42-Year-old Nicholas Tse’s current situation exposed, accused of being close to Xie Xian? Style change sparks heated debate

Nicholas Tse has always maintained a low-key and stable image in the entertainment industry, especially when it comes to his own love life. Even with rumors everywhere, he chose to use actions to prove his sincere feelings with Faye Wong, such as the picture of holding hands at the airport is the best proof.

As we all know, Nicholas Tse has always been known for his handsome appearance. When he was young, he had clear lines and handsome features. He was undoubtedly a handsome male god in the eyes of many people. Therefore, the public still remains stuck on this handsome image of Nicholas Tse.

However, time is ruthless, and time will eventually carve its mark on everyone’s face, and Nicholas Tse is no exception. Recently exposed photos of Nicholas Tse participating in the event have attracted widespread attention.

On that day, Nicholas Tse was well-dressed, with thin braids, sunglasses, and thick-soled boots, showing a strong masculine taste. However, with the trend of gaining weight, his overall shape looked a little rough and greasy.

It is worth noting that close observation can see that his skin is a little loose, coupled with the height disadvantage, resulting in a slightly strange overall visual effect.

Some people pointed out that Nicholas Tse was more and more like Xie Xian because he had been wearing sunglasses, and his appearance and figure had changed. The state of the two father and son was almost a copy copy, which showed that the power of genes was indeed powerful.

After this group of photos of Nicholas Tse was exposed, it caused heated discussions among netizens. Many people bluntly said that his appearance had undergone major changes, and his clothes had gradually become more conventional. Overall, most of the negative comments were received.

But Nicholas Tse’s photos posted on social platforms are once again rejuvenated after being treated with beauty filters. It is no wonder that more and more people are now falling in love with beauty features.

Nicholas Tse’s appearance changes are inevitable, after all, he is already a 42-year-old middle-aged man. Who can expect to still maintain his 20-year-old appearance at the age of 42? Therefore, the old age of the male god is also inevitable.

Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong have been together for many years, and the two have always maintained a state of ambiguity, and there have been many rumors of a breakup.

In reality, however, the likelihood of a breakup is extremely low. Since they have chosen to be together again, they will not give up easily. And now that the children are grown up and the two have more time to enjoy a happy life, the possibility of a breakup is minimal.

At present, Nicholas Tse’s eldest son is 17 years old, and his second son is 14 years old. The two sons have inherited their parents’ excellent genes, which is really the reward for Cecilia Cheung’s efforts over the years. Overall, the three of them are all well, and I wish them all the best in the future!

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