"Hot Blood Choir" Releases Character Special, Andy Lau Interprets Hot Blood Teacher

1905 movie network news A few days ago,The annual healing film directed by Guan Xinhui, produced and starring Andy Lau has released a special character of Andy Lau. In the film, Andy Lau plays Yan Zilang as both a music teacher and a music conductor. In the face of a group of students who are regarded as "useless firewood" by the outside world, Yan Sir not only does not back down, but invents a series of teaching methods, and finally successfully leads the students to turn the tables against the wind. In order to let the "students" truly show the state of being frightened, the amiable Andy Lau outside the play becomes cold and severe as soon as he arrives in front of the camera. A "special training" of the useless firewood students makes the young actors call out "Yan Sir is fierce". The film will be released nationwide on November 13 and is currently on sale.


Andy Lau premieres as a music teacher, with stunning acting skills that "scare" students

As a national-level capable actor, Andy Lau has played roles in all walks of life, which can be said to be "a handsome line". This time, in order to better play the role of music teacher and music conductor, Andy Lau specially followed the conductor of "Hong Kong Children’s Choir" to learn conducting skills. He also consulted professional conductors on many details related to conducting and skillfully integrated them into the film shooting. The professional attitude set an example for all young actors. In the special, Andy Lau also admitted: "This is my first time playing a music teacher, and it is more special to be a music conductor."

The teacher Yan Zilang in the movie is a strict teacher who loves music very much and is strict with himself while not allowing students to give up. In reality, Andy Lau has a gentle personality and is amiable to everyone. In order to allow young people to immerse themselves in the state of the play, Andy Lau will completely "transform" into Mr. Yan Zilang as soon as he arrives in front of the camera. There is a clip of a special training for "useless firewood" students in the film. He is not smiling, speaks sternly, and has a very "cold" attitude. In the face of such a "teacher Yan", the young actors all showed real "panic" and said outside the play: "Sir Yan is so fierce, he was scared!"

In the film, although Yan Sir is stern on the surface, behind the scenes, he runs around to make these students stand on the stage, and never gives up even if they suffer from cold eyes. Such a heartfelt performance can also show Andy Lau’s dedication to playing the role of a teacher for the first time.


Yan Sir leads the "useless firewood" students, teachers and students work together to write a counterattack life

Speaking of the role of Yan Zilang, Andy Lau said frankly: "This role represents the mentality of modern people, who are dissatisfied with the things around them and have high requirements for themselves, but when they fail, they don’t know how to deal with it." Compared with a simple teacher-student relationship, the relationship between Yan Sir and this group of "useless firewood" students is more like healing each other and illuminating each other’s life trajectories. Yan Sir helps students get out of the predicament of growth, and this group of students also illuminates Yan Sir’s life with their talents and efforts.

The story of the music teacher leading a group of "useless firewood" students to successfully counterattack has also resonated with many people. Some netizens said: "Education with love is the real education, and I owe me a teacher like Andy Lau when I was a student." Students who had similar experiences to the "useless firewood" students in the film said bluntly: "Modern society needs teachers like Andy Lau, and I am so lucky to be valued by teachers!"