A number of car companies have announced price cuts, and the car market will be "price war" or reopened in the second half of the year.

  Our reporter Gong Mengze

  In the first half of 2023, the automobile industry accelerated the "involution" in the reshuffle, and achieved a cumulative sales volume of 13.239 million vehicles in the first six months, a year-on-year increase of 9.8%. However, due to the low achievement rate of domestic automobile enterprises, especially new energy automobile enterprises in the first half of the year, enterprises started the impulse work early in the second half of the year.

  Since August, many car companies have joined the army of price reduction through official reduction, new car concessions and terminal concessions, covering more than 20 models, with prices ranging from 50,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan.

  On August 7th, the reporter of Securities Daily visited the authorized experience store of AITO Wenjie Automobile located in Blue Harbor, Chaoyang District, Beijing. As the first inquiry M5 to follow up Tesla’s price reduction at the beginning of the year, the current car purchase can enjoy the first sale rights of the optional fund of 10,000 yuan, the Beijing brand redemption discount of 5,000 yuan, and the optional equipment donated by subsidies varies according to different models. "In addition to price concessions, the equity category is mainly upgraded around the rim and seat configuration." The store sales staff told reporters.

  In addition, the reporter learned from china automobile dealers association that the inventory index of domestic dealers rebounded to 57.8% in July after three consecutive months of decline. At the same time, 32.7% of dealers have raised their sales targets in the second half of the year in the context of the continuous decline in transaction prices, which means that the sales pressure in the domestic automobile market has intensified, and a new round of "price war" may be reopened.

  A number of car companies announced price cuts.

  The "price war" in the second half of the year may be more intense.

  In August, SAIC-Volkswagen launched the "first shot" of price reduction, announcing the price reduction of nine SUV models of SAIC-Volkswagen from August 1 to August 31. Among them, the highest comprehensive discount for Tourang and Tourang X reached 60,000 yuan, and the highest comprehensive discount for Tiguan L plug-in hybrid was 55,000 yuan.

  On the same day, the zero-running car in the new domestic car-making force simultaneously started the price reduction activity of "double C-door, zero-running and summer price". Zero-run automobile announced the price reduction of some models of its C series, including two C11 models and three C01 models, of which the highest drop of C01 model reached 20,000 yuan.

  In fact, this is the year after the zero-run official announced the price reduction in March this year. "Everyone thinks that the central integrated electronic and electrical architecture is carried by products with more than 300,000 yuan. But zero running can popularize such an architecture to popular products. " Ying Zhou, general manager of the retail car marketing department, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that "technical equality" is one of the greatest significance of retail cars to ordinary consumers.

  Then, Chery New Energy launched an official event. Users can enjoy different cash discounts when purchasing three models of Chery New Energy, namely Little Ant, Unbounded Pro and QQ Ice Cream, up to 10,000 yuan. At the same time, SAIC MG MG also offered limited-time discounts for three hot-selling models: MG5 Scorpio, the third-generation MG6PRO and MGONE, with a maximum discount of 26,000 yuan for bicycles.

  Under the pressure, the Euler brand of Great Wall Motor has also launched a limited-time preferential activity recently, and many of its models have ushered in a sharp price reduction, and can enjoy a cash discount of up to 30,000 yuan. The models involved include Euler Lightning Cat, Euler Good Cat, Euler Good Cat GT Mulan Edition and Euler Ballet Cat; As for Nezha Auto, it has recently announced that its 2022 Nezha S will be released on Tanabata, with a maximum price reduction of 49,000 yuan from August 5, 2023, and at the same time, it will enjoy a financial discount or replacement subsidy of 8,000 yuan.

  "At the beginning of the year, Tesla took the lead in lowering the selling price and triggered other car companies to follow up. By March, the joint subsidy between Hubei government and enterprises triggered a national promotion, and then ‘ The dispute between oil and electricity ’ Competing for the user base, in fact ‘ Price war ’ It has never really stopped. " According to Zhang Xiuyang, Secretary-General of China Passenger Car Industry Alliance, the "price war" in the second half of the year is even fiercer than that in the first half.

  In fact, there has long been a consensus on the speculation that auto companies will continue to reduce prices in the second half of the year. Earlier, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the All-China Federation of Riders, said in an institutional investigation: "It appeared in the second half of the year ‘ Price war ’ The probability is greater. " Cui Dongshu also specifically mentioned that the market competition among brands in plug-in hybrid field will be more intense.

  Policies are favorable frequently.

  Automobile demand continues to recover.

  Previously, every time the domestic auto market experienced a "price war" and a wave of price reduction, it would have a great impact on the overall auto market revenue and profit in that year, disrupting the development rhythm of the auto market in the future, which would bring some negative effects that were not conducive to the development of the industry.

  Based on this, in order to create a good market atmosphere, China Automobile Industry Association initiated the Commitment Letter on Maintaining Fair Market Order in Automobile Industry, which was signed by 16 mainstream automobile companies including Dongfeng, SAIC and Tesla, requiring automobile companies to abide by the rules and regulations and standardize marketing activities, with the aim of maintaining the competitive order in the automobile market and jointly creating a harmonious consumption environment.

  On the policy level, on July 31 this year, the state officially promulgated the "Measures on Restoring and Expanding Consumption", in which automobile consumption was highlighted. On July 21st, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and other thirteen ministries and commissions also issued "Several Measures on Promoting Automobile Consumption".

  In Cui Dongshu’s view, consumer demand is still insufficient, the industry operation is still under great pressure, and there are still many challenges in business operation. It is necessary to maintain the stability and predictability of policies to help the industry run smoothly.

  In 2023, China Automobile Association put forward the development goal that automobile sales are expected to reach 27.6 million units, a year-on-year increase of 3%. It is understood that on the basis of positive growth for two consecutive years, whether the domestic auto market can continue its growth performance has attracted much attention from the market.

  "The good performance of new energy vehicles and automobile exports has effectively boosted market growth." Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of China Automobile Industry Association, said that as the effect of automobile consumption promotion policy continues to appear, the consumption potential of the automobile market will be further released, which will help promote the steady growth of the industry throughout the year. (Securities Daily)