Sanzhi ceiling leads the world, new M7 leads the new trend of smart travel.

The market is full of all kinds of products, but good products are rare. Huawei not only broke through the limit in the mobile phone industry, but also made Huawei Mate series a benchmark in the mobile phone industry. Recently, the new M7, a traffic upstart in the hot industry, has won the love and recognition of consumers in three aspects: intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and intelligent safety with the help of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system and HarmonyOS Smart Cockpit 3.0, and has repeatedly set new records.

HUAWEI ADS 2.0 makes intelligence everywhere.

One of the most striking core technologies of the new M7 is the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which realizes the advanced intelligent driving experience without relying on high-precision maps. With the perfect combination of 27 powerful sensing hardware, high-performance computing platform and Huawei’s self-developed anthropomorphic algorithm, the new M7 in Wenjie presents unparalleled full-scene, all-weather accurate sensing and recognition capabilities for drivers. Whether it is dynamic moving targets or static road information, the new M7 can easily cope with the complex traffic environment and driving challenges.

At the same time, the new M7 in Wenjie adopts multi-sensors such as lidar and integrated sensing BEV and GOD 2.0+RCR 2.0 networks, which provides high perception, quick response and the ability to adapt to light and dark changes. This also enables the new M7 to perceive the world more powerfully, to perceive and monitor all kinds of complex road conditions in an all-round way, and its perception ability can not only be beyond the reach of the eye, but also understand complex road conditions independently, so as to achieve accurate response even if the attention is not concentrated or the road conditions are complex, and greatly reduce the incidence of traffic accidents.

What’s more worth mentioning is that in terms of intelligent driving, the new M7 in the world has upgraded a new intelligent extended range mode, which has brought drivers a more efficient way of energy utilization. Through the optimal oil and electricity distribution of intelligent control system, the vehicle can achieve the lowest energy consumption during driving, achieve the effect of saving fuel and electricity, and greatly reduce the driver’s endurance anxiety.

HarmonyOS Smart Cockpit 3.0 defines what a true smart cockpit is.

HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0, which is equipped with the new M7, brings unprecedented intelligent experience to drivers. The super desktop function provides drivers with a variety of audio-visual entertainment options, making driving time more enjoyable. By touching the screen, drivers can easily access various applications, music, movies and other entertainment content and enjoy a high-quality driving and entertainment experience.

With the powerful empowerment of HarmonyOS Zhixing depth technology, HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 not only performs well in normal environment, but also shows its extraordinary stability under severe working conditions of extremely cold and low temperature. It has been verified by actual measurement that the operation and response of the cross-car machine remain silky and smooth even in the extremely cold climate, and its achievements are among the best in similar products.


With the addition of Xiaoyi Smart Assistant and HUAWEI MagLink Smart Car Screen System, the intelligent experience of the new M7 has been greatly improved. The voice interactive service of Xiaoyi Smart Assistant provides drivers with convenient information acquisition and service reservation. Whether it is weather query, navigation or ordering, all operations become simple and convenient. The driver only needs to give instructions, and Xiaoyi will enter the voice interaction mode to provide smoother and more efficient services for the driver.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the HUAWEI MagLink smart car screen system not only realizes the connection without feeling on the Huawei tablet, but also creates a dedicated personal studio and conference room for users. This flexible cockpit space switching can not only meet the needs of the whole family to watch movies and entertain together, but also meet the needs of individuals to work independently, so that users can experience the diversity of space.

Intelligent and safe construction of travel barrier base

In the field of intelligent security, the new M7 has made remarkable achievements with its excellent performance. First of all, HUAWEI ADS 2.0, the world’s first omni-directional anti-collision system, has achieved omni-directional anti-collision capability in the forward direction, lateral direction and backward direction. With the multi-sensor fusion perception capability based on lidar, the system can identify common obstacles as road boundaries. Once the vehicle deviates from the lane or has collision risk, the system will automatically trigger emergency direction intervention or emergency braking to avoid potential collision risk.

Happily, in the AEB active safety evaluation of Autolab, Wenjie New M7 has won the championship in all kinds of active safety evaluation, and its safety response speed ranks among the top in the whole scene. In all kinds of complicated situations, including the mixed scene of stationary vehicles and pedestrians at the front and rear of the vehicle and rollover scenes, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 can reach the braking speed of 90km/h even at night, which improves its capacity by 50%, far ahead of other active safety systems in the industry. This series of innovations has enabled the new M7 to reach the ceiling level in terms of intelligent security performance.

In addition, the new M7 also has the function of identifying obstacles in advance and actively intervening, so that drivers can make timely deceleration or avoidance actions. In this way, the process of braking or avoiding is smoother, and the driving experience is smoother and calmer. Based on the powerful intelligent safety function, the new M7 in Wenjie successfully passed the active safety test project of knowing the winter test of Chedi 2023, and successfully completed the test in extreme scenes such as snow at night and backlight at night at a speed of 60km/h, and its excellent performance further consolidated the leading position of the new M7 in the field of intelligent safety.

With the help of Huawei’s deep empowerment, the world has won the title of "three smart ceilings" for intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and intelligent safety, providing a more comprehensive guarantee for travel. In the future, the world will continue to adhere to innovation-driven and user-demand-oriented, constantly improve the technical level and user experience of smart travel, and lay a solid foundation for better smart travel.

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