2022 national industrial Internet platform empowered Ningbo

A few days ago, the 2022 National Industrial Internet Platform Empower Deep Tour (first stop · Ningbo) and the 2nd Future Intelligent Manufacturing Conference were held in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, and the Industrial Internet Platform Empower Manufacturing Digital Transformation Deep Tour of 2022 began.

With the theme of "Deepening Platform Applications and Accelerating Digital Development", this first stop in Ningbo has built a "Six Ones" activity for the industrial Internet platform to empower digital transformation through a platform empowering in-depth industry forum, a digital transformation sub-forum, a platform and application supply and demand special matchmaking meeting, a closed-door seminar on the construction and development of "Industrial Internet Platform + Park", a new model and new business model special exhibition, and an offline industry research and other "Six Ones" activities, which have built a constructive exchange stage for government-industry-university-research-use interaction for the industrial Internet platform to empower digital transformation, fully demonstrating the innovative development picture of the industrial Internet.

The conference was organized by Ningbo Municipal People’s Government, China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute, and the Industrial Internet Platform Innovation Cooperation Center, with the aim of analyzing and discussing the new situation and new path facing the development of the Industrial Internet, promoting the precise docking of the Industrial Internet platform and the market, and promoting the platform to empower manufacturing enterprises. Digital transformation, while enhancing the service capabilities of the Industrial Internet platform, help the higher quality development of the Industrial Internet.

The conference released a number of achievements: the monograph "Digital Road: Decoding the Road to digital transformation" was released; China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute and China Industrial Internet Research Institute signed relevant strategic cooperation agreements with Ningbo City respectively; launched the Industrial Internet Platform Open Source Alliance Program; held a series of projects such as industrial Internet platform and application enterprise empower cooperation, industrial brain cooperation, and ecological cooperation; also released a new industrial operating system and related solutions.

Innovation is Now: Advancing Industrial Internet Upgrading

At present, the application of industrial Internet platforms is showing a steady and positive development trend, and the enthusiasm of all parties to participate continues to rise. At this conference, relevant leaders, academicians and experts, entrepreneurs of mainstream industrial Internet platform enterprises, etc. will deeply implement the industrial Internet innovation and development strategy, integrate development in a wider range, deeper and higher level, take digital reform as the guide, and promote the deep integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing.

Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that the current industrial Internet in our country is in a critical period of rapid development. In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will adhere to the guidance of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, gather multi-party joint efforts, seize the opportunities of the times, solidly promote the upgrading of the industrial Internet, and continue to do a good job in the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, so as to provide strong support for the efficient overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. First, adhere to the appropriate advance and deepen infrastructure. Second, adhere to innovation-driven and deepen integrated application. Third, adhere to win-win cooperation and deepen coordination and linkage.

Jiang Guigui, deputy secretary-general of the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, emphasized that Zhejiang has accelerated the construction of a digital economy system with "industrial brain + future factory" as the core, and built a "1 + N" industrial Internet platform system. A total of 32 factories of the future have been identified, 88 industrial brains have been built, and 285 provincial industrial Internet platforms have been built. The industrial Internet has been approved to build an integrated development demonstration zone in the Yangtze River Delta. The industrial digitization index continues to maintain the first place in the country.

Hua Wei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, said that Ningbo will develop the industrial Internet as an important breakthrough point for the implementation of the extraordinary development of the digital economy, and strive to contribute more Ningbo wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of the national manufacturing industry. He said that Ningbo actively builds basic, industry-level, enterprise-level, regional-level and other "1 + N + X" industrial Internet platform systems, actively explores the application of industrial Internet platforms in characteristic industries such as molds, home appliances, and clothing, cultivates new scenarios for integrated applications, and empowers enterprises to go to the cloud.

At the main forum of the conference, the China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute and the China Industrial Internet Research Institute signed the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Jointly Promoting the Building of a Global Intelligent Manufacturing and Innovation Capital" and the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Jointly Promoting the Innovation and Development of the Industrial Internet" with the Ningbo Municipal People’s Government respectively. Zhang Li, President of the China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute, and Zhang Xiaotong, Chief Engineer of the China Industrial Internet Research Institute, signed the relevant agreement with Hua Wei, Member of the Standing Committee of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor.

Keynote Forum: Creating an Industrial Internet Empowering Manufacturing China Model

As a product of the integration and development of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing, the industrial Internet platform is an important carrier to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. The quality of the platform application determines the development of the industrial Internet, and it is also related to the stability and long-term development of the industrial Internet.

At the keynote forum of this conference, Tan Jianrong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhang Xiaoyan, deputy dean of the China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, ***, deputy director of the National Science and Technology Resource Sharing Service Engineering Technology Research Center of Beihang University, Lian Shiguo, chief AI scientist of Unicom Mathematics, Chu Jian, founder of Zhejiang Lanzhuo, founder and dean of Ningbo Industrial Internet Research Institute, and the heads of industrial Internet platform enterprises such as Aerospace Cloud Network, Baidu and Inspur made special reports, through the practical application cases of each enterprise landing, insight into the current industrial Internet development situation, and shared the thinking on the future vision and ecological construction of the industrial Internet.

Academician Tan Jianrong gave a keynote report on "Industrial Interconnection and Data Mining: Key Technologies and Development Trends". In the report, he pointed out two misunderstandings of the "uselessness" and "omnipotence" of the Industrial Internet, analyzed the connotation of the Industrial Internet and the key to data mining, and pointed out several key technical directions empowered by industrial data such as classification technology, modeling technology, clustering technology, matching technology, optimization technology, and visual technology. Tan Jianrong pointed out that the digitization of industry will generate a large amount of data, and enterprises should make good use of, maintain, and protect these data to truly give play to the synergy of industrial Internet improvement.

Zhang Xiaoyan, Vice President of China Electronics Industry Development Research Institute, shared the theme of the situation analysis and development research of "Industrial Internet Platform + Park" based on the development background of "Platform + Park", the reference framework of "Platform + Park" of "1 + 3 + 2", the development path of typical models and application scenarios of "Platform + Park", the evaluation system of "Platform + Park" construction level, and the future trend outlook of "Platform + Park".

Chu Jian analyzed the current situation of digitalization of industrial enterprises and the seven major pain points, proposed a large-scale and low-cost digitalization path for future factories, and gave a solution for future factory digital operating systems. Chu Jian believes that the era of smart factories requires factory operating systems + industrial APPs, just as the era of mobile Internet requires Android/iOS + APPs.

Lian Shiguo stressed that 5G, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other new technologies are the driving force for the digital transformation of the industry, especially artificial intelligence technology will help the high-quality development of the industrial Internet. Operators, as the national team, main force and vanguard of digital development, will play a greater role in 5G + industrial Internet and manufacturing digitalization.

Tang Tao, deputy general manager of Aerospace Cloud Network Technology Development Co., Ltd., pointed out that as a new engine for the development of the digital economy, the industrial Internet plays a fundamental role in supporting, driving innovation, and allocating resources. It is a new industrial base for promoting industrial digitalization and digital industrialization.

Baidu Kaiwu Industrial Internet Platform has become the No. 1 of the new "double-cross" platform this year. Li Shuo, vice president of Baidu, introduced the application thinking of Baidu’s industrial Internet, which is effectiveness-first, application-driven, platform open, and sinking operation. Li Shuo said that industry is the most suitable field for AI to land. Perception technologies such as vision, speech, and natural language understanding in the field of AI have opened a new door for industrial digitalization. AI technologies such as deep learning, Knowledge Graph, and inference prediction have made the data accumulated by enterprises useful.

Shang Guangyong, deputy general manager of Inspur Industrial Internet joint stock company, believes that as a new model and new business format, the industrial Internet mainly promotes industrial digitalization and digital industrialization with the model of "platform + operation", empowering the high-quality development of the industry.

For data processing, *** pointed out that at present, there are two major bottlenecks of technical path and economic cost in mass data processing. To this end, it is necessary to develop a set of original algorithms, abstract a set of underlying rules, and get rid of the dependence on cleaning and marking accurate large samples and large materials to meet the needs of rule adaptation.

Through the ideological collision of the attendees, the industry saw that the integration of digital technology and manufacturing is closer, the digital transformation is deepening, the application of industrial Internet is showing vigorous innovation vitality, the Chinese model of industrial Internet platform empowering manufacturing digitalization is taking shape, and the industrial Internet platform has a broader application prospect.

In-depth sub-forum: On the new digital future of the manufacturing industry

Empower is the foundation for the development of the current industrial Internet platform, and digital transformation is the general task of manufacturing upgrading. On the afternoon of July 19, the "Platform Empower and Manufacturing Digital Transformation Forum" focused on the key topics of "empower", focusing on industrial operating systems, digital transformation directions, future manufacturing paradigms, digital twins, and green manufacturing.

Yang Weiling, deputy director of the Information Technology Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Wu Junqing, deputy director of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Zhejiang Province, attended the sub-forum and delivered speeches. Zhang Xiaoyan, vice president of China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute, presided over part of the sub-forum.

Dong Kai, Director of the Industrial Policy Research Institute of China Electronics and Information Industry Development Research Institute, Tan Zhang, CEO of Lanzhuo, Yang Chen, Executive Dean of Zhejiang Unicom Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute, Ye Yingchun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Future Network, and other national think tank experts, heads of industrial Internet companies, and operator representatives jointly explore new models and paths for the development of the industrial Internet, and help shape a new ecosystem for the development of multi-party industrial Internet platforms.

Dong Kai believes that industrial data will become the core element of the development of intelligent manufacturing. Industrial software will become the core engine of the development of intelligent manufacturing. The industrial Internet platform is the operating system of the industry, an important support for the integration of digital things, and a key infrastructure for the development of intelligent manufacturing and the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

Tan Zhang said that Lanzhuo is exploring a digitalization path suitable for large-scale replication and low-cost promotion. With the "platform + APP" model and the lightweight approach of "universal modules + optional components", it empowers the digital transformation of China’s manufacturing industry, so that enterprises can "afford to turn around, turn around quickly and turn around well".

Yang Chen stressed that the interconnection of human, machine, material, method, environment and testing of all production factors brings infinite possibilities, but the premise is to solve the connection problem. 5G will become a key enabling technology to support the transformation of intelligent manufacturing, and will promote manufacturing enterprises to move towards the mature stage of intelligent manufacturing with "everything connected and everything controllable".

Ye Yingchun pointed out that facing the future network, four major innovation capabilities need to be realized. One is the "minute level" customized network service capability, the other is the "subtle level" deterministic guarantee service capability, the third is the "tens of millions" large-scale multi-cloud switching service capability, and the fourth is the "TB level" intelligent drive cyber security protection capability.

Representatives from Zhejiang Chuanhua, Meikang Bio, Xin’an Group, Anresi Network, Xinhuaxin and other platforms and manufacturing companies also shared the application cases and methodologies of industry digitalization at the sub-forum.

Special Matching Session: Let the Industrial Internet "supply" and "demand" face to face

Facing demand and solving problems is the foundation of the development of the industrial Internet platform. On the afternoon of the 19th, a unique "Industrial Internet Deep Empowering Supply and Demand Special Matching Meeting" brought together the excellent industrial Internet platform and Ningbo excellent industrial enterprises face-to-face to talk about supply and demand docking.

This matchmaking meeting brought together the leaders of the "industrial brain" in the three major industries of chemical, clothing and home appliances, such as China Unicom Garment Manufacturing Corps, Zhejiang Lanzhuo, and Ningbo Artificial Intelligence Products R & D Institute, as well as excellent digital transformation typical enterprises and representatives of industrial Internet supply enterprises in the industries such as Wanhua Chemical, Youngor, Fangtai Kitchenware, Humi Network, and Keyuan Wisdom, to jointly discuss the road of enterprise digital transformation based on the industrial Internet platform. Ningbo Economic and Information Bureau hosted this down-to-earth face-to-face exchange activity.

"Industrial Brain + Factory of the Future" is the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Construction of a Global Advanced Manufacturing Base in Zhejiang Province" issued this year in order to accelerate the construction of a global advanced manufacturing base in Zhejiang Province. The construction of "Industrial Brain + Factory of the Future" is emphasized. Ningbo has undertaken the task of building an "industrial brain" in five industries including chemicals, clothing, and home appliances.

Tong Honggen, deputy director of Ningbo Economic and Information Bureau, said in his speech at the matchmaking meeting that Ningbo will take the "three full coverage" of the digital transformation of enterprises as the breakthrough point, and promote the improvement of the level of industrial digitalization development from the point to the point. Focusing on the depth and popularization of enterprise digitalization application, focus on the digital transformation and quality improvement of enterprises by industry, level and type, and build a new intelligent manufacturing enterprise group led by "Future Factory" and the "Ten-Hundred-Thousand" three-level digital transformation projects of provinces and cities and counties as the focus. Fully support the full coverage of the digital transformation of industrial enterprises on the scale. Make every effort to build a leading city of industrial Internet with first-class infrastructure, outstanding technological innovation, outstanding application characteristics, prosperous industrial ecology and strong security.

At the docking meeting, the operators of the "industrial brain" in the three major industries of chemical industry, clothing and home appliances shared the construction of the "industrial brain". Zhao Wei, senior vice president of Zhejiang Lanzhuo, made an in-depth analysis on the practical exploration of the supOS industrial brain base ability to help the construction of the chemical industry brain; Chen Wei, chief consultant of China Unicom Garment Manufacturing Corps, focused on the garment industry, cultivated specialized and special new core products with China Unicom’s new mechanism and new model, and shared the digital innovation in the garment industry; Fang Haojie, director of Ningbo Artificial Intelligence Industry Research Institute Center, shared the operation model and typical practices and thoughts of the home appliance industry.

The manufacturing enterprises attending the meeting exchanged and shared their practices, experiences and experiences in promoting digital transformation. Li Jingjing, manager of Wanhua Chemical Information Department, shared the planning and practical exploration of the Internet platform for the new chemical materials industry, Gu Yuejun, chief information officer of Youngor, discussed and exchanged the experience and thinking of Youngor in the "5G + Future Factory", and Fan Danliang, director of Ningbo Fangtai Technical Department, shared the exploration and practice of Fangtai in the construction of the "Future Factory". At the same time, Liu Hua, an excellent industrial Internet platform enterprise representative in the industry, Humi Yunxuan Solution Director, shared Humi’s own experience in identifying and linking all industrial elements to help the industry integrate multi-platform development. Zhou Songming, Director of Technology of Keyuan Wisdom, introduced the introduction and practice of the low-code platform of the Industrial Internet.

The matchmaking meeting further clarified the direction of the "industrial brain" construction plan, solved the pain points and difficulties of the integration of technology and the real economy with typical scenarios and successful cases, and shared the development process of helping industrial enterprises improve informatization and intelligence. The participating companies also had a clear understanding of the methods and paths for the intelligent transformation of enterprises, and had a clear goal for the digital development of intelligent manufacturing.

The Supply and Demand Matching Conference builds a direct dialogue platform between supply resources and enterprise needs, promotes accurate docking and in-depth cooperation, accelerates the deep empowerment of the industrial brain, and comprehensively promotes the digital transformation of enterprises.

The results are fruitful: intellectual achievements are released, and a number of cooperation contracts are signed

As the first stop of the National Industrial Internet Platform Empower, co-sponsored by the National Think Tank, this event achieved fruitful results. The event released a number of knowledge achievements and monographs, released a new industrial operating system, organized several rounds of cooperation project signing, and launched the Industrial Internet Platform Open Source Alliance Program.

Digital transformation is no longer a "multiple choice question", but a "compulsory course" related to the survival and long-term development of enterprises. The industrial chain needs the development guide and reference of digital transformation. The monograph "Number Dao: Decoding the Road to Digital transformation" edited by Zhang Li, dean of China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, was released at the conference.

As an authoritative reading book on digital transformation, "Digital Way: Decoding the Road to Digital Transformation" is divided into five chapters: "Digital Wave", "Digital Engine", "Digital Source", "Digital Capability" and "Digital Transformation". It systematically discusses the background, theory and practice of digital transformation, provides a variety of ideas and channels for interpreting digital transformation, and provides professional and authoritative reference for different groups such as local governments, enterprise managers, platform builders, and software developers to promote digital transformation. The book is published by China Industrial and Information Publishing Group People’s Post and Telecommunications Publishing House.

The "China Industrial Operating System White Paper" released by the conference expounds from the characteristics of industrial operating systems, typical characteristics of industrial operating systems, to the deployment and application of industrial operating systems, and the development trend of industrial operating systems. The white paper believes that the construction and promotion of industrial operating systems with independent intellectual property rights, ecological cohesion, and independent controllable industrial control systems will become the evolutionary form of the industrial Internet, and then become the core of the deep integration of new generation information technology and industry.

The industrial operating system supOS 4.0 was officially released at this conference. SupOS focuses on the digital transformation of factories and is a general digital base that is generally suitable for discrete industries and process industries. SupOS 4.0 strengthens the core capabilities of the factory operating system in connection, low-code rapid development of APPs, unified operation platform of multi-source APPs, APP application store, industrial big data and AI, mechanism and training model fusion, which can continuously improve the performance of the factory operating system and realize the construction of a new future factory based on the platform.

The conference launched the Industrial Internet Platform Open Source Alliance Program. It is understood that the Industrial Internet Platform Open Source Alliance Program is an action jointly initiated by enterprises and institutions, community organizations, colleges and universities, and scientific research institutes related to the industrial Internet industry to promote the open source development of industrial Internet platforms. The alliance program focuses on the open source opening of industrial Internet platforms and industrial software, with leading enterprises of industrial Internet platforms as the driving force, system integrators, and industrial software enterprises as the main body, to gather high-quality resources, complement the advantages of multiple parties, integrate across borders, and prosper the development of industries. Promote the deep integration of traditional manufacturing and industrial Internet.

The conference held multiple rounds of project signings, involving the entry of relevant ecological enterprises, the cooperation between industrial Internet platforms and application enterprises to empower, and the cooperation between "industrial brains" and application enterprises.

Under the time window of the critical year of the implementation of the tasks of the new three-year action plan for the industrial Internet, the 2022 National Industrial Internet Platform Empower Deepin Tour (the first stop, Ningbo) and the second Future Intelligent Manufacturing Conference showcased the results of industrial Internet innovation and development, deepened the application of industrial Internet platforms, accelerated the popularization, iteration and optimization of solutions, provided a stage for interactive exchanges for platform service providers and industry users to accurately match, and created a good development atmosphere of collaborative innovation, mutual benefit and win-win for the industrial Internet industry.

The Industrial Internet is a digital revolution from scratch, the best example of the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy. In the world’s largest industrial sector scene, the Chinese market provides the world’s largest practical fertile ground for the development of the Industrial Internet. It is believed that with the digitalization process of China’s industry, the Industrial Internet industry will achieve greater development, and China’s industry will also undergo high-quality digital butterfly changes.