The service of "package enterprises" has been deeply empowered and developed – the public security organs of the whole province have solidly promoted the work of package enterprises

Strengthen the responsibility "bag in the body", refine the measures "grasp in the hands", and optimize the service "link in the heart"… Since the work of the province’s leading cadres package and link enterprises has been carried out, the public security organs of our province have conscientiously implemented the work deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on package and link enterprises. With the actions of "three grasps and three promotions", actively creating stability, and "optimizing the business environment for a breakthrough year" as the breakthrough point, adhering to the concept of "package is responsibility, grasping is responsibility, and connecting is service", innovating mechanisms and actively acting, solidly promoting the work of package and link enterprises, and striving to contribute public security forces to the high-quality economic and social development of the province.

Reinforced responsibility "wrapped around the body"

The security department of the Provincial Public Security Bureau visited the Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau and China National Petroleum Corporation Gansu Sales Company to discuss measures to deepen the protection of enterprises and facilitate enterprises, crack down on tobacco-related and refined oil crimes, and help optimize the business environment; the economic investigation department visited Gansu Qizheng Industrial Group Co., Ltd. to understand the operation status of enterprises, listen to the difficulties and problems encountered by enterprises in production and operation, and solicit opinions and suggestions on public security work…

Since the beginning of this year, the Provincial Public Security Department has adhered to the current important task of leading cadres Baodaolian enterprises and placed them in a prominent position. It has established a special class for Baodaolian enterprises to coordinate and promote the work of Baodaolian enterprises. The special class for Baodaolian work has been deployed and promoted, sorted out and summarized the progress of the work, established a list of service enterprises and acceptance problems, supervised and investigated the progress of police types in various departments on the spot, and reminded the slow progress in a timely manner to form a work pattern of face-to-face deployment, point-to-point contact, and practical

Baiyin Public Security visited the key enterprise Yinguang Chemical group company to understand the enterprise’s safety prevention, internal security and other work, and held discussions and exchanges on optimizing the business environment of the enterprise; Jinchang Public Security took the lead in organizing tobacco monopoly, procuratorial and other departments to hold a symposium on tobacco anti-counterfeiting and anti-smuggling and tobacco-related cases.

According to the unified deployment, the establishment of special classes for public security organs at all levels in the province has been promoted as a whole. Leading cadres of public security at all levels have classified and classified 4,950 accommodation enterprises and 405 security enterprises in the province, and made clear the work goals and tasks step by step, so as to achieve full coverage of leading cadres and enterprises of public security organs at the provincial, municipal and county levels.

Establish a system and clarify responsibilities. The provincial public security organs will include the work of Bao Zaolian enterprises in the annual key work for supervision and management, and clarify that Bao Zaolian leading cadres visit service enterprises no less than twice a year, maintain normal contact, pay close attention to the development of enterprises, improve the ability of in-depth communication and effective communication with enterprises, and win the trust of enterprises with sincere, warm-hearted, high-quality and efficient services.

"Bearing in mind that it is the duty of cadres to serve enterprises, and it is their responsibility to support the development of enterprises, establish a normal package to catch and connect enterprises to promote mechanisms, do a good job in coordination and communication, classify and evaluate legitimate compliance issues, establish a ledger, update it in real time, and manage the cancellation number to ensure that the problem appeals are found and everything has an echo." The relevant person in charge of the provincial public security department said that the provincial public security organs have established a police-enterprise contact mechanism, implemented the "escort police officer" system, and dispatched 1,949 "escort police officers" to 287 provincial major construction projects. They accept enterprises for help 24 hours a day, and carry out regular public security patrols to provide enterprises with "visible security". At the same time, establish a precise assistance mechanism, give full play to the role of key enterprise liaisons, and quickly study and solve problems reported by enterprises, so as to promote the formation of a pro-Qing political and business relationship that is "friendly and moderate, dear and capable".

Refinement measures "grab it in your hands"

The provincial public security organs insist on finding problems as the starting point and solving problems as the end point, and adopt a combination of "going out + please come in", asking for and serving enterprises, understanding the production and operation situation of enterprises in detail, discussing the difficulties, pain points and blockages that restrict the development of enterprises, and constantly helping enterprises solve problems and overcome difficulties.

The public security organs at all levels invite enterprise representatives to hold a police-enterprise symposium to listen to the problems faced by enterprises in production and operation, and collect more than 200 opinions and suggestions from the public security organs to serve the development of enterprises, and strive to improve service quality and help healthy development.

The people have a call, and I have a response.

The public security traffic control department focused on "reducing links, reducing materials, and reducing time limits" to further deepen the convenience service measures for reducing permits; the entry-exit management department unblocked the "green channel" for expediting the application of permits, fully implemented the "National General Office" and "Only Run Once" and other policies and measures for the convenience of the people and enterprises, and strengthened the service work of attracting talents and intellectuals to visit, so as to better serve the overall economic and social development of the province…

The people are worried, and I have something to do.

In response to the administrative examination and approval matters that enterprises need to handle, the provincial public security organs package the joint cadres to connect with the business department in a timely manner, prepare the approval materials, and prevent enterprises from "running in many places" and "running back and forth"; in response to the difficult employment problems of enterprises, timely help docking and actively recommend migrant workers; in response to the parking difficulties reported by accommodation enterprises, take the lead in coordinating relevant functional areas of business to optimize the parking environment and other measures to effectively improve the service rate and problem solving rate.

Every morning at 9 am, in the green chemical park of Lanzhou New District, the "escort police officer" of the Qinchuan police station of the Lanzhou New District Public Security Bureau came to Gansu Kangbass Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to start the day’s work. Understanding the needs of the enterprise, reviewing materials on site, and handling residence permits and household registration for employees of the enterprise are important responsibilities of the "escort police officer".

Tianshui Public Security launched 36 service measures to establish a "do nothing" mechanism for enterprises and standardize supervision behavior; Wuwei Public Security launched 10 service measures to severely crack down on all kinds of crimes that disrupt market economic order and build a "protective net…"

The public security organs of the whole province strictly implement the system of "nothing to disturb, something to come to the door" and "six must visit", give full play to the role of corporate liaisons, collect bottlenecks that affect the development of enterprises in a timely manner, and establish a work account. General problems are "dealt with immediately" and complex problems are "coordinated". Policies are required to support "striving for solutions" that are difficult to solve in the short term, and timely coordinate and solve the "development difficulties" of enterprises. Strictly standardize the law enforcement behavior of enterprises, and constantly improve the enterprise inspection system. Eliminate problems such as random inspections, multi-head inspections, repeated inspections, and selective law enforcement. Resolutely prevent the use of criminal means to intervene in economic disputes. Improve the efficiency of direct contact with enterprises. For police information involving infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, accept and deal with it Advance the reform of government services, optimize the introduction of a number of measures related to enterprise matters, such as acceptance of vacancies, notification of commitments, reservation handling, compression of approval, and extension of services, and strive to create a new model of "data travel" government services, so as to provide maximum convenience for enterprises and the masses.

Optimize service "connected to the heart"

Every Bao Zaolian cadre is a policy "speaker".

The public security organs of the whole province make good policy "announcers", and in accordance with the requirements of "normalization, standardization and long-term effectiveness", focus on publicizing the various beneficial enterprise policies issued by the central and provincial party committees, provincial governments and the Ministry of Public Security, and provide enterprises with fiscal and taxation, financial and other policy consultation and information services through multiple channels. Extensively publicize the ten measures of the Provincial Public Security Department to optimize the business environment and serve the development of enterprises. Guide enterprises to make full use of, make good use of, and make full use of various beneficial enterprise policies, and truly enjoy the policy dividends.

Through on-site interpretation of the law, distribution of promotional materials, posting of propaganda posters, and push of warning educational short videos, etc., we vigorously preached measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of market players, flexible law enforcement for minor violations, quick handling of enterprise-related cases according to law, and cracking down on enterprise-related black and evil crimes. Up to now, more than 900 times of legal popularization have been carried out.

Every Bao Zaolian cadre is a hidden danger "administrator".

The public security organs of the whole province pay close attention to the contradictions and conflicts of interest that may arise in the development of enterprises, and take the initiative to work with relevant departments to guide and resolve the work in advance, and use the whole chain linkage to solve problems for enterprises and promote the development of enterprises. Regularly carry out activities to send law into enterprises, strengthen the rule of law training, safety education, and civilized construction publicity and training of staff, supervise the implementation of various systems for safe production, and effectively ensure that services are not absent and guarded. Normally carry out the investigation of public security and fire safety hazards in enterprises and surrounding areas, guide enterprises to improve the internal security system, improve the public security prevention system, public security organization, and scientifically deploy patrol work. Especially for the outstanding public security problems reflected by enterprises, we will coordinate with relevant functional areas of business to carry out special project rectification, and be a good hidden danger "administrator" to create a good external environment for the development of enterprises.

Each Bao Zaolian cadre is a development "escort".

The leading cadres of Bao Zhaolian, the public security organ of the whole province, have always taken the destruction of the business environment as the focus of cracking down on crimes, comprehensively sorted out clues, concentrated on solving cases, continued to organize and carry out a series of special projects such as "Longjian", "Cloud" and "Net", and took measures such as "upgraded jurisdiction, special operation, and special classes to crack down". Since the beginning of this year, the province’s public security organs have cracked a total of 1813 cases in the economic field, damaging 2.056 billion yuan, including 258 cases in the tax-related field, 421 cases in the financial field, and 1134 cases in the brand field.