The latest details of "Andy Lau saves fans": He jumped off the stage and pushed the security guard


The male fan broke through the security line and rushed to the stage to give flowers to Andy, who was then besieged.

    protagonist: Andy Lau

    time: Around 11 p.m. on November 6, 2007.

    location: Chengdu Sports Center Stadium, Sichuan Province, Andy Lau China Tour Chengdu Concert

    relevant person: 1. Fans (young men)

    2. Local security guards (several)

    3. Local public safety experts (several)

    causeA male fan crosses two iron barriers during a performance and presents flowers to Liu Tianwang

    Andy Lau China station concert tour recently held the last stop in Chengdu, a male fan broke through the guard line, rushed to the stage to shake hands with Andy and send flowers, security and police immediately out of the block, want to pull the fans away from the scene, Andy kept on the stage told them not to fans rough, in a hurry to jump down more than two meters high stage to protect the fans. The scene suddenly chaotic, all the staff and security rushed to the stage to protect Andy, Andy didn’t even sing, personally took the fan back to the backstage, told the guards not to be rough, only to return to the stage to continue the performance. More than 60,000 audience was moved by his behavior, applause.

    A concert staff member explained in detail over the phone:

    At the end of the performance, at the penultimate song, a male fan rushed out with flowers in his hand. There was a second iron gate in front of the stage, and there were dozens of public safety experts and security guards in front of the gate. They all stood there and patronized the performance. The male fan actually jumped over the second gate in one go, rushed to the front of the stage, and then stood on the speaker to offer flowers to Andy. Several security and public safety experts rushed up, grabbed him and beat him up.

    Andy saw fans being besieged by more than a dozen security and public safety experts on the stage, and kept telling them not to be rude to fans.

    At this moment, I didn’t expect Andy to suddenly make a move that surprised all the staff around us. He jumped off the 2.2-meter-high stage, vigorously pushed away the public safety expert, and said loudly: Don’t hit him, he’s my fan, he’s just giving flowers, there will be no malice. You let him go.

    At this point, the scene is very chaotic. We immediately stopped the surrounding public safety experts, while dissuading Andy Lau, suppressing his anger and preventing the situation from further deteriorating, and then "bet" on Andy, fans and beaters to quickly circle from the black cloth channel to the backstage.

    All of this happened in a short time. I believe the audience in the front row, the reporters, the leaders, and many viewers in the stands saw it. But because of the sudden and short time, many people only saw the actions of the male fans and the actions of the public safety experts and security guards, not Andy’s reaction after jumping off the stage or his words…

    He continued by phone: "Andy Lau is the only one in the world when the singer jumps off the stage to save fans so desperately."

    Andy returned to the stage to continue the performance, disrupting the original program. The song was accompanied by dancers, and the dancers continued to dance according to the original choreography and rhythm. The place and angle of the actors’ performance area were very narrow. Andy suddenly intervened, and the actors were taken aback. In order to avoid Andy, an actor fell off the stage and fell injured. We had to deal with fans, public safety experts, Andy, injured dancers, and the "exit" work that we had already been busy with. Everything rushed in all of a sudden, and we were very busy. Fortunately, we had experience and were not in chaos in the face of danger, so we were guaranteed a smooth finish.

    (Note: "Exit" is a difficult task for us in large-scale individual singing. How can the artist leave completely and quickly after singing the last song, so as to avoid the crowd of tens of thousands of fans, whether the backstage steps are safe and stable, whether the retreat channel is smooth, how the bodyguards protect themselves, how vehicles (including cover cars) walk, although the distance between the backstage and the stadium gate is only tens of meters or 100 meters, but how to "evacuate" quickly, safely and smoothly within one or two minutes is an extremely critical part of the performance. Consideration, design, and execution must be rigorous, meticulous, meticulous, and safe. Otherwise, if there is a problem, the artist will be stranded in the "Wang Yanghai" of the fans, and it will be difficult to advance and retreat, and even life-threatening.)

    "Is that fan hurt?" asked.

    "Fortunately, Andy stopped him in time. He was fine, but he was too frightened and kept crying backstage."

    Andy Andy’s China Tour came to Chengdu, the last stop. I believe that singers in history will jump off the stage to save fans. Andy Lau is the only one in the world who is so desperate. After returning to the stage, the audience kept shouting, regarding Andy as a big hero, and shouting "Andy I love you".

    "I was in District 13 at the time, and I was looking at the stage with a telescope. The whole process was very clear!"

    "At first, I saw the police and security guards rushing towards the front of the stage from all directions. Andy was about to sing and stood in front of the stage, so he looked out to see what was going on. As a result, when he saw the police and security guards stopping a fan, Andy pointed at the police and shouted something (he couldn’t understand the shape of his mouth). However, the police and security guards below ignored him and dragged the fan out (about 10 meters away). Andy jumped down and rushed over. He first tugged at the police, yelled something, and then put a hunchback on the back of the police (or the security guard, I think it was the police, who didn’t pay attention to his clothes). Then the staff immediately came over to pick up Andy and isolate him from the police, but Andy still rushed over, pulled the fan beside him (it was a mess when I rushed over again, I couldn’t see if there was a security guard hitting Andy at my position), and then took it to the exit. There were a lot of people at the exit, so I didn’t see Andy’s figure, but all the dancers ran to the stage in our 13th district (I don’t know if it was looking down or dancing, it was almost the same anyway). Then I saw Andy back on the stage. "