Ministry of Transportation: Online ride-hailing drivers must pass national and local exams

  On September 9, the Ministry of Transport announced the "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications" and "Regulations on the Administration of Cruise Taxi Business Services" as supporting policies for the new policy of taxi online car-hailing. According to the "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications", from October 1, drivers who engage in online car-hailing services need to participate in national and local exams. The regulations also set the threshold for the exam. Those who participate in the exam must have "no five" and must have a violent criminal record. After passing the exam, they need to register to work, and the registration period of professional qualifications is valid for 3 years.

  At the same time, the "Regulations on the Management of Taxi Business Services" have also been revised. The plan stipulates that cruise taxi operators should adjust the contract fee standard or quota tasks in a timely manner according to factors such as operating costs and freight changes. In the future, the adjustment of taxi "part money" will be adjusted according to the actual situation.

  Online car-hailing drivers need to take exams to obtain professional qualifications

  On September 9, the Ministry of Transport announced the "Regulations on the Management of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications" and "Regulations on the Management of Cruise Taxi Business Services" as supporting policies for the new policy of taxi online car-hailing. The revised "Regulations on the Management of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications" clarify the scope of application. The qualifications of taxi drivers include the qualifications of cruise taxi drivers and the qualifications of online booking taxi drivers. Combined with the characteristics of the new online car-hailing business, the driver’s conditions, exam content, certificate types, registration management, further education and legal responsibilities have been adjusted accordingly. The qualification regulations will be implemented from October 1.

  According to the relevant regulations on professional qualifications, future online car-hailing drivers cannot "run naked" on the road and need to take the test like taxi drivers. Online car-hailing drivers need to apply for professional qualification exams and need to take national and local exams. Specifically, it includes national public subjects and regional subject exams.

  The national public subject examination is a knowledge test with general normative requirements for national taxi laws and regulations, professional ethics, service norms, and safe operation. Regional subject examinations, localities can set the test content according to their own conditions. There are certain differences between traditional taxi drivers and online taxi drivers.

  A taxi driver who has obtained the qualification certificate shall only engage in taxi passenger service after registering with the qualification of the taxi administrative department. The valid period of registration of the qualification of a taxi driver is 3 years.

  Only "Five No Personnel" are allowed to take the exam

  The qualification regulations set a threshold for online car-hailing drivers, which means that not everyone can apply for the online car-hailing qualification examination.

  Specifically, only those who have obtained the corresponding type of motor vehicle driver’s license and have more than 3 years of driving experience; no traffic crime, dangerous driving criminal record, no drug use record, no driving record after drinking, and no 12-point record in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles; Only those who have no violent criminal record can become online car drivers.

  Those who meet the above conditions can apply to take the test. The Ministry of Transport has made it clear that as a taxi driver, there is no difference in application conditions whether it is a cruise or an online reservation service.

  Those who apply to take the taxi driver qualification examination shall provide proof or commitment materials that comply with relevant regulations before they can take the examination.

  The cost of cruise taxis needs to be adjusted according to the actual situation

  According to the Ministry of Transport, the revised "Regulations on the Management of Cruise Taxi Business Services" adjusted the scope of application and made a series of regulations on the positioning of the taxi industry and the distribution of interests between operators and drivers. It is clear that taxis are an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provide personalized transportation services for the public.

  In response to the problem of "part money" for taxis, cruise taxi operators are required to adjust the contract fee standard or quota task in a timely manner according to factors such as operating costs and changes in freight rates, etc., to better build a business model of shared risk and reasonable distribution of benefits between enterprises and drivers, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. In the future, part money will be adjusted according to the actual situation.


  How to apply for a car-hailing license?

  Why should ride-hailing drivers manage it?

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport, whether it is online car-hailing or cruise car, it provides a general passenger transportation service for the public, and the driver is subject to access management according to law. This is the bottom line requirement of the industry management department to ensure transportation safety and service quality. The "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver Qualifications" have been revised to consider the characteristics of online car-hailing, and through "tailor-made" system design and management innovation, it actively supports the development of new business formats. For example: Compared with cruise car drivers, the content of the online car-hailing driver’s test is simplified to the greatest extent, and its registration and cancellation are stipulated. It can be completed by the platform company reporting to the taxi administrative department where the issuing authority is located.

  Are the application conditions for cruise car and online ride-hailing drivers the same?

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport, according to the revised "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver’s Qualifications", those who apply to participate in the taxi driver’s qualification examination shall meet the following conditions: Obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding approved driving type and have more than 3 years of driving experience; No traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking alcohol, and no record of 12 points in the last 3 consecutive scoring periods; No violent criminal record; Other conditions stipulated by the urban people’s government. As a taxi driver, there is no difference in application conditions whether it is engaged in cruise or online booking service.

  How can I provide relevant proof materials such as a non-violent criminal record?

  The revised "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver Qualifications" makes it clear that those who apply to participate in the taxi driver qualification examination must provide a motor vehicle driver’s license and a copy; no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no drinking driving record, and no record of 12 points in the last three consecutive scoring cycles; no violent criminal record materials; identity certificate and photocopy and other supporting materials stipulated by the city people’s government.

  Wang Hao, deputy director of the Highway Development Center of the Academy of Highway Sciences of the Ministry of Transport, said that this seems very inconvenient and will discourage many online ride-hailing drivers. But in fact, there is not much that individuals need to do. "Personal documents definitely need to be provided by individuals, but no criminal record and so on do not need to be provided by individuals. Individuals only need to promise no criminal record and so on. Whether it is true or not is a matter between the transportation department and the public security department."

  What exactly is a non-violent criminal record?

  In terms of criminal records, this regulation clearly states that there is a "no violent crime" record, not a "no criminal record". Lawyer Wang Yongjie, director of Beijing Zeyong Law Firm, introduced that a no-violent criminal record is a very clear legal concept. A no-violent criminal record specifically refers to a person who has no robbery, robbery, intentional homicide, intentional injury, rape, explosion and other crimes that endanger public safety. If it is only "criminal detention" or civil disputes, it is not a "violent crime". In addition, fraud is not included in violent crimes.


  The entry of online car-hailing drivers requires four hurdles

  The first step: the threshold

  Only those who meet the "five no personnel" are allowed to take the exam

  (1) Obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding type and have more than 3 years of driving experience;

  (2) No record of traffic accident or dangerous driving, no record of drug abuse, no record of driving after drinking, and no record of 12 points in the last three consecutive scoring periods;

  (3) No violent criminal record;

  (4) Other conditions stipulated by the city people’s government.

  Step 2: Apply

  Eligible personnel may apply to take the exam

  Those who plan to engage in taxi passenger transportation services shall fill in the "Application Form for Taxi Driver’s Qualification Certificate" and apply to the local municipal taxi administrative department to participate in the taxi driver qualification examination.

  The application should contain the following materials

  (1) Motor vehicle driver’s license and a copy thereof;

  (2) No record of traffic accident or dangerous driving, no record of drug abuse, no record of driving after drinking, and no materials with 12 points recorded in the last three consecutive scoring cycles;

  (3) Materials without a violent criminal record;

  (4) Identity certificate and photocopy;

  (5) Other materials stipulated by the city people’s government.

  Step 3: Examination

  Taxi and ride-hailing drivers must pass national and regional exams

  Taxi driver qualification examination includes national public subject and regional subject examination.

  The national public subject examination is a knowledge test with universal normative requirements for national taxi laws and regulations, professional ethics, service norms, and safe operation.

  The regional subject examination for the qualification of online taxi drivers is a knowledge test with regional normative requirements such as local taxi policies and regulations. The taxi administrative department of the local people’s government at or above the municipal level divided into districts may determine other examination contents by itself according to the characteristics of regional services.

  Step 4: Register

  The valid period of registration is 3 years

  A taxi driver who has obtained a license shall be registered with the competent taxi administrative department before engaging in taxi passenger transportation services.

  The registration of the taxi driver is completed by the taxi operator reporting to the taxi administrative department where the license issuing authority is located, and the reporting information includes the driver’s qualification certificate information, the employment contract or agreement signed with the taxi operator, etc.

  The valid period of registration of taxi driver qualification is 3 years.


  What are the exams for professional qualifications?


  Drivers must pass a two-level test

  The revised "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Driver Qualifications" makes it clear that the taxi driver qualification examination includes the national public subject and regional subject examinations.

  The national public subject examination is a knowledge test with universal normative requirements for national taxi laws and regulations, professional ethics, service norms, and safe operation. The taxi administrative department of the local people’s government at or above the municipal level divided into districts may determine other examination contents by itself according to the characteristics of regional services.

  Wang Hao, deputy director of the Highway Development Center of the Academy of Highway Sciences of the Ministry of Transport, introduced that the national-level examination is mainly aimed at the specific problems set by the Ministry of Transport’s new regulations, while the regional examination is a regional examination set according to the local situation, mainly the specific content of the local new regulations.


  Cruising taxi drivers need to take a geography test

  According to the regulations, the regional subject test for the qualification of cruise taxi drivers is a knowledge test with regional service characteristics such as local taxi policies and regulations, human geography of the operating area and traffic routes. The regional subject test for the qualification of online taxi drivers is a knowledge test with regional specifications such as local taxi policies and regulations. Wang Hao introduced that from the content point of view, the test for cruise car drivers is more difficult than that for online taxi drivers. For example, cruise car drivers need to take the human geography test. Because all online taxi-hailing cars are equipped with navigation systems, there is no such requirement.


  The written test is the main one, and there is no road test content.

  After the regulations were issued, many drivers wondered, how to take the test and whether they need to take the road test again? Wang Hao introduced that the test is basically the content of the written test, which is similar to the traffic regulation test. Whether it is a national or local, there are question banks. The types of question bank questions are mainly multiple-choice questions and judgment questions, and are not likely to involve large questions such as short answer questions. Considering that the person applying to be a driver must have a driver’s license, there will be no repeated test of the content of the road test.

  exam results

  It is always valid without special circumstances, but registration is required.

  Wang Hao introduced that after passing the exam, there are no special circumstances such as crime, and the test results are always valid, but you need to register to become a driver.

  The revised "Regulations on the Administration of Taxi Drivers’ Qualifications" basically retains the relevant requirements of the original registration regulations for cruise car drivers. At the same time, taking into account the characteristics of the new business model of online car-hailing, it is stipulated that the registration and cancellation of online car-hailing drivers can be completed through the online car-hailing platform company reporting to the local taxi administrative department where the issuing authority is located. "That is to say, it can be collective registration of the platform or individual registration, depending on the specific regulations of the local government."

  qualification certificate

  If you have not registered for more than three years, you need to participate in further education

  According to the introduction, the revised "taxi driver qualification management regulations" on the driver further education, only the results of further education requirements, further education of the way and process is no longer specific provisions, and clear driver further education by the taxi operator organization implementation, further implementation of the main responsibility of the operator, focusing on the effectiveness of further education.

  At the same time, it is necessary to make it clear that those who have obtained the qualification certificate for more than 3 years and have not applied for registration should complete no less than 27 hours of further education before starting the job after registration.


  Taxi element money should be dynamically adjusted according to operating costs and freight rates

  Cruising taxis can be fined 2,000 yuan for deliberately detouring

  On September 9, the Ministry of Transport announced the newly revised "Regulations on the Administration of Cruise Taxi Business Services" (Order No. 64 of 2016 of the Ministry of Transport). The regulations require that, in response to the issue of taxi "share money", cruise taxi operators are explicitly required to adjust in a timely manner according to factors such as operating costs and changes in freight rates. At the same time, penalties have also been increased for violations or criminal acts committed by traditional taxi drivers. Eight acts such as detours will be fined up to 2,000 yuan.

  Taxi element money needs to be adjusted dynamically

  The revised "Regulations on the Administration of Cruise Taxi Business Services" adjusted the scope of application and made a series of regulations on the positioning of the taxi industry and the distribution of interests between operators and drivers. It is clear that taxis are an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provide personalized transportation services for the public. The amendment to the ministerial decree was solicited in early July this year. As an important supporting regulation for deepening the reform of the taxi industry, it will come into effect on November 1, 2016.

  In response to the problem of taxi "share money", cruise taxi operators are required to adjust the contract fee standard or quota task in a timely manner according to factors such as operating costs and freight changes. This means that the taxi element money will be dynamically adjusted in the future.

  Increase penalties for 8 types of behavior such as refusal to load

  The revised draft increases the penalties for the following eight types of acts, and changes the "taxi driver who violates these regulations and falls under any of the following circumstances shall be ordered to make corrections by the road transportation management agency at or above the county level, and shall be issued with a warning or a fine of not less than 50 yuan but not more than 200 yuan" in Article 49 to "Cruising taxi drivers who violate these regulations and fall under any of the following circumstances shall be ordered to make corrections by the taxi administrative department of the local people’s government at or above the county level, and shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2,000 yuan."

  The specific acts include refusing to carry, bargaining, dumping passengers on the way or deliberately detouring; carrying other passengers without the consent of the passengers; not using metering equipment in accordance with regulations or charging fees in violation of regulations; not issuing corresponding fare bills in accordance with regulations; not carrying road transportation certificates and professional qualification certificates in accordance with regulations; not using cruise taxi-related equipment in accordance with regulations; failing to fulfill the agreement after accepting the cruise taxi electric call task; not using civilized language in accordance with regulations, and the car’s appearance does not meet the requirements.

  Criminal liability for participating in taxi ticket scalping

  It is worth mentioning that the revised draft emphasizes the punishment of the staff of the taxi administrative department for violations of regulations. The following acts: those who fail to implement administrative licensing according to the prescribed conditions, procedures and time limit; those who participate in or participate in the operation of cruise taxis in disguise; those who find illegal acts and do not investigate and deal with them in a timely manner; those who solicit or accept other people’s property, or seek other benefits, will be given administrative sanctions in accordance with relevant regulations; those who constitute a crime will be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

  Beiqing Daily reporter learned that at present, many cloned cars use regular taxi invoices to defraud illegal income, and many regular invoices flow out through various channels. In the future, participating in taxi bill scalping will be prosecuted.

  This article/Our reporter, Liu Wei