from usual. This Yu Xiaodong claimed that he had evidence of two people together, which made many people decide to see what the evidence was. As a result, they were all stunned by the operation of this Yu Xiaodong.

Evidence of Yuxiaodong

We need to know that although Di Lizheba and Huang Jingyu were rumored to have an affair, their last open and honest interaction was during the filming of the TV series "Hot Blood". At that time, the two people played a couple, which gave them a lot of cp fans.

At that time, there were voices who hoped that the two of them could make a pair in reality, but Huang Jingyu had just divorced at that time, and the relationship with his ex-wife was also very complicated, so the CP powder could only be ended in the end.

In addition, after Di Lizheba and Huang Jingyu finished filming the TV series, there was no interaction between them, and even the two sides did not publicly admit their love, nor did the reporter take pictures of the two of them meeting in private, so there was no sign of love between the two of them.

In addition, let’s take a look at Yu Xiaodong’s revelation that he said that Di Lizheba’s due date is October this year, which proves that Di Lizheba was conceived in January, but from January to October, Di Lizheba did not show any signs of pregnancy.

Moreover, her studio has also refuted rumors many times that Di Lizheba is not pregnant at all. Everything is a rumor. Of course, the so-called evidence with Yu Xiaodong has not been shown to people until now.

It’s not the first time Di Lizheba has been rumored to be pregnant

In fact, the news about Di Lizheba’s pregnancy and childbirth was not the first time it had been mentioned. As early as the end of last year, the media broke the news of Di Lizheba’s pregnancy, but in fact, this matter had to start from last year.

At that time, Entertainment News broke the news of Di Lizheba’s pregnancy, which caused a heated debate. Then many people began to search for evidence of Di Lizheba’s pregnancy. During that time, Di Lizheba seemed to have vanished from the public’s field of vision.

You must know that Di Lizheba is a famous workaholic, but after the second half of 2022, her work seemed to be completely put on hold. Not only did she not enter the group for several months, but she did not even participate in some daily fashion activities.

Fans who watched this situation gradually began to believe this rumor, but Di Lizheba’s studio and herself quickly responded to the controversy with a set of photos, only to be exposed by netizens as old pictures. For a while, the voice of public opinion grew louder and louder.

In addition, the background of Di Lizheba’s photo was very similar to the background of Huang Jingyu’s photo before, so the news that Di Lizheba and Huang Jingyu were together for a while quickly hit the hot search.

At that time, almost all the fans asked Di Lizheba’s studio to respond to this matter and asked the studio to post photos to prove his innocence. There was no way the studio could only arrange a live broadcast for Di Lizheba to appear in the camera.

Then he asked Di Lizheba to take a few selfie photos after the live broadcast, using action to break the pregnancy rumors. At this point, Di Lizheba’s pregnancy storm was over.

However, just two months after this incident, this matter once again ushered in a reversal. This time, a blogger known as Super Photography Yangyang posted a photo of Di Lizheba at the airport and said with certainty that Di Lizheba was pregnant.

In his photos, it is not difficult to find that Di Lizheba’s whole person does look bloated, much like she is pregnant, but it may also be a matter of dress, after all, it was winter at the time, and wearing thicker clothes was a given.

Afterwards, the reporter said that when she was in the live stream, Di Lizheba was already pregnant, but the month was a little smaller, so Di Lizheba’s appearance would be more normal, but as the month gradually increased, it was impossible for her to hide this matter from the public.

In addition, the paparazzi also forwarded Huang Jingyu’s Weibo to celebrate his birthday. At that time, Huang Jingyu wrote on Weibo that the upgrade was successful, which made people think that the blogger was implying that the father of the child was Huang Jingyu.

In addition, many entertainment records have posted videos and pictures of Huang Jingyu and Di Lizheba meeting in private, but the two are bitten to death and unwilling to admit their love affair.

However, this time, there was no movement in Di Lizheba’s studio. Only some fans kept speaking out for Di Lizheba.

And some fans said that the reason why Di Lizheba did not participate in the event these days was mainly because almost all the veteran artists of Jiaxing Media had left, leaving only Di Lizheba who stayed in Jiaxing because the contract had not expired.

Now Jiaxing wanted Di Li Reba to bring the newcomers and make some bad movies that could make people show their faces so that they could be known by the public, even if they were familiar with each other, but Di Li Reba refused to agree, so he broke up with the company.

Just as everyone was scrambling to speculate on the matter, Di Lizheba and Huang Jingyu’s studio suddenly issued a document expressing doubts about the matter, saying that they had sued the publisher of the matter, and the court had ruled that the matter was defamation.

This also made many fans feel relieved, but in fact, most of them were still very dissatisfied with this. They felt that the studio’s statement was too perfunctory. Instead of issuing this statement, it was better to directly tell the fans that they were single, not married, not pregnant, and had no children.

But in fact, through this incident, we have learned some facts, that is, the news of Di Lizheba’s pregnancy is false, and secondly, this incident is by no means as simple as imagined.

Looking back at the first half of this year, Di Lizheba was definitely the worst one among the artists who were dogged by internal entertainment.

Di Lizheba keeps getting dirty, who did she offend?

In a recent live broadcast, Teacher Jinxing was on full fire. She said during the live broadcast that some celebrities participated in an award to reveal a deep V, and they even covered it with their hands. Then don’t wear it, what are you wearing it for?

Although Teacher Jinxing was just stating the facts, soon some fans of the star began to take their seats and go to Jinxing’s social platform to abuse her.

It’s just that Teacher Jinxing didn’t get used to this group of fans. Instead, he said that he was right and would never apologize. He even said that such people are afraid that the poor will see them and the rich will not see them.

This sentence directly woke up many viewers. Most people felt that this sentence was crude, but it was indeed a bit too extreme.

After that, some people pointed out that the star of Jinxing was Di Lizheba, and we can see that she really covers her chest all the time after watching the video.

But in fact, we carefully imagine that most of this dress is actually prepared by the company. Even if Di Lizheba doesn’t want to wear it, she can’t refuse. After all, the contract is there, so no matter how hard it is to blame the artist.

It’s just that Di Lizheba has indeed had a lot of black fans these years, but the main reason for this is that she is actually very similar to her senior sister Yang Mi, that is, her works are really not good, but she still has to praise them.

You must know that although today’s entertainment industry is an era where traffic is king, whether it is the first generation of traffic king Luhan or other top-tier players after that, they have all lived through the scolding.

But in the end, they all used their works to gradually improve their reputation. The most representative of them was Zhu Yilong, who had successfully completed the transformation from traffic to power through a series of well-known movies.

Actors are the people who perform, and the best way for an actor to get rid of their own shackles is to work, and Di Lizheba’s biggest problem now is that the work is not good, and there are no awards to win.

The only Golden Eagle Award mentioned was won for a bad movie "Pretty Li Huizhen", and she even got the title of Queen of Water for it.

In fact, looking back at Di Lizheba’s work in the past few years, it is not difficult to find that although she is known as a work madman, her focus does not seem to be on acting, but more in variety shows and live broadcasts.

Just like the pregnancy incident mentioned earlier, the reason why she was rumored to be honest was because she had a period of absence. At that time, some people suspected that she was not unable to work, but that not many directors were willing to use her.

Because she has been playing the same type of role in the past few years, basically only fans will pay for such a movie. Once fans are unwilling to approve, the show is doomed to not achieve any good results.

And we can also see that Di Lizheba seems to have fallen into a vicious circle in recent years. In addition to not having good works, her team is also very enthusiastic about promoting CP and popularity.

Xiang Wu Lei, Hu Ge, Luhan, and other artists have all become the object of Di Lizheba’s scandal, and even this matter was later affectionately called Jiu Zi Duo Di.

Of course, most of these are not Di Lizheba’s original intentions, but the company’s settings for her. In fact, she is not the only one. Yang Mi’s situation back then was very similar to hers.

Therefore, today’s Di Lizheba should also start to consider transformation. Instead of being a top-class female who relies on traffic, it is better to be an actress who wins with strength.


As an actor, acting is the true root. Only when acting skills come up will people pay more attention to your acting skills rather than your life.

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Chen Edison talks about pornographic photos again: In terms of sex, I am not wrong

  Edison Chen looked serious, "I deeply think that this happened because I didn’t understand it exactly, and I came to a lot of conclusions. I didn’t take into account the whole environment, I only took into account myself, misjudged the environment, and didn’t respect the local culture where I live and make a living." Edison Chen continued to explain: "Having sex all over the world happens behind closed doors. I don’t think I did anything particularly wrong in that situation. The only thing I did wrong was the way I handled the incident in that cultural context. Maybe that’s a bit direct, but in terms of sex, I don’t think I was wrong."

42-Year-old Nicholas Tse’s current situation exposed, accused of being close to Xie Xian? Style change sparks heated debate

Nicholas Tse has always maintained a low-key and stable image in the entertainment industry, especially when it comes to his own love life. Even with rumors everywhere, he chose to use actions to prove his sincere feelings with Faye Wong, such as the picture of holding hands at the airport is the best proof.

As we all know, Nicholas Tse has always been known for his handsome appearance. When he was young, he had clear lines and handsome features. He was undoubtedly a handsome male god in the eyes of many people. Therefore, the public still remains stuck on this handsome image of Nicholas Tse.

However, time is ruthless, and time will eventually carve its mark on everyone’s face, and Nicholas Tse is no exception. Recently exposed photos of Nicholas Tse participating in the event have attracted widespread attention.

On that day, Nicholas Tse was well-dressed, with thin braids, sunglasses, and thick-soled boots, showing a strong masculine taste. However, with the trend of gaining weight, his overall shape looked a little rough and greasy.

It is worth noting that close observation can see that his skin is a little loose, coupled with the height disadvantage, resulting in a slightly strange overall visual effect.

Some people pointed out that Nicholas Tse was more and more like Xie Xian because he had been wearing sunglasses, and his appearance and figure had changed. The state of the two father and son was almost a copy copy, which showed that the power of genes was indeed powerful.

After this group of photos of Nicholas Tse was exposed, it caused heated discussions among netizens. Many people bluntly said that his appearance had undergone major changes, and his clothes had gradually become more conventional. Overall, most of the negative comments were received.

But Nicholas Tse’s photos posted on social platforms are once again rejuvenated after being treated with beauty filters. It is no wonder that more and more people are now falling in love with beauty features.

Nicholas Tse’s appearance changes are inevitable, after all, he is already a 42-year-old middle-aged man. Who can expect to still maintain his 20-year-old appearance at the age of 42? Therefore, the old age of the male god is also inevitable.

Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong have been together for many years, and the two have always maintained a state of ambiguity, and there have been many rumors of a breakup.

In reality, however, the likelihood of a breakup is extremely low. Since they have chosen to be together again, they will not give up easily. And now that the children are grown up and the two have more time to enjoy a happy life, the possibility of a breakup is minimal.

At present, Nicholas Tse’s eldest son is 17 years old, and his second son is 14 years old. The two sons have inherited their parents’ excellent genes, which is really the reward for Cecilia Cheung’s efforts over the years. Overall, the three of them are all well, and I wish them all the best in the future!

Responsible editor:

To Ren Zeping: Fuel vehicles can be defeated, they should not be banned

Text | Digital Force Field, Author | She Zongming

In the past two years, stepping on fuel vehicles has become a new trend, and the multiple-choice question of "buy a fuel vehicle or buy a new energy vehicle" is linked to the pros and cons of the contempt chain.

Driven by the popular narrative of the "new/old" dichotomy, the rush to give fuel vehicles a suspended death sentence has become the new "political correctness" in the public opinion field.

Two days ago, some people in the circle of friends were referring to the condolence letter written by a certain TMT media to the fuel truck – "I, 137 years old, will be unemployed and laid off"

The latest addition to the "bad guys club" is Internet celebrity economist Ren Zeping.

On May 15, Ren Zeping posted on Weibo, "It is recommended to introduce a five-year ban on the sale of fuel vehicles. South of Hebei, vigorously develop new energy, dual carbon, and expand domestic demand."

Hearing this, traditional car companies may seem to have been acerated by Li Chengru, like needles and feels like thorns in the back and throats.

He also asserted in "Ten New Trends in China’s New Energy": "The Nokia moment is coming" for traditional fuel vehicles.

In March this year, Nvidia CEO Huang Renxun, who proposed "the iPhone moment of AI", should say: Someone imitates my face…

In the context of Musk’s threat that "soon, we will look at fuel vehicles in the same way as steam engines", Ren Zeping’s many forward-looking judgments on the new energy industry are not outrageous.

But is it really reasonable to rush to call for a ban on the sale of fuel vehicles?

As a staunch advocate of new energy, Ren Zeping, who "does not invest in new energy now, it is like not buying a house 20 years ago", suggested that the sale of fuel vehicles should be banned within five years, which is quite normal.

If you feel abnormal, you can review his post that Buffett reduced his holdings of BYD "not guaranteed in the evening".

Of course, he will not be unaware that the possibility of a ban on the sale of fuel vehicles at the national level within five years is minimal – after all, cars are bulk consumer goods. If the sale of fuel vehicles is banned too soon, the chain reaction will inevitably extend to the upstream and downstream industries of automobiles, and the unemployment of automobile industry practitioners.

Besides, can the pain points of insufficient energy infrastructure such as charging piles and gas stations for new energy vehicles be solved within 5 years?

Ren Zeping’s suggestion is more about discourse strategy. Radical claims are often the most intuitive way to make a clear stance, and wall-riding conciliationism is "a taboo for taking sides."

On the Internet, some netizens focused on the words "south of Hebei" that Ren Zeping said: Can’t new energy be developed north of Hebei?

This may be the deviation of attention: the battery performance of new energy vehicles usually decays at low temperatures, and the car experience determines that people in high-latitude regions are more inclined to fuel vehicles.

In other words, it’s not that areas north of Hebei can’t develop new energy, it’s that people in those places "can’t use" new energy vehicles.

The focus of Ren Zeping’s remarks still lies in the proposed time point for the ban on sales.

At first glance, the proposal to ban the sale of fuel vehicles can be regarded as "going with the times", and Ren Zeping’s elimination of fuel vehicles is just a reserved program for the bosses of "Wei Xiaoli".

Before that, the boss of a new energy vehicle company took up the fuel car, and his skills were no less than that of Xiaoguo’s "blurted" actor.

In December 2021, NIO CEO Li Bin said: "I don’t understand at all why anyone still buys a gas car now? How nostalgic it is to buy a gas car! Except for smelling a little gasoline, I can’t think of anything good."

In January 2022, He Xiaopeng, CEO of Xiaopeng: "Most people who have driven smart electric vehicles will not be used to driving fuel vehicles again. The experience of the two is completely different."

At the end of May 2022, Huawei Smart Car CEO Yu Chengdong: The era of pure fuel vehicles will quickly pass, and buying fuel vehicles in this era is just like buying feature phones in the era of smartphones!

The trade-off in sales, and the atmosphere of "new forces competing for show, traditional car companies being beaten up" strengthened their confidence.

In March this year, the price reduction of Dongfeng cars was also interpreted as "not even leaving a drop of soup, don’t blame the human urine pot".

In the case of new energy vehicles occupying the "double carbon" highland, traditional car companies are very passive – they can only shout "follow" at the card table, but cannot come to the card table as their home court.

Speaking of which, the proposal to ban the sale of fuel vehicles was not pioneered by Ren Zeping.

Many countries and regions in Europe, America and other regions have set a timetable for banning the sale of fuel vehicles: as early as 2017, the French government announced that the sale of fuel vehicles would be completely suspended by 2040; in December 2022, the Norwegian government proposed to stop the sale of gasoline or diesel vehicles nationwide by 2025; on February 14 this year, the European Parliament passed a proposal to stop the sale of fuel cars and small trucks in 2023; on April 28, the California Air Resources Board voted to pass the "Advanced Clean Fleet Rules", proposing to ban the sale of diesel large trucks by 2036.

Driven by the consensus on carbon emission reduction and the pressure of foreign energy dependence, these countries and regions have put a ban on the sale of fuel vehicles on the agenda.

Many traditional car companies also responded positively to this: Volkswagen said it would stop production of fuel vehicles by 2030 at the latest; Audi announced that it would stop production of fuel vehicles in regions other than the Chinese market in 2033 and fully enter the electrification era in 2032; Honda plans to stop selling new fuel vehicles in 2040, and Mercedes-Benz’s corporate strategy shifts from electric first to fully electric goal, and fully electric by 2030; Nissan plans to electrify 50% of its models on sale in 2023 and stop selling fuel models after 2025. Including General Motors, Ford, Jaguar, Volvo, etc., they have also clearly banned the sale of fuel vehicles.

In fact, after the European Parliament proposed to stop the sale of fuel vehicles, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Ford and other automakers have publicly expressed their support.

In terms of supporting the new energy industry, China, as the largest market for new energy vehicles, is naturally also full of motivation: whether it is the need for dual carbon practice, or the rise of new car-making forces represented by BYD and Wei Xiaoli, which has given Chinese auto brands a name in the global automobile market structure of Germany and Japan "two worlds", it has anchored one point – to support the development of the new energy industry.

At present, China has not yet clarified the timetable for the withdrawal of fuel vehicles, but in May 2019, an organization released the "Study on the Exit Schedule of Traditional Fuel Vehicles in China" report predicting that the time point for China to ban the sale of fuel vehicles is roughly:

1. Guide the withdrawal of official vehicles from the fuel market in 2025, mainly replacing them with pure electric and hybrid models. 2. From 2025 to 2030, start a mandatory withdrawal mechanism in medium and large cities and functional characteristic areas. 3. Expand the eastern developed regions in 2035, and guide the nationwide withdrawal around 2040. 4. Stop sales in 2050.

The "National VI" standard surpassed the "Euro VI" to rank among the most stringent exhaust emission standards in the world, and Hainan was the first domestic province to clearly ban the sale of fuel vehicles in 2030, which also sent many signals.

Judging from the response of domestic automakers, BYD has taken the lead, and many automakers such as BAIC, Changan, and Haima have also formulated plans to stop selling fuel vehicles in 2025.

It seems that Ren Zeping just wants to speed up the progress of stopping the sale of fuel vehicles.

But even so, it is not a good idea to suggest using industrial policy to "force back" fuel vehicles.

Fuel vehicles can be knocked down, but they should not be banned.

This is not to stand in the perspective of the horse and carriage to block the car, but to call for the visible hand to give way to the spontaneous adjustment of the market as much as possible from the perspective of market competition – those who can survive the fittest do not have to be one size fits all.

In reality, many people will use the issue of carbon emissions to justify the choice of side when "fuel vehicle PK new energy vehicle".

It is good to use carbon reduction to consciously attract consumption choices, but some popular fallacies need to be clarified, such as "new energy vehicles are all zero carbon emissions".

Some people have compared the total efficiency of the two energy consumption routes of fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles: looking at the MPG value of the vehicle emission measurement unit, the average MPG value of fuel vehicles is about 23, the good ones are 30, and the bad ones are 15-17. New energy vehicles are generally around 30, and their carbon emissions mainly come from power generation.

Compared with fuel vehicles, the main advantage of new energy vehicles is not so much carbon emissions, but rather the diversity of available energy.

Needless to say, carbon emissions are a negative externality that fuel vehicles need to actively face and address.

However, when the carbon emission quota/CCER carbon indicator trading rules are relatively perfect, it is obviously a better choice to give fuel vehicles the process improvement space to reduce carbon emissions throughout the life cycle than to directly stop.

It is important to let the carbon emission cost of fuel vehicles be borne by fuel vehicle companies, which is not impossible to achieve through market mechanisms.

From a practical perspective, there is a "fuel vehicle" option in addition to new energy vehicles, which is also good for consumers.

"Traditional car companies win in technology accumulation, and new forces are strong in user experience" is the usual judgment of many people when comparing fuel vehicles with electric vehicles.

Today, the integration and innovation of car companies in technology and experience, software and hardware has been breaking down some stereotypes.

But it should also be noted that in terms of cost performance, performance stability, driving experience, and supporting facilities, both do have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Some people like the cool interiors and smart cars of new energy vehicles, while others like the driving texture and pouring process of fuel vehicles.

Some people are troubled by the short battery life of new energy vehicles, the difficulty of finding charging piles, and the long replenishment time. Some people feel that fuel vehicles do not understand young people.

In this situation, it is obviously better to give consumers more choices than none.

From the perspective of competition, allowing fuel vehicles to compete with new energy vehicles also has more advantages than disadvantages for new energy vehicle companies.

Some people say, "In fact, fuel vehicles have been raising electric vehicles" – the value-added tax, additional tax on education fees, purchase tax, license tax, road maintenance fee, vehicle and ship tax borne by fuel vehicles are equivalent to subsidies and preferential "buy orders" for new energy vehicles.

If we say that the new energy vehicle support policies based on the promotion of the dual-carbon strategy, energy structure adjustment, infrastructure building and other factors, including green card unlimited travel, no lottery number, no purchase tax, no road maintenance fee, etc., push the competition between fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles to the situation of "asymmetric game", then after the subsidy retreat, new energy vehicle companies must rely on quality, price, experience and other factors to win the same competition with fuel vehicles.

Once there is no policy blessing and you have to rely on your strength to speak, the new car-making forces are bound to be more active and committed in solving issues such as battery life and power replacement.

From the perspective of the replacement cycle, the momentum of new energy vehicles is ferocious, but sales are still many grades behind that of fuel vehicles.

In the case of fair competition, fuel vehicles will not say no. In the short term, new energy vehicles can only partially replace and coexist with fuel vehicles.

To put it bluntly, let the market return to the market. Whether the historical mission of fuel vehicles comes to an end or not, it should be the market that has the final say, not the "standard answer" given by planning instructions.

Even if traditional car companies themselves intend to ban the sale of fuel vehicles, even if the "replacement of old and new" is a major trend, imposing a ban on sales is not a priority.

Ren Zeping himself also said that 2023 is a turning point, and the new energy industry chain will shift from policy-driven to market-driven.

Since it is market-driven, the market structure of the automotive industry should not only accommodate new energy vehicles.

Speaking of which, it is inevitable that some people will make a case for European countries to stop selling fuel vehicles.

Among them, it is necessary to distinguish whether it is "want to ban" under the guidance of administrative will, or "want to ban – research – evaluation – voting – ban" with procedural legitimacy and public opinion.

Interestingly, at the end of March, before the European Union passed an executive order to stop the sale of fuel vehicles by 2035, there was an "episode" – under German requirements, cars with internal combustion engines using carbon neutrality synthetic fuels are expected to continue to be sold after 2035, but the fuel used can no longer be gasoline.

Before that, the German government formed an alliance with the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and other countries, and said "I am against".

The reason is very simple: people also want to "maintain employment" and "solid advantages".

This shows two points: 1. In some countries, banning fuel vehicles is not something that can be banned if you want to. From the proposal to the final approval, there are many procedural hurdles.

2. The actual trend of public opinion and various interest games often influence the direction of policy, so there will be a situation where "the motion takes 10 steps forward and then retreats 5 steps".

Whether or not to ban the sale of fuel vehicles is ultimately a complex issue that combines carbon reduction, energy security, economic development, and worker employment. It is not a "new energy is the future" that can be reduced.

You can draw a conclusion from the disadvantages of fuel vehicles: it’s time to let fuel vehicles quit. I can also draw a conclusion from the disadvantages of fusing to stop the sale of fuel vehicles: you can’t ban fuel vehicles.

Under the controversy, common sense still needs to be reaffirmed: the life of fuel vehicles cannot be revolutionized, but it depends on market competition, not industrial policy.

Industry observer Wang Xinxi said it very well:

iPhone replace Nokia, not by discontinuing Nokia, but by product and technical advantages.

The State Administration for Market Supervision has deployed all localities to continue to pay attention to the marketing norms of takeaway merchants to prevent food waste

Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Notice on Continuing to Do a Good Job in Marketing Standards for Takeaway Merchants and Preventing Catering Waste" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), requiring all localities to urge online catering platforms and catering takeaway merchants to strictly implement the "Anti-Food Waste Law of the People’s Republic of China" and other relevant provisions, further consolidate the main responsibility, continue to standardize catering takeaway marketing behavior, and effectively prevent catering waste.

In terms of implementing the main responsibility of online catering platforms, the "Notice" requires that platforms be urged to optimize marketing rules and agreement rules, and to publish appropriate ordering prompts in prominent positions on the page; encourage platforms to improve incentive mechanisms, promote merchants to develop, provide, and promote small meals, set the minimum price of meals reasonably, optimize the price-break discounts collection mechanism, and do not include staple foods in the scope of price-break discounts display; guide platforms to promptly correct irregular marketing practices.

In terms of compacting the main responsibilities of catering takeaway merchants, the "Notice" makes it clear that merchants should be urged to strengthen dynamic management; guide merchants to rationally determine the quantity and weight, provide small portions of meals, truthfully display meal information, and publish appropriate ordering prompts; supervise merchants to standardize marketing behavior and reasonably determine the starting price; encourage the use of food safety seals.

The "Notice" emphasizes that all localities should promote the revision and improvement of standards, increase publicity and implementation, and strengthen the implementation of supervision. Online and offline, at the same frequency, carry out supervision and inspection of food waste prevention and food safety, and continue to carry out "random inspection of restaurants". Those who cause obvious waste, serious waste and refuse to make corrections shall be severely punished according to law and publicly exposed. Strengthen publicity and education, carry out publicity activities, and actively create a good atmosphere.

The offline version of Xiao Ai will be released in 2023, and it can be used without the Internet
Zhongguancun Online News: This morning, Qualcomm officially released the Snapdragon 8 Gen2 processor. The new processor not only has a significant improvement in performance, but also has a considerable improvement in AI. In this press conference, Xiaomi said that based on the AI performance of the second-generation Snapdragon 8, Xiaomi is expected to launch offline Xiao Ai Classmate in 2023. Xiaomi introduced that offline Xiao Ai Classmate will support offline Keyword Spotting,…

The latest details of "Andy Lau saves fans": He jumped off the stage and pushed the security guard


The male fan broke through the security line and rushed to the stage to give flowers to Andy, who was then besieged.

    protagonist: Andy Lau

    time: Around 11 p.m. on November 6, 2007.

    location: Chengdu Sports Center Stadium, Sichuan Province, Andy Lau China Tour Chengdu Concert

    relevant person: 1. Fans (young men)

    2. Local security guards (several)

    3. Local public safety experts (several)

    causeA male fan crosses two iron barriers during a performance and presents flowers to Liu Tianwang

    Andy Lau China station concert tour recently held the last stop in Chengdu, a male fan broke through the guard line, rushed to the stage to shake hands with Andy and send flowers, security and police immediately out of the block, want to pull the fans away from the scene, Andy kept on the stage told them not to fans rough, in a hurry to jump down more than two meters high stage to protect the fans. The scene suddenly chaotic, all the staff and security rushed to the stage to protect Andy, Andy didn’t even sing, personally took the fan back to the backstage, told the guards not to be rough, only to return to the stage to continue the performance. More than 60,000 audience was moved by his behavior, applause.

    A concert staff member explained in detail over the phone:

    At the end of the performance, at the penultimate song, a male fan rushed out with flowers in his hand. There was a second iron gate in front of the stage, and there were dozens of public safety experts and security guards in front of the gate. They all stood there and patronized the performance. The male fan actually jumped over the second gate in one go, rushed to the front of the stage, and then stood on the speaker to offer flowers to Andy. Several security and public safety experts rushed up, grabbed him and beat him up.

    Andy saw fans being besieged by more than a dozen security and public safety experts on the stage, and kept telling them not to be rude to fans.

    At this moment, I didn’t expect Andy to suddenly make a move that surprised all the staff around us. He jumped off the 2.2-meter-high stage, vigorously pushed away the public safety expert, and said loudly: Don’t hit him, he’s my fan, he’s just giving flowers, there will be no malice. You let him go.

    At this point, the scene is very chaotic. We immediately stopped the surrounding public safety experts, while dissuading Andy Lau, suppressing his anger and preventing the situation from further deteriorating, and then "bet" on Andy, fans and beaters to quickly circle from the black cloth channel to the backstage.

    All of this happened in a short time. I believe the audience in the front row, the reporters, the leaders, and many viewers in the stands saw it. But because of the sudden and short time, many people only saw the actions of the male fans and the actions of the public safety experts and security guards, not Andy’s reaction after jumping off the stage or his words…

    He continued by phone: "Andy Lau is the only one in the world when the singer jumps off the stage to save fans so desperately."

    Andy returned to the stage to continue the performance, disrupting the original program. The song was accompanied by dancers, and the dancers continued to dance according to the original choreography and rhythm. The place and angle of the actors’ performance area were very narrow. Andy suddenly intervened, and the actors were taken aback. In order to avoid Andy, an actor fell off the stage and fell injured. We had to deal with fans, public safety experts, Andy, injured dancers, and the "exit" work that we had already been busy with. Everything rushed in all of a sudden, and we were very busy. Fortunately, we had experience and were not in chaos in the face of danger, so we were guaranteed a smooth finish.

    (Note: "Exit" is a difficult task for us in large-scale individual singing. How can the artist leave completely and quickly after singing the last song, so as to avoid the crowd of tens of thousands of fans, whether the backstage steps are safe and stable, whether the retreat channel is smooth, how the bodyguards protect themselves, how vehicles (including cover cars) walk, although the distance between the backstage and the stadium gate is only tens of meters or 100 meters, but how to "evacuate" quickly, safely and smoothly within one or two minutes is an extremely critical part of the performance. Consideration, design, and execution must be rigorous, meticulous, meticulous, and safe. Otherwise, if there is a problem, the artist will be stranded in the "Wang Yanghai" of the fans, and it will be difficult to advance and retreat, and even life-threatening.)

    "Is that fan hurt?" asked.

    "Fortunately, Andy stopped him in time. He was fine, but he was too frightened and kept crying backstage."

    Andy Andy’s China Tour came to Chengdu, the last stop. I believe that singers in history will jump off the stage to save fans. Andy Lau is the only one in the world who is so desperate. After returning to the stage, the audience kept shouting, regarding Andy as a big hero, and shouting "Andy I love you".

    "I was in District 13 at the time, and I was looking at the stage with a telescope. The whole process was very clear!"

    "At first, I saw the police and security guards rushing towards the front of the stage from all directions. Andy was about to sing and stood in front of the stage, so he looked out to see what was going on. As a result, when he saw the police and security guards stopping a fan, Andy pointed at the police and shouted something (he couldn’t understand the shape of his mouth). However, the police and security guards below ignored him and dragged the fan out (about 10 meters away). Andy jumped down and rushed over. He first tugged at the police, yelled something, and then put a hunchback on the back of the police (or the security guard, I think it was the police, who didn’t pay attention to his clothes). Then the staff immediately came over to pick up Andy and isolate him from the police, but Andy still rushed over, pulled the fan beside him (it was a mess when I rushed over again, I couldn’t see if there was a security guard hitting Andy at my position), and then took it to the exit. There were a lot of people at the exit, so I didn’t see Andy’s figure, but all the dancers ran to the stage in our 13th district (I don’t know if it was looking down or dancing, it was almost the same anyway). Then I saw Andy back on the stage. "